tumblr tumblr Real wisdom
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 3 days ago 100%

    Did you know that moose caused around 6000 car accidents in Sweden in 1980 alone? And between 1970 and 1985 they were the number one cause of motor vehicle accidents?

  • tumblr tumblr Real wisdom
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 4 days ago 100%

    And cute moose.

    The type of moose to make other moose go HWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

  • tumblr tumblr Real wisdom
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 4 days ago 100%

    (smirk) I was resisting the urge to post "my sister once bit a moose, you know" because I didn't think anyone would get it :)

  • tumblr tumblr Real wisdom
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 4 days ago 100%

    Maybe a train is about to get him by him.

  • tumblr tumblr Always bet on green :)
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 4 days ago 100%

    It is a multi-layered joke.

    There is a film called "The Muppets Take Manhattan" that is apparently not that well known. It is one of the "original" Muppet films, and is quite good. It's about Kermit moving to Manhattan to make it big on Broadway.

    This then plays into the idea that they've "taken Manhattan" in a military sense, and using an image of someone from Game of Thrones (I'm not a fan and have never watched it but I get the idea) the question is can they hold it if they were challenged.

    My title comes from the idea in roulette that you can bet on red, or black, or green. And since Kermit (the nominal leader of the Muppets) is green you should "always bet on green". The suggestion being I would always bet on The Muppets over any forces that could be martialled against them.

    Aren't you glad you asked?

  • tumblr tumblr And don't call me Shirley
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 7 days ago 100%

    You get a learner's permit first. Then you get your full license.

  • tumblr tumblr It's surprising how often The Good Place is applicable to the modern world
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 weeks ago 85%

    Kind of like Israel's justification for committing genocide.

  • tumblr
    tumblr GabrielBell12fi 3 weeks ago 96%
    It's surprising how often The Good Place is applicable to the modern world

    I know there is a lot of politics in the post but it was mostly about the last three panels :)

    tumblr tumblr Kind of curious how long it took for people to notice
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 3 weeks ago 100%

    But that's why he put fake arrow decals on the floor.

    He couldn't change the lights above, but if you insert fake arrows between the real ones, you could cause chaos.

    CHAOS I tell you!!!

  • tumblr tumblr You gotta have perspective
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 3 weeks ago 96%

    Okay -- I think I figured it out.

    Sorry about that. Turns out I am not that smart.

  • tumblr tumblr You gotta have perspective
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 3 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah -- I copied a gif and it pasted it as a PNG.

    If you have any advice on copying gifs I would gladly accept it :)

  • tumblr tumblr You gotta have perspective
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 3 weeks ago 96%

    So it turns out gifs don't work all that well. Sorry.

  • tumblr tumblr This is the future liberals want.
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 1 month ago 100%

    Whenever I see the phrase (on tumblr, on reddit, on the web in general), it is generally being used by liberals to highlight something that we think conservatives would wildly disapprove of and liberals would applaud.

    I've posted some images lower down (or higher up depending how you sort the thread I guess) about it, and don't want to post them again, but they give you the general idea. Mostly -- when I see it -- the phrase is used by liberals to mock conservatives about their views about how open and free the liberals think the world will be, and how truly appalling that will be and how sad and terrible a place it will become.

    So in this instance (and now that I am explaining this you get getting way more of a look into my head than I ever thought anyone would) my implication is that conservatives have set up a situation where if Harris wins, the term "First Female President of the USA" will refer to a black lady by default.

    This generally isn't the case in most western countries. (Sad, but true). When a "first female" something happens (Prime Minister, Leader of The House of Commons, Director of The Met Orchestra, head of a union, head of the space program, head of anything -- the first woman in any of these posts is generally white. This is true in the UK, and it is almost certainly true in America. (Unless the post is "head of an organisation specifically aimed at black people" then there's usually an exception)

    This is why when most "First woman" to hold a role (Prime Minister, Head of The Met, Lead Conductor of The Met etc) their race isn't mentioned at all because no one thinks twice about it.

    But if Harris becomes the First Female President, then the Second Female President (if she is white) would have to be noted as "The First Female White President" or just "The Second Female President"

    It is just something that some people find interesting, and kind of funny.

    It is also something that a lot of people wouldn't think about, because the missing word in "First Female" would never occur to them.

  • tumblr tumblr Well that was predictable
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 1 month ago 100%


    I am also from Europe (the UK specifically) and whether someone is going to be the best person in the whole history of humanity or (for want of a better phrase) the most idle, useless wastrel known to humankind I still believe they deserve the basic support of the welfare system, and shouldn't be left to starve to death on the streets. Because what does it say about a society that does that to someone?

    You don't help someone for a reward, or for what you will get out of them, you help them because they are a human being who needs help.

    And if you need a better reason (because clearly some people do) you help them because if you were in that situation you hope someone would help you.

  • tumblr tumblr Well that was predictable
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 1 month ago 33%

    I was going to ask what countries the aid goes to, and what classes as aid.

  • tumblr tumblr Well that was predictable
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 1 month ago 100%

    I think the point being made is this :- teachers find a job. Then they teach. They produce the product (knowledge) which is given to kids and teenagers.

    Kids and teenagers do not pay for this. They go to school (up to a given age) for free. And everyone seems happy with this point of view. Education is a right.

    And sure -- teachers don't have a fundamental right to a teaching job, but that isn't the point. The point is kids have a fundamental right to the product the teachers make -- knowledge.

  • tumblr tumblr Well that was predictable
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 1 month ago 100%

    Let's go another way with this.

    I don't know if you have any kids or not -- this is entirely hypothetical. But I have discovered people think more about a topic the less abstract it is.

    You have two kids, aged 4 and 5. Then you get hit by an asteroid that kills you. No one else can take them in.

    Wouldn't you like for the state to look after them? To at least give them food, water, shelter and care until they grow up until they are eighteen? To do all this whether they can earn their way or not? To do it just because it is the right thing to do?

    Not because they believe the kids will pay them back or be worth something when they grow up, but because they believe the kids have worth now simply because they are living, sentient human beings?

    Or would you rather that your kids are left out on the street to die? forced to make their own way in the world at the age of 4 and 5? that they will only be fed if they can show they have worth?

    Just curious.

  • tumblr tumblr Well that was predictable
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 1 month ago 100%

    Reddit is France now?

  • tumblr tumblr Well that was predictable
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 1 month ago 100%

    "Can you believe this SoleInvictus guy? I just write a simple comment and now he's got me talking directly to the internet in some sort of fourth wall break thing? I mean is that even a thing with the internet, given that it doesn't even have a wall?" (Gabe shrugs) "Or is it an infinite wall break, what with all the monitors, phones, tablets, smart tvs and the like I must be staring out at this point?" (looks around with a paranoid expression) "Well, thanks for listening, but I'm going somewhere I can sit down and have a nice cup of Bovril" (slowly backs away into the shadows until nothing remains but the after image)

  • tumblr tumblr Well that was predictable
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 1 month ago 50%

    In my defence (and okay, it's a very limited and crappy defence) my post said "According to the debate, they had their reasons. But still – when one hundred and eighty six nations say one thing, and two say another, you have to wonder about the two."

    So I sort of presented a balanced argument. Not a very balanced one, but I did present an attempt at putting America and Israel's side, even if it was a half-arsed one.

  • tumblr tumblr Well that was predictable
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 1 month ago 65%

    Is it propaganda if it's true?

  • tumblr tumblr Well that was predictable
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 1 month ago 100%

    The OP checked. The OP knows it was from 2021.

    The OP also likes talking about himself in the third person. Because The OP thinks its fun.

  • tumblr tumblr This is the future liberals want.
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 1 month ago 100%

    (grin) It's more of a generic thing.

    The phrase "This is the future liberals want" is something you see a lot on tumblr, and sometimes other places :)

  • tumblr
    tumblr GabrielBell12fi 1 month ago 96%
    Well that was predictable

    According to the debate, they had their reasons. But still -- when one hundred and eighty six nations say one thing, and two say another, you have to wonder about the two.

    tumblr tumblr Simples.
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 100%

    Which would be relevant if the athletes were trans.

    But they aren't. So it isn't.

    Which makes bringing it up pointless.

  • tumblr tumblr Simples.
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 100%

    You say that like the right wing isn't 80% parody by this point :)

  • tumblr
    tumblr GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 96%

    I'm just picturing that robot from Star Trek (the one thinking about "this sentence is false") going "huh" and then blowing up........

    tumblr tumblr trump got asked if he was gender fluid in the interview
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 100%

    "Greatness" is a gender now? Does this mean it should be included on all the drop downs?

    Male/Female/Non-Binary/Greatness/Prefer Not To Say?

    The MAGAs are going to suddenly embrace more than two genders is their Lord and Saviour has a third one, that much I can promise you.

  • news News R. Kelly petitions U.S. Supreme Court to overturn sex crimes convictions based on statute of limitations
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 100%

    "It would vacate his conviction and get him out of prison. His life after may not be great, but he still has money."

    That I can understand -- the getting out of prison part. (Sorry -- I don't pay any attention to most of this and really wasn't aware he was in jail).

  • news News R. Kelly petitions U.S. Supreme Court to overturn sex crimes convictions based on statute of limitations
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 100%

    But (and I admit this is where my knowledge of what's going on in the US gets a bit sketchy because I live in the UK and -- okay -- don't care all that much) wasn't Cosby's conviction overturned on a technicality? And as far as I can tell he hasn't regained his former glory and former status as "America's Dad"?

  • news News R. Kelly petitions U.S. Supreme Court to overturn sex crimes convictions based on statute of limitations
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 83%

    Merits of the request aside (because I really have no clue) how does this possibly help him?

    Does he think the entire world is just going to forget he was originally convicted? That we are just going to go "Oh -- there's that guy who wasn't ever found guilty of looking at child porn and doing sex things with kids"?

    Do people who are convicted of stuff then acquitted on technicalities really think that the public just forget all their past crimes because a piece of paper says "sorry -- they were prosecuted one day too late"?

  • tumblr tumblr It is a utopia
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 100%

  • tumblr tumblr It is a utopia
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 100%


    (sorry -- first thing that popped into my head).

  • tumblr
    tumblr GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 98%
    It is a utopia
    tumblr tumblr How rude!
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 100%

    Having had this condition since I was born, confidence isn't a problem at this point. If I think I need to stay seated, I just look them in the eye and say "no".

    The only time I am willing to not do this (willing not do this? You get the idea) is if I genuinely believe the person asking is in more need than me at the given time, because -- you know -- the greater good :)

  • tumblr tumblr Okay, let's try this again
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 100%

    To be honest, I didn't post this because of the fact it criticises Spanish.

    I posted it because of the last two lines -- where someone refers to a non-binary girl and a non-binary boy and the guy below says "Yeah, we need to talk" cause that just made me burst out laughing when I read it :)

    But apparently I was the only one?

  • tumblr tumblr Okay, let's try this again
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 85%

    Yeah -- it kind of loses something when you retell it out of context, but I'll give it a go :-

    Agent Bork: Chief, you know that guy whose camper they were whacking off in?

    Agent Fleming: Bork, you're a Federal Agent. You represent the United States government. Never end a sentence with a preposition.

    See I am a huge grammar nerd, and I find grammar jokes, and dangling modifier jokes and so on, really funny.

    But given the general level of humour in "Beavis and Butthead" I wasn't expecting this sort of joke, and it entirely caught me by surprise, and made me laugh for five minutes. I just thought it was far funnier and far better than most of the humour in the film.

    Yeah, okay. Maybe it's just me.

  • tumblr tumblr Okay, let's try this again
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 100%

    Isn't that what happens when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie?

  • tumblr tumblr Okay, let's try this again
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 88%

    But not ending a sentence with a preposition lead to a surprising grammar joke in "Beavis and Butthead Do America" which was one of the highlights of my early twenties.

    It was really something magnificent to behold :)

  • tumblr tumblr Okay, let's try this again
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 30%

    Okay, let's try this again, but for an entirely different reason this time...........

  • tumblr tumblr Correction before the Jackals can get in
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 100%

    I admit it took me a second :)

  • tumblr tumblr Okay, let's try this again
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 94%

    The tumblr part adds 2000 notes :)

  • tumblr tumblr Miss you Andre
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 2 months ago 100%

  • tumblr tumblr I want to play with the leopards
  • GabrielBell12fi GabrielBell12fi 3 months ago 100%

    Who am I thinking of then?

    Oh! Blue rinse!

    I know there was a blue involved somewhere :)

    (And not just the films that Johnny Sims was in. Fnar!!!)

  • tumblr
    tumblr GabrielBell12fi 3 months ago 96%
    Hogwarts is a dumpster fire

    Cross cultural misunderstandings can be hilarious

    tumblr GabrielBell12fi 4 months ago 98%
    You realise, of course, this means war

    You can probably infer from this that I am an avid user of Quora, so I did not take this post lightly.

    tumblr GabrielBell12fi 4 months ago 97%
    That went well
    tumblr GabrielBell12fi 4 months ago 98%
    How rude!
    tumblr GabrielBell12fi 5 months ago 82%
    Turning, turning, turning back the years........

    Sometimes you just need a bit of drama and angst in your life

    tumblr GabrielBell12fi 5 months ago 96%
    tumblr GabrielBell12fi 5 months ago 95%
    This is why I love tumblr

    Not because they think gay people are delicious (although they are). But because posts start off in one place then veer off wildly somewhere else until you really cannot work out where you are any more. It has had a huge influence on my writing style -- the number of times I will start writing a post, or an answer, or something, then go off on a wild tangent that has nothing to do with the original topic, then realise I started off talking about love, then veered into setting people on fire, then went back to love, then went on to the topic of scary monsters creeping up behind you, then went back to love and I am pretty sure it is because of this. Who would've thought tumblr was one of my biggest literary influences?

    tumblr GabrielBell12fi 5 months ago 94%
    Who saw it coming?
    tumblr GabrielBell12fi 5 months ago 94%
    Bad dog