
Matt Ford claims a source informed him that an advisory council was set up for AARO, composed of 'gatekeepers' from the alleged UAP legacy programs.

"Has anyone from AARO reached out to whistleblower David Grusch? The answer is 'no." No one from AARO, including its leader, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, has reached out to David Grusch, or his attorney, via any form of official communication. None. Zilch. Not an email, not a phone call, or even a message from a carrier pigeon. Absolutely nothing. It's crazy.

"Instead, Kirkpatrick is going around Washington DC, or having his underlings do it, whispering that Grusch should visit him, in a way that's kind of reminiscent of that, you know, frankly, kind of shitty passive aggressive post on LinkedIn. So, think about it. One of the highest ranking former intelligence officials (Grusch) goes on national TV and testifies under oath to Congress about secret Pentagon UAP back-engineering programs, files whistleblower complaints, followed by dozens of other whistleblowers claiming the same thing. You have a former Pentagon program director (Dr. Jim Lacatski) on the record about super-secret legacy UAP programs. And Dr. Kirkpatrick doesn't bother to reach out to David Grusch, officially (laughs)?

"I mean, you can't make this stuff up. It is pure incompetence, or is it something else? Is AARO, under Sean Kirkpatrick's leadership, intent on getting to the truth for both Congress and the American people? Can whistleblowers, Congress, and Americans trust AARO and its leadership?

"Now, what I'm about to tell you is from a very high-ranking source. Very high-ranking, that has given us information that has always, always panned out. This information is significant, and, in my opinion, it demands a congressional investigation into AARO. So, everyone pay attention.

"When AARO was established, Ronald Moultrie also established an advisory council called AAROEXEC, or AARO Executive Counsel, whose purpose was to provide oversight and guidance to AARO, and was headed by Ronald Moultrie himself. The existence of this advisory board...actually, it was nothing secret. Everybody knew about it on The Hill. Moultrie actually announced it in an official Pentagon memo that you can find on the internet. So Congress knew of its existence, and who sat on the council. There was nothing to hide."

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