news News Study: Increasing minimum wage does not reduce jobs
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 11 hours ago 100%

    Spokaners do not drive across the border into Coeur d’Alene for cheaper groceries or a half-price Big Mac.

    I actively boycott any and all ID businesses, because of the state's shitty labor and reproductive-rights laws and its nurture of Christofascism. They can Gilead all they want but it won't be with my financial support.

  • news News Amazon tells employees to return to office five days a week
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 days ago 87%

    I haven't bought anything via the Amazon site in years. At least three, possibly five or more. Anything I need I can get elsewhere either online or in person without supporting Amazon's anti-union, worker-exploiting policies. I won't even use AWS for business purposes because of how they treat their workers. Boycott away, there are plenty of Amazon options that are "good enough" if not actually better.

  • news News Most US voters say plastics industry should be held responsible for recycling claims – report
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 week ago 100%

    Ah yes, the fumes. That "Waste To Energy" incinerator is west of town in the area known as "West Plains", near I90, near the airport, and not far from Fairchild AFB which these days is a locus of refueling operations and other support functions. Huge, 4-engined planes coming and going all day long. Long ago the AF firefighting ops polluted the groundwater there with PFAS chemicals and much of it is no longer fit to drink. Between that, the air pollution from military and civil air operations, and whatever comes out of the stacks at the W2E plant, I have to imagine the denizens of the area have evolved some powerful pollution-resistant genetics. Or maybe they just die young from cancer and respiratory and neurological diseases. Fortunately it's a pretty low-income zone (think 'typical military town' - old skool Bremerton-ish) so all that disease can just be blamed on personal poor decision-making (like the decision to live there). A shame really, West Plains now has a ginormous Amazon warehouse that the residents could slave at (in addition to the super-Wally's and the casinos) if they'd Just Say No to cancer and all those other tempting diseases.

  • news News Most US voters say plastics industry should be held responsible for recycling claims – report
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 week ago 100%

    Spokane burns its ordinary trash. It also accepts plastics and other "recyclables" at an every-other-week curbside pick-up, using a separate bin, just as you'd expect. Then they burn it. Yes, just like the trash. But wait, they do the burning at a facility they call the "Waste To Energy" plant, so that makes it all OK.

    It's all a big expensive greenwashing game, but everyone seems perfectly fine with it. La di da di da.

  • news
    News FirstCircle 2 weeks ago 100%
    Man who helped his father behead an Idaho teen 24 years ago is accused of shooting Olympia-area woman, fleeing scene

    >Merritt eventually told police that his father, David, took Benway camping and zip-tied her to a pole inside a tent while he stood outside and chose not to seek help. Merritt told police he participated in order to earn a black rose tattoo, a tattoo for a “brotherhood” of those who have killed people.

    news News Donald Trump lays blame for assassination attempt on Biden and Harris
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 3 weeks ago 100%

    What's this about John Cleese? Nevermind, I wish to register a complaint. I wish to complain about this presidential campaign that my techbros purchased not six months ago. It's stone dead.

  • news News Restaurants fight back against the FTC crackdown on 'junk fees' as diners balk at new charges
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 3 weeks ago 100%

    A "quick haircut" sort of place (kind of a barber, sort of , but super-high-volume and just one worker, the owner) that I've been using for a while now has a super-annoying dark-pattern in their payment flow. They book appointments, and take in-person payments using Square. After your cut, when you're paying via their hand-held kiosk with a card, the screen shows you a bunch of huge "tip amount" buttons, and it's implied that the customer has to choose one of them, while the provider looks on, in order to finish the transaction and leave (probably not true - they've already got your CC info by that point). Guess which button is highlighted/pre-selected and front-and-center! That's right, 20%. If you want to select another tip, or no tip, you have to select another button while she watches you do so. The owner lists all prices on her square website, and it's those prices you think you'll be paying when you book an appointment online, but she still feels the need to be tipped. You KNOW that the provider/barber has configured Square to present that UI to the customer. Not quite the same as the restaurant fees scam, but it's actually more manipulative though, in my view.

  • news News *Permanently Deleted*
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 4 weeks ago 98%

    I think that's overly optimistic.

  • news News Majority of Israeli Jews believe prison rape suspects shouldn't face criminal charges
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    The US is very fond of prison forced-labor (slavery) as well, and the general population doesn't really care. In fact the general population most likely thinks the slaves (prisoners) suffering slavery is just a case of them getting what they deserve.

  • news News Legendary TV talk show host Phil Donahue dies at 88
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    Yep, same.

  • news News Cisco slashes thousands of staff, 7% of entire workforce, pivots into AI
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    The redundancies follow declining revenues and shrinking profits.

    "Redundancies" is apparently now a noun that refers to employees being laid off.

    Intel announced it was eliminating 16,000 people – to curb capital expenses.

    Headcount is now a physical asset I guess. Corps must be taking depreciation expenses on employees now in addition to salary expenses. Ka-ching!

    After my first browse of the article I was wondering if it had been spewed out by some of the crappy AI that Cisco is so keen on.

  • news News Cisco slashes thousands of staff, 7% of entire workforce, pivots into AI
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    Davidson will move to a role advising the CEO during the borg

    What does the borg have to do with this?

  • news News KARK: Judge orders Arkansas LEARNS Act lawsuit to move forward
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah, I guess they forgot to appoint a Christian King.

    Those accounts provide about $6,600 per student to attend any school, including private or home schools

    This "act" is all about funneling public tax money into the pockets of religious grifters, and hell, it sounds like you don't even need to be an organized business grifter any more. You can just open your house/trailer/shack for a few hours a day as a "home school", do a little praying at minimum, and collect $6600/head/yr. Sweet deal. But it's not welfare. Nope, not at all, not if you're a Christian taking the grift.

  • news News Americans are becoming less religious. None more than this group
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    Whatever the case, when a church closes as a religious institution, I hope that it can be repurposed to some other activity that is still community-building?

    There's one church a few blocks away from here that went out of business a few years ago and is now being used as a homeless shelter by an area non-profit. I walk by it all the time and have seen the before/after. The property is finally being put to a use that helps humanity and the the neighborhood is much better off for it.

  • news News US air force avoids PFAS water cleanup, citing supreme court’s Chevron ruling
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    The AF also contaminated the groundwater in a large residential area just west of Spokane, WA adjacent to the Fairchild AF base. Until recently they seemed to be accepting at least partial responsibility but I wonder if that's now going to come to an end. It's not generally a wealthy area, lots of apartments and discount stores and has what I think of as a "military town" vibe. Apparently residents are largely dependent on PFAS-loaded well water and if the AF tells them to FO and be happy they've got anything to drink, they're screwed unless some other entity with deep pockets will come in and clean up.

  • news News For these voters, Tim Walz is a reminder of their dad - before they were lost to partisan division
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    It’s difficult for Vetrini to see the rhetoric espoused by right-wing media and not feel hurt. Since going viral, Vetrini has been subject to vulgar and offensive comments from people who disagree with her perspective.

    “Those comments are really hard to deal with, mentally. The hardest part is my dad feels the same way as these vitriolic commenters,” she said.

    But she still recognizes the qualities in her father that remind her of Walz. Those are what keep her maintaining a “complicated” relationship with him.

    After her TikTok went viral, Vetrini called her dad to tell him about it – hoping to hear it from her first rather than a news show.

    “He responded exactly the way I would predict he would respond. Which was to remind me that socialism will ruin America,” she said.

  • news News The U.S. population is finally growing again—but not because Americans are having more kids
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 28%

    Oh no, the Elites are succeeding with their Great Replacement project!

  • news News A new Idaho law is keeping child sexual assault victims from receiving care
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    I don't understand: how would prohibiting LE from "administering" a rape kit to a raped minor "deny the state evidence" of who did the raping. Wouldn't LE still know who the rapist was, independently of whatever medical care the victim received?

  • news News A new Idaho law is keeping child sexual assault victims from receiving care
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    I don't know what's in a rape kit but I'm guessing that there might be something that could (with luck) prevent conception in a female child who's raped. Idaho Christofascist Republicans WANT rape victims who get pregnant as a result of the rape to be forced to carry the fetus to term. That's how they exercise power and control over women, and that's one of the main things that they get off on in life. This news post is absolutely repulsive but nothing surprises me about that Christofascist hellscape called Idaho anymore.

  • news News ‘One of the most violent’ Jan. 6 rioters receives a 20-year prison sentence
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    Didn't know that. Glad to hear it. Let's hope the Dorito gets some.

  • news News MAGA fans call for boycott of Dunkin Donuts: ‘The Bud Lite treatment’
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    Say it ain't so! I know DD formally changed its business name and nobody cared much (most probably ignored it and kept calling them DD) but damn if they cut off the New England donut supply the pitchforks would have come out!

  • news News MAGA fans call for boycott of Dunkin Donuts: ‘The Bud Lite treatment’
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    Another f-ing right-wing weirdo, lovely. I haven't been in a DD since I was 10 and we don't have them here on the left coast AFAIK but if there was any kind of boycott by these freaks, hell I'd mail order a half dozen boxes (if they do MO) and share at the local food pantry. DD donuts are awesome, loved them as a New England kid.

  • news News ‘One of the most violent’ Jan. 6 rioters receives a 20-year prison sentence
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 95%

    TF. This scum should be rotting in some damp airless dark cell for at least 2x that term. Please tell me he won't be eligible for parole, or have access to the internet while on the inside.

  • news News Brazilian airliner crashes, all 62 on board killed
    news News Trump keeps calling Harris ‘Kamabla’ but nobody seems to know the meaning behind it
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    If he wasn't senile, I might think that he's assuming that his pronunciation "sounds Indian", and is thus just a continuation of his fuckwitted assertion that she "turned Black" (from Indian). But he IS senile, and I can't credit him with being able to string together an insult (that she's lied about her racial heritage) even as simple-minded as that.

  • news News Powerful former North Dakota lawmaker pleads guilty to traveling to Europe to pay for sex with minor
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 1 month ago 100%

    North Dakotan (rural values!, family values!), and of course Republican, enjoys gay sex with children. This is what they (Republicans) mean when they talk about how much they love kids.

  • news
    News FirstCircle 1 month ago 99%
    Costco, Walmart pressured by Christian groups over abortion pill

    >Companies offering the drug risk reputation and legal repercussions, according to an Aug. 2 letter sent to CEOs at the two retail giants, as well as Kroger, Albertsons and medical distribution company McKesson Corp. The group said 6,000 Costco customers have signed a petition saying they will cancel their membership if the retailer starts selling the pills. >The religious coalition behind the petition owns about $172 million in shares of the five companies. The coalition was led by Boise, Idaho-based Inspire Investing, which manages $3 billion of assets, and includes the investment arm of the Southern Baptist churches and the American Family Association, a Christian fundamentalist group.

    news News About half of US state AGs went on France trip sponsored by group with lobbyist and corporate funds
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 months ago 100%

    Will do. In my state the current AG is running for governor, so I'm quite interested in knowing how corrupt he is (or isn't), and naturally our biggest corpos are quite interested in seeing to it that he's going to be fully malleable if he gets the job.

  • news News Inside the Maga mind: Trump’s most dedicated fans explain their fervor
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 months ago 100%

    Many of you may find this book interesting: Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism Available at a library near you, until banned. There are also some interesting audio interviews with the author online.

  • news News About half of US state AGs went on France trip sponsored by group with lobbyist and corporate funds
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 months ago 100%

    Where's the list of names of the AGs who took the grift?

  • news News William Calley, US military officer convicted of infamous massacre of Vietnamese villagers dies.
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 months ago 100%

    Going to hell would be letting this guy and the US soldiers willfully performing this massacre ('we were only following orders when gang-raping your daughters and bayoneting your infants and old folks and anyone else who didn't look like a good American and burning down every house in sight') off way, way, way too easy. I invite everyone to check out the Wikipedia page on the My Lai Massacre, including, if you can stand it, the gruesome photographs taken by US photographers while it was happening and of the aftermath. And don't miss the verbal quotes of the soldiers while they were having their fun, rapey, civilian-slaughtery holiday. This voanews article seems to leave out the additional cruelty of the US troops taking the murdered Vietnamese and dumping them in the village's wells, just to make sure all the water supplies were poisoned. American cruelty at its finest. And of course, the one perp, Calley, who actually gets called to account for his deeds, just a little, for show purposes, gets just a slap on the wrist, because American military people = "good guys", "heroes" even, by definition, always.

    "Calley was court-martialed and convicted of murder in 1971 and was initially sentenced to life in prison. He only spent a few days in jail before President Richard Nixon ordered him to be transferred to house arrest. His sentence was eventually reduced to 10 years in prison before he was freed on bail and granted parole in 1974.

    A few days in prison was what he got, for mass gang rapes, mass murders, and covering it all up. He should have been handed over to the S. Vietnamese villagers to face real justice.

  • news News As Western US fires get ever bigger, experts look for answers.
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 months ago 100%

    And to cemeteries. Some of the cemeteries here are enormous and they keep them watered and green despite the fact that we've had hardly any rain for months and the cems get just a handful of visitors per day.

  • news News Medicare and Social Security go-broke dates are pushed back in a ‘measure of good news’
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 months ago 100%

    Yes, the Department of Offense IS a socialist organization. But the fact that it has to do with offense and killing and 'projecting power' and bribing 'friendlies' with money and weapons while scaring 'unfriendlies' with the same, does not whitewash it into acceptability. We could, and should, take that roughly $850B/yr and plow it into domestic infrastructure, public R&D (no patents or other encumbrances), education, public health care, social supports (such as Medicare/SS), the Arts, basic research, the sciences (climate, space, etc), public housing and clean energy generation to name a few things. We could do all this if it weren't for the fact that in the US the only acceptable form of public spending is public spending on weapons of war, on the means of bullying and killing those who we don't like or who won't cooperate with us. By all means, we should keep up the socialist spending, but it should be directed in such a way as to improve the lives of the citizens directly, not just as hypothetical trickle-down improvements from making ever more deadly and expensive killing technologies.

    Just a few hours from me is the Grand Coulee Dam, built in the 1930s and one of the Wonders of the World. There's no reason that we couldn't be engaged on projects of this scope and size all the time, but nope, that's evil socialism, and big government-funded projects are only acceptable in America if they directly have to do with providing us with new or better weapons to wield against Those People (foreigners mainly).

  • news News She saw the Titanic sink and the end of World War I. Now, the oldest American just turned 115
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 months ago 100%

    As my 90+ YO (now dead) aunt put it to me, "90 is enough!". She lived on her own and was relatively healthy right up to the end, but had no fairy-tale beliefs about the joys and virtues of extreme old age. I once asked her, after she made such a proclamation, why anyone who, like her, wasn't put away in an old folks home or suffering from illness/injury would prefer The End arrive, and she said "there's just so much you can't do anymore". I took that to mean a) activities that you are newly physically incapable of (say, rock climbing), b) activities that are now too difficult and/or dangerous (say, solo long-distance hiking), and c) activities and life-paths that are practically-speaking now closed off to you, like finding one's soul-mate, traveling the world w/same, getting an advanced degree, being hired-into and rising through the ranks of some admired org ... all the sort of stuff that might still seem perfectly possible in one's 20s/30s/40s/even 50s. I can see how even in the best of cases, the world slowly but surely crushing your dreams and closing you out of any potential joys could bring you around to the belief that '90 is enough'.

  • news News Medicare and Social Security go-broke dates are pushed back in a ‘measure of good news’
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 months ago 100%

    My thoughts exactly. Somehow, year after year, we can always come up with $800B+ for the offense budget ($842B FY2024) and that never gets seriously questioned, despite the US not being technically at war with any other major or minor powers. The offense budget is always a "must pass" proposition, whereas spending that actually helps Americans, like Medicare, Medicaid, and SS, are treated/portrayed as some sort of obscene "entitlements" that only the most profligate and immoral nations would ever direct tax money to. Those, and any kind of non-military infrastructure, are just examples of coddling the undeserving citizenry. Investing in the means to kill "foreigners", in contrast, is money well spent!

    The whole "standing army" paradigm needs to be scrapped and the sooner the better.

  • news News Fined for yellow and blue shoes: How Russian laws smother dissent
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 months ago 100%

    Another recent law penalises "discrediting" the Russian army, and it has been applied to a broad variety of actions interpreted either as support for Ukraine or criticism of the war.

    These include:

    • Wearing clothes in the blue-and-yellow colours of the Ukrainian flag
    • Writing anti-war slogans on cakes, as did pastry chef Anastasia Chernysheva
    • Dyeing one's hair blue-and-yellow or listening to Ukrainian music
    • Displaying anti-war posters with messages ranging from "No War" to eight asterisks - the number of Russian letters that spell "No War" - or even just a blank sheet of paper.

    A village priest in Kostroma region was fined for discrediting Russia's armed forces after praying for peace and mentioning the sixth commandment, "Thou shalt not kill".

  • news News Surfer’s Leg Washes Up on a Beach After Great White Shark Attack
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 months ago 87%

    I wonder if the surfer was insulted that the shark didn't even clean its plate... like there was something wrong with the leg?

  • news News US public rapidly sours on Project 2025 as awareness grows
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 months ago 100%

    “both sides” BS to not vote

    I have an acquaintance, a "formerly" rabid-right-wing, anti-union, global-warming-isn't-real, they-hate-our-freedom, wealthy, fossil-fuel-family Reactionary from the western US who is doing this now. Apparently now with grown daughters and an immigrant son-in-law, Trump, formerly touted to me by this guy as "a really smart guy" and "doing some great things" (at the time, the great thing was withdrawing from the Paris accords), is not quite as palatable as before. But rather than focusing on Trump's shortcomings, it's better in the Reactionary's view to fixate instead on Biden's genocide support (while ignoring Trump's and the GOP's enthusiasm for the practice), assert that "both sides" are just a "uni-party", and throw up his hands and claim to be not voting this time around, or voting for some hopeless brain-worrmed third party candidate. Anything, anything at all, except for showing one iota of opposition to old Doddering Donald, anything but admit that you, the Reactionary, made disgusting wrong choices in the past and are about to, for all intents and purposes, make them again. The bottom line aim is that taxes remain low, dividends and capital gains remain high, and regulations, whether it be on the Environment or child labor, remain minimal. Voting for Trump directly is preferred to achieve these aims, but both-sides-ing him into office again is fine too if you need the plausible deniability because of pressure from your misguided Communist family members.

  • politics politics Appeals court hears Christian homeless shelter’s challenge to Washington anti-discrimination law
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 months ago 100%

    I donated a truck to these MFs about five years ago. Nice to know now how they waste donation $ on frivolous homophobic legal BS. Needless to say they'll never see another penny from me.

  • news News Ohio GOP Senator Says 'Civil War' Needed If Trump Loses.
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 months ago 100%

    Absolutely, bring it. These LARPer pussies need to learn a lesson, one they're not getting from video games, firearm manufacturers, and their imbecile Discord blabberings. So funny to think that THEY think that everyone but them is quaking in fear of their 'civil war' talk and vague threats of violence. Nobody's afraid of them at all, nobody respects them at all, and that's not going to change, period.

  • news News Sandra Hemme freed after 43 years in prison for murder she didn’t commit
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 2 months ago 100%

    And to be clear, this wasn't just some mistake, some lamentable error. The cops deliberately set her up in order to protect one of its own. Not a single cop or police force will pay any price for ruining this woman's life.

    The review found that local police ignored evidence that directly pointed to one of their own officers - Michael Holman – who later went to prison for another crime and died in 2015.

    Holman’s truck was seen in the area the day of the murder, his alibi could not be corroborated, and he used Patricia Jeschke’s credit card after claiming he found it in a ditch.

    A pair of distinctive gold earrings identified by Ms Jeschke’s father were also found in Holman’s home.

    None of this was disclosed to Ms Hemme’s defence team at the time, the review said.

    Ms Hemme was interrogated by police several times under the influence of antipsychotic medication and a powerful sedative after being involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital. She had been receiving occasional psychiatric treatment since she was 12 years old.

    Her responses were “monosyllabic” and she was “not totally cognisant of what was going on”, court documents showed, and at times could barely hold her head up straight and was in pain from muscle spasms – a side effect of the medications.

    Judge Horsman’s review noted that no forensic evidence linked Ms Hemme to the murder. She had no motive and there were no witnesses linking her to the crime.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Project 2025’s extreme vision for the West - High Country News

    cross-posted from: > > If Donald Trump is re-elected president in November, a coalition of more than 50 right-wing organizations known as Project 2025 will be ready with a plug-and-play plan for him to follow, starting with a database of potential administration appointees carefully vetted by coalition members; an online “Presidential Administration Academy” run by coalition members to school new appointees; and a 920-page policy platform called Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise.

    news News USPS raising stamp prices: Last chance to lock in Forever stamp rate ahead of increase
  • FirstCircle FirstCircle 3 months ago 100%

    Tnx for the heads-up OP. I need to get some Forever int'l stamps (currently $1.25/ea IIRC) if they're going up too.

  • news
    News FirstCircle 3 months ago 97%
    Idaho book ban goes into effect on Monday

    >A new book ban goes into effect in Idaho on July 1. >House Bill 710, a key political win for the Idaho Family Policy Center (IFPC), is targeted at books with Black, feminist or LGBTQ+ themes. It allows any person affiliated with a student at a public or private school to sue its library for carrying a book with “obscene materials.” >The policy defines obscene materials as any literature containing nudity or homosexuality. >While the Bible contains each of these concepts in both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, it does not seem that Christian and Jewish texts were the intended target of the ban, but rather books written by queer or Black authors. >IFPC voiced its opposition to The Handmaid’s Tale, the popular dystopian novel criticizing fascism and misogyny, on June 7 after it was removed from the Idaho Fine Arts Academy school library. >Governor Brad Little [R] signed the policy in April, saying that the bill would keep children from reading harmful materials. >The Idaho Library Association is against the bill and says it is harmful to young people, librarians and LGBTQ+ people. >Idaho’s education system ranked 47th in a January analysis of state education levels conducted by Scholaroo.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Tractor Supply slashes its DEI and climate goals after a right-wing pressure campaign

    >Tractor Supply Company, which bills itself as the largest rural lifestyle retailer in the U.S., will eliminate its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) roles, withdraw its carbon emissions goals and stop sponsoring Pride events in response to criticism from conservative activists. >The Fortune 500 company has been nationally recognized as an inclusive and diverse workplace, including last year in Bloomberg’s Gender Equality Index and Newsweek’s inaugural list of America’s Greatest Workplaces for Diversity. >But it recently became the target of conservative ire for that very reason, as the latest in a growing series of retailers to face backlash over — and ultimately walk back — its DEI initiatives. >Robby Starbuck, a music video director and Republican who ran unsuccessfully to represent Tennessee's 5th Congressional District in 2022, launched the campaign against Tractor Supply on X (formerly Twitter) earlier this month. >He wrote on June 6 that it was “time to expose Tractor Supply,” which he said was one of conservatives’ most beloved brands but was at odds with their values. He pointed to its DEI hiring practices, in-office Pride Month decorations, climate change activism and “funding sex changes,” among other complaints.

    Vermont FirstCircle 3 months ago 96%
    Vermont pays $175,000 to man arrested for giving the middle finger to state trooper

    cross-posted from: > >It all started, Greg Bombard said, with a broken coffee maker. That’s what prompted him to get into his car and head to Dunkin’ on a winter day in 2018. > > >It ended this month when the state of Vermont paid Bombard $175,000 to settle the lawsuit that ultimately resulted from that short drive. > > >The settlement covers Bombard’s arrest that day by a state trooper who said the St. Albans Town man flipped him the middle finger — and a second, related citation nearly six years later, on Christmas Day.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Vermont pays $175,000 to man arrested for giving the middle finger to state trooper

    >It all started, Greg Bombard said, with a broken coffee maker. That’s what prompted him to get into his car and head to Dunkin’ on a winter day in 2018. >It ended this month when the state of Vermont paid Bombard $175,000 to settle the lawsuit that ultimately resulted from that short drive. >The settlement covers Bombard’s arrest that day by a state trooper who said the St. Albans Town man flipped him the middle finger — and a second, related citation nearly six years later, on Christmas Day.

    Antiwork FirstCircle 3 months ago 100%
    Trench safety violations connected with a worker being buried alive result in large fine for Wenatchee fruit grower

    >A Wenatchee fruit grower is facing $353,000 in fines for safety violations that led to a worker being buried alive in a trench collapse last fall in Othello. >Photographs obtained by the Washington Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) show multiple workers of Stemilt Ag Services LLC digging in a trench more than five feet deep and about 25-30 feet long without any type of cave-in protection such as sloping, shielding or shoring. >A crew of 10 workers was repairing an irrigation pipe when a portion of the trench caved in on one of the workers, knocking him down and burying him. His co-workers were able to uncover his face after a couple of minutes to allow him to breathe while they dug for another 10 minutes to get him out of the trench. He was taken to the hospital with multiple crush injuries to his head, face, and body. >“This could have easily ended in death, all because the employer chose to ignore rules to protect workers,” said Craig Blackwood, assistant director for L&I’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health. >L&I cited Stemilt in March with five willful serious violations in connection with the cave-in. There was no protective system inside the trench to prevent a collapse, and no ladder or way for the workers to get out of the trench within 25 feet of where they were working. The piles of dirt dug from the trench were not set back at least two feet away from the edge. Dirt piles too close to the trench can cause the walls to collapse. >Also, there was no one onsite with the knowledge needed to inspect the trench before workers went into it, and no training program for trenching and excavation work. The company was also cited for changing the scene by filling in the trench after the cave-in before L&I inspectors arrived. >Willful violations are among the most serious and mean the employer knew or should have known the safety requirements, but chose to ignore them. The company is appealing the new citation. >It’s not the first time Stemilt has been cited for trenching issues. The company was cited and fined nearly $17,000 in Quincy in 2021 for violating the same trenching safety rules. >“We hope the latest fines will be the wake-up call that motivates Stemilt to keep their workers safe, before someone is killed,” said Blackwood. >The company is now is now considered a severe violator and is subject to follow-up inspections to determine if the conditions still exist.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Ordained minister accused of drugging, raping woman and child molestation arrested in Spokane

    >An ordained minister accused of drugging and raping a woman and molesting a child was arrested in Spokane Friday. >Russell Anders, 55, was arrested Friday morning at his home on the 1800 block of West Gardener Avenue in Spokane by a United States Marshals’ task force on an outstanding federal warrant. >Anders is charged with second-degree rape and first-degree voyeurism in Spokane. >On multiple occasions, a woman woke up after having drinks with Anders feeling off, according to court documents. She eventually was able to access his laptop and found videos of Anders having sex with her while she was unconscious after putting sleeping pills in her drinks, according to court records. >She also found sexually explicit videos of children on the laptop, she told police. >Anders was indicted last year in federal court in Seattle on one count of producing child pornography, along with possessing depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct. >He also has pending Seattle cases, including charges of child molestation and sexual exploitation of a minor, among other similar crimes.

    Spokane FirstCircle 3 months ago 92%
    Ordained minister accused of drugging, raping woman and child molestation arrested in Spokane

    Which church/religion was he ordained by? Name and Shame. >An ordained minister accused of drugging and raping a woman and molesting a child was arrested in Spokane Friday. >Russell Anders, 55, was arrested Friday morning at his home on the 1800 block of West Gardener Avenue in Spokane by a United States Marshals’ task force on an outstanding federal warrant. >Anders is charged with second-degree rape and first-degree voyeurism in Spokane. >On multiple occasions, a woman woke up after having drinks with Anders feeling off, according to court documents. She eventually was able to access his laptop and found videos of Anders having sex with her while she was unconscious after putting sleeping pills in her drinks, according to court records. >She also found sexually explicit videos of children on the laptop, she told police. >Anders was indicted last year in federal court in Seattle on one count of producing child pornography, along with possessing depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct. >He also has pending Seattle cases, including charges of child molestation and sexual exploitation of a minor, among other similar crimes.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Baseball great Reggie Jackson opens up on TV about racism he faced as a player

    >Jackson, 78, was just 21 years old when he joined the Birmingham A's as one of a few Black players on the minor league team and at the height of violent racial strife in the American South. >“Fortunately, I had a manager and I had players on the team that helped me get through it, but I wouldn't wish it on anybody,” Jackson said on the Fox Sports panel for the Negro Leagues tribute game on Thursday. >When Jackson arrived in Alabama in the 1960s, the city of Birmingham was making headlines for its open abuse of Black Americans. >Led by Bull Connor, the notorious city commissioner of Birmingham, racial tensions were at a fever pitch, marking a peak with the 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church, which claimed the lives of four young Black girls. >“I walked into restaurants and they would point at me and say 'the n***** can't eat here.' I would go to a hotel and they said, 'the n***** can't stay here,' ” Jackson said. >“We went to Charlie Finley's country club for a welcome home dinner, and they pointed me out with the N-word. ‘He can't come in here.’ Finley marched the whole team out,” Jackson recalled, referencing the Alabama native and Major League Baseball franchisee Charles Finley.

    Privacy FirstCircle 3 months ago 97%
    Campaigns Can Now See What You Watch on TV.

    >Televisions that can stream platforms like Hulu or Max usually come loaded with technology that collects information on what viewers are watching, and buyers consent to have their viewing tracked when they open their new TV and click through terms of service agreements. Sometimes, data firms can connect those viewing habits to a voter’s phone or laptop via their IP address, promising a trove of information about an individual and the ability to track them across screens. >Other times, firms focus on dividing households into groups based on what they’re watching, how they use their TVs and how many campaign ads they’re seeing, which is a boon to political campaigns eager to target specific groups of voters. Connecting this data to voter files is increasingly a focus — a move that adds individual voting habits into the mix.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    New Boeing whistleblower comes forward hours before CEO’s Senate testimony

    >Another Boeing whistleblower has stepped forward, a Senate office announced hours before the company’s CEO is set to testify Tuesday in Washington for the first time since the door plug of a 737 Max 9 blew off during an Alaska Airlines flight in January. >Sen. Richard Blumenthal’s (D-Conn.) office identified the whistleblower as Sam Mohawk, a quality assurance inspector for the planemaker in Renton, Wash. Mohawk alleges Boeing improperly tracked and stored faulty parts, and that those parts were likely installed on airplanes including the 737 Max, which is manufactured at the Renton facility. >“Mohawk has also alleged that he has been told by his supervisors to conceal evidence from the FAA, and that he is being retaliated against as result,” according to a statement from the Senate Homeland Security’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    As Boeing looks to buy a key 737 supplier, a whistleblower says the problems run deep

    >For most of his career at Spirit AeroSystems, Santiago Paredes worked at the end of the line. It was his job to catch production errors before the fuselage left the factory in Wichita, and Paredes caught a lot of them. >“It’s poor quality. Poor quality of work, just plain and simple,” he says, flipping through photos on his phone of the serious mistakes that he flagged during his dozen years as a quality inspector at Spirit. >Boeing is trying to rebuild its battered reputation for quality after a door plug blowout on a 737 Max in midair last January. The troubled plane-maker is in talks to buy Spirit AeroSystems, a key supplier that makes the fuselage for Boeing in Wichita, Kan. >“They say the correct things like they've always said,” said whistleblower Santiago Paredes. “But I know how they really are.” A clash with management >Paredes says he brought his concerns to his managers repeatedly. But they were more worried about getting fuselages out of the factory faster to keep up with Boeing’s backlog. >“They were upset for me finding defects,” Paredes said. “It was never the people that created the defects fault. It was my fault for finding it.” >It got to the point, Paredes says, that a manager ordered him in writing to essentially undercount the number of mistakes. >“They wanted me to basically falsify the documentation on the amount of defects that were being found,” Paredes said. “They were telling me to lie.”

    News FirstCircle 3 months ago 98%
    The FAA is investigating a new incident involving a Boeing 737 Max 8 jet in midair

    >Less than an hour after taking off from Phoenix on May 25th, the plane experienced an uncontrolled side-to-side yawing motion known as a Dutch roll while cruising at 32,000 feet. The pilots of Southwest flight 746 were able to regain control and the plane landed safely in Oakland, according to a preliminary report from the FAA. >“A Dutch roll is definitely not something that we like to see,” said Shem Malmquist, a commercial pilot who flies the Boeing 777 and an instructor at Florida Tech. >The Boeing 737 Max 8 jet involved in the Dutch roll incident is less than two years old. According to the FAA, a post-flight inspection revealed damage to a backup power control unit, known as a PCU. That system controls rudder movements on the plane's tail.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Boeing whistleblower has waited a decade for change, now expects to leave

    >For senior Boeing engineer and whistleblower Martin Bickeböller, a 37-year career at the jet maker is coming to a frustrating end. >For a decade, in complaints filed internally at Boeing as well as with the Federal Aviation Administration and Congress, Bickeböller documented significant shortfalls in Boeing’s quality control management at suppliers that build major sections of the 787 Dreamliner. >The FAA substantiated his claims in complaints in 2014 and 2021 and required Boeing to take corrective action. His latest complaint, submitted in January, alleges Boeing has not properly implemented the fixes it committed to after those earlier complaints. Bickeböller doesn’t point to a single safety issue but rather to a systemically flawed oversight process. >He asserts that Boeing lacks control of the manufacturing processes at its suppliers to the extent that it cannot ensure — as safety regulations require — that every plane delivered meets design specifications. >Separately in January, Bickeböller filed an aviation whistleblower complaint with the U.S. Labor Department alleging that Boeing has retaliated against him. >He claims Boeing sidelined him from his central work and penalized him with lowered performance reviews. >Bickeböller, 66, earned his doctorate in theoretical nuclear physics at UW. He joined Boeing in 1987 and rose to become a technical fellow, designating him a top company engineer. >His expertise at Boeing and his central concern is what’s called “configuration control” — which means guaranteeing that any jet delivered to an airline is built exactly as designed with all parts installed correctly.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    An Idaho school district banned books. Here’s what a student did at her graduation

    >Annabelle Jenkins walked onto the stage during her graduation ceremony from the Idaho Fine Arts Academy in the West Ada School District with a book tucked into her sleeve. >When she stood before West Ada Superintendent Derek Bub, she slipped out the book — the graphic novel of “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood and Renee Nault — faced the audience and smiled, and handed it toward Bub. It was one of 10 books the West Ada School District had removed from libraries earlier in the school year. >Bub did not take the book. Jenkins dropped it at his feet and walked off the stage without shaking his hand. >A TikTok video she posted of the incident that night garnered over 24 million views and more than 15,000 comments.

    Privacy FirstCircle 4 months ago 97%
    More than 540,000 patients notified so far about Cencora/Lash Group data breach

    >As the week draws to a close, clients of Cencora and The Lash Group have been submitting breach notifications to state attorneys general. >The Lash Group partners with pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, and healthcare providers to facilitate access to therapies through drug distribution, patient support and services, business analytics and technology, and other services. Their substitute notice explains that based on their investigation, personal information including personal health information was affected, “**including potentially first name, last name, date of birth, health diagnosis, and/or medications and prescriptions.**” >With only partial numbers from some clients available, there are already 542,062 patients affected. When full numbers are revealed, the grand total for this incident will likely be significantly higher. (See UPDATE below) >Update 1: Added Johnson & Johnson entries and Abbott entry, bringing current partial total affected to 717,723 for 18 clients. >Update 2: Added Amgen, but no numbers available, so partial total remains at 717,723 but for 19 incidents.

    Vermont FirstCircle 4 months ago 100%
    Former St. Albans police officer permanently banned from police work in Vermont

    >According to video of the March 2019 encounter leading to the decertification, Amy Connelly was in custody in a holding cell at the St. Albans police station with her hands cuffed behind her back. >At one point in the video, Connelly can be seen standing up, appearing to raise a leg toward Lawton. The video shows Lawton pushing her onto a cell bench, grabbing her shirt near her neck, and punching her in the face. >Lawton and two other officers then push her face-first to the ground and cuff her ankles. >“In reviewing the incident,” Vermont Criminal Justice Council records stated, “the internal investigation found that (Lawton’s) actions were excessive, unnecessary, and a disproportionate use of force under the totality of the circumstances.”

    politics FirstCircle 4 months ago 97%
    The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

    >Trump is a fascist. But the mainstream political press doesn’t want to say it. They want to act like 2024 is just another election year. >With their obsession with horse-race coverage, political reporters tend to judge what Trump says or does by whether his words and actions will help him politically. By doing so, the press is saying that Trump’s racism, corruption, criminality, and insane abuses of power matter only so far as his electability. >There are exceptions: major news organizations, including the New York Times and the Washington Post, have done some important stories about Trump’s dictatorial plans for a second term. But those investigative stories are drowned out by the chorus of horse-race stories — sometimes published on the same days and by the same news organizations behind more substantial coverage. >The media is sleepwalking. >I’ve often wondered how the press, both in Germany and around the world, failed to see Hitler for the monster that he was before he gained power. After Trump, I think I understand.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    shitposting FirstCircle 4 months ago 88%
    Weekly Review, by Harper’s Magazine

    The bodies of four Israeli hostages were recovered from Gaza. The Israeli government intensified its attacks in the northern and southern parts of the strip, five Israeli soldiers were killed and seven more were injured by friendly fire in Jabalia, and an estimated 800,000 Palestinians have fled Rafah. The Rafah crossing remained closed, and Egypt blamed Israel for blocking aid from entering Gaza. In the West Bank, Israeli settlers looted aid trucks, destroyed food packages, and torched vehicles that they mistakenly believed were delivering aid to Palestinians, injuring drivers, two Israeli officers, and a soldier. “We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or delivery of U.S. humanitarian assistance,” the U.S. State Department said in a report, which concluded both that Israel likely violated international law using American weapons and that there was no hard evidence that Israel violated international law. The first shipment of aid arrived through a U.S.-made floating pier off the coast of Gaza, which cost about $320 million to build. “One cabinet sends humanitarian aid convoys and the other burns them,” the Israel opposition leader Yair Lapid posted on X, criticizing Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.14 Seventeen American doctors were evacuated from a Rafah hospital, but at least three refused to leave, and another U.S. government official resigned over Biden’s response to the war. “Encourage the voluntary departure of Gaza’s residents … It is ethical! It is rational! It is right! It is the truth!” Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir said at a rally attended by thousands, including several other ministers. After pausing a single shipment of bombs, the United States government announced another $1 billion in military aid to Israel. The International Criminal Court’s prosecutor has requested arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and three Hamas leaders. At a bar in Kyiv, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken performed “Rockin’ in the Free World” by Neil Young a day before announcing $2 billion in foreign aid to Ukraine. “The United States is with you, so much of the world is with you. And they’re fighting, not just for Ukraine but for the free world,” he said from the stage. “What the United States performs for the free world is not rock ’n’ roll, but some other music similar to Russian chanson,” said a Ukrainian lawmaker and former diplomat. Iran’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, and its foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, died in a helicopter crash, and Robert Fico, the Slovakian prime minister, was hospitalized after being shot multiple times. France declared a state of emergency in New Caledonia after a clash between voting-reform protesters and security forces in which four people were killed and more than 300 were injured. At New York University, pro-Palestine student protesters were required to complete a 49-page disciplinary workbook that included a section inspired by an episode of The Simpsons in which Lisa cheats on a test. “What, if anything, could Lisa have done or thought about to make better decisions?” the workbook asked. Columbia University faculty members passed a no-confidence vote against President Nemat Shafik over her response to student protests, and Sonoma State University’s president, Mike Lee, announced his early retirement after being placed on leave for publicizing an agreement with protesters via email. At their graduation ceremonies, Morehouse College students turned their backs on Biden, and Duke University students walked out on Jerry Seinfeld. Democratic Senator Bob Menendez blamed his wife for bribery charges at his corruption trial, and Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito blamed his wife for displaying an upside-down American flag, a symbol associated with the pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” movement and the January 6 insurrection, at their home in Virginia days before Biden’s inauguration. “Her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother,” said the Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker of his wife at a commencement speech at Benedictine College before encouraging young women to give up on having careers. Sixteen women accused the magician David Copperfield of sexual assault, and Brett Kavanaugh beat other justices in a three-mile race in Washington, D.C. Buckingham Palace unveiled King Charles III’s first official portrait since his coronation. “It was a bit of a shock—all that red, dripped here and there and scrubbed on and scrubbed off,” one artist said of the painting, adding, “Is it the blood that has been shed as a result of British colonialism for centuries?” “Yes, you’ve got him,” was Queen Camilla’s response to the work. In Taiwan, MPs brawled after spending more than 10 hours debating legislative reforms; they pulled, shoved, punched, and tackled each other, and one ran off with the bill. Snakes bit a West Virginia politician, delayed a train in Tokyo, crashed a wedding in Arizona, and invaded an Indy 500 track, and an Australian woman chose to share her car with a red-bellied black snake after several removal attempts failed. In Germany, the world’s oldest sloth turned 54. A dog named Luna was awarded a New York City Council citation for killing more than 200 rats, and a cat named Max received a doctorate in “Litter-ature” from Vermont State University. Seven hundred and six Kyles in Kyle, Texas, failed a second attempt to break the world record for the largest same-name gathering, and more than 3,000 people in dinosaur costumes in Drumheller, Alberta, didn’t receive a Guinness World Record; organizers “weren’t entirely prepared for that many people to come.” The New York–Dublin Portal was shut down after an OnlyFans model flashed it. “I thought the people of Dublin deserved to see my two New York, homegrown potatoes,” she said in an Instagram video. In Texas, 50,000 pounds of potatoes were given away after an anonymous donation.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Shocker: Turns Out 100K Trumpers Did Not Attend Donald's Wildwood Rally

    >Did you hear? Eleventy bazillion people showed up to hear Donald Vonshitzinpants drone on for hours about himself in Wildwood, New Jersey. Welp, Lisa Fagan, spokesperson for the city of Wildwood, is the one who guestimated that between 80,000 and 100,000 attendees were there, "based on her own observations on the scene Saturday, having seen 'dozens' of other events in the same space." This really needs a 'Sure, Jan" gif. Trumpers ran with that number, but Fagan and I'm going to guess that she's a Trump supporter, who knows, was way off. >The story has changed. Wildwood officials now say the 80K to 100K number was not the number on the beach at the rally but the total number of people "in our town," including restaurants, bars, and other places. Imagine that.

    politics FirstCircle 4 months ago 95%
    Trump election lies, COVID misinformation: New far-right Idaho candidates are on the ballot

    >Two years ago, some incumbent Republicans lost primary elections to challengers to their right, marking the growth of hard-line conservatives in Idaho politics. >Those legislative victories bolstered a far-right voting bloc at the Statehouse and strengthened the Idaho Freedom Caucus, whose membership and influence have fought with and sometimes swayed the state’s red majority. Far-right lawmakers have endorsed fringe views and proposed passing a range of bills, like ones to outlaw COVID-19 vaccines, limit same sex marriage or pursue the phantom of growing cannibalism. >Now, a set of legislative candidates with extreme views on abortion, COVID-19, the 2020 election and gender-affirming medicine who would be new to the Capitol are running in the May 21 Republican primary. >As Republicans clash in competitive primaries, these challengers in Treasure Valley races have expressed hard-line views, shared misinformation or perpetuated conspiracy theories prominent in far-right circles.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Secret recording shows how a right-wing Idaho lobbyist tried to keep a legislator in lockstep

    >The recording, which we are not posting at the request of our source, is an unfiltered look into a fracture among key far-right figures in Idaho politics, in a state where many races turn on contests of conservative purity. >It’s a portrait of the tangled relationship between a power broker and a politician. It includes Nate insulting other legislators and accusing Scott of joining the establishment. It shows Scott questioning both whether God wants women in leadership and whether she wants to remain in Idaho at all. >Heather Scott and Maria Nate have each established their own perch in Idaho politics. >Scott, from her district near the top of the Idaho Panhandle, has made plenty of headlines. During her first week in office, lawmakers accused her of cutting down a piece of the fire suppression system because she believed it was a “listening device” — a claim she denies. >She’d explained that the Confederate flag she’d been photographed waving was merely signifying her support for “free speech.” She’d been removed from a committee after she was overheard saying that female House members “spread their legs” to get leadership positions — the same month that Moyle married a fellow legislator. >But despite all that — or, perhaps, because of all that — she’s cultivated an army of die-hard supporters from the North Idaho grassroots. >“Heather, do you just not trust me because I’m a woman?” Nate asked. “I do wonder, because you’d said to me a lot of times that women need to follow men.” >Scott insisted she trusted Nate but acknowledged that she does “think men are stronger leaders.” >“I just think that’s how God designed us,” Scott said. “Obviously, we’re in a time of attack and crisis. And I think that God has put a lot of women in leadership positions because we’re in judgment. That’s why we’re always — it’s not natural, I don’t think.”

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    This soup kitchen volunteer is feeding more people than ever. Those being served aren’t who you’d think.

    >“Probably the biggest misunderstanding is they’re all homeless,” she said. “Instead, 76% are low-income elderly who worked their whole lives, are living on Social Security and are struggling.” >The newly named soup kitchen opened on St. Patrick’s Day 1982. It soon was serving an average of two dozen people, >“We thought this was a temporary fix — we never thought it would last,” Pieciak said. “Things were not good then, but they’re horrible today.” >The local influx of older patrons mirrors the situation statewide. According to “The State of Senior Hunger in America” report by the national hunger relief organization Feeding America, an estimated 8% of Vermont elders are considered “food insecure.” >“We know that inflation and the increase in food prices have hit people on fixed incomes hard,” said John Sayles, CEO of the Vermont Foodbank.

    News FirstCircle 4 months ago 95%
    'Barbaric': Whistleblowers Further Expose Israel's Torture of Detained Palestinians

    >A medic who worked at Sde Teiman's field hospital said that Palestinian detainees there are stripped "of anything that resembles human beings" and that the harassment and torture are done not to "gather intelligence" but **"out of revenge"** for the October 7 attacks. >Israel has detained thousands of Gaza residents since October, with many of them held under a recently amended law that empowers Israeli authorities to imprison people indefinitely without charge or due process. Human rights organizations have documented Israeli forces' brutal and degrading treatment of Palestinian detainees, including women and children. >"A 19-year-old detainee told an Al Mezan lawyer that he was tortured from the moment he was arrested," the group said. "He described how three of his fingernails were removed with pliers during interrogation. He also stated that investigators unleashed a dog on him and subjected him to shabeh—a form of torture which involves detainees being handcuffed and bound in stress positions for long periods—three times over three days of interrogation. He was then placed in a cell for 70 days, where he experienced starvation and extreme fatigue."

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    California says restaurants must bake all of their add-on fees into menu prices

    >Service charges; resort fees; "surcharge" add-ons: If you've been startled by unexpected fees when you pay your check at a restaurant — or book a hotel room or buy a ticket to a game, you're far from alone. But if you live in California, change is coming. A new state law requiring price transparency is set to take effect in July. >"The law is simple: the price you see is the price you pay," Attorney General Rob Bonta said on Wednesday, as his office issued long-awaited guidance about a law that applies to thousands of businesses in a wide range of sectors. >Restaurant owners like Laurie Thomas, who heads the Golden Gate Restaurant Association, say the changes will bring higher prices and sticker shock, which could then raise a psychological hurdle in customers' dining habits. That, in turn, will hurt restaurants and their workers, she warns. >"If it's in the core price of the menu, there will be a pullback" in patrons' spending, she told NPR shortly before the attorney general released the guidelines. "There are some people, I think, that are hoping that the restaurants will just absorb that cost, because we've seen people say, 'Oh, it's too expensive with the service charge.' " Restaurant Association head thinks it's perfectly OK to mislead customers into thinking that prices are lower than they actually are, and gouge them after they've consumed/used the product. Because having knowledge of true prices would cause some customers to make informed decisions that might hurt sales. What other product information could be withheld to boost sales? What product misinformation could be provided to get those customers to "yes"?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Boeing 787 employees falsified inspection records; FAA opens probe

    >The FAA has opened an investigation into Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner after the company disclosed that employees in South Carolina falsified inspection records on work done where the wings are joined to the fuselage body. >Boeing informed the Federal Aviation Administration in April that, despite records indicating completion of required inspections, workers had not performed some of those inspections to confirm adequate bonding and electrical grounding at the 787 wing-to-body join. >“The FAA is investigating whether Boeing completed the inspections and whether company employees may have falsified aircraft records,” the federal safety agency said via email. >Boeing said its engineers have established that this newly discovered lapse does not create “an immediate safety of flight issue.”

    Spokane FirstCircle 5 months ago 85%
    North Idaho College cancels student club's annual drag show fundraiser due to 'all ages' description, again

    >While the Gender and Sexuality Alliance is a student group, Serrott says it's become a safe community space for all queer folks at the college, not just the students — which is why it was especially painful for the club's sole annual event to be canceled. >To Serrott, the cancellation is indicative of the larger anti-queer rhetoric that's growing in North Idaho. It's become more common, especially online, to baselessly accuse LGBTQ+ people of being "groomers" or pedophiles. >"We have allowed a certain political group, or certain political ideologies, to define what it means to be queer in a way that is not true," Serrott says. "I see us bowing to these political pressures as giving fire to those definitions. We're not groomers. We are not obscene. It's almost unfathomable to me to think otherwise." >Serrott says that just underscores the importance of the event for NIC's queer community. >"For some students and faculty, it's their first time ever getting to experience or play with ... not only drag, but gender expression, too," he explains. "It's really a space for creativity, expression and belonging."

    Seattle FirstCircle 5 months ago 75%
    Senior Democrat calls for arrests of ‘leftwing fascists’ urging Gaza ceasefire | The Guardian

    cross-posted from: > > Congressman Adam Smith says ‘totalitarian’ protesters are ‘trying to silence anyone who dares to disagree with them’ > > > >Protesters calling for Israel to cease fire in its war with Hamas who have disrupted US public events and infrastructure are practicing “leftwing fascism” or “leftwing totalitarianism”, a senior US House Democrat said, adding that such protesters are “challenging representative democracy” and should be arrested. > > > >“Intimidation is the tactic,” said Adam Smith of Washington state, the ranking Democrat on the House armed services committee. “Intimidation and an effort to silence opposition … I don’t know if there’s such a thing as leftwing fascism. If you want to just call it leftwing totalitarianism, then that’s what it is. It is a direct challenge to representative democracy now.”

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    The WA GOP put it in writing that they’re not into democracy

    >A resolution called for ending the ability to vote for U.S. senators. Instead, senators would get appointed by state legislatures, as it generally worked 110 years ago prior to the passage of the 17th Amendment in 1913. >“We are devolving into a democracy, because congressmen and senators are elected by the same pool,” was how one GOP delegate put it to the convention. “We do not want to be a democracy.”

    Spokane FirstCircle 5 months ago 100%
    Use of force expert calls Spokane deputy’s actions from August park arrest ‘excessive,’ ‘unreasonable’; FBI involved

    >Jeff Noble, who owns Noble Consulting and Expert Witness Services, was hired by Spokane police to evaluate Hilton’s actions. When investigating fellow law enforcement officers, it’s not uncommon to outside use of force experts. >Deputies are trained on a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Graham v. Connor, that requires officers to balance the intrusion into an individual’s right with the government interests at stake, Noble wrote. They must consider the severity of the crime, whether the suspect poses a threat to officers or others and whether the suspect is actively resisting or trying to flee. >Hilton mistakenly believed that being in a Spokane Valley park after dark was a misdemeanor when in reality it was a civil infraction that does not warrant an arrest. Regardless, Noble found that Hilton’s “uses of force were objectively unreasonable and inconsistent with generally accepted police practices.” >The sergeant did not engage in de-escalation tactics, including slowing down the interaction, the report said. >“Here, the violation was very minor, did not involve weapons or violence, and there was no need for haste,” Noble wrote. “Sergeant Hilton radioed for back-up deputies and while Mr. Hinton did not cooperate with Sergeant Hilton’s demand for identification, he did not present any imminent threat. Any reasonable officer would have attempted to engage in de-escalation techniques to slow the situation.” >Instead, Noble wrote, Hilton made comments to escalate the situation, such as telling Hinton he would probably end up in jail and that he was going to get hurt. >The sergeant said he used force on Hinton because he was scared the man was reaching for a weapon. Noble noted that Hinton never appears to reach for any kind of weapon in the video and did not make any verbal threats to the sergeant. >Hilton continued to punch Hinton after forcibly removing him from his vehicle. >“There is no evidence that at the moment Sergeant Hilton delivered those strikes that Mr. Hinton presented anything more than a low level of active resistance by not giving Sergeant Hilton his hands,” Noble wrote. >Hilton had no standing to make any arrest, Noble found, and therefore any force used would be excessive. >“Even if Sergeant Hilton was making a lawful custodial arrest, I am of the opinion that his uses of force against Mr. Hilton were excessive, objectively unreasonable and inconsistent with generally accepted police practices,” Noble wrote.

    Spokane FirstCircle 5 months ago 96%
    'He may have learned a lesson' Spokane deputy told dispatcher after violent arrest that broke man's ribs

    >In February this year, Spokane police investigators concluded there was probable cause to charge Sgt. Hilton with second-degree assault. The charges were referred to the Yakima County Prosecutor's office, which is still investigating. >The chat logs — which were obtained through a public records request and viewed by the Inlander this week — shed additional light on Sgt. Hilton's demeanor immediately after the violent arrest. >Joshua Maurer, an attorney representing Hinton, says the tone of the chat messages is "pretty sickening." >It's concerning that any officer — especially a sergeant — would make fun of and laugh about a citizen they had just assaulted and arrested, Maurer says. >"Sgt. Hilton was proud of his actions," Maurer says. "He told the dispatcher to look at the booking photo because that was evidence of the 'lesson' Sgt. Hilton taught Mr. Hinton." >Maurer says it's also troubling that Sgt. Hilton saw Hinton's perceived status as a "No Person" as justification for assaulting him to the point of breaking his ribs and puncturing a lung. >Despite knowing the communications would be recorded, Sgt. Hilton "shows no remorse, or even concern over being disciplined," Maurer says. "Instead, he is laughing and bragging about what he had done."
