covid covid Anecdotally, it feels like people around me are being affected by COVID
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 4 hours ago 100%

    I will check it out, thanks!

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank King Bazinga presents some poetry about how we actually need Supply-Side Cultural Christianity.
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 6 hours ago 100%

    Why does no one realize Dylan Thomas wrote more than one poem kitty-cri

  • covid covid Anecdotally, it feels like people around me are being affected by COVID
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 6 hours ago 100%

    Well shoot, thanks for the heads up.

    The Stuart Ritchie piece adds some useful context for the turn into the anti-medication takes at the end of the book.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank From Radical to Lib: Angela Davis "Electing Harris will open space for more radical struggles"
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 7 hours ago 100%

    “But when you reach that level,” nominee of one of the two major parties, “you have to be the face of capitalism, militarism, and neo-colonialism.” Harris, Davis warned, “has told us she will be that face, that she will build the most lethal military apparatus ever.”

    And then next time we have to vote for the next face of capitalism, militarism, and neo-colonialism so that the most lethal military apparatus ever doesn't get placed in the hands of the next fascist!

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank King Bazinga presents some poetry about how we actually need Supply-Side Cultural Christianity.
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 8 hours ago 100%

    When do you suppose was the last time Musk read a poem (that was not generated by an LLM)?

  • covid covid Anecdotally, it feels like people around me are being affected by COVID
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 8 hours ago 100%

    I've been reading Stolen Focus by Johann Hari. I don't know if it contains anything particularly revelatory, but it does do really well to line up all the evidence that tech (and our culture more generally) is designed to wreck our ability to concentrate. Anecdotally, my partner teaches and the number of kids who have issues with their phones and video games seems pretty high. COVID is probably accelerating the development of all these problems.

    Also speaking anecdotally, I haven't had any major illnesses since the pandemic started and I've been massively struggling with mental health. I think we're just able to sense that our culture and society are both in a terrible place and that's causing a lot of mental strain.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Tech Bro Bit Idea: A dating app called Lunch and Lay
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 12 hours ago 100%

    It's an app like Grindr but also for straight people

    Predicting right now that the proportion of users that are men will be the same for both apps

  • chat chat Folks I'm like post work event tech bro tipsy and I hate the tech bro mask I am forced to wear to survive in capitalism. How are you?
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 23 hours ago 100%

    Suppressing the urge to strip naked and run through the halls shouting "Everything we do is fake!" is getting harder with every passing day and it's mainly the fault of this web site.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Good news: majority of media coverage is unbiased, says AI-based bias detector
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 1 day ago 100%

    Assuming this isn't just evidence that the methodology sucks or the sample is crap because they picked a single right-wing crank site to serve as the functional outgroup, it seems to be pointing to a distinct lack of liveliness. The debates are all over lurid speculation about the diets and religious practices of immigrant communities.

  • chapotraphouse
    chapotraphouse BodyBySisyphus 1 day ago 97%
    Good news: majority of media coverage is unbiased, says AI-based bias detector


    askchapo askchapo is this good
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 2 days ago 100%

    Yes, first you will be upside down and this will be very distressing, but then a carefree fellow will come along, get you right side up, and then leave you with a cookie.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse One of the problems with billionaires is that they don't understand that a biome collapse and great extinction event isn't something you can just wait out in a bunker.
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 2 days ago 100%

    Blows my mind that there are people who'd rather have billions of dollars and live in a bunker for the rest of their lives than have a comparatively modest existence in a flourishing environment with fresh air and sunshine, and that those people are being trusted to make decisions for the rest of us, but here we are.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse My goodness - Mr. Vance - despite being a Yale Law grad you have misused an idiom.
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 2 days ago 100%

    Oh, okay, I wasn't following the fact that the bomb threats were also coming from his camp.

  • memes memes Most important meme of the day
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 2 days ago 100%

    Sounds like the breakfast of champions to me.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse My goodness - Mr. Vance - despite being a Yale Law grad you have misused an idiom.
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 2 days ago 100%

    In the discourse, a heckler's veto is a situation in which a party who disagrees with a speaker's message is able to unilaterally trigger events that result in the speaker being silenced. For example, a heckler can disrupt a speech to the point that the speech is canceled.

    How is Vance - despite his being a well educated idiot - not describing a heckler's veto?

  • memes memes Most important meme of the day
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 2 days ago 100%

    In the 13th century, breakfast when eaten sometimes consisted of a piece of rye bread and a bit of cheese. Morning meals would not include any meat, and would likely include 0.4 imperial gallons (1.8 L) of low alcohol-content beers. Uncertain quantities of bread and ale could have been consumed in between meals.

    Reject modernity, return to tradition

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank The right can't meme
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 2 days ago 100%

    Caption: "Oh my goodness! A book that proves me right! Let me put my flag down so I can read it!"

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Imagine making excuses for the terrors
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 2 days ago 100%

    Now we know why Kamala spent so much time at the debate talking about natural gas.

  • chat chat crafting a take that the modern minimalist movement was aggro-glommed onto by tech because the modern internet is so maximalist that front-loading minimalism is stimulatory damage control
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 4 days ago 100%

    Silicon Valley is currently stuffed to the gills with people trying to escape their own products. Turns out knowing all the tricks to get people plugged in to your product does not make you immune to them.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Libs trying not to blame communists for the holocaust challenge (impossible)
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5 days ago 100%

    I'm sure it's only a matter of time until checks notes political dynasty scion Gavin Newsom presses the communism button in California

  • chat chat the effective altruist club came to my restaurant last weekend
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5 days ago 100%

    Do they think they just sorta dig wells in random spots and never think about the science of it?

    I mean yeah, kinda. The Three Cups of Tea guy built a bunch of schools that are being used for storage sheds because he didn't have any idea of what it would take to run a school in Afghanistan. Peace Corps is basically make-work projects for idealistic college grads with no real world experience. The Gates Foundation built high tech toilets for rural areas that were stripped for metals pretty much immediately. Tons of nonprofit money is wasted because anyone can raise money thinking the solutions are simple and then discover that the reality is a lot more difficult.

    Effective Altruism had the kernel of a good idea in that it initially proposed that interventions be evidence-based and actually help the most people. But then they got bit by a radioactive Utilitarian or got lots of money from someone who knew that the real purpose of philanthropy is reputation laundering and suddenly it was all about kajillion simulated space consciousnesses and flimsy justifications for protecting the incomes of software engineers at Facebook.

  • politics politics Leakage at First U.S. Carbon Capture Injection Well Proves that CCS Can’t Work
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5 days ago 100%

    Well yeah, degrowth is a precondition to any of the mitigation technologies on that list. The water's coming in into the boat way faster than we can bail, so the priority should be to plug the leaks.

    The chart reflects the fact that CCS is an immature technology that will be a nice to have if we can drop the energy requirements and store carbon in a form that's stable at normal room temperatures and pressures. There's some bench-scale experiments that have had promising results to that effect, so I don't see any reason not to fund that research. We spend more money on worse stuff by a country mile.

    Plus, all the other bars on that chart have their issues. The mineral requirement to build transmission and storage infrastructure for wind and solar at current rates of energy demand growth will require massive increases in mining for copper and lithium. Agricultural carbon storage has error bars you could drive a truck through because no one can measure it. Attempts to pay farmers for soil carbon sequestration have been a mess and we're not sure about what the turnover rates for soil carbon pools might be under a warmer and wetter climate. Forest preservation just avoids future emissions and many forests are switching from carbon sinks to sources as they catch fire.

    Fuel switching to natural gas: A recent study suggests NG is probably worse than coal. Plus quantification of leakage is notoriously messy.

    We're kinda boned and CCS only really makes sense under FALGSC conditions, but it could help if we manage to pull out of our capitalist nosedive.

  • politics politics Leakage at First U.S. Carbon Capture Injection Well Proves that CCS Can’t Work
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5 days ago 100%

    While I get the skepticism about CCS because capitalists are idiots, I don't know about "can't work"

    CCS is great if:

    • We have a compact and stable form of storage (salt mines may be leaky or a seismic hazard on the very long term)
    • We're producing carbon-free energy in excess of what we need for everything else (i.e., China figures out fusion), or we have low-energy methods of extracting carbon from the atmosphere that don't require substantial power draw from the grid and are easily scalable (certain kinds of catalytic conversion that haven't made it off the lab bench could work, but the scaling question hasn't been addressed yet)
    • The captured carbon is not being used to extract more fossil fuels (strange how many people miss this step)

    The elephant in the room here is time, because you can't just hoover up gigatons of carbon overnight. So long as it doesn't take resources away from more immediate forms of mitigation and adaptation, I think it's research worth pursuing. But the IRA's drafters didn't get that memo.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Libs trying not to blame communists for the holocaust challenge (impossible)
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5 days ago 100%

    If anything, letting Democrats win the next few major elections could spell doom for the Republican party as a whole, and give us a chance to introduce some actual competition to the Democratic party.

    Why is there a time traveler from the year 2000 posting on

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse c/MurderedByJillStein
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5 days ago 100%

    the-democrat "We lost? It's because we didn't do enough to appeal to conservative voters!"

    the-democrat "We won? In the spirit of unity, it's time to work across the aisle with our Republican colleagues."

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse c/MurderedByJillStein
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5 days ago 100%

    Stein is mostly a gadfly, but gadflies get attention. The dems have no incentive to court leftist votes if they assume we're too small to make an impact or we'll fall in line no matter what they say. The possibility of the Green party becoming viable is one way to demonstrate that that isn't true. I prefer PSL as well, but it looks like the Greens are marginally better known and currently ahead in ballot access.

    As for AOC and the DSA, the latter rescinded its endorsement of the former, so I don't think you can treat them as associated. As for why that endorsement was rescinded, it was because AOC got that power and then refused to use it to advance the DSA's objectives. She executed on a plan to gain power, sure, but she's not putting that power to good use, so I don't know what the lesson is there. It's easier to get power if you submit to the establishment?

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse c/MurderedByJillStein
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5 days ago 100%

    Jill Stein living rent free in AOC's head has been extremely funny.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse American democracy be like
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5 days ago 100%

    "We have to make compromises when there's a fascist on the ballot."
    "Why was the fascist allowed to be on the ballot in the first place?"
    "What will the allegedly non fascist party do to prevent fascists from getting on the ballot next time?"
    "Weren't members of the allegedly non-fascist party responsible for helping the current fascist win the 2016 primaries?"
    "Weren't historical fascist movements able to rise to power despite electoral defeats?"
    "Well what are you doing about it? At least I'm voting!"

  • badposting badposting Bit idea: saying you want to be a writer but never writing because you're too tired and then feeling bad about it
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 6 days ago 100%


  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank We no longer in the 99% vs 100 hitler, we now in different speeds hitler
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 6 days ago 100%

    ralsei-blush Aw, thanks

  • chat chat Simple Syrup implies the existence of complex syrup
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 6 days ago 100%

    Obligatory serious answer to silly question: there is an alternative called gomme syrup, which uses gum arabic as a thickener. Drinks made with it are supposed to have a richer mouthfeel, but it's a pain in the butt to make and goes bad relatively quickly without preservatives, so I've given up on trying to keep it around. I think that qualifies as a complex syrup.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank We no longer in the 99% vs 100 hitler, we now in different speeds hitler
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 6 days ago 100%

    It's probably not worth engaging on a logical level because the people making that argument never reach it. From my perspective, it looks like the argument is a product of retrofitting an existing justification (Kamala is the harm reduction candidate) onto a specific issue (Palestinian genocide) and getting an incoherent result (Palestine will be genocided less). What motivates someone to put that incoherent result out into the world rather than, like, considering it, is probably a product of the shallow thinking social media encourages, an unwillingness to engage with the idea that we don't truly have political agency in the US, and a feeling that there are no other options.

    In my less charitable moods I've viewed the argument as an attempted sop where the person advancing the argument does not actually care but does know that if they say as much they'll come across as a monster. So instead they do the bare minimum to retain what they view as the moral high ground in the extremely restricted landscape of the two major parties. Pointing to even higher ground outside that landscape can then be attacked as virtue signaling (anyone can tell that it's unreachable; this is the highest attainable spot) or trickery (anything that looks more complicated than this very simple reasoning must be some form of subterfuge, so I can continue to appear the most reasonable if I just keep hammering on "less genocide"). Absence of pushback from anyone with too much power to be dismissed as a troll or a curmudgeon allows the idea to enter the discourse, at which point other people pick it up and reinforce it.

    But it's such a self-evidently weak claim that I can't do anymore than spit ball. It's an argument defeated easily even on its home turf of utilitarianism; any attempts to do that, though, just sends them back to the "Trump is worse" binary.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank We no longer in the 99% vs 100 hitler, we now in different speeds hitler
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 6 days ago 100%

    One could potentially argue that Trump's rhetoric of "finishing the job" means that he would do something to accelerate things by directly committing troops/planes/whatever. But we don't know exactly what would happen, so even then voting for slower genocide is more like voting for some unknown probability X that the genocide will be slower. Everyone in Kamala's corner is parsing her statements according to what they assume will be true and then projecting that into the future with 100% confidence.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 6 days ago 100%

    That was a funny response because shortly before the debate there was a Hexbear post about a report that compared China's rate of technological progress to the US's and found that the US was behind China in all technologies but two. Guess which ones? Someone on Kamala's team must have also seen it.

    I tried to find the post but I'm not sure where it went.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 6 days ago 100%

    Just a good ol' bad cop/psycho cop routine.

  • news news Fact-Checking Is Killing Us
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 6 days ago 100%

    To be fair, being an A student in the US is way more about complying with power structures than it is about knowing things.

    Source: "BodyBySisyphus consistently fails to follow directions" x 1,000,000

  • news news Fact-Checking Is Killing Us
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 6 days ago 100%

    the-democrat solidarity the-republican
    mystery-emote skeleton-guns-akimbo

  • news news Fact-Checking Is Killing Us
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 6 days ago 100%

    Well put!

  • technology technology Serious question - how could people on Mars protect themselves from deadly solar and cosmic radiation? See body.
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 7 days ago 100%

    So what you do is you take a nuke. Drop it in a hole. Then drop another one in. Then another one. Hope you brought a lot of nukes. Eventually the gas law (Pv=nrt baby) dictates that you end up with an atmosphere dense enough to be breathable plus you're definitely low enough down that you're shielded from radiation. Bring some looooong cables to connect to solar panels up on the surface, crank up the heater, hang up a grow lamp for your potatoes, and live large in the miles-deep, yards-wide prison you dug for yourself.

  • news news Fact-Checking Is Killing Us
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 7 days ago 100%

    The funny thing is She of the Real Time Fact Checkers lied her ass off the entire time. She lied about the Chinese Covid response, she repeated the Hamas sexual assault allegations that the NYT chose not to print, she either lied about her love of fracking (less likely) or her belief that climate change is an existential threat (more likely)*.

    The thing is those lies are all within the Pale of Discourse so they go unchallenged. Trump is such a gift to the democrats because they get to go as far to the right as they want while still keeping their cherished veneer of intelligence and maturity.

    *I suppose she could think both and either be a bona-fide threat to humanity or a complete idiot who doesn't know what's causing climate change

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank State of Liberal Democracy 2023 - V-Dem institute, funny stats libs believe in
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 1 week ago 100%

    Their method of data collection is - and this is not a joke - "We asked 5 academics to rate each country on a scale of 1 to 10 and then average the result"

  • food
    food BodyBySisyphus 4 weeks ago 100%
    Fresh Milled Miche

    It's been a while since I've breadposted because I've been lazy and not baking anything particularly exciting. But this week I pulled out the grain mill and channeled my inner Poilane. The fresh milled component is a mix of wheat, spelt, and khorasan, and the balance is Sequoia AP. I converted my liquid starter to a stiff one, then did one feeding with the fresh milled flour. After the starter doubled, I mixed the loaf and gave it an overnight proof in the fridge. The forums said cutting the traditional three-day starter build down to one day doesn't make much of a difference, but I can't say the end product tasted substantially different from a decent whole wheat flour. Sprouting makes a much bigger difference but that's also _a process_. I think I'm going to have to just go the whole hog and try all the extra steps to see if it's worth it.

    earth BodyBySisyphus 2 months ago 98%
    Oil companies sold the public on a fake climate solution — and swindled taxpayers out of billions

    Oil companies lobbied for - and received in the Inflation Reduction Act - better subsidies for carbon capture and storage while overstating its efficacy and selling captured CO2 for new oil extraction

    chat BodyBySisyphus 2 months ago 100%
    Thinking about taking up martial arts (again)

    My self-discipline has been crap lately. My therapist thinks I have ADHD. I spend all my time in front of a screen. I don't exercise as much as I used to, I bounce in and out of the gym, and I haven't been out dancing in years because - while I'm not the most covid conscious - that many people in a confined space together gives me the heebie jeebies nowadays. I need something to right the ship. I did Korean martial arts when I was a kid but I never practiced on my own and was too much of a goofball to take it seriously. I need do something that requires enough concentration to get me out of my head and ideally involves some speed. Any thoughts on what's good? Things that worked for you?

    chapotraphouse BodyBySisyphus 2 months ago 100%
    'Hydrothermal' explosion sends visitors fleeing at Yellowstone National Park

    Vote Yellowstone Supervolcano for Erupting and Finally Putting a Stop to All This Nonsense 2024

    badposting BodyBySisyphus 3 months ago 100%
    Happy Undie Pen Dance Day

    Please grab a pen and and bust a move in your skivvies

    technology BodyBySisyphus 3 months ago 100%
    AI Appears to Rapidly Be Approaching Brick Wall Where It Can't Get Smarter

    The big AI models are running out of training data (and it turns out most of the training data was produced by fools and the intentionally obtuse), so this might mark the end of rapid model advancement

    chapotraphouse BodyBySisyphus 4 months ago 100%
    Sam Altman's tech villain arc is underway

    Oh no, our system that enables frauds and liars who engage in relentless self promotion over people with actual capability has generated another disrobed emperor ![shocked-pikachu]( "emoji shocked-pikachu") > "He's one of the more intellectually dishonest guys in tech," another said at the time."I've had plenty of meetings with him where he says things where I'm like, 'That just cannot possibly be true,' but he can kinda get away with it." The cherry on top: > Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, has a global deal to allow OpenAI to train its models on its media brands' reporting

    doomer BodyBySisyphus 6 months ago 100%
    Doombloomer post: What the West doesn't get about the climate crisis

    Slightly older interview with the Indian writer Amitav Ghosh. He points out that a lot of anxiety over climate change is related to anxiety over the end of Western dominance, because the tropics are already experiencing climate driven catastrophe on top of the damage done by colonialism: The West has also come to rely on what Ghosh calls "an expert discourse" from scientists. The result, he believes, is that science is giving fearful westerners a hope in business-friendly "sustainable development," biofuels, or carbon-capture technology, which they think will save the system before it collapses. The alternative, a massive-scale economic adaptation to a new distribution of resources, is too scary to consider: The end of capitalism would be as bad as the end of the world. "The people who saw the climate crisis first are at the absolute other end: farmers, fishermen, Inuit, indigenous peoples, forest peoples in India, and they've already had to adapt, mainly by moving, finding new livelihoods," says Ghosh. "And indigenous peoples have already lived through the end of the world and found ways to survive." It's a grim sort of optimism, but it is a reminder that there are opportunities to adapt and persist if we don't push our biosphere to the point of collapse in an effort to maintain a failed system. We're not going to do that, right? ![anakin-padme-4]( "emoji anakin-padme-4")

    chapotraphouse BodyBySisyphus 6 months ago 100%
    Anyone else hate the submarine from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea?

    The hubris of zooming around Poseidon's domain like it owned the place Forgot to pack short grain rice, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and Wasabi. Hope you like seaweed for dinner, boys! Captain is a self-professed loner, has a mode of travel that requires dozens of crew in close proximity. Definitely smelled musty in there. 20,000 leagues was the distance they traveled, depth rating was probably nothing special. ::: spoiler spoiler for a 200 year old book Couldn't even handle one measly whirlpool, probably would've performed awful in a hot tub ::: Most importantly: shared a name with the worst animal in the ocean. Terrible choice.

    chapotraphouse BodyBySisyphus 6 months ago 100%
    The reason we need CEOs is so someone can answer for a company's wrongdoing

    From this post: The whole comments thread is gold, this guy is on a reply streak. Someone get him on the lathe, let's see more CEOs getting held personally liable. Also, bonus points that this guy can take time away from his busy day of running a company to post on IGN comment threads, really speaks to the important work he's doing.

    emoji BodyBySisyphus 6 months ago 100%

    Another Beany Tuesday classic and a must-add after he surfaced in real life here:

    chat BodyBySisyphus 6 months ago 100%
    Some hack right-wing "academic freedom" foundation keeps sending me a survey

    I have a .edu email that I still use, and I've gotten multiple emails addressed to a Dr. BodyBySisyphus (I do not hold a PhD) from an organization called Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (brought to you courtesy of the Koch brothers, among other usual suspects) asking me to take a survey so it can understand faculty opinions on campus Freeze Peach. The URL looks uniquely generated so I don't think I can just hand it out without triggering something on their end, but is there anything else I can do to make their day worse?

    chat BodyBySisyphus 7 months ago 100%
    Got into loud yelly fight with a Trump goon in public over Israel

    Did it accomplish anything? No. Was it a dumb thing to do? Yes. Does it eat at me more and more every day that I'm just sitting by while the bombs keep dropping and people keep dying? Yeppers. Don't really have anything else to say, just angry at everything including myself.

    news BodyBySisyphus 7 months ago 100%
    America's housing affordability crisis makes a comeback

    ![jokermala]( "emoji jokermala") We did it, Joe! We fixed inflation!

    memes BodyBySisyphus 7 months ago 100%
    This ain't it, Chiefs
    chapotraphouse BodyBySisyphus 8 months ago 100%
    Millionaire spending incompatible with 1.5 °C ambitions

    tl;dr - authors estimate that millionaires will account for >70% of the remaining carbon we can emit while still staying under 1.5 C. Among billionaires, yachts account for over 60% of their annual emissions. Picture unrelated: ![sicko-orca]( "emoji sicko-orca")

    food BodyBySisyphus 8 months ago 100%
    Favorite Congee Toppings?

    I got a yen for comfort food and an anti-yen for having to chew at the moment. What are some good things to mix into a bowl of congee?

    chat BodyBySisyphus 8 months ago 100%
    A Rambling Comparison of Two Perspectives on the Climate Crisis

    I saw [this post]( about an [NYT interviewer slowly losing his mind during an interview]( with Andreas Malm (nominally) about his upcoming book. The footnote to the interviewers "Can you give me a reason to live" stood out to me: > I just blurted this out. I don’t even think Malm’s pessimism is wrong, but I find it suffocating. People need hope. Well good news for David Marchese - all he needs to do is visit the Guardian for an interview with Hannah Ritchie, author of [Not the End of the World]( To say there has been a media blitz behind this book is an understatement, and it seems to be part of the genre of climate optimism that exploded in the wake of the IPCC report that put us firmly on the track to 1.5 C earlier last year. The two interviews are definitely a land of contrasts. Ritchie gets a little bit of pushback on the subject of capitalism: > Guardian: Capitalism has been a great accelerator of climate change and other environmental crises, but you don’t challenge it much in your book. Do you believe capitalism can right its wrongs? Or that it’s the best system to get us out of this mess? > Ritchie I accept that there are definitely flaws with capitalism. What I would push back against is the notion that we can just dismantle capitalism and build something else. The core reason is time. We need to be acting on this problem urgently, on a large scale, in the next five to 10 years, and to me it does not seem feasible that we’re going to dismantle the system and build a new one in that time. I think capitalism does drive innovation, which is what we need to create affordable low-carbon technologies. But both Ritchie and Malm are pushed on the subject of what people should do - Ritchie especially emphasizes that climate change pessimism can damage the individual will to act but largely doesn't stray from the lane of individual consumer choices (veganism and heat pumps) and the optimism that continued technological progress will make it possible to live sustainably without making large sacrifices in the western standard of living. Malm notes that he's not going to confess to industrial sabotage to the NYT, but he also does pass the buck a little, arguing that he's not in the right place and with the right community to pull off something major, leaving open the question of who is in such a position or how such conditions could arise. It is without a doubt that 2 C would very much the end of the world for some - Ritchie lives in the UK and Malm in Sweden, both places that should remain petty habitable for a long time, and not Bangladesh, which is going to start experiencing dangerous wet bulb events on the regular by the late 2000's, if not earlier, or one of the pacific nations that are slipping beneath the rising seas, and that gives Ritchie's title a glib sheen. To her credit, it seems like she's still wrestling with the awareness that things aren't going well, but it seems like she resolves all of her internal conflicts with the observation that things are only bad and can be (or have been) worse. Overall it just seems to capture how disordered and foggy our thinking is around the large scale changes that need to happen in order to make answering climate change a reality. Both Malm and Ritchie agree that technological solutions exist and are being implemented and just differ on how we should feel about the future. Malm foresees a rocky and militant transition while Ritchie wants a more peaceful meeting of the minds, but how we get either of those outcomes seems to still be a mystery.

    science BodyBySisyphus 9 months ago 100%
    New method for turning CO2 into solid fuel

    The perennial questions of "is it efficient outside of a lab setting?" and "does it scale?" obviously apply, but it is important to note that one of the reaction products is a potassium salt of carbon dioxide whose chemical formula is KOOCH.

    chapotraphouse BodyBySisyphus 9 months ago 100%
    What stage of imperialism is poop piracy?

    Apparently the industrial world's collective intestinal microbiome is so messed up we don't know what it's supposed to look like, so now researchers are harvesting samples from traditional societies with the usual lack of disclosure.
