Anarchismus whatislemmy 1 year ago 50%
Anarchy2023 : Internationales Antiautoritäres Treffen

Anlässlich des 150. Jahrestages der ersten antiautoritären Internationale werden internationale Treffen im Schweizer Jura vorbereitet. Sie werden vom 19. bis 23. Juli 2023 stattfinden - mit einer Verlängerung von einigen Tagen, um Zeit und Raum für spontane Treffen zu schaffen. Mit diesem Aufruf wollen wir die Rolle dieser Treffen, d.h. unsere konkreten Beweggründe und die Art und Weise, wie wir sie organisieren wollen, klarstellen. In einer Welt, die den radikalen Protest immer mehr zu neutralisieren scheint - zwischen Repression, Instrumentalisierung und Kontrolle - scheint es notwendig zu sein, sich physisch zu treffen, als Anarchist*innen. Um gemeinsam über die Themen nachzudenken, die uns wichtig sind, und insbesondere über die politischen und sozialen Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre, und um die Kritik, die uns emanzipiert, weiter zu vertiefen. Um mehr über die konkreten Kämpfe zu erfahren, die überall stattfinden und von denen erzählt werden können, die sie führen. Um neue Hoffnungen für die Zukunft zu entwickeln. Um starke Verbindungen zwischen verschiedenen antiautoritären Gruppen und Einzelpersonen aufzubauen, um die Solidarität zwischen Kämpfen über Grenzen hinweg zu stärken. Und um neue Menschen dazu zu bewegen, sich ihnen anzuschliessen.

Anarchy2023 : International Anti-Authoritarian Gathering - 150 years after Congrès de St-Imier !

publication croisée depuis : > On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the first anti-authoritarian international, international meetings are being prepared in the Swiss Jura mountains. They will take place from July 19 to 23, 2023 - with an extension of a few days to allow time and space for spontaneous meetings. We are making this appeal to clarify the role of these meetings, that is to say our concrete motivations, as well as the way we wish to organize them. > > In a world that seems to be increasingly neutralizing radical protest - between repression, recuperation and control - it seems necessary to meet physically, as anarchists. In order to reflect collectively on the issues that matter to us, and in particular on the political and social evolutions of the last few years, and to continue to deepen the critiques that emancipate us. In order to learn more about the concrete struggles that are taking place everywhere, told by those who lead them. To form new hopes for the future. To build strong links between different anti-authoritarian groups and individuals, to strengthen solidarity between struggles across borders. And to make new people want to join them.

Anarchism whatislemmy 1 year ago 83%
Anarchy2023 : International Anti-Authoritarian Gathering - 150 years after Congrès de St-Imier !

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the first anti-authoritarian international, international meetings are being prepared in the Swiss Jura mountains. They will take place from July 19 to 23, 2023 - with an extension of a few days to allow time and space for spontaneous meetings. We are making this appeal to clarify the role of these meetings, that is to say our concrete motivations, as well as the way we wish to organize them. In a world that seems to be increasingly neutralizing radical protest - between repression, recuperation and control - it seems necessary to meet physically, as anarchists. In order to reflect collectively on the issues that matter to us, and in particular on the political and social evolutions of the last few years, and to continue to deepen the critiques that emancipate us. In order to learn more about the concrete struggles that are taking place everywhere, told by those who lead them. To form new hopes for the future. To build strong links between different anti-authoritarian groups and individuals, to strengthen solidarity between struggles across borders. And to make new people want to join them.