
Tutanota: Secure Email

Tutanota: Secure Email squid_slime 3 months ago 100%
BUG: deactivated alias unable to activate

so this is a technical issue that i have already reached out over but to no response or fix. i have used my alias's and have deactivated one of those alias's a year ago, i now and haven't been able to reactivate the alias. i would like to see this issue remedied but the lack of response is disheartening especially after reaching out to technical support months ago and hearing nothing back.

Tutanota: Secure Email Varyk 5 months ago 100%
is there a way to turn off the automatic spam filter?

A lot of my regular emails and correspondences with my contacts are getting sent to my spam folder. I'd rather individually block an address rather than have the spam filter automatically capture emails that I'm not aware of.

Tutanota: Secure Email squid_slime 5 months ago 87%
while its not great when service goes down i have to commend Tuta with this gesture

>In the beginning of April, you were not able to use your Tuta account for multiple hours due to a technical issue >we have automatically credited your account with a compensation worth one month of your paid plan (of all affected users of your account)

Tutanota: Secure Email Fisch 7 months ago 66%
Link in email missing

My dad has a tutanota email address and he got an email that was supposed to have a link in it (probably button with a hyperlink) but the link/button is just missing. The email just has a blank space where the it's is supposed to be. Can anyone help me with this issue? Should I report it on the GitHub? Edit: Forwarding the email to himself fixed it, somehow

Tutanota: Secure Email Chakravanti 8 months ago 83%

How do I change the time? I think I'm at your time or something and not mine. I can't read any of my times because I don't know what time its on. It wasn't tomorrow yet but everything was labelled yesterday last night. Now that I can see the time it's absurd and I have no idea what time it's under or how to set the time. Plz&TY P.S. If some of that was difficult to read then you should understand my frustration then.

Tutanota: Secure Email squid_slime 8 months ago 100%
Not being able to delete aliases makes little sense

I'd understand if there was an inactivity wait period but strait up not being able to delete is backwards.