
Rebuild of China Bad Times

China is aggressively flooding western markets with cheap oxygen. What does this mean for US trees?

China has long had its place in the world as a major polluter, having burned 14000% of its own coal consumption since the brutal, bloody Chinese revolution in the 1948 tunaman massacre. Yet China today is switching gears, presenting itself to the world as a benevolent green superpower----or so the authoritarian Xi regime tells its befuddled citizens. Here at the China Bad Times, we've contacted top China experts at Radio Free Radical, one of the top oxygen think tanks in the US. And they've got news for us: China is flooding our markets with cheap oxygen, and fast. "If we don't take action soon," warns Boot Liquer, top analyst at RFR, "then our domestic trees could be seriously harmed. And we've got to protect our markets, because god knows what China puts in their air." "In the US, we just can't put out oxygen as fast as China can," Liquer explains as we tour a US forest, taking care to avoid being hit by falling tree trunks as logging teams clear land for planting more drugs to fund covert CIA operations in the global south. "You see, in the US we have worker's protections, and unions, and retirements and such. We're humanitarian----we care about our trees. But there's no such protection in China. They've stripped their plants completely bare. You wouldn't believe the brutal level of exploitation. Hell, they don't even feed their plants any food. They're forced to only live on water." Liquer takes us to RFR's base, where he shows us unreleased footage of Xi's secret plans. "Now, it might seem like we're breaking the rules of the free market when we're raising concerns about Chinese air. But we're just playing fair, trying to combat China's unfair business practices. Two wrongs make a right, you know. While the US has always had honor and respect in the global market, China's ruthless. For example, they've illegally supplied the Hufies in Yemen with air. This supply is so vital that without it all of their fighters would die in minutes. Similarly, they've been giving billions and billions of metric tons of air to Russia. Without this supply Ukraine would be halfway to ladistock now. China's denying it, of course. Well to hell with them. They know as well as we do that those orcs would be suffocating without Chinese aid. It's the least we can do to try to curb the flow of their cheap shit into our market." Liquer leads us out of the RFR facility, and we're greeted on both sides by CIA agents fresh from torture operations in Guatemala bay. As we part, he offers us one last line of advice. "Some people say, China's not even actively exporting air to us. How can you say they're flooding our markets?" "Well, there's one response to these people. We're racists here. We're fucking racists, not logicians. Always remember that."

Rebuild of China Bad Times Shinhoshi 3 months ago 100%
China keeps deleting our articles

We, the editors of The China Bad Times, owe everyone a great apology. Since April 1, we have been rejecting countless articles reporting on the latest information on China from our spies on the ground, because the Chinese managed to trick us! For instance, we tried to interview local Chinese residents on their conditions: > Mr. Spy: "How would you say life is here in Chongqing?" > > Resident A: "Life here is actually pretty g—" > > Mr. Spy: "But the Sun never shines and it's so gloomy here. Wouldn't you say life in the United States would be so much better?" At this point, the Chinese citizen proceeds to calmly recite what Mr. Spy believed to be an ancient curse: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." Update: Mrs. Spy (no relation) was able to intercept a message from strong man Kim Jong Un to so-called President Xi: > Great job confusing the liberal Americans. They'll probably figure it out in a week but it's still really funny. As proud conservatives, we are offended by Kim's remarks. Kim's just lucky we have FREEDOM OF SPEECH in the USA. 🇺🇸 🦅 🇺🇸

Rebuild of China Bad Times

So, uh, remember when I said I'd never do any more CBT? Well, I've kind of been regretting that decision now, especially since I've had a few new inspirations. I won't try to force myself to keep a pace of posts now, which might've impacted quality in the past, and besides this is pretty much the only thing I'm known for. So... more CBT is coming.

The end of (my involvement in) the China Bad Times

Hey guys, it's me, Commiespammer. I just wanted to talk a little bit today about a decision I've made. But first, I'd like to go over why I made this community in the first place. I've said this before elsewhere, but I originally owned the subreddit r/chinaevil, which was later banned by reddit for promoting hate(???). So I moved to lemmygrad, and created this place. But the reason I made chinaevil in the first place... it's not like what some people have speculated, solely for the enjoyment of whites. Hell, I am Chinese myself. Originally this was just a coping mechanism, a way for me to vent my frustrations at blatant racism and misinformation against China that I felt powerless against. After I came here, of course, that was no longer a problem. But I kept this community anyways, out of habit, and I kept posting. To be honest, it eventually started feeling more like a chore, and it's become pretty clear that this kind of content isn't really popular anymore. So... I've decided to stop posting here. Others can still post here and are welcome to. But I won't do it any more, or at least not as frequently. Have a good day.

Rebuild of China Bad Times CommieBeetle 6 months ago 100%
In the chinese culture, it is considered a high honor to be killed by the hands of the chairman of the CCP

It was imported from soviet Russia during the times of Stalin, when each month a high ranking official was offered to Stalin to be killed by his own hands and a ton of grain so he could quench his hunger for ukrainian grain. During the GPCR, the tradition was modified and no longer included the grain eating part, but instead it was replaced by the communal festival of genociding a million landlords and bury their remains with comically small shovels, as a nod to Stalin's comically large spoon.

Rebuild of China Bad Times Shinhoshi 7 months ago 100%
Evil China police arrests holesome Tibet monk

That's it, there's no context since that would require reading past the headline, so therefore China bad.

Rebuild of China Bad Times luchuan 7 months ago 100%
Only Live Action Movies are Legal in China

How does censorship impede the production and distribution of animated movies more than live action???? Can someone explain it like I am an anglo to me?

Chinaman Chang vs Joe Biden

One day Chinaman Chang (Fu Manchu's evil twin) said in his devlishly cunning asiatic way, "I sure feel like planting rice and destroying western democracy today." So he climbed onto his dragon--- "Actually, it's a *lung*, he said smugly," ---right, he climbed onto his *lung* and flew through the clouds straight towards the white house. Biden was standing on the roof. "Ha! Mortal fool, I have anticipated your arrival." Chinaman Chang said nothing and pulled back his mongolian compound bow, firing an arrow at Biden. Biden unleashed a ray of pure democracy from his finger and destroyed the arrow with ease. "Stupid barbarian, I'm not so easily defeated! You'll have to get through me before you want to hurt this Shining City on a Hill!" "Damn you," the slanty-eyed mongoloid said through clenched teeth, quickly dodging as rays of freedom and enlightenment blew holes through the clouds his dra---- *"lung"* ----right, his *"lung"* had summoned. "I know!" he suddenly said. Then he pulled out a cheap bootleg rifle (stolen American tech from the future) and shot. "Augh! I've been shot!" Biden said, slowly collapsing to his knees like a shitty black and white 1920s western. But Chang was not finished. He devlishly shot Biden's head full of holes like the cheating little yellow man he was. "NOOOOOO! MY MEMORY IS DISAPPEARING!" Biden shouted, tumbling back down to the ground in a heap. "Heh heh heh," Chang said, twirling his mustache. "Another day, another democracy down!"

Hoofies in Yemen spotted breathing Chinese air

Breaking news! We've long suspected that the evil Chinese seeseepee have been aiding movements to defeat the Rules Based Order the US has painstakingly creating over the past several centuries. But there's been little evidence so far since those sneaky yellows have been hiding from the watchful eyes of the CIA. But now, we finally have irrefutable evidence that the seeseepee is aiding the hoofies in Yemen. You see, China has been secretly providing the hoofies with a vital resource that's required for their combat against the Good Guys™️: air. Xae Tschun-Payung has been breathing---- this is a documented fact, meticulously verified by several CIA agents. And this air has been confirmed to go to several malicious agents who would love to undermine US hegem---er, I mean, the World Police. To name a few, these air molecules Xae have been breathing are going to Hummus and the hoofies. Hummus and the hoofies. Sounds like a band name. *coughs* For the past several years, the hoofies have been attacking American cargo vessels, spitting in the face of democracy and freedom--- everything our flag stands for. They're jealous of our great democracy and they'll stop at nothing to take what they believe is rightfully theirs. Anyways, Xae has been providing these evil pirates with the air they need to survive. This means that we'll have to pile more sanctions on top of them---- it'll surely work this time! [Click here to donate to the China Bad Times and protect free journalism!](



China confirmed to collapse within 5 years, experts say

JANUARY 16TH, 2024---- Experts once again confirm that China, led by chai chintpkeng, is still about to collapse within five years. As with last time, five different points have been proposed that account for the regime's impending collapse. 1. Demographics. As we all know, China is experiencing a massive demographics collapse. In 2020, the population of China was 1.4 billion. In 2021, 1.2 billion. In 2022, 0.3 billion. In 2023, 35 thousand. By the end of 2024, it is projected China will only have a population of 5 people. This will wreak havoc on the country as a whole and allow for democratization to proceed rapidly. 2. Declining innovativeness. As we all know, yellow ching-chongs can't innovate, thus, all their technology is stolen from the west with a time machine. However, they don't know how to repair it, being the stupid yellow barbarians they are, and so soon will be unable to steal any more western innovations. 3. Overpopulation. While China's population is in decline, it's also simultaneously rising far faster than its weak infrastructural base can support. Within 1 year, the population will be 93 billion, and all the Chinese will starve. This is a good thing because they're yellow parasites. 4. Corruption Corruption is rampant within the CCP, with high-ranking officials embezzling quadrillions of yuan faster than they're being printed. This is leading to an instability in the Chinese political system. While it looks like they're sustaining economic growth, this is in fact built on nothing, and will soon collapse. Esteemed professor Krakk Pott places China's estimated collapse at around 7:51 pm, on march 30th, 2024. 5. Desire for reform Radio Free Asia has stirred up the desire for independence for the various peoples of China against their oppressive han communist overlords. A reliable source in shingyong informs us the yogurts will soon rise up, as well as the tibytens in a mass recreation of 1984 tunaman square, except the good guys will win this time. Shae and his racist policies are unstable, and can only last a few more months before China collapses.

Rebuild of China Bad Times ksynwa 8 months ago 100%
Another day, another DPRK defector, another banger

Transcript: > SEOUL, Jan. 10 (Yonhap) -- North Korea has carried out a public execution of people for violating the country's COVID-19 regulations, a South Korean human rights white paper showed Wednesday. > > A North Korean defector who arrived in South Korea last year testified about the public execution, according to the white paper published by the Korea Institute for National Unification, a state-run think tank. > > Still, it did not elaborate on the details of the public execution, such as when and how it took place, due to concerns about possible reprisals against the North Korean defector's family members and relatives who remain in the North. [Article]( The "white paper" was published by Korea Institute for National Unification, a South Korean government-funded think tank.

Complete CBT EU timeline

69420 bc: god creates all the species. Darwin is a fraud. 42069 bc: the glorious aryan race asserts its dominance over the west as it rightfully should. 9841 bc: the evil chinese yellow barbarian race is created by dictator moo zhendeing, who goes on to have his people breed like rabbits, then kills all the weighars in shinkykong. 9481 bc: moo zhendong dies, wholesome tibbit and teevon are created. 9184 bc: doong chaopung becomes dictator of sheena. He is a bad man. 1489 bc: doong chaopung invents black and brown savages to combat the civilized west. The dirty muslims sack rome and plunge yurop into the age of barbarism. 0 bc: jesus is born and leads the crusaders against sheena. The Russian Empire, led by Joe Steel, kills jesus and Joe Steel personally shoots god. This plunges the west into another dark age. 69 ad: Joe Steel dies and wholesome gorby brings pizza to russia, bringing light to those barbarian savages. The eternal science of phrenology is invented by glorious white man. 420 ad: the evil poolestenan muslim savages force isralers out of their homeland in brown people land. Nobody cares about this. 1489 ad: evil sheena, now led by the ghost of keem jung-ho, takes over wholesome tivon. 1498 ad: ben shapiro liberates the west and unifies yerop. Kerlombis discovers AMERICA EAGLE FREEDOM BURGER LAND and creates wholesome AMERICA EAGLE FREEDOM BURGER LAND. 1849 ad: wholesome industrial revolution happens, the west beats up all the barbarian savages. AMERICA EAGLE FREEDOM BURGER LAND brings freedom to teevon, tibbit, and shinky- chingy-- shangkong 1948 ad: shae jun-peng takes control of Sheena. he commits the shinkkong genocide and kills all the yogurts. Putler becomes leader of commie russia and commits genocide against dombuss. 1984 ad: shae jun-peng, the ghost of teng chaopung, and revived moo shentong commit the tuna man massacre where everyone in wholesome tibbet, wholesome shingong, and wholesome teevon are killed. AMERICA EAGLE FREEDOM BURGER LAND steps in and kills teng and moo permanently and stop shae.... for now. 1996: putler invades wholesome yookraan. He loses and moscow is taken within minutes. 2001: shae joon-paing invades wholesome teevon and explodes the twin towers. 2022: CBTEU organized, mara jade is no longer canon. 2023: Jordan Peterson, Joe Biden, Trump, and the wholesome sigma AMERICA EAGLE FREEDOM BURGER LAND gang decimate the barbarians. Isreel becomes relevant and starts purging the brown terrorists.

Rebuild of China Bad Times Pluto 9 months ago 100%
Legends Summarized: Journey To The West (Part XI)

cross-posted from: > There are other parts to this, as you can tell by the title.

'Hostages' killed by IDF confirmed to be Hamas terrorist savages in disguise, say CBT reporters.

Despite recent rumors circulating that valiant IDF soldiers supposedly killed innocent hostages, daring investigations by CBT journalists have found that these are in fact lies being propagated by the Hamas regime. "It's important to realize the extent that Hamas controls the global attitudes," says one anonymous source. "Many choose to believe whatever they say, despite Israel clearly being the oppressed side here. It's sad to see how many young people have been brainwashed by those brown terrorist savages. I mean, I hate jews too, but I hate brown people more. At least for now." Indeed, many prominent news forces have been secretly controlled by global Hamas cabals who strongly influence the narrative against Israel. As one innocent Israeli civilian says "We've always lived here until those evil terrorists came to steal our land!" The solution is clear: the Hamas menace must be eliminated (we hate Hamas not the people). So go onto the street with your guns, and shoot up all the brown people you see because they're probably Hamas spies. Then shoot all the yellow ching chongs because they support genocide xae and Hamas. Then shoot all the slavics you see because they support putler and also hamas. You know what, just shoot everybody who's not white. [Claim your free gun to shoot up minorities now](

Rebuild of China Bad Times Jonathan12345 11 months ago 100%
The China Bad Times was not, is not, and never will be a racist publication

Recently, many so-called 'SJW's and 'Wokies' have claimed that the glorious China Bad Times is 'racist'. Not only is this claim extremely offensive but also blatantly false. "I want to make it clear," says Professor Krakk Pott, "That we have never been racist or prejudiced towards the yellow mongol hordes. We, uh, we might've called them inferior races once or twice, but we actually just hate the government, not the people! We really just want to free them from the oppressive CCP, because those lazy and dumb yellows can't free themselves!" Asides from these lies clearly being spread by the oppressive Chinese regime, our supposed 'bias' against the Chinese is actually scientifically based. At the CBT, we performed a rigorous test where we measured the skull of a Chinese infant, and then several superior aryan CBT staff members. The results were shocking: On average, white skulls were much larger, clearly proving our intellectual superiority. The China Bad Times does not condone hate, and has never criticized asians on a racial basis. Please stop spreading hateful lies. You are unintentionally spreading the agenda of an authoritarian empire.

The China Bad Times stands with Israel against mongoloid aggression

Recently, the beautiful ethnost---uh, I mean free and equal homeland of Israel has come under attack, by no other than evil and dirty asiatic races including yellow ching-chongs and putleroid ruZZians. They seek to reduce the profits of our weapons companies (how horrible! Won't somebody think of the shareholders), and aim to, worst of all.... wait for it... NEGATIVELY IMPACT THE ECONOMY *gasp* How could we have let this happen? "We must be careful," cautions esteemed professor Krakk Pott, Ph.D. "If we don't stop the mongoloids soon, we could end up with ching chongs lording over us superior white men." The terrorist organization of hamas was once seen with a member having hair. Know who else has hair? Chinese and Russians! Luckily, brave CBT reporters are willing to expose the Great Replacement and the overthrow of the World Order, and the plot to put an end to the rule of Hard Decisions made by The Adults In The Room. In the immortal words of an Anonymous Source, "If we don't prop up a failing apartheid ethnostate, who will?"

Rebuild of China Bad Times Pluto 12 months ago 71%
Chinese Modernization Is Socialist Modernization Led by the CPC

cross-posted from: > From the article at the end: > > >This was an excerpt from a speech at a study session for new members and alternate members of the CPC Central Committee and principal officials at the provincial and ministerial level on studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, February 7, 2023. > > > >(Originally appeared in Qiushi Journal, Chinese edition, No. 11, 2023)

Xi Jinping stole my girlfriend

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is currently a very delicate time in my life. Xi Jinping, the evil dictator of China, has stolen all 14 of my underage waifu body pillows, and I am in shock from the loss. It's really a hard period of time in my life, as the chinese regime is now targeting me personally. I have had to take 7 different pseudonyms to avoid CGB agents who are seeking to capture and torture me, and on numerous occasions I have been smuggled across borders to avoid being caught by the globalist communists. As of right now I'm typing this through a quadruple-encrypted onion Shrek goblin ring with five layers of wholesome chungus bitcoin blockchain shields. Despite this the plainclothes chinamen police officers are closing in on my location, and they are trying to take away from me my last vestiges of sanity. Please donate to me through the link below: [This](

Not A Nazi🎵

I agree with good ideas, no matter left or right Why do people argue when they could have a good ‘ol compromise? I’m truly in the center, I think both sides are bad Don’t folks who disagree a lot seem sad? Now I think immigration is a delicate issue Sure, they deserve rights but they’re stealing our jobs too It might sound like I am sucking up to MAGAts But I’m just being unbiased and that’s a fact Yeah there’s income inequality but the poors are at fault And if exploitation ceased then industry would halt It’s because of society, I want to keep my guilt hazy Yeah, it must be that those poor people are lazy If you think I’m a fascist then sorry you’re wrong I just think the white race needs more lebensraum How hard is it to understand I’m no extreme I stand for the middle, I never join teams Maybe I want to genocide a few minorities, But haven’t communist states also done bad deeds? Stop it with your woke mind whataboutism I never used any nazi euphemisms So what if I want to kill some browns and yellows? I’m still not a nazi, just an unbiased fellow Why do leftists insist on criticizing me? I’m not left or right, just center, why can’t they see?

Rebuild of China Bad Times Elara 1 year ago 89%
CCP hatches evil scheme to steal OUR carbon right out of the atmosphere!

Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves for the latest scheme of the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP), whose sinister plan involves nothing less than stealing the world's carbon right out of the atmosphere. How nefarious, you might think. Let's dive into this evil plan! Instead of ignoring the dire warnings of climate scientists and continuing to spew carbon dioxide into the atmosphere like the international community has done for decades, the CCP wants to capture it and store it safely. What's next? Preventing forest fires instead of letting them rage uncontrollably? How selfish of China not to consider how much profit we make rebuilding when people's houses get burned to the ground. We've consulted with an expert, who agrees with our conclusion that the CCP's plan is to steal ***our*** carbon out of the atmosphere. The expert, who has asked to remain anonymous, stated the following: "I don't know exactly why they're doing it, but they're definitely up to no good." Truly chilling testimony! Let's not forget the CCP's participation in international climate agreements and commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. How cunning to want to work collaboratively with other nations to address the pressing issue of climate change. Clearly, they're just trying to divert attention away from their grand scheme of carbon larceny. But their evil plot doesn't stop there, oh no! China has had the audacity to invest in renewable energy, public transportation, and electric vehicles. So, not only are they stealing our carbon, they're lowering their own emissions. At this rate, there won't be any carbon left for us! I hope everyone reading this understands that this threat is extremely dire. We must all be wary of China's plan to preserve this planet for future generations!

China continues to expand Colonialist BRICS despite the protests of the Free World™️

I'm so fucking done, man.... sincerely.... I'm so fucking done.... With how evil the Imperialist Chinese and Colonialist BRICS empires are! They're, like, literally commiting indigenous genocide in Antarctica (that's what the K in BRICS is for, right?), and ruthlessly exploiting the locals for resources to fuel their cybernetic hypercapitalist engines of consumption! Look, I learned all of these leftist words, so I'm a leftist now! The Free World™️ has once again sternly reprimanded those dirty yellows and their subhuman allies for their human rights abuses and mistreatment of indigenous Antarcticans. Says an anonymous citizen of Latin South Slovenia, "The Chinese are putting more pressure onto our government to join Genocide Putin in BRICS every day. Please save us daddy Biden!" As millions of global southerners are being displaced and their homelands destroyed by Imperialist members of China's bloc of closet nazis, the Civilized World must take action now to prevent the destruction of potential resource deposi--- uh, I mean, allies around the globe. [Chip in a few cents to help defend the Free World™️ today!]( ::: spoiler sincerity Sorry if this is kinda short. I wrote this in like 5 minutes. :::

Chinese Spy Network Targets Local Ohioan | China Bad Times

It was a chilly Autumn evening when 59 year old Cincinnati resident Robert Dale heard a knock on his door. "I was sittin' in my recliner, just watchin' football, then all of a sudden I got a knock on my door. I thought it was my grandkids..." When Robert Dale opened his door, it was indeed his grandchildren. But he knew something was wrong the moment he saw their expressions. "I tried to talk to them, but they would even listen to me. They were all on their smart phones and nothing I said or did would get em to put those darn things down. When I got a glimpse of what was on their smart phones, my heart sank right into my chest." A shocking discovery: his grandchildren, like so many other misguided youths, have began using TikTok - Xi Jinping's latest effort to keep a close eye on the personal lives of Americans with a surveillance system unlike any other seen before it. Ohio Lawmaker Jebediah Flang had this to say when interviewed by CBT reporters on Friday: "Hooligans and youngsters crave their tiktok dances and their immediate grams. But beyond this naive quest for what their foolish minds label "fun", lies a dark truth that they refuse to acknowledge, and that truth is that with each " tik tok asmr challenge ", they inch just that much closer towards Chinese sympathies. One minute, they are quoting the latest "meme" as they call them (Whatever ever happened to the funny pages?) and the next, they are quoting the dictator Mao Zedong like any patriotic man would with George Washington. Really scary stuff." Incredible words from an incredible man. The growing trend among the unthinking generation has startled lawmakers like Jebediah Flang and miniscule average joes like Robert Dale into action. Each taking their own paths to ensuring the safety of our besieged nation. God bless CBT. God bless Unbiased Journalism. God bless our imperial protectors. I am Rebecca Frank, signing off.

China decolonized

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Declassified intel reveals One-Child Policy cover story for cannibalism

Welcome back to The China Bad Times, which is still illegal to read in the brutal Beijing regime! I’m your guest editor from Radio Free Asia here with exclusive news about China! Our spies in the Communist Party have found proof behind our allegations that the Chinese government used the fictitious One Child Policy as an excuse to eat babies! Whenever someone had a second child, the child would be confiscated by the government and eaten by the cannabalistic regime. The official death toll sharply plummeted after the Great Leap Forward, but this new information suggests this was simply due to no longer having to count the eaten babies, as the murderers simply ate them before they had to give a birth certificate! Meanwhile, in the freedom-loving United Americans of States, you can have as many kids as you want to provide free labor for you and your company as the Founders intended. 🇺🇸 [As always, click here to donate to the China Bad Times](

Rebuild of China Bad Times Beam 1 year ago 81%
Average right wing extremist manifesto

Hello, my name is Lieutenant “Honorary Aryan” Poopy Butthole. The west has fallen, the only way to defeat the evil communist deep state is by plowing Joe Biden’s booty hole with a giant paint brush which will inevitably summon a 300379 meter tall nuke which will destroy all of the evil non white countries and then summon George Patton who will dance in the sky butt naked which will cause all the evil brown immigrants in europe to die of testicular cancer. Then, Mussolini himself will film a twitch stream talking with destiny and making fun of Islam in a radioactive crocodile butthole. Finally, Adolf Hitler ascends from the ground and start spitting out bullets greased with pig fat at evil ruZZian orcs while flying in the air like superman and simultaneously shooting out laser beams out of his booty hole at jewish families. Then, WW2 Japanese samurais will ride into battle on ostriches and start singing “Ballin” by Roddy Rich and running into crowds of innocent people and exploding. Then a colossal butt naked aryan Shrek will appear in Beijing and start turning it into a glorious aryan utopia while singing about how he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. Then Atlantic fish people along with undead viking zombies riding underwater F-35s will fly into the sky and start bombing the middle east. Then, gigantic THERMONUCLEAR! ballistic missiles powered by the 6969696969696 victims of communism and built by the spirits of non-existent german women who were killed by the red army in WW2 will start attacking every communist country on earth. Pewdiepie himself will then be responsible for repopulating the white race while screaming his favourite word that starts with the letter N. Then at long last, Adolf Hitler himself will use the power of the AllSpark to summon Decepticon Panzer IV tanks that will kill all remaining people of colour and then finally bring about the glorious endsieg of the white race.

Do Your Part, combat Chinese misinformation online!

In recent years, with the rise of tankie Xae junpoueng brainwashing, more and more patriotic Americans are being corrupted into evil godless communist tankie scum, who want nothing more than the destruction of the great, hard-working white upper class of America that has done nothing but good for humanity. But we're willing to fight back! In collaboration with several other major Freedom Outlets, we are raising a new project, the Do Your Part initiative, which aims to promote traditional American values and oppose all that is tankie such as pro-Stalin Big Brother No Food Spoon Man historical revisionism, as well as moeism and dungkhism, and support of Keem Joe-wun. These evil ideologies have poisoned the minds of our children, along with other threats to democracy such as the Woke Mind Virus. Sponsored by Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Adrian Zenz, and Joe Biden(who accidentally hit the 'donate' button five times), we aim to reward the spreading of American values by paying two cents to every poster spotted praising American values and combatting Chinese disinformation online. While some have criticized our program and have even compared it to (Biden forbid) China's infamous Wumao program, we would like to remind you that Freeze Peach and also it's okay when we do it, but not those nasty yellow people! [Sign up here to do your part today!]( ::: spoiler spoiler Thought it would be another Miku link? Get Assadrolled lmao :::

China arrests Reddit Freedom Fighters, refuses to free American Heroes

Breaking news! The evil Chinese regime, after the failure of the valiant reddit army at shinkykung, has captured a large amount of our brave volunteers. They're keeping them alive, sure, but... just to torture them! Yeah, that must be it. Those dirty yellows are probably eating the bones of our heroic troopers. We must free them! However, Xei Jun-Powung, the evil dictator-emperor-voldemort of the ccp (we hate the government, not the people) has REFUSED to free our troops! Would you believe that? A lowly asiatic, telling us superior whites what to do! This is... outrageous! Calls for a second wave of Reddit troopers have gone out. This time, instead of attacking the Chinese heartland of shinkykong or teebit, we will attack Chinese strongholds outside of their barbaric heartland one at a time, starting from elementary schools harboring chinese spies. Sure, they might just look like kids, but you never know who might be passing information to Xaie! We need more brave troopers like you, soldier. We need to defend our civilized white land of freedom to ensure that a western civilization, and not a mongol one, reigns supreme! [Would you like to know more?](

"Nobody could have predicted this"---Reddit Invasion of China goes horribly wrong

Breaking News! The brilliant field marshal Krakk Pott has been forced into retreat by hordes of yellow asiatics, barely escaping with his life. "I don't understand!" says top US military expert with remorse, "nobody could've seen this coming!" The Anti-China Reddit Volunteer Army landed yesterday in the northeastern Shinyong region of the evil ccp dictatorship of China, led by Xei Jun-Pohng, the evilest dictator ever, even more eviler than Joe Steel or Dolf Hit, having nearly 69420 engellion confirmed kills under his belt. He ruthlessly crushed our Reddit freedom army, leaving little room for the Free World™️ to grow and thrive like lazey fair economics says it should. When the Reddit Army landed, our dropships were attacked by Chinese anti-air. Who could've predicted that those primitive asiatics had invented ground-to-air weaponry? Nobody, that's who! This whole thing was a massive surprise. When the soldiers finally landed, a mob of orcs instantly swarmed them. Our brave redditors fought heroically and valiantly, but were ultimately crushed by sheer numbers, and numbers alone. Despite this, they managed to achieve a kill/d ratio of 43984389389 big wholesome chonky chungillion gold award to 1. They will be remembered in the annals of western history. This means one thing: We need more men. Our technology is better, our tactics are better--- now all we need are more soldiers who can valiantly hold the line defending civilized whites from those dirty ching chongs. Enlist today and save the world! [Would you like to know more?](

Reddit Volunteer Army Shinkyong drop


Enlist in the Anti-China Reddit Volunteer Army today!

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China's achievements are non-canon

Greetings folks, another day at the CBT. Have you sometimes heard tankies argue that China is a good country for its accomplishments? Well, they're wrong, because all those so-called achievements are only in canon in the 'real world', a reality completely divorced from our frothing racist fantasies, which we all know *are* canon! "China has not done a single good thing in the entire timeline of the China Bad Times Expanded Universe," says esteemed professor Krakk Pott, Ph.D. "It doesn't matter what they did in the 'real world'. It's pointless internet debates and our delusions that matter." The next time you see a tankie out in the wild, make sure to debate with them the canonicity of the supposed deeds their favorite authoritarian regime has done. And remember folks, propaganda is bad when it's the yellow people who do it! [Would you like to know more?](

The authoritarian CCP coerces women into having established careers

Welcome back to The China Bad Times, which is illegal to read in the brutal Beijing regime! I'm your guest editor from Radio Free Asia here with exclusive news about China! Unlike in our American democracy, where girls are free to get married at 10 years old, the authoritarian dictatorship in China forces women to get established careers as scientists, doctors, or nurses. Women aren't even allowed to have children thanks to the One-Child Policy, where the horde murders your babies if you dare have a second one. Now, you may have many questions, such as: "How can anyone become an accomplished scientist while they're forced to eat poo?" The answer is that our brave spy in China communicated over the phone, and we realized that the Chinese population eats Pooh! That's right, they eat the beloved cartoon character Winnie the Pooh, also known as President Xi Jinping! These people have a peculiar custom of "saving face" where they don't eat the head, so another corrupt dictator puts on Pooh's face and pretends to be the president, before they eat him too! In conclusion, China is an unlivable hellhole that eats babies, Winnie the Pooh, and tortures women. Don't go there, we're about to start a war with this genociding dictatorship! [As always, click here to donate to the China Bad Times.](

China is secretly arming tankie terrorists in Africa

Breaking news! Here at the China Bad Times, we've found out a damning secret---- China is arming tankie terrorists in Africa! [insert a bunch of racist shit I'm not gonna type here. Use your imagination, or maybe don't] Anyways, this new government has been seen collaborating with evil seeseepee already, seen by the fact that they're breathing the same oxygen that those dirty yellows are. How dare they! Everyone knows that western colonialism only brought wealth and prosperity to Africa [insert more racism here], and now they're abandoning our glorious white civilization for a bunch of ***CHING CHONGS***? Ridiculous! These ungrateful brats have also praised Commie Putler, saying, and I'm quoting their leader Abraham Castro here, "Putler good Ukraine bad no food burn crops landlord die global revolution". This proves that he's joining the communist plot to destroy the Free World™️! How could this happen? In addition, Castro is commiting a genocide against France by refusing to sell them the precious Uranium (ha ha, Uranium, like Uranus, like, ur anus, get it? I'm so funny, right? kekw lol wholesome gold award) they need to heat their homes and power their cars. Now the poor oppressed whites will all freeze to death and even worse, the Eiffel tower will *shrink* from the cold!!! Oh noes!!! Won't somebody think of the tow-er, I mean, the people? All in all, the situation is looking quite grim for the International Community™️. Stay tuned for more from the China Bad Times. [ Hey, don't scroll past this! Since the CIA defunded us, we've been relying on user donations to keep our bastion of free speech running. Click here to donate to the China Bad Times today to ensure that free press lives on!](

China forces citizens to eat poo

Breaking news! It has come to our attention that the evil seeseepee regime is FORCING ITS CITIZENS TO EAT POO!!1!1!1!11111!!! Yes, that is correct. The evil authoritarian chinese government has seemingly run out food, so it is making its citizens eat their own poo instead. Now this has seemingly been going on for quite a while, as all those yellow ching-chongs are far weaker and dumber than Superior White Man. The head of the ccp himself, Dictator Xae Jun Poohng, has issued an official statement regarding the issue: "1984 big brother george orwell animal farm no food 100 marxillion dead EAT YOUR OWN POO PEASANTS!!!!!11!1!!!!!" This is yet another in a long chain of moves where the ccp has been evil to its citizens. Not like we care about those yellow hordes, but we hate the government, not the people. Well, we hate the people, too, but that's besides the point here. Anyways, ignore what people tell you, that poop has no nutritional value and therefore is horrible food. It's possible. I bet they probably stole some evil secret voldemort darth vader palpatine necromancy magic to make the poop edible. I mean, they do deserve to eat poo given that they're an inferior race, but for this article we're only hating on the government. Anyways, China is now even more of an unlivable hellhole than before. Please don't go there, you'll probably die or get shot by the police or something. [As always, click here to donate to the China Bad Times.](

History is Over. What can we do about it?

Well guys, it's me, Jonathan12345, back at the China bad times with another exciting episode on your daily load of CIA-funded crap. Gee, it's really been a while, hasn't it? Well, we kind of got defunded after all those other racist news sources crowded us out. Y'know, we'd spew out vile and blatantly racist propaganda, and some random-ass redditor could do it just as well, for free. But that's not what we're here to talk about today. We're actually going to discuss how history is over. Yup, history is over. Do you know what that means? it means that the world is stuck like this, and it's gonna keep on going like this forever until the heat death of the universe. Nothing's ever gonna change, the USA will always be the number one power--- it's a real end to history. And with all those selfless and hard-working billionaires taking care of everything, what more could you ever ask for? I mean, sure, there might be one or two countries that oppose the good old USA here or there, and maybe a few tankies and nazis(they're really the same thing. Horshoe theory, you know?), but over all it's pretty clear that history has ended. Capitalism beat fascism in world war 1, and then it beat communism in world war 2. So, there's a bright US-guided future to look forward to--just try not to give in to despair, heh. [As always, click on the link to donate to the CBT so we can keep our news running. ](