

F-Droid shortwavesurfer 2 weeks ago 82%
Where to get ProtonMail

With it not bring on IzzyOnDroid where can i get it that isnt the google shit store but still safe? Do they have a github or something? Edit: legit?

F-Droid real3245 3 weeks ago 96%
My expenses : review request

I'd like to use this app and looks fine. Concerns are: 1. Is this app still open source ? 2. How to verify any backdoor / sending my data to a remote location. I think the app is good and gonna purchase it, but I need to confirm the above. Thanks,

F-Droid Achyu 1 month ago 95%
Any good foss image/video/audio editor apps?

Apps that I know: * For images - Pocketpaint, Freepaint Fossify Gallery has a basic editor with draw, crop and filters. Tux paint is also nice to draw stuff. * For video * Video transcoder allows basic cutting of audio n video. * Saw an app called Bunny media editor, that allowed basic image and video cropping and cutting. * I've also heard that some people use Termux for it Are there other apps like these? Which all apps do you use to edit images/videos and make memes etc?

F-Droid dafunkkk 1 month ago 88%
Any app that toggle mobile data with physical key or quick move (widget for example), without root thanks!

as title, keymapper require root so I looking for something that disable mobile Dara quickly for battery save.

F-Droid Achyu 1 month ago 100%
Anyone know any FOSS measuring apps?

One that use the camera to give an approximate distance between two objects? Tape measure has some features, but needs a known reference object in the same plane. And most of the predefined objects are not common where I live. It does have an option to define custom reference objects. But are there any apps that do not need a reference object? Thanks in advance.

F-Droid lemmyreader 1 month ago 100%
TWIF generated on Thursday, 08 Aug 2024, Week 32

F-Droid core It’s no secret that F-Droid continues to live and thrive thanks in part to you, the users that donate, but also in part thanks to different grants we’ve received along these 14 years of existence. Our recent post covered the endangered NGI program and its importance. The Guardian Project has been a long time supporter of F-Droid, pouring in not only grant money but also human resources. They are now looking for a part-time Grant Administrator so if you find the list of their achievements tempting and your skills match the bullet points, don’t be shy and get in contact. Who knows, maybe you can be featured here next. 😛 Back in May we’ve highlighted the work contributors around F-Droid have done in order to shine a light onto the app downloads stats. The Divested (thanks!) hosted page just got an update, covering the weeks since then: /PS: if you are involved with the project(s) that download Termux packages 300.000 times per week, two advices: first, do get in contact with us because we’re curious about your work, and second please try to setup a round robin script of sorts that downloads from mirrors instead since we have plenty of those and it’s not in anyone’s benefit that you download 25-30Tb of data from our servers each and every week. 😐

F-Droid rando 1 month ago 100%
Voice assistant and/or car UI

I would like to control few functions while driving. navigation (osmand), play music (multiple apps) are main ones. As of now I think either voice assistant or car UI are 2 options. So are there any apps supporting these?

F-Droid Tugboater203 2 months ago 100%
FOSS replacement for Samsung Health?

Well, now that Samsung Health is collecting data for third parties, it's time to move on. I'm looking for a GPS exercise tracking app that reads out mile splits. Anyone have a suggestion? I use Strava as well, but that doesn't give the audio splits.

F-Droid Achyu 2 months ago 95%
Do you use apps like NetGuard or TrackerControl? How are they like?

NetGuard - TrackerControl - How was your experience with them? Differences in battery life etc. Another doubt: I had tried NetGuard some years ago to restrict internet access of apps like Gboard n Gdrive(I use the pdfviewer associated with it. Any lightweight foss alternatives to it?). Was planning to use it again, but saw that eventhough they have a recent update, their Github doesn't allow issues and the latest pull request are from 2023. Is there some change in the app? Have they transferred to Gitlab or Codeberg. I don't know much details about programming, so asking the doubt here because of the Simple apps transfer issue that I heard recently. Thanks in advance. Edit: Mentioned the usecase for gdrive

F-Droid GolfNovemberUniform 2 months ago 92%
Local only finance tracker with backup/restore feature?

Basically title. I need an app to track my income, expenses and other financial activities. Self-hosting is not an option.

F-Droid yewg85lcx 2 months ago 92%
Answering machine apps

Need to automatically answer. Record the message Any apps available for this ?

F-Droid qweertz 2 months ago 90%
Help me pick one of the habit trackers available through F-Droid?

I am having some trouble in picking one of the habit trackers available on F-Droid/Izzy-on-droid. Which one would you recommend or maybe you know another good free/libre one (from other repos or sources in general)? The ones in my scope thus far are: - [Table Habit]( - [Kudoku]( - [Loop Habit Tracker]( - [Habo]( - and "[Habits](" TimePlanner has also caught my eye but it seems to be quite a bit more than a simple habit tracker

F-Droid Achyu 2 months ago 100%
Builds of Jerboa 0.0.70 and 0.0.71 seem to be failing [It seems to have been fixed]

cross-posted from: > I use f-droid to update the app. Didn't see the recent updates and saw the failed build after a search. > > > I don't know much about programming... not sure whether this is an issue to be resolved from the side of Jerboa or F-droid. Had doubts whether I should inform of the issue in Jerboa's github and sharing this here because of that. > > F-droid seems to have done a recent cleanup of apps, focusing on non-foss stuff. Not sure if that has an effect, but sharing the info. > > > ^Maybe related: > Builds of com.dessalines.thumbkey:96 and com.dessalines.rankmyfavs:11 seem to have failed too. > (The page lists failed builds at the end) Anyone know where the issue is to be notified to? Or where I can learn more about the issue? I did try to read the log file and this message seems noteworthy: > No hash for gradle version 8.9! Exiting.

F-Droid Achyu 2 months ago 100%
How do you follow fdroid repo updates?

I don't keep auto-sync on repositories turned on and use an rss feed from the fdroid subredd to follow updates to the repo. I also know of Are there any other methods or official feeds?

F-Droid lidd1ejimmy 2 months ago 89%
Spam Blocker app for unwanted phone and sms

Anyone ever used this before wanted to get some feedback possibly 👀

F-Droid owatnext 2 months ago 100%
Looking for FOSS SMS app recommendations. (Android 14)

Looking for a FOSS SMS app that is fully compatible with Android 14. I've had issues with finding one, I used to use (I think) QKSMS, but it started to crash when I upgraded to LOS 21. Now I just use the LineageOS SMS app, I think it is AOSP messages. What SMS apps do you use? No required features. Scheduled texts are nice, though.

F-Droid real3245 2 months ago 100%
Request : Apps with crossword puzzle and solver

Learning vocabulary. Old or new puzzles are ok. Needs solutions in the app.

F-Droid GolfNovemberUniform 2 months ago 100%
How do you switch clients?

I'm using the official F-Droid client now but I'd like to switch to another one. The problem is I have some third party repos added and I don't really know how F-Droid works (it seems to have a lot of modules for app installation). I don't want to break it or reflash my whole OS. So can I just uninstall the previous client, install the new one and add the repos back or are there any additional steps I must follow on order for it not to cause any issues? EDIT: thank you to everyone who replied. I did what was recommended the most (installed 2 clients alongside and deleted the old one after copying all repos and settings) and it seems to be working fine.

F-Droid salvaria 2 months ago 100%
Countdown Calendar App?

Hi guys, I'm looking for a countdown calendar app that can tell me how many days it is until a certain day in the future. It'd be nice if it could save the date so that I wouldn't have to continually re-enter it. Is there anything good like that on F-Droid?

F-Droid Achyu 2 months ago 100%
Does anyone know any offline audio/media player app with the 'Skip silence' option?

Newpipe and Just (video) player have this function, but the former cannot play offline files and the latter cannot play audio files. I can rename the audio file to mp4 and play it in Just player, but it doesn't have a background play option. From what I've searched on the net, in both apps the feature us implemented from ExoPlayer. On F-droid, Auxio audio player mentions ExoPlayer, but does not seem to have the feature available. Are there any foss apps that has the feature to Skip silence for audio files?

F-Droid communism 3 months ago 97%
Are there any good FOSS TTS engines?

[espeak]('s apk doesn't seem to have been updated in 2 years and says it isn't compatible with my phone (Pixel 8a). I'm not sure if there are any decent ones. I want TTS for OSMAnd's navigation while driving. They do prerecorded voices too but those can only say prerecorded things obviously, so eg can't say specific road names.

F-Droid sic_semper_tyrannis 3 months ago 92%
Modern SMS App?

What's the most modern SMS app available? It can be only on Github too as I use Obtanium. I'm hoping for something with rounded corners and a more Apple-esc appearance.

F-Droid dafunkkk 3 months ago 100%
MuPdf closes in background

When I open a PDF and then go back to homescreen the app closes itself and it's not alive in background (I'm on android 10)...anyone have same experience? this happen with mupdf and mupdf mini too

F-Droid shortwavesurfer 3 months ago 96%
FOSS replacement for Firefox Focus?

Title. I use Firefox Focus because it's easy to clear history by just hitting the Delete button and it saves very little to no information on app exit. I know the Duck Duck Go privacy browser does this as well, but it's more of a full-fledged browser with bookmarks and everything else. Where I'm just looking for something super lightweight and quick.

F-Droid Protoman64 3 months ago 100%
Dark Reader Broken On Fennec And Mull

I use Fennec as my default android browser, but since it updated to 127.0.0 the Dark Reader extension has been broken. Some sites like github are in light mode by default, when I checked Dark Reader's option a message saying that dark theme is detected on the page, but the page is in light mode. Other pages like Brave search are also on light mode but the message, now said something about the site been on a global dark list (I don't know what that means but it's blinding me) this aren't the only websites with this issue by the way, so every time I browse the internet is like playing russian roulette with my eyes, not knowing when is going to be dark or light. Tried Mull but is the same problem. Tried to change to Midnight Lizard and Dark Background and Light Text but neither work as smoothly as Dark Reader used to work.

F-Droid technomad 3 months ago 100%
stargazing app?

Are there any good open source star gazing apps out there?

F-Droid CowsLookLikeMaps 3 months ago 100%
[Request] Any apps on android to write to an NTFS drive?

Android can open it as read-only but is there an app on F-Droid that allows me to write to an NTFS drive connectrd over USB-C too?

F-Droid risingsun 3 months ago 97%
FOSS apps for a trip

Hey guys, I'm planning to have a trip to Japan on the 19th. Are there any apps that you would recommend installing? As for now, I'm looking for: currency converter, two clocks widget app (Japan+home), weather app, and any other suggestions. TY.

F-Droid Achyu 3 months ago 98%
Aard 2 - Offline dictionary app

I started using it last year and I think others would benefit from knowing about it too. Offline dictionaries(based on data from wikipedia, wiktionary etc.): I use the Wordnet and SimpleWikipedia dictionaries along with the one for the Wiktionary in my native language. ______ Going on a tangent about the dictionaries(you can skip this if you're currently not interested on that): They had a Malayalam dictionary, which was quite awesome for me, as I'm a Malayali. The dictionary is based on from 2021. Maybe there were not too many additions for the effort to make a new one. The code for creating the dictionaries are also available in their github. I tried it out, but I'm on Opensuse Leap currently and installing couchdb seems tricky. I also saw a python package, [Pyglossary](, which helps to convert dictionaries between opensource formats. Wikipedia provides monthly dumps of zim files(used in Kiwix, another dictionary app. Not available in F-droid). I was able to use Pyglossary to convert those into slob files and use them. So might be an easier way to get slob files, if slob files of Wiktionary or Wikipedia in your language are not available. Or if you want to update them. Data scraping is also avoided.

F-Droid selokichtli 3 months ago 100%
Check the new Power Ampache app!

Years ago, when Owncloud was still the only self hosted cloud solution around, the Music app used to come with an Ampache backend to connect to your music through client apps. My favorite for Android was Power Ampache, it was almost the only one, that and an extension for the really old Just Player. After a while, a Subsonic server was added to the Music app and these Subsonic clients proliferated. So, I switched to a Subsonic client, then another, and another... none was really doing it for me. DSub is great but looks dated and lacks some features, others are not mature enough, and some I just find too barebones. Recently, Power Ampache 2 was released, and even though it's still in beta or even alpha, it already looks great and my favorite client again. Check it out if you have an Ampache server or a Nextcloud instance with music!

F-Droid takeshikovacs 3 months ago 65%
Get redmoom app #fdroid and save your 👁️👁️

Get redmoom [@fdroid]( app [#fdroid]( and save your 👁️👁️ [\#health]( [#eyes]( [#bluelight](