main LaForgeRayBans 6 months ago 100%

Communism should have a person dress up like Karl Marx who learns his mannerisms and tries to impersonate him on a deep ideological level so we can ask Karl Marx questions.

Wouldn’t it be fun for a Karl Marx impersonator to just walk around lecturing people about why they are bad who also has an online and journalistic presence lecturing people as to why they are bad. There should be a union of sorts for Karl Marx impersonators to make sure they are following strict Marxist doctrine in what they say, they will replace religious leaders as to who people go to guidance for. At the end of every year we fly all the Karl Marx impersonators to a giant altar of communism and the best Karl Marx ritualistically cuts the hearts out of the inferior Karl Marx impersonators on top of said altar. Then using the blood of the dead Karl Marx impersonators we anoint the next year’s class of impersonators and we have a brand new set of Karl Marx impersonators who were trained by the last set of them who were sacrificed. Marx trainees take on the role of Engels.

To make the lifecycle of the Karl Marx impersonator clear it goes

Selected in random lottery (1/1,000,000) every year - Forced to train as an Engel under the wing of a Marx - Get anointed as a Marx and take on an Engel - Get sacrificed and have your blood be used to appoint the new Marx.

Note if you are selected as the best Karl Marx you are not sacrificed, instead you preform that year’s sacrifice then get to retire in the goon cave with all the previous superior Karl Marx’s.

Any questions?

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