chapotraphouse chapotraphouse This is just an elaborate way to kill yourself
  • Frank Frank 12 hours ago 100%


  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse What do you think would happen in New Yorkkk KKKops staged riots in the city to flip NY to Trump?
  • Frank Frank 12 hours ago 100%

    Idk if they're smart enough to actually do that, but I think they could definitely fuck shit up. It's a 50,000 strong paramilitary force with excellent resources, communication, and a lot of esprit du corps. Their big liability would be that they're inept cowards with no combat experience. I suppose if they fucked up enough voting booths and falsified enough ballots they could do something but idk enough about voting in NY to guess if they could actually flip it.

    Though, if they could just totally fuck it up and remove NY's votes from the process, that might cause some real shit on the national level.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse This is just an elaborate way to kill yourself
  • Frank Frank 12 hours ago 100%

    PCT has become extremely hazardous in the last few years due to global warming. Less water, more fires, much more intense heat. It's pretty grim.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse This is just an elaborate way to kill yourself
  • Frank Frank 12 hours ago 100%

    Yeh. The hike to Mordor was all through temperate England. And even Mordor wasn't anywhere near as bad as the Western US deserts.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse This is just an elaborate way to kill yourself
  • Frank Frank 12 hours ago 100%

    Yeh. The walk to Mordor was much more hospitable than trekking across the American West.

    I want to say that Mordor proper was actually pretty fertile agricultural land and that's why Sauron was able to project so much power - He had a very strong industrial and agricultural base to operate from.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse This is just an elaborate way to kill yourself
  • Frank Frank 12 hours ago 100%

    It's doable if you have a significant support group that can cache food and water for you and drive you too and from shelter at night. Long distance treks like this usually rely on having a lot of help.

    Doing it alone, though, you're right, it's just a very complicated way to seriously injure yourself. If you're a hundred miles from anywhere and roll your ankle without someone who can come get you you're going ot have a bad day.

  • covid covid Anecdotally, it feels like people around me are being affected by COVID
  • Frank Frank 12 hours ago 100%

    Social issues can exacerbate the biomedical stuff, making it all worse. Tons of kids lost their grandparents in the last four years, along with other family members, just as one example. Their parents have post-infection problems that frustrate the parents, that anger and frusrtation effects the kids even if the parents don't take it out on them, it makes the behavioral problems worse. kids are already stressed and then stuck in a boiler with other stressed kids, everyone's sick all the time, their parents are stressed from the profiteering on food and rent and everything.

    It all feeds back on itself. Refusing to stop Covid was a world historical sin that can never be made right.

  • games games Half-Life 2 Combine AI demonstration
  • Frank Frank 12 hours ago 100%

    You can get NPCs to do effective small unit tactics with like three lines of code but when I try to train a rifle team I have to break out behavioral psychology to convince people to hide from bullets.

  • latam latam Paulo Reglus Neves Freire - New General Megathread for the 18th-19th of September 2024
  • Frank Frank 12 hours ago 100%

    If the server crashes it's too many pictures because then I won't be able to post about it.

    You can upload them to imgur if you want.

  • latam latam Paulo Reglus Neves Freire - New General Megathread for the 18th-19th of September 2024
  • Frank Frank 12 hours ago 100%

    Centralized gooning management system to optimize gooning productivity.

  • latam latam Paulo Reglus Neves Freire - New General Megathread for the 18th-19th of September 2024
  • Frank Frank 12 hours ago 100%

    Real "marriage is a business contract between two men" hours who up?

  • latam latam Paulo Reglus Neves Freire - New General Megathread for the 18th-19th of September 2024
  • Frank Frank 12 hours ago 100%


  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • Frank Frank 1 day ago 100%

    How in the absolute fuck is this real? Bad enough that everything is back-doored to hell, now consumer electronics potentially have explosives hidden in that that can be remotely triggered by rogue states?!

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Are there any places online where cishet men do the "omg a pretty girl looked at me and I forgot how to exist" memes that you find in some lesbian spaces?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    Gender and sexuality as social performance : p you can't just be, you also have to do the musical dance number correctly.

  • technology technology Amazon Tells Corporate Workers to Be Back in the Office 5 Days a Week
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    It's super cool that harris is floating the "china did covid" thin now.

  • history history Hildegard von Bingen - New General Megathread for the 16th-17th of September 2024
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    Many people seem unable to understand that, like, structural violence exists independently of whether someone is "nice" or not.

  • history history Hildegard von Bingen - New General Megathread for the 16th-17th of September 2024
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    Horses are the least sentient creatures in the world, until they get an idea that will definitely kill them and become sixth dimensional hyper-geniuses trying to pull it off.

  • history history Hildegard von Bingen - New General Megathread for the 16th-17th of September 2024
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    Bluesky sucks so much ass and not in a fun way.

    Where is weird twitter? Dril is on Bluesky but I can't find anyone else.

  • drugs Drugs best stack for paintball game?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    When it comes to combat sports I am the stop having funnest guy. Sorry. But it really is worth being careful.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse My goodness - Mr. Vance - despite being a Yale Law grad you have misused an idiom.
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    Bluesky sucks so much ass. It's just the tut tutting scolds from Twitter without weird twitter or any fascists to yell at.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Are there any places online where cishet men do the "omg a pretty girl looked at me and I forgot how to exist" memes that you find in some lesbian spaces?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    now that you mention this when I was, idk, maybe 12? I got so flustered by a pretty girl I walked in to a swimming pool. Haven't thought abut that in thirty years.

  • drugs Drugs best stack for paintball game?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 90%

    Yeh. Take half a dose of ibuprofen before, make sure to drink water and eat snacks during, and be prepared to be sore after.

  • drugs Drugs best stack for paintball game?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    Don't do drugs when you're playing combat sports. You need to be alert and listen to commands for your own safety and the safety of others. A paintball can easily and permanently blind someone if you fuck up.

  • europe europe Do the British not rinse dishes after washing them?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%


    Also, ffs pour a bucket of water over you're head when you're done in the bath.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    It's always been this way. People just forgot. In the 60s and 70s it was bombs, and the lynchings go all the way back.

    At any rate, this is America at it's lowest ebb of violence possibly since it was created.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    Eucalyptus; The tree that will literally self-immolate for no reason at all except, possibly, spite.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    Liberals when someone acts rationally as though the things liberals believed were real and immediate; tails-what

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    Something bad or violent happened in America? Well, it was definitely caused by some poorly defined "mental illness" and it couldn't possibly be an expected outcome of four hundred years of bloodshed, oppression, poverty, and unspeakable cruelty.

    Definitely just those crazy people. We should probably make them illegal.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Are there any places online where cishet men do the "omg a pretty girl looked at me and I forgot how to exist" memes that you find in some lesbian spaces?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%


  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Are there any places online where cishet men do the "omg a pretty girl looked at me and I forgot how to exist" memes that you find in some lesbian spaces?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    Aww. That's cute. : )

  • askchapo askchapo Why is TERFism so popular in Britain in particular?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    It's a whole thing where British feminism has historically been confined to the white middle income professional class and never spread in to the working class or developed intersectionality the way us feminisms did. It resulted in a very narrow feminism that never fully shed the prejudices of the 1890s. Things have gotten better but there remains a cadre of British feminism adherents who loudly maintain a reductive and bigoted feminism.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Are there any places online where cishet men do the "omg a pretty girl looked at me and I forgot how to exist" memes that you find in some lesbian spaces?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%


  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Are there any places online where cishet men do the "omg a pretty girl looked at me and I forgot how to exist" memes that you find in some lesbian spaces?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    I am reading a whole ass bell hooks book about this. Very slowly.

  • art art Alucard Peter Griffin by @iamkowai on twitter
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    Mmm yes extremely cursed exquisite.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Are there any places online where cishet men do the "omg a pretty girl looked at me and I forgot how to exist" memes that you find in some lesbian spaces?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    I have seen softboi performative harmlessness in action and ickkkkkkkkkkk that shit is frightening. Like, trying to clear a stalker off a neighbor's porch when he was doing the full softboi emo thing, or a guy I knew who was in his late thirties but always dating seriously mentally ill 20 somethings and being extremely manipulative towards them with softboi bullshit. : p

  • history history Hildegard von Bingen - New General Megathread for the 16th-17th of September 2024
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    True dat. There's a lot of passive cooling techniques but they're climate dependent.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Are there any places online where cishet men do the "omg a pretty girl looked at me and I forgot how to exist" memes that you find in some lesbian spaces?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    Right? There's a scene in the battle angel alita movie where the love interest gives Alita an orange and her face just lights up and I have very many feelings like how amazing would it be to give someone you love the experience of an orange for the first time omgmgmgmmgmmgmgmggllglglfedofryeduirfundmorifdcneruoedncrdks! B!!!


  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Are there any places online where cishet men do the "omg a pretty girl looked at me and I forgot how to exist" memes that you find in some lesbian spaces?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    Word. I'm really careful about compliments. I never compliment someone's body, it's always something related to skill or taste - you make that dress look great, your makeup is on point, those boots look so cool. I always try to direct compliments towards something that acknowledges a person's agency and the effort they put in to their appearance and presentation, to try to center and acknowledge them as a person rather than creating them as a body that exists for male perception and pleasure.

    Cause, like, otherwise, you're just saying "your body conforms to beauty standards in a way I find sexually appealing". There's nothing in that about the person, it's dehumanizing, reducing someone to a social ideal instead of engaging with an individual.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Are there any places online where cishet men do the "omg a pretty girl looked at me and I forgot how to exist" memes that you find in some lesbian spaces?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 96%

    Okay, so - R Crumb and Frank Frazetta. Both horny as hell, drawing very stylized, sexualized women. Now, compare them to anime waifu art.

    Crumb and Frank, I'm going to say, they see women that actually exist in the world. They draw women in a very stylized fashion, but they actually look like and art meant to be understood as real women.

    And then you've got the anime waifu crowd; the waifus aren't representations of anything or anyone real. They're not stylized representations of women, they're like second order simulacra - anime women look like anime women and are only distantly representations of actually existing women.

    Like, crumb? The women he draws have massive thights and unreasonably bouyant boobs and so forth, but I think that shows what Crumb sees when he looks at real people. Those are qualities that he sees in actual people and finds beautiful. The stylized exxageration is over-emphasizing something real. Crumb sees real women in the world and draws that.

    Same think with Frank. His attention to anatomy and dynamic poses is excellent. He draws people in motion the way people actually move. That's someone who studied the human body in a very deliberate way and reproduces the human body with skill, creativity, and joy. Again, very stylized, hyperreal, but it's a representation of what Frank sees when he looks at real people.

    But then the anime waifus, they don't look like people nor are they supposed to. They're not drawings of women, they're drawings of waifus.

    I think that's kind of what i'm getting at somehow. Like so much of how cishet men talk about women, how they create women in online spaces, it's not really women, it's not people that really exist. It's these really abstracted simulacra that don't really reflect anything real.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Are there any places online where cishet men do the "omg a pretty girl looked at me and I forgot how to exist" memes that you find in some lesbian spaces?
  • Frank Frank 2 days ago 100%

    We're sonnet-maxxing. We're crumb-pilled

  • chapotraphouse
    chapotraphouse Frank 2 days ago 98%
    Are there any places online where cishet men do the "omg a pretty girl looked at me and I forgot how to exist" memes that you find in some lesbian spaces?

    this has been on my mind a lot. I follow some lesbian meme shitposting groups and there's tons of memes that are just like "This girl looked at me and I died and then she smiled at me and I came back to life" and I just cannot think of any cishet men's spaces that bring that have that level of absolutely dorky dysfunctional love for women. And, like, cishet men, their whole thing is supposed to be being in to women, and that just strikes me as really weird that there's not an equivalent. Like the closest I can think of is wife guy memes but that's just one wife, usually. Do any spaces like that exist? Is it even possible given the way gender works in society?

    memes Frank 3 days ago 100%

    In the final act of Seven Samurai Kikuchiyo prominently readies a half a dozen swords, in addition to his personal big sword, to ready himself for the final fight. "I CAN'T KILL LOTS WITH ONE SWORD!"

    chapotraphouse Frank 3 days ago 100%
    It appears that POLITICS are happening in the Sao Paola mayoral race.

    Regrettably I don't speak Portuguese and have no context at all so if anyone can explain what's going on I'd appreciate it.

    music Frank 6 days ago 100%
    Adagio for Strings. Kharak is burning.

    What if you came home and your home was gone?

    chapotraphouse Frank 6 days ago 100%
    Disgusting new DEI woke music smdh

    SMDH all this woke music now back in the day we used to believe IN GOD not IN DEI! yes, I know Youtube bot. Yes, I tried Invidious. No, I could not get it to work.

    memes Frank 6 days ago 100%
    Working on this idea

    My brain's pretty fried so idk if I'll finish it up, but you get the gist; Democrat/Liberals interest in human rights is purely about self-serving image and, as much as I hate the term, virtue signalling. There's no actual political beliefs or commitments backing it up.

    chapotraphouse Frank 1 week ago 100%
    An electrical submarine ram is a silly idea. Also, it looks nothing like a Nautilis

    The chambered or pearly nautilus is a cephalopod (a type of mollusk)—a distant cousin to squids, octopi, and cuttlefish. Unlike its color-changing cousins, though, the soft-bodied nautilus lives inside its hard external shell. The shell itself has many closed interior chambers or “compartments.”

    badposting Frank 1 week ago 100%

    In no particular order - The Dianetics - Diane Feinstein - Dain II Ironfoot - Diagna - Diogenes - Dicot - Diplodocus - Defenstration - The Diuretic - Diane to meet you

    chapotraphouse Frank 1 week ago 100%
    You think everything sucks because if Dei? I AGREE.

    * M * I * L * I * T * A * N * T * A * T * H * E * I * S * M * LET US CUT GOD AND SEE IF HE BLEEDS! * M * I * L * I * T * A * N * T * A * T * H * E * I * S * M *

    chapotraphouse Frank 1 week ago 86%
    Kill em ala harris

    Kill ramala harris That's all i could come up with.

    chapotraphouse Frank 1 week ago 100%
    I am no longer dying on hills. Once my enemies march their tired sweaty asses to the top of my hill I am going to crucify them as an example to the others. Get the fuck off my hill. All you will find

    I am no longer dying on hills. Once my enemies march their tired sweaty asses to the top of my hill I am going to crucify them as an example to the others. Get the fuck off my hill. All you will find here is humiliation and shame. And god help you if I come down off my hill because it's a pita to walk back up there so if I'm going all the way to the bottom I'm going to make it count.

    games Frank 2 weeks ago 98%
    This concept of "parallel play" as a form of play where young children play adjacent to each other but independently is always on my mind when playing online games.

    I swear i see this behavior that's supposedly an early childhood behavior in children 2-5 all the time online. People in team games who seem unable, incapable, not just of cooperating as a team but als unable to recognize cooperation as helpful or desirable. Currently it's my going theory as to why some people breeze through helldivers while others suffer great frustration with the game; team players with mediocre skills and basic game knowledge will succeed, while a group of four individuals who do not cooperate, even if each of htem has better shooting skills, movement, or response times, will fail. And what's fascinating is the people who seem unable to see and understand that. I've played large scale multiplayer games where the devs radically changed the core game experience because a player faction that leveraged team play and cooperation completely dominated other factions despite having, on average, less skilled players. Teamwork and communication were overwhelming force multipliers that the other factions could not overcome to degree that it was driving players away from the game. My current jones is figuring out what drives a small but extremely vicious group of angry players in helldivers 2 and i think that ultimately, when analyzed from sufficient difference, the problem is a sub-set of players who cannot play cooperatively, do not realize they cannot play cooperatively, and so they feel bullied and persecuted when they fail in a game that requires teamwork and cooperation. For these players, unaware of their inability to cooperate, these failures can only be explained by malicious design choices by the devs. Since they do not or cannot understand that the game requires them to work with others to succeed the only explanation they can come up with is that the devs are attacking them. When a weapon is bugged in a way that allows an individual to bulldoze the game alone this group flocks to it and believes that they must use the weapon bc, from their perspective, that broken weapon is the only possible way to succeed. They simply do not, maybe can not, understand that other players can and do succeed. They do not seem to see teamwork and do not understand on a conceptual level what teamwork is or what it accomplishes. They can only view the game from the perspective of themselves as an isolated individual. And, so, when the devs fix a bug in a weapon that caused it to wildly overperform, these players believe they have been attacked for no reason. They were enjoying the game, then the devs maliciously broke their toy, now they cannot enjoy the devs. The only explanation they can conjure is that the devs are persecuting them out of malice. For months I've been completely fascinated by the disparity by what players in online forums say about the game and what i understand about the game's mechanics and what I observe in the game. Online people will say, with rigid and inflexible certainty, that it is impossible to complete the game without a specific "meta" loadout. They seem completely convinced of this. And the plain fact is that many players are able to breeze through the most challenging content with little difficulty. And the gap seems unbridgable. No amount of evidence will shift some people. Many of them very vocally reject any attempt at education. It's a personal concern to me because I do quite well at the game and play at the highest difficulty. Seeing a vocal minority of players demand that the game be made dramatically less complex and less challenging concerns me because if such changes are made I will not be able to enjoy the game. And the devs seem to be taking this minority very seriously and are describing changes they want to make to the game that will fundamentally change it. And it won't work. It's a contradiction. It's a four player, team oriented game. If it's simplified to the point where individuals can succeed alone it will not be satisfying to team players. If it's made to satisfy team players it will not be suitable for loners. The small dev team cannot bridge this gap by creating essentially two separate games to appease each group. And it seems like they're going to try. It's very unfortunate. Part of how i figured this out was a long, somewhat heated discussion with a pair of software engineers about why some people had so much trouble with the game. They put forth various changes to the mechanics of the game, none of which seemed to me to be relevant or to address the problem. They, in turn, were short with me and began speaking like i was a child who couldn't understanf simple concepts. And eventually a third party pointed out why we couldn't agree. They're software engineers. To them the problem must lie in the software and the solution is to fiddle with it. I'm an anthropologist. I identified the problem as lying in the cultural beliefs and expectations of some players. The changes they were positing would all fail, not because of anything to do with their solutions, but becuase *the player population would never engage with the solutions". That was the gap. They didn't understand that no matter how they fiddled with things, they were trying to appease a group of people who are completely disinterested in learning or change, and who will not deviate from their behavior the engage with changes in game systems, in-game attempts at education, or tweaks to the parameters of weapons and enemies. They thought i was an idiot who rejected all their proposals because i couldn't understand the basics of games design, where I identified the problem as lying not within the game but within a subsection of the culture playing the game. If that conversation sounds extremely frustrating; that's what being an anthropologist is like *all the time*. We study culture, and for most people culture is just as invisible and inexplicable as quantum mechanics. It just doesn't exist for most people and as such it's excruciating trying to communicate about culture. Stem people especially believe that they're rational individuals who exist completely by themselves and are quite hard to reach. Culture is soft and squishy, so it must not be real or important. Telling them that this is a cultural belief they hold does nothing to help the matter.

    badposting Frank 2 weeks ago 100%
    proposing /c/BlightTown

    We need somewhere for posts that are so straggeringly bad they can prompt nothing but suffering for hours.

    chapotraphouse Frank 2 weeks ago 100%
    Tom Lehrer - We'll all go together when we go

    CW: Tom uses the term "Hotentot" which is an old slur/exonym for San people, as well as "Eskimo" which is a slur among Canadian First Nations (though accepted by some Alaska Natives.)

    chapotraphouse Frank 2 weeks ago 100%
    Tom Lehrer - We'll all go together when we go

    CW: Tom uses the term "Hotentot" which is an old slur/exonym for San people, as well as "Eskimo" which is a slur among Canadian First Nations (though accepted by some Alaska Natives.)

    chapotraphouse Frank 4 weeks ago 98%
    Reminder that Kennedy went to Appalachia in '68 and despite being John Kennedy humans were able to actually communicate with this weird being.

    American politics are an absolute goddamn carnival show. Look how fucking *normal* everyone looks here. Bored, upset, many of them clearly need to shit. And there's John, doing his best to make audible noises using vocal chords like he's one of them. Actually making an effort. Something did change in thee last 50 years. The bizarre creatures that run this country used to be able to actually pass as human for a few hours at a time. What is the secret? What did our ancient kings know that their D(banned word those canadians say on the show) descendants today have forgotten?

    games Frank 4 weeks ago 100%

    Since I encompass knowledge of all things I prepared this meem for you 9 months in advance.

    chapotraphouse Frank 4 weeks ago 91%
    Documentary on grima de machete. It's in Spanish, I understand very little spanish, but I'm pretty sure it's cool.

    I can only follow some of this, but it seems cool. There are a number of martial arts in central and south America that were developed by enslaved people who were denied any arms except the machetes they used for agricultural work.

    chapotraphouse Frank 1 month ago 100%
    Important news: i am on a train

    I am! ![train-shining]( "emoji train-shining")

    chapotraphouse Frank 1 month ago 100%
    It's over. It's finally over. Now, at last, I can die.

    I have defeated the internet, comrades. The curse is lifted!

    badposting Frank 1 month ago 96%
    When I become King of America I will be banning the "Video Essay" on pain of death

    No, I do not want to listen to you yell "HEY CHAT WHAT'S UP?!?" followed by four and a half hours of talking that could be summed up in two or at most three paragraphs

    chapotraphouse Frank 1 month ago 93%
    What the entire actual fuck is wrong with Democrats?

    What the fuck level of cult of personality even is this? They're writing fan fic about their fucking overlords. What the fuck I cannot emphasize enough what the fuck?

    chapotraphouse Frank 1 month ago 98%
    Democrats understand literally ANY SINGLE THING about your enemies challenge level you know, the thing

    Democrats have negative intelligence. They are intelligent tool using homonids just like normal people, but they diligently use their intelligence to find new and exciting ways not to understand a single goddamn thing about the world around them. They just do not fucking understand at all, in any way whatsoever, who the fash (well, the other fash) are and why they believe what they believe and behave as they behave. The amount of pig-headed ignorance, the absolute refusal to understand the enemy, is *FUCKING INCREDIBLE*.

    chapotraphouse Frank 2 months ago 99%
    The Matrix: the woman in the red dress

    There's a quick shot where Neo, the one, the christ figure who sees the world in it's true shape and delivers the people from capitalism/the demiurge, has a pair of doves, a traditional symbol of peace, liberation, and the catholic holy spirit, framed above his head. And opposing him is Agent Elrond, holding a gigantic Israeli designed Desert Eagle Pistol, and directly above that pistol flies the red, white, and blue flag of the united states. In a scene where every single person except the lady in red is wearing black and white that flag is the *only* other thing with bright colors. Placed over a gun pointed at the savior. This movie is so fucking incredible. If you weren't their in the twilight hours of the end of history, the last days of the century of atomic bombs and digital computers and slinkies, I don't think you'll ever really understand. Also notice how a cop writing traffic tickets is clearly, unambiguously, and explicitly framed as the enemy. They shot so many fucking cops in this movie it was glorious. In the Matrix the terrorists were wise, enlightened, principled, and absolutely correct. They shot cops, blew up buildings, hacked computers, and they were unquestionably the good guys. Their cause was righteous and their means were justified. Also, compared to Keanu's role in Cyberpunk 77 decades later; a dreary, vapid story where revolution is unthinkable, liberation impossible, and there's only empty violence and fancy graphics. And you work for the cops.

    chapotraphouse Frank 2 months ago 93%
    Tim Walz ordered thousands of soldiers to occupy my city. There were armored men with guns and armored military vehicles everywhere. He did this to protect a murdercop.

    I've tried and tried and tried to hammer this in to Libs; It wasn't Trump who sent the US Army in to my city to crush democratic organizing and political unrest, to protect a white cop and uphold white supremacy, to hold the population at gunpoint while the deeply corrupt and illegitimate judiciary did it's thing. It was Tim Walz. He deployed thousands of US Army soldiers throughout Minneapolis in the days surrounding the reading of the verdict of one of the George Floyd murder cases. If the judiciary let that cop walk free he was going to maintain order no matter how many (black) people he had to murder to do it. I was trying to reassure my friends that the feds probably hadn't issued ammunition to all the National Guard pukes marching through the streets, that the armored cars didn't actually have machine guns fitted, but idk what the fuck they would have done if people had risen up in the aftermath if what's his ass had been allowed to walk. I assume they brought in a military occupation because they intended to use it.

    chapotraphouse Frank 2 months ago 98%
    The Admins are attempting to suppress my posting

    The tyranny of Communism on full display!

    electoralism Frank 2 months ago 100%
    Kopmala is speaking to the US Olympians. Dunno how much time is left on this one.

    I think this is live. I think this woman might actually be able to draw a clock.

    askchapo Frank 2 months ago 95%
    Since I'm just in a flat spin with no chance of recovery; Biden and Harris, especially Biden, disenfranchised an enormous number of likely Dem voters via felony convinctions and massive police state

    Has anyone ever tabulated how many people are barred from the franchise because they recieved felony convictions due to Biden's famous crime bill? Oops hit the wrong comm. How do y'all feel about banana pudding? Yea? Nay?

    memes Frank 2 months ago 90%
    Who must go?

    Going from top left to bottom right; An image of biden consulting with several men. The caption says "Opinion, Biden tells Syrian activists he still thinks assad must go". The colors have been distorted to a sickly shade and the image has been manipulated with an unsettling wave. Image: Assad holding his ear to listen attently. Image: Biden looking pained, staring down at his lectern. Above his head the words "IT'S JOEVER" are prominently displayed. The colors have been distorted to look sad and oppressive. Image: Two chads, their heads replaced with a smiling assad and a coronavirus particle, are doing a jumping high five. Behind them a smiling Assad stands in front of an electoral map of the US showing Assad with 538 electoral college votes and Trump and Biden with 0. There is a hexbear logo in the bottom right. The background is an offensively bright shade of pink with the words "It's Joever" repeated over and over and over again, canted at an angle

    badposting Frank 2 months ago 96%
    We finally pushed Biden left!

    He left the white house
