politics Politics Ginni Thomas and Conservative Activists Worked Together to Exploit Citizens United Ruling
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    The system is working as intended.

    Feature, not a bug, etc...

  • politics Politics InfoWars host Owen Shroyer sentenced to 60 days in Jan. 6 case
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 85%

    Good, throw the book at him. The very heavy book.

    Also inb4 "it was just a joke bro!!!!!!!!!" Just like the planned kidnappers of Gov Whitmer.

  • politics Politics InfoWars host Owen Shroyer sentenced to 60 days in Jan. 6 case
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    That beard is sharp enough to give you a papercut

  • jerboa Jerboa Why does the Android version of Jerboa not send me notifications whenever I get a reply?
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    I wondered that as well but assumed it was because this app is still in Alpha status. I'm surprised they haven't added it in yet.

    Also it's weird that your notifications in-app don't switch to "read" status unless you reply. Sometimes I have nothing to say to someone who replied to me and the notifications are piling up lol

  • jerboa Jerboa No push notifications?
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    This would be a nice feature. I'd request, though, that to whomever is going to work on notifications please don't bundle legitimate message alerts with "hey, use the app" notifications because it is the douchiest thing ever to do (looking at you Snapchat).

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What happens to downvotes when instances have different policies?
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    Is there a reason why the notification can only happen once? Why can't it continue to update or just keep trying until a connection is established? Genuinely curious, I know next to nothing about this kind of internet structure.

  • autism Autism Eye Contact TikTok
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    To me it's like looking at the sun. You can for a little while but everything is screaming that this is bad for you and to stop.

  • news World News Christian missionary sentenced to 25 years for sex abuse after young child contracted gonorrhea
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    Not a drag queen, again!

  • technology Technology Music Publishers Sue Twitter for $250 Million, Asserting Copyright Infringement
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    To me this is like watching a rat and a cockroach fight. You hate em both, and you want neither to win, but you just hope that the winner will be hurt really badly.

  • jerboa Jerboa New icon #2
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    It's very cute and simple! 👍

  • jerboa Jerboa how to open links to communities in app
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    I don't think there is a way currently.

  • technology Technology Parts of Reddit are staying dark. Our search results may suffer for it.
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    And a competent brain...

  • chicanery
    Chicanery Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%
    Which one of you did this

    When Holly said "Ozymandias" and Ozymandiased all over Walt it was one of the moments of all time

    detroit Detroit Can anyone recommend a shore fishing spot in the area that is easily accessible from a safe parking area? — Nextdoor
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    Maybe Lake Erie Metropark? You gotta pay to get in but they have many fishing spots.

  • technology Technology Privacy-focused alternatives to duckduckgo (ddg)?
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 87%

    DDG isn't perfect by a long shot, but it's still leagues better than google. I think SEO overall has taken a nosedive in recent years, especially with AI written content muddying the waters. Unfortunately I do not know of an alternative that's better than either.

    As a trucking dispatcher I have relied more on Bing Maps because they are more updated than Google maps sometimes. Google maps is almost impossible to search for a specific thing when you're in a pinch, because there will be an ad for a competitor at the top of the list and you can easily be misled if you are in a rush. Happened to my bf a few weeks ago when he was searching for the closest UPS (near closing time) and inadvertently drove to a FedEx because it was the ad at the top of the search results. By the time he realized his mistake the UPS was closed. Fuck Google.

  • gaming Gaming Gaming mega-publisher Embracer to close studios, cancel games after $2B deal crumbles
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah and now that Embracer is shuttering, no more Goat Simulator lol

  • technology Technology Collection of free software
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    Yo where's Krita under digital image tools? This list is missing some basic stuff :P

  • gaming Gaming Gaming mega-publisher Embracer to close studios, cancel games after $2B deal crumbles
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    No, not at all. Just that there probably won't be any more Goat Simulator.

  • games Games Overwatch 2 is charging you for the PvE it didn't cancel
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    Return to monke heave

    Edit: lol I guess strikethrough don't work yet on Jerboa

  • android Android Call blocker
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    I'm wondering about this too, and kind of vainly hoping for one that will prevent them from leaving voicemails.

    Because that's how these spam callers advertise now.

    I tried out my phone's built in spam blocking feature this past month but it only blocks the call, it'll keep it from ringing but these fuckers automatically leave a voicemail that in order to clear out of my inbox I have to be forced to listen to the first few seconds of "Hi! Did you know Comcast Xfinity has all the best blahblahblah..." before I can mash the number 7 to delete it. It's happened twice in my 1 month trial run of using the phone's built in defenses.

    That's how they're advertising, through non consensual force. If they can't get you through the TV, or an internet ad, they're going to forcefeed it to you through your own voicemail.

    I'll be damned if I'm going to be forcefed an ad.

    So I went back to my usual practice of answering an unknown caller with silence. After 10 seconds of silence, I end the call. Keeps them from leaving ad voicemails. Fuckers can eat my entire ass and die.

  • jerboa Jerboa Does Jerboa have support for notifications on Android?
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 83%

    I was wondering that too. I was under the impression that Jerboas notification option in settings was push notifications but I think I might be mistaken. Might just be notifications within the app?

  • gaming Gaming Gaming mega-publisher Embracer to close studios, cancel games after $2B deal crumbles
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    That's a real shame they owned Coffee Stain, I liked Goat Simulator.

  • reddit Reddit Apollo’s Christian Selig explains his fight with Reddit — and why users revolted
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    It's got more done in two days than "progress" on reddits trash app has made in 8 years. Imagine that.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Watch Reddit go dark: A website that updates live 24/7
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    At first it was both, couldn't upvote on the browser or Jerboa. Since this afternoon though I haven't been getting a timeout error on Jerboa.

    Edit: nevermind it's happening again. Maybe it's happening due to server load?

  • socialism Socialism What Does a Chatbot Know About Eating Disorders? Users of a Help Line Are About to Find Out
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    But the chatbot still missed red flags, the study found, such as when it asked: “What is a small healthy eating habit goal you would like to set up before you start your next conversation?”

    One user replied, “Don’t eat.”

    “Take a moment to pat yourself on the back for doing this hard work, (USER)!” the chatbot responded.

    Jesus fucking Christ.

    The people who made the decision to transition to this chatbot needed to lose their jobs and be blacklisted from running any other kind of crisis resource.

  • politics Politics Trump arrives in Miami for arraignment on first-ever federal charges against an ex-president
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    Luckily nothing major happened. Just a thousand morons chanting "We love Trump" and a MAGAt and an anti-Trump protestor almost getting into a fight (they were separated).

    Hopefully the violent idiots have toned it down since their J6 buddies continue to get their shit rocked by the Justice Department.

  • politics Politics Trump arrives in Miami for arraignment on first-ever federal charges against an ex-president
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    I feel like this is a rule that is going to be done away with at some point in our lifetimes.

  • politics Politics Trump is calling for support for his court appearance. The far right may stay away.
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    I highly doubt that Trump has lost many supporters between Jan 6 and today. They have this "brand loyalty" for him and certain other republicans that is nigh impossible to falter. They quite literally take pride in being stubborn and unwilling to listen to dissenting opinion or facts.

    Some of these supporters have had plenty of practice way ahead of time, like my mother. She voted for Nixon and will defend him till her last breath - "He got caught doing what everyone else does!" That's her rationale for Watergate.

    With Trump - "January 6 was ANTIFA and BLM posing as Trump supporters... He's innocent!"

    It goes on and on. We can't expect a day of reckoning or reasoning with these folks. They take pride in being ignorant.

  • gaming Gaming What are y'all's all time favourite game OSTs?
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 0%

    Portal 2

    Red Dead Redemption 1

    World of Warcraft: Grizzly Hills OST

    Journey (PS3)

    Pretty much it as I am very picky with OSTs

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How many users here do you think are going to get bored and end up back on Reddit as soon as the blackout ends?
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    I will enjoy the last days that Infinity will be operational, after it gets shuttered I will participate more here. I might go back on reddit every now and then to see what r/okbuddychicanery is up to but that is it.

    I have no use for the hot garbage official app otherwise.

  • android Android Did Google ever say why it killed the bottom address bar in Chrome? (And what's your fave browser?)
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    Will always use Firefox so long as it's free of the bullshit that sets it apart from Chrome and it's ilk.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Watch Reddit go dark: A website that updates live 24/7
  • Blackfeathr Blackfeathr 1 year ago 100%

    I think it's having trouble keeping up with the rush of users. I'll admit though it's pretty frustrating that my upvotes don't register. I get "timeout" after a few seconds.
