

Science Logic_And_Ethics 11 hours ago 10%
Ideas with storing electrons and or light in a container

**Storing electrons in a container** Maybe like how an electron emitter / electron gun electrons can be emitted from the negative electrode. Then maybe can be able to emit each electron into a sealed container to store each electron not attached to an atom. I guess an electron not attached to an atom are as a free electron. Which maybe can call this an electron bottle. Could maybe have the entire inner surface of the container be made out of a conductive material so can maybe be able to both add each electron into the container and to remove each electron from the container. Should probably ensure have an electrically insulative material surrounding the conductive surface so as to prevent emitting each electron outside of the conductive surface. With removing each electron should maybe have a diode to ensure each electron move a specific direction. If for some reason each electron can go through the container then maybe should use a material for repelling magnetism maybe like a diamagnetic material like a superconductor or something else like pyrolytic graphite or bismuth. This way can perhaps repel magnetism of each electron which then perhaps repels each electron. A superconductor perhaps have a stronger repelling effect compared to something like pyrolytic graphite and bismuth. Which also perhaps pyrolytic graphite have a stronger diamagnetic effect than bismuth. - Maybe could even use something like copper or aluminum to maybe be able to repel each electron from each electron’s magnetism causing eddy currents with either type of material. Which then with using a material for repelling each electron then it might be more difficult to be able to collect each electron. Could probably have a section of the electron bottle with no or at least less of a magnetism repelling effect which are as a conductive surface. Which then to perhaps have something like a removable magnetism repelling material, diamagnetic material behind on the outside of the conductive surface with less or no magnetism repelling effect. This way if the diamagnetic material are in the section with no or less magnetic repelling effect then maybe to repel each electron inside of the container. If to remove the diamagnetic material then maybe to allow each electron to conduct into the conductive surface which then perhaps can be collected. **Electron bottle: Energy generation** Another thing to mention is maybe since each electron always move maybe like with zero point energy then can maybe be used for generating energy. Maybe for example since each electron emit electromagnetism then perhaps each electromagnetism could affect the conductive surface area to cause current and maybe even go through the electron bottle so can perhaps affect a coil to cause current that way. This way maybe can collect electric current without removing each electron. Though with just collecting current from the inner conductive surface then probably to have a higher chance of collecting each electron and perhaps especially more likely if the conductive surface does not effectively repel each electron. Maybe either way if effectively repel each electron or not could maybe cause heat which can also maybe be another way to be used for energy. Maybe the heat could power a thermoelectric generator for electric current. Maybe even emit infrared light could power an infrared solar panel for electric current that way. Also just to mention the conductive surface with the electron bottle that can perhaps act as an electrode like as a negative electrode to emit each electron in the container. I guess in order to effectively emit each electron should be heated up. So maybe another idea how how it could heat up is just by each electron inside of the container itself could perhaps heat up the container. Maybe like magnetism from each electron can heat up the conductive surface. Maybe another idea could be to collect each electron to for example use with a circuit and then add each electron back into the container. Though this might have a higher chance of losing each electron being emitted from a circuit. Below ideas regarding how to maybe affect each electron to move at a faster speed so can maybe generate more energy maybe like with each electron’s electromagnetism to induce more current. Perhaps to cause more heat maybe like with collision with inner wall of the electron bottle or electron’s electromagnetism to cause heat with the electron bottle: **Electron bottle: Other ideas with generating energy** Gravity / gravity wave to maybe be able to affect each susceptible electron to maybe move at a faster speed. Movement of the electron bottle. Maybe if the electron bottle were to move to hit an electron with added movement speed. Or maybe with a material for reflecting magnetism like a diamagnetic material to maybe reflect each susceptible electron’s magnetism to reflect the electron away with more movement speed that way. Maybe like this could be caused from sound vibrations for example. - Maybe similarly this could perhaps happen with heat since perhaps heat is vibration of each atom. Light. If light can hit an electron then could maybe cause to move faster. Maybe with heat could make infrared light inside of the electron bottle to affect each susceptible electron that way. If can have a transparent electron bottle then could maybe more easily allow light from the outside into the container maybe like visible light. However with a transparent container maybe due to each electron emitting electromagnetism to be able to emit various spectrum of light that could be dangerous maybe like UV light to easily go through the transparent container. So perhaps an opaque container are ideal to perhaps block harmful light. **Electron bottle: Gravity waves** Maybe since an electron attracts gravity and if to move to make a gravity wave. So maybe each gravity wave can have a push and pulling effect towards the direction the gravity wave are moving. If to store electrons in an electron bottle then maybe since each electron constantly move maybe like with zero point energy then could constantly emit gravity waves maybe in many directions of the electron bottle. This way can repel matter from many directions of the electron bottle. Maybe if for example have an electron bottle with a dense block of matter maybe like made of iron attached to the outside of the electron bottle then maybe each gravity wave that move towards the direction of the dense block of iron to push and pull on the dense block of iron to maybe cause to move towards the direction of the dense block of iron maybe like a thruster. So for example maybe this could be useful for spaceship propulsion. **Electron bottle: Notes** Maybe heat from each electron maybe like with colliding with the inner wall of the container to maybe cause heat. With heat can maybe heat up the conductive surface / electrode of the container to maybe be able to emit each electron easier like as an electron emitter maybe like with both wanting to add or remove each electron. Since each electron perhaps repel each other do to the same electric charge then maybe each electron reduce how effective can add each electron into the electron bottle. Which also maybe due to each electron repelling each other then maybe can force each electron closer to the inner wall of the container to for example cause more heat maybe by colliding with the inner wall and or from electromagnetism. **Electron bottle: Possible dangers** If to open the electron bottle with electrons inside then could perhaps be dangerous like maybe could cause burns like with human skin and blindness like with each human eye. - Maybe similarly if to discharge each electron from the container quickly then maybe since each electron are moving through the conductive electrode to maybe cause heat which maybe could be harmful like with being able to burn like with human skin and even break the electron bottle maybe like with melting it which then perhaps suddenly release each electron stored in the container. **Storing light in a container** Maybe the higher spectrum of light the more difficult it is to store in a container. Maybe like with visible, microwave spectrum are difficult to store in a container. However maybe could more easily store the radio wave spectrum of light inside of a conductive container. Maybe could for example for emitting the radio wave spectrum of light could have an antenna inside of a conductive container to emit each radio wave. Which the antenna should definitely be insulated from the conductive inner wall. Could maybe call a container for storing light a light bottle. Also just to mention maybe due to a superconductor not having a lot of resistance can be useful with storing light so as to maybe reduce energy loss from resistance. **Light bottle: Gravity waves** Maybe if a photon (I guess an individual light particle / wave) were to collide with another photon then maybe each photon to annihilate while making an electron and positron. Which just to mention a positron are perhaps the opposite charge to an electron. Perhaps due to each electron and positron attracting gravity to then attract gravity and maybe if the electron and positron collide to make 2 photons and losing gravity maybe making a gravity wave. So maybe this can be another way to make gravity waves using light. Maybe information about photon reflecting off of another photon: Maybe also something related are Delbrück scattering: **Light bottle: Energy generation** Maybe similarly to with the electron bottle with generating energy using each electron maybe like with constantly moving like with zero point energy could maybe be similar with an electron and positron from a photon colliding with another photon. Which just to mention perhaps a positron also emit electromagnetism so perhaps could work similarly to an electron with generating energy. Maybe another idea with generating energy from storing light in a light bottle could be from each photon directly maybe like also due to each photon constantly moving maybe like with zero point energy. Maybe could cause energy like heat, maybe current like with the radio wave spectrum of light without losing energy. Though I think maybe due to colliding with the interior of the light bottle to lose energy / amplitude maybe like as heat so maybe not easily able to use for energy that way. **Light bottle: Possible danger** If the container are suddenly opened releasing light then could perhaps be dangerous perhaps like with causing burns like with human skin and blindness like with each human eye. - Which also should perhaps be careful to limit how much light discharge from the container as perhaps when discharging could cause heat with the light bottle which if too much heat could maybe cause damage and break the light bottle opening it maybe like from melting. **Light bottle or electron bottle: Note** With either an electron or light bottle should make sure the inner container are of a vacuum so can maybe reduce resistance and with causing heat and also so can perhaps have more storage space. **More information** More information about storing electrons and light and other information like with most likely aliens abducting and exploiting people as a resource in a text document called “Information about totalitarian and manipulative aliens.odt”, also with picture in the post perhaps also prove these aliens are real: - Also there are links to a zip file and google drive folder that include other text documents files like video files referenced in the “Information about totalitarian and manipulative aliens.odt” document. - When mentioned storing electrons or light are near the bottom of the document “Information about totalitarian and manipulative aliens.odt”. Each title for storing electrons or light are in bold text with cyan highlight. Title in the document for storing electrons: "**Storing electrons in a container**" . Title for storing light in the document: "**Storing light in a container**".

Science Blaze 1 month ago 100%
Babies in Nigeria are being born with antibiotic resistant bacteria, researchers find

cross-posted from: > In our latest study we found that samples taken from mothers and newborn babies younger than one week in Nigeria already had colistin-resistant bacteria present in their bodies. But neither the babies nor their mothers had been treated with colistin. > > Colistin is one of the last remaining antibiotics that is still effective in killing bacteria and fighting infections such as pneumonia. It is deemed critically important for human medicine by the World Health Organization. > > We surmise that mothers may have picked up these colistin resistant bacteria from the environment. We cannot speculate on the specific mechanism. The babies, meanwhile, could have picked up the bacteria from the hospital, the community, or from their mothers. It’s not yet known if these colistin-resistant bacteria stay in the mothers or babies – but if they do this may increase their chances of acquiring future drug-resistant infections.

Science Mothra 2 months ago 100%
Komodo dragons have iron-coated teeth, scientists find | Reptiles | The Guardian

Pretty interesting find. (Not completely sure if this is the right community for this- let me know if you know where else it would be a good fit!)

Science Blaze 2 months ago 99%
Scientists create world’s first anode-free sodium solid-state battery – a breakthrough in inexpensive, clean, fast-charging batteries.

UChicago Pritzker Molecular Engineering Prof. Y. Shirley Meng’s Laboratory for Energy Storage and Conversion has created the world’s first anode-free sodium solid-state battery. With this research, the LESC – a collaboration between the UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering and the University of California San Diego’s Aiiso Yufeng Li Family Department of Chemical and Nano Engineering – has brought the reality of inexpensive, fast-charging, high-capacity batteries for electric vehicles and grid storage closer than ever. “Although there have been previous sodium, solid-state, and anode-free batteries, no one has been able to successfully combine these three ideas until now,” said UC San Diego PhD candidate Grayson Deysher, first author of a new paper outlining the team’s work. The paper, published today in Nature Energy, demonstrates a new sodium battery architecture with stable cycling for several hundred cycles. By removing the anode and using inexpensive, abundant sodium instead of lithium, this new form of battery will be more affordable and environmentally friendly to produce. Through its innovative solid-state design, the battery also will be safe and powerful. This work is both an advance in the science and a necessary step to fill the battery scaling gap needed to transition the world economy off of fossil fuels.

Science Blaze 2 months ago 97%
Study sheds light on the link between life dissatisfaction and the rise of right-wing populist movements in Europe | Survey data from 14 countries

Survey data from 14 countries, researchers found individuals dissatisfied with their lives are more likely to hold negative views on immigration and distrust political institutions.

Science paul0207 3 months ago 99%
The Science Is Clear: Offshore Wind Isn’t What’s Killing Whales

"Politicians and nonprofit groups have blamed offshore wind turbines for whale deaths, but the science doesn’t support those claims—at all" "Conducting necropsies on beached whales to pin down a cause of death is made difficult by the animals’ layer of blubber and by the fact that organs can literally cook inside a stranded whale. But it is starkly clear that human activity—in the form of ships that hit whales or fishing gear that wraps around them—is often to blame."

Science Blaze 3 months ago 96%
Bionic leg makes walking quicker and easier for amputees, trial shows | Patients reported less pain and less muscle atrophy following the pioneering surgery required for control of the bionic leg.

From the article: A brain-controlled bionic leg has allowed people with amputations to walk more quickly and navigate stairs and obstacles more easily in a groundbreaking trial. The device allows the wearer to flex, point and rotate the foot of the prosthetic using their thoughts alone. This led to a more natural gait, improved stability on stairs and uneven terrain and a 41% increase in speed compared with a traditional prosthetic. The bionic leg works by reading activity in the patient’s residual leg muscles and uses these signals to control an electrically powered ankle. “No one has been able to show this level of brain control that produces a natural gait, where the human’s nervous system is controlling the movement, not a robotic control algorithm,” said Prof Hugh Herr, a co-director of the K Lisa Yang Center for Bionics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the senior author of the study. “Not only will they be able to walk on a flat surface, but they’ll be able to go hiking or dancing because they’ll have full control over their movement,” he added. Herr is himself a double amputee, having lost both legs to severe frostbite after being caught in a blizzard during a rock climbing trip in 1982. Despite having his original amputations decades ago, he hopes to have revision surgery to be able to benefit from a pair of similar bionic legs in the future. “I’m thinking of doing that for both of my legs in the coming years,” he said. In the trial, published in [Nature Medicine](, seven patients were given the bionic leg and compared with seven patients with traditional amputations. Patients reported less pain and less muscle atrophy following the pioneering surgery required for control of the bionic leg, which preserves natural connections between leg muscles. The patients were also more likely to feel that their prosthetic limb was part of their body.

Science Blaze 3 months ago 100%
The extremotolerant desert moss Syntrichia caninervis is a promising pioneer plant for colonizing extraterrestrial environments

From the article: While Matt Damon relied on potatoes cultivated in crew biowaste to survive in the hit film The Martian, researchers say it is a humble desert moss that might prove pivotal to establishing life on Mars. Scientists in China say they have found Syntrichia caninervis – a moss found in regions including Antarctica and the Mojave desert – is able to withstand Mars-like conditions, including drought, high levels of radiation and extreme cold. The team say their work is the first to look the survival of whole plants in such an environment, while it also focuses on the potential for growing plants on the planet’s surface, rather than in greenhouses. “The unique insights obtained in our study lay the foundation for outer space colonisation using naturally selected plants adapted to extreme stress conditions,” the team write. Prof Stuart McDaniel, an expert on moss at the University of Florida and who was not involved in the study, suggested the idea had merits. “Cultivating terrestrial plants is an important part of any long-term space mission because plants efficiently turn carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and carbohydrates – essentially the air and food that humans need to survive. Desert moss is not edible, but it could provide other important services in space,” he said.

Science Blaze 3 months ago 100%
Looks and Longevity: Do Prettier People Live Longer?

Highlights - Little is known about the association between facial attractiveness and longevity - We analyze how attractiveness based on yearbook pictures is linked to longevity - We find that the least attractive 1/6th had a significantly Higher Hazard of mortality - The least attractive 1/6th of women lived almost 2 years less than others at 20. - The least attractive 1/6th of men lived almost 1 years less than others at 20.

Science Blaze 3 months ago 100%
A trans-oceanic flight of over 4,200 km by painted lady butterflies - Nature Communications

Additional article: