
Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous HangingFruit 2 weeks ago 93%
Steam Deck and occasional issues

I just got back into the game, and first time playing on PC, specifically steam deck. Bought the Odysey. I play on low settings, and I'm getting occasional freezes and speed ups. Sometimes the game speeds up to I dunno 150% maybe, fixes itself after some time. And sometimes I get stutter, but just the picture freezes, on the background the game plays normally. Meaning that after the picture unfreezes, I have moved forward as I have predicted. Both happening on foot and in ship. Anyone have any idea what setting might fix this?

Elite Dangerous SkyezOpen 2 weeks ago 100%
Engineers being too nice?

So I've been on the engineering grind. Basically running around doing what I can, adding things to a list when I hit any snags. Yesterday I got an invitation from Lei Cheung who I need to finish out my shield generator. He wanted me to trade in 50 markets. I had 20something out of 50, so I put it on the list for later. In my reviews of what I needed today, he is totally unlocked. I did not do any significant trading in the meantime, and I most certainly did NOT give him 200 gold. I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth, but what the heck? This is also not the first time this has happened with engineers.

Elite Dangerous arudesalad 4 weeks ago 97%
Elite rank!
Elite Dangerous arudesalad 2 months ago 100%
Some images I got from semotus beacon (the most distant reachable system from sol) (open comments to see more)

![](![](![](![]( The system is over 65000ly from sol [edsm]( [gec](

Elite Dangerous lal309 3 months ago 100%
Odyssey Engineering Mats Help

Okay seriously where the heck do you guys find Audio Logs and Patrol Logs for the audio masking mod? I’ve raiding countless settlements of different sizes, economies and security levels and have come up empty and by the looks of it, I can’t trade data that I do have for the ones I need like you usually do for ship engineering. O7 Commanders!

Elite Dangerous Thorned_Rose 4 months ago 100%
A better way to farm materials

Aside: Does anyone know if using the holiday/fireworks flak launchers (e.g. Winking Cat) works with the raw materials brain tree method?

Elite Dangerous arudesalad 5 months ago 100%
Screenshots and videos from a community meetup last night (more pictures if you click/tap on the post)

This meetup was hosted and organized by the [Pilots Trade Network (P.T.N) ]( as part of an expedition called "The Milky Way Waltz". You can join the P.T.N's discord [here]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](

Elite Dangerous Eeyore_Syndrome 5 months ago 22%
My Python MK II buy date for August 7th Pledge post was 🔒d

So I am reposing here. I'll be voting with my wallet going forward. > "I, Commander Eeyore_Syndrome, pledge to not buy my Python MK II until August 7th, 2024". *And I was an Odyssey pre-order even.* **Who will join with me?** *Fascist volunteer mod locked on the official forums because "petition".*

Elite Dangerous bekopharm 5 months ago 100%
A simple cockpit for Elite Dangerous

Note, not mine. Similar to mine. In fact totally down my alley :D (Yes, I posted this over at too - I have no idea how to cross-post from Lemmy - can this be done at all?)

Elite Dangerous Eeyore_Syndrome 5 months ago 82%
FDEV goes full ARX monetization mode.

Wanna fly a Python MK II before August? Sure that'll be some IRL $$$$ please. 🤮 Don't have Odyssey? Still a Horizons poor? *Shame on you* Have to pay up or never fly a Python MK II. Also "boosted" ships. With weapons + ship kit + paint job. IMHO let us sell pre engineered ships ourselves eh? >.> Hey Frontier. How about an engine upgrade to DX12 and some FSR 3.0 instead?

Elite Dangerous bekopharm 5 months ago 90%
Computer? Are you sure this escape vector is safe?

I had a bad feeling about this but it somehow worked out.

Elite Dangerous bekopharm 5 months ago 100%
Update 18.02 Release Notes - Elite Dangerous: Odyssey

> Added support for hardware with up to 128 buttons that is registered as an input device (Issue ID 1763) Nothing short of a miracle 🤓

Elite Dangerous abcdqfr 5 months ago 91%
Getting a new VR headset and dusting off the Hotas. What do I need to know after 6 years away?

Spent many hours immersed in Elite with my HTC Vive back in the day when the Beyond update dropped. Recently ordered a Bigscreen Beyond to get back into VR. Been needing to finish Alyx and put more hours into the Index wands to justify purchasing them anyhow... What's new in the past 6 years of Elite Dangerous?

Elite Dangerous locke 5 months ago 95%
ED made me regain focus

I've been a social media junkie for several years now. Covid-19 made it bad, Russia starting a war made it worse. I got back to my grind at Elite Dangerous a few weeks ago. I've been grinding materials and fed rep several hours every day. It's almost a meditate experience compared to being worried about everything all the time. And now I noticed that when the game is off, I'm not spending 90% of my remaining time reading social media and news, and I have the energy to actually plan and do stuff. So grind on captains o7

Elite Dangerous wdx 6 months ago 100%
How to escape a Gank by CrimsonGamer99

A guide for the basics behind surviving a gank. Maybe someone on here will find it useful :)

Elite Dangerous arudesalad 6 months ago 100%
Stopped making the posts but I got to colonia on Sunday!

The famous Jaques Station ![]( The nebula is in sight! ![](

Elite Dangerous bekopharm 6 months ago 96%
My DIY home cockpit for Elite Dangerous (version 2)

o7 CMDRs, made a tiny demo video show-casing the SimPit in Elite Dangerous 🙃 Pick your poison: / Just slaughtering pirates (wasn't in the cockpit for months) but you get to see it from a first person perspective this time because I strapped the camera to my headphones 🙃

Elite Dangerous Gork 6 months ago 100%
Sector naming conventions

"The main aim of this project was to understand how sectors in the E:D galaxy are named, and to be able to predict a system's location (at least approximately) given only its name. This would allow for other tools (such as EDSM) to have sanity-checking on user-provided coordinates, and would also allow historical flight logs to be filled in with approximate locations. It would also be useful in other situations where approximate coordinates for a system are required without access to the galaxy map, such as Fuel Rat dispatching."

Elite Dangerous arudesalad 7 months ago 100%
Day 3 of my first trip to colonia

The green gas giant is in Bleia Dryiae HF-W b35-1 ![]( The rest of the pictures are from the system Traikoa FL-P e5-4 ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](

Elite Dangerous Gork 7 months ago 0%
Type 10 AFK Build Help

Type 10 AFK Build Help I've recently tried building out and engineering a [Type 10 AFK build](, but I'm having issues not dying when AFK. I've stuck as many Guardian shield modules that I could fit and engineered all of my shields and boosters to have extremely high damage resistance. Yet even with 4-0-2 pips, I've died every single time (3 out of 3) I actually tried using it to AFK in Low zones with level appropriate stacked massacre missions (no skulls, Threat level 6 maximum, no optional objectives with additional enemies sent against me, constant right spin with AutoHotkey). It's pretty great otherwise at taking out small numbers of pirates in a low stress manner when played actively. I have a novice pilot flying a gimballed beam laser Gelid G. I still run 3 additional ammo point defenses (2 on bottom, 1 on top) since I can't always find level appropriate transportation missions to fill my cargo hold, so it's easier just to grab some goods as bait from any station. I run these missions out of the four stations in Gliese 868 all to LP 932-12, and hang out at the Low risk site on the ring of planet LP 932-12 B 5, report crimes against me off, staying 6-11 km away from the center point. Only had one instance where my ship inadvertently hit a system authority vessel and got the smackdown and subsequent fine (pirate still made a killing blow). Yes, I know AFK play is terrible to some people and that I should be actively playing the game. But I have limited time due to family commitments and want to save up for a Fleet Carrier. Please spare flaming me out for this, I don't need a guilt trip here.

Elite Dangerous arudesalad 7 months ago 100%
Day 2 of my first trip to colonia

This is a picture of the gas giant in "Thor's Eye" This picture can be seen anywhere in the empty space between the arms of the galaxy if you look towards the centre: ![]( This is the main star in the Thor's Eye system (aspx for scale): ![]( I didn't get a good picture of the black hole in thor's eye but I'm traveling to another tomorrow!

Elite Dangerous arudesalad 7 months ago 100%
Started my first trip to colonia, heres a screenshot I took in HD 175876

The picture has a neutron star with a ring around it 12ls in radius. I am following this route to Colonia:

Elite Dangerous arudesalad 7 months ago 100%
Stopped at Mitterand Hollow today.

It's a moon in the Epsilon Indi system that orbits its planet once every 86 seconds. It's only 11ly away from sol.

Elite Dangerous Eeyore_Syndrome 7 months ago 100%
New Elite Dangerous/Odyssey Deluxe Edition/Pricing update.

**Steam Frontier Sale Pricing:** `04/24-??` ``` Elite Dangerous: $5.99 Odyssey: $11.24 🥳**Deluxe: $9.99 (Elite+Odyssey)**💥 ``` **Normal New Pricing:** ``` Elite Dangerous: $19.99 Odyssey: $14.99 Deluxe: $24.99 (Elite+Odyssey) ``` ### Runs great on Linux: *Still on Windows 7? Can't upgrade to 11?* - *"But does it work on Steam?"* - *"What if I have it through Frontier?"* - *No new sale/pricing at Frontier Store as of this edit* Epic Game Store has the same pricing as Steam, as well as the same Deluxe edition: - *"What if I have it through Epic Games?"* - *Can also install with Lutris* **E.D.M.C.** Elite Dangerous Market Connector is also available as a Flatpak: - Still on Console? 🆓 PC copy: - OLED Switch? Nah we got OLED Steam Deck now: - Refurbished Steam Decks: -

Elite Dangerous wdx 7 months ago 100%
Theorycrafting moment

Build a T10 they said. It will be fun they said. Noone told me I had to actually *fly* that thing.

Elite Dangerous trslim 7 months ago 100%
Quick Question about the community goal

Is it frowned upon to do community goals offline? I tried doing it only and got smoked by a pirate in like 10 seconds. Not upset or anything, piracy is fair game, and it was exciting for the 10 seconds I was alive, but if I actually want to contribute, should I be offline?

Elite Dangerous trslim 7 months ago 92%
Hello, returning player here.

Hiya commanders! I havent played since 2018 but recently got back into it, and I've been exploring like nuts! I got a thargoid question? Can they show up outside of invaded territories? I was around Ueon, getting back from an expedition and I picked up a lot of nonhuman signals in a star system? I didnt check it out cuz I was in a hurry to get home, and didn't want to risk loosing 25mil in data Edit: Nuen! I meant Nuen, dunno where Ueon came from lol

Elite Dangerous elitedangereuse 7 months ago 83%
Don't miss the last video of [@CMDR\_Rheeney]( and [@Buur]( to fully understand all announcements of FDev for [@elitedangerous](https:

Don't miss the last video of [@CMDR\_Rheeney]( and [@Buur]( to fully understand all announcements of FDev for [@elitedangerous]( 😇 [](

Elite Dangerous Bulbulunufus 8 months ago 81%
Winters Powerplay. Cycle 450 - Brrrrrr

Hello! I'm just going to throw our powerplay bulletin in here occasionally for a flavour of the latest in the world of powerplay! 👑 ------------- ![]( *"Sunny night at Zetford Terminal". A pair of planets watch the sun-not-set near one of our BGS target systems. (Our last one from Teddy Rope who's moved on to pastures new - good luck in the black Cmdr!)* ​ ​ **Cycle summary and priorities:** Not a quiet week, although our Dongkum expansion was not the centre attraction this time. Hudson has fallen into turmoil this week following what looks to be a late snipe, with one system on the block. Activity has been at a heightened pitch in the background via faction shift and conflict to alter the powerplay supporting landscape. Power shifts continued in Aisling's Reieni sphere. In our Karnarki sphere, the main event of last week was the advertised war in Tchernobog. Amongst players we saw, this was a struggle mostly against ALD's forces, and sadly was lost to the Empire. It was a very dangerous system for the duration, with continual PvP battles, indeed descending into chaos at one point with a joker played when a well-known PvP squadron felt the need to remind everyone including themselves what "murderhobo" means 💥. It didn't help but pews are good aren't they, and it's unlikely it affected the outcome ultimately. ![]( *Appreciation for some hard rain in Tchernobog - we and our Hudson allies supply the planetary weather so FDev don't have to :D* Once again this is the kind of activity level that makes powerplay exciting and it's no bad thing when such convergences punctuate the more usual simmer and build-up play, even if we'd rather not have the outcome. Props to our opponents, many of whom met us on the field. b2 Carinae continues to be a hotbed of intense Imperial activity with a renewed push to usurp Ice Storm Squadron; please help ISS there if you can. Reported encounters there are down a lot but there's still the odd Imperial PvPer appearing at the star looking for easy pickings so do still watch your six over there. Other BGS movements continue with plenty of silver linings but can only be revealed to those in our [discord](! ​ ​ **In the news:** Ram those Relics! No, not you Zemina! One story, but a big one maybe. With the recent re-energisation of the Thargoid advance, Ram Tah offers an exciting counterpoint with independent pilots directed to [supply Meene with relics and grelics]( We assume a Panther Clipper will be the only means capable of delivering the crazy Guardian payload he's working up for the Titans. Super cool blue paintjobs available to top contributors. ​ ​ **Voting:** Are you able to vote for Winters? **Please vote CONS and vote EARLY.** ​ ​ **Fortification:** *Fortify the following systems to 100% by picking up lunchboxes Liberal Federal Packages in Rhea and delivering them to power contacts:* **Matipu, Hikenk, LP 906-9, Binjamingi** *Fort priorities are ever changing and we cannot update publicly in a timely manner. Join the [Discord]( if you want to help!* ​​​ ​ ​ **Expansion:** *Please haul aid to the answer the prayers of the folk of* **Chang O**. *Join our [Discord]( to know more!* ​ ​ **Undermining:** Patreus *has an expansion to* **Caph** *that needs to be opposed. Otherwise feel free to undermine* Torval's *happy slaves at* **Ross 429, LTT 12058 or LHS 274**. *Join our Discord for live priority updates!* ​ ​ *Interested in AX?* Join [FAX-COM]( *Interested in non-violent methods to assuage the alien emergency?* Winters has [a place for you too]( *Interested in PvP?* PvP is a lifeblood of powerplay. We train interested pilots with a dedicated server, resources and mentors, and weekly in-house tournaments *Interested in exploration?* We have a server for our explorers too *Want more nuance on objectives, to wing up, or to keep up to date on the ever-evolving strategy?* Join our [Discord](! Stop by and say hello! Or join to stay quiet and beaver away at your specialism . In addition to Powerplay Ops, we have channels for general ED discussion, ship building mastery, and PvP training, with domain experts. We also have an unsurpassed cantina . ​ ​ ------------- ***Imp Trumps!*** (*a feature on Imperial individuals the game just wouldn't be the same without*) ![]( *Yum* *[Skidmarks]:* Is he even an imp? Famed for flying meme builds to gank our T9 haulers (yes I was ganked by an AspX shut up) and staring at his coffee not socialising in the Imperial squadron mess halls. Flies Grom lately just to be ironic. He flew Federation for a couple of weeks just before that but maybe got frustrated (iirc he didn't find a single T9:/). Though some say he delved too greedily and too deep into the darkness of FUC discord server message history.... The name - a reference to the fear he strikes or the quality of his flying? Who knows, it's a paradox (psst - *that's not actually a paradox). Dobryy den', Imperets!*🖖 Some made-up numbers: PvP - 5 Syschat PvP - N/A (lets the plinks do the talking iirc) BGS - 1 RP - 0 Imperiority complex - 1 Infantry - 1 ​ ​ **Diplomatic Overview:** Aisling Duval – Hostile Archon Delaine – Amiable Arissa Lavigny-Duval – Hostile Denton Patreus – Unfriendly Edmund Mahon – Green Li Yong-Rui – Neutral Pranav Antal – Neutral Yuri Grom – Unfriendly Zachary Hudson – Ally Zemina Torval – Branching out into children's literature

Elite Dangerous btmf 8 months ago 94%
Coming back

o7 Just coming back to the game on PC after playing forever ago on Xbox. Im enjoying it but would like other people to play with. If anyone wants to play then shoot me a friend request. My IGN is woundedslayer (I know it's terrible but I'm unoriginal and that's my gamer tag since Xbox live came out). Currently I'm running cobra 3 and have 30mil and just running missions trying to buy something better.

Elite Dangerous cosmicrookie 9 months ago 97%
When you find out that more credits don't make you happier

I am currently in a fairly extensive exploration expedition and get to sell my bio data whenever I get within 1000 ly of a carier. (1000 is the magic number for me) This time I had for 4 billions worth (incl bonus). I haven't sold any cartographic data yet as I'm saving it for someone who mayne can use it for bgs when I get back

Elite Dangerous SkyezOpen 9 months ago 100%
How much game am I missing?

I played ages ago and got scared off by the learning curve, but a friend recently got me back in. The problem is that this friend has a "speedrun" mindset and wants me to get end-game ASAP. To illustrate, thus far I have outfitted my starter ship with cargo racks, did some runs, bought a type 6, did a shitload more runs, bought an anaconda, slapped cargo racks on the conda, did more runs, and recently limpet farmed resources. Next on the agenda is unlocking a bunch of engineers to engineer my ship bits (and also farm another 450 mil somewhere in there). I'm about 50 hours deep and I barely know how to play. I recently learned how to change route settings to avoid stopping at every fuel star along the route. I've done 2 bounties in a fighter I threw together when I was bored of trading. The game is massive and I feel like I've missed out on a ton. I'm big on learning _how_ a game ticks before trying to powergame/minmax/etc. I guess my question is this: in my rush to the end game, have I missed anything that's important to do or learn?

Elite Dangerous cosmicrookie 9 months ago 97%
My Dolphin sank into quicksand

I recalled my Dolphin after an unfruitful round-trip looking for bios on this planet. When I got to it after it had landed, I found it had sunken "waist deep" onto the planet surface! Luckilly I could dismiss and recall it. It the landed on top of the surface instead of sinking. I did have a few minutes of concern about what I'd have to do if it kept sinking when racalled

Elite Dangerous cosmicrookie 10 months ago 100%
What does 1:1 representation actually mean?

Question: Question: ED is said to be 1:1 representation of the galaxy, but how precise is it? Can we find systems I -game that haven't been found/registered irl? and would they exist irl? Would they be represented correctly in-game and to what extend?

Elite Dangerous Sharpiemarker 10 months ago 100%
What happened with the Thargoid story?

The last I heard, there was an unknown object of Thargoid origin heading towards the bubble at high speed. I was among the people watching and tracking it, but never heard what happened, or if anything ever did.

Elite Dangerous tblFlip 11 months ago 100%
Wizz UH-U c16-1 7 d: One of the greenest moons ive ever seen

Almost everything looked green on there. The ice, the ship, the thin methane atmosphere and even the fonticulua. Absolutely breathtaking. [EDSM link]( [Some more images](