linux Linux best linux terminal emulator
  • wwwgem wwwgem 1 week ago 100%

    I've been using xterm, urxvt, and st. Also tested alacrity, kitty, and wezterm. Your shell also plays a critical role in your terminal usage (but I won't deviate here).
    For my use-case, the latter are overkill so I stayed with st. The only missing feature for me was image support even though I use it sporadically. To cover that I use a script that relies on ueberzug or ucollage if I need to browse folders.

    I've wrote a small post about ucollage if you're interested.

  • linux Linux FOSS email service provider
    foss Free and Open Source Software Which YouTube frontend App
  • wwwgem wwwgem 2 weeks ago 100%

    If you're looking for an in-browser alternative I'd highly recommend you take a look at the LibRedirect extension for Firefox and Chromium. It'll automatically redirect any youtube URL to your preferred alternative between Invidious, Piped, PokeTube, CloudTube, Tubo, FreeTube, or Yattee.

    If you're looking for an external app and like using a Linux terminal then ytfzf may be a good choice. I've briefly talked about it here. It will even allow you to search on Youtube (through invidious), Peertube, and Odysee if you so desire.

    If looking for a phone app, I personally like NewPipe.

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting I have created a simple laptop stand
  • wwwgem wwwgem 2 months ago 100%

    Great idea. Thanks for sharing. Great choice of laptop BTW ;)

  • foss Free and Open Source Software YouTube client alternative
  • wwwgem wwwgem 2 months ago 100%

    If you're looking for an in-browser alternative I'd highly recommend you take a look at the LibRedirect extension for Firefox and Chromium. It'll automatically redirect any youtube URL to your preferred alternative between Invidious, Piped, PokeTube, CloudTube, Tubo, FreeTube, or Yattee.

    If you're looking for an external app and like using your terminal then ytfzf may be a good choice. I've briefly talked about it here. It will even allow you to search on Youtube (through invidious), Peertube, and Odysee if you so desire.

  • linux Linux Help me choosing laptop
  • wwwgem wwwgem 2 months ago 80%

    I forgot about the distro. Any should work I think but Arch is fully supported if you're interested.

  • linux Linux Help me choosing laptop
  • wwwgem wwwgem 2 months ago 92% the 1600€ but is so expensive for me, but i like it very much even the concept

    Have you looked at the DYI option instead of the pre built one? Assembling this laptop is doable in 5 minutes for a 3 years old kid ;) You can even find step by step guides videos and that will bring the price down to your higher limit of 1000 euro. That may be a good option if you like the concept so much. I'm personaly looking to get one of those for my next machine.

    Also, this discussion may help you. It's on the framework forum but comments are not only all positive which reflects liberty of speech. Another plus in my view. Finally, always remember to compare apples to apples and take longevity in consideration. Not all processors with similar specs are the same for example.

  • linux Linux Good mouse with good linux support
  • wwwgem wwwgem 2 months ago 85%

    Quite recently I moved to my first trackball (Elecom Deft Pro) and that was a life changer. I've shared my experience here.

  • linux Linux Help/Recommendations for setting up new SSD with Linux
  • wwwgem wwwgem 3 months ago 100%

    When setting up your SSD, don't forget to use TRIM to preserve it if possible. See the Arch wiki. You can follow it even if you use another distro.

  • linux Linux Launcher for Everything*
  • wwwgem wwwgem 3 months ago 100%

    Thanks for sharing.
    I was personally not motivated/good enough to write a new tool so I've wrote scripts to use rofi (easily adaptable to dmenu) as:

    • an app launcher
    • a clipboard manager
    • an infobar to show things like the date/time, memory usage, disk space, battery level, wifi signal…
    • an omnibar to perform an internet search, quick units conversions
    • a calculator for simple math
    • a bookmark manager (list, open, edit, add, remove)
    • a password/2FA token manager (list, edit, add, remove, autofill internet fields)
    • a wifi manager
    • a vpn manager

    I've explained the basis here if you're curious. Even though I was bad at keeping my code up to date you may get some ideas to expand your program.

  • linux Linux What is your favourite shell to use
  • wwwgem wwwgem 3 months ago 100%

    Thank you very much for your feedback. I've spent quite some time trying to create a minimalist and efficient theme. Very glad to hear that I met this goal.

  • linux Linux What is your favourite shell to use
  • wwwgem wwwgem 3 months ago 100%

    I've explained my choice for zsh here

    Nicely configured it's so convenient that I spend most of my time in the terminal and don't even use a file explorer anymore. It can also be expanded with some plugins for specific use-cases.

  • linux Linux Photo manager that deals with RAW and JPG together?
  • wwwgem wwwgem 3 months ago 100%

    nomacs could be an option and is multi platform

  • linux Linux What’s the best ad blocker for you? - Firefox Add-ons Blog
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%

    Thanks for sharing!

  • linux Linux What’s the best ad blocker for you? - Firefox Add-ons Blog
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%

    Using Ublock picker (not zapper) you can block/allow elements per domain and save/revert your choices. But overall, like I already said, I agree with you that umatrix offered a more granular and easy approach. It would be nice to see that implemented in Ublock. I nonetheless understand why it's not the case since it would benefit only few users and may scared most of the others.

    Hopefully umatrix will work for you for a long time. For me it was not and that's how I discovered Ublock and adapt to its "limitations". On a daily basis it helps me browse the internet like umatrix did. It's just sad that umatrix was not forked.

  • linux Linux What’s the best ad blocker for you? - Firefox Add-ons Blog
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%

    I noticed that it was not maintained when some pop-ups showed up while they used to be blocked. I also first missed that level of granularity from umatrix. You can replicate it with the element picker mode in Ublock but I realized that I could live with the "basic" Ublock advanced settings.

  • linux Linux What’s the best ad blocker for you? - Firefox Add-ons Blog
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%

    Umatrix was awesome but is unfortunately not maintained anymore since July 21, 2021. Ublock origin is a perfect replacement though and can be deeply configured behind its simpler appearance. Coupled with the LibRedirect add-on in the Librewolf browser and I can navigate ad and tracking free.

  • opensource Open Source Awesome Android Apps - my curated list of ~250 apps
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%

    Yeah I avoid close source as much as possible and forgot about Magic Earth. As you noticed the features and privacy policy were sufficient to me to make an exception.

    For Yuito, here is the F-Droid link that also lists the difference with Tusky (which I used first).

  • opensource Open Source Awesome Android Apps - my curated list of ~250 apps
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%

    That's why he get me: minimalism is my motto ;)
    Another suggestion: Magic Earth for navigation Also curious to know if we'll see you on mastodon one day? (my client is Yuito btw)

  • opensource Open Source Awesome Android Apps - my curated list of ~250 apps
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%

    Great. If you search for Goodwy in Aurora for example you'll find a bunch of apps starting with "Right". Here is the list on GitHub as well:
    I may have additional suggestions if you're interested.

  • opensource Open Source Awesome Android Apps - my curated list of ~250 apps
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%

    Any mastodon client? Also can I recommend the Right apps collection from Goodwy and Voyager as Lemmy client (I think they match the requirements to figure on your list).

  • linux Linux New to Linux and can't install Librewolf
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%

    LibreWolf is indeed based on the hardened Firefox arkenfox user.js so you get its benefits which means a privacy-focused browser but Librewolf also comes with more settings pre-adjusted, telemetry removed, useless features removed....

    I've played with Firefox settings for years before Librewolf was created and it saves me so much time, ensure my browser stays up to date and functional, and is able to perform fingerprints test way better than any other many web browsers I've tried.

  • neovim Neovim [solved] How to get rid of those stupid background and font color?
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%

    Ok. If I have interpreted your post correctly you want to not use the default colors for values not defined in your theme (i.e. defaulting to transparency).

    I see two options to combine to your theme:

    • replacing any default colors using the command above
    • using the transparency plugin so any colors not defined in your theme will be transparent
  • neovim Neovim [solved] How to get rid of those stupid background and font color?
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%
  • neovim Neovim [solved] How to get rid of those stupid background and font color?
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%
  • neovim Neovim [solved] How to get rid of those stupid background and font color?
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%
  • neovim Neovim [solved] How to get rid of those stupid background and font color?
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%
  • neovim Neovim [solved] How to get rid of those stupid background and font color?
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%
  • neovim Neovim [solved] How to get rid of those stupid background and font color?
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%

    I have treesitter as well and didn't do anything specific before adding these lines to my config. If you're looking to change "everything" without tweaking each highlight parameter individually you may be interested in this plugin.

  • neovim Neovim [solved] How to get rid of those stupid background and font color?
  • wwwgem wwwgem 4 months ago 100%

    This is my neovim visual config:

        -- General colors
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "Normal", { bg = "none" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "NormalFloat", { bg = "none" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "NormalNC", { bg = "none" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "LineNr", { bg = "none" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "SignColumn", { bg = "none" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "Folded", { bg = "#4b4b4b" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "FoldColumn", { bg = "none" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "Visual", { fg = "#000000", bg = "#de935f" } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "NotifyBackground", { bg = "#000000" } )```
        -- Spell checking 
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "SpellLocal", { fg = default } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "SpellRare", { fg = default } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "SpellCap", { fg = "#de935f", italic=true } )
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "SpellBad", { fg = "#ff0000", italic=true } )
       -- Markdown
       vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "htmlBold", { bold=true } )
       vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "htmlItalic", { italic=true } )
       vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "htmlStrike", { fg = "#ff0000", strikethrough=true } )

    vim.api.nvim_set_hl( 0, "Normal", { bg = "none" } ) is probably what would work for you.

  • linux Linux Suggestions for filesystem.
  • wwwgem wwwgem 5 months ago 100%

    There was just a similar post here. You may find interesting clues there as well.

  • opensource Open Source What laptop do you use/recommend?
  • wwwgem wwwgem 5 months ago 100%

    I've been watching on the framework machines for my next one. It looks like fwupd support them for BIOS updates. Framework owners will know more for sure.

  • opensource Open Source Alternatives to Nova Launcher?
  • wwwgem wwwgem 5 months ago 96%

    I use the open source KISS launcher for years now. Your data never leaves your device, and you can expect to save battery life and speed up your device compared to complex and bloated launchers. KISS is just 250 KB and never connects to the Internet.

    The best thing is that - behind a simplistic configuration menu - you can configure it from an ultra minimalist black screen with one text box to call when you need to launch an app, search for a contact, search on internet... to a full app drawer organized however you want (alphabetical order, your own defined categories...). It's just insane and unfortunately so much overlooked.

  • linux Linux [FIXED] unable to login after update 6.8.7
  • wwwgem wwwgem 5 months ago 100%

    Glad you're back on tracks! Looks like this update messed up /bin for some people. I love when OPs like you take time to close their first post with the resolution. Thank you. If you have time to quickly summarize the details of the fix that may benefit others as well.

  • linux Linux [FIXED] unable to login after update 6.8.7
  • wwwgem wwwgem 5 months ago 100%

    I'll put the link to the wiki here again ;)

    "Run arch-chroot with the new root directory as first argument:

    # arch-chroot /path/to/new/root

    You can now do most of the operations available from your existing installation. Some tasks which needs D-Bus will not work as noted in #Usage"

  • linux Linux [FIXED] unable to login after update 6.8.7
  • wwwgem wwwgem 5 months ago 100%

    To investigate the issue you may want to use a bootable drive and chroot into your system. This will allow you to see any error messages using the journactl command. Once you know what's going on exactly you'll be able to fix it or get a better assistance from people here or on the Arch forum.
    I know someone who encountered the exact same login behavior after this update. It appeared that some packages were broken and he had to reinstall them.

  • linux Linux it's a sad day, the first time i competely fucked my computer
  • wwwgem wwwgem 5 months ago 90%

    I second that. Always have a bootable disk ready (or even better a bootable image on your machine) so you can recover from any issues in a snap. Over the course of 20 years using Linux I can only remember two blackscreens. Unlike other OS, these situations don't happen randomly but mostly when the user mess up with the system (like in your case) and that's great opportunities to learn a lot about your system because that's when you really need to understand how it works.

  • linux Linux With ou without desktop env?
  • wwwgem wwwgem 5 months ago 100%

    The general idea is that a desktop environment provides you with common graphical user interface elements such as icons, toolbars, wallpaper, and desktop widgets. In other terms it's purely an aesthetic question. You can also decide which of these features will be useful to you and install the appropriate package(s) if you don't want to grab the bundle that comes with any DE.

    As far of timing is concerned, you can always experiment and install what you need as you go. The only downside to wait will depend on how good your distro is in managing packages dependencies.

    Personaly, my Linux journey made me realize that the features offer by a DE were actually negatively impacting my productivity and a windows manager (a tiling one for me) was all I needed. But this decision - like a lot of others - comes down to personal tastes. Note that not using a DE doesn't mean relying on the terminal only.

  • linux Linux Wi-Fi connectivity issues resolved by dropping wpa_supplicant in favour of iwd
  • wwwgem wwwgem 5 months ago 100%

    A somehow old (2021) but interesting article about why the community is moving from wpa-supplicant to iwd:

    Here is an excerpt of interest: "The description of the iwd project on highlights simplicity as an important factor behind iwd's recent rise: "The core goal of the project is to optimize resource utilization: storage, runtime memory, and link-time costs. This is accomplished by not depending on any external libraries and utilizing features provided by the Linux Kernel to the maximum extent possible. The result is a self-contained environment that only depends on the Linux Kernel and the runtime C library.""

    ArchLinux and Ubuntu respectively tested iwd on July 2020 and in Ubuntu 20.10.

  • linux Linux Firefox "tabs" in a tiling WM
  • wwwgem wwwgem 6 months ago 100%

    I've been through awesomewm, i3, and dwm. Now I'm using bspwm. Each one has its own specificities and is more or less easy to familiarized with.

  • linux
    Linux wwwgem 8 months ago 96%
    Laptop companies: which one?

    Hello fellows, I'm currently looking in 13-14" laptops with no immediate needs for one but just because it's exciting. I love my Dell XPS but I feel I should support companies with which I share more common views. I could make the effort to go a with a less attractive look (especially for bezels) but I don't want to go wrong with hardware so what are your thoughts on Framework, Starlab, Purism, and System76? I'll be running Arch and I tend to have a preference for Framework for now. Do you have feedback (positive and negative) to share on any of these companies? Thanks for the knowledge you'll bring me. That'll be extremely useful when time comes to go with a new machine. **Update 1:** Still wonderful to be part of such a great community. Thanks for all the great feedback (looking for more :) ). So far everyone is standing behind Framework. Anyone with a less positive experience or who would like to speak for the other companies? **Update 2:** Thank you fellows for the time you've spent to share your honest feedback! I didn't want to influence your inputs but you all confirmed the Framework picture I had in mind. It's a piece of mind to read real world experience so thanks again. I was surprised to not see the system76 community speaks louder. Anyway, when time comes I will (virtually) push Framework shop's door.

    Linux wwwgem 8 months ago 83%
    Thanks for my free therapist session

    A story telling to save me from a therapist consultation. No space square world. I realize that that this could be my theme philosophy. This is my general approach: - windows manager: tiling (bspwm)with no spaces, squared windows, no decorations, no visual effects - theme: transparency and grey background buttons/white text Over two decades I went from a fancy looking machine to its complete opposite where minimalism is king. How did I make such a big jump? To make it brief, recreating this comfort look that invaded my real environment felt reassuring at first in my virtual life. But as time went by I noticed that smooth rounded stuff that transiently showed up on my screen created: - more and more distraction and negatively impacted my productivity - some frustration when something didn't run as expected because I felt that everything should be as smooth as the appearance of my screen I would definitely say that I feel way better now and I'm more efficient but I also admit that I've reached an extreme where: - I don't appreciate screens over 14" anymore because I feel like it's taxing on my eyes movement and again a waste of space - I don't like wasting a pixel of space if not justified. This is also maybe influenced by preference for small screens - I need extreme simplicity (which brings efficiency) to all aspects of my workflow. So I use a 36-key split keyboard, a trackball, vim-like keybindings everywhere possible, use terminal as much as I can, use fzf for all my file searches... Hope you will never end up like me but nice to have friends in this group if it's too late for you ^^

    Linux wwwgem 8 months ago 91%
    NixOS - neovim plugins

    Hello, The NixOS community has been great in helping me with my first steps in this distro. So I'll ask again few neovim-related issues I couldn't figure out after 3 days of search. First, let me tell you that I'm trying to import a working neovim setup from another distro. Then let's see how I've configured neovim. I have this in my home.nix file: ``` nix programs.neovim = { enable = true; withPython3 = true; extraPython3Packages = (ps: with ps; [ pynvim unidecode black isort ]); plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [ { plugin = *plugin_name*; type = "lua"; config = builtins.readFile *config_file_path*; } ... ]; }; ``` (my init.lua file is in the $HOME/.config/nvim folder) With that most of my plugins work. Most because few are troublesome. Let's focus on three of them: 1. I have pkgs.vimPlugins.nvim-comment installed but neovim reports that the command `CommentToggle` is not an editor command 2. I have pkgs.vimPlugins.nvim-treesitter installed but the command `TSInstall markdown` returns "could not create parser dir '/nix/store/.../nvim-treesitter/parser ': Vim:E739: read-only file system '" 3. I have pkgs.vimPlugins.mason-nvim and pkgs.vimPlugins.mason-lspconfig-nvim installed but runngin `checkhealth mason` returns few warnings: - mason.nvim is not the latest version (I use the unstable channel) - pip: not available spawn: python3 failed with exit code 1 and signal 0. /run/current-system/sw/bin/python3: No module named pip (note that python3_host_prog and python3_host_prog pip are marked "OK") Thanks again for your assistance.

    Linux wwwgem 8 months ago 92%
    NixOS - edit system files

    Hello, I'm experiencing with NixOS and would like to know what would be the nicest way to add a specific line to a system file. As an example, how would you configure NixOS so the line `auth sufficient` is added to the /etc/pam.d/doas file? As a bonus, it would be nice to know how to change an option (and not add an entire line) to a system file for which there is no NixOS default extraConfig/extraRules support for. This would allow me to add this line or not depending on the machine NixOS will be installed on. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Images processing optimization

    Sharing what I've learned about optimizing your Hugo blog using smart shortcodes for images [](

    Linux wwwgem 8 months ago 82%
    NixOS is better because...

    I've been curious about NixOS for quite some time. Reading about it I couldn't see how the config sharing capabilities, setup, or rollabck would be better than Arch and sharing the list of installed packages, using downgrade or chroot. So I decided to run NixOS in a VM and I'm still confused. An advantage I can see for NixOS is its better use of cores and parallel processing for packages install. It's clear that I'm missing something so please help me understand what it is. _Edit:_ Thank you to everyone in this great community! It's always so nice to have a constructive and sane discussion. After reading so many comments, they all confirm what I've read before and I may realize that my real problem is already having a stable system and no need for the great NixOS options that are very neat but would not benefit my specific and simplistic needs. That being said I can't refrain myself from being curious and will continue testing NixOS. The need for only 2 config files is the top of the iceberg but hiding more complex configuration to rely on. Not that I really have too much spare time but I do enjoy learning and tweaking NixOS. With its current development state, things are changing a lot so it can keep me busy for months. That's probably what I was mostly looking for: another toy to play with. Along my journey I will learn a lot about NixOS and may find a feature that will motivate my switch to it. Thanks again for all your precious feedback! I'll also take this opportunity to share the best help I've found so far to start with NixOS: And his 3 hours (!) video:
