ukraine Ukraine Russia Scrambles to Protect Its Helicopters From FPV Drones
  • Burstar Burstar 1 month ago 100%

    Banned for crimes against humanity /jk

  • memes Memes politically correct
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 27%

    🙄 Have a nice day.

  • memes Memes politically correct
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 36%

    Reuters vs Aljazeera... I wonder which is the more believable news source, particularly with regards to Israel events.

    edit: Without getting into the weeds Liberalism and Left/Right are usually considered separate spectrums and the definition varies wildly depending on where you're from.

  • memes Memes politically correct
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 28%

    Please read more carefully. I did not say "is now..." and the civilian casualty count is nowhere near 200k but rather closer to 40k.

    Edit: But I also agree they are liberal too.

  • ukraine Ukraine Russia launched the most powerful drone attack on Kyiv since the start of the war
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 80%

    In the future, it's better to link to the original news article rather than a derivative citing it. Particularly when the derivative also needs translation.

  • memes Memes politically correct
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 34%

    The news mods are absolutely biased, break their own rules blatantly, and clearly support a left/far-left agenda.

    That said, it's pretty unnecessary to hide genocide when the ICJ hasn't ruled one occurred yet.

  • science_memes Science Memes this one goes out to the urban planning nerds
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 100%

    All they do is increase taxes though. /s

  • ukraine Ukraine Russian soldiers are punished for looting on the left bank of the Kherson region.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 100%

    The fate that awaits them after immersing fresh wounds in river water should be a deterrent for any of their comrades that come in contact with them in the next couple days.

  • ukraine
    Ukraine Burstar 2 months ago 98%
    Russian navy starts major drills involving most of its fleet

    MOSCOW, July 30 (Reuters) - Russia's navy began planned exercises involving most of its fleet in the Arctic and Pacific oceans as well and the Baltic and Caspian seas, the defence ministry said on Tuesday... ...Since President Vladimir Putin sent thousands of troops into Ukraine in February 2022, the Russia's Black Sea fleet - the only Russian fleet formation not taking part in the drills - has struggled to adapt to dynamic modern drone warfare and the chief of the navy was replaced earlier this year.

    Ukraine Burstar 2 months ago 97%
    Ukraine's Zelenskiy visits frontline area in Kharkiv region

    KYIV, July 29 (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Monday he had travelled to the frontline area of Vovchansk in the northeastern Kharkiv region near the Russian border, where Moscow's forces have been trying to break through.

    ukraine Ukraine Rebels in Mali Display Ukrainian Flag After Wagner Defeat
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 100%

    Had he stated anything about what the SOF in Ukraine were doing I would agree with you. I believe the consensus is they are there training Ukraine troops.

  • ukraine Ukraine Rebels in Mali Display Ukrainian Flag After Wagner Defeat
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 100%

    It's technically not disinformation. Just a flawed conclusion. Politely pointing out alternative, more accurate, ways to look at it is the recommended method.

  • ukraine
    Ukraine Burstar 2 months ago 97%
    Poland tells Hungary to 'join a union with Putin' in diplomatic row

    cross-posted from: > **While most European countries firmly back Ukraine, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is seen as having comparatively close ties to Russia, prompting a war of words with Poland.** > > A diplomatic spat has erupted between Poland and Hungary that lays bare the deep tensions within Europe over how to deal with Russia as it continues its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

    World News Burstar 2 months ago 97%
    Ukraine keeps pounding Russia's Kursk region with drones, Russian officials say

    cross-posted from: > July 29 (Reuters) - Kyiv launched more than two dozen drones on the Russian region of Kursk in several waves of attacks that started Saturday night and damaged an oil depot, Russian officials said on Monday

    Ukraine Burstar 2 months ago 96%
    Ukraine keeps pounding Russia's Kursk region with drones, Russian officials say

    July 29 (Reuters) - Kyiv launched more than two dozen drones on the Russian region of Kursk in several waves of attacks that started Saturday night and damaged an oil depot, Russian officials said on Monday

    ukraine Ukraine Russian soldier takes propagandists' advice and sacrifices himself after getting hit by drone dropped munitions.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 100%

    They aren't 'hostages'. They are prisoners of war.

    Edit: They are required by international law to take POWs if they surrender properly, so yes they take POWs

  • ukraine Ukraine Ukraine has started training Bradley infantry fighting vehicle crews by itself
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 100%


    Before it was American and European trainers doing the training in European countries. Now it's the trainees becoming the trainers.

  • ukraine
    Ukraine Burstar 2 months ago 95%
    Russia says oil depot in Kursk region on fire after Ukraine drone attack

    > July 28 (Reuters) - Three tanks at an oil storage depot in Russia's Kursk region caught fire as a result of a Ukraine-launched drone attack, acting regional Governor Alexei Smirnov said on Sunday. > > No one was injured in the attack, and a fire at one of the tanks was quickly extinguished. However, 82 firefighters and 32 units of equipment were involved in trying to put out fires at the other two tanks, Smirnov said on the Telegram messaging app.

    ukraine Ukraine Kremlin says Russia is open to talks with Ukraine while Zelenskiy is in power but needs more details
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 75%

    Won't need to imagine it. It will be real one day soon enough. Ukraine has the will and support for it.

  • ukraine
    Ukraine Burstar 2 months ago 94%
    Kremlin says Russia is open to talks with Ukraine while Zelenskiy is in power but needs more details

    > MOSCOW, July 25 (Reuters) - The Kremlin signalled on Thursday it was open to negotiations with Ukraine on ending the conflict while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy remains in power despite publicly doubting his legitimacy to rule. Nothing to get excited about. Although, it seems to me a sign Russia is really starting to feel the pain.

    news News Republican attacks on Kamala Harris to get ‘as ugly and bigoted as they can’
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 100%

    TIL David Smith (the article author) is completely out of ideas and has decided to phone it in until the weekend.

  • news News [Mega thread] - Biden ends bid for presidency
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 100%


  • news News [Mega thread] - Biden ends bid for presidency
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 75%

    Heh, or just vote for his opponent whomever that may be :P

  • news News Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 100%

    In Biden's defence he has Covid and that probably is really making him feel his age right about now.

  • news News Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 100%

    Harris has already announced her candidacy. It will be difficult for anyone else to seriously challenge. Especially if/when Biden endorses her.

  • technology Technology Instructions for Windows users who want have improved security without CrowdStrike
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 80%

    Nice try Nigerian Prince, but I'm not clicking your link.

  • news News Biden to 'Stand Down'; Will Address Nation Later This Week.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 25%

    Way to blame the victim there champ

  • news News Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 33%


  • news News [Mega thread] - Biden ends bid for presidency
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 100%

    Thanks fren!

  • news News [Mega thread] - Biden ends bid for presidency
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 96%

    Get out of my head. I only watch late night talk shows on Youtube now just so I can skip past any Trump video. I hate that guy so much it makes my jaw hurt whenever I see his image.

    Edit: I wish I could vote against him.

  • news News Biden to 'Stand Down'; Will Address Nation Later This Week.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 30%

    This totally unbiased message brought to you by someone that thinks people that execute the LGBTQI are "heroic".

    Also, not a genocide. The Hamas' intended results of hiding behind civilian shields.

  • news News Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 33%

    Hamas has never proposed releasing all the hostages. It's always some for reciprocation.

    I would remind you that the JFK quote works both ways.

  • news News Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 28%

    No Palestinians aren't 'the bunch'. All those that refuse to coexist peacefully with Israel the past 80 years are.

  • news News Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 14%

    Who decides when we the statute of limitations is up on past transgressions of Israel?

    Same people that decide that for the past transgressions of Terrorism Incorporated. Both sides need to stop, sit down and come to an agreement somehow. The only other way for peace is one Hamas sympathizers will NOT like.

    As for 'the next wave of Hamas conscripts'. That is inevitable. 80 ish years ago Israel did nothing but come into existance due to a UN mandate and all the nations around them declared war. Nothing Israel can do or not do will prevent Hamas and the like from growing except ceasing to exist and that is the genocide Hamas et al sympathizers are actually supporting.

  • news News Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 12%

    Doesn't justify terrorism or warcrimes.

    Edit: I will sit down and commiserate with you on the shit show from both sides for the last 80 years, but those issues should have been dealt with in the past and are not a justification for the present.

  • news News Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 33%

    Hey I wonder if Hamas could be considered 'a few bad apples'?

  • news News Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 11%

    no no. You're the terrorist mouthpiece. I'm the one supporting a government just trying to protect its citizens from rampant murders/hostage takers.

  • news News Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 7%

    Hamas suck

    See, you're doing it again. No, Hamas doesn't just 'suck'. It's this false equivalence BS that has my ire. Hamas... are. literal. terrorists. and that is not in dispute by anyone worth listening to. Hamas as a strategy kill, rape, torture, and take hostage anyone they can get their evil fucking hands on. Israel wants to just exist but have been putting up with the afforementioned terrorism for 80 years. So they got a little Nietzschian. Israel is sick of it. I would be too if I was in their shoes.

    That's the difference. They have a right to exist and I support that unequivocally. Are they perfect? Of course not. Would they be as hostile to Palestinians as they are had Terrorism Incorporated not made every minute of the last 80 years constant jeopardy? Um probably not. Is this a genocide? Not yet, but it could be if team Hamas doesn't smarten up and say 'hey now maybe peaceful solutions are a good idea'. Until then, Fuck Hamas and their putting civilians lives in jeopardy with their stubbornness.

    If and when they surrender and release the hostages Israel continues this assault then yeah. They the baddies. Right now they are just getting their hands dirtier than you, sitting comfortably in your a/c sipping a latte somewhere else, would prefer protecting themselves.

  • news News Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 10%
  • news News Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 6%

    and yet you (directly or indirectly) literally support known terrorists.

  • news News Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 33%

    Ah, best you can do is a few reports where prosecution of those involved is inadequate, but at least existent. So it isn't policy of Israeli forces, just a few bad apples? Gotchya ;)

  • ukraine Ukraine Poisoned fruit kills 12 Russian soldiers in southeast Ukraine
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 50%

    It's a pretty big stretch to call leaders of the Nazi party civilians. This argument is like saying Putin's cabinet aren't guilty of warcrimes because they aren't soldiers. If you're in a position to effect policy and/or give orders that result in warcrimes at the very least you do not fit into the category of civilian we're discussing.

  • news News Heat-related Texas deaths climb after Beryl left millions without power for days or longer
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 100%

    You obviously don't live in Texas, or are at least in the unfortunate minority.

  • news News Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 37%

    Fun fact: the IDF uses Palestinian civilians as human shields much more often than Hamas does. Does that make any violence against Israeli civilians acceptable? Of course not!

    Non-biased citation (aljazeera and friends don't count) please.

  • ukraine Ukraine Poisoned fruit kills 12 Russian soldiers in southeast Ukraine
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 92%

    Yes they do. This act falls under the purview of civilian enforcement. It is up to the controlling government to prosecute these civilian crimes in civilian criminal court.

    EDIT: Okay, so this particular argument irked me so I investigated. Unfortunately, Ninja is technically correct. According to the ICRC civilians receive an instantaneous removal of their status as non-combatant for the duration of the hostile act, and the ICC's Rome Statutes clearly list using poison as a warcrime so it is probable the perpetrators could be prosecuted. More likely, however, is that their being subject to civilians laws means they can ALSO be prosecuted in the civilian manner. Double the risk for the reward.

    That said. Russia wants to FAFO that's their problem.

  • news News Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 75%
  • news News Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis.
  • Burstar Burstar 2 months ago 20%

    No, Hamas has the power to stop. All they have to do is surrender and release the hostages. After that if Israel continues THEN it is a genocidal atrocity. Until then it is the intentional consequences of Hamas hiding behind children to protect themselves. The only reason Israel has the higher body count is Hamas uses mass civilian casualties to try and garner sympathy (and you're supporting that strategy). Not Israel's fault. Negotiating with terrorists is unethical.

  • ukraine
    Ukraine Burstar 2 months ago 95%
    Slovakia, Hungary say Ukraine has halted Lukoil's Russian oil transit

    - Ukraine introduced sanctions against Lukoil in June - Slovakia, Hungary still receive Russian oil from other sources PRAGUE/BUDAPEST, July 18 (Reuters) - Slovakia and Hungary said they have stopped receiving oil from key supplier Lukoil (LKOH.MM) after Ukraine imposed a ban last month on the transit of resources from the Russian energy company via its territory.--

    Ukraine Burstar 2 months ago 96%
    German court sentences dual German-Russian citizen to six years and nine months in prison for selling electronics to Russian companies for military use in violation of sanctions

    cross-posted from: > The Stuttgart court said the 59-year-old man delivered 120,000 parts to Russia that could be used for military purposes between January 2020 and May 2023.

    Ukraine Burstar 2 months ago 96%
    Switzerland opens dozens of Russian sanctions cases

    GENEVA, July 17 (Reuters) - Switzerland has opened investigations into more than 50 cases of possible sanctions violations and has found breaches in 15 of them so far, the government said in a statement on Wednesday.

    Ukraine Burstar 2 months ago 97%
    Ukraine says Russia's last naval patrol ship leaving Crimea

    July 15 (Reuters) - Ukraine's navy said on Monday that Moscow's last naval patrol ship had left Russian-occupied Crimea, "most likely" to rebase elsewhere after Kyiv's concerted military campaign to attack the Black Sea peninsula as it battles Russian invasion...

    Ukraine Burstar 3 months ago 95%
    10 Ukrainians held prisoner for years in Russia return home after Vatican mediation

    KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ten Ukrainian civilians held prisoner for years by Russia arrived in Kyiv overnight Saturday after the mediation of the Vatican, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said...

    Ukraine Burstar 3 months ago 97%
    Ukraine military says Russian troops pushed out of part of key eastern town

    June 27 (Reuters) - Ukraine's military said on Thursday its forces had forced Russian troops out of a district in the town of Chasiv Yar on the war's eastern front seen as Moscow's next target in its slow advance through the area.

    World News Burstar 3 months ago 88%
    Top European rights court rules Russia guilty of abuses in Crimea

    The European Court of Human Rights ruled on Tuesday that Russia committed rights violations in Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula, which Moscow occupied and annexed in violation of international law in 2014...

    Ukraine Burstar 3 months ago 96%
    Top European rights court rules Russia guilty of abuses in Crimea

    The European Court of Human Rights ruled on Tuesday that Russia committed rights violations in Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula, which Moscow occupied and annexed in violation of international law in 2014... See also: [Russian parliament votes to break with European Court of Human Rights - June 7/24](

    Ukraine Burstar 3 months ago 91%
    Ukraine's international bond rework derailed as deadline nears

    Ukraine has not been able to reach an agreement with a group of bondholders over restructuring some $20 billion of international debt during formal talks, it said on Monday, raising the spectre that the war-torn country might slip into default...

    Ukraine Burstar 3 months ago 97%
    India urges Russia to return its citizens recruited by Russia's army after 2 were killed

    India says it has urged Russia to return Indian citizens recruited by Russia’s army after two were killed recently in the war in Ukraine.

    Ukraine Burstar 3 months ago 96%
    LGBT soldiers in Ukraine hope their service is changing attitudes as they rally for legal rights

    Several hundred LGBT Ukrainian servicemen and their supporters marched in central Kyiv Sunday to demand more rights and highlight their service to their country in its war with Russia...

    Ukraine Burstar 3 months ago 97%
    World leaders join Ukraine summit in test of Kyiv's peace push

    Summary - Summit aims to pressure Russia to end Ukraine conflict - Draft communique condemns Russia's 'war' in Ukraine - Absence of China, Russia seen limiting potential impact - Putin outlines conditions to end war on eve of gathering - Potential next host Saudi Arabia: difficult compromise needed

    Ukraine Burstar 3 months ago 93%
    Putin offers truce if Ukraine exits Russian-claimed areas and drops NATO bid. Kyiv rejects it

    Russian President Vladimir Putin promised Friday to “immediately” order a cease-fire in Ukraine and start negotiations if Kyiv began withdrawing troops from the four regions annexed by Moscow in 2022 and renounced plans to join NATO. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy rejected what he called an ultimatum by Putin to surrender more territory...

    Ukraine Burstar 3 months ago 98%
    Russians told to mobilize to inflict 'maximum harm' on West in response to sanctions

    Summary - Kremlin hawk talks of need for harsh campaign against West - Ex-president Medvedev: Response needed against sanctions - Calls for Western society, infrastructure to be targeted - Western officials have accused Russia of sabotage - Moscow has publicly rejected those allegations

    Ukraine Burstar 9 months ago 97%
    NATO Training and Lessons from the War in Ukraine

    How do you train an army to fight a war that is different from any you've ever experienced?

    Lemmy Moderators Burstar 9 months ago 100%
    Remote Moderation and Pinning

    Moderating a community on another server and having several problems: I pin a post for rules clarification and within a day the pin gets removed and the post starts sinking. Worse, the post still shows pinned in my instance so it looks like everything is okay. Attempts to work around this by promoting another account ON that community's server don't go through. Is there a way to make a pin permanent and visible across all instances?
