nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad?
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 2 months ago 100%

    I like both. Probably because I grew up with one grandma making the vinegar based type and one grandma making the mayo based type.

  • privacy Privacy This community in a nutshell
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 2 months ago 100%

    in your example thenproblem is the purchase method, not the payment method. Same thing would have happened if you payed with crypto.

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich📖iel
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 2 months ago 100%

    als generisches neutrum wäre es aber das Chef. Maskulinum entsprechend der Cheferich und femininum die Chefin.

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich📖iel
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 2 months ago 100%

    Oh. Mein. Gott. Ich bin begeistert. Das wird definitiv mein neuer weg zu genfern, ich liebe es.

  • formula1 Formula 1 Fred's right
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 2 months ago 100%

    I think Nando is primarily talking about the crowd that drive to survive pulled in over the past few years. Most of them don't seem to dig as deep into what makes F1 tik as the older fans. I think a lot of them don't really try to understand the technical side of F1, and that's ok, but there is definitely a shift in how drivers and their accomplishments are perceived.

  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 2 months ago 100%

    jetzt bin ich noch verwirrter

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Why don't we put butter and sour cream on French fries? They're basically like tiny skinless baked potatoes...
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 2 months ago 87%

    mayonnaise on fries is a staple in Germany.

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich👋 iel
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 3 months ago 100%


  • formula1 Formula 1 [FIA] McLaren protest of Piastri lap time deletion rejected as inadmissible.
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 3 months ago 100%

    I love this kind of documents that are basically a very polite "fuck off, stupid idiots"

  • formula1 Formula 1 [Austrian GP] Perez gets a 5 sec penalty for speeding in the pitlane.
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 3 months ago 100%

    Perez picked up floor damage when battling Piastri on the opening lap.

  • til Today I Learned TIL humans are the only animal with a chin. We aren't sure why.
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 3 months ago 100%

    How is facial hair beneficial in fighting?

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. I’ve got a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty baby, and I’ll write your name: Just Stop Oil paint private jets hours after Taylor Swift’s lands
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 3 months ago 87%

    very well written

  • technology Technology EU to charge Apple under Digital Markets Act, impose a fine of up to $50 million per day - news
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 3 months ago 100%

    Sometimes. But sometimes (like next week for example) they are also trying to implement mass surveillance of all EU-Citizens' private communication.

  • metalmemes Metal Memes Silly DragonForce meme
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 3 months ago 83%


  • nottheonion Not The Onion Israel using trebuchet to fire flaming projectile at Hezbollah
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 3 months ago 83%

    I might be wrong, but didn't Einstein say something about WW3 being fought with a club? Maybe this is the beginning of that developement back to the roots.

  • privatsphaereimnetz Privatsphäre Im Netz Patrick Breyer: Rat soll Chatkontrolle durchwinken - Werde jetzt aktiv!
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 3 months ago 100%

    Ein paar tipps:

    • ein Brief wird eher gelesen als eine E-Mail (in diesem Fall ist es zeitlich tatsächlich etwas eng, deshalb hab ich meine Nachricht sowohl als Brief als auch als E-Mail versendet)
    • wer zu faul ist selbst was zu verfassen fragt das LLM seines Vertrauens (soweit man einem LLM halt vertraut)
    • Idealerweise werden Argumente aufgelistet, aber auch nur eine kurze Nachricht dass man die Chatkontrolle ablehnt ist besser als nichts.
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 3 months ago 100%

    After his spin Sainz let the car roll backwards to get it off the the racing line, which is exactly what he should have done. Albon tried going behind him to lose as little time as possible, which is also the right thing to do. It was just an unfortunate incident.

  • formula1 Formula 1 Charles Leclerc summoned to stewards at the end of FP2 for using Intermediate tyres when track was not declared wet
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 3 months ago 100%

    can someone eli5 why it is even forbidden in the first place?

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf Gehwegparken: BVerwG räumt Betroffenen Anspruch auf Handeln der Kommune ein
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 50% musste an unsere Diskussion denken

  • formula1 Formula 1 What is your preferred Monaco Sunday event format?
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    If all you care about is on track action, F1 is probably one of the worst racing series for you. Not even half the races are action packed, and that's been the case for probably 10-20 years or even more.

  • worldnews World News Israel's Knesset to vote on declaring UNRWA a terrorist organization
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 91%

    thank you for saying that. The best way to stop the genocide in gaza is to get as many israelis as possible to speak up against it.

  • metalmemes Metal Memes Dragonforce
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    My experience is that the metal culture is PARTICULARLY friendly in the pit. Everyone typically looks out for each other, and people who mosh too violently are usually pulled out of the pit. Also: with metal becoming more and more popular over the last two decades, Ifeel like the ratio of assholes in the community has grown.

  • formula1 Formula 1 What is your preferred Monaco Sunday event format?
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    Monaco has always been a procession. You have drivers complaining about the overtaking at least since the 1980s, probably longer.

  • formula1 Formula 1 What is your preferred Monaco Sunday event format?
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 75%

    Tbh I wouldn't change a thing, I had a tonne of fun yesterday. Once you've watched F1 for a while and understand what's going on in the background, even just watching the timing screens can be exciting. Watching the gap between Piastri and Russel, for most of the race you couldn't tell of it would open up to a full pit stop, at which point Piastri would probably have pitted, triggering a Pit stop for both Ferraris and Norris aswell. I get that more casual viewers need more on track action, and I probably wouldn't like if the whole season was like that, but for one race a year I think it's great.

  • formula1 Formula 1 Alpine’s Bruno Famin is less than impressed with Esteban Ocon following his race-ending collision with Pierre Gasly, saying “we will draw consequences”(@Autosport)
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 66%

    Andrea Antonelli at Alpine when?

  • formula1 Formula 1 My money is with Piastri tomorrow
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    Neither Fred nor Matthia make up strategy calls. That's what the strategy team does. The team principal might give his 2 cents, and probably can veto stuff, but the strategy is made by the strategy team, with some input from race & performance engineers, drivers and the head of race operations (or whatever they are called at ferrari)

  • formula1 Formula 1 With his 24th pole position, Charles Leclerc now has the second most pole positions for Scuderia Ferrari, only behind Michael Schumacher
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    Verstappen has converted more Leclerc polesinto wins than Leclerc.

  • freegames Free Games Basic Biking, iOS, Android,
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    I love it. Also: really difficult when you're drunk.

  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%


  • formula1 Formula 1 Strategically let someone pass you?
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    Leclerc did this for a few laps in Austria a few years ago (might have been 2022?).

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Starbuck milkshake is like tobacco
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    Not for me. I only consume coke every once in a while. I sometimes go for months drinking only water, black coffee and the occasional beer, yet I still enjoy Coke.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf Welche Kleinstpartei hat chancen ins EU-Parlament einzuziehen?
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    Der Rechtsruck ist aber leider nicht auf Deutschland beschränkt. Den gibt's ja leider fast in ganz Europa. Da bringen die paar 16 jährigen auch nicht viel.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf Welche Kleinstpartei hat chancen ins EU-Parlament einzuziehen?
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 66%

    mich interresieren eher die noch kleineren Parteien, aber Danke

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf Welche Kleinstpartei hat chancen ins EU-Parlament einzuziehen?
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    So hab ich das noch garnicht betrachtet. Vielleicht sollte ich garnicht soviel drüber nachdenken und einfach das Wählen womit ich mich am meisten identifiziere.

  • fragfeddit Frag Feddit Sind Mitarbeitergespräche wo ihr arbeitet Arbeitszeit?
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    ich darf unter THC-Einfluss nicht arbeiten, ergo darf ich mir in der Pause keinen Joint anzünden. Dachte das ist überall so.

  • formula1 Formula 1 Valtteri Bottas spotted leaving the Williams hospitality building. Autosport understands Bottas had a 15 minute meeting with James Vowles
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    Probably more Sauber is replacing him with Sainz.

  • dach
    Welche Kleinstpartei hat chancen ins EU-Parlament einzuziehen?

    Gibt es irgendwo infos wie die Chancen für bestimmte Parteien stehen ins Parlament einzuziehen? Ich kann mich mit keiner der großen Parteien so richtig identifizieren, aber ich will meine Stimme auch nicht an ne Partei verschenken die nachher eh nicht ins Parlament kommt. Die einzige Info die ich gefunden habe ist dass die Hürde wohl bei ca. 0,7% liegen wird.

    fragfeddit Frag Feddit Sind Mitarbeitergespräche wo ihr arbeitet Arbeitszeit?
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    ist deine Pause Arbeitszeit?

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf Verstörend! FDP-Politiker leckt Toiletten ab und malt sich Hitlerbart aus Fäkalien
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    Da bin ich andere Meinung. Das Internet ist riesig. Niemand zwingt dich da zu sein wo die videos sind. Wenn ich grade auf dem Weg zu nem wichtigen Termin bin muss ich eben genau da sein und kann nicht einfach die Ohren zuhalten und woanders hin. Ohrenzuhalten ist obendrein nicht sonderlich effektiv wenn jemand neben dir schreit, das verstehst du trotzdem.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf Verstörend! FDP-Politiker leckt Toiletten ab und malt sich Hitlerbart aus Fäkalien
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 100%

    Naja es ist ja jetzt eher so semi öffentlich. Du kannst dich dem relativ einfach entziehen indem du die Videos nicht anschaust. Er rennt ja nicht durch die Straßen und brüllt "Schaut mal schaut mal schaut mal, ich habe eine öffentliche Toilette abgeleckt!"

    Mit dem Parteibuch gebe ich dir recht, muss nur dazu sagen dass es wenigstens nicht blau oder braun ist.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf Verstörend! FDP-Politiker leckt Toiletten ab und malt sich Hitlerbart aus Fäkalien
  • Knuschberkeks Knuschberkeks 4 months ago 83%

    Ich versteh die Aufregung nicht. Kann er ja machen wenn's ihm Spaß macht? Wenigstens tut er damit niemand weh.

  • c64
    Commodore 64 Knuschberkeks 10 months ago 100%
    Can I safeley assume this CIA is dead?

    Hi, I am quite new to the C64 world. I have an Assy 250425 where everything works except up and right on Control port 2, as well as a few key combinations on the keyboard, tho all the keys work individually. My joystick works fine in Port 1. With a multimeter i checked continuity from the pins in the Port 2 to the respective pins on CIA 1 and they seem to all be working. My problem is I don't have the tools to desolder CIA 1 without destroying it, but I am scared to destroy a chip that is actually working. Are there any other tests I can do to make sure it's actually dead?

    Linux Knuschberkeks 1 year ago 100%
    resolvectl - command not found (Debian)

    Hi, I have a VPS running debian 12. If I run `resolvectl dns eth0` I get the output `-bash: resolvectl: command not found`. I thought resolvectl was part of systemd, so it should be available on a pretty much stock debian install.

    Git Knuschberkeks 1 year ago 100%
    What's to best way to integrate another repo into my own and keep it updated.

    Hi, I'm writing a script that incorporates some functionality from another script. The other script is developed and maintained by someone else, hosted on github and released under the MIT license. What is the best way to incorporate that other repo into my own with an easy way to keep it updated when the other developer releases a new version. I don't really intend to contribute to the other repo, just use their code.

    Pop!_OS (Linux) Knuschberkeks 1 year ago 100%
    How to I add to the list of default browsers?

    Hi, I want to change my default browser to Mullvad, but it doesn't show up in the drop down.

    Haupteingang Knuschberkeks 1 year ago 90%
    Englische Version der Regeln

    Hi, da englische user communities in dieser Instanz erlaubt sind wäre es vielleicht sinnvoll irgendwo eine englische Übersetzung der Regeln zu haben auf die man verweisen kann.

    Music Knuschberkeks 1 year ago 100%
    I created a community for Slayer fans

    feel free to join us at !

    Music Knuschberkeks 1 year ago 100%
    I created a community fo Slayer fans

    feel free to join us at !

    de_EDV Knuschberkeks 1 year ago 100%
    VoIP über bestehenden DSL-Anschluss

    Hi, ist jetzt vielleicht nicht zu 100% die richtige community, aber habe keine passendere gefunden. Ich habe folgendes problem: Ich habe meinen DSL-Anbieter gewechselt (1&1 hat plötzlich die Preise angehoben.) Habe dabei leider übersehen dass der neue Vertrag ein reiner Internet-Vertrag ohne telefonie ist. Ich habe beim neuen Anbieter nachgefragt ob man das nachträglich dazubuchen kann. Kann man, kostet aber 4€/Monat, was mir echt zu viel ist dafür dass ich den Festnetzanschluss sehr wenig nutze. Jetzt meine Frage: kann ich mir hier: einfach 3 Rufnummern holen und das dann irgendwie in meiner Fritzbox einrichten dass die Telefonie darüber läuft? Idealerweise würde ich dabei meine 3 Rufnummern von 1&1 mitnehmen.
