chat chat I think I made a friend
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 20 minutes ago 100%


  • chat
    chat LibsEatPoop 1 hour ago 100%
    I think I made a friend

    We met at work and have a lot in common. But I’m an awkward s.o.b. and have been so hesitant to talk despite wanting to talk really bad. Anyways, we still managed to talk over the next few months at work and then exchanged numbers (she initiated). Now I texted her and we had a nice chat and she said she wanted to keep chatting! It genuinely feels so good ngl.

    askchapo LibsEatPoop 1 day ago 85%
    How the fuck is Putin supposed to be a “war criminal”?

    Like? Is anyone who starts a war a “war criminal” now? If it’s because Russia’s killed civilians (whether intentionally or just because they didn’t care enough in pursuit of their military objectives), then, like, isn’t basically every Western leader + Biden a “war criminal”? How would you ever create a standard that could include him but not others? And if they are all “war criminals” then why would you support one over the other? I don’t get this conversation. And even if you had to, like, in what world would it make sense to think that Putin is worse than Netanyahu or the Western leaders who arm and support him?

    news news Burkina Faso nationalises contested gold mines amidst legal settlement
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 3 weeks ago 100%

    If they just seize it military style you’ll see a coup or a full-on war Egypt and Nasser-style. This way, at least, all there will be is just a lot of crocodile tears and demonising in western press and nothing else.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank How it started. How it’s going.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 3 weeks ago 100%

    Thank you comrade rat-salute-2

  • sino
    sino LibsEatPoop 1 month ago 96%
    China is very bad at doing genocide (a nice Uyghur travel vlog with kind people, smiling kids, awesome food, and a TRAIN).

    Try and find *one* video of a child smiling in Gaza like you see in literally the first 30 seconds of this video.

    food food Is it necessary to wash frozen fruit (specifically berries) before eating?
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 2 months ago 100%

    …all this to avoid the slight chance of norovirus. Life is pain.

    Thanks for the step by step guide, btw. Appreciate it.

  • food food Is it necessary to wash frozen fruit (specifically berries) before eating?
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 2 months ago 100%

    Brilliant idea lmao def gonna try that agony-shivering

  • food food Is it necessary to wash frozen fruit (specifically berries) before eating?
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 2 months ago 100%

    Isn’t there some warning on atleast some frozen products to not refreeze them? I wonder if there is on frozen berries…

    So many problems.

  • food food Is it necessary to wash frozen fruit (specifically berries) before eating?
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 2 months ago 100%

    Frozen berries are way cheaper. It’s why I get them. But I guess I’ll try washing them and then putting in a freezer safe bag from now on.

  • food food Is it necessary to wash frozen fruit (specifically berries) before eating?
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 2 months ago 100%

    Huh. I usually just put them straight in a blender for my smoothie. Never even considered I might have to wash, though I always wash fresh berries. Will have to research more.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank is this brat behaviour?
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 2 months ago 100% provided the source here..

    Now you post yours.

  • earth
    earth LibsEatPoop 2 months ago 100%
    Great Nicobar Island Project: Recipe for Disaster

    ![doomer]( "emoji doomer") Excellent, if depressing, discussion about the $10 billion project to destroy the Great Nicobar Island, threatening the nesting ground of the largest turtle in the world, cutting over a million trees, and relocating the indigenous population of the island, all to turn it into a shipping and tourism hub. Also goes into the regulatory capture and corruption that allowed this to happen over the past decade or so and the excuses of "national security/defence" etc. used by the govt. I found [another discussion with the author]( that I haven't watched yet and here's the book they mentioned, [The Great Nicobar Betrayal.]( I'll definitely read it.

    the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank is this brat behaviour?
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 2 months ago 100%


  • indigenous indigenous Palestinian rivals Hamas and Fatah sign unity deal aimed at Gaza governance; The factions have agreed an ‘interim national reconciliation government’, says Chinese Foreign Ministry.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 2 months ago 100%


  • news
    news LibsEatPoop 2 months ago 96%
    Kamala Harris supports Israel just as much as Joe Biden.

    Link -

    the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Squirrel exposes Kamala and “leftists” who support her. CW - mention of torture, sexual assault
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 2 months ago 100%

    His coverage of Kamala, especially the last couple days, has not been just analyzing the “horse race”. I’m not saying he agrees with her policies/actions.

    But his coverage has been focused on getting her elected, becuase to him she is good enough while Biden was not. This might even be your position. But where I draw the line, and where it really galls me, is when he lies about her record and views on Palestine.

    What was a redline when it came to Biden is just an inconvenient truth to be hidden and ignored until the election.

    None of what Squirrel has talked regarding Kamala on Palestine has gotten any coverage on Hasan’s streams. When her views on Palestine come up, in fact, you could be forgiven for assuming she is even pro-Palestine (at least compared to others near her position), if all you do is watch Hasan.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Squirrel exposes Kamala and “leftists” who support her. CW - mention of torture, sexual assault
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 2 months ago 100%

    You cannot say the “threads” are good and defend how Hasan has been glazing Kamala the past few days.

    I’ll stick to the topic of Palestine: Ever since Biden dropped out, Hasan has consistently talking about how Kamala is good on Palestine. Even before, he talked of how Kamala distanced herself from Biden’s pro-genocide position, bringing up that one clip where she said the word “ceasefire” as if that’s proof.

    This is either a lie while he knows the truth that Squirrel has pointed out in multiple threads (more than the two I linked), in which case Hasan is being a grifter liar, hiding the truth from his audience for other domestic considerations.

    Or he doesn’t know just how horrible Kamala is on Palestine, in which case he is irresponsible and uninformed, misleading his massive audience like the blind leading the blind. He calls himself a political commentator - it’s his responsibility to be informed on the policies and actions of the Democratic Presidential nominee.

    Hasan said how he was not going to vote for Biden because of his pro-genocide actions. Kamala has the same positions, even worse in some cases. Yet Hasan is not pointing those out, either due to his own ignorance or for other reasons. Both are bad.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse These two approach you at the bar and say they "really like your vibe." wyd?
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 3 months ago 100%

    Hide my Pokemon

  • chat chat After literally 100 fucking applications, I finally got an offer.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 3 months ago 100%

    Much love cuddle

  • chat chat After literally 100 fucking applications, I finally got an offer.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 3 months ago 100%

    Counterpoint: my boomers told me it’ll take 30 applications max. And after two weeks of no jobs, they told me to go in person and just start asking for jobs agony-4horsemen

    They also began blaming immigrants despite being immigrants themselves.

  • chat chat After literally 100 fucking applications, I finally got an offer.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 3 months ago 100%


  • chat
    chat LibsEatPoop 3 months ago 100%
    After literally 100 fucking applications, I finally got an offer.

    the sheer RELIEF I’m feeling my god. I came so close to offing myself so many times lmao. This goddamnit labor market is TRASH. I’ve accepted it obviously and waiting for the next steps. Gonna drink some nice wine I bought a while ago.

    technology technology I might be trying out Fedora Linux
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 4 months ago 100%

    Fedora’s nice! I was on it for a long time before switching to a fork called Nobara, which is still just Fedora but with some tweaks for gaming.

    I’ve never tried Mint but I know it’s supposed to give a Windows-like appearance. So maybe you’ll be more at home with KDE than GNOME, though both are great.

    Another thing to remember is Fedora does minor updates pretty often but it doesn’t force you to update. It’s up to you to choose when to update it. I’m not talking about the full OS upgrade like going from Fedora 39 to Fedora 40 which happens every few months etc. So make sure to just do an update once a week or every coup of weeks or something. The OS will remind you, too so no need to worry.

    Also, a big difference is apt-get is gonna change to dnf when you use the terminal to get packages. When you go online to find stuff to find apps to download or commands to run, you’ll need to find the Fedora specific versions or ask for them. A lot provide for both Ubuntu and Fedora but Fedora is smaller than Ubuntu, so you will see some things online that just don’t have any instructions for Fedora. So you’ll have to ask around.

    Some resources that might be helpful - the Fedora subreddit and the official forum.

    I also found a couple of videos on what to do after installing Fedora. They’re from a few versions ago but the advice seems sound - video 1 + video 2

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Delicious Hindutva Tears (CW - Islamophobia)
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 4 months ago 100%

    Self care, I get that lol. I’m glad I get to see a very real world example of online Hindutva fascists not being the majority of India.

    Having been away from the country for a while, and my only contact being people who have bought into propaganda + essentially all mainstream media being just govt. mouth pieces, there are very few ways of getting any alternative view. And there is no ability to gauge how popular that alternative view is.

    In that context, these results are very relieving. Dont know what it means for the future. He’s still gonna be the PM and BJP will still form the govt (via a coalition). But hopefully there will now be a strong opposition + he will not go down the Hindutva route (but who knows? Maybe he’ll double down. He hasn’t changed as a person).

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Delicious Hindutva Tears (CW - Islamophobia)
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 4 months ago 100%

    Me too! Some worrying things in the results but that’s for later. The overwhelming feeling is just relief at the moment. Democracy in India is not dead, which I’m so so glad to have been wrong about.

    And it was the classes/castes/religions who were oppressed the most who kicked BJP out of its majority in its supposed strongholds.

  • askchapo askchapo Why are Palestinian protests filled with feds?
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    You can repeat this a dozen times in this post and I won’t care (I’ll roll my eyes at you, but I won’t care). My point is simple.

    If you’re going to organise a protest, at least let there be some fucking sign (I don’t mean a literal sign, just a mention on the website, the posters, the socials, something) that your gonna be shouting “I stand with Hamas” and are proud of Oct 7 out there - so I don’t end up bringing the folks I brought to it.

    Ambushing them (and me) like that doesn’t work. It’ll make you feel better and like you pulled one over us, but that’s it. And the next time you organise a protest, the people you blindsided won’t turn up.

    [All this assuming you’re genuine and not a fed.]

    You can have the kind of radical protest you want - but it has to have the kind of radical protesters you need. Advertising it like a general one, and then pulling shit like this is fed behaviour, and if you can’t see that, then, well…

  • askchapo
    askchapo LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 99%
    Why are Palestinian protests filled with feds?

    Went to a Palestinian solidarity protest/rally with some new folks who’d become radicalised against America/the West over the last six months. They aren’t socialists (*yet*, I’m working on it) - but they’re good people. So, seeing the genocide and its support by our governments filled them with disgust. We talked about the Nakba, the history of Zionism, and the current apartheid etc. Now, we come to the protest. Overall, the atmosphere was incredible. Lots of cool signs, different kinds of people, and, of course the pigs. That’s not the problem. The problem was the fucking speakers. I swear, at least half of them had to be feds whose entire job was to turn people away from turning up at these events. Some of them, and I mean this literally, wanted the crowd to chant “we support October 7” and “we stand with Hamas”. I swear, the way the people I was with turned to look at me. Not every speaker was like this - most were genuine. They talked of labor solidarity, campus organizing, personal anecdotes. But all of that made these speakers stand out all the more. The worst part is that when it would happen, the organisers was one of them. So this entire thing was a sham from the start. I feel so bad. I shouldn’t have just brought people to a random protest I saw and should’ve vetted it first. Like, seriously. I can’t fucking get over this. Who organizes a protests of people from all walks of life in support of Palestine *and wants them to chant we stand with Hamas and let’s do one hundred more October 7s?*. Jesus fucking Christ. Like, of fucking course Hamas is a natural reaction to apartheid and ethnic cleansing and genocide. And of course Oct 7 is nothing compared to the 200 days that followed since (or the 75 years that preceded it). But *come the fuck on.*

    sino sino A new law to improve workers' rights has been passed in China at the national level
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%


  • memes memes anglo moment
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    YES. When I studied Rus Lit my prof dedicated a whole lecture to this! With slides! I honestly love this part of Russian literature, it gives it so much character, and anyone who complains about it doesn’t deserve to read it.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    It's not even that. Like, everyone memes on centrists but this take is, somehow, even worse. This dude is saying he literally doesn't care about what's happening (genocide) and that if you try to make him care in a way that inconveniences him even a little bit (by blocking a road) he will actively choose to support the side committing the genocide.

    I don't even have words.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Bill Barr bent the knee and was rewarded appropriately.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    Why couldn't he just be a poster? He's so good at it. Like, just be a guy who tweets and dunks on people, and everyone will love you. Why you gotta be a fascist.

    Hate to see people waste their life doing something their not good at (business, governing, marriage) when they could just spend it tweeting.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    Hasan fundraised for Palestine back in October, raising $1.2m (in addition to doing the same for the earthquake that happened in Turkey and Syria earlier in the year).

    His merch line, unlike that of other online creators, is not only union-made, but goes on to support strike-funds.

    He was also the single biggest donor to the Amazon Labor Union, and was introduced (and praised) by Chris Smalls at a union event.

    And you have multiple instances of individuals in the real world not only getting inspired to join unions and leftist orgs due to Hasan, but succeeding in creating unions - three examples - Waymo, YDSA, Chipotle - all of which directly cite Hasan.

    He's also, of course, gone to multiple strikes/protests/movements and interviewed organizers from them, like during the SAG-WGA strikes, or just recently when he interviewed the organizers of the Columbia student protests. Everything I've listed here is just stuff I remembered and then tried to provide a link for to back up my claims - there's probably so much I've forgotten.

    Internet culture and its effect, especially the power of microcelebrity, on the real world is here, my friend, whether you like it or not. Hasan is one of the few people who seems to use it for good, progressive causes. You will find people in the real world who know him.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    I've just learnt from you and another person that there are cockroaches that fly and...goddamn, nature is scary as fuck. Also, what a story. heart-sickle Cockroaches are a universal human fear.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    Edit: replied to the wrong person.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    please be kind to cockroaches, they're actually fairly clean creatures unlike Mr. WoW Streamer.

    You're probably right. Thought, I'll admit I've always been very afraid of cockroaches. It's just a very visceral fear I have - I'm more terrified of them than of any other insects, pests etc. I can think of, except maybe worms, but worms are fairly small and slow so they aren't as big a threat. Snakes too, but snakes aren't very common where I live, so they get a pass.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    He probably doesn't care. That doesn't affect him. In the clip he's reacting to, Hasan is trying to bring attention to literal mass graves that are being dug up in Gaza hospitals where hundreds of Palestinian men, women, and children have been found - after having been executed. And he just cuts Hasan off and says he doesn't care, he's going to side against the protesters because how dare they block roads.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    Am I wrong or did Bernie himself flip on Israel? Like, I think before the current assault, he was way more open and critical of Israel. Or maybe he was always like this and we - the younger, progressive people he partly energized back in 2016 - just shifted way more to the left than him without even realizing, leaving him behind?

    I remember how his position back in Oct-Nov of 2023 came to me as somewhat shocking/disappointing, but I didn't pay too much attention to it, because I frankly didn't care what he had to say. It was just more words on Twitter from yet another politician. If he wasn't going to be an ally, then there was no use paying any attention to him. And I think now he's trying to pivot along with a bunch of other politicians, in which case, again, he's not that different from any of them.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    I just click "don't recommend channel" to each and every one of his official and fan uploads. By now, the algorithm has learnt not to show me his shit.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    And it's not even the worst one.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%


  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    Asmongold during 1930s Germany: I do not care about the problems of the communists or the socialists or the trade unionists or the Jews but I do care if these people bomb the trains to protest their plights. In that case, I shall support the government! What gives you the right to break laws -

    Asmongold during the 1940s Germany: Wait a second? Why am I being sent to a "labor camp"? I just want to play my games in peace! Somebody help!

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse "You're just offended/angry about everything"
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    It reminds you of your cowardice.

    That goes hard.

    It also reminds people that there is another option and that they are choosing to remain silent.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    Legit fascist. I'm not even kidding or exaggerating in the slightest. People who spout shit like this or agree with it would not care about colonialism or slavery or anything else that we now recognize as "bad" back when they occurred if doing so inconvenienced them in the slightest. So, where would that leave the people who would be suffering? Legit couldn't be trusted.

  • news news Biden has signed a TikTok ban into law. Here’s what this really means
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    TikTok has said it will fight it in courts. So let's see what happens. I don't expect them to sell, even if they lose. And if they end up getting banned in the US, I wonder what other Western countries do.

  • news news Now do NDAs.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    Satire requires a clarity of purpose and target lest it be mistaken for and contribute to that which it intends to criticize

  • chapotraphouse
    chapotraphouse LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%
    Good British Man.

    Edit - I don't remember where I read/heard it, but I remember very early on someone said that liberals will one day turn on Israel but it'll be after a certain number of people begin dying - 5k, 10k, 30k, 50k. I wish I could find it. That perfectly encapsulated the liberal mindset. They won't stand with us before the atrocity begins, when we are saying this will happen - only when it's already happening and their conscience gets in the way. (I'm talking about the people, not the ones in charge - the latter know perfectly well what they're doing, of course). It's just endlessly frustrating, because the same thing happens over and over again.

    news news Now do NDAs.
  • LibsEatPoop LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%

    what are you on.

  • news
    news LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%
    Now do NDAs.
    chapotraphouse LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%
    Avantika (19 y.o. actress from new Mean Girls) dedicated her Person of the Year award to the people of Gaza.

    She's getting hate from Hindutva freaks online over this and her defence of Kashmir + she was attacked by white libs a couple weeks earlier for rumors that she might be the new Rapunzel (she is not, even though she should be). [Here's her speech.](

    videos LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%
    Avantika (19 y.o. actress from the new Mean Girls) dedicated her Person of the Year award to the people of Gaza.

    She's getting hate from Hindu right-wingers for this (obviously) and her support for Kashmir. In addition, she was previously hounded by white libs because fans speculated she *might* be the new Rapunzel (she was not) and they could not stand a brown princess.

    news LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 98%
    Aaron Bastani (author of FALC, founder of Novara Media) allegedly collaborated with the British Police to get Palestinian protesters arrested in London.

    Edit - [Much better summary of the whole thing here]( [Here's the statement: ]( I am writing this statement as unfortunately Novara Media have left me little choice. In light of the organization’s refusal to address the actions of one of its senior employees that led to the persecution of three young women of color and their ultimate conviction under the UK’s racist and Islamophobic counterterrorism laws, I have asked that my interviews be removed from their platforms. Amidst an ongoing genocide, and at a time in which Palestinian political expression is under attack, this staff member chose to collaborate with the British police and the right wing media in their campaign of persecution, incitement, and hate-mongering. This has caused serious legal and social repercussions and psychological harm to the individuals involved. I have been the target of countless smear campaigns which I have usually disregarded as background noise. However, I chose to speak out in this instance, even though it did not directly affect me, because the silence of Novara, an organization self-described as “always politically committed,” represents a complete failure in upholding the principles of accountability, solidarity, and anti-racism, and should concern us all. One might argue that Aaron Bastani’s actions fall within the realm of free speech, however, exploiting an atmosphere that is already hostile to Palestinians and collaborating with the British establishment to smear, police, and punish us and our allies sounds less like free speech and more like harassment and incitement. Where does Novara, an institution that purports itself to be a voice on the side of justice, stand when one of its staff members causes such harm? Bastani’s actions—and his colleagues’ silence—must not be separated from this context. Demanding accountability is not “sowing division,” what is divisive is putting a target on the most vulnerable among us, the most susceptible to state violence. Novara’s above-average reporting on Palestine is not a gift they are bestowing upon us, it is as simple as journalists doing their job. It does not give them a special license to police our movement. (There is a joke to be made here about British institutions and colonial legacies.) If Novara wants to contribute to the larger anti-capitalist, anti-racist movement, it has a responsibility to hold itself accountable for violence that is produced within its own institution. --- TLDR - There was a pro-Palestinian rally in London back in October. Photos of some protesters (the women in color mentioned above) went viral among right-wing circles because they had images of the Hamas paragliders on their jackets. Aaron Bastani joined in the denouncements. Apparently, the UK Police has since prosecuted these women and Novara Media, the organization Bastani co-founded has remained silent till now.

    news LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%
    Iran Attacks Israel. Israel to give “an unprecedented response”. UN Security Council to meet.

    [Updates here]( Iran has launched hundreds of drones, cruise and ballistic missiles. Iran says with this attack, it considers the matter concluded, and any Israeli response will be met with severe retaliation. Iran also tells the US to stay away and that if any regional nation is used to launch the Israeli response, they will be targeted, too. Israel claims to have intercepted 99% of Iranian response, and the IDF says citizens no longer need to stay near shelters, suggesting the Iranian attack is over. They were helped by UK and US fighter jets in other countries. Israel says it will give “an unprecedented response”. Israel has told the US what their response will consist of. UN Security Council to meet at 4 PM Eastern Time, Sunday. As of now, it seems all drones and missiles have been intercepted/hit their targets. The impact on Israel has been extremely minor, with minimal casualties and zero fatalities. A military target seems to have been hit. Now we wait for Israel's response. Hopefully, that too is similarly limited and the situation calms down. ::: spoiler OG Post: Per randos on Twitter, drones will reach in a few hours. It's not missiles or anything more substantial...yet (and hopefully never). Edit - Hopefully, this is the only response. I can't stand the people cheering for this or wanting further escalation. Millions will die. I have no idea what Israel will do in retaliation for this retaliation. I don't even have any hopes they'll not respond. I just don't know. :::

    news LibsEatPoop 5 months ago 100%
    Germany becomes better for trans people.

    [Link to the news.]( > The German legislation will allow adults to change their first name and legal gender at registry offices without further formalities. The new rules will allow minors 14 years and older to change their name and legal gender with approval from their parents or guardians; if they don’t agree, teenagers could ask a family court to overrule them. In the case of children younger than 14, parents or guardians would have to make registry office applications on their behalf. > After a formal change of name and gender takes effect, no further changes would be allowed for a year. The new legislation focuses on individuals’ legal identities. It does not involve any revisions to Germany’s rules for gender-transition surgery. > Among others, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Spain already have similar legislation. In the U.K., the Scottish parliament in 2022 passed a bill that would allow people aged 16 or older to change the gender designation on identity documents by self-declaration. That was vetoed by the British government, a decision that Scotland’s highest civil court upheld in December. > In other socially liberal reforms, Scholz’s government has legalized the possession of limited amounts of cannabis; eased the rules on gaining German citizenship and ended restrictions on holding dual citizenship; and ended a ban on doctors “advertising” abortion services. Same-sex marriage was already legalized in 2017.

    politics LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%
    Israel in one day.


    news LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%
    Ben Arad, 18, sent to military jail for refusing conscription, joining refusniks Tal Mitnick (105 days) and Sofia Orr (40 days).

    After 20 days, he'll be asked to conscript again. If he refuses, he'll be sent to jail again. This will continue till either he agrees to conscription or the military stops requiring him.

    technology LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%
    All Linux users, check your XZ library. You might be infected.

    If you're running version 5.6.0 or 5.6.1, downgrade immediately.

    news LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%
    ICJ Has New Provisional Measures For Israel To Ignore.

    The State of Israel shall, in conformity with its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, and in view of the worsening conditions of life faced by Palestinians in Gaza, in particular the spread of famine and starvation: Take all necessary and effective measures to ensure, without delay, in full co-operation with the United Nations, the unhindered provision at scale by all concerned of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance, including food, water, electricity, fuel, shelter, clothing, hygiene and sanitation requirements, as well as medical supplies and medical care to Palestinians throughout Gaza, including by increasing the capacity and number of land crossing points and maintaining them open for as long as necessary; Ensure with immediate effect that its military does not commit acts which constitute a violation of any of the rights of the Palestinians in Gaza as a protected group under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, including by preventing, through any action, the delivery of urgently needed humanitarian assistance; Submit a report to the Court on all measures taken to give effect to this Order, within one month as from the date of this Order.

    movies LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%
    Reviews for “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire” are out.

    The main page says it won’t come out till tomorrow but the [critic page]( lists them so…Here’s some highlights: Metascore: 52 Positive Reviews: 6 Mixed Reviews: 14 Negative Reviews 1 **The Wrap**: 84: It’s no small compliment to say that 'Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire' is expertly crafted drivel. **The Film Verdict**: 68: If Hollywood insists on continuing its own separate monsterverse, it could do worse than GxK, a film where giant beasts wallop the tar out of each other with thrilling efficacy. **Chicago Sun-Time**: 50: Godzilla x King Kong: The New Empire is the definition of an old-fashioned (with new technology) popcorn movie and there’s certainly no harm in that, but at the end of the day, it feels like the stakes have never been more medium. **The Telegraph**: 40: There’s some commendable trippiness towards the end, but for the most part Godzilla Smooch Kong is all too ready to fall back on delivering the bare minimum promised by its title. It’s giant monsters fighting, the thing constantly shrugs: what else do you want? Ideally a bit more than this. **Rolling Stone**: 40: What this feels like is a second-generation copy of a copy, and one that suffers from the typical franchise law of diminishing returns. No one expects the reinvention of the MonsterVerse wheel, but it’d be nice to have something that isn’t more of the same and less than the sum of its I.P. parts.

    sino LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%
    White Man In China (2024).

    In a recent video on Twitter, he compared the China of today to 2019 and was completely shocked at the speed to progress and change. Says it’s like stepping into the future. 1 - Automation: From trains to taxis to purchases - everything is done seamlessly with super Apple Pay. 2 - EV: 30%-40% of the cars are fully electric. You can get Teslas but you have Chinese brands that offer sedans for $10k. 3 - The air is much cleaner. Partly due to EVs. 4 - People are more respectful of societal norms. There is better service everywhere you go. 5 - Less foreigners, even in touristy areas. Most white people are actually Russian. 6 - In factories, robots do the work in contrast to the perception people have in the US of China just throwing cheap labor at every problem. Factories set up their own e-commerce platforms and sell directly on China’s TikTok. 7 - It feels like over the past 5 years, everything by in China just got better, while everything in the US just got worse. ![xigma-male]( "emoji xigma-male")

    news LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%
    WaPo says "no evidence" that journalists killed by IDF on Jan 7th were terrorists.

    Someone (who's not banned already) should post this on r/worldnews. --- > On Jan. 7, the Israeli military struck a car carrying four journalists, calling them terrorists who "operated an aircraft that posed a threat to IDF troops." A new Post investigation finds no evidence of any Israeli forces in the vicinity: [Drone footage raises questions about Israeli justification for deadly strike on Gaza journalists]( > In a statement on Jan. 10, the IDF said a commercially-available Mavic 2 drone operated by well-known freelancer Mustafa Thuraya posed an “immediate threat” to nearby soldiers. The Post reviewed Thuraya's drone footage and saw no Israeli forces. > The Post obtained and reviewed satellite imagery and shared that imagery with outside researchers. No Israeli forces were visible or detected within more than a mile of where Thuraya launched his drone. ![]( > The IDF said it had evidence that both men killed in the strike, Thuraya and Hamza, belonged to militant groups. Interviews with 14 witnesses and colleagues gave no indication that either man was operating as anything other than a journalist that day. > Both men had been subject to Israeli security checks, having traveled through IDF checkpoints earlier in the war, and Dahdouh had been cleared by Israel to leave Gaza. ![](

    memes LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%

    ![unlimited-power]( "emoji unlimited-power")

    chat LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%
    I dropped my AirPods in the toilet

    I fished them out using a pair of tongs that I put under hot water in the sink. I went to get some alcohol wipes while I left the tongs under the sun, after drying the AirPods with some bathroom tissue (and throwing out the ear tips). Once I had the wipes, I cleaned the AirPods multiple times, and wiped them on a microfibre cloth. Now I’m letting them under stay in the sun. I don’t know what more to do. I plan to let them be under the sun for the rest of the day, and probably wipe them a few more times. I don’t know if that’ll be enough to soothe my worries, though.

    chapotraphouse LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%
    Soviet Factories As Bazaars?

    Twitter randomly served me [this tweet]( I'm not following the person, and neither is anyone I'm following. Nor did the tweet blow up. So I don't know why. The author of the tweet is John Kennedy, a history PhD, who is "working on the transfer of auto-industrial technology from FR and ITA to the USSR from the 60s onwards." The author they're quoting is just called Filtzer. In the comments, there is just one other person with whom they have a small interaction where there is some more information. *Alexandra Oberländer*: I'd say: Good ol' days! (She's a researcher at the [Center for the History of Emotions](, and an associate editor of [Kritika Journal]( - A Quarterly academic journal about the history of Russia and the former Soviet states. She also lists History of Sexual Violence and the Cultural History of Work as her areas of knowledge/expertise.) *John Kennedy*: I'm afraid my original political formation as a Trot prevents me from agreeing with you! I was just reading your article *Cushy Work, Backbreaking Leisure* the other day. Very nice corrective to the idea that the issue was (an intrinsic) laziness *Alexandra Oberländer*: Well, as "Trot" you'd be better off with Filtzer then :) (No disrespect meant, of course!) *John Kennedy*: Haha none taken :) I won't tie myself to the mast just yet! --- I don't know what my point was exactly by posting this here. I just wanted to share this people, I guess. It's fascinating.

    news LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 99%
    TikTok Ban: House Passes Bill That Would Outlaw App in U.S. Unless Its Chinese Parent Sells Ownership Stake

    I’m not kidding. This *will* make Gen-Zers vote for Trump. All he has to say is he’ll reverse the ban. He’s already announced that he opposes this bill and that this only supports Facebook. Biden and the Democrats are so fucking insane. I do not understand it. They want to lose all support with every fucking base they have. I’ll never stop being on TikTok.

    politics LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%
    Why Russia is stronger now than it was before the war.

    ::: spoiler First, a practical explanation of what happened after the sanctions were imposed: Best quote of his explanation: "This is a situation in which the sanctions were imposed by one important sector of the world economy which then cut itself off from resources that it needs - and that's particularly true of Western Europe - in return for cutting Russia off from various things that Russia doesn't really need." Second best quote: "If you go back to the period before the introduction of the sanctions [...] the Russian economy was very heavily colonized by Western firms. That was true in automobiles, it was true in aircrafts, it was true in everything from fast food restaurants to big box stores. Western firms were present all throughout the Russian economy. A great many of them [...] either chose to exit Russia or were pressured to exit Russia after early 2022. So on what terms did they leave? Well, they were required, if they were leaving permanently, to sell their capital equipment, their factories and so forth, to let's say a Russian business which would get a loan from Russian banks or maybe have other sources of financing, at a very favorable price for the Russians. So effectively a lot of capital wealth, which was partly owned by the West, has been transferred to Russian ownership. And you now have an economy which is moving forward and has the advantage compared to Europe of relatively low resource costs because Russia is a great producer of resources, oil and gas and fertilizer and food stuff and so forth. And so while the Europeans are paying maybe twice in Germany what they were paying for energy, the Russians are not, they're paying perhaps less than they were paying before the war. So again I characterize the effect of the sanctions, in fact as being in certain respects a gift to the Russian economy. And this is, I think, quite different from what the authors of the sanctions expected. [...] And the essence of the situation is this would not have happened without the sanctions. You could have had the war, and it would have gone pretty much as it has gone. But the Russian government in 2022 was in no position to force the exit of Western firms. It didn't want to, wouldn't have done that. It was in no position to force its oligarchs to choose between Russia and the West. It didn't wish to do that. These choices were imposed by the West, and the results were actually, in many respects, favorable to the long-term independent development of the Russian Federation's economy." ::: [Here’s the link to the tweet with the quotes.]( It has a 12 min video interview with the economist in question too, but you might want to watch that in [YouTube instead.]( ::: spoiler A good potential secondary objective of the sanctions: making Europe dependent on the US: But what if the purpose of the sanctions was actually not to damage the Russian economy but to damage the European economy, to remove the latter as an economic competitor for the United States and to make it dependent on US energy? ::: [Link to the OG tweet that asked the question.]( ::: spoiler Second, a theoretical explanation of the modern Russian state by Samir Amin. In one of his last books, Russia and the Long Transition from Capitalism to Socialism, the great Marxist thinker Samir Amin posed a prescient question. He saw that the Putin-era Russian state balanced two contradictory economic tendencies. On one hand, it introduced vicious neoliberal reforms, which served exclusively the powerful Western-oriented comprador elites. On the other, it vigorously sought to bolster the country's economic sovereignty. Which tendency would prevail? "[I]f the comprador fraction of the Russian ruling classes... ends up gaining the upper hand," Amin wrote, "then the 'sanctions' with which Europe is intimidating Russia could bear fruit. The comprador segments are still disposed to capitulate to preserve their portion of the spoils from the pillaging of their country.” (This, by the way, was the strategy of figures like Alexey Navalny, who hoped against hope that he could effect regime change by striking a bargain with Russia's pro-Western elites.) Amin did not live to see the sanctions package introduced against Russia. But I suspect that his insights would have echoed Galbraith's. By effectively dismantling the Russian comprador class, the sanctions have resolved a central contradiction within the post-Soviet Russian state — in favor of the imperative of sovereign development. This is precisely the opposite of the intended effect and is deeply revealing of the hubris and analytical poverty of Western imperial policy. ::: [Link to the first Samir Amin explanation]( and the [LibGen link to the book.]( ::: spoiler Someone, in response, talks of Russian oligarchs and Amin engaging in wishful thinking. A response that goes further into Amin’s theory: If we take seriously Amin's notion of a world dominated by the collective imperialism of the Triad — a central thesis of his political thought — and the idea that the present moment is characterized by a new wave of "emergence" from the domination of these centers, then I struggle see any wishful thinking here. We have a state which, as Galbraith says, has been "heavily colonized by Western firms". Now, by force of historical necessity, it is advancing across technological, food, medical, informational, and financial sovereignty — Amin's very definition of an "emergent" state. This is not a qualitative judgment. It is a quantitative observation about the degree of a state's economic separation from the imperialist centers. A lot hinges on the analysis of the material basis of the national bourgeoisie versus the comprador bourgeoisie, a distinction that Amin and others have made very clearly. Much of the last great wave of "emergence" (e.g., the Bandung era) was also led by national bourgeois projects. In the long run, neoliberal policies open the state to foreign capital penetration in ways that subordinate it to the domination of the main capitalist centers and undermine the national bourgeoisie, foreclosing pathways to "emergence". Whether we see the sanctions as punishment for war or punishment for disobedience with the diktats of empire, they had the opposite of their intended effect — and Amin, like Galbraith, give us a framework that helps explain why. There is a lot more to say — indeed, books have been dedicated to these questions! — but I don't think it serves us well to dismiss these analytical currents. ::: [The final response](

    movies LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%
    Dune 2 or what if Hamas beat the IDF.

    Seriously tho, couldn’t stop comparing the situation to Palestine during the first half of the movie. An invading army with super-advanced tech in a desert environment vs a bunch of brave fighters fighting with knives and stuff. It was cool. And sad. I liked the movie, btw. Would recommend. Now I’m gonna read the book. Edit - It’s also a good criticism of the white savior trope but that goes into spoilers territory.

    news LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%
    "The Trauma Is Immeasurable": Palestinian Writer Susan Abulhawa on Israeli Violence in Gaza [CW - Israeli/IDF Violence]

    > I have photos of the backs of men where Israeli men carved pictures, smiley faces, Stars of David, etc. in their skin. Women narrated stories to me of Israeli soldiers laying them, laying hundreds of women, on the ground and then taking their guns with laser and laughing, and wherever the laser landed, they shoot. > I spoke with a woman whose three year old daughter had both of her legs shattered…she was intentionally shot by a soldier…after they’d killed her son, shot him through the head, in what she described as tank fire, toying with them, for about 30 minutes, before they finally delivered the final blow. > People who’re fleeing their homes to get to the south having to walk with their hands up with their IDs and if anybody dares to look down or pick anything up, they’re picked off, they’re literally shot by snipers. > I spoke with a little girl, about eight years old, whose face was badly burned, but her injuries were the least in the whole families, the entire family had third degree burns all over their bodies. > People are being discharged from hospitals with wounds and going into tents where they don’t have running water and proper hygiene and getting horrible infections and dying from sepsis. > The food that does come in to Rafah is primarily canned food and most of it…and I’ve seen it and tasted it myself, it is stuff that has clearly been sitting on shelves for decades. All you can taste, really, is the rancidity, and metallic taste of the can. > People schedule their days around trying to get to a single, shared bathroom, that’s shared by hundreds of other families. They try to do their best with hygiene but it’s impossible. > People don’t have medicines. People are dying from lack of insulin, which, by the way, Israel has banned from coming into Gaza. They dying from diarrhoea because they’re drinking polluted water and Israel has also banned water filtration systems, even handheld ones, simple, personal, water filtration systems that Americans use when they go camping. > And, on top of that, they are bombed day in and out. Even in Rafah. When I was there, there was not a single night, that we didn’t hear bombs. And at least once, was close enough, that the building I was in shook and we thought that our building had actually been hit…And there was another moment too when a tent by a hospital where we had just been was bombed, they bombed a tent.

    news LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%
    A Rift Has Opened in Bolivia’s Movement Toward Socialism

    Leftist Infighting Go Brrr....

    marxism LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 98%
    "Degrowth Communism" will lead to political disaster for both the socialist left and the environmental movement

    I haven't read Saito's books, or looked too deeply into degrowth as a movement. I just read this article and thought it made some good arguments *against* what it claims are Saito's understandings of Marx. I'm not sure I agree with everything, but I thought it was interesting enough to share.

    news LibsEatPoop 6 months ago 100%
    The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers

    Billionaire Socialist ![azan]( "emoji azan") coming to the defence of gamers. “All I can think of is the awful track record of the FBI when it comes to identifying extremism,” Hasan Piker, a popular Twitch streamer who often streams while playing video games under the handle HasanAbi, says of the mechanisms. “They’re much better at finding [vulnerable teenagers]( with [mental disabilities]( to take advantage of.”
