videoessays VideoEssays Why 80% of New Zealand is Empty [23:10] RealLifeLore
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Coming in kind of late, but will you add creator's name and video duration to the title for rule 2, please? It'll improve searching and browsing for people who visit in the future. (Applies to your other recent posts, too, but I don't want to spam you with comments under each one.)

  • videoessays VideoEssays The Insanity of Amazon Music and the Alexa Poop Song Goldrush [9:49] @afunnylookingsquash
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Will you add creator's name and video duration to the title for rule 2, please? Thanks!

  • videoessays VideoEssays Deleuze, Societies of Control, and Wall-E
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Hate to do this since there's nothing wrong with the video, but I'm removing the post for not including the info required for rule 2. You're welcome to post the video again with an updated title.

  • videoessays
    VideoEssays sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%
    Colleen Ballinger and Commentary Culture | Ro Ramdin [31:00]

    Ro's videos are packed with so many fast-paced jokes that you might miss the fact that they're packed with thoughtful takes, too. This video is about some recent internet drama plus the youtube culture that feeds on drama, which Ro criticizes even as she considers herself a part of it.

    videoessays VideoEssays Ancient Therapy for Modern Problems: Stoic Philosophy Explained | PhilosophyTube [39:57]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    spaduf your content is good. downvoters must be haters.

  • videoessays VideoEssays The Kennedy Assassination: Inside the Book Depository | LEMMiNO [1:38:10]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Oh nice, someone hyped me on this video a little while ago when I posted the Chill Goblin video on JFK. Thanks for posting.

  • videoessays VideoEssays Deleuze, Societies of Control, and Wall-E
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    The title sounds like extremely my shit. Looking forward to watching it, but will you add the creator and duration of the video to the post title for rule 2? Thanks!

  • videoessays VideoEssays Making Music Is Expensive (But Also Isn't) [8:20] by @afunnylookingsquash
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks! nbd

  • videoessays VideoEssays Making Music Is Expensive (But Also Isn't) [8:20] by @afunnylookingsquash
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks for the post! Can you add the creator to the post title for rule 2?

  • videoessays VideoEssays Action Button Reviews “Boku no Natsuyasumi” [6:12:00]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    even though I just watched this video recently, it's so good I might just watch it again

  • videoessays
    VideoEssays sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%
    How The Barter Myth Harms Us | Andrewism [15:10]

    This one was just a random gift from the algorithm today. I wasn't familiar with Andrewism, but I liked this one, so I'll check out more. This one's a short and sweet take on how ancient economies actually worked before money.

    VideoEssays sharpsphere 1 year ago 85%
    Please, Kill Your Lawn | Mexie [22:20]

    Mexie has a lot of excellent environmentalist content and is more willing than most to be unabashedly anti-capitalist about it. Her videos have also introduced me to a lot of great authors over the years.

    retrospectives Gaming Retrospectives & Video Essays Which New Super Mario Is The Best? | Silokhawk [1:23:05]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    I don't think it's even in the top 10 longest videos on the current front page of the community.

  • videoessays VideoEssays VideoEssays Chat Thread - July 2023
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Does anyone here subscribe to Nebula? I'm always hesitant to sign up for a subscription service. Would you recommend it?

  • videoessays
    VideoEssays sharpsphere 1 year ago 81%
    Escherian Stairwell Deconstruction | Captain Disillusion [15:42]

    An architectural urban legend and some thoughts on the pros and cons of conning people.

    VideoEssays sharpsphere 1 year ago 50%
    I try to explain being a 41 year old Anime fan for 90 minutes | F.D Signifier [1:33:03]

    Anime apologetics with a focus on masculinity and power fantasies. I'm not a big anime fan myself, but I'm playing through Persona 5 for the first time right now, so it's been on my mind.

    action button reviews boku no natsuyasumi [6:12:01]

    Man attempts to review game. Game ends up reviewing man.

    VideoEssays sharpsphere 1 year ago 75%
    Exploring Two Northern Irish Accents | Simon Roper [38:28]

    Two things I appreciate about Simon are (1) his deeply engrossing videos about language and linguistics, and (2) his chill vibes, man. You physically can't be mad when you're listening to Simon Roper. The vibes are too chill.

    videoessays VideoEssays VideoEssays Chat Thread - July 2023
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Just a little post about transparency for your info.

    If you didn't know, you can see a list of all of my mod actions at any time by clicking the Modlog link in the sidebar here: modlog link in the community sidebar

    This image shows my entire history of mod actions in this community as of right now: list of mod actions in /c/VideoEssays including two posts removed for breaking rule 2

    It's mostly me trying to figure out how stickied posts work lol. I did remove two posts so far. Both times it was just because they didn't have the video duration in the title of the post. I did give them more than a day to edit the title to include it before removing the posts. If that ever happens to you, you're welcome to post the video again as long as the new post title follows rule 2.

    If you ever have any questions for me about anything, you can send me a direct message or ask in one of these chat threads (tag me if you do that one, just in case). Either way, I'll do my best to respond quickly.

    Thank you all for being here! I'm really proud of the community we're making :)

  • videoessays VideoEssays SkojSkull - Gate Keeping [10:19]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 66%

    Thanks. If your bot can't follow the rules of a community then it shouldn't post to that community. Pretty obvious bot etiquette.

  • videoessays VideoEssays SkojSkull - Gate Keeping [10:19]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 75%

    lol asking your bot to follow the rules isn't gatekeeping. Thanks for following the rules this time.

  • videoessays VideoEssays maddiredfern - What Makes Lake Tahoe So Deadly? [10:53]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    We have quality posts from multiple users every day. We aren't desperate for reposted content lol.

    If you're going to be rude, you'll just get banned for breaking rule 3, but you're certainly welcome to stop posting on your own if you prefer.

  • videoessays VideoEssays maddiredfern - What Makes Lake Tahoe So Deadly? [10:53]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 50%


    Is this a bot that auto-reposts reddit content? If so, it's poor bot etiquette not to communicate that straightforwardly in the profile description of the bot. Also, I would have appreciated a heads up before someone set up a reddit bot to mirror content from r/videoessay in this community.

    Unless this bot is able to accurately title its posts and to make posts at a reasonable pace, it won't be allowed to continue to post here.

  • videoessays VideoEssays Reusable handwarmers that get hot by freezing | Technology Connections | [18:24]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 85%

    I will always upvote Technology Connections

  • videoessays
    VideoEssays sharpsphere 1 year ago 83%
    VideoEssays Chat Thread - July 2023

    Since main posts are videos-only, I figured people might want a separate place to just talk about things, so... here ya go! A chat megathread!

    videoessays VideoEssays Corbin Adler - The Story of Chase Shakur [4:09]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 50%

    the fact that this 4 minute video has 11 chapters with linked timestamps has me absolutely reeling

  • dropout
    Dropout sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%
    New Episode : Adventuring Party | The Bloods and the Crypts (D20 - Dungeons & Drag Queens)

    I fell behind posting new content, sorry. Anyone is welcome to post, though, if you don't want to wait on me :)

    adhd ADHD Anyone else feel awful after hyperfocusing?
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 92%

    It feels like the activity is partaking of me rather than the reverse

    Thanks for giving me these words to describe the feeling so well. I don't feel interested and passionate... I feel consumed and dominated.

    Now that I think about it, lots of words that describe focus have etymologies that feel appropriately sinister. Captivated, enthralled, enraptured, fascinated, bewitched, mesmerized, hooked - all related to being controlled against your will.

  • videoessays
    VideoEssays sharpsphere 1 year ago 88%
    Kellie-Jay & the Neo-Nazis | Shaun [1:56:57]

    Wake up babe new Shaun video essay just dropped

    videoessays VideoEssays JFK assassination TOP 10 SPOOKIEST puzzles!!! (GONE WRONG) (#7 made me say "WOW!") | Chill Goblin [1:43:08]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    I get it. A well-tailored algorithm is a precious thing.

  • videoessays VideoEssays JFK assassination TOP 10 SPOOKIEST puzzles!!! (GONE WRONG) (#7 made me say "WOW!") | Chill Goblin [1:43:08]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Well, I hear you. Here's my take. Sorry it's a bit long.

    Chill Goblin tries to make his videos entertaining with comedy, and the satirically enshittified title is definitely part of that. He does make high-quality video essays, though. If you're using the phrase "conspiracy theory content" to mean content that uses specious reasoning to persuade the viewer to believe in paranoid fantasies, then this video doesn't qualify. It's not about persuading anyone that any particular conspiracy theory is true. I'd describe this video as Chill Goblin using the subject of JFK conspiracy theories to do two things:

    -flex some solid information literacy skills with a pop conspiracy as stress test

    -bridge the discussion towards real examples of US imperialism

    Ultimately, he rejects all of the conspiracy theories that he examines, but he shows his work at how he got there, which I think is especially useful for any potentially paranoiac viewer who isn't familiar with what "doing your own research" actually means. He collected a range of sources from a variety of perspectives. He engaged with them critically and skeptically to judge whether they are authoritative. In the video description, he highlights which are primary sources and which aren't. He's transparent about his biases as the interpreter of these sources for the audience. He does make a lot of jokes, but it's not unusual even for professional educators to use charisma and entertainment to ensure that their students stay engaged with the topic.

    To be transparent myself, I'm not a nutjob (to my knowledge). I believe that if you trace most conspiracy content back far enough, you're likely to discover a vast cesspit of fascism. However, I'm fascinated by the idea of conspiracy theories. In my job, I research researching (AKA information-seeking behavior for those in the biz), so I'm invested in thinking a lot about the thought-terminating nature of a paranoid conspiracy mindset and about how popular media engages with that. I'm also just generally interested in how CG uses comedy in his lecturing style.

    On a more superficial level, as the person currently modding this lemmy community, I've been trying to make sure that there's always a lot of variety in what people can find here. I posted this video in particular because it has a jokier presentation style than lots of the posts so far and because we've had relatively few videos that focus on US history compared to media or culture. BTW I really appreciate how you've helped with that, too. Your posts so far have covered a big range of topics and styles.

  • videoessays VideoEssays Most Youtube math content aside from 3blue1brown is not satisfying to me. This, "The Most Powerful Diagram in Mathematics" by Another Roof, is an awesome exception. Enjoy. [45:48]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Please make sure the title of the video, the creator's or channel's name, and the duration of the video are in your post title. Rule 2. You can have other info as long as those three things are also included. Thanks!

  • videoessays VideoEssays JFK assassination TOP 10 SPOOKIEST puzzles!!! (GONE WRONG) (#7 made me say "WOW!") | Chill Goblin [1:43:08]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    He's new to me but I like his channel so far! I heard his interview on the Majority Report the other day.

  • videoessays VideoEssays ACTION BUTTON REVIEWS Tokimeki Memorial | Action Button [5:56:26]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    I watched this in pieces over the last few days. It instantly became one of my favorite videos! Thanks for introducing me to this channel.

  • videoessays VideoEssays JFK assassination TOP 10 SPOOKIEST puzzles!!! (GONE WRONG) (#7 made me say "WOW!") | Chill Goblin [1:43:08]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    People really couldn't get over that title huh? I'll post one with a more normal title later because people should give Chill Goblin a chance.

  • videoessays
    VideoEssays sharpsphere 1 year ago 27%
    JFK assassination TOP 10 SPOOKIEST puzzles!!! (GONE WRONG) (#7 made me say "WOW!") | Chill Goblin [1:43:08]

    That title, I know, but I promise this is a video essay. Chill Goblin looks at as much evidence as he can gather about JFK assassination conspiracies and tries to untangle any actual facts from the stories. It starts with a short animation, then starts with the 'main' video after a few minutes.

    VideoEssays sharpsphere 1 year ago 66%
    a woman's body is a high surveillance prison | Madisyn Brown [20:53]


    reddit Reddit This screenshot of Reddit from the year 3012 aged terribly like milk
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    damn I actually remember seeing this when it was first posted to reddit

  • videoessays VideoEssays How Difficult Games Can Help With Difficult Times || Writing on Games || 8:10
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Please add the video duration to the post title. Rule 2. Thanks!

  • videoessays VideoEssays Boring Movies (And Why We Need Them) - In/Frame/Out [YouTube]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Please add the video duration to the title. Rule 2. Thanks for the post!

  • videoessays VideoEssays The Part of History You’ve Always Skipped. Neoslavery - Knowing Better
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Can you add the duration of the video to the title? Rule 2. Thanks for the post!

  • videoessays
    VideoEssays sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%
    The Great Myth of the Medieval Tritone Ban | Adam Neely [32:38]

    No, playing with your organ isn't going to summon the devil. At least, not that kind of organ.

    VideoEssays sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%
    The Great Myth of the Medieval Tritone Ban | Adam Neely's [32:38]

    No, playing with your organ isn't going to summon the devil. At least, not that kind of organ.

    videoessays VideoEssays Humans Need Not Apply [15:00] | CGP Grey
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    lol same. Maybe one day.

  • videoessays VideoEssays Humans Need Not Apply [15:00] | CGP Grey
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Can you add the channel's name and duration of the video to the title? Rule 2. Thanks for the post!

  • videoessays VideoEssays Down The Rabbit Hole -TempleOS [1:25:52]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Can you add the duration of the video in the title? Rule 2. Thanks for the post!

  • videoessays
    VideoEssays sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%
    The History of the Nickelodeon Hotel | Defunctland [19:12]

    The Nick hotel had a sexy honeymoon suite. That just seems wrong.

    MealtimeVideos sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%
    Animation vs. Math [14:02]

    A stick figure animation of our hero battling the forces of *e*-vil.

    VideoEssays sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%
    I Wanna Be a YouTuber! (a gen z tragedy) | Théo Evans [25:02]

    Theo is so good at making content about making content. He talks about a lot of popular topics, but I think his videos are more about popularity itself than about whatever the topic is. His self-critical and satirical style is what makes it work for me.

    videoessays VideoEssays A Lukewarm Defence of Fifty Shades of Grey | Folding Ideas [1:05:33]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Duration of the video, too, please. See rule 2 for future posts. Edit: Thanks!

  • videoessays VideoEssays A Lukewarm Defence of Fifty Shades of Grey | Folding Ideas [1:05:33]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Could you add the channel's name and duration to the title?

    Love this guy but hadn't seen this particular video before. Thanks for the post!

  • videoessays VideoEssays Perun's How Corruption Destroys Armies - Theft, Graft, and Russian failure in Ukraine [57:21]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Haven't had a chance to watch this video yet, but wow, that's an extremely interesting pivot in subject matter. Did he ever talk about how/why he made that switch?

  • videoessays VideoEssays How Aladdin Changed Animation (by Screwing Over Robin Williams) | Lindsay Ellis [24:00]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Haha sorry about that, I don't think she uploads any free videos to youtube anymore. Some of the posts have been new things, but some are more like 'greatest hits.'

  • dropout Dropout Shiny Question: We're No Different, You And I...
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 0%

    Nope. Voice actor for top left is Sean Schemmel, bottom left is Kathleen Barr, and the others are flesh and blood.

  • videoessays VideoEssays My Fav Vid Essay: hbomberguy's Pathologic is Genius, And Here's Why [2:10:51]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Moved em down into the rules. Look alright there for now?

    I think ideally I'd like it if Lemmy could one day make it possible to include those guidelines on the "create a post" screen somehow.

  • videoessays VideoEssays My Fav Vid Essay: hbomberguy's Pathologic is Genius, And Here's Why [2:10:51]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Nah, they don't need to be identical format. I think the personalization is good as long as all the basic info is available.

    That's a good idea for a change. I didn't want to give anyone the impression that they'd be punished for missing something in the title, but it would have better visibility inside the rules.

  • videoessays VideoEssays My Fav Vid Essay: hbomberguy's Pathologic is Genius, And Here's Why [2:10:51]
  • sharpsphere sharpsphere 1 year ago 100%

    Could you edit the title to include the title and duration of the video in there? Just for peoples' info when they're deciding what to watch.

    This video is one of my favorites, too. Honestly I'm just a huge fan of hbomb in general.
