palestine Palestine Man Self-Immolates In Front of Israeli Consulate in Boston
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    6 days ago 100%

    Only 5.000 views, wtf...

    "My name is Matt Nelson, and I'm about to engage in an extreme act of protest.
    We are all culpable in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
    We call ourselves the greatest nation in history, yet we spend more on weapons of war than we do on educating our children, helping the homeless, ensuring all Americans have equal rights, and protecting the environment combined.
    We are slaves to capitalism and the military industrial complex. Most of us are too apathetic to care.
    The protest I am about to engage in is a call to our government to stop supplying Israel with the money and weapons it uses to imprison and murder innocent Palestinians, to pressure Israel to end the genocide in Gaza, and to support the ICC indictment of Benjamin Netanyahu and other members of the Israeli government.
    I urge any of you who are of the same mind to call your senators and representatives and demand that they introduce and advance legislation to achieve these goals. If sitting lawmakers won't, vote for those who will.
    A democracy is supposed to serve the will of the people, not the interests of the wealthy.
    Take the power back. Free Palestine."

  • palestine
    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 2 weeks ago 100%
    That's in the west bank Israelis are defending themselves from people weaker than them, so brave. It's a unilateral massacre of civilians, nothing like a war, and the result of indoctrinating israelis since their birth to f*cking hate palestinians. At least Russia's claim about n.a.t.o.'s encroaching the Black Sea and the surroundings of Moscow is more valid, and could have easily been avoided(, if we listened to their demands of a "sphere of influence"). A few millions of poor palestinians can't manage to [defend]( themselves or [their territory](, they're not a threat justifying a ~~war~~ unilateral massacre And by creating much more palestinian terrorists/resistants than they've murdered, their security has been lowered, if "Bibi" wasn't already on this path, now any future peace plan is even more compromised, **Yigal Amir has won**. There may not be anyone right now to stop them from taking always more, but perhaps that, one day, israelis will be treated like they treated palestinians for a change. And we(sterners) will also be treated like we treated the rest of the world(, e.g., maintained in poverty/inequality, used in proxy wars, feeling our powerlessness, etc.). Or we could also evolve to avoid international domination/hegemony. (Still think that one day every nation will fragment into city-states and borders will be meaningless, for Israel as well. Or not. And that a good plan could be to change them into something closer to islam and the policies/decisions of the islamic states, perhaps)

    World News soumerd_retardataire 4 weeks ago 95%
    Such a dictatorship

    From In the u.s.s.r. as well b.t.w. : ![]( From [USSR : 100 Questions and Answers]( Quite a lot to say about this accusation of dictatorship, but here's one : Or two : Etc. It's useless to point out that we'd never have heard of these accusations if they were capitalists. And they're [supported]( by [leftists]( Well, sanctions do a good job to destroy their country anyway...

    Catholicism soumerd_retardataire 4 weeks ago 60%

    palestine Palestine The Lesser Evil
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 month ago 33%
    Here, i'm trying to add nuances to what i wrote, i guess that i don't have time to really argue on the Internet with people who'd disagree with me, yet the desire is still very much there, i don't like echo chambers :

    We'll regret our current republic if times go 't/r'ough, since that usually means a more authoritarian governement.
    Without robot-slaves, it'd also seem unavoidable that the wealthier will desire a higher rent to sustain a way of living and live above the peasants, if they need 10 times the peasant's salary to do so, then we'd tend towards 10% of (neo-)nobles and 90% of (neo-)peasants.
    It's true that every(?) society of large enough scale was divided between the workers, (the soldiers, the clergy, ...), and the privileged class, who didn't have to work(, except for taking care of fortune). One could argue that nobles of the past had more responsabilities than nowadays capitalists(, as well as an even more pronounced inequality in the face of the judicial system), but it'd be more interesting to know if technology will avoid the return to the "natural" order between the laborious class and the noble/annuitant one.

    There's a future in which capitalism could still lead to a utopia, e.g. with robot-slaves, that'd make my/our fears wrong :

    Despite what i wrote in this comment, better times are ahead, in particular thanks to these "robot-slaves", and while everyone wants more, i don't think we're evil to the point of refusing a mostly labor-free life to every human on earth if we have the capacity to do so.
    Capitalism wouldn't announce an horrible future if we can still eat freely, if money/'renting your body/time' stop being a necessity, it could lead to some socialist ideals in a utopia.
    I refuse to be cynical to the point of believing that the capitalists' greed would be more important to them than allowing technology to free from (the loss of their entire lives to )work.s they hate.

    Perhaps will i be old enough to see that happening, i don't think that we're evil, and i dare think that nobody is, we could very well be allowed to live in a utopia, they don't hate their population.
    Hence, i don't really care of what we're doing in our countries, if capitalists want to stay in power and enjoy their privileges, then so be it.

    The solution to our fight against other countries, to our desire of security, to the threat of cultural hegemony, would be to be united in diversity, it's doable&desirable :

    What's annoying is refusing to allow/'live with' countries that want to walk a different path, we need this diversity to think ouside the box, if every creation is a little birth then every synthesis is a little death.
    We have to cohabitate, and while i'd prefer to live in a communist utopia like everyone on Lemmygrad, i wouldn't want capitalism(, royalism, etc.,) to disappear all over the world, it's their problem, and it's interesting to know how they'll evolve.

    The usual counter-argument is that we have to coup/"convert" other countries because it makes us more secure, i don't think that cultural hegemony is the only way to prevent military invasions, and i'd go as far as to say that it's also not the only way to prevent covert operations and foreign propaganda, we need to have rules against them and a way to enforce them.
    Capitalists would have to be certain that their privileges wouldn't be overthrtrown by a communist revolution for them to accept socialist countries.
    Or perhaps that these "robot-slaves" will make useless this need for a superior monetary/social position, having your basic needs met should be enough for everyone, independent communities with their own rules could flourish in the "land of the free", who knows what the future has in store.


    If the only reason for the moderator to have deleted my comment is that it was confusing as said in the modlog, then i hope that these titles quickly written will have solved the problem. If that really was the only motive for deletion.

  • palestine Palestine The Lesser Evil
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 month ago 50%

    If the real problem is only that it is too confusing, if i'm to believe the moderator, then here it is with explanations :

    Answer to -6-6-6- about France as a vassal of the 3rd most populated country on Earth, the u.s.a., or, in his words, « France, like the rest of Europe, grovels at the will of the American Empire and does exactly what it demands of it. » :

    Oh yeah(, the last paragraphs of stayed on my mind, and divided we(sterners) will be more easily conquerable), 100%, you won't find many people here to contradict you.

    Answer to the rest of -6-6-6-'s answer about the influence of wealth in our society or, in his words, « The funny part is that in France the capitalist bourgeoise also control the government and just use different mechanisms of power to do so. » :
    On medias ownership in capitalist-owned countries :

    The most obvious is the control of the medias, it'd be different if every single french media was saying that Venezuela is awesome and mocking the awful capitalists for being conspiratorial about the elections of countries they dislike.
    Instead, every single french media will underline that venezuelans need to be saved from a tyrant, the same goes for other countries.
    That's why american medias could easily make Bernie Sanders president if they changed their definition of "objectivity".
    That's why most people never heard of the awesome Jill Stein or other 3rd party candidates, France is obviously no exception with little candidates hardly spoken of.

    On preventing citizens to present themselves in an election in capitalist-owned countries :

    A less obvious one is that in France we don't even need to explicitly ban political opponents(, awful when it happens in Venezuela, but not in Ecuador or many other countries, they almost succeeded with D.Trump, and apparently succeeded with R.Kennedy), we only have to require candidates to have hundreds of signatures/endorsements from mayors.
    Hence, only a handful of candidates manage to get these endorsements, and not only did this number of required signatures went up, but it's not anonymous anymore(, with the possibility of repercussions).
    As expected, while anti-Europe or anti-imperialist candidates could have gotten enough signatures in the past(, strangely), they don't anymore(, and even if they did the medias wouldn't talk about such a little candidate, frankly never heard of by people i've spoken to).
    Even very large political parties only get their signatures in the last weeks, weird.
    My candidate would have been Clara Egger on this list of the citizens who tried to have these signatures, but i've never heard of most of them.

    On election fraud in capitalist-owned countries :

    And that's not even considering that they may be cheating, which wouldn't surprise me honestly.

    Other influences of capitalists :

    Obviously it doesn't stop there : you need money in politics, and the thieves/capitalists sponsors don't want 'to give back'/taxes. Medias aren't enough for our oligarchs, they also want control over the education, survey institutes, think tanks, as well as helping our capitalist-owned state in meddling in foreign countries, which is the real crime here i.m.o. : destroy your country if you want, but leave others alone.

    Conclusion about elections :

    People aren't stupid, on the contrary, but they don't have the time to document themselves, they don't know that we're being manipulated.

    Out-of-topic : On Israel and the medias :

    I do have to acknowledge that i expected more support for Israel, but the latter only said that it wants to take revenge for the (very partial )revenge taken by palestinians on Oct.7th. Israel tried to argue that it was more than revenge that guided its actions/'useless murders', but the argument of protection wasn't bought by our medias, and since we agreed on our previous western wars that revenge was enough of a motive, Israel thought that it didn't need to do more(, we did pretend that the hostages weren't released because of "Hamas", and not because Israel refused to agree with a permanent ceasefire in exchange).
    Still, i expected more support for Israel, not sure if/'how much' it helped in restraining israelis.

    Out-of-topic : On the medias and the islamists fighters/separatists/heroes/terrorists/rebels/martyrs/humans/murderers/victims/..{choose your denomination} in western Africa :

    A good example of propaganda is that islamists in the Alliance of Sahel States are now progressively painted as the good guys since they're fighting Russia(, even if i don't expect us to go very far in that direction, we didn't talk a lot about them in the past and will continue to do so, but the shift of narrative is very obvious, they're promoted from terrorists to rebels now). Unbelievable i know since we fought them until very recently, and at least as late as president Hollande, but it's similar to what we did with Bin-Laden in Afghanistan against the soviets after all(, or in Yugoslavia, Chechnya, Xinjiang, ..., whatever serves our temporary interest).

    To be fair, a reminder that censorship/bias/manipulation isn't only anti-communist, but on both sides of the Overton window(, which doesn't have only two directions b.t.w.) :

    And the propaganda isn't only anti-communist, but anti-fascist as well(, the far-right doesn't identify itself with fascism though). Of course, you're not going to like this obvious statement, and rightly state that at least far-right movements are supported by some billionaires, it's just that the censorship&manipulation is directed towards both sides of the Overton window.

    A reminder that more direct state censorship is also practiced in western countries :

    Then there's also direct state censorship, with so many examples(, "disinformation", anti-"terrorism apologia", "foreign actors", even Rumble has been banned), but oligarch manipulations is probably more influent, not as if it was a competition.
    Sure, things could be worse, especially since we still have the Internet(, for now ?), but keeping power isn't that hard to do, even if the global distrust towards (legacy/mainstream )medias is a growing thorn is the side.

  • palestine Palestine The Lesser Evil
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 month ago 0%

    Oh, i was thinking that the confusion you were alluding to was about the last paragraphs that were added.

    It has been deleted but you can still read it in the modlog if you want me to develop 1-2 paragraph.

  • palestine Palestine The Lesser Evil
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 month ago 83%

    America's weird for never voting 3rd parties, i personally don't care to vote for someone who'll only get 1% in the end, and certainly wouldn't vote for the "lesser evil" as long as i have a choice.
    Well, that's an american thing i never understood, i hope that France won't end up as much of a two-party system as the u.s., 🤷

  • palestine
    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 1 month ago 100%
    « Maybe the problem is that we have a system that only lets us choose between politicians who want to feed children to hyenas »

    Read the rest here : Other sources : Monster :

    china China More than half of the cars sold in China last month were electric !
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 month ago 100%

    Yeah, and everyone should be happy about this, a greener Earth is a good thing for everyone, they did it, and we can avoid the apocalypse by simply copying them(, not on coal but on everything else, and they're not only successful in ecology, we're so aggressive, as if collaboration/harmony wasn't desirable&doable).
    Usually, it's "their system is better than ours in those domains, and i want to imitate that", here it's more that we're going to die by the end of century because the forces of the market aren't quick enough, apparently.
    As in Wandering Earth, we could collaborate peacefully, at least if it's a question of survival ?
    What i was trying to point out is that ecology was already very much discussed in the 60s, with the question of the scarcity of ressources already in mind contrary to what one could have thought(, now there's some talk of "eco-terrorists", but again eco-fascism isn't a word that appeared last year), and the majority of the population believes that we're going to die if we don't do something, and we've already killed a large part of the biosphere.
    If our leaders believe that we absolutely have to act NOW, like we're being told, then journalists should help the viewer understand why the current strategy to survive( climate change) hasn't borne fruits yet, or is it not an imminent threat that has to be resolved ? Perhaps are we already doing the most that can be done, and/or are on a good track, so there's no reason to talk about it anymore ? Well, the People's Republic of China found a more efficient solution, yet we're not glad to have a greater chance of survival ? Are we even going to use it ?

    I'm not satisfied with what i wrote, i'm trying to write in a logical manner, but it still appears to be nonsensical.
    There's either a big conspiracy to make us believe that climate change is real, or we indeed have to act NOW because we're not even sure if we'll make it in time to stabilize the rising temperature of the planet. I don't see a third option(, we're already 'doing what we can'/'on a good track' ?).
    My uneasiness may originate from me not having grasped the fact(?) that we're going to die because we're not changing our behaviors fast enough, and/or i suppose that any talk of impedent doom wouldn't seem serious in the first place.
    A majority may indeed believe in the urgency of climate, but perhaps only in theory, as some distant conceptual object, i.d.k., but we're not voting for the most ecological political parties b.t.w., perhaps are we kinda hoping that the temperatures will stop rising by themselves, or that we'll find out that we were already quick enough, 🤷.
    If we have 'to change/act now'/'no time left 'for more experimentations'/'to find a better method'' though, then we should be glad that a safer/'more successful' method has been found, and increase our chances of survival by imitating it.

    A long comment that should probably have been reduced to a few sentences, ~sry.

  • china
    China soumerd_retardataire 1 month ago 100%
    More than half of the cars sold in China last month were electric !

    « Over the 16-year period since 2008, the number of years it takes for an average Chinese manufacturing worker to afford a basic plug-in EV has fallen from ~9 years to <1. This is while the technical/performance specs have increased dramatically. » ![]( Solar : [« This year, China will add more solar power than the US’ entire installed capacity! 🔹hOw aBoUt cOaL? China will add 50GW of coal power plants this year, while adding 200GW of renewable. »]( ![]( ![]( More : [1](, [2](, [3](, [4]( Nuclear as well : ![]( Oil : ![]( [And everything else really]( Even [forests]( And [pollution]( : ![]( [« China’s pollution levels in 2021 had fallen 42% from 2013 »]( [«If China’s contribution were disregarded, global air pollution would have increased, not declined, in the 2010s »]( : ![]( Finally : [1](, [2](, etc. Seems like the future isn't here.

    worldnews World News A.Henry, western-backed unelected prime minister after the (western?) assassination of J.Moïse, resigned recently. Do you think Haïti was purposefully placed in the "axis of Evil" here ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    And while we can't see the west's hand everywhere, it's interesting to point out these kind of events our medias are ignoring, such as Haiti or Bangladesh :
    (or we'll talk about Venezuela instead of Rwanda or Tunisia(sry🤷), this kind of things, and when we talk about something it's in order to act, out of "duty" or sthg)

    t'was the main reason of the post above 🤷(, besides hoping to learn 1-2 things)(, i don't intend to make one about Bangladesh but it's always worth spending a few hours to learn more)

    Thanks for the discussion

  • worldnews World News A.Henry, western-backed unelected prime minister after the (western?) assassination of J.Moïse, resigned recently. Do you think Haïti was purposefully placed in the "axis of Evil" here ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 50%

    You're saying that this program was a bad thing for the venezuelan/haitian/nicaraguan/cuban population, and i'm saying that 3 out of the 4 countries' names were considered "terrorists" or w/e, without judging whether such decision was bad or a good, and mostly as an excuse to learn about Haiti.

    This decision may have been taken solely on the basis of the number of illegal migrants, and not according to the ideology adopted by these nations(, although these two things are linked since by destroying their countries we're creating a strong emigration).

    But yes, i easily agree with you that the number of immigrants increased since the adoption of these immigration permits, and hence canceling them could be seen as a "good" thing for these countries. Instead of acknowledging that, i presented(, although not explicitly,) this decision as some kind of punishment towards these countries, sorry for that.

    As a last note : if what matters here is whether this decision is a punishment or not, it should be asked if « The policy, introduced for Venezuelans in October 2022, and for the other three nationalities in January 2023 », was then purposefully directed at haitians in order to punish them for something ? Perhaps not.
    Well, i.d.k., just thought it was weird to see its name alongside the three others, it reminded me that anti-westerners have been quite vocal there these last years, and i only wanted to make a post about it i guess

    edit : At the same time, i wouldn't be surprised to learn that i've made a mistake by agreeing with you that emigration will always weaken the country of origin, you could think that they may come back later with money, contacts, and diplomas, that they'll send money to their family while working in the u.s., etc. If you have data that clearly illustrate your point i'm interested, from what i gathered it depends on the nature of the country of emigration(, e.g., it was a clear loss for the u.s.s.r. since education was free ?). It doesn't seem to be something that everyone agrees with.
    Which would mean that stopping this policy could in fact be a punishment instead of a good development(, even if that is still not my personal opinion : i agree with your reasoning that migrants mostly strengthens the country of immigration compared to their country of origin, larger is usually better, the arguments of the anti-immigrants are usually cultural and not economic b.t.w., and they're often natalists).

  • worldnews World News A.Henry, western-backed unelected prime minister after the (western?) assassination of J.Moïse, resigned recently. Do you think Haïti was purposefully placed in the "axis of Evil" here ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 50%

    Totally unrelated, but americans get offended when i'm implying that they're not christians, and i think that very few israelis are indeed jews. But if we were truly religious according to my criteria we would just be destroyed by those who aren't :

    "Thou shall not kill" is great in theory, and it's easy to say that i'd gladly prefer to be harmed than to harm, even to the point of being killed rather than defending myself ; that even the "Hitlers" wouldn't be fought back by me, but what about defending someone else ?
    I'm glad that many people( i haven't read) researched what a "just war" meant in the past, yet i don't think that those harming others for "good" are right either.
    I don't know...

  • worldnews
    World News soumerd_retardataire 2 months ago 94%
    A.Henry, western-backed unelected prime minister after the (western?) assassination of J.Moïse, resigned recently. Do you think Haïti was purposefully placed in the "axis of Evil" here ?

    Like, openly western-backed : And here's the article : ====== I don't expect any definitive answer, but i/we could perhaps learn a few things in this thread. Most people here already know that Kenya has been called to restore order(, and [keep]( being [pro-west](, otherwise we'd encourage riots as usual). Last time it was [Canada](, although more things probably happened since then. Of course, they're paid [less than a dollar an hour]( and are expected to be grateful to even have a job, that opening their economy to foreign investors will bring them prosperity to all, or w/e. As far as i remember, the assassins of Jovenel Moïse were mercenaries captured in Columbia ? A dead-end apparently, weird that they managed to capture them without learning the contractor's identity, perhaps were they hired without being aware of it, i don't know much about this. It's out of topic, but damn do i keep remembering the awful tortures inflicted for YEARS to presumed masterminds of 9/11, they went to hospitals SEVERAL times because of anal bleeding and i can't imagine how much they begged to be allowed to die, we'll never know what depraved torments they had to live through, and i don't know if it's worse than the millions of people we killed, but it's so awful, i keep thinking about this and wanted to place it somewhere. Yet Julian Assange has been freed, there are also many other good news. Anyway, if you have some informations to share i'm interested.

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 2 months ago 100%
    Water is Hamas... How many more will have to die ?

    worldnews World News Venezuela's Maduro wins third term: electoral authority
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    And it was the birthday of el Comandante/Presidente Hugo Chávez yesterday.

    An amazing victory despite all the fucking unjust western interferences and sanctions who destroyed their glorious country. Let's destroy the u.s.a. so we shall see if they'll elect a communist in order to escape further destruction.
    But then some people will complain about frauds instead of western interferences/sanctions, fuck them.
    B.t.w., even if we can never be certain that fraud didn't occur, including in western countries :

    And polls are unreliable, so the opposition cannot use them to affirm their victory :

    Also :

    I guess there's no need to be angry, and i'm still so happy for the liberation of Julian Assange, just disappointed by the lack of support of (one of )the last french "leftist" newspaper, but there's no reason to be surprised here as well, only Internet is left.

  • technology Technology Wow, that is so important( if true) !!
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 25%

    He's transphobic but that's the only point i'll agree with(, a.f.a.i.k., he thinks that anti-transphobia is encouraging transexual thoughts at the difficult time of puberty, i don't( care)), he's clearly not a fachist since he's even in favor of direct democracy and is always talking about being driven by virtue. Even in international relations he's weirdly not anti-China nor anti-Russia(, and had problems because of that). And i guess i'd still feel indebted to him even if he was a white supremacist since those two things don't overlap, but it'd be better to stop developing here. Again, thank you very much for developing your point of view, even if i don't agree.

    I unfortunately haven't synthesized my notes about neo-colonialism, but please tell me if you know better authors than : Jason Hickel, Ha-Joon Chang, Zak Cope, and Erik Reinert.
    (I'm less interested by older authors such as Samir Amin)
    I'm still shocked many years later to have discovered that western countries(, who had a headstart,) are still growing faster than so-called poor(exploited) countries. With the exception of the few countries who didn't listened to the "unholy trinity" of the i.m.f., the world bank, and the w.t.o.. And it's weird that our closest political allies such as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, or Israel, are coincidentally those who escaped the fate of every other country(, ex-english colonies also weirdly fared better than ex-french ones), if i'm skipping many arguments in the end i believe that the root of our problems that prevent a true international solidarity/'mutual aid' is that we're afraid of allowing potential enemies to develop, we want to keep our control, even at the expense of global equality, there's perhaps also a bit of selfishness/nationalism of course.

  • technology Technology Wow, that is so important( if true) !!
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 20%

    I didn't expected a serious answer, thank you very much for the effort.

    I don't believe that introducing androids will lead to communism, but such a change is hard to anticipate : what will we(sterners) do with all these unemployed ? Allowing them to live like the nobles of the past and encouraging them to pursue higher goals than solely pleasure(, e.g., playing video games and/or partying all day) ? I don't know, but getting rid of jobs we hate doing wouldn't make the western world a worst place(, well, except in this case though)
    Or we'll just become useless for the powerful, and barely survive :

    Furthermore, is a billionaire's "successes" his to appropriate? Who created his capital? Why does he own others' labour to exploit?

    I know, Elon Musk is akin to Thomas Edison, clearly not Nikola Tesla. But i don't have an answer to the argument that "his" many discoveries would have happened many years later without him. Hence why i can only feel grateful.

    And since this is the second time you're talking about it, i can talk quite a bit about neo-colonialism if you want to exchange authors recommendations. I've personally lived in a van since 2015 and rarely have more than 1000€ in my bank account(, time's more precious than money, no regret), yet i'll insist until the end to explain why i'm very clearly in the aristocracy of the labour class, it's not even something that can be questioned for it is very obvious. I don't see why only the west would have access to androids if that was your argument, and yeah, it won't be a solution to neo-colonialism either.

  • technology Technology Wow, that is so important( if true) !!
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 14%

    If his past successes don't make you believe in his ability for more successes in the future, then you're entirely free to believe so !
    As i wrote in the selftext : let's wait until China does its own androids, perhaps only then will Lemmygrad begin to praise this technology.

  • technology Technology Wow, that is so important( if true) !!
    palestine Palestine That's the finance minister. Fortunately, this vote 'does not have legal significance'/'is only declaratory'.
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 66%

    They killed negotiators as well, and there's a possibility that they'd kill V.Zelensky if he (re)joined Belarus and Russia at the expense of their european "dream".

    If i'm cynical, and pretend that we can know the future(, afghans and many others, including separatists during colonization, or communists during the Cold War, proved that some impossible fights can be won despite the odds) :

    • If palestinians can win, then they will take back their land, and the jewish dream of rebuilding the Jerusalem's temple will disappear. Jews will still be able to live on these lands, but not with their own laws(, an ethnostate isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's a preservation of diversity).
    • If palestinians can't win, then they should do what they can to enable a two-states solution, and in my eyes it's the right-wing part of israelis politicians that prevented many attempts, at least from what i know. I've talked elsewhere of other solutions, but i don't know. I like the idea of a world united to colonize, e.g., Mars, in order to give it to the whole islamic community in exchange, but i guess that it would be taken even less seriously than giving palestinians a part of Europe or the u.s.a., way better than the one they're losing, and a one-state solution wouldn't be the jewish ethnostate israelis want.
      I don't know, they can't just submit and die, or lose their land(, without receiving something of equal value), it's clearly not fair, and hence can/must not be accepted. The palestinian suffering of these last decades is more obvious than the israelis we're supposed to pity. I don't see why Israel isn't satisfied with the lands they already have, i don't know what palestinians can still do at this point.
    • Besides palestinians, if we're considering a united muslim world, and if it can't win as well, then it would have preferred if Israel was at its fringes and not in its heart/center, that's a shard. However, judaism is not a foreign religion, and we're still talking of a relatively small territory. If there's no choice, then Israel could perhaps be seen as a way to keep a bond somewhere with the origins of islam.
      Israel will/can never be as important as real (large )countries : the Maghreb, the Arabic peninsula, Türkiye, Persia/Iran, the north of India and even further east and north, the muslim world is so vast that they could afford a shard, even in its heart, and that'd be a bit like a museum, with muslims tourists going to Israel interested to see what people believed in the times of the Prophet, and grateful that we kept a.n originality/curiosity like this one.
      It'd be thinking that they didn't unilaterally lost a land by agreeing to a "two-states solution" with the borders of 1967, but obtained a weird one in exchange, some kind of relic of the past, a curiosity that the muslim world(, as a whole,) could afford due to its vastness(, unfortunately still not united enough according to me, since they didn't defend each other in the past, it's so insulting to criticize them, and say that they shouldn't be poor, but it's the fate of many continents, i'll always bet on them and i hope that they'll be back stronger than ever soon, e.g., french people would emigrate to Algeria because the salary would be twice the french average, if the world is still as unfair as the current one).


    • If ukrainians can win, they'll be able to help in destroying/westernizing Russia.
    • If they don't, then i don't see why it'd be so awful to abandon their n.a.t.o&e.u. desire(, they could even gain more than their territories by uniting with Belarus&Russia again). A frozen conflict has also been mentioned.
      They wouldn't necessarily have to follow many russian laws, in the same way that european countries have european laws, what they'd only really lose is their ability to help anti-russians, i suppose.
      The history/past(, as well as post-1991 events,), their geographical position, or the concentration of Russia 'on its west'/'around Moscow', are factors that made russians consider that Ukraine would be too dangerous in the hands of enemies(partners?). I'll add that the population has always been manipulated by the powerful/wealthy and that state entities also had an interest in manipulating ukrainians ; so, while Russia tried its best to manipulate as much as it could, it didn't succeed.
      Being asked to come back is not the worst sacrifice one could imagine, they were a team after all, it's such a waste. I know that such a change of side wouldn't happen overnight so i don't think it will, it's only my personal belief it should. They will probably choose to be some kind of demilitarized "buffer state", and perhaps that links could be created again along the following decades, or russian presidents would fail somehow, and lose Ukraine again.
      Switching to the west despite the bad economic outcomes resulting from listening to us doesn't make sense either, they made a decision in 1991, because they expected results that weren't obtained in more than one part. Perhaps that this thing of giving to their citizens companies' shares could have worked with some more rules, such as not being able to sell them, i.d.k., it's not people here that would tell they shouldn't be proud of their past. Before them socialism was only an idea, they proved it worked, and vigorously, they survived but apparently afterwards were promised peace if the Cold War ended.
      Peace with a country won't happen until its submission, unless we find a way to stop fearing the rise of opponents.

    And :

    • If israelis can win, they'll be able to take the lands they want, even from Lebanon why not.
    • If they can't, then there's no reason to refuse the two-states solution i guess, as well as finding a way to improve their relations with their neighbours, if it's possible. Perhaps that one day the israeli army would fight against 'the u.s.a.'/Russia/China/'a.n african/european country'/.. alongside an islamic country in order to defend them.
      The Holy Quran talks with a lot of respect of jewish prophets, religious people should go along well, i clearly don't believe in some kind of inherent antisemitism in islam(, on the contrary)(, and they obviously wouldn't care about Israel at all if it was in Europe or the u.s.a. instead). Jewish people will always be people that should convert(, like the samaritans of the past), but they're not enemies. (Religions were supposedly enough to bring the Kingdom/City of God upon Earth...)


    • If russians can win, they'll destroy the western part of Ukraine that refuses to join them(, they've stopped at the anti-n.a.t.o. part), by putting them on their side, or forcing a part of them to join a european country such as Poland. They'll also be able to solve the problem of Transnistria.
    • If they can't, then they'll be destroyed/westernized. It wasn't great during the 90s, they'll be dismantled into a few parts by a western support of separatists, and quite a lot of countries would cease to receive their help.

    Not a great comment but, i.d.k., tell me if you have a thought about it ?

  • palestine Palestine That's the finance minister. Fortunately, this vote 'does not have legal significance'/'is only declaratory'.
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    Yeah :

    And they're talking elsewhere about being/having proud warriors but are only killing disarmed civilians.

  • palestine
    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 2 months ago 100%
    That's the finance minister. Fortunately, this vote 'does not have legal significance'/'is only declaratory'. Yeah, by sovereignty, he's referring to West Bank annexation. Iran has been warning us for decades.

    China soumerd_retardataire 3 months ago 100%
    You've certainly never heard of this absolutely crazy historical accomplishment ! It's very hard to find an article about this.

    ![]( From In a related topic, most of us never saw chinese blockbusters (, and usually not movies from other countries) But we're a democracy fighting for freedom while they're an evil dictatorship whose citizens are praying to be liberated. Also(, it's (kinda )out of topic but on my mind currently), as Zak Cope pointed out in « The wealth of (some) nations », so called "communist" western political parties aren't internationalist/humanist : ![]( And if the last communist countries can't realistically help other countries even more than they're currently doing because it may 'weaken them'&'cause their destruction', then they only have to make public declarations that, once certain metrics are realized ensuring their long-lasting survival, then measures of wealth equality among countries will then automatically be taken, it's not hard to do better than those/westerners/nationalists who aren't even trying(, on the contrary, i'm often remembering that Thomas Jefferson tried to prevent the publication of Ricardo's *Principles* in the u.s.a.(, Reinert 1996, p. 5) ; even if 'free trade'//protectionism and the principle of infant-industries is only a part of neo-colonialism, it's good to remember that « throughout the nineteenth century and up to the 1920s, the USA was the fastest growing economy in the world, despite being the most protectionist during almost all of this period »). [edit1]( : « Important as tariff protection may have been in the development of most NDCs[, Newly Developed Countries, from XVIIIth-century Britain to XXth-century Korea], it was — I repeat — by no means the only, nor even necessarily the most important, policy tool used by these countries in promoting infant industries. There were many other tools, such as export subsidies, tariff rebates on inputs used for exports, conferring of monopoly rights, cartel arrangements, directed credits, investment planning, manpower planning, R&D supports and the promotion of institutions that allow public-private cooperation. ». Zak Cope talked about [colonial tribute, monopoly rent, and unequal exchange](, and value transfer, e.g., « For every dollar’s worth of goods exported from the Philippines in 1961, approximately five times as many hours of labour had to be invested as in a dollars worth of goods exported from Canada. »), while other authors added other factors(, as an other example, Lenin's (old )view is [famous]( and his 5 points were updated [here]( by 8 authors starting from scratch at each chapter with their own view). Their description of the causes/consequences/context aren't incompatible, nor are Jason Hickel's arguments, or Samir Amin, nor is adding our nationalism/'lack of humanism/good-will' in the balance, etc. [edit2]( : (ITT : International Trade Theory) « According to Maddison's estimate, throughout the nineteenth century the ratio of per capita income in PPP terms between the poorest NDCs (say, Japan and Finland) and the richest NDCs (say, the Netherlands and the UK) was about 2 or 4 to 1. Nowhere is this as big as the gap between today's developing and developed countries. (...) When in the late nineteenth century the USA accorded an average tariff protection of over 40 per cent to its industries, its per capita income in PPP terms was already about three quarters that of Britain ($2,599 vs. $3,511 in 1875). (...) Compared to this, the 71 per cent trade-weighted average tariff rate that India had just prior to the WTO agreement — despite the fact that its per capita income in PPP terms is only about one fifteenth that of the USA — makes the country look like a veritable champion of free trade. Following the WTO agreement, India cut its trade-weighted average tariff to 32 per cent, bringing it down to a level below which the USA's average tariff rate never sank between the end of the Civil War and the Second World War. » i.d.k. but it's at least [suspicious]( And Israel can still bomb defenceless civilians under the absurd impossible goal of "destroying" anti-zionists, after oppressing them for almost a century, and **being the main/only obstacle to** (the unilateral palestinian loss of )**a two-states solution**(, along the 1967 borders obviously). It's apparently easy to switch from victim to tormentor when given the opportunity, i think that they're acting out of greed(, for more territory), not self-defense, they're not victims ; and, 3 generations later, we don't owe the current awful beings any "free pass" for the victims of ww2, nor do we owe anything to the current russians for the many soviet deaths. If they don't trust that allowing a palestinian state will ensure their safety, then they have a problem and need to find a solution, a world army is less far-fetched than overthrowing every neighbor that is still pro-palestinian, but are they even searching for a way to ensure their safety, and is it the real reason for their refusal ? A first step would be to publicly explain why they're refusing a "two-states solution" instead of assuming(, in secret like a good head of state, westerner or not,) that there's no answer to their objection, most of the world want to help them to make peace, it's not like in the case of Russia-Ukraine where the n.a.t.o. refuses to 'change their mind'/'abandon (the anti-russians/pro-western in )Ukraine'(, which would solve everything,) and nobody can 'do anything'/'force them', here there're more than one solution and it's mostly Israel that is refusing to go back to the 1967's borders among other things for reasons that can be solved if they share it with (tens of )thousands of researchers ready to debate and offer innovative/new options to solve their preoccupations/'causes of refusal'.

    palestine Palestine American and Israeli sources leaked the involvement of US forces in yesterday's massacre for one purpose only
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3 months ago 100%

    An outdated flag of Afghanistan, here's the current one, which says : "I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God."

    I'm naturally opposed to their sexual apartheid denying girls the right of education(, they can still read though, and don't have to work), but they've been among the 20 poorest countries for decades, and i can only dream about their honesty towards God's research/worship/enlightenment/direction/...
    I'd need to live among them before ever hoping to understand/judge them adequately, and they can become many great things(, if worthy and که خدای کول evidently/rationally/logically/mystically/really/.. ), it wouldn't have been the same with a country as wealthy as Iraq.
    But i don't know the future, perhaps was it for the best, probably not, i'm an outsider and shouldn't talk about what i don't know, it feels like they were right. People dying while shouting/affirming God's eternal Greatness/Glory/.. makes me shiver, it's perhaps even sadder than thinking about the millions/billions of non-humans currently mistreated, at an industrial scale larger than any human tragedy(, i would hate to have their life, but fortunately they're only machines without the aptitude to suffer i guess, and they don't know that they could expect more, we had a duty/power/responsability, we could do more and care for their well-being, invent new ways of making their lives as enjoyable as possible, instead of aiming for a lower selling price, &).
    Let's say that we're gradually evolving towards less evil and that i'm misrepresenting the virtues of the past(, they did many mistakes but wars were less murderous, people were trying, nobles wrote better than nowadays, non-humans were less objectified, etc., the colonization&'many genocides' as well as the most awful form/scale of slavery came afterwards or at the end of this period, but i know it was far from being a blue sky, just that nowadays is so artificial/dishonest, i.d.k., i'm probably wrong,), if so then i hope we'll continue to progress and soon stop with thefts, lies, ..., and live united in diversity finally learning that hegemony isn't a desirable goal, nor is it necessary. There's so much to do and also quite a lot of paths to be afraid in front of us, stopping the possibility of wars/conflicts is probably less than 10% of the problems we're facing.


  • palestine Palestine American and Israeli sources leaked the involvement of US forces in yesterday's massacre for one purpose only
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3 months ago 91%

    Palestinians could have killed the hostages before being killed, but didn't. There's still more than a hundred and they're still being taken care of.
    It's my personal belief that unfair(, because they could have negociated a ceasefire, and i don't see us supporting a killing of hundreds of israelis in order to liberate palestinian prisoners/hostages, which is arguably what happened the 7th of October since they asked for an exchange of prisoners as if it was their only goal,) massacres like this happened many times in the Middle-East(, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Yemen, ...,) but we've never heard of them, not sure why it's different now. It's certain that many massacres in south Asia were hidden, african and south-american dictators were also covered as long as they fought communists/utopians.
    I'm not going to excuse myself for eternally regretting that they weren't united, and being banned for that would be one of my proudest accomplishment, lies are fucking everywhere, i'll never trust what we're being told about designated enemies, people dying for God and calling for a more virtuous life can't possibly be the opposite of what they're preaching, they're all dead now anyway(, 🇦🇫).

  • ukraine_war_news
    Death to NATO soumerd_retardataire 3 months ago 95%
    They really did sanction Georgia !

    Source : More here :

    palestine Palestine So, officially, less than a death per ton of bomb for now, right... How many really died since october ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 months ago 100%

    Which would usually mean almost 300.000 more injured(, minor and major). And 400.000 victims represents 20% of Gaza's population(, a percentage which hasn't been attained since Vietnam), so i hope that this analysis is wrong.
    Apparently Israel's throwing bombs of 2 tons each, and they destroyed a lot of buildings, so there's still hope.

    But the "polemic" last month when the UN revised the numbers down reminded us of the way that numbers are counted, some are identified, some are reported missing, and it's unfortunately likely that there's more deaths not taken into account, still buried under the rubbles without anyone to signal their disappearance.

  • palestine
    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 4 months ago 98%
    So, officially, less than a death per ton of bomb for now, right... How many really died since october ?

    Here : I just realized that Caitlin Johnstone also retweeted this. If you haven't read [this post]( from her, then i think you should. Israel's trying to pass as the victim when every metric points to them as the tormentor, who clearly doesn't need to be so cruel, and (the current government/population )doesn't even seek/'believe in' a two-states solution, they're overthrowing&killing everything in the name of their survival(, and lying, so many lies, if this isn't the proof that they're ashamed of the truth...). I'm sure that they can't really believe that they're "fighting Hamas", and certainly should consider Hamas' revendications as legitimate since palestinians are right to ask for more than what they're currently getting, i'm certain that palestinians could end up agreeing with Israel's existence as their goodwill was proven more than once since the Oslo accords(, and before). Antisemites could embrace the challenge of converting anti-muslims living in Israel, cohabitation is clearly possible. I think Israel prefers to kill&overthrow everyone because they're afraid that even the atomic bomb won't protect them, that making peace will only give time for their enemies to gather their forces. Which is why they should support a world peace(, world army, supranational institutions, ...), as well as making sure that they're forgiven for stealing the Holy lands, and doing what they can to be integrated with their neighbours, etc. Peace isn't impossible, yet they&we(sterners) have chosen the continuation of the archaic war that never made anyone safe : ![]( (edit : sure, it's good and all to forgive [this](, and even to accept [that]( ?), but killing innocent israelis indiscriminately isn't less awful than killing clearly [innocent]( palestinians, i'll trust the *lex talionis* to say that they're not terrorists but victims/resistants, and that this collective "punishment" is yet another stain on the name of Israel, and, more importantly, there's this unilateral loss of a two-states solution, while waiting for a day when borders wouldn't mean much anyway, a common state with jews, muslims, christians and whatnot, something perpetually better than yesterday is the goal i guess. Ukraine/'Anti-russians ukrainians' should give up on their pro-western stance because it obviously endanger n.a.t.o.'s ("strategic"🙄 )enemies(, or Russia should give up on its non-western partners), it's easier to do than giving up on a multi-millenial religion(, not that 'muslims gave'/'converting to islam would mean giving' up the jewish religion, even traditions could be kept by forming a new sect, oh well...) (And [she]('s decidedly very [good](

    comradeship Comradeship // Freechat For those who didn't know : @dessalines(, Lemmy's creator,) has been reading audiobooks for a few years now
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    4 months ago 100%

    I only knew this one from him, prior to Lemmy(, even if i still haven't seriously read any of his essays), worth a look[1] :

    edit('s answer) :
    [1] : What sucks is that i'm certain we could live in peace, help each other, etc.
    Is it simply that capitalists fear to disappear if they allow communism to survive ? Then they should strictly restrict communist ideologies if they don't entertain the thought of fusing both ideologies to keep the best in each(, e.g., by only allowing capital's revenues for enterprises in order to keep this organic distribution, which is obviously not the solution, just an idea, theses need antitheses to evolve).
    So, if we agree to stop spreading capitalist ideals(, and even more our covert operations[2]), and other countries agree to never spread communist idea(l)s, as well as (c)overt operations ; and we're adding that, e.g., citizens who want to change the ideology of their country will have to leave, they're not allowed to be in politics ; then we'll have found/searched ways to enforce a long-lasting diversity.
    But even if we've found these rules we'd also need for them to be strictly followed, supra-national institutions would have to be able to protect (from )(non-)westerners, with national armies gradually evolving towards a world army(, e.g., for natural disasters), and a support for countries to help them prove that foreign powers are interfering, and obviously a thousand more things, with as many "stress tests" before being adopted, etc.
    We're not even trying to walk this path, yet cooperation/assistance is the path, we're in it together.

    It's also important to note that the current world would need to have much more diversity than currently, we would indeed preserve and be proud of our diversity/uniqueness while not trying to convert the others, but we'd need at least 5-6 different ideologies, and even thousands if we're hoping for local variations.
    At most, we've currently got 3 of them(, free-market capitalism, communism, and theocracy/islamism), i suppose that royalism, republics, and direct democracy could be three more, and the kind of south-american indigenous movement that tries to revive its past a seventh one, but we're still too homogeneous/'close to hegemony' on Earth, Africa has to carve its own path, and South America is too similar to the western world, Europe is also too similar to the u.s.a., and Australia&New-Zealand as well. And there's obviously many more ideologies that have to exist, and also on other planes than socio-economy//'political representation'//'importance given to God/religion'.
    In comparison to westerners, Russia is more different from China, itself different from India, but it could/should still go further, and i'm not going to cite every country you got the point.
    If we reach a state where every "zone" has the same standard of living because we couldn't fear anymore to help a future enemy, if we jealously preserve our own particularity, and once again can't possibly fear to be attacked by anyone, then we would focus on something else than military expenses, (war )propaganda, ... It's not perfect but it gets closer, we simply need to get rid of every possibility of fearing something, from ideas to missiles. We'd first have to accept the possibility of definitely protecting ourselves&others, and then actively research how to do that.
    Kinda out of topic with @dessalines(, but not with u.s. atrocities)

  • comradeship
    For those who didn't know : @dessalines(, Lemmy's creator,) has been reading audiobooks for a few years now

    List of Audiobooks : Youtube channel : Don't miss out on his essays :, It's just a little appreciation post, now you know if you didn't already (and his username quite probably comes from (If i'm adding a bit of stalking : he was a mod of /r/LateStageCapitalism if [i'm not mistaken](, under the username /u/parentis_shotgun)

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 4 months ago 100%


    Death to NATO soumerd_retardataire 6 months ago 100%
    New article from the russian ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova.

    [Here]('s the rest(, [source]( Among other things : ![](

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 8 months ago 100%
    Most people will never realize that the orders come from the government, who's supposed to protect us from censorship

    Two examples among many to point out that the orders come from above(, or, as they may admit on the occasion, [public-private partnerships](, hate Youtube all you want but don't be blind to their pressure(, you could also remark that the government itself is taking orders/"advices" from [other people](, i.d.k.) : - - An anti "hate speech" law has been voted by the european parliament a few days ago : I'm sure that you could find many more [people]( than [t]([e]([e](, as well as examples of bot armies and wikipedia editing, but here's some other recent examples : - This [irish bill](, [wtf, honestly]( - [A political party]( has been accused of terrorism apologia in France, as well as the [daughter]( of a member of our parliament - And more Of course, yeah, even if i regret that things aren't better, i'm also glad that things aren't worse. Unfortunately they're progressing towards the latter.

    World News soumerd_retardataire 8 months ago 100%
    In case you didn't update your list of african villains(, more details in the selftext)

    [Here's the article]( The African Growth and Opportunity Act(, [A.G.O.A.](,) aimed to increase their exportation(, duty-free entry into the United States for certain goods), and create a leverage( as all aids are), even if the results aren't really there unfortunately : ![]( ![](

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 8 months ago 100%
    Israel destroys al-Israa university with 315 mines(, after plundering&destroying a nearby museum), no reason given.

    > According to the Gaza government media office, Israeli forces have destroyed more than 390 schools and universities in the first 100 days of war. Gaza was home to seven universities, all of which have either been destroyed or severely damaged. Israel has also destroyed Gaza's main courthouse, legislative building, and Islamic university, and dozens of other centres of administration : 195 recognized historical heritage sites have been destroyed by Israeli forces, including an ancient harbour dating back to 800 BC, a mosque that was home to rare manuscripts and one of the world’s oldest Christian monasteries : ![](

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 8 months ago 100%
    Yet another example that terrorism never meant anything :

    [Here]( ![]( We've made many anti-terrorist laws to deprive supporters of their most basic rights, because the old word "enemy" wasn't apparently strong enough to act correctly, for w/e reason. C.Johnstone is even theoretically liable of [terrorism apologia]( for this tweet. We've made these laws while thinking specifically about 9/11, or about a stereotypically crazy i.s.i.s., but we'll be applying these laws for every opponent that annoy us(, including domestic terrorists). We, freedom-loving people, will stop any resistance, even to a genocide in Gaza, because in that case they're subhuman terrorists and terrorists are evil by definition, QED. They should hence be killed&tortured, and trials are out of question, as good guys do. Saying that terrorism never meant anything is probably too much of a common knowledge to even talk about it(, but not in the eyes of the law though, which shouldn't be suprising i guess). ![]( Addition : - - Or

    islamicleft Islamic Leftism *Permanently Deleted*
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    8 months ago 100%

    You're probably right, i jumped on it when i read the text, without checking first(, and didn't even realised that it's an old story from 2021) :
    Do you think i should delete this post ?

    I still remember that when they took control we were only talking about the few hundreds(, or thousands w/e,) people who wanted to leave the country at the airport, that was more than ~70% of our coverage over almost a week, and despicable.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    8 months ago 100%

    Random thoughts, sry i guess 🤷‍♂️

    I'm always making mistakes, so feel free to add a correction if you'd like

  • memes Memes based Alan Moore
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    8 months ago 100%

    God(&gods)( in the material world, but also) in the world of Idea(l)s(, and probably other worlds inaccessible to humans as well) :

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    8 months ago 50%

    Yet, correct me if i'm wrong, but in my memories ~90% of the redditors used "social justice warrior" as a.n insult/criticism(, against someone who's acting excessively nice in defense of someone when there's no need, like the expression "white knight" for those men on the Internet excessively defending other women, underlining that "social justice" deals with psychological "injuries" and not real injustices, the correct term should have been "societal justice" though since it never dealt with socio-economic matters), while nowadays only conservatives use "woke" as an insult towards other people, sometimes with a larger focus than the previous SJW, targeting everyone believing that some things ought to change in order to make a better world(, while conservatives generally don't think that such things should improve/change[1]).
    Well, i.d.k., not that it matters but would you agree with this impression that "social justice warrior" was used all over the political spectrum ~ten years ago ?

    [1] : Far-right political parties want some things to change b.t.w.(, as well as parties unaligned with left//right such as separatists, ~ecologists, ~democrat{for a direct democracy with referendums}, ~royalists, ~theocrats, ...).
    If conservatives are only defined with their unwillingness to change the current direction, then centrists are the real conservatives. Center-left and center-right bourgeois political parties were elected everywhere in the west(&'most of the world') for the last decades(, and had disappointed a hundred years ago in Germany leaving only two alternatives).
    We(sterners) saw a lot of societal changes in the last 70 years though(, not so sure for socio-economic changes however, once the productivity increase and its expected consequences for the workers are taken into account).
    If people don't vote(, in the primaries in the u.s.,) for "extremist" parties that's because we'll vote for whom we're being told to vote, and won't stop trusting our (billionaires-owned )medias as long as we're personally satisfied with the current situation.
    The problem is that our consent isn't real/informed/enlightened, and we don't use our collective intelligence, so we may collectively 'agree with falsehoods'/'make mistakes', and it doesn't feel like our republics represent the will of their population.
    If our government represented the will of the people then they wouldn't hesitate before putting any important decision through a referendum, and having 3-4 of them every year(, emerging from the population instead of the government,) wouldn't make our "representatives" afraid(, and if we're realising our mistakes afterwards then there's usually nothing that another referendum can't fix).
    Beyond direct/real democracy, we'll still say that it's our duty to "democratize" the rest of the world, otherwise dictatorships would bloom everywhere and freedom would die, chinese people are happy but we(sterners) have to save them and paint a dystopia instead of rejoicing and teaching mandarin in american schools as a second language.

  • palestine
    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 8 months ago 96%

    [Arab League]( : Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen [The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation]( : ![]( (i stumbled upon [this]( criticism a few days ago(, [here](, thought such info also kinda had its place here perhaps)

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    8 months ago 100%

    They're also saying that these talks about inclusion are racist because positive discrimination is still discrimination. However, when you end a race second-to-last with weights around your feet you probably have more merits than the one ending in third place. Moreover this is about ending social reproduction more than rewarding personal merit, apparently India is the example of a long&successful experimentation of positive discrimination for their castes, of course that rich kids are better at school but that's not justice.
    And while black neighbourhoods have the same results as white urban neighborhoods of the same level of poverty(, or arabs in France, etc.), and that the main reason is that they were raised by poor parents with friends of the same mentality, in a school for children like them, in a neighbourhood and an environment very particular, and while it isn't genetic since their lives would be totally different if they were adopted, i could envision like 1-5% of their situation being related to a collective psyche, like you don't want to do a shitty job for a white country, in comparison to asians who are excited to seize the occasion to rise again while it seems possible, it's a different mindset but this kinda stupid/'outrageously wrong' racial explanation is marginal if it ever exists, and makes much less sense in my eyes than the environmental determinism that made peasants of the past engender peasants, and nobles engender nobles.
    Which would be good news since we could give everyone the same education as such nobles and that'd be good in theory.
    Minorities and people considered abnormal can be disliked and unjustly oppressed, perhaps not a lot in some cases ; in comparison normal people are privileged(, perhaps not a lot but, relatively, they are).
    Well, i don't really care about these questions and there's no point in talking about that here/'with people that'd agree'. Woke seems like the new term for SJW

  • china China Beijing's Betavolt company created the first commercial nuclear battery(, no radioactive waste, no recharge for 50 years, highest energy density, ...) !
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    8 months ago 100%

    with a 1W battery planned for 2025

    I don't know if you have the answer but, if i understood correctly, such 1W "battery"/generator would produce/refill 24Wh every day ?
    If we put 10.000 BV100 in parallel(, to obtain 1W at the same 3V), that'd theoretically be 10 000 * 1125mm^3 = 1,125.10^7 mm^3 = 11L for 24Wh and 110L for 240Wh filled per day ? Ah well, w/e 🤷‍♂️. (edit : thanks for your answers though !)

  • china China Beijing's Betavolt company created the first commercial nuclear battery(, no radioactive waste, no recharge for 50 years, highest energy density, ...) !
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    8 months ago 100%

    It'd be very interesting to think of an hybrid system in which the betavoltaic cells are coupled with lithium batteries to give them some kind of natural regeneration over time(, a phone or computer could recover go from (50, or 20, or )0 to 100% overnight/'when it's not used')

    This current model only gives 8.64 joules per day, but that's because 86400 is the number of seconds in a day, so if i divide 8.64 per 86400 i obtain 10^-4 W(, P=E/Δt), and the official/rounded number is 100μW.
    Its volume is 1125mm^3 (15*15*5mm)

    So, to drive 100km in an hour(, without the need to take into account accelerations for now), we'd need 100*200W=20kWh, or 2.10^4 Wh.
    Most electric cars would only enable 4 hours at this rate with an 80kWh battery, but since this nuclear "battery" needs to be able to deliver 24h a day, we'd need 24 * 2.10^4 = 4,8.10^5 Wh

    Hence, if we need 4,8.10^5 Wh and we have 100.10^-6 Wh for 1,125.10^3 mm^3 , a rule of three would give us 4,8.10^5 * 1,125.10^3 / 100.10^-6 mm^3 , that's 5,4.10^12 mm^3 , which is indeed 5400m^3 and not realistic.

    Even a 200Wh computer would still need 54m^3 , and a 10Wh phone would need 2,7m^3 , the size of a car.

    If the output was mutliplied by a thousand(, 100mW instead of 100μW,) then it'd be 2,7dm^3 , the size of a bottle and still a bit too big for a phone, but a "free" energy for 50 years, and if i'm keeping the thought above of an hybridation as a self-regenerative battery it'd refill 240Wh every day(, 24*10Wh,) but that's only if the output was multiplied by a thousand, which is unlikely.

    Thank you very much for the correction, i didn't know that.

    I wonder if i haven't made a mistake somewhere though, does it make sense that i'm obtaining 100μW by using seconds, and then comparing it with Wh ? If i had to multiply by 3600 before making this rule of three then that would change the conclusion.
    8,64J/day would give 0,36J/h = 0,36Wh ? And would also give 100μJ/s = 100μW ?
    I.d.k. anymore, but if i'm right this time then we'd need a 75cL bottle to refill 240Wh every day(, and for electric cars only 75L to refill 24kWh). I wouldn't be surprised if i made mistakes elsewhere so tell me what you think.

  • china China Beijing's Betavolt company created the first commercial nuclear battery(, no radioactive waste, no recharge for 50 years, highest energy density, ...) !
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    8 months ago 33%

    You're probably right but(, the energy density being a hundred times better than hydrocarbons, we'd roughly need the space for 6 months of fuel(, 50 years divided by 100), and) if your only argument is knowing how to get rid of the excess heat then i can hardly see that as more than a moderate security hazard towards users removing the protection(, and it could even generate money by connecting it to something while unused !)

    Furthermore if this technology encounters enough success then we'll probably find a way to have an impact on the rapidity of the reaction chain, as we do with nuclear reactors, but on a microscopic level, perhaps with a material that can emit the equivalent of carbon atoms, i.d.k., it doesn't seem impossible.

    But yeah, once again you're probably right, we'll see 🤷‍♂️

  • china China Beijing's Betavolt company created the first commercial nuclear battery(, no radioactive waste, no recharge for 50 years, highest energy density, ...) !
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    8 months ago 100%

    Oh yeah, i wouldn't advise anyone to take this breakthrough as a promise for the future(, as someone who used to read i'm well aware of that).

    But i could counter your objections if you're interested :

    • it can already be done currently : David Hahn built a nuclear reactor with the radioactive material extracted from clock hands. The nickel-63 is already present elsewhere(, armour plating, boat propeller shafts, ...), as well as many other radioactive materials ;
    • but it's probably not feasible : A stronger argument is that the radioactive material is composed of a layer only 2µm thick, in between two layers of diamond, i don't know enough about the subject to confirm or deny that such extraction would be too difficult/expensive ;
    • and even if it were other materials would be a better choice : Finally, at first sight and in my ignorant opinion, i don't think it'd add much to a bomb, it seems like it'd only infect people in the vicinity, and is only described in the first scenario here(, see the article titled "Terrorism: Nuclear and Biological Terrorism"), which considers it more useful for polluting water reserves for instance, contrary to ^137 Ce, ^131 I, ^32 P, or ^67 Ga. It'd be cheaper/easier and possibly more effective to steal such materials from hospitals rather than extracting it from batteries.

    You'd probably have to drill through more than a few of them to have enough radioactivity leaking, at this point the number of people dying because of their stress testing would probably be equivalent to those dying because of chemical batteries explosion. It'd be up to the authorities to estimate the risks correctly and, as you said, we'll see how much a battery made to last 50 years will cost.

  • china China Beijing's Betavolt company created the first commercial nuclear battery(, no radioactive waste, no recharge for 50 years, highest energy density, ...) !
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    8 months ago 100%

    Since it's already in use for decades with pacemakers i don't think that the radiation is that hard to stop, no need for inches of lead.

    And i could have said that it's not a completely novel technology, i used "commercial" in the sense that it's apparently destined for the general public instead of specialised fields, the wiki article says that :

    We'll have to see the price before finding such batteries in the supermarket though.

    As for reliability, the articles say that another advantage is that it doesn't ignite nor explode, but i suppose that something could happen if you drill through it.

  • china
    China soumerd_retardataire 8 months ago 94%
    Beijing's Betavolt company created the first commercial nuclear battery(, no radioactive waste, no recharge for 50 years, highest energy density, ...) !

    It'll possibly be commercialised in ~2025, but they announced this week the first model : the BV100. It gives 3V(, only 100μW but [it's very small]( and can be used in series and parallel, they're aiming for 1W **as soon as next year**). 1gr. can store 3.3kWh(, [ten thousand times]( more than lithium batteries, and 100 times more than hydrocarbons) ! It doesn't need to be charged for 50 years, which means a truly zero-cost car for instance, even more reliably than by using solar panels ; or a phone/drone/.. with infinite battery. Furthermore, it doesn't even produce radioactive waste since the nickel-63 turns into stable copper, so it's even more easily recyclable than current lithium&chemical batteries, as well as more stable, being able to withstand temperatures between -60°C and 120°C. It very likely intends to be affordable if it's intended for commercial use, but we'll see if they will be able to. There must be a catch somewhere though, we'll see in the future. to read more : just to 'talk about'/perceive something else than wars(, waged because of our 'hegemonic desire'/'opposition to peace/coexistence',) in the future.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    8 months ago 100%

    Quite literally apparently, weird :

    And this comment isn't going to be loved, but if they don't want more immigration for w/e reason then they should be allowed to do so.
    The nuances are that this desire is artificially built by billionaires who (pretend to )believe that immigration is a more important problem than socio-economic conditions, that everything will be better without immigrants, that our culture(, who has already been destroyed and replaced by a(n americanised) nothingness(, i don't like the modern culture, those who died centuries ago are more interesting than our living idols,) is in danger since their children supposedly don't want to be french/italian/..(, which is apparently incompatible with a dual nationality/culture, you're a better french/italian/.. citizen if you're virtuous, wearing or not a veil/turban/.. isn't going to destroy whatever our culture became, since school the rich/privileged doesn't hang out with the poor, and if other cultures are obviously less virtuous then 'the proximity of our example'/'our contacts' should be enough to let them raise the issue, there's a set of rules that could enable countries to be (almost )as diverse as they want without fearing for their liberty/security, and i hate that we(sterners) know that it's possible, we're not trying to make this world even better(, we're still young hopefully), otherwise we would share a plan/vision and be excited about this utopia), and that we shouldn't help "poor"(impoverished/exploited) countries, just prevent them to seek a better life instead of helping each other to reach an equal standard of living, etc. If immigration was a cultural problem they would try to revive the extinct culture of our past, beginning with greco-roman authors, i don't know what is the french/italian/.. culture they're speaking of, it has disappeared many decades ago, we're euro-american now and that doesn't mean much(, i.m.o.), french poets or painters are dead, if it's movies nowadays then we're not present, same for the internet, getting rid of exploited immigrants ready to give up their life for a future they deserve more than us won't change that.
    We'd need more diversity/'french exceptionalism' to have an identity.

    Unrelated thought : It is said that with rising inequalities there will be more investments and that this wealth will benefit everyone else, it's inefficient for enterprises because of inequal wages and other money-pocketing practices that would be considered corruption in a state-owned enterprise, but it's even more obvious when these investments are made outside of the company : investments in housing raise the rent and make it more&more out of reach to become an owner ; investments in actions raise the dividends and make it more&more out of reach to gain back the full control of the direction, ... That rents are representing an increasing part of our salary, or dividends an increasing part of the companies' profits(, despite increasing wage inequalities), shouldn't be suprising.

  • worldnews
    World News soumerd_retardataire 8 months ago 99%
    Good news Too many of their natural ressources are still in foreign hands, we'll just continue to make them suffer for their rebellion, under the guise of human rights..

    palestine Palestine Have a look at the first 7 members of the ICJ if you thought that South Africa's case had a chance
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    8 months ago 100%

    The u.s.a. was already condemned in the case of Nicaragua and nothing changed and nobody knows that, in the very improbable offchance that Israel was condemned, they would just act like Russia when the International Court of Justice ordered them to leave Ukraine.
    Let's say that our medias talk about this improbable success and, even more improbable, support the ICJ and condemn Israel, everyone would just forget a month later. Sure, there's nothing to lose by trying, but not much to gain either, it's not the beginning of an effective solution, it'll be the exact same shit as before.
    And the ICJ wouldn't even need to be considered the bad guy, the contradiction wouldn't raise an eyebrow, but let's say i'm wrong, have an hope in this if you want.

    edit : That's an exaggeration, those who hate Israel won't forget such judgment and would remind us when they got the chance, that's the difference i'm seeing, so you're right to say that it's not nothing to be able to label them officially as genocidal, it'd add a new argument/insult of choice.

    That's ~two every three years :

  • palestine Palestine Have a look at the first 7 members of the ICJ if you thought that South Africa's case had a chance
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    8 months ago 100%

    Somalia needs some support with Somaliland, and

    Jamaica doesn't give any certainty either :

    And i don't think Brazil would want to expose themselves as much as South Africa did(, nor China for that matter), more to lose than to gain, that's justice. Bolivia probably only supported the case because Luis Arce has forbidden Evo Morales from being reelected and is trying to show that ~'he's not a traitor to the movement' despite that.
    Let's say that they have a chance if you want though, it doesn't matter because that's not what would make a change, do they only have the option of a full-scale war with unknown consequences to do what's right ? We're just supposed to watch and then it'll be as if nothing ever happened, ok.

  • palestine
    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 8 months ago 100%
    Have a look at the first 7 members of the ICJ if you thought that South Africa's case had a chance

    (good to know in advance) [source](

    palestine Palestine "Israel is the victim here probably"
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    9 months ago 100%

    They were already finally accepted by Iraq, Iran, and everyone else more than 20 years ago, but instead of giving back the illegally occupied territories to the palestinians they considered that such proposal was dishonest and would come back to bite them, that finally being recognised for the first time since 1948 wasn't worth it. If even such proposal is rejected then (pro-)palestinians aren't left with any other choice than fighting them, they unequivocally refused the most reasonable peace offer, because they believe that they're strong enough to give up on impartiality(, still a unilateral gain for them and a unilateral loss for palestinians/arabs). They could have been recognised but refused. Here.

  • palestine
    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 9 months ago 100%
    Link in the selftext(, 84 pages-long).

    Here : Tweet : ![]( ![](

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 9 months ago 92%
    The right's "cancel culture "fired Harvard's first black president over some clumsy words in support of free speech.

    Liz Magill, president of the university of Pennsylvania, was also forced to resign. The third person is Sally Kornbluth, academic administrator of the m.i.t., the only one who wasn't forced to resign, probably because she's jewish herself. ([wiki article]( ![]( No point in saying that she doesn't want jews to be exterminated, her enemies know better than her what she's really thinking, and there's no possibility to walk back on these specific words to specify what she meant, it's so stupid 🙄. She obviously interpreted the question(, of whether calling for the genocide of jews is against Harvard's code of conduct,) as something loaded since "from the river to the sea" manifestations would then have to be prohibited(, well, you can liberate the territory by killing 1% of the israeli population and forcing the rest to flee, we've learned recently that it wouldn't be a genocide, if such word means something). In retrospect she could have said that the only acceptable speeches on the campus are those calling for a two-states solution or something else that accepts Israel's possession of the holy lands, but as usual calling for the destruction of Palestine isn't as horrible as calling for the destruction of Israel[.]( [Reuters article]( ![](

    World News soumerd_retardataire 9 months ago 100%
    Tsk, we(sterners) are still (ab)using the word "genocide", this time against Myanmar.

    Interesting thread [here]( I don't like this word, like "terrorists", "regime", or others that have been abused(, the so-called uyghur "genocide" also comes to mind, despicable liars working against world peace/collaboration). A massacre is enough of an accusation to act, Israel says that it isn't a genocide because the rate of killing isn't quick enough, w/e... ![]( On Myanmar, a lot of things happened, especially a month ago, [wiki article]( : ![](

    China soumerd_retardataire 9 months ago 96%
    Huawei successful against Amazon in patent dispute over WiFi routers ; in other words, Amazon stole China's technology.

    The accusation is progressively changing sides : ![]( ♬ Smells like freedom ♪ ![]( Ideally our world would be ruled by all of us[.](

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 9 months ago 96%
    Tell that to the mainstream medias

    The only other two specific communities i found about Palestine-Israel are and, the other communities that could eventually accept such posts are all leftists, so i'm posting in this echo chamber, but since lemmy has more [users]( and [comments]( than in July ([source](, it may change one day.

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 9 months ago 100%
    Excerpt of a thread by an author of the Washington Post's article on Gaza's destruction(, link in selftext). [Also]( : ![]( Or [another]( war crime.

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 9 months ago 100%

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 9 months ago 100%

    [An article]( : ![]( Also accusations of intentional targeting(, like [t]([e]([e](, [anothe]( [journalist](, [new one]( We remember WW1 in France as the most atrocious waste of life our country went though, yet it was "only" 4% : ![]( That's 1% per year. 20.000 deaths in Palestine is huge ! And (almost )only civilians/innocents. It's also 1% of their population of 2M, but only in two months ![]( ![](

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 9 months ago 100%
    How they inflated the numbers

    News articles are almost always citing the "anti"-defamation league to report on a rise of antisemitism, just another manipulation. [Here]( (of course, [here]('s the real hate crime)

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 9 months ago 100%
    Imagine living there

    Of course he's going to hate them, how could he not. No point in posting [thousands]( of videos, every civilian is a [terrorist]([.](

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 10 months ago 100%
    Israel arrested more people during the ceasefire than it freed

    I just feel stupid not to have thought of that before. They've already killed so many more civilians than israelis were killed in October, and would have done so with or without hostages, and they're claiming to be the victims, that it'll happen again despite having been protected for decades, ignoring that the causes for this anger against them are justified, and not treated, so we've got no right to complain of the results, of course. From [red](

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 10 months ago 94%
    Nothing prevents Israel to kidnap him again at the next occasion.

    [In contrast](, they're not really the barbarians [we were talking about](, [in french](, on [Stockholm syndrome]( And yeah, of course, so much [destruction](, and so many deaths, necessary apparently. [Wikipedia]( talks about 100.000 deaths since 1920(, and more than 7 million refugees), but that doesn't include those who died in jail, outside conflicts, nor infant mortality or other deaths due to living conditions. [Others]( speak about 2 million deaths(, or [even]( more than 5 million).

    World News soumerd_retardataire 10 months ago 100%

    ![]( With the help of the malian company [Marena Gold]( [Burkina Faso's product exports (2019)]( : ![](

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 10 months ago 98%
    Remember when the ICC issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin, for "overseeing the abduction of 6000 ukrainian children" ? Israel killed even more, yet no warrant.

    [From]( Caitlin [Johnstone]( An example of [an article](, from the Guardian,) about this arrest warrant. The [grayzone article]( cited. 17 days ago : ![](

    Palestine soumerd_retardataire 10 months ago 100%
    A comic strip from 1982

    [Source]( (terrorist [mosques]( as well, b.t.w.) News from 15 mns ago : a combination of three war crimes ![]( And : ![]( ![](

    Catholicism soumerd_retardataire 10 months ago 100%
    Gospel of the day

    ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ---------------------------------------------------- Let's begin with the book of Hosea : ![]( The first chapter is especially harsh, it is explained that : - Hosea's wife had to be as unfaithful as Israel ; - Hosea's son is named Jezreel after the murders committed by Israel in the Jezreel valley ; - Hosea's daughter had to be named Lo-Ruhamah because the Lord will no longer have mercy and save Israel ; - Hosea's second son had to be named Lo-Ammi, because « these people are not mine, and i am not their God » However : ‭‭Hosea‬ ‭[1:10‬]( : Someday, it will be impossible to count the people of Israel, because there will be as many of them as there are grains of sand along the seashore. They are now called “Not My People,” but in the future they will be called “Children of the Living God.” *The second chapter speaks about Israel's adoration of Baal instead of (the living )God, and thd hars consequences that they will hence have to face due to this bad choice. However, one day :* ‭‭Hosea‬ ‭[2:15‭-‬16‬, 19-20]( : I will return your vineyards, and then Trouble Valley will become Hopeful Valley. You will say “Yes” to me as you did in your youth, when leaving Egypt. I promise from that day on, you will call me your husband instead of your master. (...) I will accept you as my wife forever, and instead of a bride price I will give you justice, fairness, love, kindness, and faithfulness. Then you will truly know who I am. Have we evolved yet ? ‭‭When will we ? Hosea‬ ‭[4:1‭-‬2‬, 4]( : Israel, listen as the Lord accuses everyone in the land ! **No one is faithful or loyal or truly cares about God. Cursing, dishonesty, murder, robbery, unfaithfulness— these happen all the time. Violence is everywhere.** (...) Don't accuse just anyone ! Not everyone is at fault. My case is against you, the priests. (...) You priests have rejected me, and my people are destroyed by refusing to obey. Now I'll reject you and forget your children, because you have forgotten my Law. (...) My people, you are foolish because of too much pleasure and too much wine. (...) Your own foolishness will lead to your ruin. ---------------------------------------------------- We left with the healing of blindness, here's the rest of the ninth chapter : ‭‭John‬ ‭[9:28‭-‬41‬]( : The *[religious]* leaders insulted the *[previously blind]* man and said, “You are his[/Jesus] follower ! We are followers of Moses. We are sure God spoke to Moses, but we don't even know where Jesus comes from.” “How strange !” the man replied. “He healed my eyes, and yet you don't know where he comes from. *[What's the link between being virtuous and coming from somewhere ? Coming from somewhere probably has another meaning than being born in a place, i.d.k., but as an example among many other explanations, it could also mean "speaking from a certain place/'point of view'", in any case this exchange shows that it doesn't speak about a town, unless you could deduce his town of origin from the healing of eyes, and the answer would then have to be Bethleem, which apparently wasnt [common knowledge](, the original version in greek could be interesting in this regard, but the [alternative translations]( are very similar here.]* *[And, [as usual](;version=NIV)]* We know that God listens only to people who love and obey him. God doesn't listen to sinners. And this is the first time in history anyone has ever given sight to someone born blind. Jesus could not do anything unless he came from God.” The leaders told the man, “You have been a sinner since the day you were born ! Do you think you can teach us anything ?” Then they said, “You can never come back into any of our synagogues !” When Jesus heard what had happened, he went and found the man. Then Jesus asked, “Do you have faith in the Son of Man ?” He replied, “Sir, if you will tell me who he is, I will put my faith in him.” “You have already seen him,” Jesus answered, “and right now he is talking with you." The man said, “Lord, I put my faith in you !” Then he worshiped/'prostrated himself before' Jesus. Jesus told him, “I came to judge the people of this world. I am here to give sight to the blind, and to make blind everyone who can see.” *[Good luck to take this sentence literally]* When the Pharisees heard Jesus say this, they asked, “Are we blind ?” Jesus answered, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty. But now that you claim to see, you will keep on being guilty.” *[Sinners that are ashamed are better than sinners believing it's possible not to be sinners/ashamed]* ---------------------------------------------------- Surah Āl-‘Imrān(, "The Family of [Joachim](") [3:14-20]( : Beautified for men is the love of things they covet ; women, children, much of gold and silver, branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land. This is the pleasure of the present world’s life ; but God has the excellent return(, Paradise with flowing rivers,) with Him. Say : "Shall I inform you of things far better than those ? For the pious/righteous, there are Gardens(/Paradise) with their Lord, underneath which rivers flow. Therein (is their )eternal( home) and purified mates. And God will be pleased with them. And God is All-Seer of the(/ slaves". Those who say : "Our Lord ! We have indeed believed, so forgive us our sins and save us from the punishment of the Fire." (They are )those who are patient, those who are true( in faith/words/deeds), and obedient with sincere devotion in worship to God. Those who spend(, give the Zakât,) and those who pray and beg God's Pardon in the last hours of the night. God bears witness that none has the right to be worshipped but He(, Lâ ilâha illa Huwa), and the angels, and those having knowledge( also give this witness) ; (God always )maintains creation **in Justice**. None has the right to be worshipped but God, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. Truly, the religion with God is Islâm. Those who were given the Scripture(, jews and christians,) did not differ except, out of mutual jealousy, after knowledge had come to them. And whoever disbelieves in the verses/proofs/revelations of God, then surely, God is swift in calling to account. So, if they dispute with you(, Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم), say : "I have submitted myself to God(, in Islâm), and( so have) those who follow me." And say to those who were given the Scripture(, jews and christians,) and to those who are illiterates : "Do you( also) submit yourselves( to God in Islâm) ?" If they do, they are rightly guided ; but if they turn away, your duty is only to convey the Message ; and God is All-Seer of ( )slaves. ---------------------------------------------------- **Saints of the day :** [St. Josaphat Kuncewicz](, Bishop and Martyr(, [read more]( on Vatican News) [St. Diego](, lay Franciscan : Born in Alcalà del Puerto, in Spain, around the year 1400. Didacus became a Franciscan lay brother. Although not a priest, he was sent to establish the Faith in the Canary Islands. During a plague in Rome in 1450, Didacus remained to assist the sick, even after the Curia had fled.
