news News New York police arrest teen after subway train taken for joyride
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 37 minutes ago 100%

    I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!

  • politics politics 'Beyond stupid': McConnell begs House Republicans not to blow election with a shutdown
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 1 day ago 100%

    How are we gonna destroy Ted Cruz's beard?

  • politics politics GOP senator tells Arab American witness at hate crimes hearing to 'hide your head in a bag'
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 1 day ago 95%

    It's also a fake accent. He absolutely did not talk like that earlier in his career.

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 1 day ago 66%

    Are you going to back up ANYTHING you say?

    1. How does the election result in neither the Democrat or Republican nominee winning? If your 3rd party vote isn't helping one of those two parties, there must be another possible outcome. Just give us one. One single realistic alternative outcome.

    2. Assuming you can't handle #1 (which I'm pretty sure you can't without resorting to fantasy), how does a vote for the "right wing authoritarian" Democrat help the GOP MORE than a vote for a 3rd party when there are 2 possible outcomes?

    If you can answer for either of these giant gaping holes in your logic I will be astounded. I'll let you answer but I think I'm done with this thread. Have a good night!

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 1 day ago 100%

    If you think the GOP and the Democratic Party are equal threats that's an opinion you are welcome to hold.

    I find that view to be completely asinine and at odds with reality but you do you. That doesn't change the end result of your actions if you don't vote or vote 3rd party: you're supporting the GOP.

    I truly don't care why you choose to vote the way you do. I just want you and everyone on earth to know the results of your actions, support for the GOP.

  • politics politics Judge Aileen Cannon Failed to Disclose a Right-Wing Junket
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 2 days ago 100%

    So she's going to have to do something so publicly outrageous that it can't be ignored

    Like ignoring precedent to dismiss the case and seemingly claim that special counsels are unconstitutional?

  • politics politics Russian election interference efforts targeting Harris campaign, Microsoft finds
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 2 days ago 100%

    Do Republicans really hate America this much?

    Yes. Absolutely. They despise all of the best aspects of America and longingly cherish our worst histories.

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 70%

    They want to punish Democrats more than they want to stop the GOP. These people are willing to let Trump erase Gaza in order to say "we told you so!" to the Democrats. They don't give a shit how many more people are harmed as long as they feel like they stuck it to somebody in the voting booth.

  • politics politics Green Party VP nominee Butch Ware hits back at Keith Ellison over "pathetic" Jill Stein smears
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 75%

    "What are you talking about? I'm just innocently posting things I find interesting. How dare you assume my intentions!

    Now I'll continue doing the exact same thing and act surprised every time I'm called out."

    There ya go OP. Saved you some time. We know you're incredibly busy.

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 76%

    You are the authority on what you do. You don't get to ignore the results because you don't want to take responsibility. You've declared your actions, I've explained the results.

    Honestly this has gone in a circle long enough. We're not going to get anywhere if you dont want to provide any kind of evidence/reasoning and basely accuse me of lying. I do appreciate you assisting illustrate a valuable point about how hollow the 3rd party justification is though. Have a nice day!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy If there was any object in your life that was cursed, what would it be?
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 100%

    My USB cables exist in a quantum superposition where the orientation of the male end is only determined after I fail to plug it in on the first try.

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 84%

    And yet when you look at this from the perspective of voting in the general election, everyone is going to support one of them regardless. Unless you can explain how a 3rd party will realistically win the election or how the GOP winning is beneficial. Why can't you explain that?

    So again, why do you want to support the GOP over the Democrats?

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 75%

    Calling me out would suggest you've provided some evidence that I'm lying, despite just having my reasoning clearly laid out. Reasoning that you've provided no alternative to outside of "you're lying".

    So where's this call out? Explain to us how there aren't 2 possible winners of the election in our FPTP system.

    ::: spoiler Spoiler We're going back to "Not Uh!" :::

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 76%

    It's a pretty simple concept and the only response is usually "not uh!"

    Just so everyone else is aware, we're now here.

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 78%

    You're still ignoring the realities of FPTP voting. There is precisely one way to effectively "vote against" the GOP during the general election and you seem to be advocating against it.

    Explain to me how Gaza gets better if Trump wins. Or literally any issue. Even if the loss magically created a huge shift in the Democratic leadership that echoed throughout the caucus and they go all in on every progressive policy we could possibly want. Let's say they make Rashida Tlaib minority leader. Let's say every single Democrat now supports a full embargo of Israel until they cease all hostilities. Lets say every Democrat now supports whatever policy you want. How does any of that help once the government is fully controlled by fascists that will literally make it impossible for the now Super Progressive Democratic Party to ever get back in power and do those things?

    If your justification for supporting the GOP is that the Democrats haven't done enough on Gaza that's fine. I just question the logic.

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 85%

    I will take responsibility for enabling one of the two genocide enablers that I can choose from, yes. I am choosing to enable the one that contains a modicum of dissention from the status quo vs the one that wants to wipe Gaza from the map entirely.

    Why would you want to enable the party that wants even more genocide than the Democrats do?

  • politics politics Legal analysts dive into new demand to remove Judge Cannon from classified documents case
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 100%

    Either way, this dude has serious "don't fuck with me" vibes.

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 80%

    Your motivations can be whatever you want. You just don't get to absolve yourself of responsibility for the results of your actions. I think that's a fair position.

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 82%

    Non/3rd party votes make it easier for the SMALLER party to win, and that happens to be the GOP here. This is just how FPTP voting works.

    There are two possible outcomes, how could your actions not benefit one of the two possible winners?

    I get that it feels icky, especially when someone views voting as a way to send a message or present their own moral views, but that's not what voting is. Not in the general election at least.

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 88%

    You will affect the race in one of two ways regardless of what you do. You will either benefit Party A or Party B, those parties being the two largest parties, aka Democrats and Republicans.

    When a 3rd party becomes larger than the Democratic or Republican party, you would be correct. That is not the case, so you're still incorrect.

    So in your opinion what makes the GOP more deserving of your support compared to the Democrats?

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 85%

    You are incorrect. While a vote for the GOP candidate certainly carries more weight, it doesn't mean they don't benefit from non/3rd party votes. That is how FPTP voting works.

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 81%

    I don't care about the reasoning you make for your actions. We're talking about the results of those actions.

    You will affect the race in one of two ways regardless of what you do. You will either benefit Party A or Party B, those parties being the two largest parties, aka Democrats and Republicans. Non votes and 3rd party votes benefit the smaller party, which is the GOP. This is an absolute fact within a FPTP system, even if you can't accept it because of the obvious implications.

    If you feel the GOP has done more to earn your support, that's your call. I just think that's some next level dumbassery.

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 84%

    I'm not making any distinction between non votes and 3rd party votes. From a purely electoral perspective a Stein voter is the same as someone who doesn't show up. This is why people are rightfully frustrated with them. It's a pretty simple concept and the only response is usually "not uh!".

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 81%

    A spoiler is something that only exists in the mind of Liberals

    Math. You're disagreeing with math. Or are completely unaware of how FPTP voting works (I know this isn't the case).

  • news News Ohio sheriff asks supporters to 'write down' addresses of Kamala Harris supporters
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 3 days ago 100%

    when the Illegal human 'Locust'

    I hate that someone can say this Nazi shit out loud in public and not have their entire life destroyed.

    It's all hands on deck this November. We have to bury these fuckers. Vote, volunteer, talk to everyone you know, and donate what you can. If you dont know where or how PM me and I'll help you out.

  • politics politics Second apparent assassination attempt of Trump being investigated by FBI
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 4 days ago 100%

    Hey now, let's not rule anything out. We may be looking at the vengeful ghost of cricket here.

  • politics politics Keith Ellison becomes latest Democrat to attack Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 4 days ago 90%

    I couldn't care less who you vote for. Your propaganda crusade for 3rd party candidates is where I get annoyed. Luckily you're incredibly transparent so I don't think you're all that effective.

    No one's angry with you. We just know what you are and it's just annoying that we have to cover your spew of nonsense when we could be having much more productive and interesting discussions.

    This ends another pointless conversation with a child. Have a nice day!

  • politics politics Keith Ellison becomes latest Democrat to attack Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 4 days ago 92%

    What they, and you, are doing is refusing to participate in the system as it currently functions and by doing so allowing the system to put a fascist in charge, a fascist that will happily wipe them out.

    I disagree. OP is 1000% aware of the results of the actions they support. They are actively participating in assisting fascists. I refuse to let them act like they're sitting this out because they're so enlightened about the duopoly and whatever nonsense they want to removed about.

  • politics politics The First Year of Georgia’s Medicaid Work Requirement Is Mired in Red Tape
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 4 days ago 100%

    And we already have a mechanism to claw back benefits from those that truly shouldn't have them: taxes. Taylor Swift wants food stamps? Cool. Hook her up and then tax that back at the end of the year. It's fairly simple.

  • news News WSJ Editorial Board Roasts Trump For Listening to ‘9/11 Conspiracist’ Laura Loomer: ‘Is He Trying To Lose The Election?’
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 4 days ago 100%


  • politics politics Trump Wants to Hire 'Free Spirit' Laura Loomer. MAGA Allies Think She's Nuts
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 5 days ago 100%

    Nah he's already got the tax break there. Next dead "wife" goes to Mar a lago. His summer graveyard.

  • politics politics Trump says he would deport Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, "back to Venezuela"
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 5 days ago 100%

    I'll gladly volunteer Colorado. ADX Florence is a perfect spot for him.

  • politics politics That Debate Showed Why Dems Shouldn’t Tack Rightward—Ever
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 6 days ago 100%

    I'm pretty far left of Harris and I would be furious if she got up there and said she was going to ban fracking. We might like to hear that, but it's a goddamn fact that swing voters she needs to win in PA do not. She can say whatever the fuck she wants about fracking as long as she wins.

  • politics politics Trump Media shares soar 25% as ex-president says 'I'm not selling'
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 6 days ago 100%

    Dipshit continues to fuck up his own money laundering operation, more at 12.

  • politics politics Pope Francis criticizes Trump and Harris and says voters must choose between ‘lesser of two evils’
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 6 days ago 100%

    If the Pope murders his wife they'll have two things in common.

  • politics politics 'Every voter should be made aware': Governor sounds alarm on new Trump threat
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 6 days ago 100%

    They never send me any of that shit, I feel left out.

  • news News Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 6 days ago 100%

    A lot of people live through suicide maimed because the bullet ricocheted off their skull.

    I'm gonna need a definition on "a lot" here

  • politics politics Don’t Fall for the Third-Party Trick
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 6 days ago 55%

    In a completely uncontested race? Totally fine with voting 3rd party to send a message to the Democrats.

    That's not what we're talking about here. When the alternative candidate in a tight race is from a party whose goal is to abandon democracy altogether, that 5% is absolutely critical. In order to "send a message" to the Democrats, you give the GOP the ability to limit democracy even further for the next election. If there even is another election. And the Democrats can't implement the changes you want to see even if they wanted to because they lack the power from losing the election. That's a ridiculous trade-off.

  • news News Two Springfield schools evacuated, another closed; district cites police info
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 6 days ago 100%

    I see you chose optimism today.

  • politics politics Don’t Fall for the Third-Party Trick
  • MegaUltraChicken MegaUltraChicken 6 days ago 61%

    If enough people are voting third party that it’s a threat then maybe the other parties should take notice and change to support the popular policies and win back support.

    This does not work in a FPTP system. Every vote you peel off the Democrats just enables the Republicans and sets reform back even farther. The only way telling people to vote 3rd party is helpful is if they were going to vote for the GOP. Peeling votes away from Democrats HURTS the chances of other parties to be viable in the future.
