memes Memes Let's Morb one more time..
  • Coki91 Coki91 2 weeks ago 100%

    There is actually an amazon show (idk the name) thats having a Concord devoted episode sometime this november, that might be a lead for re-releasing concord as f2p, idk but would be funny

  • warframe Warframe Operator Mode: A Few Questions for the Community
  • Coki91 Coki91 3 weeks ago 100%
    • Yes, whenever I feel like it I do change to my operator unironically and sometimes for the utility they bring
      • Operator, I wish I could say I love them both equally but for cinematic purposes I still go into Operator, I do swap in between often for regular gameplay however
    • Not much, I just got them all and maxed them like any other Mastery Grind, the only effort that went into them was using a different combination each time, no repeated parts across the board
      • Yes, not a single part repeated across all my 8 AMPs (mote included)
    • Yes, obviously they make a great change when compared to none
      • Operator: Emergence Saviour and Magus Repair, AMP: Eternal Onsalught and Virtuos Strike
      • Yup, all Arcanes from Operator and AMP maxed
    • Unairu
      • Yes, Im into being a tank or protector
      • "Prestige" Obtained everything and have a lot of million points lying around
    • Barely
      • Yes, everything that can be
      • I did all my Focus Grind before there were more than 1 Method, so just obtaining Affinity on ESO
      • It's okay, one daily run of 20 minutes, ESO could be better however
    • Equally effective, I can kill with my Operator as much as my Warframe (Chroma) really, unless the Enemy cant be armor stripped
      • I would say in general lines is okay, any Warframe can complete any kind of Mission, same with operator
    • Invencibility, both for me and my Warframe so I tend to play around it for Defense or Control
    • Bring Void Dash back
  • warframe
    Warframe Coki91 2 months ago 100%


    warframe Warframe My TennoCon 2024 Bingo Card
  • Coki91 Coki91 2 months ago 100%

    The love of my Life, but also my Angst, AkMagnus once again goes unnoticed by everyone at DE


  • warframe Warframe My TennoCon 2024 Bingo Card
  • Coki91 Coki91 2 months ago 100%

    My bingo Finale

  • warframe Warframe My TennoCon 2024 Bingo Card
  • Coki91 Coki91 2 months ago 100%

    Update so far: It's so over

  • warframe Warframe My TennoCon 2024 Bingo Card
  • Coki91 Coki91 2 months ago 100%

    Im a registered Looser afterall

  • warframe Warframe My TennoCon 2024 Bingo Card
  • Coki91 Coki91 2 months ago 100%

    Had no idea but guess im getting a free cross

  • warframe Warframe My TennoCon 2024 Bingo Card
  • Coki91 Coki91 2 months ago 100%

    Daring today arent we?

  • warframe
    Warframe Coki91 2 months ago 100%
    My TennoCon 2024 Bingo Card

    Got your Bingo cards ready? Because I do, post yours in the comment and let's all see how things go down tomorrow

    lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Nature is beautiful
  • Coki91 Coki91 3 months ago 100%

    Good Good Utz!

  • warframe
    Warframe Coki91 6 months ago 100%
    The New Kubrow fur looks better on the Genetic Imprint screen than in the Orbiter

    It's kinda funny and endearing at the same time, all my graphical settings are maxed out by the way ![]( ![](

    warframe Warframe Pro Tip, you can max out Simaris Standing in 2 Seconds using the Infested Gift of the Lotus Alert, and Repeat it Everyday
  • Coki91 Coki91 6 months ago 100%

    Nothing special, you may been looking at a Camera, not a Turret. I just did my daily with it no problem.

  • warframe Warframe Pro Tip, you can max out Simaris Standing in 2 Seconds using the Infested Gift of the Lotus Alert, and Repeat it Everyday
  • Coki91 Coki91 6 months ago 100%

    Level 9999 Turrets spawn in the alert, Simaris standing gain scales on enemy level. Max out standing in 2 Scans.

  • gaming Gaming GeForce Now adding ads for free users.
  • Coki91 Coki91 7 months ago 100%

    Assuming you read my entire parent comment... what would a sensible default do in that case? Put me in a less crowded region compromising quality as I mentioned?

  • gaming Gaming GeForce Now adding ads for free users.
  • Coki91 Coki91 7 months ago 100%

    Correct, so long your device supports streaming video like Youtube, you may use it.

  • gaming Gaming GeForce Now adding ads for free users.
  • Coki91 Coki91 7 months ago 100%

    How could it be? Im sure everyone here is no stranger to automated systems being fucky, if anything giving the user the choice is considerably in favour of them. Besides, im subject to the same system as in my region, I got access to unnocupied servers due to time zone differences.

  • gaming Gaming GeForce Now adding ads for free users.
  • Coki91 Coki91 7 months ago 100%

    Well, that makes sense for the most part, but there's the important detail that there are streaming services that grant you a fully uncontrolled rig, I just cant think of any that are free. In fact, Geforce Now used to do this, until legal issues arised from a clause being extremely specific making users unable to legally play on a device they werent physically in contact with, real shitty but allegedly not Nvidia's fault or the cloud streaming service as a whole.

  • gaming Gaming GeForce Now adding ads for free users.
  • Coki91 Coki91 7 months ago 100%

    Im seriously intersted on how is Cloud Gaming (in the way Geforce does it) part of the "you will own nothing and be happy" issue, im not saying the trope isnt real, im saying that I cant think how does it fit into this concept. On my view this is akin as going into a Cyber Cafe you could walk down the street anyday, you dont own anything either but your money's worth isnt sailing without you receiving what you paid for

  • gaming Gaming GeForce Now adding ads for free users.
  • Coki91 Coki91 7 months ago 100%

    So I got the email today and I just want to share my experience.

    Im with NVIDIA on this one, let me explain. I've been using the service for the past 2 years (half of it's lifetime since release 4 years ago) and I thought to myself from the get go "this is unsubtainable" and that I would have nowhere to game on high performance after they inevitably shut down the free plan. I was wrong, and this does translate to a good experience

    To elaborate, queues in free tier have 3 states, the first one being "go grab a snack and you'll be back to the game launcher" which is when the queue has a little over 100 people that took up to 10 minutes to clear, this has been the most common in my experience due to my region's timezone being the most far apart from the people in my continent (America) and thus I get to play when most people arent and such the queue is very accessible

    The second state is "everyone is asleep you get in immediately" which I just happen to incur into every other weekend I devote to gaming till 4 AM (which would be like till 9 AM for the rest of the continent)

    And the third and most uncommon scenario I have face is "A game is very popular right now, everyone is playing regardless of timezone" which has happened a number of times I can count with my both hands, the most recent one being past september the servers were so saturated it took hours to get in even at night time of my region. THIS HOWEVER DID NOT STOP ME FROM USING THE SERVICE, why you may ask, well the answer is more "how", because the service allows you to pick manually a region to play in, I instead of defaulting to my local server, manually chose one in Europe, and sure enough Europe had many available servers, I could play in again like if it was the first state, this obviously came with a slight increase in input delay but given the PvE nature of my games, I went unbothered with it. Until things calmed down on my region and I could go back to my server

    Conclusion is, GFN Free Tier is absolutely worth the cost, and having abused the shit out of it this is good news, it means they really dont intend to shut it down for the foreseeable future which is the most important part, but also it might improve thanks to the generated revenue where there previously was none. Unlike Youtube and Spotify this seems to be non-interruptive which is welcomed as well, obviously you cant just pause a game midway for an ad, they understand this is not how things work.

  • gaming Gaming GeForce Now adding ads for free users.
  • Coki91 Coki91 7 months ago 100%

    I mean, the more revenue free players can generate, the more reason they have to keep them in

    If you otherwise think queues will be shorter because people will quit over disgust of ads boy do I have news for you

  • gaming Gaming GeForce Now adding ads for free users.
  • Coki91 Coki91 7 months ago 100%

    You can get it, and you have to watch no ads, as of right now, it's been 4 years running like that im sincerely apalled this is breaking in now, I would have thought the current form to be unsubtainable long ago but i've been playing on the free tier 2 years by now

  • warframe Warframe Devstream #177 Megathread
  • Coki91 Coki91 7 months ago 100%

    Mirage is DEAD and not just because of the Eclipse NERF, but her entire Kit still relies on lighting and the Devstream did not address a single thing about that, her 2 and 4 will continue to be useless in the labs and any future tileset if it's not addressed, the toggle thing was ridiculous from the get go because of this, but now it's a clownfest given that the community has decided on this rather than just fixing her mechanic

    Edit: Being a Chroma main im naturally intersted in the Augment, but... it's kinda questionable, it's obviously trying to address many issues with how Vex Armor's dated functioning goes in today's Game but it's also glaring issues with the contents Chroma ussually engage in, you dont want to get hurt more than enough to get your Fury going, but with it you will get 50% of the Nuke that your allies receive in high levels, given that it's damage redirection not damage reduction, allies are probably better of with you than without but you are not receiving that damage reduction, you will die form stray shots that hit both you AND NOW your allies, if it gave say Damage Reduction too, then it would be way more viable, but as it is now it's really hard to imagine where would it radically change your build? Profit Taker, Eidolon Hunts and Archon Hunts this augment is useless on all of them and past Level 200 it's gonna kill you more than just having Combat Discipline and building duration

  • Coki91 Coki91 7 months ago 100%

    that wouldnt be very innovative, try to be more capitalist

  • memes Memes You cant fool me.
  • Coki91 Coki91 7 months ago 100%

    Nice try, class Traitor

  • 196 196 Stupid sexy femboys rule
  • Coki91 Coki91 7 months ago 100%
  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How do you tell the difference between dream and reality?
  • Coki91 Coki91 7 months ago 100%

    Eh I usully cant, being sleep deprived reality really feels like a dream but things still function, in dreams I usually cant tell which is terrible because I have a tendency to die/watch loved ones die in them... and even then I wont wake up from either event

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's your favorite dad joke?
  • Coki91 Coki91 8 months ago 100%

    Boooo, they said "I" not "I'm"

  • warframe
    Warframe Coki91 9 months ago 100%
    My New Favorite method for Build Benchmark

    Kinda loving the Netracells, heard there was available an SP Version, wish that was still in place

    world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 100%

    I mean for what we were discussing, there really is no solution?

    And if you actually just radically changed topic... there's really not a problem? There's two pathways that if theoretically executed have pros and cons (if the candidates actually comply to their promises) and choosing is at best a conflict

  • world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 66%

    Sure, have a good day!

  • world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 100%

    Except that... he's already making the Caste pay?... 2 out of his 3 Decrees so far have already cut A LOT of Political Priviledges and Money making schemes planted by the Peronists, and more are to come out of his words. Sure the workers are paying too i'll give you that.

    And yes, Massa was the President, of course not in an official way because that would be unconstitutional and Political Suicide, on the Most Peronist fashion it was all done under the rug. As soon as Massa assumed his charge the President Alberto Fernandez LITERALLY dissapeared from Public View AND Executively did NOTHING the rest of his mandate. Massa took his place both in Public Acts and on actually ordering the Country. There's no way to make this shit up given how blatant it was

  • world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 100%

    I agree, "you too" is not an excuse, but that wasn't what I was trying to imply. For clarification it's a matter of pick your poison because it doesn't matter the person nor the space they belong to, bad apples are gonna be there so wether you prefer those bad apples to come from china or united states is really the only choice you can make.

    And there is a saying in Argentina that if Peronism doesnt make sense to you, it means you understood it perfectly. The deal here is that it's been the power that's dominated the country since it's inception... and look how that's going

  • world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 66%

    Im asking for a clarification or otherwise rewording of the meaning you tried to give with a dubious quote from a Past Era because It's not clear how it interjects with the topic at all

    If you're not willing to provide that, I guess this convo is over

  • world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 100%

    I don't know who's interpretation of Anarcho-Capitalism you are following, but since ther has never been an Anarcho Capilist government in the world (which sounds ironical) it's all just ideas and interpretations, of which seem you are grabbing the worst of the pile.

    Rothbard's definition includes in the fundamentals of the Contractual Society being voluntarily approached and free of violence or harm, which is to say that if you do not respect the inalienable rights of the others, you are violating the Contract for being in that society, and you are rightfully gonna be aprehended. There is no contradiction

    Also, to what you said about "demonstrated" something, mind linking to what you have? There's nothing around here like that

  • world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 100%

    What would have you chosen instead then? Something more precise would be good to know.

  • world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 100%

    There's an Arg lemmy? If so mind linking it, dont think I've seen one yet

  • world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 100%

    Or... neither?

    Words have meanings beyond the people that use them, if the meaning is appropiate for representing something, it shall be used.

    Is not like "Phobia" is on many "Phobias" just for the sake of it.

  • world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 33%

    What are you on about?

    Are you confusing principles and ideals of an ideology for an instated regime? Or what's your point here

  • world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 100%

    You just gave me the right on everything about Espert... Including that he's just a legislator and LLA having an Alliance with JxC to be allowed to govern... So thanks I guess

    However, no the Peso was not devaluated, the Official exchange just moved towards the real exchange since for some reason they dont want to steal more from the Workers and Tourists that fall for the trap of the Official Exchange... HMMMM

    And yeah let's just be absolutists and say the right is never the answer, that's obviously flawless and correct and doesnt make you look any biased at all...

    And would like to know the quote you are apparently replying to? Because so far Milei has advocated to follow the constitution, has complied with his campaign promises so far and has been democratically elected unlike his opponent in the Elections who has De-Facto President on his Minister of Economy facade, Surely those arent fascists, correct?

  • world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 100%

    "Ancaps arent Anarchists"

    Yes... exactly. I see you understand why they are called different things

  • world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 50%

    It was a genuine question, Im at a Loss of what are you trying to say or imply

    I'll stand by my claim that a peaceful protest that doesnt violate anyone else's rights is not only possible, but should be the norm where these "Social" Organizations have only done the contrary in Argentina thus far.

  • world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 66%

    He hasnt done such thing? During Presidential Debates he literally brought them up...

    And someone having friends that think alike? What a crazy concept! Just like Peronism that reivindicated dictators around the world and has ties with Maduro's Venezuela and China, even selling part of the country to them

    Glad they didnt win.

  • world World News ‘Prison or bullet’: new Argentina government promises harsh response to protest
  • Coki91 Coki91 9 months ago 33%

    Are you... advocating violence?...

    I literally just said a peaceful manifestation without violation of the other's right is possible and has been done not even too far back.

    And also, these "Piquetes" aren't peaceful at all. It is violent to stop workers from going to work, threatening their income necessary to sustain their life, it's a crime under the hood of enforcing a right and that's why they should be repressed. Those who don't incur on the people's freedom to go to work and live peacefully shouldn't be of course.

  • warframe
    Warframe Coki91 9 months ago 100%
    It's Officially been 2 Years since the release of "The New War"

    < RANT > And the DAMN SIROCCO IS STILL DUCKTAPED TO THE DRIFTER'S HAND I cannot describe how much I hate this, I thought it was gonna be a temporary thing, but it's still here I hate how it **still** appears in cutscenes where it's not used, and I hate how bad it looks using it in actual gameplay with AMP Fire types. Furthermore I want to take some fancy Capturas of my Drifter and im forced to have the damn thing on my shot. < /RANT >

    196 Coki91 11 months ago 100%
    Simaris Rule
    Warframe Coki91 11 months ago 100%
    I love the Companion Rework and all but...

    Maxed out builds are still impossible, this was an issue before the update, now it's even worse since Primed Pack Leader was just as good Rank 1, now it's great to max it out Hell, I'd love to put in Elemental Mods too but there just arent enough slots

    Warframe Coki91 12 months ago 100%
    [EXPIRED] Promotion Code: HACKSMITH-BOT (Until October 15)

    Content: 3 Day Affinity Booster x1 Domestik Drone x1 Helios x1 (With Slot and Reactor) Deconstructor x1 (With Slot and Catalyzer) Thanks to []( for the Information on the End Date of the Code!

    Warframe Coki91 1 year ago 100%
    My TennoCon 2023 Bingo Card!

    Edit: Edited the 4th Row 3rd Column entry since original was too vague and kinda repeated

    Warframe Coki91 1 year ago 100%
    A Million Credits and 200 Slivers from Today's Sortie

    Well, today's Sortie is pretty good for farming... If anyone is wondering, it was a Pre-Made Setup consisting of Mirage, Nekros and 2 Khoras, might do a Guide Later for farming Slivers in general!

    Warframe Coki91 1 year ago 100%
    The DE doesnt just take, it also Gives

    Just to clarify, it was just visual, I did get my reward but still pretty funny

    Warframe Coki91 1 year ago 100%
    What is a Warframe Quote you can Stand For/Agree With?

    Pretty much Title, I would like to know what Quote in question would be and what's the Idea/Meaning you have of it I know this might be difficult to grasp so giving my 2 Cents would be: > Charity is power. More charity is more power From Parvos Granum, my interpretation kinda leans towards the value of Life, being pretty much invaluable (or prohibitely expensive) You cannot buy a Life, but trough Helping (Charity) you can be owed one. > I wouldnt set a Foot in this place for all the Ayatan in the System. You on the other hand From Maroo, on her Weekly Ayatan Hunt Quest I get a sense that this phrase can be interpreted as a Critique to those willing to do "Anything" for Money. Basically negating to sell your Dignity.
