GenZedong AlbigensianGhoul 2 days ago 98%
Every Communist must grasp the truth, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

Actually completely unrelated, but since this quote is really famous by itself without context here's the full paragraph, formatted for convenience. Every meme quotation is an opportunity to read theory. > Communists do not fight for personal military power (they must in no circumstances do that, and let no one ever again follow the example of Chang Kuo-tao), but they must fight for military power for the Party, for military power for the people. > > As a national war of resistance is going on, we must also fight for military power for the nation. Where there is naivety on the question of military power, nothing whatsoever can be achieved. It is very difficult for the labouring people, who have been deceived and intimidated by the reactionary ruling classes for thousands of years, to awaken to the importance of having guns in their own hands. > > Now that Japanese imperialist oppression and the nation-wide resistance to it have pushed our labouring people into the arena of war, Communists should prove themselves the most politically conscious leaders in this war. **Every Communist must grasp the truth, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."** > > Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party. Yet, having guns, we can create Party organizations, as witness the powerful Party organizations which the Eighth Route Army has created in northern China. We can also create cadres, create schools, create culture, create mass movements. Everything in Yenan has been created by having guns. All things grow out of the barrel of a gun. > > According to the Marxist theory of the state, the army is the chief component of state power. Whoever wants to seize and retain state power must have a strong army. Some people ridicule us as advocates of the "omnipotence of war". Yes, we are advocates of the omnipotence of revolutionary war; that is good, not bad, it is Marxist. The guns of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. We shall create a democratic republic. > > Experience in the class struggle in the era of imperialism teaches us that it is only by the power of the gun that the working class and the labouring masses can defeat the armed bourgeoisie and landlords; in this sense we may say that only with guns can the whole world be transformed. We are advocates of the abolition of war, we do not want war; but war can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun. Source is ["Problems of War and Strategy"](, section II "The War and History of the Kuomintang".

asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad What do communist parties do while they await the revolution?
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 4 days ago 100%

    This is an age-old debate (see Luxembourg's "reform or revolution").

    The Marxist-Leninist line holds that protecting or enhancing the material conditions of the proletariat before the revolution can both increase the number of prospective party-members or militants (i.e. you can't organise rallies if you're starving) and gain the confidence of the working class by representing their immediate interests (i.e. protecting workers rights) unlike bourgeois parties.

    Smaller more tangible reform fights are also ripe ground for recruitment of militants, as inexperienced comrades can get a lot of first hand experience organising for, for example, solutions for food security (Black Panther Party's free breakfasts).

    However those reforms are means to an end, and that end is revolution. So reforms should not be a one-and-done thing (see the UK's NHS) but rather a front in heightening class war and highlighting capital as the enemy and their resistance to reform as evidence. I once saw a comment in another Lemmy instance that said something like "we tried to implement public healthcare, but capital resisted too hard so there's no hope". That is due to social-democrat and reformist monopoly over the discourse about public healthcare, which needs to be challenged by communists.

    The term "class war" is not hyperbole. In a war, you should settle only for defeating your opponent, hopefully forcing them to capitulate or maybe even eradicating them. You don't take your single victory in a battlefield and pack your bags to go home, that's the reformist line represented by Jeremy Corbyn and in a more aesthetic sense, Bernie Sanders. But you also don't wait while your enemy marches into your territory hoping that their cruelty will materialise an uprising to defeat your opponent in a single blow, that is the spontaneists line held by every other Trotskyist splinter party or academicist communists.

  • genzedong
    GenZedong AlbigensianGhoul 6 days ago 100%
    most efficient military


    genzedong GenZedong Patsocs somehow thinks Nazism was a Queer Anarchist movement.
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 1 week ago 100%

    Bolsonaro took Brazil out of the Chavez-founded UNASUR in order to join the US-aligned PROSUR (which excludes Venezuela and Bolivia) as soon as he went into office.

  • genzedong GenZedong Patsocs somehow thinks Nazism was a Queer Anarchist movement.
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 1 week ago 100%

    Huh, another one for my list of deeply unserious individuals. The text in the screenshot is so bad, at first I thought it was satire. But turns out it was probably written by a discord teenager from some YouTuber's fanclub.

    Their own page describe themselves pretty well, citing a thousand concepts and authors without elaboration or sources, or ever making clear any of their actual positions from either a theoretical or organizative perspective. Bonus points for calling "leftists" "mentally ill".

    But then you click on the page of the "main representative" and it's an "autodidact" debatebro.

    What purging and murdering proper communists over a century does to a country.

    Side note: apparently editing their wiki is open, in case actual queer anarchists comrades from hexbear are feeling bored right now.

    Edit: also it's definitely a "me" thing, but I deeply hate how they overwrite the meaning of the already extant word "leftism" in Marxist theory (in short: unpragmactic idealism) with their own, which is just the "globalism" nonsense all over again.

  • history
    history AlbigensianGhoul 1 week ago 100%
    EU5: Development, Divergence, and Simulation

    It's not about video games y'all, it's about bad history and Guns, Germs and Steel.

    technology Technology Diffusion Models Are Real-Time Game Engines
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 3 weeks ago 100%

    Those actions described in that section are generated by an RL agent, used only for training. For the prediction and therefore results they still either check for aggregate metrics (which must use synthetic data in order to get enough of it), or do the MTurk comparison that generated up to 3 second clips which could in theory be created from real-time user input but since they have corresponding ground-truth frames it must at best be generated from sampled user input from a real gameplay session.

    The clips they show on the YouTube video seem to have some interactive input, but the method for creating those is not described in the paper. So I suppose it is possible that there's some degree of real time user input, but it's not clear that it is in fact what's happening there.

    As a sidenote: ML researchers should really consider just dropping all the infodumping about their model architecture to an Appendix (or better yet, to runnable code) where they'll clutter the article less and put in more effort into describing their experimental setups and scrutinizing results. I couldn't care less about how they used ADAM to train a recurrent CNN on the Graph Laplacean if the experiments are junk or the results do not support the conclusions.

    The human rater experiment (IMO the most important one for a human-interfacing software tool) is described from setup to a results in a single paragraph.

  • technology Technology Diffusion Models Are Real-Time Game Engines
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 3 weeks ago 100%

    GameNGen (pronounced "game engine")

    That's dumb.

    The AI crowd continue to mangle the meaning of words to make their unimpressive work sound "revolutionary". This isn't a "game engine", this is just a model to create plausible video game frames given previous video game frames. A video auto-complete.

    At no point in the paper do they mention any human inputs in their experimental setup. They just generate clips, plop it on MTurk and claim "they're as good as the original."

    From the very beginning of their paper.

    Computer games are manually crafted software systems centered around the following game loop: (1) gather user inputs, (2) update the game state, and (3) render it to screen pixels.

    Their work neither gathers user input, nor does it keep a game state, it just renders pixels from pixels.

    And there's this noise:

    Today, video games are programmed by humans. GameNGen is a proof-of-concept for one part of a new paradigm where games are weights of a neural model, not lines of code.

    "It's all matrix weights"

    GameNGen shows that an architecture and model weights exist such that a neural model can effectively run a complex game (DOOM) interactively on existing hardware.

    "Effectively run"

    While many important questions remain, we are hopeful that this paradigm could have important benefits. For example, the development process for video games under this new paradigm might be less costly and more accessible, whereby games could be developed and edited via textual descriptions or examples images.

    Prompt-based games. Thankfully it'll be cheaper for the poor video game companies (Nvidia subscription fee not included).

    Note how nothing that they proposed is even hinted at by their research. They don't even make the code available, so none of their actual research is verifiable. They just fill their article with incomprehensible jargon about metrics and loss functions so that journalists will just assume they're really smart and knew what they were doing in order to uncritically report on this.

    I propose a better name for the work: "Diffusion Models Are Video Generators".

  • worldnews World News Ansar Allah have defeated the US Navy
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 4 weeks ago 100%

    That it was an EU ship that came to the rescue isn’t surprising. Despite the EU’s scarce naval resources, they are currently the only ones there. There isn’t a Prosperity Guardian ship within 500 miles. Back in May when the carrier USS Dwight D Eisenhower was present, the US had 12 warships on station providing a mix of missile picket and escorting duties. Now they have zero. The UK for one brief moment had three. HMS Diamond did some outstanding work as part of OPG but when she left, we left.

    There can only be one conclusion: that the US has given up on Operation Prosperity Guardian. It wasn’t deterring the Houthis and it wasn’t reassuring shipping so they might as well go and do something else.

    I'm shooting blind as I haven't looked too deep into how the blockade has impacted global trade, but I think this makes perfect sense for the US.

    It isn't that much further away around the Cape than through the Suez to arrive from the South China Sea to the US east coast, and AFAIK most trade actually happens with the West Coast through the Pacific or through Panama. So higher shipping costs harm Europe much more than they harm the US in this case.

    Just like the Ukraine War, sanctions on Russia and China and the Nord Stream, it seems the US is intending on using this blockade to cannibalise Europe's economy even further. Expect another year of negative growth in the EU, specially with China becoming a suitable replacement as a high-tech producer worldwide. They don't have to go either through Suez or around the Cape in order to ship to a majority of the world's population.

  • worldnews World News WSJ Full Report on Ukrainian Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 1 month ago 100%

    It seems these European intel agencies are awfully disorganized and disunited. Maybe they should all officially become subsidiaries of the CIA, that'll help protect Europe. \s

  • worldnews
    World News AlbigensianGhoul 1 month ago 92%
    WSJ Full Report on Ukrainian Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage

    [mirror/skip paywall]( Definitely worth a read now that even they admit it. It somehow tries to make the CIA the good guys that wanted to prevent it all, for some reason. > "An attack of this scale is a sufficient reason to trigger the collective defense clause of NATO, but our critical infrastructure was blown up by a country that we support with massive weapons shipments and billions in cash," said a senior German official familiar with the probe.

    World News AlbigensianGhoul 1 month ago 100%
    Germany seeks arrest of Ukrainian diver for Nord Stream sabotage

    > German investigators believe Volodymyr Z was a member of a team that in September 2022 planted explosive devices on the pipeline route carrying natural gas from Russia to Germany, German media reported on Wednesday. German law does not allow publication of the suspect’s surname. > The Polish prosecutor’s office confirmed on Wednesday that it had received a German arrest warrant for a Ukrainian man who is a suspect in the Nord Stream attack named “Volodymyr Z”. This is just too funny of a coincidence.

    worldnews World News NYT finally admits that Putin's recent proposal is the most realistic scenario for how this war will pan out.
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 1 month ago 100%

    Did some searching, it comes from CIA director William Burns in 2022-03-08, you can see it here. It was actually 2 days.

    "His own military's performance has been largely ineffective," Burns said of Putin. "Instead of seizing Kyiv within the first two days of the campaign, which is what his plan was premised upon, after nearly two full weeks they still have not been able to fully encircle the city."

    If you go a bit further back, you have "sources" from the CIA already spouting the 2 days line a couple weeks earlier. Here's an example from the day after the start of the SMO.

    US intelligence officials are concerned that Kyiv could fall under Russian control within days, according to two sources familiar with the latest intelligence.

    It goes like this, US Intel are worried it could happen -> report it as Putin hinging his whole plan on it happening -> if it happens it's because it was a massive gamble and "unfair" in some way, if it doesn't happen it was an utter failure and Putin threw away his whole country.

    A week later, business insider reports it as though Russia failed in the war and practically lost, and actually, it's Russian intelligence which is bad for wrongly predicting their victory. Which the US intel also predicted. Go figure.

    Narrative created. Consent manufactured. Redditor fooled.

    P.S.: is there a Ukrainian civil war megathread I could read and contribute to somewhere? It's fun to look up these little lies but it's been 2 years now and there's just too much stuff to hold on one's head.

  • genzedong GenZedong 59% of Americans wrongly think the U.S. is in a recession, report finds. (gaslighting is readers)
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 1 month ago 100%

    Rising rents coupled with high borrowing costs and low wage growth have hit some especially hard. “Lower income households are not keeping up,” Goldman said. “Everything looks great but when you look beneath the surface, the disparity between the wealthy and nonwealthy is widening dramatically.”

    Everything is great, you're just poor. Have you tried not being poor?

  • genzedong GenZedong 59% of Americans wrongly think the U.S. is in a recession, report finds. (gaslighting is readers)
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 1 month ago 100%

    We’re in a “vibecession,” Joyce Chang, JPMorgan’s chair of global research, said at the CNBC Financial Advisor Summit in May.

    Apparently somebody is saying that. From JPMorgan. Do with that what you will.

  • worldnews World News This year Russian GDP is expected to rise by over 3% in real terms, faster than 95% of rich countries
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 1 month ago 100%

    In July Mr Putin doubled the federal bonus for those signing up to fight from 195,000 roubles ($2,200) to 400,000 roubles, which regional authorities are supposed to top up. The government is committing vast sums on compensation to the families of those killed in action. And Russia’s splurge goes beyond war-related spending. Mr Putin is lavishing money on welfare payments: in June he raised pensions for some recipients by close to 10%. The government is also spending big on infrastructure, including a highway from Kazan to Yekaterinburg, two cities 450 miles (729km) apart. Indeed, it is spending on pretty much whatever takes its fancy. Mikhail Mishustin, the prime minister, recently boasted about a government scheme to pay for children to holiday in Crimea.

    "Lavishing" on pensions. Imagine trying to paint that as a bad thing. Wonder how Yankees feel when they find out that the country they're blowing hundreds of billions on to wage useless wars has free healthcare too.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad What do you want your contribution to the Marxist Leninist be before you die?
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 1 month ago 100%

    Not sure about a "smile in your death bed" but there are roles for anyone to play in a revolution. Most people can't have the energy (or free time) of a Lenin or Mao, but you can still join an union, party or other kind of organisation and do as much work as you're able to from there.

    Thankfully I'm able to help out in minor ways like that, to the best of my limited capabilities.

  • quotes
    Quotes AlbigensianGhoul 1 month ago 100%
    Marx on the Paris Commune ("desecration of brick and mortar" quote)

    > In all its bloody triumphs over the self-sacrificing champions of a new and better society, that nefarious civilization, based upon the enslavement of labor, drowns the moans of its victims in a hue-and-cry of calumny, reverberated by a world-wide echo. The serene working men’s Paris of the Commune is suddenly changed into a pandemonium by the bloodhounds of “order.” > > And what does this tremendous change prove to the bourgeois mind of all countries? Why, that the Commune has conspired against civilization! The Paris people die enthusiastically for the Commune in numbers unequally in any battle known to history. What does that prove? Why, that the Commune was not the people’s own government but the usurpation of a handful of criminals! The women of Paris joyfully give up their lives at the barricades and on the place of execution. What does this prove? Why, that the demon of the Commune has changed them into Megaera and Hecates! > > The moderation of the Commune during the two months of undisputed sway is equalled only by the heroism of its defence. > > What does that prove? Why, that for months the Commune carefully hid, under a mask of moderation and humanity, the bloodthirstiness of its fiendish instincts to be let loose in the hour of its agony! > > The working men’s Paris, in the act of its heroic self-holocaust, involved in its flames buildings and monuments. While tearing to pieces the living body of the proletariat, its rulers must no longer expect to return triumphantly into the intact architecture of their abodes. The government of Versailles cries, “Incendiarism!” and whispers this cue to all its agents, down to the remotest hamlet, to hunt up its enemies everywhere as suspect of professional incendiarism. The bourgeoisie of the whole world, which looks complacently upon the wholesale massacre after the battle, is convulsed by horror at the desecration of brick and mortar! [The Civil War in France, Chapter 7: "The Fall of Paris"](

    askchapo askchapo Is there an anarchist analogue to the MIA?
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 2 months ago 100%

    That's pretty good, thanks!

  • askchapo
    askchapo AlbigensianGhoul 2 months ago 100%
    Is there an anarchist analogue to the MIA?

    Got curious but couldn't find anything similar to but for prominent anarchist authors, specially for non-english languages.

    worldnews World News Genocide Joe quits the presidential race of 2024
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 2 months ago 83%

    Although I don't think this is going to change the result (Trump is still going to win, USA will remain a stagnant imperialist country), it's going to be very fun watching the chaos unfold within the blue party.

    It's not even clear if Kamala is actually going to be selected candidate. As entertainment, I love it.

  • us_news US News Shots fired at Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania as former president is seen with blood across his face
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 2 months ago 100%

    Browsing reactionary spaces, seems they're trying to brew the theory that the secret service purposefully let this happen, or though sheer incompetence. Wait a week and they'll start saying the secret service was compromised by Biden.

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 28
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 2 months ago 100%

    Really funny seeing the in-fighting between the "civility and democracy" libs and the "trump is the worst thing since Hitler" libs right now.

  • comradeship
    Investigative journalism/historiography recommendations on Jack Ruby and Lee Oswald?

    Obviously everybody is gonna be bringing up that one time a madlad actually did it now.

    us_news US News Shots fired at Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania as former president is seen with blood across his face
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 2 months ago 100%

    footage of the shot, shots are fired at around 8 minutes.

    He looks alright after he gets up, just a little dazed. Doubt he'll die from this. Could even have been staged, but I recommend waiting for more info before speculating too hard.

    Edit: some sources saying he was hit by glass shrapnel from a teleprompter rather than the bullet.

    I can't imagine a teleprompter hitting him from that angle, so it must be some other glass object (or, in the staged theory, blading). But it tracks with the blood pattern on his cheek that could be a scratch rather than a splatter. Either way, it's funny how he's immediately lying about "feeling the bullet" on his social media.

  • us_news US News Shots fired at Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania as former president is seen with blood across his face
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 2 months ago 100%

    To be fair, he looks pretty good for an old man who just got shot. Didn't even break character. Watching in slow motion it looks like the bullet meant for his head only grazed his ear. He's gonna be fine.

  • comunismo Comunismo ANÁLISE da CANDIDATURA DA UP em BH e… VEREADOR João? | Cortes do João …
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 2 months ago 100%

    Talvez seja só birra com o formato (homem sofistando pra chat de twitch), mas não acho que faz muito sentido não.

    Se eleitoralismo é inútil, tanto faz competir no executivo ou legislativo. PSoL tá no legislativo em BH faz um tempão e só consegue ficar menos popular.

    O exemplo do Leo Péricles é até bom, mas só porque é o mais extremo possível: fundador do partido que já disputou eleição do executivo federal e municipal (detalhe que enfraquece o ponto). O argumento fica muito mais frágil se aplicar por exemplo à Juliete Pantoja do Rio de Janeiro.

    Um bom estudo de caso é a Heloísa Helena, que foi de quase 7% presidencial pra não conseguir nem ser vereadora da própria cidade.

    E achei bem idealista essa de "se fizer isso eu entro na UP e ajudo". Porque não entra em um partido e concorre independente disso? Muito fácil agitar por uma posição pra seguidores na internet, mas cadê entrar e fazer debate interno pra que a posição seja tomada dentro da própria UP?

    Claro, ele não entra em partido porque não existe partido eleitoral MLM no momento. Pessoalmente, acredito muito útil usar a base e popularidade dele (e da Laura Sabino??) pra uma tática possivelmente pouco efetiva (mas decidida por meio de organização partidária) do que passar mais 4 anos esperando essa organização maoista se manifestar.

  • technology technology Microsoft killed my online life after I called Gaza. Palestinians calling home to Gaza on Skype have had their digital lives destroyed, after Microsoft closed their email accounts without warning.
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 2 months ago 100%

    Use jitsi, y'all.

  • worldnews World News In an interview with ABC News, Joe Biden said that only ‘the Lord Almighty’ could make him quit the presidential race
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 2 months ago 100%

    link to article.

    I don't think it's good to normalise images as "news" in this comm. It is true this time, but is less convenient to verify, and could be abused in the future.

    Biden has been providing some great quotes lately:

    “I convinced myself of two things. I’m the most qualified person to beat him, and I know how to get things done,” he stated.

  • worldnews World News New Caledonia independence activists sent to France for detention
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 3 months ago 100%
  • lgbt LGBTQ+ Apparently it's easier to transition in fucking Iran than in the Netherlands
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 3 months ago 100%

    Could you post a good source on this 1987 fatwa? Couldn't find any that went into much detail about it other than to complain about how Iran is transphobic (pretty ironic coming from the likes of the BBC).

  • technology technology Good handheld emulators devices?
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 3 months ago 100%

    Retroarch on android is free and doesn't have ads, not sure what you're on about. Also, OP is specifically asking about handheld devices.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat What are yall's ''literally me'' characters?
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 3 months ago 100%

    Gollum. The yellow face in the sky blinds me and I like playing silly games in my dark hideout.

  • technology technology 2,500 pages of internal documentation were leaked from Google.
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 4 months ago 100%

    Anybody got links to this leak? Asking for a friend.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat For those who didn't know : @dessalines(, Lemmy's creator,) has been reading audiobooks for a few years now
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 4 months ago 100%

    Those are torrent magnet links, you need some torrent client to download them. LibreTorrent is okay on Android.

    For listening, I recommend Voice.

    Both are on F-droid.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Games AlbigensianGhoul 4 months ago 100%
    [Game Jam] Games Transformed 2024 - No War But Class War

    I don't know this particular group, but sounds interesting.

    worldnews World News Russia seizes more land than Ukraine liberated in 2023 counteroffensive
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 4 months ago 100%

    This graph is golden. How I'd long for a time machine to show this graph to every annoying redditor talking about how Zelensky would march on Moscow with their "spring counteroffensive" 8 months ago.

    This other one is also a great visualization. I've been in small cities with less than 1 million inhabitants with more territory than that.

    If anything, this makes Russia's new gains sound very unimpressive, if one can only think of war in terms of Paradox game map painting. Clearly that's not how it works, but I won't opine on how the war really is going because I haven't done enough research.

    Could this war perhaps be over this year? I wonder how it'll affect USA elections or the inevitable riot upon Confirmation Day if it ends before then.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat What do you guys eat in a day?
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 4 months ago 100%

    Rice and beans and rice and beans and rice and beans.

  • askcomrades Ask Comrades questions about organizing protests
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 5 months ago 100%

    I don't have any tips, but you should crosspost this to Ask Lemmygrad. It's the more active community.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Cheap meal options? 🥺
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 5 months ago 100%

    Lots of beans and bean-like foods (chickpeas, lentils, peas, soy beans) can be made into a variety of shapes. If you have a pressure cooker you can even cook them relatively quickly in mass and freeze most of it for later. No idea how much that costs in your country, but it's supposed to be cheap.

    You can just make regular bean "soup", or you can "fry" them in a pan (specially lentils). You can eat chickpeas like popcorn or you can mix them with flour and something sticky (overcooked rice if vegan, egg whites otherwise) and make burgers. Just remember to put something oily like olive oi or butter for taste.

    You can also do some really low-nutrition despair foods by mixing wheat flour, salt, water and butter, and frying that in a pan. It's not healthy, but it's filling and easy to make, tastes like bread. But of course, if you add to this you can make other cool stuff like pancakes (less salt, lots of sugar, baking powder).

    All of the fried stuff get a very homogeneous consistency so they might be fine for your sensory issues.

    On the matter of taste, you just need a lot of seasoning.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Informal poll: What’s your favorite bird
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 5 months ago 100%

    I really love birds, so it's hard to choose one. So I'll choose two.

    Here we have the Anu-Preto, it looks like an angry chibi crow.

    And also the Biguá, which looks like something out of a dinosaur movie. But don't be fooled, he's tiny.

    But all birds are beautiful, specially weirdo tropical birds.

  • worldnews World News I expect we'll be seeing more and more calls for austerity all over western media going forward.
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 5 months ago 100%

    Found a new emoji.

  • latam latam Barbacue Presents His Demands to Negotiate Peace in Haiti
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 6 months ago 100%

    I've not been paying attention for a while and Cherizier looks like he aged years in a couple months. I even completely missed Henry's renunciation.

    Despite the promise, I don't think there'll be any "compromise" from the "international community".

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    neurodiverse AlbigensianGhoul 6 months ago 100%
    What do you do to be safe when near a meltdown?

    Last couple weeks have been very intense for me emotionally, and I noticed I was a short stress session away from snapping and doing unsafe things. The internet didn't really help as all results were "how to calm a meltdown in autistic children" or shit like that. I really like whistling and was at home, so I randomly did a 1 hour freestyle whistling spree which really helped, and probably annoyed my neighbours way less than loud banging noises and screaming would have. My head feels a bit light from all the intense breathing lol. If I'm outside and have the time, I also try climbing trees or large debris, or sprint as if I'm late. I have no idea what to when in an enclosed professional space other than pretending to go to the bathroom. What's your favourite meltdown-delaying technique?

    Ask Lemmygrad AlbigensianGhoul 6 months ago 100%
    Anybody know some key texts on a digitally planned economy (possibly related to Paul Cockshott's theories)?

    I've noticed some users here have mentioned the work of Paul Cockshott and I'm interested in looking into the computational aspects of planning. I already know a bit about operations research, but couldn't find a good introductory paper about modern economic planning theories, specially since stuff like Google Scholar ranks by citations. I'm currently reading "Towards a New Socialism" but it doesn't look like it'll delve too deeply into algorithms as far as I've got. Should I drop it and look into "Classical Econophysics" first? Or does anybody know a more technical book that I should look into?

    alwaysthesamemap Always the Same Map Meat consumption by country
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 6 months ago 100%

    For reference, people in Brazil tend to eat meat at least once, usually twice a day unless they can't afford it.

    If your plate doesn't have a single slice of meat in a full meal, people will ask questions.

  • us_news US News America Pulls Back from Ukraine
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 6 months ago 100%

    The United States is not Ukraine’s only ally, but it is the only one with the willingness and means to supply Ukraine’s war effort. Many European nations lack a political tradition of arming other countries. They have sent Ukraine some impressive weapons, like German tanks and Swedish shoulder-fired missiles. But “they cannot pump out munitions,” Julian said. “They cannot produce large numbers of artillery shell rounds — the No. 1 thing Ukraine needs.”

    This whole paragraph is truly a piece of Yankee writing.

  • comunismo Comunismo O uso das criptomoedas como moeda numa sociedade comunista
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 6 months ago 100%

    Não vejo porque uma moeda "auto-regulada" seria mais democrática do que uma regulada por um estado socialista, que por definição defende os interesses do proletariado.

    E eu ainda não vi nenhuma evidência de que criptomoedas podem ser estáveis e realmente usáveis como moedas.

    Mas aí entra minha pergunta: porque que criptomoedas seriam melhores que dinheiro regulado por um banco central socialista ou ideias mais complexas como vale-trabalho? Qual o problema da classe trabalhadora que elas solucionam?

  • comunismo Comunismo O uso das criptomoedas como moeda numa sociedade comunista
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 6 months ago 100%

    A responsabilidade de provar a utilidade de qualquer tecnologias cabe a quem propõe elas.

    Não vejo nenhuma vantagem de um estado socialista usar algo tão ineficiente quanto criptomoedas comparado a só ser dono dos bancos.

    Se você quer uma análise fria do que é cripto e como se encaixa no capitalismo tardio financeiro, toma aqui um documentário.

  • worldnews World News The Chinese government is signaling that it won’t allow a forced sale of TikTok 👏
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 6 months ago 100%

    The USA is the leading tiktok-using country, I'll give them that. But according to this statista page, the following three countries already double the total of USA users.

    That means ByteDance stands to lose way more by divesting themselves of TikTok than losing their USA audience. Not only are they isolating themselves diplomatically and economically from the rest of the world, now they're backing down in hubris culturally as well.

    Although I really dislike the TikTok business model for obvious reasons, banning it on USA territory is going to be really nice for the whole TikTok ecosystem.

    So, when poor oppressed Americans are going to start getting VPNs to escape their Great Firewall?

  • comradeship
    Does my shower thought about subscription services make sense?

    I've got this shower thought hunch about why corporations are so into subscription services rather than sales. If you look at Steam, a 60 dollar game nets Valve around 20 bucks (30%) for every sale. On the other hand a subscription like Xbox Game Pass can only get Microsoft a maximum of 16 bucks per month, not even counting how much they pay to the developers included in the program. So at least from this shallow reading, subscriptions should be worse than sales. But on the other hand, there are some advantages which are obvious. First off, casual users might not even be a potential loss for more expensive games. Besides that, it further alienates consumers from specific products they might want to consume, taking away developer power. And finally lots of people might just forget to cancel it because "it's so cheap" even when not using it. But my shower thought was: **what if this is favoured because it's worth much more as a financial asset?** Sales percentages are unpredictable and depend too much on third-party developers. If only flop games come out for a month, Valve will only learn about their lost potential revenue that same month. It's all a series of events. On the other hand, subscription numbers are easy to track. If they go down, Microsoft will have at least a month of a heads up. If they go up, they can know beforehand that they'll have more money in the future. They are much more stable. They're financial assets. Does this make sense? Has somebody who actually knows what they're talking about ever written about this?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    neurodiverse AlbigensianGhoul 6 months ago 100%
    The negative cycle of denying one's emotions

    A series of thoughts I noticed that might be familiar to some here. "I don't have emotions" ↓ "All my emotional presentations are fake" ↓ "If people treat me better for my fake emotions, it's because I'm manipulating them" ↓ "I don't deserve the sympathy I get" ↓ "I shouldn't present any emotions in order to not extract underserved sympathy" ↓ "I don't have emotions" Obviously a lot of these thoughts are factually incorrect, but it doesn't matter to my silly brain. Laying them out clearly like this helped me with it, so I hope it helps other people too.

    technology technology Apparently Apple and Google decided to drop all the family emojis in favor of generic icons.
  • AlbigensianGhoul AlbigensianGhoul 6 months ago 100%

    The year is 2224, all of humanity is fractured between two factions: those who write in Emoji (Traditional) and those who write in Emoji (Simplified)

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    neurodiverse AlbigensianGhoul 6 months ago 100%
    [happy rant] Exercise has finally paid off in a sensory sense

    Been doing a lot of exercise for the past couple of to make all the physical stuff I've been having to do feel easier. Thankfully I'm not getting too much muscle (god forbid I look any more man-ish!), but the other day I think it finally clicked that I do indeed feel better at doing physical activities. I was running like mad so as to not miss the bus, and instead of feeling tired or heavy of breath, I just felt light and focused. Walking around all day and up and down stairs also doesn't tire me anymore. I can even climb the occasional tree or urban debris. But the best part is the sensation of running really fast and being able to focus on that feeling rather than oxygenation. All the noises, the asphalt, the wind. A lot of the propaganda around exercise focuses too much on looking pretty rather than what you can **do** if you're physically fit. I'll never enjoy the idea of having a bulky body, but being able to do more with less effort is exactly my cup of tea. I hope this motivates other people who feel similarly to rethink their perspective on exercising too. It all started with "I want to climb that tree", and now I can climb that tree.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    neurodiverse AlbigensianGhoul 6 months ago 100%
    Party-appropriate fidgets?

    Hello Vsauce, autistic here. Going to be on some loud parties soon. I can tolerate the noise, but am trying to think of fidgeting tools that wouldn't look too out of place in a party when compared to my usual ones (broken Bic pens). I'm thinking of something like jewellery or rings. Sadly my only ring looks too much like some wedding ring and that has been a problem in the past. Too bad, because it's a very pretty ring. What are some (cheap!!!) tools y'all use?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    World News AlbigensianGhoul 7 months ago 97%
    Julian Assange appeals in ‘most important press freedom case in the world’

    If you want a horror story, read this [other article]( about his confinement: > He has not been outdoors—apart from a minute when police dragged him into a paddy wagon—since he took refuge in London’s cramped Ecuadorian Embassy in June 2012. The embassy’s French windows had afforded glimpses of sky. Here at Belmarsh maximum security prison in southeast London, his abode since April 11, 2019, he has not seen the sun. Warders confine him to a cell for 23 out of every 24 hours. His single hour of recreation takes place within four walls, under supervision. His paleness is best described as deathly.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Games AlbigensianGhoul 7 months ago 100%
    Ubisoft CEO defends Skull and Bones' $70 price tag, says it's 'a quadruple-A game'

    CAAAApitalism, the highest stage of CAAApitalism

    latam AlbigensianGhoul 7 months ago 100%
    If you or somebody you know is having trouble understanding neoliberal phenomena like Bolsonaro or Milei, I (critically) recommend the 2009 Shock Doctrine documentary

    It's based on the 2007 book of the same name by Naomi Klein. In it, she argues that not only is neoliberalism only possible to implement by exploiting periods of crises, but also that the USA and the bourgeoisie already understand that and will manufacture those crises when necessary to destabilise whole countries. She tells the history of neoliberalism from this perspective, from Pinochet to Yeltsin to the War on Terror. Milei and Bolsonaro's incompetence may be legitimate, or it may be an act, but we should never forget that all chaos generated from their apparent stupidity is useful for the ruling classes. This is why they happen. This is why they are sustainable no matter how many blunders, as they will still retain the support of the ruling class. Don't ever fall for the trap that "Milei will collapse his own government" like significant chunks of the Brazilian left did with Bolsonaro. The "critical" part is important: Her reading of the dissolution of the USSR is very shallow, and she even ends the whole documentary in a hopeful tone praising the Obama election. She's not a Marxist, but the documentary is still worth it, specially if you're showing it to non-Marxists.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    neurodiverse AlbigensianGhoul 7 months ago 100%
    How to combat binary thinking?

    People keep telling me I only deal in absolutes, and that it's unhealthy and I should sometimes find the middle-ground between two different positions. (I.e. caring for myself vs others, putting all my energy on a task vs not even bothering) So what's the procedure to finding a middle-ground so I can apply it to literally everything in my life, as the Autistic Gods demand? \s

    GenZedong AlbigensianGhoul 7 months ago 98%
    Well this is weird

    [source]( Some of the usual anti-communist historical lies in the text, but surprisingly lucid WP.

    latam AlbigensianGhoul 7 months ago 100%
    Port-au-Prince : Tension Mounts with the presence of Guy Philippe (in French)

    The silence in the Anglo/international press is deafening. [Have another article in French from them]( Free translation of a passage of the latter one to illustrate: > The banks, the schools and the government agencies have closed down in the northern and southern regions, while protesters block the main roads and avenues with burning tires and have frozen public transport.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Games AlbigensianGhoul 7 months ago 92%
    Every Video Game Layoff of 2024 | Kotaku

    Great article to revisit throughout the year if you care about game developers over game stock. > Most folks didn’t expect 2024 to be much better, but I’m not sure anyone was ready for it to be possibly worse—yet this year has kicked off with a string of big and small layoffs signaling that the corporate bloodletting rituals aren’t ending anytime soon. So Kotaku is going to try and track all of 2024’s layoffs as they happen. Hopefully, we don’t have to update this post that much.

    GenZhou AlbigensianGhoul 8 months ago 100%
    Text recommendations that build upon or critique "Marxism and the National Question"?

    Recently had a friendly discussions regarding whether it was useful for Brazilian parties to buy into the (settler) notion of a "Brazilian Nation", but from a leftist lens. Being from a peripheral region, I tend to disagree with this perspective, but I couldn't properly articulate whether it'd at least be an useful tool or not. He also didn't seem very theoretically advanced, basing his perspective on the (kinda racist) notion of regional "underdevelopment" rather than "dependent capitalism". Since the text is from even before the Revolution, I wonder if there are other interesting texts building on Stalin's perspective or critiquing it fairly from a Marxist position. Anybody know some? Edit: elaborating some more, Stalin defines a nation as requiring a common language, territory, and economic integration. To me, in Brazil all of those three feel like technicalities, as * the Portuguese language in Brazil is incredibly diverse throughout the country (specially due to various indigenous and African influences); * the territory is very vast and mostly disconnected regarding population centres (for example, there's no rail between even the litoranean capitals, and only a couple roads for the Amazon capitals); * and the economy is structured around an industrial centre in the southern regions, and mostly extractive economies everywhere else (that either export to the southern regions or to foreign countries). * This means that the regions aren't "underdeveloped", just that they're developed around extracting value for either the global imperial core or the national industrial core.

    World News AlbigensianGhoul 8 months ago 100%
    Video documenting the links between Australia's Coronation Property, political parties and organised crime taken down after death threats

    Creator had his house firebombed earlier after a different video about gambling and money laundering, with similar links to Liberal Party politicians. [Reupload on odysee](
