Planet Smolnet xiled 10 months ago 100%

The cybah_rig is this thing I cobbled together that would allow me to have a portable, pseudo full-immersion Linux shell environment. It is comprised of mostly off the shelf components and stuff I had lying around the lab. The main components are a Raspberry Pi 0w, an old Olympus Face-Mounted Display (FMD), folding USB keyboard, and 5 volt USB battery for power. I use it in a folding zero gravity reclining lawn chair with a Carhartt ambient light shield. The cybah_rig has been updated to version 3. m0ar here: gopher:// xiled

gopher Mostly RFC1436 compliant How to debate about phlog entries?
  • xiled xiled 12 months ago 100%

    When I used gopher back in the day, it was meant for consuming information, like at the university or the library. There was no contributing to gopherspace unless you were part of the institution that had the server and usually that information was for official business of that entity. Any discussion, if any, was through email, usenet, or on a BBS.

    Having said that, when I started participating in the gopher of now and had my own place to phlog, I came across the same question. Then I realized that I was trying to treat gopher like the web of now, which has a place for comments and discussion, if you wanted to add that to your web page. Web 1.0 was mostly static web pages with no comments or discussions. Feedback was usually via email. I think that since the use of gopher ended basically where Web 1.0 started, it just stayed there with static pages to be consumed, not really meant to be commented or discussed. This works for me since this is the web I enjoy, not so much the web of now. Even my web page is done the old way in a text editor with static html pages.

    There have been workarounds in the gopher of now, but they are usually one-off solutions. If I need to phost a comment about something I saw in gopherspace or the phlogosphere, I will phost in my phlog and reference the original phost as a footnote. That seems to me to be the common practice and works for me for the time being. Hope this helps.


  • gopher Mostly RFC1436 compliant Leave a link to your own gopher hole in this thread:
  • xiled xiled 12 months ago 100%

    Hi gopherspace,

    Here is me:



  • gopher Mostly RFC1436 compliant Let's gather various gopher services here:
  • xiled xiled 12 months ago 100%

    termux + lynx, FTW!

  • sdfpubnix sdfpubnix Hello world! - Please introduce yourself here
  • xiled xiled 1 year ago 100%

    Hi sdfpubnix lemmy community peoples!

    Just wanted to say hi...I finally created an account here to check it out. Another way for me to be differently social with people I like! Many familiar sdf operators here. Hope to see more of you around on the system, in the COM[MODE}, in the gopher underground, on smolnet, and the fedifferentlysocialverse!

