

Adelaide Baku 2 months ago 100%
Westfield handed improvement notices after fight triggers shopping centre evacuation

This is a follow up to when a fight at Westfield Marion triggered a lockdown a month ago Previous posts:

Adelaide Mountaineer 3 months ago 100%
South Australian MP found guilty on four counts of deception over his misuse of accomodation allowance

I imagine he didn't bother considering the implications of being found guilty, as he's not used to negative consequences. I picture him miming this to his lawyer: ![](

Adelaide Mountaineer 3 months ago 100%
South Australia's most awesome donut named

Tanunda isn't that far. And fat+sugar is my favourite food group!

Adelaide Mountaineer 3 months ago 100%
New mobile phone detection cameras to catch distracted drivers on busy Adelaide roads

Time to get a windscreen/dash mount people. Or get a carplay/android auto head unit - they're really good.

Adelaide Mountaineer 3 months ago 90%
2024 Winter Solstice events in Adelaide

The next few days shows a host of venues offering special events on the solstice theme. Is anyone in here aware of anything else not listed at the link?

Adelaide Mountaineer 3 months ago 100%
Private e-scooters to get legal green light - InDaily

Having skimmed the proposed legislation, it looks like scooters are limited to 10kph but "personal mobility devices" can do 25. Sometimes.

Adelaide Mountaineer 3 months ago 97%
South Australia to legislate 'world leading' electoral donation ban prohibiting donations and gifts to political parties, backed by tough penalties for those who seek to circumvent the law

cross-posted from: > **The South Australian premier, Peter Malinauskas, has announced plans to ban donations to registered political parties, members of parliament and candidates. The state will provide funding to allow parties and candidates to contest elections, run campaigns and promote political ideas, according to the proposed bill.** > > **Loans to registered political parties, MPs, groups, or candidates from anyone other than a financial institution would also be prohibited, it says.** > > **To ensure new entrants to the political process are not disadvantaged, newly registered political parties and unendorsed candidates will be entitled to receive donations of up to $2,700, and will also be subject to a spending cap.** > > A person who knowingly participates in a scheme to circumvent the proposed donation laws could face a fine of up to $50,000 or up to 10 years in prison. > > The bill proposes a restructure and mandatory application of the existing public funding model, including a reduction in the amount parties, MPs and candidates can spend. > > Given that under the proposed scheme participants would no longer be able to fundraise, the bill proposes to increase the amount of public funding provided, and a system of partial advance payments, so funding entitlements are available to parties and candidates prior to an election campaign. > > This significant reform is complex and may well be subject to legal challenge, including via the High Court. > > Starting today, members of the public and other interested parties are welcome to provide feedback on the draft bill over a four-week consultation period via the YourSAy website. > Quotes > > **Attributable to Peter Malinauskas** > > Since its foundation, our state has a rich tradition of leading the world in democratic reform. > > In the 1850s we pioneered universal male suffrage and the Australian ballot. Half a century later, we did the same for universal female suffrage and became the first jurisdiction in the world to grant women the right to stand for Parliament. > > Now, we are on the cusp of becoming a world leader in ending the nexus between money and political power. > > We want money out of politics. > > We know this is not easy. These reforms may well face legal challenge. > > But we are determined to deliver them, with this bill to be introduced in the Parliament in the near future. > > **Attributable to Dan Cregan** > > These reforms are ambitious and, if realised, will ensure South Australia is at the forefront of protecting and improving democratic practices. > > Banning political donations will not be easy. Sectional interest groups and lobbyists will fight tooth and nail to keep the current system. > > No political donor should be able to buy a favourable political outcome in our state by donating to parties or candidates. > > The hard truth is that public confidence in democracy is in decline. We need to take real steps to address that decline or risk falling into the extreme political disfunction which is playing out in other jurisdictions. > > The hard truth is that public confidence in democracy is in decline. We need to take real steps to address that decline or risk falling into the extreme political disfunction which is playing out in other jurisdictions.

Adelaide Mountaineer 3 months ago 92%
New Craft Brewery - Gawler River Brewing

Gawler River Brewing opened recently out near Angle Vale: They don't seem to have a website, but they are on [Instagram]( and [Facebook]( Their beers are tasty and reasonably priced, they do pizzas and charcuterie boards. Give them a try.

Adelaide josephb 5 months ago 90%
Premier weighs Crown & Anchor options

Is this like the second time in a week or two that the Premier is thinking about intervening in something? Not really a good look, and will it lead to better outcomes?

Adelaide austin 5 months ago 71%
Set mount Osmond road to 80 km/h!!

Can we get 80 on mount Osmond road please?? It’s only 50 now and it’s just pathetic. Now obviously I’m not expecting everyone to be able to hold 80 the entire time, but there are some sections of road where doing 50 is a snails pace and the cars go even slower around corners so upping it to 80 would just stop the crawling of cars and also make it faster to drive on for everyone.

Adelaide austin 1 year ago 80%
Discussion Thread - Sunday 20 August 2023

Not much activity in the Adelaide community, so I've opted to manually create these when I can. I don't know how to get a bot to do it. Maybe someone can make an Adelaide bot?