
Toronto Cycling

Toronto Cycling Showroom7561 2 months ago 100%
Cyclist dead after Yorkville collision with truck driver

Five months left for 2024, and Toronto has already broken their record for most cyclists killed in a single year. This is shameful.

Toronto Cycling Showroom7561 2 months ago 100%
Cyclist dead after Yorkville collision with truck driver

Five months left for 2024, and Toronto has already broken their record for most cyclists killed in a single year. This is shameful.

Toronto Cycling Showroom7561 3 months ago 100%
Quick follow up re: my post "Advice wanted: Best/safest route between Pickering and Scarborough?"

Hey guys, just a quick update regarding my question: I did end up successfully riding from Oshawa to Vaughan and back over the weekend, using Finch as the bridge between Pickering and Scarborough. For the most part, I'm really happy with my route choice. The total trip was just over 162 km, and some highlights included: - The trans-Canada trail along Duffins Creek in Pickering was amazing. - There's a long-ass hill on Old Finch, just west of the zoo, that almost killed me on the way back (my folding bike is NOT geared at all for climbing, and I burned off any glycogen reserves by that point). - The Finch hydro corridor was nice... taking McNicoll before and after was not. Poor roads and aggressive drivers. - The Duncan Creek trail is also stunning. I'd 100% do this trail again if I'm in the area. - The cycling infrastructure in Vaughan was great... until it's not. There's a section of road along HWY 7 West of Centre St and east of the 400 that's just downright terrible. Where there is no bike lane, the roads are garbage and traffic is fast and aggressive. Where there is a separated bike lane, it was COVERED in rocks, metal, plastic, wire, and pretty much everything else you can imagine; the road, FYI, looked as if it was cleaned using a toothbrush. The raised cycling lanes west of the 400 were really, really nice. Overall, a really great ride. I'm not sure if I'll attempt the same ride using Taunton/Steeles at some point, since aggressive motorists going far in excess of 80 km/h just doesn't sound like fun. As a side note, my Varia radar clocked one guy going 126km/h...

Toronto Cycling Showroom7561 3 months ago 100%
Advice wanted: Best/safest route between Pickering and Markham?

Hey guys, hopefully this isn't too far out of the city to offer suggestions, but here's my problem: I'm planning a ride from East Oshawa to central Vaughan. I'd like to keep the route safe, but don't want to detour so far out-of-the-way, so a 4h one-way trip becomes a 7-hour one, since I'll still need to come back on the same day. I'll obviously need to avoid the waterfront trail, as it's quite out of my way. So, my options are either taking HWY 7 or Taunton/Steeles. Google street view shows me some pros and cons to both, but they also lead to totally different parts of Markham, and some cycling infrastructure there seems either disconnected or forces me to take some rather busy roads. Has anyone taken HWY 7 or Taunton/Steeles between Pickering and Markham by bike? Any thoughts would be much appreciated. EDIT: Finch Ave. looks to be another option.

Toronto Cycling SoySaucePrinterInk 4 months ago 100%
Bike to Work Day 2024 | June 6

[event webpage](

Toronto Cycling CowsLookLikeMaps 4 months ago 100%
How a Toronto police complaints officer belittled a criticism about bike lanes — and why advocates say it’s a problem

“The police can park where they need to. If they wanted to park upside down, inside out, or on top of a building, that would be acceptable.” The 32-year-old cyclist stared at the email in disbelief. She wondered if the Toronto Police unit complaint co-ordinator who sent it to her been hacked, or was he just having a bad day? ...

Toronto Cycling Showroom7561 7 months ago 100%
[The Biking Lawyer] Incitement of Anti-Cyclist Violence

Truly a disturbing letter. All aspects of it.

Toronto Cycling tracer_ca 7 months ago 100%
Rear ended by food delivery.

A new one in my cycling experience in Toronto. I got rear ended by a food delivery cyclist. They were too busy looking at their phone to notice the light was red. After hitting me, appologiesing, they continued on their way running the red light while looking at their phone.

Toronto Cycling Showroom7561 8 months ago 100%
Cyclist killed in Scarborough @ McNicoll Avenue and Brimley Road

60 year-old was struck and later died when a car making a left turn hit her in broad daylight on Jan 29th. **I will note that the area of McNicoll Avenue and Brimley Road has no cycling infrastructure to speak of. **

Toronto Cycling Showroom7561 9 months ago 100%
E-bike fire on Toronto subway sends 1 hospital

It's most typical for fires to start when the battery is being charged. For it to catch fire just sitting there either means it was damaged or was some shoddy, not-certified, battery that shouldn't have been sold in Canada. This could have ended up much worse.

Toronto Cycling Showroom7561 10 months ago 100%
Cyclists on trial for speeding in High Park while road violence escalates in Toronto - Canadian Cycling Magazine

> Supporters of safe cycling in Toronto are rquestioning the why cyclists are on trial for speeding **while a motorist who was involved in a collision with a rider is having their charges dropped**.

Toronto Cycling Showroom7561 10 months ago 100%
Blind advocates say a bike lane design on this Toronto street spells danger

I do agree that accessibility for the blind should have been considered by the city, although raised surfaces would impact the accessibility of other sidewalk and bike lane users, too (i.e. mobility devices). This could be one of those situations where every option will impact someone, and the city might have gone with the option that impacts the fewer number of users. But I should also add that David Lepofsky has a history of being vocally against all forms of micromobility and cycling.

Toronto Cycling Showroom7561 10 months ago 100%
Cycling Network 2025-2027 Public Input

If you do any form of cycling in Toronto, then it's worth submitting your feedback.

Toronto Cycling Showroom7561 12 months ago 100%
Toronto announces new bike pilot program for bylaw enforcement

I think it's a great idea. Since bikes are more agile than cars, it should make bylaw ticketing more efficient. Here's to hoping that bylaw officers can also relay any feedback to their higher-ups about gaps in cycling infrastructure around the city.

Toronto Cycling Showroom7561 1 year ago 100%
Toronto Police Fail Duty to Cyclist

The scenario described is disturbing to say the least. If cyclists have no protection or recourse when an accident does happen, we are left completely vulnerable to life-altering consequences of motorists, even beyond injuries sustained. Why can't Toronto do better?

Toronto Cycling Showroom7561 1 year ago 100%
Hit-and-run in Mississauga leaves female cyclist dead: police

I feel nauseated every time I hear of another cyclist being murdered. And ANOTHER hit-and-run, too. For the record, this area does not appear to have cycling infrastructure in place. So yeah, City of Mississauga, this one is partially on you.