technology Technology Windows PCs can't sleep properly, and Microsoft wants it that way
  • tojikomori tojikomori 10 months ago 100%

    Like the other replier and GP, my Linux and Mac desktops run for months at a time without a restart. I only restart when there's a software update that demands it. I don't have much experience with modern Windows, but I expect that's the norm from a modern OS.

    If you're running into runaway resource issues like this then you may want to spend a few minutes hunting them down and maybe replace the programs responsible. Daily restarts shouldn't be necessary.

  • technology Technology Windows PCs can't sleep properly, and Microsoft wants it that way
  • tojikomori tojikomori 10 months ago 100%

    Apparently not in Windows settings:

    If the BIOS says it supports Modern Standby, Windows takes it at its word and completely disables the ability to enter S3 sleep (classic standby). There’s no official or documented option for disabling Modern Standby through Windows, which is incredibly annoying.

    Side note: for a while, there was actually a registry setting you could change to disable Modern Standby on the Windows side. Unfortunately, Microsoft removed it, and to my knowledge, has never added it back.

    I'm not a Windows user, so I can't confirm one way or the other, but toward the end of the end of the article the author gives vendor-specific instructions for disabling the S0 Low Power Idle capability from BIOS.

  • apple Apple Apple is using machine learning everywhere in iOS
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    I had the same experience with News.

    I use RSS very selectively, though. General news sites are too much of a firehose: instead of RSS I just picked a few favorite sources and check them occasionally – usually once in the morning/evening. I also read The Economist's briefs (requires a sub) to catch up on stuff I missed.

  • apple
    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    An Apple malware-flagging tool is “trivially” easy to bypass.

    Background Task Manager can potentially miss malicious software on your machine. "It's a good thing for Apple to have added, but the implementation was done so poorly that any malware that's somewhat sophisticated can trivially bypass the monitoring," Wardle says about his Defcon findings.

    scifi Science Fiction Favorite Scifi Food?
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Always been very curious about Mimosian banquets, but I doubt I'd get the hang of antimatter chopsticks.

    Perhaps I'm better off with the answer I know to be true: Old Cap'n Janeway's Finest Organic Suspension.

  • ukcasual UKCasual BBC Launches A Mastodon Instance - fediverse - Project Segfault Kbin
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    For anyone as confused as I was: yes, this is indeed a link post on pointing to an article on hosted by and ultimately linking to

    The old Fedi switcharoo.

  • apple Apple iPhone battery capacities compared: all iPhones battery life in mAh and Wh
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    I like the mini but this table highlights its major disadvantage. I still find its battery ample for a typical day, there's just not a lot of headroom for degradation.

  • apple Apple Apple Again Fails to Save Classical Music
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    From the title I was hoping for an investigative piece on Apple's payment model and whether it treats classical musicians any better, but it's just a comparison to other streaming services padded with trademark New Yorker bloviation.

    tl;dr: they don't like Apple's editorials, prefer Idagio's search results, and everything invented after the phonograph was a mistake.

  • technology Technology Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Alex Russell is a good read on React. His position gives him a broad view of its impacts and has kept him from being sidelined. This Changelog podcast is a decent distillation of his criticisms – it was recorded earlier this year, a few days after his Market For Lemons blog post.

    (Sorry for the late reply! I've been a bit swamped lately and away from kbin.)

  • apple
    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Hacking Apple's 1994 Set Top Box System

    Apple developed the STBs in their Austin, Texas campus. It was based on stripped-down 1993 Quadra 605 hardware with extra silicon for the media features but kept serial, ADB and SCSI connections to allow it to run compatible CD-ROMs, sort of a Pippin before the Pippin, with plans to sell it for $750 [2023 dollars about $1500]…

    technology Technology Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    "Good vibes only" seems to be embedded in the culture of web development today. Influential devs' Twitter accounts have strong Instagram vibes: constantly promoting and congratulating each other, never sharing substantive criticisms. Hustle hustle.

    People with deep, valid criticisms of popular frameworks like React seem to be ostracized as cranks.

    It's all very vapid and depressing.

  • technology Technology Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks for this. I skimmed the proposal doc itself and didn't quite understand the concern people have with it – most of the concerns that came to my own mind are already listed as non-goals. The first few lines of this comment express a realistic danger that's innate to what's actually being proposed.

  • apple Apple Dear Diary: Day One of using an iPod Classic in 2023
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    It's funny that the author didn't think to try instead of doinking about in Finder. I just did this a couple of weeks ago with my own iPod Classic: Music supports iPod sync just fine. (Yes, still!)

  • nintendo Nintendo Pikmin 4 Review MegaThread!
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    "Casual rescue mission" is a fun phrase. It fits, though. The first bloke I "rescued" in the demo was snoozing like Gulliver when I found him.

  • nintendo Nintendo Pikmin 4 Review MegaThread!
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Just tried the demo yesterday. The tutorial's integrated into the gameplay in a way that didn't feel obstructive to me. It's less like an old-school sandbox tutorial and more that the game makes it obvious what you have to do for the first mission. And it seems to focus on the new mechanics since the basic stuff is already made obvious by overlays showing the controls.

    There will be people who have no capacity for nuance and see this as a boolean thing, and for them: the tutorial's not skippable, no. But for most people, it shouldn't be an issue.

  • nintendo Nintendo Miyamoto wonders why Pikmin hasn't sold more and why people think the games are difficult
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Pikmin 4 may be worth a look, then. The time limit's been removed for this one.

  • apple Apple US Cyber Trust Mark will boost smart home security, says White House
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    It's surprising that Apple isn't listed (among those backing the scheme) given that the company designed the HomeKit standard with security and privacy as key objectives.

    I think that's the conflict: Apple has its own certification programs. From Apple's perspective, a successful government-backed trademark would compete with Apple trademarks for consumer mindshare and the certification would add new overhead to Apple's own product launches.

    Other brands backing this program have more to gain than lose from it, e.g. because their own certifications aren't as well marketed, or because it simplifies product screening, or sets up new hurdles for competitors. Apple's in a unique position where none of those benefits are relevant. It only sees the costs.

  • apple Apple Apple Maps Gradually Winning Over Google Maps Users, Report Suggests
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    The one thing I don't like about its navigation mode is that it can't be used for anything else at the same time. If I start walking directions to a restaurant and then someone asks me what time it closes or if there's a bar nearby then I have to cancel the navigation or use a different app to look that up.

  • nintendo Nintendo Handheld Consoles Will Need Easily-Switchable Batteries By 2027, Says New EU Regulation
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    This got me to look up iFixit's guide to Switch battery replacement. It's better than some of my devices, but as soon as a replacement involves spludgers and adhesive it crosses a "yuck" line for me, going from something that looks kinda fun to sort of dreading that I'll break it.

    For contrast, past Nintendo handhelds made this a doddle, even in the post-AA era: here's the New 3DS battery replacement guide. The DS Lite even had a little battery door.

  • apple Apple Samsung Debuts New $1,599 ViewFinity S9 5K Display to Compete with Apple's Studio Display
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Priced at $1,599, the ViewFinity S9 has the same price tag as the Studio Display from Apple, but Apple charges an additional $300 for Nano-texture matte glass and $400 extra for a tilt and height adjustable stand.

    A lot of Apple users feel the Studio Display's overpriced, so it's interesting that Samsung isn't competing on price.

    If I were deciding between the two, and it didn't come down to unique features like portrait mode, then I'd want to see them side by side in a brightly lit room. The regular (non nano-texture) Studio Display handles most reflections decently well, but if the ViewFinity does much better then I can see that being a plus for an office setting where you have lights or windows behind you. I'm sure the nano-texture does better yet, but it has some trade-offs and cleaning requirements that make me very reluctant to recommend it. (I don't like that the wording above suggests nano-texture is a regular matte glass. It's not. It's better in many ways, but it's not for everyone.)

  • apple Apple Apple introduces offline Maps—but how does it compare with Google Maps?
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    I use offline maps a lot. The article mentions a major reason: traveling, especially abroad, with limited or no data. It also comes in handy when we drop out of cell service, which happens more often than I'd expect outside of major cities in the US. My favorite app for those use cases is Organic Maps, which lets me download maps by city, state, or country.

    I use offline maps for hiking too, but it's such a different use case that I find I want an entirely different map type and UI – one that focuses less on roads and directions and instead surfaces tools for route-planning and managing tracks and waypoint markers. Gaia's long been my favorite app for that.

  • apple
    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    How long will the last Intel Macs be supported? macOS Sonoma gives us some hints

    Nearly 20 years of data show how Intel Macs are faring as Apple switches chips.

    apple Apple Apple Pulls iOS 16.5.1 and macOS 13.4.1 Rapid Security Response Updates Due to Safari Bug
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    This later article makes it sound like the issue was with websites using UA sniffing:

    For instance, after applying the RSR updates on an iOS device, the new user agent containing an "(a)" string is "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.5.2 (a) Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1," which prevents websites from detecting it as a valid version of Safari, thus displaying browser not supported error messages.

    I hope Apple's use of the Rapid Security Response system here was mostly an infrastructure test. I would be miffed to learn that a patch for some zero day was fumbled because Facebook didn't get the decades-old memo not to use UA sniffing for feature detection.

  • books Books Desert Island Discs: Book edition.
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Is there an English translation/edition of The Magic Mountain that you feel stands out above the rest?

  • apple Apple What training with the Apple Watch Ultra taught me about multiband GPS and failure
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    I knew about Wi-Fi and cell towers being used to improve location data, but this is nifty too:

    Ultra can cache orbit predictions for up to a week. That means you can go offline and still get an immediate location fix because you don't need to wait for your watch to decode that information; it's already there.

    I used to carry an independent GPS device while hiking, but mostly stopped because my phone gives much better data with fewer anomalies. I still sometimes carry it on trips so I can match the GPX data to photos with Houdah Geo.

    On that note: I kinda wish I could export GPX recordings from Health/Fitness. It feels redundant that I have a "hiking" workout and a Gaia recording running at the same time. Gaia's able to export tracks as a workout, but of course there's no heart rate data etc. in Fitness if I do it that way.

  • technology Technology Meta's upcoming AcitivityPub-enabled app Threads will only come with an "import from Mastodon" option. The new network won't federate on day one.
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 96%

    The Verge article is paywalled for me, but the screencaps Alex shared in his toot don't really support his summary. The article mentions that Threads can import content from Mastodon as an example of the sorts of things ActivityPub supports, and that's about as close as it gets.

    And then there's this:

    The company is planning to create a roundtable for administrators of other servers and developers to share best practices and work through problems that will inevitably arise, like Meta's server traffic putting strain on other, smaller servers.

    Emphasis mine. How would Meta's server put strain on other, smaller servers if it's not federating with them?

    I'm fully willing to believe Meta wants to EEE ActivityPub, but this particular claim doesn't seem to check out.

  • mechanicalkeyboards Mechanical Keyboards Accidental keypresses on my first mechanical keyboard
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Or should I swap the switches out for something heavier/clickier?

    Definitely. You made a good choice getting a hot-swappable keyboard. That makes it easy to experiment with different switches until you find one that's comfortable.

    You might find that changes over time too, or even that you have different preferences for different keys or contexts, so it's worth keeping the old switches around.

    But don't try to convince your fingers that they need to be retrained to type more lightly. The reason there are so many different kinds of switches is that different weights and haptics feel better for different people.

  • technology Technology The best wireless headphones for 2023 | Engadget
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Anyone found any decent wireless ones with replaceable batteries? I was interested in the Fairbuds XL but it's not well reviewed.

    For a while I had a pair of Sennheiser TV headphones that took AAAs, but they required a dedicated transmitter and weren't great for music anyway.

  • tech Technology Men need to speak up against toxicity targeting women – and on their own behalf | Opinion
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    A lot of nuance and empathy in this piece, it's worth a close read.

    As women, we didn't feel we should have to defend ourselves against such a ridiculous statement, we shouldn't need an uncomfortable public confrontation; but why did none of the men say anything? This is where it got interesting. They felt they didn't want to speak on our behalf, didn't want to be perceived as jumping in and taking our voices. We were surprised, we felt they didn't have our backs and didn't see it as an issue. They felt confused as to how to act.

    I've had similar experiences on both ends of that. Confrontation is wearying so usually I just do an internal eye-roll and move on. But at other times I've felt something ought to be said, but thought I lacked the expertise or lived experience to make a convincing case.

  • apple
    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Today's iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS updates address zero-day vulnerabilities

    "Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited against versions of iOS released before iOS 15.7," the company says when describing Kernel and WebKit vulnerabilities tracked as CVE-2023-32434 and CVE-2023-32435.

    apple Apple iOS 17 and macOS Sonoma Add Passkey to Your Apple ID
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Sad news: ATP shared the same trick a few months ago and received feedback that it's easy to work around:

    Multigreg writes, I set a screen time restriction with the passcode, without the option to remove it using the Apple ID. I tapped cancel and hit skip. When I try the forgot passcode link, it still guides me through the options to enter my Apple ID or device password or find a forgotten Apple ID…

    So the mitigation that we said last time, that specific one about the screen time password, if you did that on your phone, just remove it because it's not actually helping. I mean, I don't know if you want to remove it because it will slow them down. It will slow down the thief a little bit because now they have to go through the forgot password flow, which is kind of annoying. And you know, so it's a speed bump, a tiny speed bump, but that's about it.

    AFAIK the best advice we can give people is to set a strong device passcode and never use it in a public space. Always use FaceID, and have "Require Attention" toggled on.

  • apple Apple iOS 17 and macOS Sonoma Add Passkey to Your Apple ID
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Comment from the MacRumors forum, in case you're hoping it'll solve the problem Joanna Stern reported on:

    Unfortunately on iOS, the backup to Face-ID for the iPhone's Keychain or PassKeys is the iPhone's passcode. So anyone that has access to your phone and knows the passcode, can use the phone's passcode to log-in to iCloud or Apple ID with this feature.

  • apple
    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    iOS 17 and macOS Sonoma Add Passkey to Your Apple ID

    Starting with iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and macOS Sonoma, users with an Apple ID will automatically be assigned a passkey, allowing them to sign into their Apple ID with Face ID or Touch ID instead of their password.

    mechanicalkeyboards Mechanical Keyboards How do I find keycaps with the same side print on them?
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Are there any brands well known for making side-stickers or transfers that are relatively easy to line up?

  • tech Technology Which current technology has the most potential?
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Maybe this is just a contrarian view, but I see "AI" as a potential rather than a technology. Right now, transformer-based technologies are what most of us mean when we talk about AI, and it's not clear to me how much more potential that idea really has. When I look at how much energy it takes to set up something like GPT-4 I see us pushing hardware to its limit and yet the outcomes are still too often unsatisfying. Significant breakthroughs are needed somewhere in that architecture just to do the kind of things we're trying to do today at the fidelity we expect and without breaking the bank.

    The technology we have today might be to AI what the phonograph was to audio recording. As a technology we hit the limits of its potential pretty quickly and then… we fixated. Entirely different technologies eventually led to the lossless spatial audio experiences we can enjoy today, and seem more likely to carry future potential for audio too.

    In that analogy, GPT might just be like someone arranging 8 gramophones in a circle to mimic the kind of spatial audio experience available in some headphones now. Impressive in many ways, but directionally not the path where potential lies.

  • apple
    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Supported Devices for Apple's 2023 Operating Systems

    Covers macOS 14 Sonoma, iOS 17, iPadOS 17, watchOS 10, and tvOS 17, including feature-specific requirements.

    asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think of the reddit hack that supposedly happened?
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Yes but note the specific details of that assumption and their reasoning: it's based on reddit's announcement of the security incident a few months ago which starts:

    Based on our investigation so far, Reddit user passwords and accounts are safe…

    Now, look again at what BlackCat has promised in this leak:

    Instead, BlackCat is teasing such revelations as "all the statistics they track about their users," and data concerning how Reddit "silently censors users."

    80 GB of "statistics and data" about Reddit's users is a lot. It may not contain raw IP addresses, but we know that IP matching is one of the ways Reddit catches sock puppets, so there may at least be a hash that could be used to identify accounts held by the same users.

    Am I going too far worrying about PMs and other details? Maybe. It really depends on the honesty and competence of BlackCat and Reddit, and the article author's assumptions based on their statements.

  • apple
    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Apple vs. Apples: A Truly Weird Trademark Battle

    Apple, the company, wants rights to the image of apples, the fruit, in Switzerland – one of dozens of countries where it's flexing its legal muscles.

    asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think of the reddit hack that supposedly happened?
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    I've seen a few sites welcome the news with glee, as though Reddit's leadership is going to be strongly affected. That's childish and myopic. This is bad news for everyone.

    Whether or not Reddit pays, we should assume the data will make its way into the hands of people who (further) weaponize it against Reddit's users, e.g. people who've posted risque photos of themselves or shared compromising details through throwaway accounts can be doxxed or matched to their normal accounts via their IP or other common details. PMs and other private account details might contain mailing addresses and other private or compromising information, too. (Edit: as Phoeniqz points out in replies, the article author assumes this is not the case based on Reddit's and BlackCat's statements about the leak.)

    If Reddit knew about the breach earlier and didn't do their due diligence to alert users, then that's further condemnation of their leadership and priorities, but it doesn't undo the damage this might cause users.

    If Reddit were to pay BlackCat, then it would further enrich, reward, and encourage them. If, as is more likely, it doesn't, then the blowback it receives (especially from any high profile consequences of the leak) might encourage other companies to pay up in future.

  • apple
    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Apple execs discuss third-party watch faces and watchOS 10 design decisions in new interview

    Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger today published an interesting and expansive interview with Apple VPs Kevin Lynch and Deidre Caldbeck, discussing all...

    mechanicalkeyboards Mechanical Keyboards Recommended sites to buy keycaps? (shipping to USA)
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Sorry I didn't see this sooner. I just did the same hunt, and came to the same conclusion.

    I ended up getting the PBTfans Dolch set from Divinikey which comes with a decent number of relegendable caps: I figured that way if I missed them I could make my own media keys. But I'm getting along fine without them – I've been on the Mac long enough that I'm pretty well drilled on the ones I use.

    Very happy both with the caps and with Divinikeys' service. I ordered a couple of other things from them – some new switches and a better switch puller – and both orders went smoothly.

    The other solution I looked at for a while was WASD Keyboards printed custom keycaps. Someone uploaded their layout for Mac keyboards to GitHub and WASD also has a comprehensive layout guide if you want to make your own. I decided against it because I wanted Cherry profile caps, ideally doubleshot rather than printed, to last longer.

  • apple Apple I like it.
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    I saw this the other day on Ars Technica! Apparently the maker also does Mac-themed pillows.

  • tech Technology Reddit CEO defiant as moderator strike shutters thousands of forums: 'We made a business decision that we’re not negotiating on'
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    It was like this for a few months on Mastodon when Twitter did the same. At least spez doesn't have any kind of celebrity status: I was able to go out with some friends last night and not a single person raised this topic. (A couple of them know what Reddit is, but none of them really use it much. And I'm sure no one in the group other than me knows who its CEO is.)

    I just hope we have a good network of people here after this story fizzles out of the news. I'd be happy with kbin never becoming as popular as Reddit, so long as there's a healthy bunch of curious people sharing and discussing interesting links.

  • apple Apple Question Of The Week Suggestion Thread, WO Jun 18
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks for checking in – I almost declared my "stop" comment to be the winner by default. 😆

    This thread was a follow-up to last week's QOTW thread (where I mentioned that I'd ask for suggestions from the sub) and I was looking for similar ideas: open-ended conversation starters, useful tips and tricks, etc. I posted a new one for this week asking about favorite iOS widgets.

    There was a good amount of discussion last week, so I'm not quite ready to pull the plug on the idea. Maybe in a few weeks I'll set up a form for people to submit their own questions and link to it from each QOTW thread.

  • apple Apple Question Of The Week: What are your favorite iOS widgets?
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    I have the 4x4 stock calendar widget on my first Home Screen to quickly scan my day in the morning.

    The widget I use most often is probably the dense 4x2 Carrot Weather one: it's split down the middle between hourly and daily forecasts, which is helpful for quick chore & dog-walking decisions, especially when deciding whether to put something off until tomorrow because it's too hot/cold/rainy.

  • apple
    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Question Of The Week: What are your favorite iOS widgets?

    What first or third-party iOS widgets do you find especially useful? Are there any that you're already thinking about using on Mac with Sonoma's continuity feature?

    apple Apple EU law requiring easier iPhone battery replacement inches closer to enactment
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Weirdly torn on this: I live a few hours from the nearest Apple store, so it'd be nice if I could replace my phone battery without going through all this, but I also like the fact my phone is a decently robust and waterproof little brick with few moving parts or breakable pieces. It's practically a tank compared to the last battery-replaceable smartphone I had.

    If I had to replace my battery as frequently as I did with early smartphones then I'd willingly trade some of the durability for a user-replaceable battery, but I've had an iPhone 12 mini since its launch – about two and a half years – and its battery still gets me through the day just fine. iOS Battery Health says its maximum capacity is 87%. Maybe next year I'll need a battery replacement, and that'll do me fine for another three years. I'll be extremely pleased, but also quite surprised, if the phone lasts long enough to need a second battery replacement after that. Is that a repair we should really be optimizing for?

  • apple
    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    EU law requiring easier iPhone battery replacement inches closer to enactment

    The European Union is moving closer to enacting a law that will require smartphones like the iPhone to have easier battery repairs.

    gundam Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta OP - Greatest Gundam opening song in history
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    When people talk about Zeta's OP, I always have to check whether they mean this one or the original Japanese opening. Replacement international soundtracks usually make me sad, but Saegusa did a great job here. I like them both.

    Wing is still my favorite Gundam OP, though. It's just so catchy.

  • apple Apple Japan to open up Apple and Google app stores to competition
  • tojikomori tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Got it, makes sense. Appreciate the example you gave here – that's a believable use case for something like this.

  • apple
    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Question Of The Week Suggestion Thread, WO Jun 18

    Suggest questions here for next week's Question Of The Week thread. * Questions must be Apple related, of course. * I'll have Siri roll a dice to decide between the most upvoted suggestions in the comments. (I'll probably ignore downvotes.) * Remember that this thread is for questions, not answers! Be curious, not… answery. * This is a new idea and I don't want to force it, so I'm adding "Question Of The Week is silly and we shouldn't do it" as my own suggestion in this thread. Please upvote that comment if you feel that way. If it's clearly the top answer then I'll skip the dice roll and not do Question Of The Week again. * Hooray for democracy (with some Siri-powered bias).

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Other Apple communities in the Fediverse

    I'm gathering a list of Apple-related communities for this magazine's sidebar. Add new suggestions in the comments! A few rules: * Must be directly Apple related * Must be part of the Fediverse (e.g. a Kbin magazine or Lemmy community) * Must be compatible with this magazine's rules (not an instance that supports hate speech, etc.) Given the pace people are setting up new instances, a complete list will eventually be quite long, so I'll link this thread in the sidebar too.

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Apple’s biggest competition in India? Used iPhone sellers

    “We give them the same phone, in the same brand-new condition,” says one seller.

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Supplier capacity may limit Vision Pro shipments

    Sources said Sony's OLEDoS capacity means Apple will only be able to ship hundreds of thousands of Vision Pro at most next year.

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Question Of The Week: What's an app you'd like to try in visionOS?

    Can be an app that exists on other platforms or a new idea, as long as you don't mind sharing. Since we're still a relatively small magazine it might be fun to have a conversation starter as a sticky post each week. Next Saturday I'll start a thread to collect ideas for the following week's question!

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    M2 Ultra appears in Geekbench 6 and GFXBench benchmark indexes

    "On the surface, these results seem to show that the GPU in the new M2 Ultra is highly formidable, offering GPU compute performance somewhere between a GeForce RTX 4070 Ti and RTX 4080."

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    CCP to require identifiable information from AirDrop users, citing national security

    The move comes after anti-government protesters in China used AirDrop to share content, bypassing strict internet censorship.

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Apple TV to Support VPN Apps on tvOS 17

    "VPN apps could allow for Apple TV users to watch geo-restricted content… however it is possible that Apple could restrict usage of the apps."

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Infinite Mac: Classic Macs running in the browser

    Infinite Mac is a collection of classic Macintosh system releases and software, all easily accessible from the comfort of a web browser.

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Web Apps on macOS Sonoma 14 Beta

    A detailed look at how Sonoma's Web Apps integrate with macOS and what capabilities they offer.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    /kbin meta tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Is there a Patreon/Ko-Fi/OpenCollective for Kbin?

    What's the best way for us to chip in and help fund Kbin's development or the hosting costs for

    Technology tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Pakistan’s 4-day internet shutdown was the final straw for its tech workers

    Pakistan is becoming a case study on how tech workers are impacted by political instability. Many now want out.

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    With iPadOS 17, Stage Manager Is (Finally) Moving in the Right Direction

    "Apple listened to feedback about Stage Manager and – at least so far – implemented the key improvements I wanted to see."

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    John Gruber's first impressions of Vision Pro and VisionOS

    "I got to spend about 30 minutes Monday afternoon using a Vision Pro and VisionOS at Apple Park…"

    Mechanical Keyboards tojikomori 1 year ago 100%

    Tool for comparing keycap profiles.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Anime tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    The Anime You Should Have Watched in Spring 2013

    Travel back ten years and revisit some fan favorite anime and hidden gems.

    Square Enix Reveals New Dragon Quest Monsters Game for Switch

    Square Enix revealed that it is developing a new game in the Dragon Quest Monsters spinoff game series to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the game series.

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Apple’s new Proton-like developer tool can run Windows games on a Mac

    Developers now have some serious tools to help port Windows games to Mac…

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    WWDC 2023: watchOS 10’s redesign

    Though all of Apple’s operating systems got attention during this year’s Worldwide Developers Conference, watchOS 10 got perhaps the biggest overhaul…

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Apple announces winners of the 2023 Apple Design Awards

    Today, Apple unveiled the winners of its annual Apple Design Awards, celebrating 12 best-in-class apps and games.

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    WWDC 2023 keynote announcements roundup

    Collection of links covering today's announcements during the WWDC keynote. ### Mac ### * 15" M2 MacBook Air * [Ars Technica]( * [Engadget]( * [Engadget on the Air vs competition]( * [MacRumors]( * [Tom's Guide]( * Mac Studio (M2 Max, M2 Ultra) * [Ars Technica]( * [Engadget]( * [MacRumors]( * [Tom's Guide]( * M2 Ultra chip * [Engadget]( * [MacRumors]( * [Tom's Hardware]( * M2 Ultra Mac Pro * [Ars Technica]( * [Engadget]( * [MacRumors]( * [Tom's Guide]( * [Tom's Hardware]( ### iOS and iPad OS 17 ### * General (Phone, FaceTime, Messages updates, keyboard improvements) * [AppleInsider]( * [Ars Technica]( * [Engadget on Live Voicemail, StandBy, Journal]( * [Engadget on lock screen, widgets, Apple Health]( * [MacRumors]( * [Tom's Guide on iOS 17]( * [Tom's Guide on iOS 17's "best" features]( * [Tom's Guide on iPad OS 17]( * Accessibility features (Assistive Access, Live Speech, Point and Speak) * [Engadget]( * NameDrop (AirDrop contacts) * [MacRumors]( * Journal app * [Engadget]( * [MacRumors]( * Custom lock screens * [AppleInsider]( * [MacRumors]( ### macOS Sonoma ### * General (desktop widgets, widget continuity with iOS, camera effects) * [AppleInsider]( * [Ars Technica]( * [Engadget]( * [MacRumors]( * [Tom's Guide]( * Metal enhancements (game mode, game porting toolkit) * [MacRumors on Game Mode]( * Hideo Kojima announced Death Stranding Director's Cut * [AppleInsider]( * [Engadget]( * Safari updates (privacy features, profiles, web apps) * [Engadget]( ### Audio and video ### * AirPods adaptive audio * [AppleInsider]( * [Ars Technica]( * [Engadget]( * [MacRumors]( * AirPlay improvements (AirPlay in Hotels, contextual prompts) * [MacRumors]( * SharePlay for cars * (lol nobody cares) * tvOS (continuity camera, control center) * [AppleInsider]( * [Engadget]( * [MacRumors on control center]( * [MacRumors on continuity camera]( * [Tom's Guide]( ### watchOS (widgets, redesign, workouts) ### * [AppleInsider]( * [Ars Technica]( * [Engadget]( * [MacRumors]( * [Tom's Guide]( ### Vision Pro and visionOS ### * [AppleInsider]( * [AppleInsider: visionOS App Store]( * [AppleInsider: Disney collaboration]( * [AppleInsider: Apple Arcade]( * [Ars Technica]( * [Engadget]( * [Engadget: visionOS]( * [Engadget: Optic ID]( * [MacRumors]( * [Tom's Guide]( * [Tom's Hardware](

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    App Store Story: What the Heck Is Mastodon?

    App Store story highlighting Ivory, Mona, Mastonaut, and other Mastodon apps for Mac and iOS.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    /kbin meta tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Visible markdown in article summaries

    Kbin currently creates article summaries by clipping pre-rendered markdown, which then becomes visible markdown when the summary gets rendered on the magazine's index page. For example, see the pinned post ("Welcome to the Apple magazine!") as rendered in the [/m/apple]( index page. I suspect this one's tricky to solve, and a pretty minor paper cut in the scheme of things, but it's funky. (By the way, I hope it's ok to report issues like this here! I don't currently have a Codeberg account, but if you'd prefer I create one and post this as an issue there then please LMK.)

    Apple tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Welcome to the Apple magazine!

    [Kbin]( is a new Reddit-like content aggregator for the Fediverse, and this is a "magazine" (subreddit) for Apple news and discussions on the []( instance. Kbin itself is in early beta and remains a work in progress, so there are still some rough edges, but it's already a better experience than Ventura's System Settings. If you have questions or suggestions for this magazine, please ask away in this thread! Questions and suggestions about Kbin itself belong in [kbinMeta]( This magazine's logo is Rob Janoff's original logo for Apple Computer, sourced from [Wikimedia Commons]( and [under public domain]( in the United States. It's pretty neat.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    /kbin meta tojikomori 1 year ago 100%
    Boosting and upvoting are conceptually different

    Update: this has now been resolved by [changes to Kbin's voting system:]( > > > From now on, upvotes work just like on Lemmy - they are equivalent to Mastodon's "favourite." You can boost a post using the button that replaced "favourite." > > Original post below: --- When I joined yesterday I couldn't understand why people were so stingy with upvotes. On Reddit I'd liberally upvote anything I thought contributed to the conversation, even if I disagreed with it or if it was just a question I thought deserved attention. After seeing how kbin federates with other instances, I understand why people are reluctant to upvote things here: an upvote on kbin manifests as a boost in the Fediverse. I think those two things are conceptually different. A *boost* in the fediverse implies enthusiastic endorsement, and also brings things into other people's timelines without surrounding context. It also makes kbin accounts very busy things to follow from a microblog app like Mastodon. I'm curious if others here agree, and if [@ernest]( is open to us brainstorming other ideas/approaches, or it's considered a critical/unmovable aspect of kbin's interactions with the fediverse.
