chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Why are our mods and admins so hot?
  • Comp4 Comp4 16 hours ago 100%

    Its me. Im hot fire

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse If you're being mean to me on Hexbear, this is who you're being mean to.
  • Comp4 Comp4 16 hours ago 100%

    Classic Keir Stürmer

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse If you're being mean to me on Hexbear, this is who you're being mean to.
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 day ago 100%

    Climate change

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse If you're being mean to me on Hexbear, this is who you're being mean to.
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 day ago 100%

    Literally me. Dont post pics of me pls BibleThump

  • games
    games Comp4 1 day ago 100%
    Satisfactory 1.0 Launch Trailer

    Time to build the productive forces, comrades! ![waluigi-stalin]( "emoji waluigi-stalin")

    dredge_tank The Dredge Tank Greta Thunberg named ‘Antisemite of the Week’ by "StopAntisemitism" after latest arrest at anti-Israel protest
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 day ago 100%

    More like Greta Basedberg

  • mutual_aid mutual_aid [$65 / $900] Rent Fundraising Post - Day 3 (Deadline: October 1st)
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 day ago 100%

    bump amber whataboutism

  • games games Are gamers really that much of a baby that they need to be told to not pre order games from trash studios lol
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 days ago 100%

    its me. Im baby.

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank big Joel more like big LOSER
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 days ago 100%

    I didnt get the vibe that Joel was far left in any capacity (might have missed something though). So this seems sadly totally on brand for lets say a "progressive" lib.

  • history history Hildegard von Bingen - New General Megathread for the 16th-17th of September 2024
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 days ago 100%

    Communist Comrade Conrad

  • em_poc em_poc EM POC WEEKLY THREAD 9/16/2024
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 days ago 100%

    I really hope the Alliance of Sahel States is successful and improves people's lives and conditions. The people in these regions deserve a win

  • em_poc em_poc Mali, Burkina and Niger to launch biometric passports under new alliance
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 days ago 100%

    Uhh, based department? You're gonna wanna see this.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Comp4 Comp4 3 days ago 100%

    Swift sends her regards taylor-commie

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse We used to be a real country
  • Comp4 Comp4 4 days ago 100%

    The map is from the upcoming game Europa Universalis 5. The year is April 1, 1337 (I think), which is the game's start date, though it's possible the map is from a later point.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank What does it mean when the drying wet boy starts signing his own posts?
  • Comp4 Comp4 5 days ago 90%

    Voting for Trump because Kamala scares my liberal sensibilities and love of civility.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank What does it mean when the drying wet boy starts signing his own posts?
  • Comp4 Comp4 5 days ago 100%

    Ah, radical left Marxists and fascists—longtime allies.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse China will fail because it is just too good.
  • Comp4 Comp4 5 days ago 100%

    All I do is win, win, win, no matter what

  • em_poc em_poc EM POC WEEKLY THREAD 9/9/2024
  • Comp4 Comp4 6 days ago 100%

    Im back doing push ups. My partner told me they thought it was hot when I do them. (Obviously getting in shape is a good enough partner thinking im hot is a big bonus as well though)

  • games games PS5 Pro vs PS5 Amateur
  • Comp4 Comp4 7 days ago 100%

    The last PlayStation I owned was a PS3, and I have very little desire to get a PS5. If I were still interested in consoles, I'd be disappointed that they didn't announce any new games alongside the PS5 Pro. Just 1-2 launch titles would have been cool to showcase the supposedly super powerful console.

    As it stands I guess Im gonna stay a dirty pc gamer

    (Besides the fact that the 800 eurodollar price tag is just brutal)

  • askchapo askchapo How long have you been a fan of my posting?
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 week ago 100%

    I have been a day 1 subscriber to your posts. I loved the fruit basket you send me last year.

  • games games The highest fidelity best damn space sim ever, Star Citizen, has done something even more realistic than healing/cargo/salvage beams and WW2 dogfights in space: space is now greenish!
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 week ago 100%

    Wow, the space in No Man’s Sky from 2016 looks better, and it's actually a game you can put hundreds of hours into. Plus, No Man’s Sky was made by like 5-10 people in a small studio with basic tools. What's Star Citizen's excuse?

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Joe can do a little 9/11
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 week ago 100%

    Thats my president biden-point

  • badposting badposting My wife said she'd let me have sex if Trump does well in the debate. Bros, please send God Emperor your energy, I might not have another chance until next year (wifey only does it once a year with me)
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 week ago 100%


  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse It's Bad Opsec But We Say Goodnight Anyway: The Goodnight Thread
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 week ago 100%

    Goodnight lil comrades in ma phone

  • music music So Emily Armstrong, the new Linkin Park lead singer, may or may not be a Scientologist apparently
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 week ago 100%

    I can't see Tom Cruise ever leaving Scientology. I imagine they give him WHATEVER he wants. Like, if Tom Cruise wants someone dead, Scientology just asks how many goons to send.

  • games games Fake: No G@mer has a gf.
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 week ago 100%

    True Im a gamer and dont have a gf. I have a partner though. (They are a gamer as well scared )

  • memes memes Trickle down? Ha! The only thing that trickles is my prostate!
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 week ago 100%

    cute meme

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 week ago 100%

    Maybe we treated him to harshly

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Thank you Mr. Hitler
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 week ago 100%

    Lesser Evilism in praxis.. is voting for Himmler instead of Hitler

  • main main Tornado trunked elephants
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 week ago 100%

    They dont MAIN them like this anymore.

  • em_poc em_poc EM POC WEEKLY THREAD 9/9/2024
  • Comp4 Comp4 1 week ago 100%

    Hope all of my EM POC comrades have a good week. Hope its a chill week for me... well see

  • askchapo
    askchapo Comp4 1 week ago 100%
    Can someone give me a quick rundown what labour aristocracy actually means ?

    Especially in the modern context in the year of our lord 2024. Is it relevant? What do I need to know about it ? EDIT : Thanks everyone for this really informative thread.

    dredge_tank The Dredge Tank Nerds do not play Shovel Knight!!!, the detector is giving a WOKE reading
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 weeks ago 100%

    Jesus Christ. It would be kinda amusing if this was a bit... but some crackkkers are serious about this shit. What a sad existence.

  • em_poc em_poc EM POC WEEKLY THREAD 9/2/2024
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 weeks ago 100%

    My relationship is going really well. My partner and I have gotten a lot closer over the last couple of dates. They really seem to desire me. It still feels kind of surreal to be in a real relationship after being an isolated hermit for such a long stretch of my life. I'm also going to introduce them to my parents soon (it should go well—my parents are pretty chill).

  • games games Dune Spice Wars isn't Northgard
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 weeks ago 100%

    I’ve played both games. I didn’t love either of them, but I thought they were interesting and trying something different. I fully agree that Northgard and Dune: Spice Wars are pretty different overall and mostly just share being real-time as their main common factor.

  • askchapo askchapo What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 weeks ago 100%

    Sausage Party. I felt insulted after finishing the movie. I don’t care if Seth Rogen is otherwise a swell guy—if I ever meet him in real life, I want him to apologize for being involved in that movie.

    I’ve watched some movies I consider monstrous, jet-black, and mean-spirited, but Sausage Party feels like it was made by a committee just to fuck with me personally.

    Sausage Party is a 2016 movie with racism that feels like it's from 2000, and an approach to adult themes that I find both infantile and disturbing.

    I can forgive some horniness if it's done right and fits the movie. I can't forgive racism.

    Sausage Party is racist, horny trash. 0/10.

    Personally, it's the worst movie I've ever watched in my life.

  • badposting badposting MFW I see you "chapos" complaining abotu capitalism
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 weeks ago 100%

    I love to hate. There. Problem solved.

  • askchapo askchapo Are there any non-profit type dating apps that don't have "premium" features trying to get you to spend money in some gamified fucked up way like most of them do?
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 weeks ago 100%

    Not trying to be mean, but an app like that sounds like heaven for bad actors—both state and private. I wouldn’t want to be on a communist dating app, even though I fully agree the idea is rad. It just seems super unsafe to me, unless I’m missing something.

  • games games Whenever some chud wants to talk to you about the good old days of ethical video games journalism, tell them about Rise of the Robots.
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 weeks ago 100%

    Amen to that. I remember you could buy magazines with demo CDs on them. Made it feel like you got really something out of buying them gaming mags. That was super rad

  • games games Still doing Vic 3 posts
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 weeks ago 100%

    Impressive. Very Nice bateman-business-card

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 weeks ago 100%

    You hear that? That's the sound of productive forces being created. stalin-approval

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • Comp4 Comp4 2 weeks ago 100%


  • food
    food Comp4 3 weeks ago 100%
    Cooking Tips / Channels and more

    cross-posted from: > I want to learn how to cook. Now that I'm not a lone NEET anymore but in a relationship, I want to reach a level where I can cook a succulent meal for my partner. I want to start simple, with a focus on noodle dishes. Later, I want to move on to rice dishes, but that's for the future. > > Hit me with your tips and tricks for someone who has cooked maybe 4-5 times in his life and hasn't cooked in like 10 years. I'm a complete noob. > > Also, YouTube channels would be greatly appreciated, especially those focused on simple dishes and easy stuff. I don't need anything complex for at least the next few months. > > Simple. Quick. Tasty. Thats what im looking for. > > Thanks, Hexbears!

    askchapo Comp4 3 weeks ago 100%
    Cooking Tips / Channels and more

    I want to learn how to cook. Now that I'm not a lone NEET anymore but in a relationship, I want to reach a level where I can cook a succulent meal for my partner. I want to start simple, with a focus on noodle dishes. Later, I want to move on to rice dishes, but that's for the future. Hit me with your tips and tricks for someone who has cooked maybe 4-5 times in his life and hasn't cooked in like 10 years. I'm a complete noob. Also, YouTube channels would be greatly appreciated, especially those focused on simple dishes and easy stuff. I don't need anything complex for at least the next year. Simple. Quick. Tasty. Thats what im looking for. Thanks, Hexbears!

    askchapo Comp4 3 weeks ago 100%
    What are good coop games you can play with a controller on PC ? I wanna play with my GF :3

    cross-posted from: > So, I recently played Vampire Survivors with my girlfriend on PC. I think they liked it. They arent new to gaming so no need to hold back. Can you recommend any fun or good games that you can play with a controller on PC? One person using a mouse and keyboard and the other using a controller is fine as well. > > I'm open to pretty much all genres as long as the games are available on PC. If they are a bit simpler and easy to get into, that would be preferred. > > Thanks Hexbears

    games Comp4 3 weeks ago 100%
    What are good coop games you can play with a controller on PC ? I wanna play with my GF :3

    So, I recently played Vampire Survivors with my girlfriend on PC. I think they liked it. They arent new to gaming so no need to hold back. Can you recommend any fun or good games that you can play with a controller on PC? One person using a mouse and keyboard and the other using a controller is fine as well. I'm open to pretty much all genres as long as the games are available on PC. Local Coop. If they are a bit simpler and easy to get into, that would be preferred. Thanks Hexbears

    askchapo Comp4 3 weeks ago 100%
    Was the Mongol Empire (13th and 14th century) AES ?

    If not. Can you prove it wasnt ? Think about it. Was Genghis Khan actually creating productive forces ?

    videos Comp4 1 month ago 89%
    Magneto is right ?

    maybe a tad to close to reality ?

    badposting Comp4 1 month ago 93%
    Is there such a thing as enough beanis ?

    ![beanis]( "emoji beanis")

    askchapo Comp4 1 month ago 99%
    Can you all recommend me youtube vids to watch with my girlfriend ?

    What the title says. Im looking for fun/informative youtube vids on anything leftish. I already have some channels I enjoy like Secondthought and the deprogram gang. Im just trying to avoid libshit or reactionaries. EDIT- Thanks to all the posters who recommended something

    askchapo Comp4 1 month ago 100%
    Im dating someone and I have a question (serious anwsers only plz)

    So, I'm currently dating someone, and it's my first time dating. I was a kissless virgin before this but I’m not kissless anymore ^^. Anyway, we get along really well, sharing a lot of interests and similar views. They're a "newer" lefty, but they have a good head on their shoulders and are open to learning. We’re really excited about each other. We've talked a lot over voice chat, had three dates so far, and exchange a bit of daily texting. At this point, I'm pretty sure we're going to become a couple, maybe even for a longer time. Today is our 4th date, but I do not intend to tell them I love them because I'm not really sure how love feels. I definitely feel attraction, and it seems very mutual. I guess my question is: When do I tell someone I love them, and how do I know when I truly love them? Im asking because this is literally my 1st time dating and I have never been involved in anything romantic.

    askchapo Comp4 1 month ago 100%
    Can anyone recommend books on the Byzantine Empire ?

    Kind of what the title says—I want to learn more about the Byzantine Empire. It doesn't need to be an academic book in fact, I would prefer something fun to read and not too dry. I'm mostly interested in the later years, around 800-1400. If anyone has a recommendation, hit me up! I´d settle for historical fiction as well.

    chapotraphouse Comp4 2 months ago 98%
    You know what fucks me up ? How fucking horny for war European Libs are

    Sorry I gotta vent. In the big liberal places I frequent, every second person talks about how we need to defend democracy and how they would be ready to fight against Russian or Chinese invaders. Like, seriously, I'm not going to die to defend liberal "democracy". If I'm ever forced to serve, I'll go through training, and then, as soon as I know how to handle a weapon, I'll REDACTED the highest-ranking officer I can find. If these bloodthirsty fucks want to stop Russia, why are they talking about it on Reddit instead of being on a train to Kiev? I have to hand it to those silly Reddit brigades: at least they put their money where their mouth is, even if it's based on complete brain rot.

    videos Comp4 2 months ago 100%


    chapotraphouse Comp4 2 months ago 100%

    I love all you guys, gals and enbies ![penguin-love]( "emoji penguin-love") (and yes the haters as well)

    games Comp4 2 months ago 98%
    Huge No Mans Sky update 5.0

    New Stuff 🌍Universe Refresh Bug Hunt Expedition 🦖New Creatures 🗺️Discovery Renaming 🚿Water Visuals 🤖Combat Mech 🌅Varied Skies 🚣Water Landings 🛸Craft Solar Ships 😶‍🌫️Atmospherics 🏄Dynamic Waves ⛅Cloud Visuals ⛲Water Variety 🌪️Wind 🐙Bug Queen 🏔️New Biomes Also DLSS support for those that have modern nvidia cards more in depth info Also a slightly more indepth vid Been wanting to get back into the game after playing it during release and back in like 2018. Also yes this worlds update is only called Part 1

    chapotraphouse Comp4 2 months ago 100%
    In 2028, Taylor Swift (D) runs against Tucker Carlson (R).

    I'm at work, so please keep me entertained while I pretend to work on this invoice. In 2028, Taylor Swift (D) is running against Tucker Carlson (R). Who are their VP picks? Who wins? Also, give me funny alternatives. Kanye West would be an amusing choice as well, though I'm uncertain if Republicans would vote for a black guy. (Even if he is Hitlerian as fuck) Kanye West / Alex Jones ticket ?!?!

    games Comp4 2 months ago 100%
    Dominions 6 - Rise of the Pantokrator

    So, I picked up Dominions 6 a while ago. Only played for 10h so far. I'm just looking for impressions from folks. It's fine if you've played earlier Dominions games. What do you think about it? Any tips? I want to play multiplayer games one day, but I'm still a noob. The number of variables and theoretical options seems massive. There are over 100 playable nations between 3 ages. Im probably gonna play Middle Ages since it seems the most fun™ and cozy™ I'm feeling a bit of choice paralysis regarding nations and pretender creation. I'm really interested in nations that use blood magic

    memes Comp4 2 months ago 98%
    Me and who ?
    chapotraphouse Comp4 3 months ago 100%
    Its a good day to post

    The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters. I'm happy to have Hexbear while the Empire is burning. It's fun to post during the last days of Rome.

    memes Comp4 3 months ago 100%
    On the topic of radiation
    askchapo Comp4 3 months ago 100%
    Opening up (serious question)

    I'm not sure if I want to open myself up about "this". It's not because I feel vulnerable, but because some people might think less of me for it. In a way, it's showing someone a massive weak spot that could be used against me. So, while I'm writing this, it seems obvious to me that it is foolish. Yet still, I have a lingering urge to share some of these feelings. Truthfully, I have never shared this with anyone. Not even in a therapy setting have I felt comfortable enough to do so. I did nothing illegal, so don't worry. Its also nothing sex related. Hypothetical. Imagine I killed someone in self-defense. Even if people might be sympathetic, they would view me differently after I told them that. It would change my relationship with them. This is just an example for something that has the potential to greatly change the dynamic between people. I DIDNT KILL SOMEONE. Any input would be appreciated. EDIT OK. I talked with someone about it. Feel a bit better. Probably wont disclose it on Hexbear but thanks for all the input.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Games Comp4 3 months ago 100%
    A question about game development / modding etc.

    cross-posted from: > So, I'm pretty much a layman when it comes to modding, game development, coding, etc. With that said, am I correct in thinking that creating a small to midsized mod for a game like Stellaris is a much smaller/easier undertaking than even a simple indie game? > > If I want to get started in that direction, creating a small (functional) Stellaris mod might be a good idea? > >

    games Comp4 3 months ago 100%
    A question about game development / modding etc.

    cross-posted from: > So, I'm pretty much a layman when it comes to modding, game development, coding, etc. With that said, am I correct in thinking that creating a small to midsized mod for a game like Stellaris is a much smaller/easier undertaking than even a simple indie game? > > If I want to get started in that direction, creating a small (functional) Stellaris mod might be a good idea? > >

    technology Comp4 3 months ago 100%
    A question about game development / modding etc.

    So, I'm pretty much a layman when it comes to modding, game development, coding, etc. With that said, am I correct in thinking that creating a small to midsized mod for a game like Stellaris is a much smaller/easier undertaking than even a simple indie game? If I want to get started in that direction, creating a small (functional) Stellaris mod might be a good idea?

    games Comp4 3 months ago 100%
    Playing Stellaris and having fun again

    I haven't played a longer session of Stellaris in quite a while, but I think I'm back. It's really quite fun, and the current version of the game feels very polished, coming from someone who has been playing Stellaris since 2016 (I "only" have 660 hours in it). I've actually never finished a full game of Stellaris. I usually play max-size galaxies, so that might have something to do with it, but I run out of steam after 15-20 hours. This time, though, I want to try to stick it out until the end, either winning or dying trying. I know some people dread micromanagement, but I love juggling different resources and maximizing my economy in this game. It also helps that I actually enjoy warfare most of the time in Stellaris, which I can't say for all Paradox games. I usually play some degree of Spiritualists or Xenophiles, but with the last DLC being focused on machines, I had to bring some robots. So, I'm playing as Fanatic Militarist/Authoritarian bots. It's going pretty well—I have 3 vassals/tributaries, and I'm the strongest force in the Galactic Community. I want to give Fanatic Pacifists a try sometime and play a very diplomacy-focused game with lots of envoys

    games Comp4 3 months ago 100%
    Victoria 3 Patch 1.7 + Spheres of Influence Expansion drops this Monday

    The graphics show the biggest free features of patch 1.7. I've heard from people online that the performance improvements are quite real. Here is the changelog Im currently busy with a Stellaris game but I will check out Vicky 3 again after some hotfixes.

    askchapo Comp4 3 months ago 100%
    Mushrooms. No seriously.

    cross-posted from: > So my dad has a cellar that is completely empty. We just store some plants there during the winter months. Now, I had an idea. In theory, I could plant around 100 mushrooms down there, right? There is a little bit of light coming in through a small window. Climate-wise, we are in Central Europe. > > Is there anything I should know or be aware of? Are there any mushroom types that are beginner-friendly? I would plant them for personal consumption, for me and my relatives. > > Bad Idea ? Good Idea ?

    gardening Comp4 3 months ago 96%
    Mushrooms. No seriously.

    So my dad has a cellar that is completely empty. We just store some plants there during the winter months. Now, I had an idea. In theory, I could plant around 100 mushrooms down there, right? There is a little bit of light coming in through a small window. Climate-wise, we are in Central Europe. Is there anything I should know or be aware of? Are there any mushroom types that are beginner-friendly? I would plant them for personal consumption, for me and my relatives. Bad Idea ? Good Idea ?

    anime Comp4 3 months ago 100%
    What does hexbear think about Dungeon Meshi ?

    Should I watch it ? Is it "good" ? I heard some super high praise from some people -better than Frieren they said (which im sceptical of) Please no spoilerinos :3 DONT JUST UPBEAR ! Tell me what you think ..pwease ? EDIT Thank you for your responses everyone. I started the show and might make a thread after im done.

    anime Comp4 3 months ago 100%
    Who else is watching Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night ?

    It's cute girls doing cute things, but it also seems to have some yuri (lesbian elements). I don't wanna spoil it for people who haven't seen it yet, but it's about a bunch of girls that come together to make art. Really cute and gets kinda emotional towards the end (at the moment, episode 10). Good stuff though. Might be one of my favorite shows this season. I'm not really active in anime circles, but I got the impression it might fly a bit under the radar (or am I overhyping it?)

    chat Comp4 3 months ago 100%
    Meditation/ Mindfulness etc

    So I "think" I suffer from stress, both work-related and from other real-life things I have very little control over. I also have a physical problem: random twitching of muscles that one doctor thought might be stress-related. It's not that serious to my knowledge, but it is annoying. Can people give me input on whether meditation helps in some capacity? Is it worth getting into? When/how often should I meditate? Please share your views or stance on it.

    music Comp4 4 months ago 100%
    Union Dixie - Eurobeat Remix

    They should have hanged all slavers

    chapotraphouse Comp4 4 months ago 100%
    A Black Rose - a dark academia themed CYOA by jayemouse

    So I did post some Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) stuff here and there. This is the longest I've posted so far. I hope those of you who like these enjoy this one. I'm gonna go to sleep now and will be back later. I hope some of you share your builds and thoughts. I plan to create some CYOAs of my own when I have time this year. I might post them if there is interest.

    ttrpg Comp4 4 months ago 100%
    I found a cute CYOA some of you might like.

    cross-posted from: > Another CYOA (Choose your own adventure) for my fellow Hexbears. > > Pick one option. > > I probably would choose the Diner. Since free and good food sounds amazing.
