neurodivergence Neurodivergence I just deleted my 8 year old reddit account
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 10 months ago 100%

    I can’t believe anyone is still using and even defending that word as a slur in 2023. It’s been over a decade since the push to remove references to it in federal law and honestly, even 20 years ago I felt seriously uncomfortable with any use of that word in an offhand or derogatory manner, and I didn’t even know about neurodivergence then.

    I feel like the culture around usernames on Reddit really enables this kind of behavior, like it’s a game to be as offensive or lewd as possible for some folks there without “technically” breaking the rules. I deleted my account back when the Apollo drama happened and I definitely don’t miss that aspect of the culture. I’m sorry you encountered resistance to bringing this up, because you are right - it is not okay and it hasn’t been okay for years. I suspect a lot of the “just get over it” is folks who wrongly feel like there is no other option but to tolerate this culture in exchange for the ability to communicate and find support online, since the power you have as a user there is pretty much limited to “I’m leaving”.

  • memes Memes You also found them really attractive too
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 11 months ago 25%

    The true tragedy is when you get all the social signals and you have the thought “man I wish I could just date multiple people at the same time” and it doesn’t occur to you to try that because… ???

    Now I’m old and have to work 1 1/2 full time jobs to pay my bills, so. That won’t be happening.

  • memes Memes You also found them really attractive too
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 11 months ago 100%

    Lady with social anxiety here to confirm. Flirting is useless. Every time I’ve just given up and asked the dude to date after being extremely forward for a while and they’re always shocked 🤷🏼‍♀️ Once we get past that, it’s great.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy At what age and how do you tell children about the truth of Christmas?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 11 months ago 100%

    We had a wood stove hooked up to our chimney. 😬

  • greenspace Nature and Gardening Home composting question: high quantities of egg shells per week
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Just a thought, but for your volunteer baking, could you reduce the number of eggshells overall by partially or fully substituting the eggs with flax eggs, egg replacer, or fruit mash such as applesauce or banana? That way, you only have your home eggshells to worry about. I do a lot of vegan baking, so if this is a path you’re curious about I’m more than happy to help if you give me an idea of what you’re making :D

  • music Music Lizzo accused of sexual harassment and fat-shaming
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Regarding the nightclub … the easiest way I’ve found to sort my feelings out on this was to imagine how hard I’d cringe if this skit was in my corporate-sponsored sexual harassment training. The answer is something around the level of crawl-in-a-hole-and-die rather than endure this skit, and I’m pretty sure “Director So and So is planning a company party and suggested a strip club. How would you respond?” was an actual scenario in one of the many I’ve had to sit through.

  • green Green - An environmentalist community Would You Rather Give Up Meat Or Flying For The Environment?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 90%

    Definitely meat - I’ve been vegetarian for a very long time and vegan since COVID, and no plans of stopping anytime soon! Flying is a bit more difficult, but I work from home and when my work requires me to travel, I’m lucky that I have the ability to take a train, so I do that. I do like traveling occasionally, and for some of the places I want to go, I can’t realistically avoid flying.

    If anyone here is interested in giving up or reducing meat intake but needs a little advice or extra support to get started, please let me know. I’m happy to share any knowledge and tips I can!

  • gaming Gaming What game mechanics do you love and hate?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Love: weapon durability so long as it’s paired with weapon building and leveling systems. I like that I can’t ever take a weapon for granted and that I can’t hack and slash without thinking. I have Dark Cloud in mind as I’m writing this - it was easily my favorite weapons system I’ve ever played, and it always kept me on my toes. It’s a kind of stress I appreciate because I have some measure of control over it as long as I plan and slow down a little.

    Hate: timed anything. Way too much pressure, and it pushes me back towards going faster and not thinking so I can beat the timer, which I don’t like. I especially hate it because I primarily play turn-based JRPGs to get away from having to worry about timing and to be able to play at my own pace. If I wanted to do time-sensitive stuff, I’d play an action game.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Does listening to music with dark lyrics make you feel better when you're depressed?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Yes, absolutely. It affirms that I’m not alone in my frustration and sadness. I like songs that have an upbeat or energetic feel alongside the dark lyrics though, it helps get me boppin’.

  • technology Technology Elon Musk takes over @x Twitter account without paying owner
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    The part I’m really blown away by is that I just saw this final project in the intro to design class I teach from a group of international students earlier this spring. The project was to create a logo design and brand guidelines as a small team. The students can pick the business and whether it’s new or a rebrand, and this group went with social media all-in-one apps and made the justification that they are hugely popular in China, but nothing like that exists in the US. My favorite part is that the letter X was a HUGE part of the logo/branding, but they did not name it just “X” specifically for the reasons you listed - it’s not discoverable or unique in searches, the App Store, etc.

    I feel like I’m being punk’d

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Be honest, do you still use reddit?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Nope, and I used to do a lot of Reddit - like several times a day, and usually entire evenings just browsing. I used PowerDeleteSuite and deleted my account, and I use an RSS reader with an adblocker for the 2-3 local subs I truly can’t find the same info for elsewhere. One is a university I teach at, and the only exception I’ve made to this was to create a throwaway to answer a question about salaries and point the person who was hoping to teach to our union contract. Worker solidarity > Reddit drama.

  • til Today I Learned TIL that Proctor & Gamble and Unilever actively sponsor Russian war efforts and are on the International Sponsors of War list.
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Thread added here! I found a site similar enough to what I was thinking of to go ahead and share.

  • til Today I Learned TIL that Proctor & Gamble and Unilever actively sponsor Russian war efforts and are on the International Sponsors of War list.
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    I’ve actually got quite a bit of these sort of recommendations that I think I’m going to compile into something easier to navigate based on what you don’t want to support - but feel free to share a link to this comment in the meantime!

  • til Today I Learned TIL that Proctor & Gamble and Unilever actively sponsor Russian war efforts and are on the International Sponsors of War list.
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Ughhhh really? That’s a bummer. :(

    Well, at least it’s less money. Thank you for the heads up :) Honestly, I’d give up shaving if I could stand it, but I’ve tried and can’t stand the physical feeling of hairy legs.

  • technology Technology Remote Work to Wipe Out $800 Billion From Office Values, McKinsey Says
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Corporations: get your booty back into the office so it’s not empty
    Also corporations: we’ve laid off your team in favor of AI, it was a tough but necessary choice due to costs
    The empty office building: ???

  • til Today I Learned TIL that Proctor & Gamble and Unilever actively sponsor Russian war efforts and are on the International Sponsors of War list.
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 87%

    I’ll start: avoid Hellman’s easily by making your own mayo. If the eggs squick you out, or you just want bonus points, I use this vegan garlic mayo recipe. It keeps for weeks and I don’t miss mayo at all. This requires a blender - any kind is fine.

    Soap: someone near you makes bars of this that are better quality and sells them for roughly $5, I guarantee it. If not, making it is pretty straightforward as long as you follow instructions carefully and use established recipes. If you want to go custom, you can also use a lye calculator. This one requires an immersion blender.

    Breyer’s/ice cream in general: Get yourself some xanthan gum for regular dairy, and add soy lecithin to your list if you want to do vegan ice creams. The xanthan gum inhibits ice crystals for a smooth and creamy texture, and helps with scoopability. Soy lecithin helps emulsify oil and water, so you can use it to bring up the fat content of soy or oat bases to be closer to a heavy cream. Requires a blender.

    Gillette: get a safety razor. Mine’s a vintage lady Gillette I got off eBay. You will save so much money on blades it’s not even funny.

    Lipton: your local grocery store might have loose leaf tea in the bulk section. If so, try that first. If not, check out Arbor Teas instead. Small business, fair trade, high quality stuff, and the packaging is completely compostable, making it an awesome zero waste choice.

  • horror Horror What movie scared you shitless when you were a child?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Mars Attacks when I was 6. My parents had the brilliant idea to take me to see it at a drive-in, so larger than life screen, and it was the second film, so I think they probably figured I’d fall asleep and they could stay and watch. Nope. Pretty sure I didn’t sleep for weeks.

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ Copyright lawsuits against Meta and OpenAI mention shadow libraries, including Library Genesis, as sources of training data
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Hell, I’d do it just because I like sharing information and helping others out. Plus it’s a big project with a sense of accomplishment.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why are Americans so obsessed with dentistry?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 85%

    It can also be read as a sign of which class you’re in. I’d blend decently with middle or upper middle class folks, but my “jacked up teeth” (others’ words, not mine) are a dead giveaway about my socioeconomic background. Fortunately, it’s only really visible on the bottom ones. This is also probably part of why my parents kicked that can down the road until it was my problem.

    I’d get braces, except I’m only just at the point (after thousands in repairs) of even having a healthy baseline since I didn’t have access to dental care for years. It’s separate and not included in our normal health insurance, and it’s also not required, so if you’re poor, it’s a cost that often gets delayed or cut altogether. Back when I was a kid or through my early career years when I was just trying to keep myself fed and housed, it probably would have been cheaper. Then I was just plain terrified of what the results would be if I DID go to the dentist. I’m still playing catch up and can’t even get to braces if I wanted to until I get my wisdom teeth pulled, because there just isn’t room otherwise.

    Tooth problems can also become more serious health problems if they get bad enough.

  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    I got this while at MSPCA Angell a minute or two after the ER doc gave me the “you should get ready to say goodbye” talk. My partner was out grabbing us coffee, I was trying to communicate updates to the foster and adoption agency (I’d just brought her home over the weekend so was worried it might be something others were exposed to), and my goddamn phone starts BLARING with this shit. The only thing I managed to catch before I panic dismissed it to make it stop was EVACUATE, SEEK SHELTER and it scared the shit out of me, but in that moment I decided whatever it was, I officially gave zero shits, got back to sorting out what was happening with my pet, and then went back to check if I was about to be obliterated by something only to find out that it was an emergency concert closing. Pet didn’t make it. 0/10, this Fourth of July absolutely blew.

  • RedditMigration Reddit Migration Christian Selig’s Goodbye to Apollo
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    @christianselig Thank you for an amazing answer to the Reddit app from a former AlienBlue user. It was difficult to lose AlienBlue and the sting is familiar with Apollo. I used your app near exclusively on an iPad and adored it, so I can’t imagine what you must have had cooked up behind the scenes. I’m excited to follow your next chapter from my new home on kbin. :)

  • explainlikeimfive Explain Like I'm Five ELI5: If you're a Christian, why do you have to be good if Jesus will forgive you no matter what?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Raised Catholic, not my jam. But as I understand it, if you go to confession without being truly sorry and having a sincere intent not to sin again, it doesn’t work. So if you’re going in with the attitude that confession is basically insurance against hell and you can just use it to get everything fixed up at the end of your life, but you’re also knowingly neglecting your soul and have the intention deep inside to be a jerk and keep sinning, God’s gonna be like “sorry, we don’t cover that” and deny your claim.

  • technology Technology Twitter's new TikTok copycat is filled with animal cruelty videos. Elon calls content "Edgy"
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Whoa - I’ve been reading this discussion and I went to look at what community it federated from, and I was really surprised to find it was Beehaw. I’m sorry you are encountering this here, but I notice that it’s largely not Beehaw users who are continuing interactions that do not meaningfully engage in this conversation. I think this discussion has gotten very heated on both sides (which I understand, I’m vegan myself). I notice you’re coming from too - this is just a gentle reminder from a fellow kbin visitor to keep Beehaw’s community guidelines in mind as you’re visiting, and participate in debate with respect. Although you make awesome points, they aren’t being heard right now, except by folks in Beehaw, since they have community guidelines that promote this type of discussion in a respectful manner. It may be better to call this off and restart the conversation in our instance, or choose to respond only to folks who are practicing respectful debate.

    Please don’t take the downvotes seriously, especially in Beehaw. Beehaw has downvotes disabled, so what we’re effectively having here is a kbin conversation following kbin rules in Beehaw. If you want to engage with folks who are downvoting you, I think it’s best to do that in our instance or elsewhere to be respectful of Beehaw’s guidelines.

    I love the content and community here, and I would hate for our instance to be defederated from Beehaw because we’re not practicing awareness of the community we’re participating in.

  • technology Technology Twitter's new TikTok copycat is filled with animal cruelty videos. Elon calls content "Edgy"
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Whoa - I’ve been reading this discussion and I went to look at what community it federated from, and I was really surprised to find it was Beehaw. I think this discussion has gotten very heated on both sides (which I understand, I’m vegan myself), but name calling doesn’t move the conversation forward. I notice you’re coming from too - this is just a gentle reminder from a fellow kbin visitor to keep Beehaw’s community guidelines in mind as you’re visiting, and participate in debate with respect. I love the content and community here, and I would hate for our instance to be defederated from Beehaw because we’re not practicing awareness of the community we’re participating in and their guidelines.

  • chat Chat How do y'all feel about writing things by hand?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    I do handwritten notes for anything fast paced where I also have to respond in real time, because handwriting is a less mentally demanding task for me to explain or capture a concept than typing. I can star, I can draw, I can make up any word I want without squiggly lines, lists are instantaneous. I do design work, and noting a design change through typing is a nightmare when I can just squiggle the layout and put an arrow, cross out, annotate, whatever. I also find I remember handwritten notes better. The notes are a incoherent, illegible, squiggly mess, and I usually know exactly what they mean at a glance.

    I actually have a reMarkable and love it. I don’t really use the notes to text or cloud functionality often, but the few times I have, it’s been really helpful. I like it better than a notebook because I don’t feel like I’m wasting paper, so I take notes a bit more freely as a result. It’s also helpful in situations where it’s impractical for me to use a keyboard. For example, I teach, and when I’m grading a presentation or explaining a concept to a student who already has their own laptop in front of them, I don’t want to muck with trying to make sure they can see my screen and it’s the proper size when it’s faster for me to sketch out the concept.

    I’m also trying to learn Japanese, and having a way to freely practice writing as many times as I need to without having to print over and over again is really useful.

    That said, I can’t think of a reason I would ever write anything with actual grammar or sentence structure involved longform. If it’s just me and the computer, no other interruptions and I can focus on my inner voice, typing is much faster and more natural. I’m able to type closer to the speed I can think than I can write, but that’s because I’m used to typing like I think - in full sentences. Trying to type shorthand is like sludge for me the same way trying to write longhand is like sludge. I use both because they serve different purposes for me :)

  • mentalhealth Mental Health How am I supposed to make sense of my life getting BETTER during the pandemic? Anyone else have that experience?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    I could have written this post, right down to the social anxiety. I can’t imagine going back to my old “normal”.

  • cooking Cooking What are the best cooking hacks you've learned over the years?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%
    • MSG. My favorite use for it is in soups. It only takes a small amount and it makes a significant difference.
    • Slow cookers are awesome for preparing dry beans, infused oil, and roasting beets in aluminum foil.
    • Know your emulsifiers and keep them handy. I always have a nice mustard as well as soy lecithin on hand, and if I’m ever worried about an emulsion breaking or I want a nice even sauce or dressing, I have at least one neutral and one savory option. Soymilk also works if it works for your recipe.
  • adulting Adulting Are there any good jobs out there where you can show up, do your work, and then just leave when it's done?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Very possible in tech. You want to look for somewhere product-focused (no agencies), large, and well-established that will give you a WFH position. I do design work and have this type of schedule, though I am always very responsive and available between 9-5 if someone needs something from me so I’m not holding anyone up and making anyone annoyed. I keep up with my deliverables comfortably and have flexibility to have both really productive and really meh days without it being problematic.

  • books Books Need help learning how to read books again
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Honestly, I thought it was a focus problem for me, but what it turned out to be is that now that I’m older, I can’t tolerate shitty books, and it turns out there is a lot of junk material out there. When I get the right book, I read it no problem and turn pages just like I used to. If it’s not a good book, I’ll abandon it pretty quickly. And with eBooks, that’s a whole different level of stuff to pick from than I ever had as a kid. My reading material at that time always had some sense of curation to it - a librarian or my parents had to think it was a good enough book to buy. Now, we’re our own librarians. I think that’s why it feels so much more difficult to pick something up, and it only multiplies as we become adults and other things are vying for the time it takes to find a book.

    I find I read best when I’m on vacation, camping, or when I’ve set aside time and a quiet place to do so. I like to make tea so I feel extra cozy, and it helps get me in the right mindset. To work through the challenge of finding a book, you could go to a physical library - everything is free, it’s a smaller selection, you don’t have to charge any batteries or anything - or if you’re lazy like me, see if your library offers eBooks through something like Libby. I use a combination of Libby and Goodreads to find new books.

    And if after a chapter or two, you can’t get into it? Turn it back in and try again. It’s okay to put a book back. Not all books are good and there’s no reason to force yourself through something that isn’t clicking for you.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What app do you use for Mastodon?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Toot! for iOS. It lets you add servers you don’t have an account on, and then you can interact easily on that server with any server’s account you’re logged into. I have 2-3 accounts based on different things I’m interested in so my followers don’t get a complete mishmash from me if they don’t want to, and this setup makes it so easy for me to interact and browse as if it’s all the same account.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy It would be cool to have Lemmy pen pals. Asklemmy, what are your hobbies and what's your life like?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Ahhhh I have a flannel I live in when I teach, they’re so comfy and cute! (I teach design/web dev classes at a university in the evening). I’ve never heard of a football kit before but I think I got the idea from a quick search. I’m not on Matrix at the moment, I’m usually more a forum person because of my schedule 😁

  • asklemmy Asklemmy It would be cool to have Lemmy pen pals. Asklemmy, what are your hobbies and what's your life like?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Rainbow punk is probably the best way I can think of to describe it. If it’s candy colored, glittery, or black (because black helps colors pop) I’m all over it. I recently got a pair of magnetic glasses covers that is printed to look like a slice of watermelon, and it’s my favorite because I have pink hair at the moment and between that and the deep green lipstick I have I can get an awesome watermelon look going. I’m a big fan of mixing patterns and textures as well. I love figuring out how to get a good alt look going that makes people smile. 😁

  • chat Chat *Permanently Deleted*
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Defederation opinions aside, free speech should be protected from a legal standpoint, and the ACLU is all about that. I’m glad you pointed this out, sorry about the downvotes - free speech is an important legal right.

    To add my perspective - in terms of defederation, I’d say that is an example of a healthy boundary, which needs to be respected as well. If folks collectively want to create a personal boundary that they don’t want to discuss antivax theory in their space, that’s also cool. We set up boundaries like this all the time as communities - churches are a good example. Sure, you can legally swear in church, but the community set a boundary that they don’t want that there, and they might punt you out of the community if you disrespect it. One of the nice things about the Fediverse is that free speech is “legal”, as is you can use the software freely for whatever you want to say or discuss because of the open source license, but there are also tools like defederation to create reasonable boundaries among communities.

    I hope more folks start to think of it this way as federation catches on and that this concept helps make room for nuance in discussion again. Healthy boundaries that keep you psychologically safe are good and necessary. In real life, we wouldn’t think it’s good or healthy to let someone constantly badger or berate us or talk about things we don’t want to discuss anymore. We’d say “end the conversation and walk away”. I think it’s okay to bring those boundaries to the internet too.

  • worldnews World News Titan sub CEO dismissed safety warnings as 'baseless cries', emails show
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    I think I can get behind a few more days of this if it sears into any other rich, incompetent asshole’s brain out there a fear that their legacy will be as a laughingstock, not a genius engineering disruptor, if they ignore safety regulations.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy It would be cool to have Lemmy pen pals. Asklemmy, what are your hobbies and what's your life like?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    I have a hobby of trying out new hobbies till I’ve accumulated a bunch of stuff, then losing interest and doing new hobbies!

    ah, my people

  • asklemmy Asklemmy It would be cool to have Lemmy pen pals. Asklemmy, what are your hobbies and what's your life like?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Mid-30s web designer equally versed in design and frontend development, quiet in conversation but loud in spirit and fashion choices. Hobbies are whatever I need and whatever I can get my hands on - today it’s woodworking and construction due to a burst pipe, last year it was cooking and zero waste living plus grad school, with dashes of IndieWeb, gardening, hydroponics, and plenty of internet in between. I don’t work too many hours in the traditional sense, but I do keep myself constantly busy - full time job, side gig, fixing all the things. I am often asked if I sleep. The answer is yes! I love naps, I usually take at least one a day.

    tldr: neon chaotic hobby napper here, nice to meet you.

  • RedditMigration Reddit Migration r/Blind's Meetings with Reddit and the Current Situation Regarding Accessibility and API Changes
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    Exactly what I was looking for - thank you!!!

  • philippines Philippines How are you guys accessing and interacting with this community?
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    kbin PWA through Safari on an iPad Pro here. If anyone here is building an app on iOS, please don’t do that thing where you only do vertical layout - it drives me batty!

  • RedditMigration Reddit Migration Removed as moderator of /r/Celebrities after 14 years
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    It is! Magazines are a feature in kbin, and Lemmy calls this sort of thing a Community. You’re seeing the kbin terminology here because this thread started on If you pay attention to URLs, that’s also why it’s /c/subredditname on Lemmy and /m/subredditname on kbin.

    The other major difference with kbin magazines is that you can configure them to pick up content from Mastodon using a hashtag, and it will show it in threaded format in a separate area of the magazine that’s easy to get to. It’s great for news, giving people an outlet for self-promotion without cluttering discussion, or helping get a magazine started if the topic is popular.

  • RedditMigration Reddit Migration r/Blind's Meetings with Reddit and the Current Situation Regarding Accessibility and API Changes
  • MrsEaves MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%

    So I noticed there was a mention of accessibility certifications in here - as a side topic, does anyone know of a trustworthy / reliable certification I could look into getting? I know about the WCAG guidelines and some basics, but I would love to get some more formalized training so that I know I’m doing the best possible job when designing or writing code, and can pass that knowledge on to others in my team.

  • tech
    Technology MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%
    A brain implant changed her life. Then it was removed against her will.

    Her case highlights why we need to enshrine neuro rights in law.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Pet Pictures MrsEaves 1 year ago 100%
    Excuse me hoomin, could I trouble you for a spare boop?