programming Programming Why Copilot is Making Programmers Worse at Programming
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 1 week ago 83%

    I’ll bet people said the same thing when Intellisense started suggesting lines completions.

    I'm sure many did, but I'm also pretty sure it's easy to draw a line between code assistance and LLM-infused code generation.

  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 1 week ago 97%

    Telegram never was private, group chats never were encrypted (and that's not an opinion: the feature simply is missing). If anything, they are just removing their false and deceiving claims. That they remained there for so long is something I can't wrap my head around.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Haptic: A new local-first, privacy-focused and open-source home for your markdown notes
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 1 week ago 100%

    I think you should give Trilium(Next) Notes a try:

    • it has the hierarchical notes structure that you are familiar with in obsidian

    • it has better ways of keeping things organized (attributes can be values or references, can be shared and inherited, which provides a flexible framework for having notes "types" as templates that can be extended, e.g. people vs. colleagues, businesses vs. companies, etc)

    • it has the concept of note hoisting (which lets you focus on a note and its sub-notes, so other projects/spaces don't come in the way of autocomplete and placing references), and workspaces that builds further on top of that

    • it can be used standalone (local client/offline-only, like obsidian) but coupling it with a remote-server opens more interesting use-cases (synching, sharing notes with others by public URLs, one-user/multi-client editing) which gives the best of both worlds (local-first/online-first) and lets you access your personal notes on devices you don't necessarily own (which obsidian doesn't). The mobile app story isn't great (it's a PWA with limited offline capabilities at the moment), but isn't worse than the alternatives either (I can't really work and think long form on a handheld, no matter the editor experience, but perhaps that's just me).

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Haptic: A new local-first, privacy-focused and open-source home for your markdown notes
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 weeks ago 100%

    You need to list out your requirements. What do you want to do? Where do you need your data? Do you care about open source? Self-hosting? Do you have an idea how your content will be organized? Will you ever need to tap into it as data? Etc

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Haptic: A new local-first, privacy-focused and open-source home for your markdown notes
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 weeks ago 100%

    Have you tried trilium notes? Not as hyped and polished, but does extraordinarily well IME.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Haptic: A new local-first, privacy-focused and open-source home for your markdown notes
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 weeks ago 100%

    I didn't like obsidian's lacking in attributes structuring/typing and the fact that it cannot serve over a web UI (for wherever you cannot install the heavy client or just to share notes via URL), and found trilium notes to be doing that perfectly, and much much more. Highly recommend.

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ Telegram Sparks Outrage Over FAQ Changes Even as Key Language on Private Chats Remains.
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 weeks ago 100%

    You can host (tens? of) thousands of XMPP sessions on a RPi at the back of your router or in a field hooked to a PV panel and sim card, and none of "the wealthy" knowing or caring about it, though. The difference with signal is that everyone can do that, and everyone doing it expands the network and makes it more resilient for the benefits of all.

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ Telegram Sparks Outrage Over FAQ Changes Even as Key Language on Private Chats Remains.
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 weeks ago 100%

    How it works (to simplify) is them giving up on matrix clients ever becoming performant and well behaving on handheld devices (because of the absurd complexity of the protocol), and, instead of doing something about that, just decided to shift the client logic onto the server and castrating the clients (esp. for offline features). It's also good short-term business because it makes hosting Matrix even more cumbersome and expensive, giving a compelling reason for the type of midscale/corporate deployments previously on the fence about their self-hosting costs (due to poor design and scalability) to just pay Element for that (while probably contemplating an alternative future).

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ Telegram Sparks Outrage Over FAQ Changes Even as Key Language on Private Chats Remains.
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 weeks ago 100%

    Speaking about XMPP, compared to centralized services, at least the "who talks to whom" and metadata concerns in general are partially mitigated by not having all the metadata converge towards a single host, being able to selfhost, and being able to host behind tor/i2p/...

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ Telegram Sparks Outrage Over FAQ Changes Even as Key Language on Private Chats Remains.
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 weeks ago 100%

    Other options for what exactly? Telegram practically has the same privacy and encryption guarantees as late 90's forums and bulletin boards. If you want to learn nothing from that, keep using a centralized nonstandard service deprived of end-to-end encryption!

  • xmpp XMPP Dhole Moments: Against XMPP+OMEMO - Dhole Moments
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 1 month ago 100%

    I'm not a cryptographer, and so I can't really emit a judgement on the poster's abilities or reputation, but what's for sure is that this piece reads more like a bingo card of a person's favourite "crypto stuff" and how partially it overlaps with some characteristics of OMEMO, rather than a thorough and substantiated cryptanalysis of the protocol and its flaws for real-world usages and threats.

    Some snarky remarks remarks like

    OMEMO doesn’t attempt to provide even the vaguest rationale for its design choices, and appears to approach cryptography protocol specification with a care-free attitude.

    are needlessly opinionated, inflammatory and unhelpful, and tell more about the author and their lack of due diligence (in reaching-out to people and reading past public discussions) than build a story of what the problem is, why it matters, and how to remediate it.

    Don't get me wrong, I would love this piece to have been something else, and to reveal actual problems (which incidentally would have been a great boos to the author's credibility and fame, considering that OMEMO underwent several audits and assessments in the recent history, including by several state agencies in the German and French governments…), but here we are, with one more strongly opinionated piece of whatever on the internet, and no meat in it to make the world a better place.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What self hosting feels like (It's painful, please help 🥲)
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 months ago 100%

    Matrix seemed interesting right until I got to self hosting it. Then, getting to know it from up close, and the absolute trainwreck that the protocol is, made me love XMPP. Matrix has no excuse for being so messy and fragile at this point. You do you, but I decided that it isn't worth my sysadmin time (especially when something like ejabberd is practically fire and forget).

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Best way to host Nextcloud with Collabora Office?
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 months ago 100%

    I don't think our views are so incompatible, I just think there are two conflictual paradigms supporting a false dichotomy: one that's prevalent in the business world where "cost of labour shrinks cost of hardware" and where it's acceptable to trade some (= a lot of) efficiency for convenience/saving manhours. But this is the "self-hosted" community, where people are running things on their own hardware, often in their own house, paying the high price of inefficiency very directly (electricity costs, less living space, more heat/noise, etc).

    And docker is absolutely fine and relevant in this space, but only when "done right", i.e. when containers are not just spun up as isolated black boxes, but carefully organized as to avoid overlapping services and resources wastage, in which case managing containers ends-up requiring more effort, not less.

    But this is absolutely not what you suggest. What you suggest would have a much greater wastage impact than "few percent of cpu usage or a little bit of ram", because essentially you propose for every container to ship its own web server, application server, database, etc… We are no longer talking "few percent" of overhead of the container stack, we are talking "whole new machines" software and compute requirements.

    So, in short, I don't think there's a very large overlap between the business world throwing money at their problems and the self-hosting community, and so the behaviours are different (there's more than one way to use containers, and my observation is that it goes very differently in either). I'm also not hostile to containers in general, but they cannot be recommended in good faith to self-hosters as a solution that is both efficient and convenient (you must pick one).

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Linkwarden - An open-source collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize and preserve webpages | July 2024 Update - New iOS App, Full Page Copy, User Administration and more... 🚀
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 months ago 100%

    How does that compare to wallabag?

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Best way to host Nextcloud with Collabora Office?
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 months ago 100%

    I don’t care […] because it’s in the container or stack and doesn’t impact anything else running on the system.

    This is obviously not how any of this works: down the line those stacks will very much add-up and compete against each other for CPU/memory/IO/…. That's inherent to the physical nature of the hardware, its architecture and the finiteness of its resources. And here come the balancing act, it's just unavoidable.

    You may not notice it as the result of having too much hardware thrown at it, I wouldn't exactly call this a winning strategy long term, and especially not in the context of self-hosting where you directly foot the bill.

    Moreover, those server components which you are needlessly multiplying (web servers, databases, application runtimes, …) have spent decades optimizing for resource pooling (with shared buffers, caching, event scheduling, …). These efforts are all thrown away when run for a single client/container further lowering (and quite drastically at that) the headroom for optimization and scaling.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Best way to host Nextcloud with Collabora Office?
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 months ago 100%

    That's… a tool in the bucket for that. But I'm not really sure that's the point here?

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Best way to host Nextcloud with Collabora Office?
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 months ago 100%

    I don't think containers are bad, nor that the performance lost in abstractions really is significant. I just think that running multiple services on a physical machine is a delicate balancing act that requires knowledge of what's truly going on, and careful sharing of resources, sometimes across containers. By the time you've reached that point (and know what every container does and how its services are set-up), you've defeated the main reason why many people use containers in the first place (just to fire and forget black boxes that just work, mostly), and only added layers of tooling and complexity between yourself and what's going on.

  • technology Technology Hacktivists release two gigabytes of Heritage Foundation data (Project 2025)
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 months ago 100%

    Would that make a difference?

  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 2 months ago 100%

    With only one having your interests at heart. An easy choice.

  • france France L’UE impose jusqu’à 38 % de droits de douane supplémentaires sur les véhicules électriques chinois
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 3 months ago 50%

    Tu veux dire, après n'avoir rien fait quand le précédent dumping chinois a fait couler l'industrie photovoltaïque allemande ? Notre transition énergétique se porte en effet bien mieux d'un monopole et de nos capitaux confiés à une puissance à l'autre bout du monde...

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting OrcaSlicer V2.1.0 Official Release
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 3 months ago 100%

    The UI of Prusa slicer is hot garbage though.

    I give orca/bambu the edge for "prettier on screenshots", but in practice, I don't find their UI paradigm to be more efficient nor convenient.

  • technology Technology Web publishers brace for carnage as Google adds AI answers
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 4 months ago 100%

    I'd like to share your optimism, but what you suggest leaving us to "deal with" isn't "AI" (which has been present in web search for decades as increasingly clever summarization techniques...) but LLMs, a very specific and especially inscrutable class of AI which has been designed for "sounding convincing", without care for correctness or truthfulness. Effectively, more humans' time will be wasted reading invented or counterfeit stories (with no easy way to tell); first-hand information will be harder to source and acknowledge by being increasingly diluted into the AI-generated noise.

    I also haven't seen any practical advantage to using LLM prompts vs. traditional search engines in the general case: you end up typing more, for the sake of "babysitting" the LLM, and get more to read as a result (which is, again, aggravated by the fact that you are now given a single source/one-sided view on the matter, without citation, reference nor reproducible step to this conclusion).

    Last but not least, LLMs are an environmental disaster in the making, the computational cost is enormous (in new hardware and electricity), and we are at a point where all companies partaking in this new gold rush are selling us a solution in need of a problem, every one of them having to justify the expenditure (so far, none is making a profit out of it, which is the first step towards offsetting the incurred pollution).

  • technology Technology Use WhatsApp without a smartphone?
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 6 months ago 100%

    You can always give a shot at using a third party client (possibly acting as bridge for other/better protocols, like e.g.>xmpp or the buggy matrix equivalent), but you need to keep in mind that they will all require you to authenticate (and remain authenticated) using a smartphone, and that usage of 3rd party clients is forbidden from WA's terms and conditions (which may lead to your account being blocked/deleted).

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Looking for Cloud Storage Replacement, but I don't like NextCloud
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 6 months ago 100%

    How about nextcloud with only the bare minimum amount of plugins? Filles alone is pretty snappy.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Looking for Cloud Storage Replacement, but I don't like NextCloud
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 6 months ago 100%

    Pydio used to be called ajaxplorer and was a pretty solid and lightweight (although featureful) solution, but then they rewrote the UI with lots of misguided choices (touch controls and android inspired interactions on desktop devices) and it became so horrendous, heavy and clunky that I almost forgot about it. I wonder if they reversed the trend (but from the screenshots it doesn't look so).

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Looking for Cloud Storage Replacement, but I don't like NextCloud
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 6 months ago 100%

    Aren't they not the same thing at all?

  • worldnews World News China cuts arms imports to rely more on its own weapons tech: SIPRI report
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 6 months ago 100%

    Russia supplied 77 per cent of China’s purchases

    Not exactly a surprise, then. And good luck for the Russian's arm industry bouncing back, considering its performance on the battlefield and its interleaving with western tech that it hasn't managed to decouple itself from since 2014. China's only taking a reasonable stance there.

  • worldnews World News White House urges developers to dump C and C++
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 7 months ago 100%

    and how much of this troubled history is linked to Java Applets/native browsers extensions, and how much of it is relevant today?

  • worldnews World News White House urges developers to dump C and C++
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 7 months ago 71%

    Yep but:

    • it's one runtime, so patching a CVE patches it for all programs (vs patching each and every program individually)

    • graalvm is taking care of enabling java to run on java

  • worldnews World News White House urges developers to dump C and C++
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 7 months ago 85%

    Or rather a Dunning Kruger issue: seniors having spent a significant time architecturing and debugging complex applications tend to be big proponents for things like rust.

  • worldnews World News White House urges developers to dump C and C++
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 7 months ago 72%

    Why? What's wrong with safe, managed and fast languages?

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ Nintendo is suing the creators of Switch emulator Yuzu
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 7 months ago 100%

    I agree with the sentiment and everything, but the whole gaming console industry has gone to crap after they started putting hard drives/storage in them with the goal of needing you to be online and not owning anything anymore. They are all equally despicable for that. Which makes emulation even more essential, just for preserving those games into the future when the online front will inexorably shut down.

  • programming Programming So You Think You Know Git? - FOSDEM 2024
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 7 months ago 80%

    I'm with you. Hg-git still is to this day the best git UI I know...

  • navidrome Navidrome Music Server (Unofficial) Get notified about new Navidrome releases
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 7 months ago 100%

    Well, if you have a GitHub account you can be notified about new releases with one click. And if you don't, just use the RSS like it's the 00's ;)

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting Rant: Cura did the one thing a slicer shouldn't do
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 7 months ago 100%

    I've been on the prusa slicer side of things for a long time, and you won't see me arguing in favor of cura. That said, you should probably consider doing daily backups of your home folder, using something like Borg/restic which have great incremental and compressed backups (practically backing up TBs in seconds).

  • worldnews World News Use of Coal-Fired Power Plants Increases amid Transition to Green Energy
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 8 months ago 75%

    Report, as disinformation/propaganda/not news, hoping mods are not looking the other way

  • worldnews World News Court orders China Evergrande property developer to liquidate after it failed to reach debt deal
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 8 months ago 100%

    The important figure isn't the total, but the fraction of GDP that goes into real estate, which is disproportionate in the case of China, for the reasons I mentioned, and more (another major one being the land leased by local governments to serve as their de facto revenue stream)

  • programming Programming Komac, the Kotlin program for creating Winget packages, has now been rewritten in Rust
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 8 months ago 100%

    I have no idea what this is about, but was kotlin native considered here? And what ruled it out in favour of rust?

    I've seen multiple JVM languages going the route of AOT/native compilation and now taking the spot of systems languages in some use cases (CLI utils, low footprint "cloud native" stacks, things requiring tight os-level integration) with often outstanding performance.

  • worldnews World News Court orders China Evergrande property developer to liquidate after it failed to reach debt deal
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 8 months ago 100%

    Not like "many other countries" but expectedly much worse: real estate has been de facto where most Chinese have been concentrating their wealth as "investment" in the absence of better local alternatives and the inability to invest abroad.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Framework vs Macbook laptop?
  • u_tamtam u_tamtam 8 months ago 100%

    According to , a framework 13 with a Ryzen 7840U will run out of battery 22% faster than the macbook but will outperform the macbook by 85% on some benchmarks. I wouldn't pick the mac.

  • selfhosted
    Selfhosted u_tamtam 8 months ago 98%
    Creating the XMPP Network Graph

    Sorry if this isn't the right venue for that, I thought it'd be in the tone of "self-hosting" and "federation" :) tl;dr: some XMPP servers started to deploy a mod to report back about how they federate with the rest of the network, and now there is a pretty graph to show for it at

    PostgreSQL u_tamtam 1 year ago 100%
    Queries prioritization using pgbouncer

    Hi there! I have a pg cluster serving different services, with one of them, (let's call it SL), non-critical, but hammering the database with lots of (mostly) short lived queries. Since I implemented a connection pooler (pgbouncer), I've noticed a great improvement in throughput, and the SL service is now much more responsive than before. That said, I think this was quite detrimental to fairness overall, because some of the other services which used to respond fairly well now happen to timeout often. I was wondering if there's any way to prioritize queries execution (ideally by user or database) so that the high-frequency/low criticality service leaves way to anything else that comes up. To my surprise, nothing comes up from my googling of "pgbouncer prioritization" or "pgbouncer fairness". pgcat seems to offer some loadbalancing and sharding, but that seems to be only applicable for multi-server setups. Any idea/suggestion? Thanks!

    Synology u_tamtam 1 year ago 100%
    Some help needed

    Hello there, I'm a newcomer to the synology world (although I know my way around GNU/Linux boxes) and I feel that I could use some help because all the shiny features and screens of DSM confuse me a lot. 1- I have a remote webdav server which I want to sync bidirectionally. I finally got that to work using the "Cloud Sync" app, and the files are replicating into my home folder. Within this folder, I have a "Holidays" photo folder which I would like to make available to my smart TV over DLNA, and ideally to the "Photos" app, is there a way to do that? I resorted to SSH into the DS to create a bind mount between "Holidays" and /volumeXYZ/photo/ but the only photo I can see over DLNA is the dummy I uploaded from DSM and messing with permissions doesn't seem to help. 2- I have a remote server from which I want to rsync periodically to back-up a collection of music files, and, similarly those files should become available over DLNA and to other users of DSM. "Active Backup for Business" seems decently featured, it even lets me pick a destination folder, which I specified to be "/music". And now it happily created a mess of what appears to be temp/lock files and config within /music. In general, what brought me to buying this nas was to have an off-site backup of a server which could double as a media server at home using the same data. So far this experience has been exceedingly frustrating.

    meta Meta u_tamtam 1 year ago 94%
    Federation Policy for this instance

    Hi! Are there any criteria in place as to how this instance and its accounts federate with others? For instance, there are a few communities on which I'd like to subscribe to, but they are not listed here, am I doing something wrong?

    Scala u_tamtam 1 year ago 100%
    Welcome to this Scala community

    TBC… :)
