minimalism minimalism If you can't stand "The Minimalists" but can't quite pinpoint why
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 11 months ago 100%

    Thank you. I think preachy minimalism is the #1 reason i could have, and all of us could have be put off the idea. It doesn't have to be a religion. Just a set of preferences to focus on simpler things. That's all it has to be.

  • minimalism minimalism Is there a good simple clothes place?
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 11 months ago 100%

    YES! exactly. But that's also half my point: Lidl, C&A, H&M, Decathlon, waikiki, underarmour, sinsay, salomon... thats already a lot of places we need to either digitally or physically go to browse through.

    If you think about it, most minimalists either

    1. hate shopping and would love a one stop shop for their needs. currently you end up visiting more places because you know exactly what simple things you want, than some shopaholic who will just buy whatever is at hand wherever they randomly find themselves shopping and wear it for a while. (here the minimalist hates the way he has to spend his time)

    2. are addicted to shopping and is their main struggle trying to become minimalistic - and browsing 10 shops instead of 3 like they used to - which will only make it harder for them to step away. (here the striving minimalist will hate the way they feel because they're basically investing even more time in shopping than they used to)

  • minimalism minimalism Is there a good simple clothes place?
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 11 months ago 100%

    i found black shirts are actually harder to maintain than white ones. a good spot remover can easily save a white one, whereas a black one needs careful washing on 30 degrees, no heat drying to not lose color, no sun drying to not bleach etc. Besides if you pair black pants with black shirts, one will be darker than the other, and look washed out and old in comparison. whereas, if you have a white shirt and black jeans that might or might not be a bit discolored, the contrast will make them look a lot darker and therefore newer.

  • minimalism minimalism Is there a good simple clothes place?
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 11 months ago 100%

    i like decathlon too tbh. my only gripe is sometimes its a bit too primary colors for my taste. i like muted colors.

    btw h&m has very good unbranded undies that last the most if you take care of them well (out of what i had so far)

    on waikiki and pepco, i have encountered quite a few quality issues a few years back and stopped trying. might give them another shot - but see, we're already discussing 6 stores, each with SOME simple stuff, and i dont like to keep seeking out those few items that are simple and good.

    (also Lidl but you gotta always keep an eye out there)

  • minimalism
    minimalism schnitzelbub 11 months ago 100%
    Is there a good simple clothes place?

    Hello! I have an issue: TLDR: I live in E Europe and would just like a site or app where I can shop for good quality, consistent, reliable, brandless, fashionless, timeless, standard, printless, good material, fairly priced clothes. **** I usually like to buy bulk (2 long house jogger pants, 5 t-shirts of the same brand and form, just different basic colours, 2 black jeans, 7 pairs of socks of the same kind, 7 pairs of undies for example) and get it over with. The closest i have found are C&A and H&M so far. I'd like even more simplicity and a bit better build quality. "Fashion" conglomerate apps both second hand and new, contain the opposite of what i want in clothes: overpriced, varying quality, brand heavy, print/logo heavy, exotic cuts, weird colors, dated, impractical clothes. I dont like needing to visit many generic online shops and flip the coin on build quality, and i dont like going to many online stores and finding the simple, honest clothing i like scattered one-three items on each brand. I specifically want to avoid popular labels because that costs extra and the price is high for the label, not for the actual item of clothing. Is there one app to unify this for me, or is there a company that just has fair prices and no fuss? And by no fuss, I also mean, i don't want some brand that sells me a white plain t-shirt for 100$ and makes this precious pageantry out of minimalism. Sorry if i come off as bitter, but it's really difficult for me to just find simple stuff, and i am already fed up with it being such a chore after half a life. Simply because i have such simple requirements, its very difficult to find what i want. Thank you in advance.

    boostforlemmy Boost For Lemmy It's great to have Boost back (just not for my battery and productivity)
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 12 months ago 77%

    Plex. My man!

  • boostforlemmy Boost For Lemmy Early Access: Become a tester for Boost for Lemmy and share your feedback 🚀
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 12 months ago 100%

    It's great, I bought ad free just for your efforts. But 2 problems so far:

    1. error on uploading any image of any dimensions in any sublemmy.

    2. can't see the videos, not in preview Mode, nor in full-screen Mode.

    What can i/we do?

  • boostforlemmy Boost For Lemmy Error uploading image
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 12 months ago 100%

    Nope. Made the larger side 200px, still error. (

  • boostforlemmy Boost For Lemmy Error uploading image
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 12 months ago 100%

    I can trial and error smaller files. Will get back to you.

  • boostforlemmy
    Boost For Lemmy schnitzelbub 12 months ago 88%
    Error uploading image

    I just installed boost and paid for it without hesitation because even if the app still sucks or not, I greatly appreciate the effort and loved the reddit one too. However, I get this error when uploading an image based meme: "error uploading image". What to do?

    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 96%
    *evil shrill cackle*
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 98%
    It's their war cry.
    memes Memes Now you print what I told you.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    I've got admin control. And now you print what I told you.

    I've got admin control. And now you print what I told you.

    I've got admin control. And now you print what I told you.

    I've got admin control. And now you print what I told you.

    I've got admin control. And now you print what I told you.

    I've got admin control. And now you print what I told you.

  • memes Memes Why are you 𐐘?
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 80%

    Good job.

  • memes
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 96%
    Why are you 𐐘?

    You are 𐐘.

    memes Memes And I also looked like I am judging you harshly.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 80%

    They were dirty so I left them at home because I was in a hurry.

  • memes Memes A simple solution at cost of minor aesthetic changes
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 66%

    Im also waiting for hydrogen to take off!

  • memes Memes Yah, nvm.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 90%

    Took it off imgur, that's how it showed up.

  • memes Memes Yah, nvm.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    I've stopped watching news because there's nothing I can do about them.

  • memes
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 98%
    Yah, nvm.
    memes Memes screenshots
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    It either grows and becomes that as well among other things or it dies because 10k users are too few I'd guess.

  • memes
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 99%
    Darn nincompoops!
    memes Memes Then Xavier becomes all worried like.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks, fellow lemming!

  • memes Memes I hope I put the correct amount of eyes on in the morning.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    Unlike Zuck who doesn't require sleep.

  • memes Memes Twitter is doing fine.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    Whadda buncha boobs.

  • memes Memes screenshots
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    It's a matter of time until enough people like you gather and make something more along the lines of what you're picturing. And I'll subscribe to that sublemmy too and just lurk. More jokes for me, I don't care who made them or what the format is as long as they're fun.

    But I think this sublemmy has become our HQ and it will contain a lot of stuff of all makes, sites and qualities.

  • memes Memes screenshots
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, I don't think anyone is funny enough (or free enough in their lives) to produce enough original memes to keep us all engaged for long. For what it's worth, I'll stop sharing off site non original memes (which I select for liking) when there's enough people to populate and have the capability to produce enough original and quality memes. Maybe 50k or 100k. For now we're eating McDonald's because nobody here can cook enough for everyone.

    As long as people like stuff posted from other places even if it's not pure meme form, I think it's good enough for now.

    If you tried to make an only pure and original memes on here for now, and would police it as such, I bet you'd get less than 5/day which would render it virtually dead.

    In time, there will be better and/original memes but the newcomers have to have something to sink their teeth into.

    Stuff like this happens:

  • memes Memes screenshots
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%
  • memes Memes Then Xavier becomes all worried like.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    Been spammed with "Screenshots aren't memes" on multiple posts.

  • memes Memes Then Xavier becomes all worried like.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks, glad to be here! I'll try to post less wordy things as it seems to upset some people.

  • meta Meta ( *Permanently Deleted*
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    Yup, pretty much.

  • memes Memes Then Xavier becomes all worried like.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    Nah. 525 people enjoyed the post. If we were all as selective with our posts as you are, we'd have about 10k posts on this platform so far. If you have such high standards that exceed ours, the plebs, you could post the things you deem worthy. You know, actually have a positive contribution.

    Don't worry, people don't upvote what they don't like, and if it's truly that terrible, those posts never gain traction.

  • memes Memes screenshots
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    If everyone would just post what they liked, we'd have lots of content and it would be voted on by the people based on whether it's funny or not. If people get bored by the "text only" or "bean only" formats, they'll just not upvote.

  • memes Memes Get your kling on.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    <3 i didn't used to post almost at all on any other social media. I do try to bring stuff I found funny from other sites to keep ourselves going. Kind of bringing whatever good firewood I can get my hands on and throwing it on the Lemmy fire to keep us nice and toasty.

  • memes Memes screenshots
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 66%

    We're 10k users. There's not that much content on here. I didn't post almost ever on reddit, but considering we need content, I steal images I find funny off imgur and post them here in an attempt to add content to the network.

    If we fragment our 'funny posts' in tens of subreddits from dozens of instances most users aren't subscribed to or don't often browse, we'll have a lot less to keep ourselves entertained.

    Instead of trying to gatekeep when we hardly have enough users, why don't you post things you do find appropriate for this subreddit and just scroll past or downvote what upsets you and move on? There's no place or need for this sort of elitism and offering nothing better in return right now.

  • memes Memes Empowerment.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 90%

    We're 10k users. There's not that much content on here. I didn't post almost ever on reddit, but considering we need content, I steal images I find funny off imgur and post them here in an attempt to add content to the network.

    If we fragment our 'funny posts' in tens of subreddits from dozens of instances most users aren't subscribed to or don't often browse, we'll have a lot less to keep ourselves entertained.

    Instead of trying to gatekeep when we hardly have enough users, why don't you post things you do find appropriate for this subreddit and just scroll past or downvote what upsets you and move on? There's no place or need for this sort of elitism and offering nothing better in return right now.

  • memes Memes Peek-a-bang
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 95%

    We're 10k users. There's not that much content on here. I didn't post almost ever on reddit, but considering we need content, I steal images I find funny off imgur and post them here in an attempt to add content to the network.

    If we fragment our 'funny posts' in tens of subreddits from dozens of instances most users aren't subscribed to or don't often browse, we'll have a lot less to keep ourselves entertained.

    Instead of trying to gatekeep when we hardly have enough users, why don't you post things you do find appropriate for this subreddit and just scroll past or downvote what upsets you and move on? There's no place or need for this sort of elitism and offering nothing better in return right now.

  • memes Memes That would definitely be worth 40$.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 69%

    We're 10k users. There's not that much content on here. I didn't post almost ever on reddit, but considering we need content, I steal images I find funny off imgur and post them here in an attempt to add content to the network.

    If we fragment our 'funny posts' in tens of subreddits from dozens of instances most users aren't subscribed to or don't often browse, we'll have a lot less to keep ourselves entertained.

    Instead of trying to gatekeep when we hardly have enough users, why don't you post things you do find appropriate for this subreddit and just scroll past or downvote what upsets you and move on? There's no place or need for this sort of elitism and offering nothing better in return right now.

  • memes Memes You foolish boy.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 83%

    We're 10k users. There's not that much content on here. I didn't post almost ever on reddit, but considering we need content, I steal images I find funny off imgur and post them here in an attempt to add content to the network.

    If we fragment our 'funny posts' in tens of subreddits from dozens of instances most users aren't subscribed to or don't often browse, we'll have a lot less to keep ourselves entertained.

    Instead of trying to gatekeep when we hardly have enough users, why don't you post things you do find appropriate for this subreddit and just scroll past or downvote what upsets you and move on? There's no place or need for this sort of elitism and offering nothing better in return right now.

  • memes Memes At least they now vacuum our houses.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 77%

    We're 10k users. There's not that much content on here. I didn't post almost ever on reddit, but considering we need content, I steal images I find funny off imgur and post them here in an attempt to add content to the network.

    If we fragment our 'funny posts' in tens of subreddits from dozens of instances most users aren't subscribed to or don't often browse, we'll have a lot less to keep ourselves entertained.

    Instead of trying to gatekeep when we hardly have enough users, why don't you post things you do find appropriate for this subreddit and just scroll past or downvote what upsets you and move on? There's no place or need for this sort of elitism and offering nothing better in return right now.

  • memes
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 97%
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 95%
    Get your kling on.
    memes Memes He holds the moisture in.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    Amen to that!

  • memes
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 98%
    memes Memes That would definitely be worth 40$.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    You know it, bröther.

  • memes Memes At least they now vacuum our houses.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    The sex robots will be crazy expensive for a while there. Only the rich will afford them.

  • memes
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 97%
    You foolish boy.
    memes Memes I heard they want to go full electric by 2035
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%


  • memes
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 99%
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 96%
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 98%
    Eh, it is what it is.
    memes Memes They may not have ruled, but they certainly rocked.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    I'd bet on raptors, at least for familiarity and close relation to chicken. Pangea fried Caudipterix. PFC.

    I'd turn that bad boy into a living-room sized schnitzel in a heartbeat.

    *(Historically inaccurate as Caudipterix lived in the late jurassic/early cretaceous, when pangea was already kind of broken apart. Also, it was discovered in China) *

  • memes Memes They may not have ruled, but they certainly rocked.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    They very likely taste like chicken. Chicken are very closely related to dinosaurs and so are crocodiles. Crocodile/alligator meat also allegedly tastes very similarly to chicken.

  • memes Memes Santana.
  • schnitzelbub schnitzelbub 1 year ago 100%

    What if Satan is Krampus and he's just toning it down for the holidays so he can also be part of it?

  • memes
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 97%
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 98%
    Wow, what an offer!
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 98%
    He speaks the truth.
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 95%
    That's quite örly.
    Memes schnitzelbub 1 year ago 97%
    Engelbert Humperdinck