solarpunk Solarpunk Communauté solarpunk francophone sur Lemmy | French speaking solarpunk Lemmy community
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    I'm not opening yet another Solarpunk sub, it's for French speaking people (on a french speaking Lemmy instance).
    Don't you think people whose mother language isn't english should have a solarpunk sub in the language they're more comfortable with ? Not everyone here is fluent in english you know.

  • solarpunk Solarpunk Communauté solarpunk francophone sur Lemmy | French speaking solarpunk Lemmy community
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%


  • solarpunk
    Solarpunk w_ortiz 1 year ago 96%
    Communauté solarpunk francophone sur Lemmy | French speaking solarpunk Lemmy community

    **ENGLISH BELOW** Salut, je sais qu'il y a des francophones qui fréquentent cette instance Lemmy, donc je viens pour vous inviter à rejoindre la communauté (on dit sous-lemmy ou commu ?) que je viens de créer sur l'instance Lemmy FR C'est là : ! Pour l'instant c'est assez vide, à part la description trop longue, mais je posterai un peu de contenu au moins une fois par semaine, et vous êtes bienvenu⋅es pour compléter ! J'ouvrirai aussi l'équipe de modération pour ne pas être seul à décider de tout. ​ [**EN**] Hi, I know there are French speakers who frequent this Lemmy instance, so I'm here to invite you to join the community that I've just created on the Lemmy FR instance It's here: ! For the moment it's pretty empty, apart from the too-long description, but I'll be posting a bit of content at least once a week, and you're welcome to add to it, as long as we can read some content in french ! I'll also open up the moderation team so that I'm not the only one deciding everything.

    diy DIY Updates on Mesh networking firmwares and compatible Hardware / chipsets
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Good to know, thanks for the guides and advice !

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    parlez-vous FR w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    À lire dans les autres communautés francophones

    Voici quelques publications choisies parmi les autres communautés francophone du Lemmyverse. Si vous en connaissez que je pourrai ajouter faites-le moi savoir ! Je compte faire cette petite sélection de temps en temps, et peut-être la crossposter... ​ --- ! - [Pour ceux qui viennent de Reddit, comment vous trouvez Lemmy ?]( - [Comment gérez-vous les appels téléphoniques indésirables ?]( --- French help svp ( ! ) - [Community for French language learning]( - [Canadian vs European French]( --- ! - [FAQ et guides à propos de Lemmy/Fediverse]( --- ! - [Coopératives | Un modèle séduisant pour la jeune génération]( --- ! - [Festivals à Montréal!]( --- ! - [L’alliance Higgs-Trudeau contre l’Acadie doit prendre fin]( ​

    Solarpunk w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    [French / international] Solar Punk Jam 2023

    ### [FR] Jam tous médias et initiatives IRL, qui a commencé le 14 juin et dure jusqu'au 31 aout 2023. Contenus en langues non-françaises bienvenus également. **Ce n'est pas un concours**, il n'y a pas de jury ni de prix. Pour contribuer à la Jam il faut se créer un compte `` pour ajouter votre projet à la liste : - [Page du projet sur]( - [Vidéo explicative]( qui détaille mieux les conditions de participation. - [Annonce Mastodon]( ------ ### [EN] The jam is for everything creative, games, fictions, IRL or practical initiatives, collectives etc. It started on the 14th of June and will end August 31th (2023) **This is not a contest**, there's no jury or prize. - [ page]( More info (in french) - [Video talk]( - [Mastodon announcement](

    ottawa Ottawa Favourite place/thing in Ottawa that doesn't exist anymore?
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Great picture :)
    Is it common to have infoshops in permanent locations in Canada ? And where else can you find fanzines ?

  • anarchism Anarchism is a place where socialists, communists and anarchists can have a discussion
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    See for instance this post : The Anarchist Library

  • anarchism
    Anarchism w_ortiz 1 year ago 100% is a place where socialists, communists and anarchists can have a discussion

    Beehaw’s community for socialists, communists, anarchists, and non-authoritarian leftists of all stripes. A place for all leftist and labor news and discussion, as long as you’re nice about it. Non-socialists are welcome to come to learn, though it’s hard to get to in-depth discussions if the community is constantly fighting over the basics. We ask that non-socialists please be respectful and try not to turn this into a “left vs right” debate forum by asking leading questions or by trying to draw others into a fight.

    main's Main Community Federation should be fixed, etc!
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Bravo ! posts are now appearing in Mastodon. (commenting from beehaw)

  • ottawa Ottawa Favourite place/thing in Ottawa that doesn't exist anymore?
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    -Invisible Cinema
    -The InfoShop on Bank

    These sound cool, can you tell us how these places were and what you enjoyed there ? (I'm not from Ottawa)

  • parlezvousfr parlez-vous FR Canadien⋅nes, expliquez-moi comment utiliser le verbe "pogner"
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Et "si ça pogne" ? ça veut dire "si ça se bloque" ou ça peut être positif aussi dans un autre contexte ?

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    parlez-vous FR w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    Canadien⋅nes, expliquez-moi comment utiliser le verbe "pogner"

    Je suis français et je vois régulièrement le mot `pogne` dans des discussions entre canadien⋅nes francophones ici. Comment s'utilise ce mot ? Est-ce que c'est une ancienne expression ou au contraire quelque chose de récent ? Plutôt utilisée par quelle tranche d'âge ? (En France, une pogne c'est une main. On a bien une expression avec le verbe pogner, mais ce sera difficile de la placer dans n'importe quelle discussion... Vous devinez ?)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner Support / Questions w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    Weird bug : my community on is not reachable directly by its short name anymore, I have to ad at the end like I would do on another instance

    so, I just had created [/c/ecriture_libre]( which was working fine, but now this adress returns a "community not found" error. It is still there, but only reachable if I add at the end, like that : []( Maybe this happened beacuse I modified the community description with a second mod account from while I was also logged with my account in the same browser ? And it messed up something... ? Is there a way to rectify this so the normal addres /c/ecriture_libre can be accessed again ? Is it a bad writing in DB ? By the way, thanks for your time on here :)

    parlezvousfr parlez-vous FR Vous pensez quoi des doublages de films en version FRENCH ou TRUEFRENCH ?
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Je trouve les doublages TRUEFRENCH vraiment bons en général

    Je ne suis pas du tout expert, mais j'ai l'impression qu'au niveau qualité de synchronisation et profondeur du jeu il y a un très bon niveau effectivement, et je trouve aussi qu'il y a de très bon⋅nes comédien⋅nes pour le doublage des voix en France (il y a certaines séries animés dont je préfère les voix françaises qui sont excellentes aux voix originales). Mais parfois sur des gros films j'ai trouvé que les choix de comédien⋅nes doublage par rapport aux voix originales étaient vraiment décevants et éloignés. Il faudrait que je cherche les titres de films auxquels je pense, pour être plus précis...

    C'est aussi une histoire de traduction parfois, surtout avec les adaptations de blagues et de jeux de mots qui peuvent vite être catastrophiques chez nous.
    Pour des films américains ça m'est arrivé de vraiment apprécier de regarder les versions FRENCH, où la mise en contexte linguistique (et la prononciation des mots américains) me paraissait plus réaliste qu'une adaptation TRUEFRENCH franco-française.

    Mais c'est très subjectif évidemment, et c'est un point de vue de Français. On est quand même habitué⋅es aux voix de comédien⋅nes qu'on aime bien retrouver, c'est souvent les mêmes qui font les grands rôles (d'où problèmes de choix artistiques peut-être ?) Par exemple la voix de Jim Carrey, la voix de Son Goku, la voix de la reine des neiges

    J'attends l'avis inverse de Canadien⋅nes ;)

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    parlez-vous FR w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    Vous pensez quoi des doublages de films en version FRENCH ou TRUEFRENCH ?

    Je suis français et je regarde rarement des films étrangers doublés en français, je préfère les sous-titres, mais j'avais remarqué il y a quelques années que FRENCH c'était en fait la version canadienne. Par exemple, la traduction dira "6e année" en FRENCH et "collège" en TRUEFRENCH, ou "Parc de skate" au lieu de "skate parc" (ce qui est très élégant). Vous avez des anecdotes, des avis de films mieux doublés / traduits dans l'une ou l'autre version ? (Et j'ai pas vu Paddington, c'était juste pour la capture d'écran, ne m'engueulez pas lol !)

    parlezvousfr parlez-vous FR Discussions générales : pour dire bonjour, parler actu, et tout ce qui n'est pas lié directement aux langages francophones.
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Salut ! Moi je suis de / en France

  • parlezvousfr parlez-vous FR Discussions générales : pour dire bonjour, parler actu, et tout ce qui n'est pas lié directement aux langages francophones.
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Tu penses qu'il va y avoir un plus gros afflux encore avant le 12 juin ? (ou après ?)

  • parlezvousfr parlez-vous FR Comment on dit "c'est bien", dans le langage courant chez vous, ?
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Y'a des gens qui utilisent "c'est pas pire" aussi chez moi, mais plutôt dans un contexte où il y avait un doute je pense.

    Sick et Dope c'est pour dire que c'est vraiment très bien ou ça s'emploie pour des choses banales aussi ?

    Nous on a l'expression "de fou" (et "de ouf"), très utilisée pour dire que c'est "vraiment très bien", même dans une phrase avec c'est bien : "c'est bien de ouf".

  • parlezvousfr parlez-vous FR Questions générales
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Salut ! Je te réponds rapidement, depuis la France, donc ça ne sera utile qu'en dehors du Canada. Je ne sais pas si ça correspond à ta demande ?

    Peut pis être utilisé toujours au lieu de et?

    Alors en France on utilise pis à l'oral, dans un registre très détendu. Mais ça ne remplace pas totalement la liaison et qui est aussi beaucoup utilisée. On n'utilise pas pis autant que les Québecois/es je pense.

    au Quebec où le mot “bouffe” est utilisé.

    En France, même s'il est utilisé couramment, le mot bouffe est encore jugé vulgaire, à ne surtout pas utiliser dans des documents écrits, administratifs/professionnels, ni avec des gens que vous ne connaissez pas très bien dans un cadre "sérieux".

    Quels autres mots nous pouvons utiliser pour savoir si un texte a été écrit pour les Quebecois?

    Je ne suis pas expert, mais en lisant plus de discussions canadiennes en français je pourrai te dire quels mots ne sont pas utilisés en France. Je te tiendrai au courant si d'autres ne te répondent pas avant moi.

    Je te corrige aussi en passant, puisque tu l'as demandé :

    Donc Je vais profiter le blackout de l’autre site

    Écris plutôt : Je vais profiter du blackout de l'autre site

    On utilise beaucoup la préposition de en français, en plus de le et la. Du est une sorte de contraction quand tu cherches à dire "de le"

  • chat Chat Do you often click the "subscribed" button to filter the posts in your feed ?
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Tell us everything about notifications by RSS ! (please, lol) Message notifications ? What client do you use ?

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    parlez-vous FR w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    Comment on dit "c'est bien", dans le langage courant chez vous, ?

    ### En France : - **C'est cool** - **C'est chouette** (*vieillot il y a quelques années, mais l'expression est revenue*) - **C'est carré** (*+ actuel*) - **C'est propre** (*+ actuel*) - **Super** (*peut aussi avoir une connotation franchement ironique*) - **C'est dar** (*quand c'est très bien*)

    news World News Protests in France as unions make last-ditch bid to resist higher retirement age
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Hi from France :)
    Well, I know it can be hard to understand from abroad, but the life expectancy is almost unrelevant here. And so are the benefits of working longer. Because the issue is mostly artificially created by cutting incomes. The government has been removing financial revenue from a well-functioning system, so that wealthy and ultra-wealthy people would contribute way less. This is the issue. You can't cut income from the priviledged, then pretend the system is failing, and then report all the cost on people already struggling and exhausted. That's the general sentiment here.

    The messed up legal way of pushing this without letting representatives vote on it was just the spark.

  • chat
    Chat w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    Do you often click the "subscribed" button to filter the posts in your feed ?

    I'm wondering how many of you really get specific news from subscribed communities ? I'm subscribed to so many I often forget to manually select this filter, so I feel like subscribing doesn't really make a difference beyond a certain number. What do you think ?

    quebec Québec Bonjour les francophones
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    N'hésite pas :)

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    parlez-vous FR w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    [Musique] Intro - Josman (avec paroles)
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    parlez-vous FR w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    [Fiction interactive] insatiable jeunesse

    ### Jeu textuel interactif qui se joue directement dans le navigateur web, sur

    parlezvousfr parlez-vous FR Discussions générales : pour dire bonjour, parler actu, et tout ce qui n'est pas lié directement aux langages francophones.
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Salut !
    merci pour les découvertes musicales, n'hésite pas à poster ce genre de clips directement dans le sub si tu le souhaites. Et je suis curieux d'en savoir plus sur la région de l'Acadie :)

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    parlez-vous FR w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    [Musique] Josman - Intro (avec paroles)
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    La France et les français w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    Bonjour les francophones, venez discuter.

    publication croisée depuis : ------------- Pour les rares francophones qui trainent sur les différentes instances Lemmy, j'ai créé ce sous : []( Le sujet est axé sur les langues francophones et leurs variations (conventions grammaticales académiques ou argot, langues régionales et dialectes, poésie objectiviste ou Rap FR, discussions autour des écritures inclusives, etc.) \> Mais il y a aussi un **post épinglé pous discuter de tout et de rien** N'hésitez pas à venir dire bonjour ou raconter ce qui vous intéresse en ce moment.

    Québec w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    Bonjour les francophones

    publication croisée depuis : ------------- Pour les rares francophones qui trainent sur les différentes instances Lemmy, j'ai créé ce sous : []( Le sujet est axé sur les langues francophones et leurs variations (conventions grammaticales académiques ou argot, langues régionales et dialectes, poésie objectiviste ou Rap FR, discussions autour des écritures inclusives, etc.) \> Mais il y a aussi un **post épinglé pous discuter de tout et de rien** N'hésitez pas à venir dire bonjour ou raconter ce qui vous intéresse en ce moment.

    chat Chat Bonjour les francophones
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Merci pour la suggestion. En fait les réglages de langues sont vraiment un casse-tête, je préfère ne plus y toucher pour l'instant.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner Support / Questions w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    Bug that counts a new comment on my posts each time I edit an exiting comment

    I just replicated it to verify. The unaccurate comments count is incrementing on each modifying, as you can sse there: It makes my posts look like comments are blocked or not shown. (And I checked every setting of languages preventing the showing of comments, just to be sure, it's not related to that) I don't know if this only happening on or if it's all over this version of Lemmy ? Does anyone notice that too ? Can tou try to trigger the bug on your post ?

    fedizens Fedizens FEDIRING is a silly game
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Maybe the FEDIRING comment could contain one more link. So that one would link back here, and the other link would lead to the next post added like a chain.

    Edit : Like this :

    FEDIRING is a tour

  • fedizens Fedizens FEDIRING is a silly game
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    well the way you did it is good to spread randomly that's true, but that way the ring is not extending like a chain. Maybe it's more fun and effective the way you did it.
    I'm totally open to changing rules, let's see how people (if any) are playing it.

  • fedizens Fedizens FEDIRING is a silly game
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Is this correct?

    Ha ha thanks for playing ! It is not correct as I intended it though :D
    I see my instructions are not good enough.

    Your link should not send back here but to another post that you pick up, and your FEDIRING comment should be on the last post you reach by clicking a FEDIRING link after my link "START" of this original post here.

    I will try to make it clearer ;)

  • fedizens Fedizens FEDIRING is a silly game
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Good point, I thought of adding a rule asking to comment here also, to let everyone know it is spreading, but I was wondering too many rules might refrain from participating. I'm adding #4 as optional on your advice.

  • gaming Gaming Give me your favorite indie games!
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    I enjoyed TechnoBabylon from Wadjet Eye, an investigation set in a kind of cyberpunk retrofuture : it's point and click, 2D with great sceneries, with some puzzles, and talking comedians reading the text you see on screen.

    Edit: also "The Excavation of Hobs Barrow" from the same studio. Pojt and click that takes place in the 19th Century.

  • music Music Old school Smiths and Morrissey shows
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    I got into the Smiths late, and I had a few favourite songs that inspired me.
    Then I discovered that Morissey had turned into a racist, and that he is vocal about it. Now I can't listen to it anymore. So sad...

  • chat
    Chat w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    Bonjour les francophones

    [ English below for mods to review ] Pour les rares francophones qui trainent sur les différentes instances Lemmy, j'ai créé ce sous : []( Le sujet est axé sur les langues francophones et leurs variations, conventions grammaticales académiques ou argot, langues régionales et dialectes, poésie objectiviste ou Rap FR, discussions autour des écritures inclusives, etc. \> Mais il y a aussi un **post épinglé pous discuter de tout et de rien** : pour y commenter, depuis un compte Beehaw, accédez à la communauté Lemmy de cette façon : []( N'hésitez pas à venir dire bonjour ou raconter ce qui vous intéresse en ce moment. Et sachez que vous pouvez aussi vous abonner au post et commenter depuis votre compte Mastodon. [EN] For the few French speakers who hang around on the various Lemmy forums, I've created this sub : []( The topic is centered on francophone languages and their variations, academic grammatical conventions, slang, regional languages and dialects, Objectivist poetry or French Rap, discussions around inclusive writing, etc. \> But there's also a **pinned post to discuss anything and everything.** From a Beehaw account : []( Feel free to come and say hello or tell us what's on your mind at the moment. You can also subscribe to the post and comment from your Mastodon account.

    fedizens Fedizens FEDIRING is a silly game
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Added a screenshot for clarity

  • fedizens
    Fedizens w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
    FEDIRING is a silly game

    Dear Lemmings, who said we can't have silly trends like the others ? I created a game, it's the FEDIRING ! To play you must follow the links I started at the bottom of this post, until there are none left, and then comment with a new link to a post you picked from any existing lemmy community, using "FEDIRING" as the text of your link. Below that post you link, someone else will then comment with a "FEDIRING" link to another post from another Lemmy community, and so on... ### This is how it should look : ![]( In this example (pix above), the comment contains the word FEDIRING which should lead to an existing post in another Lemmy community (not a post you created). ​ ### The rules are simple : 1. **Only comment the last post of the ring**. Don't comment on a post link that already has a "FEDIRING" comment, you need to follow the link if you find one. 2. **You can only play once** (this means only one comment from you in the ring) 3. We must reach a **new Lemmy community each time**. You can link to other instances if you want. Use that as a way to tour lemmy. 4. (OPTIONAL) Comment here to let us know if you played ! ​ ------- ## Let's see how far we can go: ​ | | | | | | | | [**FOLLOW THIS FIRST LINK TO START** ]( | | | | | | | | ​

    fedizens Fedizens Is bad publicity better than no publicity? Imo: For the fediverse yes
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%
  • parlezvousfr parlez-vous FR Discussions générales : pour dire bonjour, parler actu, et tout ce qui n'est pas lié directement aux langages francophones.
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 1 year ago 100%

    Avec l'afflux de nouvelles personnes sur les instances Lemmy, je me demande souvent ce qui manque à l'interface par rapport à Reddit. Il y a au moins deux choses : les post automatiques, pour avoir un sujet différent épinglé chaque jour (par exemple Lundi : cuisine, Mardi : cinéma etc.).
    Et l'autre truc qui manque c'est les tags pour mettre des catégories sur les posts. Ça permet de filtrer plus rapidement quand on fait des recherches.

  • diy
    DIY w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%
    BattleMeshV15 [2023] - Wireless Battle of the Mesh @ Calafou (Barcelona, Spain) / 8th to 14th of May

    The Battlemesh v15 will be hosted by the fabulous Calafou / colonia ecoindustrial postcapitalista members in Barcelona, Europe The community voted for this year's edition to take place from Monday 2023-05-08 to Sunday 2023-05-14. The Calafou compound is very spacious and offers plenty of room for hacking, workshops, socializing, building test beds and more!

    diy DIY *Permanently Deleted*
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%
    • Power output in this article :
      "The power output (W) of a bike generator corresponds to the voltage (V) multiplied by the current (A). We obtained roughly 100 watts (12V, 8-9A) of power during a short and heavy workout. During a moderate effort – which we can sustain for a longer time – power production is between 45 and 75 watts. The power output not only depends on the bike but also on the person who operates it. Athletes could produce more power, while couch potatoes would (initially!) generate less."
  • diy DIY How to Build a Practical Household Bike Generator
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%

    Feel free to remove, I didn't see it had been posted already here :

  • diy
    DIY w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%
    How to Build a Practical Household Bike Generator

    This has been posted already, my bad, it's here : ![]( #### Here is a short summary I (OP) made : ​ - This one is a static **exercise bicycle** with no gears. ​ - You also have to **build a board to convert current / voltage** on the output if you want to charge batteries or power electronic devices that are sensitive to power changes ​ - Power output overview : "The power output (W) of a bike generator corresponds to the voltage (V) multiplied by the current (A). **We obtained roughly 100 watts (12V, 8-9A) of power during a short and heavy workout.** During a moderate effort – which we can sustain for a longer time – power production is between 45 and 75 watts. The power output not only depends on the bike but also on the person who operates it. Athletes could produce more power, while couch potatoes would (initially!) generate less." ​ - The simple dynamo is under the wheel. So, much friction. A better system could waste less energy ?

    diy DIY Make a high powered solar panel from broken solar cells
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%

    Thanks a lot !

  • diy
    DIY w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%
    Make a high powered solar panel from broken solar cells

    Reminder : - Parallel wiring **increases amperage and voltage stays the same**. Each cell in a parallel circuit is wired positive to positive and negative to negative. ​ - Series wiring (mostly what you will use for solar cells} **increases voltage and amperage stay the same**. Each cell in a series circuit is wired positive to negative, the remaining positive and negative are you leads. You'll notice batteries in flashlights installed in series.

    DIY w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%
    Updates on Mesh networking firmwares and compatible Hardware / chipsets

    Since OpenWRT introduced Mesh networking I haven't been able to use or test anything, and I'm looking for good ressources to help choose between protocols, firmwares, and hardware / device chipsets ? I know about OLSR, B.A.T.M.A.N, and had a chance to run and test [Byzantium]( Live OS back when it was a thing. - Is B.A.T.M.A.N the better approach for an easy/reliable Mesh setup ? Does it run easily on simple devices (not routers) ? - For routers, are there other open source firmwares more suited to Mesh networking than openWRT, that will work on a lot of devices and are reliable ?

    diy DIY "Nomadic Furniture:" DIY Designs from the 1970s
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%

    The cardboard support described in one of the pictures is a really cool design, so simple and useful, you can put desks or tables on it.

  • energy Green Energy Rooftop wind energy innovation claims 50% more energy than solar at same cost
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%

    One can dream this kind of technology wouldn't be patented

  • libre_culture Libre Culture Open Licence publisher call for Solarpunk short stories (in french)
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%

    Oui il est temps que des maisons d'édition indé s'y mettent ! (Pour clarifier je ne fais pas partie de Copie Gauche)

  • art art Open Licence publisher call for Solarpunk short stories (in french)
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%

    Si y'a des francophones par ici :)

  • libre_culture
    Libre Culture w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%
    Open Licence publisher call for Solarpunk short stories (in french)

    cross-posted from: > **Copie Gauche**, a new French publisher dedicated to open license content, is calling for original solarpunk short stories. > They'll make a book out of the best, under an open license, with fair remuneration. > > > > - Direct link : []( > - [Their Mastodon](

    Creative w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%
    Open Licence publisher call for Solarpunk short stories (in french)

    cross-posted from: > **Copie Gauche**, a new French publisher dedicated to open license content, is calling for original solarpunk short stories. > They'll make a book out of the best, under an open license, with fair remuneration. > > > > - Direct link : []( > - [Their Mastodon](

    art w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%
    Open Licence publisher call for Solarpunk short stories (in french)

    **Copie Gauche**, a new French publisher dedicated to open license content, is calling for original solarpunk short stories. They'll make a book out of the best, under an open license, with fair remuneration. - Direct link : []( - [Their Mastodon](

    meta Meta ( administrative updates
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%

    Nice to see you taking over putting effort in this instance :)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Y a t'il des francophones qui écrivent de la fiction en licence libre par ici ?
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%

    Merci pour la réponse.

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%
    Y a t'il des francophones qui écrivent de la fiction en licence libre par ici ?

    cross-posted from: > Aux français⋅es et francophones : > est-ce que parmi vous quelqu'un⋅e connaît ou tient une liste de gens qui écrivent de la Fiction et SFFF en licences libres (francophone) ? > > Comme je pense sérieusement à créer un fanzine "Libre Lore", pour alimenter des cadres de création libres, avec des textes courts ou des extraits d'auteur⋅ices sous licence libre, j'envoie des messages à droite et à gauche. > J'ai quelques personnes à contacter mais ça reste très restreint, puisque c'est une pratique très peu répandue, surtout en France...

    Libre Culture w_ortiz 2 years ago 66%
    Des francophones qui écrivent de la fiction en licence libre par ici ?

    Aux français⋅es et francophones : est-ce que parmi vous quelqu'un⋅e connaît ou tient une liste de gens qui écrivent de la Fiction et SFFF en licences libres (francophone) ? Comme je pense sérieusement à créer un fanzine "Libre Lore", pour alimenter des cadres de création libres, avec des textes courts ou des extraits d'auteur⋅ices sous licence libre, j'envoie des messages à droite et à gauche. J'ai quelques personnes à contacter mais ça reste très restreint, puisque c'est une pratique très peu répandue, surtout en France...

    humanities Humanities & Cultures We Need to Talk About How Good A.I. Is Getting
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%


    It’s a cliché, in the A.I. world, to say things like “we need to have a societal conversation about A.I. risk.” There are already plenty of Davos panels, TED talks, think tanks and A.I. ethics committees out there, sketching out contingency plans for a dystopian future. What’s missing is a shared, value-neutral way of talking about what today’s A.I. systems are actually capable of doing, and what specific risks and opportunities those capabilities present.
    I think three things could help here.
    First, regulators and politicians need to get up to speed.
    Because of how new many of these A.I. systems are, few public officials have any firsthand experience with tools like GPT-3 or DALL-E 2, nor do they grasp how quickly progress is happening at the A.I. frontier.
    We’ve seen a few efforts to close the gap — Stanford’s Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence recently held a three-day “A.I. boot camp” for congressional staff members, for example — but we need more politicians and regulators to take an interest in the technology. (And I don’t mean that they need to start stoking fears of an A.I. apocalypse, Andrew Yang-style. Even reading a book like Brian Christian’s “The Alignment Problem” or understanding a few basic details about how a model like GPT-3 works would represent enormous progress.)
    Otherwise, we could end up with a repeat of what happened with social media companies after the 2016 election — a collision of Silicon Valley power and Washington ignorance, which resulted in nothing but gridlock and testy hearings.
    Second, big tech companies investing billions in A.I. development — the Googles, Metas and OpenAIs of the world — need to do a better job of explaining what they’re working on, without sugarcoating or soft-pedaling the risks. Right now, many of the biggest A.I. models are developed behind closed doors, using private data sets and tested only by internal teams. When information about them is made public, it’s often either watered down by corporate P.R. or buried in inscrutable scientific papers.
    Downplaying A.I. risks to avoid backlash may be a smart short-term strategy, but tech companies won’t survive long term if they’re seen as having a hidden A.I. agenda that’s at odds with the public interest. And if these companies won’t open up voluntarily, A.I. engineers should go around their bosses and talk directly to policymakers and journalists themselves.
    Third, the news media needs to do a better job of explaining A.I. progress to nonexperts. Too often, journalists — and I admit I’ve been a guilty party here — rely on outdated sci-fi shorthand to translate what’s happening in A.I. to a general audience. We sometimes compare large language models to Skynet and HAL 9000, and flatten promising machine learning breakthroughs to panicky “The robots are coming!” headlines that we think will resonate with readers. Occasionally, we betray our ignorance by illustrating articles about software-based A.I. models with photos of hardware-based factory robots — an error that is as inexplicable as slapping a photo of a BMW on a story about bicycles.
    In a broad sense, most people think about A.I. narrowly as it relates to us — Will it take my job? Is it better or worse than me at Skill X or Task Y? — rather than trying to understand all of the ways A.I. is evolving, and what that might mean for our future. I’ll do my part, by writing about A.I. in all its complexity and weirdness without resorting to hyperbole or Hollywood tropes. But we all need to start adjusting our mental models to make space for the new, incredible machines in our midst.

  • humanities Humanities & Cultures We Need to Talk About How Good A.I. Is Getting
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%

    I finally managed to get the article beyond Paywall :

    We Need to Talk About How Good A.I. Is Getting

    We’re in a golden age of progress in artificial intelligence. It’s time to start taking its potential and risks seriously.

    By Kevin Roose Aug. 24, 2022

    For the past few days, I’ve been playing around with DALL-E 2, an app developed by the San Francisco company OpenAI that turns text descriptions into hyper-realistic images.
    OpenAI invited me to test DALL-E 2 (the name is a play on Pixar’s WALL-E and the artist Salvador Dalí) during its beta period, and I quickly got obsessed. I spent hours thinking up weird, funny and abstract prompts to feed the A.I. — “a 3-D rendering of a suburban home shaped like a croissant,” “an 1850s daguerreotype portrait of Kermit the Frog,” “a charcoal sketch of two penguins drinking wine in a Parisian bistro.” Within seconds, DALL-E 2 would spit out a handful of images depicting my request — often with jaw-dropping realism.
    Here, for example, is one of the images DALL-E 2 produced when I typed in “black-and-white vintage photograph of a 1920s mobster taking a selfie.” And how it rendered my request for a high-quality photograph of “a sailboat knitted out of blue yarn.”
    DALL-E 2 can also go more abstract. The illustration at the top of this article, for example, is what it generated when I asked for a rendering of “infinite joy.” (I liked this one so much I’m going to have it printed and framed for my wall.)
    What’s impressive about DALL-E 2 isn’t just the art it generates. It’s how it generates art. These aren’t composites made out of existing internet images — they’re wholly new creations made through a complex A.I. process known as “diffusion,” which starts with a random series of pixels and refines it repeatedly until it matches a given text description. And it’s improving quickly — DALL-E 2’s images are four times as detailed as the images generated by the original DALL-E, which was introduced only last year.
    DALL-E 2 got a lot of attention when it was announced this year, and rightfully so. It’s an impressive piece of technology with big implications for anyone who makes a living working with images — illustrators, graphic designers, photographers and so on. It also raises important questions about what all of this A.I.-generated art will be used for, and whether we need to worry about a surge in synthetic propaganda, hyper-realistic deepfakes or even nonconsensual pornography.
    But art is not the only area where artificial intelligence has been making major strides.
    Over the past 10 years — a period some A.I. researchers have begun referring to as a “golden decade” — there’s been a wave of progress in many areas of A.I. research, fueled by the rise of techniques like deep learning and the advent of specialized hardware for running huge, computationally intensive A.I. models.
    Some of that progress has been slow and steady — bigger models with more data and processing power behind them yielding slightly better results.
    But other times, it feels more like the flick of a switch — impossible acts of magic suddenly becoming possible.

    Just five years ago, for example, the biggest story in the A.I. world was AlphaGo, a deep learning model built by Google’s DeepMind that could beat the best humans in the world at the board game Go. Training an A.I. to win Go tournaments was a fun party trick, but it wasn’t exactly the kind of progress most people care about.
    But last year, DeepMind’s AlphaFold — an A.I. system descended from the Go-playing one — did something truly profound. Using a deep neural network trained to predict the three-dimensional structures of proteins from their one-dimensional amino acid sequences, it essentially solved what’s known as the “protein-folding problem,” which had vexed molecular biologists for decades.
    This summer, DeepMind announced that AlphaFold had made predictions for nearly all of the 200 million proteins known to exist — producing a treasure trove of data that will help medical researchers develop new drugs and vaccines for years to come. Last year, the journal Science recognized AlphaFold’s importance, naming it the biggest scientific breakthrough of the year. Or look at what’s happening with A.I.-generated text.
    Only a few years ago, A.I. chatbots struggled even with rudimentary conversations — to say nothing of more difficult language-based tasks.
    But now, large language models like OpenAI’s GPT-3 are being used to write screenplays, compose marketing emails and develop video games. (I even used GPT-3 to write a book review for this paper last year — and, had I not clued in my editors beforehand, I doubt they would have suspected anything.)
    A.I. is writing code, too — more than a million people have signed up to use GitHub’s Copilot, a tool released last year that helps programmers work faster by automatically finishing their code snippets. Then there’s Google’s LaMDA, an A.I. model that made headlines a couple of months ago when Blake Lemoine, a senior Google engineer, was fired after claiming that it had become sentient. Google disputed Mr. Lemoine’s claims, and lots of A.I. researchers have quibbled with his conclusions. But take out the sentience part, and a weaker version of his argument — that LaMDA and other state-of-the-art language models are becoming eerily good at having humanlike text conversations — would not have raised nearly as many eyebrows.
    In fact, many experts will tell you that A.I. is getting better at lots of things these days — even in areas, such as language and reasoning, where it once seemed that humans had the upper hand. “It feels like we’re going from spring to summer,” said Jack Clark, a co-chair of Stanford University’s annual A.I. Index Report. “In spring, you have these vague suggestions of progress, and little green shoots everywhere. Now, everything’s in bloom.”
    In the past, A.I. progress was mostly obvious only to insiders who kept up with the latest research papers and conference presentations. But recently, Mr. Clark said, even laypeople can sense the difference.
    “You used to look at A.I.-generated language and say, ‘Wow, it kind of wrote a sentence,’” Mr. Clark said. “And now you’re looking at stuff that’s A.I.-generated and saying, ‘This is really funny, I’m enjoying reading this,’ or ‘I had no idea this was even generated by A.I.’”
    There is still plenty of bad, broken A.I. out there, from racist chatbots to faulty automated driving systems that result in crashes and injury. And even when A.I. improves quickly, it often takes a while to filter down into products and services that people actually use. An A.I. breakthrough at Google or OpenAI today doesn’t mean that your Roomba will be able to write novels tomorrow.
    But the best A.I. systems are now so capable — and improving at such fast rates — that the conversation in Silicon Valley is starting to shift. Fewer experts are confidently predicting that we have years or even decades to prepare for a wave of world-changing A.I.; many now believe that major changes are right around the corner, for better or worse.
    Ajeya Cotra, a senior analyst with Open Philanthropy who studies A.I. risk, estimated two years ago that there was a 15 percent chance of “transformational A.I.” — which she and others have defined as A.I. that is good enough to usher in large-scale economic and societal changes, such as eliminating most white-collar knowledge jobs — emerging by 2036.
    But in a recent post, Ms. Cotra raised that to a 35 percent chance, citing the rapid improvement of systems like GPT-3.
    “A.I. systems can go from adorable and useless toys to very powerful products in a surprisingly short period of time,” Ms. Cotra told me. “People should take more seriously that A.I. could change things soon, and that could be really scary.”
    There are, to be fair, plenty of skeptics who say claims of A.I. progress are overblown. They’ll tell you that A.I. is still nowhere close to becoming sentient, or replacing humans in a wide variety of jobs. They’ll say that models like GPT-3 and LaMDA are just glorified parrots, blindly regurgitating their training data, and that we’re still decades away from creating true A.G.I. — artificial general intelligence — that is capable of “thinking” for itself.
    There are also tech optimists who believe that A.I. progress is accelerating, and who want it to accelerate faster. Speeding A.I.’s rate of improvement, they believe, will give us new tools to cure diseases, colonize space and avert ecological disaster.
    I’m not asking you to take a side in this debate. All I’m saying is: You should be paying closer attention to the real, tangible developments that are fueling it.
    After all, A.I. that works doesn’t stay in a lab. It gets built into the social media apps we use every day, in the form of Facebook feed-ranking algorithms, YouTube recommendations and TikTok “For You” pages. It makes its way into weapons used by the military and software used by children in their classrooms. Banks use A.I. to determine who’s eligible for loans, and police departments use it to investigate crimes.
    Even if the skeptics are right, and A.I. doesn’t achieve human-level sentience for many years, it’s easy to see how systems like GPT-3, LaMDA and DALL-E 2 could become a powerful force in society. In a few years, the vast majority of the photos, videos and text we encounter on the internet could be A.I.-generated. Our online interactions could become stranger and more fraught, as we struggle to figure out which of our conversational partners are human and which are convincing bots. And tech-savvy propagandists could use the technology to churn out targeted misinformation on a vast scale, distorting the political process in ways we won’t see coming.

  • humanities Humanities & Cultures We Need to Talk About How Good A.I. Is Getting
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%

    Too bad it's behind a paywall...
    Can someone get us the whole article ?

  • news World News Qanon's Marjorie Taylor Greene joins forces with Keffals ("leftist") to demand kiwi farms (altright website) is shutdown in response to them both being allegedly swatted by kiwi farms
  • w_ortiz w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%

    These dramas are very high effort entertainment.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Funkwhale Discovery w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%
    [IDM] Patricia Taxxon - Her Kitchen

    I discovered the [whole album]( on one the pods listed on the funkwhale website some months ago (now the "official" pods are gone)

    Anarchism w_ortiz 2 years ago 90%
    No Comment. [OC]
    Anarchism w_ortiz 2 years ago 90%
    Fedizine: An anarchist introduction to federated social media

    For better or worse, anarchists are using social media like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. This sucks. Enter the Fediverse, an alternative, open-source social media network that aligns with anarchist values. Rather than being a thinly-veiled attention and data gathering capitalist vortex, the Fediverse is an actual social network, built out of a multitude of federated, autonomous, and decentralized instances. On the Fediverse, we control the infrastructure, we moderate ourselves, and we can gather and share based on our affinities and desires rather than being guided by addictive algorithms. Many anarchists who have dodged the traps of corporate social media are already here, sharing their projects, art, and ideas. Join us!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Lemmy Support w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%
    Not all comments show up when browsing a community from my beehaw account

    Subs on don’t show the same comments when I’m browsing it through my Beehaw account. Most posts have no comments at all (and 0 upvotes too), but I can go straight to in another tab and see that there are in fact discussions going on in the comments. This problem doesn’t affect all of the posts. Some are normally populated. Also I checked that it has nothing to do with lemmygrad being defederated or blocked from Beehaw, the comments which are not showing can be from various instances. **Edit** : Also it happens in subs I have subscribed to. How can I troubleshoot that ?

    Beehaw Support w_ortiz 2 years ago 100%
    Not all comments show up when browsing a community from my beehaw account

    More precisely, doesn't show the same comments when I'm browsing it through my Beehaw account. Most posts have no comments at all (and 0 upvotes too), but I can go straight to in another tab and see that there are in fact discussions going on in the comments. This problem doesn't affect all of the posts. I checked but it has nothing to do with lemmygrad being defederated or blocked, comments not showing can be from various instances. How can I troubleshoot that ?
