selfhosted Selfhosted Collaborate on Fedi-hosting - looking for others to team up with
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    Nice initiative.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Do any of you bother writing abuse emails?
  • root root 1 year ago 91%

    Yea, I have submitted multiple abuse emails with details to domain registrars for scamming and phishing.

    Didn’t receive any update from them on any action taken yet.

  • linuxadmin
    Using `sed` for text manipulation

    In this tutorial, we will explore how to use `sed` (stream editor) with examples in the Markdown language. `sed` is a powerful command-line tool for text manipulation and is widely used for tasks such as search and replace, line filtering, and text transformations. What is described below barely scratches the surface what `sed` can do. ## Table of Contents 1. [Installing Sed](#installing-sed) 2. [Basic Usage](#basic-usage) 3. [Search and Replace](#search-and-replace) 4. [Deleting Lines](#deleting-lines) 5. [Inserting and Appending Text](#inserting-and-appending-text) 6. [Transformations](#transformations) 7. [Working with Files](#working-with-files) 8. [Conclusion](#conclusion) ## 1. Installing Sed Before we begin, make sure `sed` is installed on your system. It usually comes pre-installed on Unix-like systems (e.g., Linux, macOS). To check if `sed` is installed, open your terminal and run the following command: ``` sed --version ``` If `sed` is not installed, you can install it using your package manager. For example, on Ubuntu or Debian-based systems, you can use the following command: ``` sudo apt-get install sed ``` ## 2. Basic Usage To use `sed`, you need to provide it with a command and the input text to process. The basic syntax is as follows: ``` sed 'command' input.txt ``` Here, `'command'` represents the action you want to perform on the input text. It can be a search pattern, a substitution, or a transformation. `input.txt` is the file containing the text to process. If you omit the file name, `sed` will read from the standard input. ## 3. Search and Replace One of the most common tasks with `sed` is search and replace. To substitute a pattern with another in Markdown files, use the `s` command. The basic syntax is: ``` sed 's/pattern/replacement/' ``` For example, to replace all occurrences of the word "apple" with "orange" in ``, use the following command: ``` sed 's/apple/orange/' ``` ## 4. Deleting Lines You can also delete specific lines from a Markdown file using `sed`. The `d` command is used to delete lines that match a particular pattern. The syntax is as follows: ``` sed '/pattern/d' ``` For example, to delete all lines containing the word "banana" from ``, use the following command: ``` sed '/banana/d' ``` ## 5. Inserting and Appending Text `sed` allows you to insert or append text at specific locations in a Markdown file. The `i` command is used to insert text before a line, and the `a` command is used to append text after a line. The syntax is as follows: ``` sed '/pattern/i\inserted text' sed '/pattern/a\appended text' ``` For example, to insert the line "This is a new paragraph." before the line containing the word "example" in ``, use the following command: ``` sed '/example/i\This is a new paragraph.' ``` ## 6. Transformations `sed` provides various transformation commands that can be used to modify Markdown files. Some useful commands include: - `y`: Transliterate characters. For example, to convert all uppercase letters to lowercase, use: ``` sed 'y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/' ``` - `p`: Print lines. By default, `sed` only prints the modified lines. To print all lines, use: ``` sed -n 'p' ``` - `r`: Read and insert the contents of a file. For example, to insert the contents of `` after the line containing the word "insertion point" in ``, use: ``` sed '/insertion point/r' ``` These are just a few examples of the transformation commands available in `sed`. ## 7. Working with Files By default, `sed` modifies the input in-place. To make changes to a file and save the output to a new file, you can use input/output redirection: ``` sed 'command' > ``` This command runs `sed` on `` and saves the output to ``. Be cautious when using redirection, as it will overwrite the contents of `` if it already exists. ## 8. Conclusion In this tutorial, we have explored the basics of using `sed` with Markdown files. You have learned how to perform search and replace operations, delete lines, insert and append text, apply transformations, and work with files. `sed` offers a wide range of capabilities, and with practice, you can become proficient in manipulating Markdown files using this powerful tool.

    IndiaSpeaks Community root 1 year ago 100%
    Did NYT just admit that its long-held ideals of liberal democracy have failed? When NYT fails to preach to India, they preach about how to preach to India

    cross-posted from: > Author: [Pragya Bakshi Sharma]( > > *NYT writes, "A public scolding from the White House, especially when the United States is wrestling with its own threats to democracy, would serve little purpose except to anger the Indian public."* > > ![]( > > On Friday, PM Narendra Modi became the only Indian Prime Minister and third global leader to address the Joint Session of the US Congress twice. “It is always a great honour to address the United States Congress. It is an exceptional privilege to do so twice. For this honour, I extend my deepest gratitude on behalf of 1.4 billion people of India,” PM Modi said. > > He jestfully added, “Mr. Speaker, you have a tough job. (Congress erupts in laughter). I can relate to the battles of passion, persuasion, and policy. I can understand the debate of ideas and ideology. But I am delighted to see you come together to celebrate the bond between world’s two great democracies – India and the United States (Congress standing ovation). I am happy to help out whenever you need a strong bipartisan consensus (Congress erupts in laughter).” > > In just 100 words, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inadvertently incarcerated The New York Times’s latest 1376-word rant. > > Titled “The India Quandary”, NYT’s op-ed on Thursday was uncommonly politically correct. Of course, the article didn’t fall short of its traditional anti-Modi, anti-India, anti-Hindu bigotry, but seems to have preached a rather introspective gospel to the Biden administration instead of its general habit of preaching to India. > > Keeping in line with its convoluted style of writing so as to leave an escape route open, the New York Times op-ed begins with an outright hypocritical stand as it questions the applicability of the ideals of the very liberal democracy it has been preaching to India. > > “…but that chimera soon gave way to the more complex world we inhabit today, in which the ideals of liberal democracy — often in otherwise well-functioning democracies — sometimes seem to be in conflict with the popularity of strongmen leaders, the desire for security or the forces of xenophobia or grievance,” it reads. > > The op-ed further reads, “For American presidents and policymakers, this poses a challenge; it is no longer enough to champion the ideals of liberal democracy and count on the rest of the world to follow.” > > This is the same New York Times that has demeaned India by calling it “an increasingly illiberal democracy“. And now, the change of heart is such that it is preaching, twice in 24 hours, the US govt to use measures that are more tolerant than the ideals of liberal democracy. > > ![]( > > In another one of NYT’s opinion articles titled ‘Democracy and Reality,” the author says that “an alliance made up only of liberal democracies would probably weaken global democracy.” The article is written by NYT senior writer David Leonhardt. > > So what is it that has made the already politically correct New York Times now also politically correct towards its own coterie? It is the 1.4 billion people of India. Yes, you read that right. Here’s another part from the op-ed to tell you how. > > It reads, “A public scolding from the White House, especially when the United States is wrestling with its own threats to democracy, would serve little purpose except to anger the Indian public.” After 9 years of the Modi govt, 6th visit as PM, and the first official state visit, the New York Times seems to have finally grasped the pulse of the Indian electorate. > > The Prime Minister’s consecutive victory and his popularity among the Indian masses both at home and abroad have trampled the toolkit gang’s daydreams of stripping India of its Hindu identity. Here’s an excerpt that proves the same: “…senior American officials believe that India’s views of the United States have fundamentally improved in recent years. This is partly through the work of the dynamic Indian diaspora…” > > It is surprising to note that NYT somehow mustered the courage to speak the truth in saying that “India is a democracy in which the world’s biggest electorate openly and freely exercises the fundamental right to choose its leader”. The Hindu-hating “news” organisation has otherwise often written off the role of the Indian voter in consciously bringing Modi to power and has attributed his victory to what it deems an “anti-Muslim narrative”. > > ![]( > > But let’s not get ahead of ourselves here for this is the notorious New York Times after all. In sugarcoated and seemingly intellectual words, the op-ed is basically suggesting that the Biden administration use more careful means of “engagement which can, at least sometimes, lead to further dialogue and space for diplomacy”. Why? Because “Mr. Modi, the prime minister since 2014, commands sky-high popularity ratings and a secure majority in his Parliament, and is in the enviable position of leading a country with a relatively young, growing population”. > > The New York Times with this op-ed has sensationally elaborated that the United States of America should continue to meddle in India’s internal affairs while ensuring that Democrats remain in the good books of the Indian diaspora. An excerpt from the op-ed declares NYT’s fears in this regard: > > “The administration also faces the problem that the United States’ democratic credentials have been tarnished by Donald Trump and the possibility that he may be back in the White House before long. Mr. Trump’s politics have been openly hailed as an inspiration by many an elected autocrat — including Mr. Modi, whose magnetism Mr. Trump likened to Elvis Presley’s at a rally in Houston on an official visit in 2019.” > > The above excerpt also reveals the deep-seated fear among America’s left-liberal Democrats of losing power come the 2024 Presidential elections. “Hurry up! Quell the chorus for Trump among Indians” is the underlying desperate message. > > For The New York Times to be so high-handed to think that it has any control over the Indian political and global sentiments is vainglorious, to say the least. From the pitch to “advance American ideals” at the beginning of the editorial to assuming that India gives two hoots about what “America admires” about us at the end of it, NYT itself is far from pragmatism; that America is no more the absolute and decisive world power. > > At one point, the editorial quotes US govt officials as saying that “it’s far better to raise concerns (with Modi about Indian democracy) in private” because “India’s vital role on the global stage supersedes concerns about one leader”. As if Biden, of all people, who has made a faux pas on several occasions, has the skill to give a simple statement off the prompter, let alone raise concerns with Prime Minister Modi. > > Exposé after exposé of the anti-India, Hindu-hating brigade has brought down the likes of NYT’s propaganda editors to conspire diplomatic means to push their narrative using their favorite jargons like “autocratic Modi!”, “fascist Modi!”, “anti-Muslim, Hindutva Modi”. > > This New York Times op-ed is nothing but just another left-liberal whining about not being able to preach to India as India refuses to further their interests. Basically, when NYT has failed to preach to India, it is preaching its own govt on how to preach to India.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    Did NYT just admit that its long-held ideals of liberal democracy have failed? When NYT fails to preach to India, they preach about how to preach to India

    Author: [Pragya Bakshi Sharma]( *NYT writes, "A public scolding from the White House, especially when the United States is wrestling with its own threats to democracy, would serve little purpose except to anger the Indian public."* ![]( On Friday, PM Narendra Modi became the only Indian Prime Minister and third global leader to address the Joint Session of the US Congress twice. “It is always a great honour to address the United States Congress. It is an exceptional privilege to do so twice. For this honour, I extend my deepest gratitude on behalf of 1.4 billion people of India,” PM Modi said. He jestfully added, “Mr. Speaker, you have a tough job. (Congress erupts in laughter). I can relate to the battles of passion, persuasion, and policy. I can understand the debate of ideas and ideology. But I am delighted to see you come together to celebrate the bond between world’s two great democracies – India and the United States (Congress standing ovation). I am happy to help out whenever you need a strong bipartisan consensus (Congress erupts in laughter).” In just 100 words, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inadvertently incarcerated The New York Times’s latest 1376-word rant. Titled “The India Quandary”, NYT’s op-ed on Thursday was uncommonly politically correct. Of course, the article didn’t fall short of its traditional anti-Modi, anti-India, anti-Hindu bigotry, but seems to have preached a rather introspective gospel to the Biden administration instead of its general habit of preaching to India. Keeping in line with its convoluted style of writing so as to leave an escape route open, the New York Times op-ed begins with an outright hypocritical stand as it questions the applicability of the ideals of the very liberal democracy it has been preaching to India. “…but that chimera soon gave way to the more complex world we inhabit today, in which the ideals of liberal democracy — often in otherwise well-functioning democracies — sometimes seem to be in conflict with the popularity of strongmen leaders, the desire for security or the forces of xenophobia or grievance,” it reads. The op-ed further reads, “For American presidents and policymakers, this poses a challenge; it is no longer enough to champion the ideals of liberal democracy and count on the rest of the world to follow.” This is the same New York Times that has demeaned India by calling it “an increasingly illiberal democracy“. And now, the change of heart is such that it is preaching, twice in 24 hours, the US govt to use measures that are more tolerant than the ideals of liberal democracy. ![]( In another one of NYT’s opinion articles titled ‘Democracy and Reality,” the author says that “an alliance made up only of liberal democracies would probably weaken global democracy.” The article is written by NYT senior writer David Leonhardt. So what is it that has made the already politically correct New York Times now also politically correct towards its own coterie? It is the 1.4 billion people of India. Yes, you read that right. Here’s another part from the op-ed to tell you how. It reads, “A public scolding from the White House, especially when the United States is wrestling with its own threats to democracy, would serve little purpose except to anger the Indian public.” After 9 years of the Modi govt, 6th visit as PM, and the first official state visit, the New York Times seems to have finally grasped the pulse of the Indian electorate. The Prime Minister’s consecutive victory and his popularity among the Indian masses both at home and abroad have trampled the toolkit gang’s daydreams of stripping India of its Hindu identity. Here’s an excerpt that proves the same: “…senior American officials believe that India’s views of the United States have fundamentally improved in recent years. This is partly through the work of the dynamic Indian diaspora…” It is surprising to note that NYT somehow mustered the courage to speak the truth in saying that “India is a democracy in which the world’s biggest electorate openly and freely exercises the fundamental right to choose its leader”. The Hindu-hating “news” organisation has otherwise often written off the role of the Indian voter in consciously bringing Modi to power and has attributed his victory to what it deems an “anti-Muslim narrative”. ![]( But let’s not get ahead of ourselves here for this is the notorious New York Times after all. In sugarcoated and seemingly intellectual words, the op-ed is basically suggesting that the Biden administration use more careful means of “engagement which can, at least sometimes, lead to further dialogue and space for diplomacy”. Why? Because “Mr. Modi, the prime minister since 2014, commands sky-high popularity ratings and a secure majority in his Parliament, and is in the enviable position of leading a country with a relatively young, growing population”. The New York Times with this op-ed has sensationally elaborated that the United States of America should continue to meddle in India’s internal affairs while ensuring that Democrats remain in the good books of the Indian diaspora. An excerpt from the op-ed declares NYT’s fears in this regard: “The administration also faces the problem that the United States’ democratic credentials have been tarnished by Donald Trump and the possibility that he may be back in the White House before long. Mr. Trump’s politics have been openly hailed as an inspiration by many an elected autocrat — including Mr. Modi, whose magnetism Mr. Trump likened to Elvis Presley’s at a rally in Houston on an official visit in 2019.” The above excerpt also reveals the deep-seated fear among America’s left-liberal Democrats of losing power come the 2024 Presidential elections. “Hurry up! Quell the chorus for Trump among Indians” is the underlying desperate message. For The New York Times to be so high-handed to think that it has any control over the Indian political and global sentiments is vainglorious, to say the least. From the pitch to “advance American ideals” at the beginning of the editorial to assuming that India gives two hoots about what “America admires” about us at the end of it, NYT itself is far from pragmatism; that America is no more the absolute and decisive world power. At one point, the editorial quotes US govt officials as saying that “it’s far better to raise concerns (with Modi about Indian democracy) in private” because “India’s vital role on the global stage supersedes concerns about one leader”. As if Biden, of all people, who has made a faux pas on several occasions, has the skill to give a simple statement off the prompter, let alone raise concerns with Prime Minister Modi. Exposé after exposé of the anti-India, Hindu-hating brigade has brought down the likes of NYT’s propaganda editors to conspire diplomatic means to push their narrative using their favorite jargons like “autocratic Modi!”, “fascist Modi!”, “anti-Muslim, Hindutva Modi”. This New York Times op-ed is nothing but just another left-liberal whining about not being able to preach to India as India refuses to further their interests. Basically, when NYT has failed to preach to India, it is preaching its own govt on how to preach to India.

    IAF conducts Exercise 'Ranvijay' with focus on integrating day & night operations

    cross-posted from: > Author: [Eashaan Dhillon]( > > *The IAF conducted Exercise 'Ranvijay' with a focus on integration and joint operations and used the Sukhoi Su-30MKI aircraft in the exercise.* > > ![]( > > *The Indian Air Force, with a focus on integration, carried out Exercise ‘Ranvijay’. (Image: ANI)* > > The Indian Air Force carried out Exercise ‘Ranvijay’ with a focus on integration on Sunday (June 25). It was conducted from different air bases of the command headquarters of IAF in Prayagraj. The IAF conducted day and night operations with its various combat fleet including the Sukhoi Su-30MKI aircraft, a twin-engine multirole fighter aircraft developed by Russia’s Sukhoi and built under license by India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). > > The Sukhoi Su-30MKI aircraft is a heavy, all-weather long-range fighter. It is the most advanced fighter of the IAF after the French-made Rafale jets. The first fighter joined the fleet of the IAF in 2002, while the first aircraft assembled in India entered service with IAF in 2004. > > ### About Indian Air Force’s Exercise 'Ranvijay’ > > ![]( > > The Central Air Command (CAC) in a statement said that the major focus of this exercise was on integrated operations while optimally exploiting the Electronic Warfare capabilities of the Indian Air Force (IAF). This exercise involved the execution of full spectrum operations by all combat assets. It will also improve the capabilities of the IAF to conduct night ops and function in all weather conditions across the globe. > > "IAF UB Hills Prayagraj "Exercise Ranvijay was conducted in UB Hills and Central Air Command Area of Responsibility from June 16-23 wherein full spectrum operations by all combat assets by day and night were carried out," Central Air Command of the IAF said. "The focus was on Integrated operations while optimally exploiting electronic warfare capabilities of the Indian Air Force," CAC added. > The exercise has proven that the IAF is capable of taking on challenges and protecting the nation's skies from India's adversaries with its technological capabilities. Moreover, the integration of the three tri-services will help thwart threats from India's adversaries along the Western and Northern Border.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    IAF conducts Exercise 'Ranvijay' with focus on integrating day & night operations

    Author: [Eashaan Dhillon]( *The IAF conducted Exercise 'Ranvijay' with a focus on integration and joint operations and used the Sukhoi Su-30MKI aircraft in the exercise.* ![]( *The Indian Air Force, with a focus on integration, carried out Exercise ‘Ranvijay’. (Image: ANI)* The Indian Air Force carried out Exercise ‘Ranvijay’ with a focus on integration on Sunday (June 25). It was conducted from different air bases of the command headquarters of IAF in Prayagraj. The IAF conducted day and night operations with its various combat fleet including the Sukhoi Su-30MKI aircraft, a twin-engine multirole fighter aircraft developed by Russia’s Sukhoi and built under license by India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). The Sukhoi Su-30MKI aircraft is a heavy, all-weather long-range fighter. It is the most advanced fighter of the IAF after the French-made Rafale jets. The first fighter joined the fleet of the IAF in 2002, while the first aircraft assembled in India entered service with IAF in 2004. ### About Indian Air Force’s Exercise 'Ranvijay’ ![]( The Central Air Command (CAC) in a statement said that the major focus of this exercise was on integrated operations while optimally exploiting the Electronic Warfare capabilities of the Indian Air Force (IAF). This exercise involved the execution of full spectrum operations by all combat assets. It will also improve the capabilities of the IAF to conduct night ops and function in all weather conditions across the globe. "IAF UB Hills Prayagraj "Exercise Ranvijay was conducted in UB Hills and Central Air Command Area of Responsibility from June 16-23 wherein full spectrum operations by all combat assets by day and night were carried out," Central Air Command of the IAF said. "The focus was on Integrated operations while optimally exploiting electronic warfare capabilities of the Indian Air Force," CAC added. The exercise has proven that the IAF is capable of taking on challenges and protecting the nation's skies from India's adversaries with its technological capabilities. Moreover, the integration of the three tri-services will help thwart threats from India's adversaries along the Western and Northern Border.

    Geopolitics root 1 year ago 50%
    Freight train carrying hazardous materials plunge into Yellowstone River as bridge collapses

    cross-posted from: > *The bridge collapsed overnight near Columbus, Montana causing several train cars to be immersed in the Yellowstone River.* > > ![]( > > *Portions of a freight train plunged into the Yellowstone River due to bridge collapse. (Image: AP)* > > A bridge that crosses the Yellowstone River in Montana collapsed early Saturday, plunging portions of a freight train carrying hazardous materials into the rushing water below. > > The train cars were carrying hot asphalt and molten sulfur, Stillwater County Disaster and Emergency Services said. Officials shut down drinking water intakes downstream while they evaluated the danger after the 6 a.m. accident. An Associated Press reporter witnessed a yellow substance coming out of some of the tank cars. > > David Stamey, the county’s chief of emergency services, said there was no immediate danger for the crews working at the site, and the hazardous material was being diluted by the swollen river. There were three asphalt cars and four sulfur cars in the river. > > The train crew was safe and no injuries were reported, Montana Rail Link spokesman Andy Garland said in a statement. The asphalt and sulfur both solidify quickly when exposed to cooler temperatures, he said. > > Railroad crews were at the scene in Stillwater County, near the town of Columbus, about 40 miles (about 64 kilometers) west of Billings. The area is in a sparsely populated section of the Yellowstone River Valley, surrounded by ranch and farmland. The river there flows away from Yellowstone National Park, which is about 110 miles (177 kilometers) southwest. > > “We are committed to addressing any potential impacts to the area as a result of this incident and working to understand the reasons behind the accident,” Garland said. > > The bridge collapse also took out a fiber-optic cable providing internet service to many customers in the state, the high-speed provider Global Net said. “This is the major fiber route ... through Montana,” a recording on the company’s phone line said Saturday. “This is affecting all Global Net customers. Connectivity will either be down or extremely slow.” > > In neighboring Yellowstone County, officials said they instituted emergency measures at water treatment plants due to the “potential hazmat spill” and asked residents to conserve water. > > The cause of the collapse is under investigation. The river was swollen with recent heavy rains, but it’s unclear whether that was a factor. The Yellowstone saw record flooding in 2022 that caused extensive damage to Yellowstone National Park and adjacent towns in Montana. Robert Bea, a retired engineering professor at the University of California Berkeley who has analyzed the causes of hundreds of major disasters, said repeated years of heavy river flows provided a clue to the possible cause. > > “The high water flow translates to high forces acting directly on the pier and, importantly, on the river bottom,” Bea said. “You can have erosion or scour that removes support from the foundation. High forces translate to a high likelihood of a structural or foundation failure that could act as a trigger to initiate the accident.” > > An old highway bridge that paralleled the railroad bridge — together, they were called the Twin Bridges — was removed in 2021 after the Montana Department of Transportation determined it was in imminent danger of falling. It wasn’t immediately clear when the railroad bridge was constructed or when it was last inspected. Bea said investigators would also want to look at whether there was wear or rust in bridge components as well as a record of maintenance, repair and inspections. > > Federal Railroad Administration officials were at the scene working with local authorities. “As part of our investigation, we have requested and will thoroughly review a copy of recent bridge inspection reports from the owner for compliance with federal Bridge Safety Standards,” the agency said in a statement Saturday, noting that responsibility for inspections lies with bridge owners. > > Kelly Hitchcock of the Columbus Water Users shut off the flow of river water into an irrigation ditch downstream from the collapsed bridge to prevent contents from the tank cars from reaching nearby farmland. The Stillwater County Sheriff’s Office called the group Saturday morning to warn it about the collapse, Hitchcock said. > > The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency notes that sulfur is a common element used as a fertilizer as well as an insecticide, fungicide and rodenticide. >

    World News root 1 year ago 100%
    Freight train carrying hazardous materials plunge into Yellowstone River as bridge collapses

    *The bridge collapsed overnight near Columbus, Montana causing several train cars to be immersed in the Yellowstone River.* ![]( *Portions of a freight train plunged into the Yellowstone River due to bridge collapse. (Image: AP)* A bridge that crosses the Yellowstone River in Montana collapsed early Saturday, plunging portions of a freight train carrying hazardous materials into the rushing water below. The train cars were carrying hot asphalt and molten sulfur, Stillwater County Disaster and Emergency Services said. Officials shut down drinking water intakes downstream while they evaluated the danger after the 6 a.m. accident. An Associated Press reporter witnessed a yellow substance coming out of some of the tank cars. David Stamey, the county’s chief of emergency services, said there was no immediate danger for the crews working at the site, and the hazardous material was being diluted by the swollen river. There were three asphalt cars and four sulfur cars in the river. The train crew was safe and no injuries were reported, Montana Rail Link spokesman Andy Garland said in a statement. The asphalt and sulfur both solidify quickly when exposed to cooler temperatures, he said. Railroad crews were at the scene in Stillwater County, near the town of Columbus, about 40 miles (about 64 kilometers) west of Billings. The area is in a sparsely populated section of the Yellowstone River Valley, surrounded by ranch and farmland. The river there flows away from Yellowstone National Park, which is about 110 miles (177 kilometers) southwest. “We are committed to addressing any potential impacts to the area as a result of this incident and working to understand the reasons behind the accident,” Garland said. The bridge collapse also took out a fiber-optic cable providing internet service to many customers in the state, the high-speed provider Global Net said. “This is the major fiber route ... through Montana,” a recording on the company’s phone line said Saturday. “This is affecting all Global Net customers. Connectivity will either be down or extremely slow.” In neighboring Yellowstone County, officials said they instituted emergency measures at water treatment plants due to the “potential hazmat spill” and asked residents to conserve water. The cause of the collapse is under investigation. The river was swollen with recent heavy rains, but it’s unclear whether that was a factor. The Yellowstone saw record flooding in 2022 that caused extensive damage to Yellowstone National Park and adjacent towns in Montana. Robert Bea, a retired engineering professor at the University of California Berkeley who has analyzed the causes of hundreds of major disasters, said repeated years of heavy river flows provided a clue to the possible cause. “The high water flow translates to high forces acting directly on the pier and, importantly, on the river bottom,” Bea said. “You can have erosion or scour that removes support from the foundation. High forces translate to a high likelihood of a structural or foundation failure that could act as a trigger to initiate the accident.” An old highway bridge that paralleled the railroad bridge — together, they were called the Twin Bridges — was removed in 2021 after the Montana Department of Transportation determined it was in imminent danger of falling. It wasn’t immediately clear when the railroad bridge was constructed or when it was last inspected. Bea said investigators would also want to look at whether there was wear or rust in bridge components as well as a record of maintenance, repair and inspections. Federal Railroad Administration officials were at the scene working with local authorities. “As part of our investigation, we have requested and will thoroughly review a copy of recent bridge inspection reports from the owner for compliance with federal Bridge Safety Standards,” the agency said in a statement Saturday, noting that responsibility for inspections lies with bridge owners. Kelly Hitchcock of the Columbus Water Users shut off the flow of river water into an irrigation ditch downstream from the collapsed bridge to prevent contents from the tank cars from reaching nearby farmland. The Stillwater County Sheriff’s Office called the group Saturday morning to warn it about the collapse, Hitchcock said. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency notes that sulfur is a common element used as a fertilizer as well as an insecticide, fungicide and rodenticide.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    US-India ties 'most consequential', reiterates Biden; PM Modi has this to say

    cross-posted from: > Author: [Astha Singh]( > > *Biden reiterated that the friendship between America and India is among the most consequential among partnerships and has now turned out to be stronger.* > > ![]( > > *President Biden asserted that US-India friendship among most consequential in the world | Image: AP/PTI* > > After Prime Minister Narendra Modi's US visit, President Joe Biden on Sunday reiterated that the friendship between America and India is among the most consequential partnerships globally and has now turned out to be stronger and more dynamic than ever. Responding to the US President, Prime Minister Modi affirmed the power of friendship between the two nations. In PM Modi's historic three-day State visit, India and America signed several major deals to boost cooperation in key areas such as defence, space, and trade with an aim to further elevate their partnership. > > ### Biden says 'US-India friendship most consequential' > > President Biden took to Twitter and shared a video showcasing glimpses of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's State visit. "The friendship between the United States and India is among the most consequential in the world. And it's stronger, closer, and more dynamic than ever," he wrote. > > In the video, the US President stated that he has long believed that ties between India and US will be one of the defining relationships as both nations' Constitutions are bound with the same phrase: "We the people". He added that both nations share democratic values and want people everywhere to have the opportunity to live in dignity. "This is a cornerstone of this essential partnership between India and the US. And that is why I know the friendship between our nations is only going to grow as we face the future together," he said. > > In response to Biden's tweet, PM Modi asserted that the friendship between India and the US is a force for global good and will make the planet better as well as more sustainable. "I fully agree with you, POTUS, Joe Biden. The friendship between our countries is a force for global good. It will make the planet better and more sustainable. The ground covered in my recent visit will strengthen our bond even more," tweeted PM Modi. > > >I fully agree with you, @POTUS @JoeBiden! Friendship between our countries is a force of global good. It will make a planet better and more sustainable. The ground covered in my recent visit will strengthen our bond even more. 🇮🇳 🇺🇸 **- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 25, 2023** > > PM Modi embarked on his visit to the US on June 20 and in New York, he led a historic event at the UN Headquarters to commemorate the ninth International Day of Yoga on June 21. A day later, he received a red-carpet welcome at the White House by President Biden in Washington DC. The two leaders held a historic summit on Thursday, followed by Modi's address to the US Congress and a State dinner hosted at the White House by the Bidens in his honour.

    Geopolitics root 1 year ago 50%
    US-India ties 'most consequential', reiterates Biden; PM Modi has this to say

    Author: [Astha Singh]( *Biden reiterated that the friendship between America and India is among the most consequential among partnerships and has now turned out to be stronger.* ![]( *President Biden asserted that US-India friendship among most consequential in the world | Image: AP/PTI* After Prime Minister Narendra Modi's US visit, President Joe Biden on Sunday reiterated that the friendship between America and India is among the most consequential partnerships globally and has now turned out to be stronger and more dynamic than ever. Responding to the US President, Prime Minister Modi affirmed the power of friendship between the two nations. In PM Modi's historic three-day State visit, India and America signed several major deals to boost cooperation in key areas such as defence, space, and trade with an aim to further elevate their partnership. ### Biden says 'US-India friendship most consequential' President Biden took to Twitter and shared a video showcasing glimpses of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's State visit. "The friendship between the United States and India is among the most consequential in the world. And it's stronger, closer, and more dynamic than ever," he wrote. In the video, the US President stated that he has long believed that ties between India and US will be one of the defining relationships as both nations' Constitutions are bound with the same phrase: "We the people". He added that both nations share democratic values and want people everywhere to have the opportunity to live in dignity. "This is a cornerstone of this essential partnership between India and the US. And that is why I know the friendship between our nations is only going to grow as we face the future together," he said. In response to Biden's tweet, PM Modi asserted that the friendship between India and the US is a force for global good and will make the planet better as well as more sustainable. "I fully agree with you, POTUS, Joe Biden. The friendship between our countries is a force for global good. It will make the planet better and more sustainable. The ground covered in my recent visit will strengthen our bond even more," tweeted PM Modi. >I fully agree with you, @POTUS @JoeBiden! Friendship between our countries is a force of global good. It will make a planet better and more sustainable. The ground covered in my recent visit will strengthen our bond even more. 🇮🇳 🇺🇸 **- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 25, 2023** PM Modi embarked on his visit to the US on June 20 and in New York, he led a historic event at the UN Headquarters to commemorate the ninth International Day of Yoga on June 21. A day later, he received a red-carpet welcome at the White House by President Biden in Washington DC. The two leaders held a historic summit on Thursday, followed by Modi's address to the US Congress and a State dinner hosted at the White House by the Bidens in his honour.

    linuxadmin Linux Admin : Resources for Linux SysAdmin Filtering Nginx Logs by Time Using Grep
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    You are correct, I was thinking to write another tutorial for sed in few days, that's why I didn't use in this tutorial.

    For awk, I guess I could have used awk only in this tutorial.

  • linux
    Linux root 1 year ago 100%
    Filtering Nginx Logs by Time Using Grep

    cross-posted from: > In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of using the `grep` command to filter Nginx logs based on a given time range. `grep` is a powerful command-line tool for searching and filtering text patterns in files. > > Step 1: Access the Nginx Log Files > First, access the server or machine where Nginx is running. Locate the log files that you want to search. Typically, Nginx log files are located in the `/var/log/nginx/` directory. The main log file is usually named `access.log`. You may have additional log files for different purposes, such as error logging. > > Step 2: Understanding Nginx Log Format > To effectively search through Nginx logs, it is essential to understand the log format. By default, Nginx uses the combined log format, which consists of several fields, including the timestamp. The timestamp format varies depending on your Nginx configuration but is usually in the following format: `[day/month/year:hour:minute:second timezone]`. > > Step 3: Determine the Time Range > Decide on the time range you want to filter. You will need to provide the starting and ending timestamps in the log format mentioned earlier. For example, if you want to filter logs between June 24th, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, the time range would be `[24/Jun/2023:10:00:00` and `[24/Jun/2023:12:00:00`. > > Step 4: Use Grep to Filter Logs > With the log files and time range identified, you can now use `grep` to filter the logs. Open a terminal or SSH session to the server and execute the following command: > > ```bash > grep "\[24/Jun/2023:10:00:" /var/log/nginx/access.log | awk '$4 >= "[24/Jun/2023:10:00:" && $4 <= "[24/Jun/2023:12:00:"' > ``` > > Replace `starting_timestamp` and `ending_timestamp` with the appropriate timestamps you determined in Step 3. The `grep` command searches for lines containing the starting timestamp in the log file specified (`access.log` in this example). The output is then piped (`|`) to `awk`, which filters the logs based on the time range. > > Step 5: View Filtered Logs > After executing the command, you should see the filtered logs that fall within the specified time range. The output will include the entire log lines matching the filter. > > Additional Tips: > - If you have multiple log files, you can either specify them individually in the `grep` command or use a wildcard character (`*`) to match all files in the directory. > - You can redirect the filtered output to a file by appending `> output.log` at the end of the command. This will create a file named `output.log` containing the filtered logs. > > That's it! You have successfully filtered Nginx logs using `grep` based on a given time range. Feel free to explore additional options and features of `grep` to further refine your log analysis.

    Linux root 1 year ago 92%
    Filtering Nginx Logs by Time Using Grep

    cross-posted from: > In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of using the `grep` command to filter Nginx logs based on a given time range. `grep` is a powerful command-line tool for searching and filtering text patterns in files. > > Step 1: Access the Nginx Log Files > First, access the server or machine where Nginx is running. Locate the log files that you want to search. Typically, Nginx log files are located in the `/var/log/nginx/` directory. The main log file is usually named `access.log`. You may have additional log files for different purposes, such as error logging. > > Step 2: Understanding Nginx Log Format > To effectively search through Nginx logs, it is essential to understand the log format. By default, Nginx uses the combined log format, which consists of several fields, including the timestamp. The timestamp format varies depending on your Nginx configuration but is usually in the following format: `[day/month/year:hour:minute:second timezone]`. > > Step 3: Determine the Time Range > Decide on the time range you want to filter. You will need to provide the starting and ending timestamps in the log format mentioned earlier. For example, if you want to filter logs between June 24th, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, the time range would be `[24/Jun/2023:10:00:00` and `[24/Jun/2023:12:00:00`. > > Step 4: Use Grep to Filter Logs > With the log files and time range identified, you can now use `grep` to filter the logs. Open a terminal or SSH session to the server and execute the following command: > > ```bash > grep "\[24/Jun/2023:10:00:" /var/log/nginx/access.log | awk '$4 >= "[24/Jun/2023:10:00:" && $4 <= "[24/Jun/2023:12:00:"' > ``` > > Replace `starting_timestamp` and `ending_timestamp` with the appropriate timestamps you determined in Step 3. The `grep` command searches for lines containing the starting timestamp in the log file specified (`access.log` in this example). The output is then piped (`|`) to `awk`, which filters the logs based on the time range. > > Step 5: View Filtered Logs > After executing the command, you should see the filtered logs that fall within the specified time range. The output will include the entire log lines matching the filter. > > Additional Tips: > - If you have multiple log files, you can either specify them individually in the `grep` command or use a wildcard character (`*`) to match all files in the directory. > - You can redirect the filtered output to a file by appending `> output.log` at the end of the command. This will create a file named `output.log` containing the filtered logs. > > That's it! You have successfully filtered Nginx logs using `grep` based on a given time range. Feel free to explore additional options and features of `grep` to further refine your log analysis.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    'US bombed 6 Muslim countries under Obama': Nirmala Sitharaman hits back

    She said Prime Minister Narendra Modi has received the highest civilian awards from 13 countries, including six with predominantly Muslim population. ![]( Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Sunday slammed former US president Barack Obama's statement about minority rights in India, saying his remarks were surprising as six Muslim-majority countries had faced US "bombing" during his tenure. She said Prime Minister Narendra Modi has received the highest civilian awards from 13 countries, including six with predominantly Muslim population. The finance minister alleged that "organised campaigns" were being run to level "baseless" allegations on the treatment meted out to minorities at the behest of the Opposition as it cannot defeat the BJP electorally under Modi. In an interview with CNN on Thursday, Obama reportedly said if India does not protect the rights of “ethnic minorities”, there is a strong possibility at some point that the country starts pulling apart. “I was surprised when Prime Minister Modi was... talking about India in front of everyone, a former US president was giving statements about Indian Muslims at that time,” Sitharaman said at a press conference at the BJP headquarters here. “Didn't bombings happen in six countries - Syria, Yemen, Saudi and Iraq and other Muslim countries - during his term (as US President)?" she asked. "When he makes such allegations, will the people trust him," she asked. Sitharaman also took exception to the allegations by U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), saying India wants to maintain a good relationship with the US but she is “surprised” to hear such statements. “We want good friendship with the US. But from there also, USCIRF's comments about religious tolerance in India comes and the former president is also saying something,” she added. She said it is also important to see who are the people behind them. The minister alleged that the Congress is “deliberately” raising "non-issues" and levelling allegations "without facts" to vitiate the country's atmosphere because the opposition party cannot defeat the BJP under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership. “The Congress party is running such campaigns and it was clearly visible in the last election and the previous elections where they went to Pakistan seeking their help to change the government in India,” she charged while replying to questions on allegations of discrimination against minorities. She said whenever there is an issue, it is addressed at the state level as law and order is a state subject. “I find this deliberate attempt to vitiate the atmosphere in the country because they think they cannot win against the development policies of prime minister Modi,” she alleged, adding “They (Congress) have deployed their tool kits which operate abroad.” “Going abroad, our Opposition do not talk in India's interest because they cannot defeat Prime Minister Modi." “They bring up these people who go to these debates without ground-level details,” she charged. Sitharaman said Prime Minister Modi has received the highest civilian awards from 13 countries and six of them have the highest Muslim population. “These (targeting of Modi government over minority issues) are organised campaigns…. Otherwise, why would countries accord such an honour to PM Modi and why would there be a distortion in understanding about how the minority population is part of the Indian mainstream,” she said. During his US visit, Prime Minister Modi said at a press conference how his government works on 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas' principle and doesn't discriminate against any community “whatsoever”, the Union minister added.

    Filtering Nginx Logs by Time Using Grep

    In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of using the `grep` command to filter Nginx logs based on a given time range. `grep` is a powerful command-line tool for searching and filtering text patterns in files. Step 1: Access the Nginx Log Files First, access the server or machine where Nginx is running. Locate the log files that you want to search. Typically, Nginx log files are located in the `/var/log/nginx/` directory. The main log file is usually named `access.log`. You may have additional log files for different purposes, such as error logging. Step 2: Understanding Nginx Log Format To effectively search through Nginx logs, it is essential to understand the log format. By default, Nginx uses the combined log format, which consists of several fields, including the timestamp. The timestamp format varies depending on your Nginx configuration but is usually in the following format: `[day/month/year:hour:minute:second timezone]`. Step 3: Determine the Time Range Decide on the time range you want to filter. You will need to provide the starting and ending timestamps in the log format mentioned earlier. For example, if you want to filter logs between June 24th, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, the time range would be `[24/Jun/2023:10:00:00` and `[24/Jun/2023:12:00:00`. Step 4: Use Grep to Filter Logs With the log files and time range identified, you can now use `grep` to filter the logs. Open a terminal or SSH session to the server and execute the following command: ```bash grep "\[24/Jun/2023:10:00:" /var/log/nginx/access.log | awk '$4 >= "[24/Jun/2023:10:00:" && $4 <= "[24/Jun/2023:12:00:"' ``` Replace `starting_timestamp` and `ending_timestamp` with the appropriate timestamps you determined in Step 3. The `grep` command searches for lines containing the starting timestamp in the log file specified (`access.log` in this example). The output is then piped (`|`) to `awk`, which filters the logs based on the time range. Step 5: View Filtered Logs After executing the command, you should see the filtered logs that fall within the specified time range. The output will include the entire log lines matching the filter. Additional Tips: - If you have multiple log files, you can either specify them individually in the `grep` command or use a wildcard character (`*`) to match all files in the directory. - You can redirect the filtered output to a file by appending `> output.log` at the end of the command. This will create a file named `output.log` containing the filtered logs. That's it! You have successfully filtered Nginx logs using `grep` based on a given time range. Feel free to explore additional options and features of `grep` to further refine your log analysis.

    technology Technology Are there any active IT/Sysadmin instances or communities that are out there?
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    For SysAdmin you can use !

    For LinuxAdmin you can use !

    I haven't found one for IT and Helpdesk yet, but I am pretty sure they are out there.

  • india
    PM Modi visits Heliopolis War Cemetery in Cairo, pays respect to Indian soldiers

    cross-posted from: > *Modi offered floral tributes and signed the visitor's book at the Cemetery that comprises the Heliopolis (Port Tewfik) Memorial and the Heliopolis (Aden) Memorial.* > > ![]( > > *PM Modi pays respect to the WWI Indian soldiers.* > > Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday visited the Heliopolis Commonwealth War Cemetery here and offered tributes to the Indian soldiers who bravely fought and laid down their lives in Egypt and Palestine during the First World War. > > Modi offered floral tributes and signed the visitor's book at the Cemetery that comprises the Heliopolis (Port Tewfik) Memorial and the Heliopolis (Aden) Memorial. > > The Heliopolis (Port Tewfik) Memorial commemorates nearly 4,000 Indian soldiers who died fighting in Egypt and Palestine in the First World War. > > The Heliopolis (Aden) Memorial pays tribute to more than 600 men of the Commonwealth forces who sacrificed their lives for Aden during the First World War. > > The Cemetery is maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. It also houses 1,700 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War as well as several war graves of other nationalities, according to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website. > > Located at the south end of the Suez Canal, the original Port Tewfik memorial was unveiled in 1926. > > Designed by Sir John Burnet, the original memorial sustained damages during the 1967-1973 Israeli-Egyptian conflict and was eventually demolished, according to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website. > > In October 1980, a new memorial with panels bearing the names of the martyred Indian soldiers was unveiled by the Indian Ambassador to Egypt in the Heliopolis Commonwealth War Grave Cemetery. > > Last October, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar paid tributes at Heliopolis Commonwealth War Grave Cemetery. > > The Prime Minister is on a two-day state visit to Egypt at the invitation of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. This is the first bilateral visit by an Indian Prime Minister in 26 years.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    PM Modi visits Heliopolis War Cemetery in Cairo, pays respect to Indian soldiers

    *Modi offered floral tributes and signed the visitor's book at the Cemetery that comprises the Heliopolis (Port Tewfik) Memorial and the Heliopolis (Aden) Memorial.* ![]( *PM Modi pays respect to the WWI Indian soldiers.* Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday visited the Heliopolis Commonwealth War Cemetery here and offered tributes to the Indian soldiers who bravely fought and laid down their lives in Egypt and Palestine during the First World War. Modi offered floral tributes and signed the visitor's book at the Cemetery that comprises the Heliopolis (Port Tewfik) Memorial and the Heliopolis (Aden) Memorial. The Heliopolis (Port Tewfik) Memorial commemorates nearly 4,000 Indian soldiers who died fighting in Egypt and Palestine in the First World War. The Heliopolis (Aden) Memorial pays tribute to more than 600 men of the Commonwealth forces who sacrificed their lives for Aden during the First World War. The Cemetery is maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. It also houses 1,700 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War as well as several war graves of other nationalities, according to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website. Located at the south end of the Suez Canal, the original Port Tewfik memorial was unveiled in 1926. Designed by Sir John Burnet, the original memorial sustained damages during the 1967-1973 Israeli-Egyptian conflict and was eventually demolished, according to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website. In October 1980, a new memorial with panels bearing the names of the martyred Indian soldiers was unveiled by the Indian Ambassador to Egypt in the Heliopolis Commonwealth War Grave Cemetery. Last October, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar paid tributes at Heliopolis Commonwealth War Grave Cemetery. The Prime Minister is on a two-day state visit to Egypt at the invitation of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. This is the first bilateral visit by an Indian Prime Minister in 26 years.

    After 62 years, monsoon covers Delhi, Mumbai together

    cross-posted from: > The Dhansa weather station logged around 80 mm, Jafarpur and Lodi Road around 60 mm each, Ayanagar and Mungeshpur around 50 mm each and SPS Mayur Vihar 40 mm, according to the IMD > > ![]( > > The monsoon on Sunday covered both Delhi and Mumbai together for the first time since June 21, 1961, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said. While it hit the national capital two days before schedule, its entry into the financial capital is two weeks late, the Met office said. > > "It is the first time since June 21, 1961, that the monsoon arrived in Delhi and Mumbai at the same time," said DS Pai, a senior scientist at the India Meteorological Department (IMD). The Safdarjung Observatory, Delhi's primary weather station, logged 48.3 mm rainfall in the 24 hours ending at 8.30 am on Sunday. > > The Dhansa weather station logged around 80 mm, Jafarpur and Lodi Road around 60 mm each, Ayanagar and Mungeshpur around 50 mm each and SPS Mayur Vihar 40 mm, according to the IMD. The Met office termed the monsoon activity over Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi as 'vigorous'. > > According to the IMD, monsoon activity is considered 'vigorous' if the recorded rainfall is more than four times the normal or it is fairly widespread or widespread. In Mumbai, the Colaba Observatory, representative of the island city, recorded 86 mm rainfall in the 24-hour period ending at 8.30 am on Sunday while the Santacruz weather station, representative of the suburbs, registered 176.1 mm in the same period, according to the IMD. > > "The southwest monsoon has further advanced into the remaining parts of Maharashtra, including Mumbai, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, some parts of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Haryana, the remaining parts of Uttarakhand and most parts of Himachal Pradesh and some more parts of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh today (June 25)," the IMD said in a statement. > > The northern limit of monsoon has now passed through Veraval, Baroda, Udaipur, Narnaul, Ambala and Katra. Conditions are favourable for further advance of the monsoon into some more parts of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab and the remaining parts of Jammu and Kashmir during the two days. > > Normally, the monsoon reaches Kerala by June 1, Mumbai by June 11, and the national capital by June 27. The trajectory that the monsoon followed this year is unusual. While it covered a significant portion of north India, including Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and a large part of Jammu and Kashmir, on schedule or slightly ahead, it is running two weeks behind schedule for a considerable part of central India, where a significant number of farmers heavily rely on it. > > Pai explained that Cyclone Biparjoy had impacted the monsoon's progress over southern India and the adjoining western and central parts of the country. He said, "Since the system absorbed most of the moisture, the monsoon's progress along the west coast was slow." However, the Bay of Bengal branch of the monsoon, responsible for bringing rain to northeast and east India, remained stronger between June 11 and June 23. > > Pai attributed this to a low-pressure system that formed over the Bay of Bengal in mid-June and the remnants of Cyclone Biparjoy, which aided the monsoon's advancement over east India. Pai noted that the Arabian Sea branch of the monsoon is now gaining strength with a low-pressure system developing over the Bay of Bengal. > > He said that it represents a new pulse of the monsoon and added that rapid progress is expected. According to IMD data, the monsoon reached the national capital on June 30 last year, July 13 in 2021, June 25 in 2020, July 5 in 2019 and June 28 in 2018. It hit Mumbai on June 11 last year, June 9 in 2021, June 14 in 2020 and June 25 in 2019. > > This year, the monsoon arrived in Kerala on June 8, a week after its usual onset date of June 1. In comparison, it reached the southern state on May 29 last year, June 3 in 2021, June 1 in 2020, June 8 in 2019 and May 29 in 2018. Research indicates that a delay in the onset of monsoon over Kerala does not necessarily result in a delay in its arrival over northwest India nor does it impact the total rainfall over the country during the season. > > The IMD previously stated that India is expected to receive normal rainfall during the southwest monsoon season despite the evolving El Nino conditions. El Nino, which is the warming of the waters in the Pacific Ocean near South America, is generally associated with the weakening of monsoon winds and dry weather in India. > > The IMD's prediction of 'normal' monsoon, however, doesn't mean that each part of the country will log good rainfall during the season. It essentially means that the total rainfall will be within the normal limits though there could be excess precipitation at some places and deficient at others. > > Northwest India is predicted to experience normal to below-normal rainfall while the east, northeast, central and the south peninsula regions are expected to receive normal rainfall at 94-106 per cent of the long-period average. According to the IMD, rainfall between 96 and 104 per cent of the 50-year average of 87 cm is considered 'normal'. Rainfall below 90 per cent is categorised as 'deficient', between 90 and 95 per cent is 'below normal', between 105 and 110 per cent is 'above normal' and anything above 100 per cent is classified as 'excess' precipitation. > > Normal rainfall is critical for India's agricultural landscape, with 52 percent of the net cultivated area relying on it. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in replenishing reservoirs essential for drinking water and power generation throughout the country. Rainfed agriculture accounts for approximately 40 per cent of the country's total food production, making it a vital contributor to India's food security and economic stability.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    After 62 years, monsoon covers Delhi, Mumbai together

    The Dhansa weather station logged around 80 mm, Jafarpur and Lodi Road around 60 mm each, Ayanagar and Mungeshpur around 50 mm each and SPS Mayur Vihar 40 mm, according to the IMD ![]( The monsoon on Sunday covered both Delhi and Mumbai together for the first time since June 21, 1961, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said. While it hit the national capital two days before schedule, its entry into the financial capital is two weeks late, the Met office said. "It is the first time since June 21, 1961, that the monsoon arrived in Delhi and Mumbai at the same time," said DS Pai, a senior scientist at the India Meteorological Department (IMD). The Safdarjung Observatory, Delhi's primary weather station, logged 48.3 mm rainfall in the 24 hours ending at 8.30 am on Sunday. The Dhansa weather station logged around 80 mm, Jafarpur and Lodi Road around 60 mm each, Ayanagar and Mungeshpur around 50 mm each and SPS Mayur Vihar 40 mm, according to the IMD. The Met office termed the monsoon activity over Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi as 'vigorous'. According to the IMD, monsoon activity is considered 'vigorous' if the recorded rainfall is more than four times the normal or it is fairly widespread or widespread. In Mumbai, the Colaba Observatory, representative of the island city, recorded 86 mm rainfall in the 24-hour period ending at 8.30 am on Sunday while the Santacruz weather station, representative of the suburbs, registered 176.1 mm in the same period, according to the IMD. "The southwest monsoon has further advanced into the remaining parts of Maharashtra, including Mumbai, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, some parts of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Haryana, the remaining parts of Uttarakhand and most parts of Himachal Pradesh and some more parts of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh today (June 25)," the IMD said in a statement. The northern limit of monsoon has now passed through Veraval, Baroda, Udaipur, Narnaul, Ambala and Katra. Conditions are favourable for further advance of the monsoon into some more parts of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab and the remaining parts of Jammu and Kashmir during the two days. Normally, the monsoon reaches Kerala by June 1, Mumbai by June 11, and the national capital by June 27. The trajectory that the monsoon followed this year is unusual. While it covered a significant portion of north India, including Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and a large part of Jammu and Kashmir, on schedule or slightly ahead, it is running two weeks behind schedule for a considerable part of central India, where a significant number of farmers heavily rely on it. Pai explained that Cyclone Biparjoy had impacted the monsoon's progress over southern India and the adjoining western and central parts of the country. He said, "Since the system absorbed most of the moisture, the monsoon's progress along the west coast was slow." However, the Bay of Bengal branch of the monsoon, responsible for bringing rain to northeast and east India, remained stronger between June 11 and June 23. Pai attributed this to a low-pressure system that formed over the Bay of Bengal in mid-June and the remnants of Cyclone Biparjoy, which aided the monsoon's advancement over east India. Pai noted that the Arabian Sea branch of the monsoon is now gaining strength with a low-pressure system developing over the Bay of Bengal. He said that it represents a new pulse of the monsoon and added that rapid progress is expected. According to IMD data, the monsoon reached the national capital on June 30 last year, July 13 in 2021, June 25 in 2020, July 5 in 2019 and June 28 in 2018. It hit Mumbai on June 11 last year, June 9 in 2021, June 14 in 2020 and June 25 in 2019. This year, the monsoon arrived in Kerala on June 8, a week after its usual onset date of June 1. In comparison, it reached the southern state on May 29 last year, June 3 in 2021, June 1 in 2020, June 8 in 2019 and May 29 in 2018. Research indicates that a delay in the onset of monsoon over Kerala does not necessarily result in a delay in its arrival over northwest India nor does it impact the total rainfall over the country during the season. The IMD previously stated that India is expected to receive normal rainfall during the southwest monsoon season despite the evolving El Nino conditions. El Nino, which is the warming of the waters in the Pacific Ocean near South America, is generally associated with the weakening of monsoon winds and dry weather in India. The IMD's prediction of 'normal' monsoon, however, doesn't mean that each part of the country will log good rainfall during the season. It essentially means that the total rainfall will be within the normal limits though there could be excess precipitation at some places and deficient at others. Northwest India is predicted to experience normal to below-normal rainfall while the east, northeast, central and the south peninsula regions are expected to receive normal rainfall at 94-106 per cent of the long-period average. According to the IMD, rainfall between 96 and 104 per cent of the 50-year average of 87 cm is considered 'normal'. Rainfall below 90 per cent is categorised as 'deficient', between 90 and 95 per cent is 'below normal', between 105 and 110 per cent is 'above normal' and anything above 100 per cent is classified as 'excess' precipitation. Normal rainfall is critical for India's agricultural landscape, with 52 percent of the net cultivated area relying on it. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in replenishing reservoirs essential for drinking water and power generation throughout the country. Rainfed agriculture accounts for approximately 40 per cent of the country's total food production, making it a vital contributor to India's food security and economic stability.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    Drugs worth Rs 18 cr seized in Assam, two held

    *Acting on a tip-off, the Assam Police's Special Task Force personnel along with the Kamrup police chased a vehicle with the two alleged traffickers on board and apprehended them* ![]( *Two persons from Manipur were arrested in Assam on Sunday after drugs worth Rs 18 crore were seized from their possession, Image: ANI* Two persons from Manipur were arrested in Assam on Sunday after drugs worth Rs 18 crore were seized from their possession in Guwahati and neighbouring Kamrup district, police said. Acting on a tip-off, the Assam Police's Special Task Force personnel along with the Kamrup police chased a vehicle with the two alleged traffickers on board and apprehended them, a senior officer said. STF Deputy Inspector General Partha Sarathi Mahanta said police personnel were deployed after information was received that a Manipur-based group would transport drugs through Assam. "Early on Sunday, specific information was received that the group was on its way in a luxury vehicle to deliver the contraband. “Accordingly, the vehicle was tracked down and an STF team along with Kamrup district police chased the team. In order to escape the police dragnet, the peddlers tried to flee the spot. In the process, the driver lost control over the vehicle and it fell around 100 ft down the hillock of Powa Makkah in Hajo," Mahanta said. The police team arrested the two persons, both hailing from Manipur and carried out an extensive search of the overturned vehicle, he said. "The search of the damaged vehicle yielded 100 soap boxes of heroin, weighing 1.3 kg. Another search of their rented house at Jalukbari in Guwahati city led to the recovery of 65 more packets of heroin weighing 900 grams," the DIG said. The investigation is on to find out other people associated with the network, he added.

    IndiaSpeaks Community root 1 year ago 100%
    Liberals and Islamists outrage against Himanta Biswa Sarma: How he was right and those outraging seem to be fighting for Jihadis’ dream to tear India apart

    cross-posted from: > Author: [Nupur J Sharma]( > > *The outrage was amusing and deafening, in an attempt to defend the insidious comments of the man who oversaw the rise of ISIS - Barack Obama. One wonders if those opposing Himanta Biswa Sarma and claiming to fight for the rights of Muslims are fighting for the right of Islamists and Jihadis to unleash violence against Hindus and tear India apart once again* > > ![]( > > Obama, who has a notorious record as a potential war criminal, suggested that the Indian Prime Minister must be told by the Biden administration about protecting the ‘Muslim minority in a majority Hindu India.’ He also hinted at another ‘partition’ of India, under which the Modi government did not mend its ways. > > He said, “If President (Joe Biden) meets with Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi, the protection of Muslim minority in a majority Hindu India is something worth mentioning.” Barack Obama also claimed, “If I had a conversation with Prime Minister Modi, then part of the conversation would be that if you do not protect the rights of minorities, then there is a strong possibility that India at some point starts pulling apart…That would be contrary to the interests of India”. > > The Liberal and Islamist cabal was celebrating this comment by former US President Barack Obama. It is pertinent to note that Obama himself has the unique distinction of bombing more Muslims across the globe than any other leader. He launched airstrikes in at least seven Muslim-majority countries of Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Pakistan, killing thousands of Muslims. > > The United States of America, whether Obama was the President or not, has a terrible human rights track record with rampant atrocities against minorities – with a history of slavery, modern-day racism and atrocities against African-Americans, a crippling wage gap and further persecution of Muslims right after the 9/11 terror attack. > > The Liberals and Islamists, who claim to be bleeding hearts for the Muslims of the world, including the terrorists and Islamists, had no compunctions allying with a potential war criminal who murdered several Muslims while he was in power simply to bring PM Modi and India down, furthering the mythical trope of Muslim persecution. > > Rohini Singh, the woman who had disappeared from social media after emphatically claiming that Akhilesh Yadav would win Uttar Pradesh, extended her support to Obama and, strangely, picked Assam to berate the current government dispensation. Displaying the glory of her terribly low IQ, she wondered if the Assam police were on their way to arrest Obama for hurting sentiment. Responding to her wondrous asininity, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma responded with a scathing tweet. He said, “There are many Hussain Obama in India itself. We should prioritise taking care of them before considering going to Washington. The Assam police will act according to our own priorities,” the Assam CM tweeted. > > Leftists and Islamists, of course, had their knickers in a bunch rather instantly. The outrage was amusing and deafening, in an attempt to defend the insidious comments of the man who oversaw the rise of ISIS – Barack Obama. > > Essentially, the global Left ecosystem used the comments by Himanta Biswa Sarma to allege that the concern about Muslims displayed by Obama was spot on, given that Modi’s Chief Minister was himself talking about persecuting Muslims. Further, many asked for USA intervention in India based on this comment, saying that the tweet was an example of the human rights of Muslims being stifled in India under the leadership of PM Modi and another leader of the BJP. > > If one breaks down the statement by Obama, there are two main components that one needs to focus on to understand what ‘kind of people’ was Himanta Biswa Sarma talking about arresting. > > 1. Obama’s distinction between Hindu India and Muslim India > 2. The fact that he alluded to a second partition of India > > Firstly, Obama should realise that India is India. Bharat. A ‘Muslim India’ was already carved out of the nation when Muslims claimed they could not survive with Hindus in India as their Muslim identity constituted a nation of its own. In 1947, Pakistan was created based on the fanaticism of one religion, and that religion certainly was not Hinduism – it was Islam – however, one won’t be remiss if one says that Barack Hussein Obama would not have the temerity to acknowledge the fanatic moorings of Islam and what those moorings did to Bharat. The partition of India based on religion, a partition demanded by the Muslims, was a blood-soaked one with several genocides of Hindus – from the Malabar genocide of Hindus to the Direct Action Day, the streets of Bharat were littered with Hindu bodies, chopped, raped, massacred by Muslims. If one wishes to go further back in time, one could also evaluate the period of Islamic invasion, where Hindu Temples were desecrated, Hindus were forcefully converted, beheaded upon refusal, barred from practising their religion, and so on. This article, however, is not to give Barack Obama a history lesson, one he desperately needs. > > One simply needs to reiterate that a “Muslim India” already exists – in the form of Pakistan – the greatest exporter of Islamic terrorism, cross-border aggression and Islamic fundamentalism. It is in “Muslim India” that Hindus are persecuted regularly, with minors being raped and converted to Islam, forced to marry old Muslim men, Hindus being lynched in the streets in broad daylight and more. > > One also needs to reiterate that Hindus and Bharat are not new to threats of partition, similar to the ones issued by Barack Hussein Obama. The nature of Muslim separatism was encapsulated rather well by the father of Communism. Karl Marx stated in 1854, “The Koran and the Mussulman legislation emanating from it reduce the geography and ethnography of the various people to the simple and convenient distinction of two nations and two countries; those of the Faithful and the Infidels. The Infidel is “Harby,” i.e. the enemy. Islamism proscribes the nation of the Infidels, constituting a state of permanent hostility between the Mussulman and the unbeliever.” > > It was this very mentality, which was verbalised by Barack Hussein Obama, that led to the partition of India. The cycle has continued to date. Jinnah, for example, called for a separate Muslim nation because he felt that Muslims were not safe in Hindu majority India – this – while it was the Muslims who were massacring Hindus and this – while he gave a call to murder Hindus leading to the Direct Action Day. Once the violence was unleashed by the Muslims after they believed they were being victimised, sans proof or merit, they would blame the Hindus aided by the ‘secular’ politicians and leaders, threatening and demanding that they be given special privileges because they were persecuted. > > There are, to this date, several Islamists in India who follow the same pattern. Despite the Islamist aggression, it is the Muslims who are to branded as victims in perpetuity. The Communal Violence Bill aimed to do just that. In the Purola case, too, for example, it is a Muslim man who abducted a minor Hindu girl, but the narrative is spun as such that the Muslims of the area are the REAL victims simply because the Hindus decided to protest against these religiously motivated crimes. Delhi Riots was another such example. While people from both communities died in the riots, it is pertinent to note that the Delhi anti-Hindu riots were planned for three months before the low-level everyday violence and hate speech culminated in the anti-Hindu riots. Several Islamists and Leftists had meticulously planned the riots to “teach Kafirs a lesson”, in the words of Tahir Hussain. The violence in February 2020 started with an onslaught against Hindus as well. The first to lose his life in the riots was countable Ratan Lal, who was lynched to death by a Muslim mob. Thereafter, others like Ankit Sharma, Dilbar Negi and several others were brutally murdered. Disregarding the conspiracy, the plan hatched, the meticulous planning of the violence, the hateful slogans, and so much more, the global media run by the Left and the Islamists cries hoarse, turning it into an anti-Muslim pogrom. The propaganda was such that NDTV deliberately cropped live footage of a mosque to ensure that bricks on the terrace were not visible to people. > > When Himanta Biswa Sarma says that those who are like Barack Hussein Obama would be dealt with in India, he merely means that those who believe in the concept of a Muslim India – that is, Pakistan – and those who unleash violence and then threaten to tears India apart if their demands are not met – won’t be tolerated and will be met with the full force of the law. > > One only wonders why the Liberals and Islamists globally are outraged by the idea of Bharat protecting its integrity and sovereignty. One wonders if those opposing Himanta Biswa Sarma and claiming to fight for the rights of Muslims are fighting for the right of Islamists and Jihadis to unleash violence against Hindus and tear India apart once again, all the while painting themselves as the victims with the help of Indian liberals and others like Barack Hussein Obama. > > However, as a leader with appeal beyond Assam, he should henceforth avoid replying to jobless trolls masquerading as journalists, something PM Modi excels at

    India News root 1 year ago 83%
    Liberals and Islamists outrage against Himanta Biswa Sarma: How he was right and those outraging seem to be fighting for Jihadis’ dream to tear India apart

    Author: [Nupur J Sharma]( *The outrage was amusing and deafening, in an attempt to defend the insidious comments of the man who oversaw the rise of ISIS - Barack Obama. One wonders if those opposing Himanta Biswa Sarma and claiming to fight for the rights of Muslims are fighting for the right of Islamists and Jihadis to unleash violence against Hindus and tear India apart once again* ![]( Obama, who has a notorious record as a potential war criminal, suggested that the Indian Prime Minister must be told by the Biden administration about protecting the ‘Muslim minority in a majority Hindu India.’ He also hinted at another ‘partition’ of India, under which the Modi government did not mend its ways. He said, “If President (Joe Biden) meets with Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi, the protection of Muslim minority in a majority Hindu India is something worth mentioning.” Barack Obama also claimed, “If I had a conversation with Prime Minister Modi, then part of the conversation would be that if you do not protect the rights of minorities, then there is a strong possibility that India at some point starts pulling apart…That would be contrary to the interests of India”. The Liberal and Islamist cabal was celebrating this comment by former US President Barack Obama. It is pertinent to note that Obama himself has the unique distinction of bombing more Muslims across the globe than any other leader. He launched airstrikes in at least seven Muslim-majority countries of Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Pakistan, killing thousands of Muslims. The United States of America, whether Obama was the President or not, has a terrible human rights track record with rampant atrocities against minorities – with a history of slavery, modern-day racism and atrocities against African-Americans, a crippling wage gap and further persecution of Muslims right after the 9/11 terror attack. The Liberals and Islamists, who claim to be bleeding hearts for the Muslims of the world, including the terrorists and Islamists, had no compunctions allying with a potential war criminal who murdered several Muslims while he was in power simply to bring PM Modi and India down, furthering the mythical trope of Muslim persecution. Rohini Singh, the woman who had disappeared from social media after emphatically claiming that Akhilesh Yadav would win Uttar Pradesh, extended her support to Obama and, strangely, picked Assam to berate the current government dispensation. Displaying the glory of her terribly low IQ, she wondered if the Assam police were on their way to arrest Obama for hurting sentiment. Responding to her wondrous asininity, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma responded with a scathing tweet. He said, “There are many Hussain Obama in India itself. We should prioritise taking care of them before considering going to Washington. The Assam police will act according to our own priorities,” the Assam CM tweeted. Leftists and Islamists, of course, had their knickers in a bunch rather instantly. The outrage was amusing and deafening, in an attempt to defend the insidious comments of the man who oversaw the rise of ISIS – Barack Obama. Essentially, the global Left ecosystem used the comments by Himanta Biswa Sarma to allege that the concern about Muslims displayed by Obama was spot on, given that Modi’s Chief Minister was himself talking about persecuting Muslims. Further, many asked for USA intervention in India based on this comment, saying that the tweet was an example of the human rights of Muslims being stifled in India under the leadership of PM Modi and another leader of the BJP. If one breaks down the statement by Obama, there are two main components that one needs to focus on to understand what ‘kind of people’ was Himanta Biswa Sarma talking about arresting. 1. Obama’s distinction between Hindu India and Muslim India 2. The fact that he alluded to a second partition of India Firstly, Obama should realise that India is India. Bharat. A ‘Muslim India’ was already carved out of the nation when Muslims claimed they could not survive with Hindus in India as their Muslim identity constituted a nation of its own. In 1947, Pakistan was created based on the fanaticism of one religion, and that religion certainly was not Hinduism – it was Islam – however, one won’t be remiss if one says that Barack Hussein Obama would not have the temerity to acknowledge the fanatic moorings of Islam and what those moorings did to Bharat. The partition of India based on religion, a partition demanded by the Muslims, was a blood-soaked one with several genocides of Hindus – from the Malabar genocide of Hindus to the Direct Action Day, the streets of Bharat were littered with Hindu bodies, chopped, raped, massacred by Muslims. If one wishes to go further back in time, one could also evaluate the period of Islamic invasion, where Hindu Temples were desecrated, Hindus were forcefully converted, beheaded upon refusal, barred from practising their religion, and so on. This article, however, is not to give Barack Obama a history lesson, one he desperately needs. One simply needs to reiterate that a “Muslim India” already exists – in the form of Pakistan – the greatest exporter of Islamic terrorism, cross-border aggression and Islamic fundamentalism. It is in “Muslim India” that Hindus are persecuted regularly, with minors being raped and converted to Islam, forced to marry old Muslim men, Hindus being lynched in the streets in broad daylight and more. One also needs to reiterate that Hindus and Bharat are not new to threats of partition, similar to the ones issued by Barack Hussein Obama. The nature of Muslim separatism was encapsulated rather well by the father of Communism. Karl Marx stated in 1854, “The Koran and the Mussulman legislation emanating from it reduce the geography and ethnography of the various people to the simple and convenient distinction of two nations and two countries; those of the Faithful and the Infidels. The Infidel is “Harby,” i.e. the enemy. Islamism proscribes the nation of the Infidels, constituting a state of permanent hostility between the Mussulman and the unbeliever.” It was this very mentality, which was verbalised by Barack Hussein Obama, that led to the partition of India. The cycle has continued to date. Jinnah, for example, called for a separate Muslim nation because he felt that Muslims were not safe in Hindu majority India – this – while it was the Muslims who were massacring Hindus and this – while he gave a call to murder Hindus leading to the Direct Action Day. Once the violence was unleashed by the Muslims after they believed they were being victimised, sans proof or merit, they would blame the Hindus aided by the ‘secular’ politicians and leaders, threatening and demanding that they be given special privileges because they were persecuted. There are, to this date, several Islamists in India who follow the same pattern. Despite the Islamist aggression, it is the Muslims who are to branded as victims in perpetuity. The Communal Violence Bill aimed to do just that. In the Purola case, too, for example, it is a Muslim man who abducted a minor Hindu girl, but the narrative is spun as such that the Muslims of the area are the REAL victims simply because the Hindus decided to protest against these religiously motivated crimes. Delhi Riots was another such example. While people from both communities died in the riots, it is pertinent to note that the Delhi anti-Hindu riots were planned for three months before the low-level everyday violence and hate speech culminated in the anti-Hindu riots. Several Islamists and Leftists had meticulously planned the riots to “teach Kafirs a lesson”, in the words of Tahir Hussain. The violence in February 2020 started with an onslaught against Hindus as well. The first to lose his life in the riots was countable Ratan Lal, who was lynched to death by a Muslim mob. Thereafter, others like Ankit Sharma, Dilbar Negi and several others were brutally murdered. Disregarding the conspiracy, the plan hatched, the meticulous planning of the violence, the hateful slogans, and so much more, the global media run by the Left and the Islamists cries hoarse, turning it into an anti-Muslim pogrom. The propaganda was such that NDTV deliberately cropped live footage of a mosque to ensure that bricks on the terrace were not visible to people. When Himanta Biswa Sarma says that those who are like Barack Hussein Obama would be dealt with in India, he merely means that those who believe in the concept of a Muslim India – that is, Pakistan – and those who unleash violence and then threaten to tears India apart if their demands are not met – won’t be tolerated and will be met with the full force of the law. One only wonders why the Liberals and Islamists globally are outraged by the idea of Bharat protecting its integrity and sovereignty. One wonders if those opposing Himanta Biswa Sarma and claiming to fight for the rights of Muslims are fighting for the right of Islamists and Jihadis to unleash violence against Hindus and tear India apart once again, all the while painting themselves as the victims with the help of Indian liberals and others like Barack Hussein Obama. However, as a leader with appeal beyond Assam, he should henceforth avoid replying to jobless trolls masquerading as journalists, something PM Modi excels at

    IndiaSpeaks Community root 1 year ago 100%
    Return of stolen antiquities, new H1B visa benefit, and ‘Invest in India’: Key takeaways from the address of PM Modi to the Indian diaspora

    cross-posted from: > *The invite-only event, organised by the United States Indian Community Foundation (USICF), also marked the end of PM Modi's 3-day State visit to the United States.* > > ![]( > > On Friday (local time), Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered his goodbye speech to the Indian diaspora at an event, which was held at the Ronald Regan Centre in Washington DC. > > The invite-only event, organised by the United States Indian Community Foundation (USICF), also marked the end of PM Modi’s 3-day State visit to the United States. > > During his speech, the Indian Prime Minister said, “The amount of love I am getting in the US is wonderful, all the credit goes to the people of this country. President Biden and I had a lot of discussions in the last 3 days…He has always tried to take the India-US partnership to another level.” > > He pointed out that the India-US relationship has become stronger over the years with strong defence cooperation, transfers of technology and increased cooperation on strategic issues. > > He said that the US State Department was working on a pilot programme wherein Indians working in the US on H-1B visas do not need to leave the country to renew them. > > “America’s new consulates will be opened in Bengaluru and Ahmedabad. It has now been decided that the H1B visa renewal can be done in the US itself,” the Indian Prime Minster added. > > ### PM Modi on return of antiquities > > He stated that more than 100 artefacts that were stolen and smuggled from India to the United States will be returned to the country. > > PM Modi added, “I am happy that the American government has decided to return more than 100 antiquities of India that were stolen from us. These antiquities had reached the international markets. I express my gratitude to the American government for this” > > He also lauded India’s digital revolution. “Hundreds of years of colonisation had taken this belief away from us,” the Indian Prime Minister emphasised. > > ### PM Modi urges entrepreneurs to ‘Invest in India’ > > He also urged entrepreneurs in the United States to invest in India. PM Modi informed, “During my visit, companies like Google Micron, Applied Materials and others have announced to make huge investments in India.” > > He added, “India is the mother of democracy and America is the champion of advanced democracy – our biggest trading partner and export destination – but the real potential of the bilateral relation is yet to come out.” > > “Technology handshake held at the White House today is a direct message to the companies, businesses, manufacturers and innovators of both the countries – This is the moment. India & US Governments have done the groundwork for you. But now, the responsibility to grow on this ground is yours,” PM Modi concluded.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    Return of stolen antiquities, new H1B visa benefit, and ‘Invest in India’: Key takeaways from the address of PM Modi to the Indian diaspora

    *The invite-only event, organised by the United States Indian Community Foundation (USICF), also marked the end of PM Modi's 3-day State visit to the United States.* ![]( On Friday (local time), Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered his goodbye speech to the Indian diaspora at an event, which was held at the Ronald Regan Centre in Washington DC. The invite-only event, organised by the United States Indian Community Foundation (USICF), also marked the end of PM Modi’s 3-day State visit to the United States. During his speech, the Indian Prime Minister said, “The amount of love I am getting in the US is wonderful, all the credit goes to the people of this country. President Biden and I had a lot of discussions in the last 3 days…He has always tried to take the India-US partnership to another level.” He pointed out that the India-US relationship has become stronger over the years with strong defence cooperation, transfers of technology and increased cooperation on strategic issues. He said that the US State Department was working on a pilot programme wherein Indians working in the US on H-1B visas do not need to leave the country to renew them. “America’s new consulates will be opened in Bengaluru and Ahmedabad. It has now been decided that the H1B visa renewal can be done in the US itself,” the Indian Prime Minster added. ### PM Modi on return of antiquities He stated that more than 100 artefacts that were stolen and smuggled from India to the United States will be returned to the country. PM Modi added, “I am happy that the American government has decided to return more than 100 antiquities of India that were stolen from us. These antiquities had reached the international markets. I express my gratitude to the American government for this” He also lauded India’s digital revolution. “Hundreds of years of colonisation had taken this belief away from us,” the Indian Prime Minister emphasised. ### PM Modi urges entrepreneurs to ‘Invest in India’ He also urged entrepreneurs in the United States to invest in India. PM Modi informed, “During my visit, companies like Google Micron, Applied Materials and others have announced to make huge investments in India.” He added, “India is the mother of democracy and America is the champion of advanced democracy – our biggest trading partner and export destination – but the real potential of the bilateral relation is yet to come out.” “Technology handshake held at the White House today is a direct message to the companies, businesses, manufacturers and innovators of both the countries – This is the moment. India & US Governments have done the groundwork for you. But now, the responsibility to grow on this ground is yours,” PM Modi concluded.

    A rail-road tunnel under the Brahmaputra in Assam to become a reality, DPR tenders for the ₹6,000 crore project to be opened next month

    cross-posted from: > *Tunnel Boring Machine will be deployed for the main tunnel under the river, while the open cut and cover method will be used for the sections of the tunnels on both ends. The length of the main tunnel will be 11.4 km, with a total length of around 15 km.* > > ![]( > > A tunnel under the mighty Brahmaputra River will finally become a reality, Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma announced on Friday. He said that the centre has approved the project, and tenders will be invited to prepare DPR for the project soon. He informed that a tunnel will be constructed under the Brahmaputra at an estimated cost of ₹6000 crore. > > Addressing a public rally at Biswanath Chariali in Assam, Himanta Biswa Sarma said he thought that a tunnel under the river was just a dream, and it will not become a reality. But he was surprised during a recent visit to Delhi, where the union govt told him that the project has been greenlighted. He said that after much deliberation, it was decided that the tunnel will be constructed between Gohpur on the north bank and Numaligarh in the south bank. It will be a road cum rail tunnel. > > Assam CM said that the first tenders for Detailed Project Report (DPR) will be opened on 4th July. ‘If everything goes as planned, we may be able to start the construction during the current tenure of my govt,’ he said. Sarma further said that PM Narendra Modi has already signed a file to connect the north and south banks of Brahmaputra through a tunnel. The tunnel will connect NH 15 on the north with NH 715 on the south. > > The centre has entrusted NHIDCL (National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd.) with the project. The NHIDCL has floated tenders to prepare DPR and will start pre-construction activities for the construction of the tunnel soon. 4-lane approach roads on both ends of the tunnel are part of the project. > > Tunnel Boring Machine will be deployed for the main tunnel under the river, while the open cut and cover method will be used for the sections of the tunnels on both ends. The length of the main tunnel will be 11.4 km, with a total length of around 15 km. > > Artificial islands are also proposed on the northern and southern sides of the river Brahmaputra, and the construction zone will be created within the islands to facilitate the construction of the tunnel and also during the operational phase. The islands will act as bunds to prevent flood water from entering the tunnels. > > NHIDCL has already prepared a Pre-Feasibility Report for the tunnel project. However, the report is only for a two-lane road tunnel and does not mention a rail tunnel. Therefore, significant changes in the DPR is expected from this report. > > ![]( > > At present, there are six bridges over the Brahmaputra, which include twin bridges at Guwahati and Tezpur. Three more bridges at Dhubri, Guwahati and Majuli are under construction. Construction of two more bridges in Guwahati, on its eastern and western ends, will start soon, and Railway will build two bridges at Guwahati and Tezpur. Several other bridges are under the pipeline connecting the north and south banks of the Brahmaputra river across the state. > > However, the bridges are seen as vulnerable in case of a war or major terrorist activities in the region, and the security establishment was considering a tunnel as an alternate route. Connectivity across the Brahmaputra is vital for the defence of the frontline on the border with China, and a tunnel is considered much more secure compared to a bridge over the river. > > According to previous reports, there will be three separate tunnels, one for road, the second one for rail, and the third one for emergency use including military transport. The tunnels, including the 11.4 km long main tunnels, will be around 15 km long and will be around 32 meters below the riverbed. > > The proposal for a tunnel was originally floated by the Border Roads Organization (BRO), considering its strategic importance. BRO started surveys for the project in 2014 and selected two sites, Tezpur-Nagaon and Gohpur-Numaligarh. In 2020, the centre gave in-principle approval for the project, after which detailed studies were conducted, including an airborne electromagnetic survey. > > Initially, the Tezpur site was favoured, as the river is narrower there, and Tezpur is home to the headquarters of the GOC 4 Corps of the Indian Army. However, later the Gohpur-Numaligarh location was selected. > > There are already two road bridges over the Brahmaputra at Tezpur, and a Railway bridge has been planned. That could be the reason for not selecting the site as both banks of the river are already well connected there. With the tunnel coming, the plan for a bridge between Gohpur and Numaligarh will be scrapped. In fact, the project was delayed because the centre was deliberating between the tunnel and the bridge, which would have been a cheaper option. The tunnel was approved after several cabinet ministers supported the plan, considering its strategic importance. > > The project will be undertaken under the Special Accelerated Road Development Programme (SARDP-NE) of the Union Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    A rail-road tunnel under the Brahmaputra in Assam to become a reality, DPR tenders for the ₹6,000 crore project to be opened next month

    *Tunnel Boring Machine will be deployed for the main tunnel under the river, while the open cut and cover method will be used for the sections of the tunnels on both ends. The length of the main tunnel will be 11.4 km, with a total length of around 15 km.* ![]( A tunnel under the mighty Brahmaputra River will finally become a reality, Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma announced on Friday. He said that the centre has approved the project, and tenders will be invited to prepare DPR for the project soon. He informed that a tunnel will be constructed under the Brahmaputra at an estimated cost of ₹6000 crore. Addressing a public rally at Biswanath Chariali in Assam, Himanta Biswa Sarma said he thought that a tunnel under the river was just a dream, and it will not become a reality. But he was surprised during a recent visit to Delhi, where the union govt told him that the project has been greenlighted. He said that after much deliberation, it was decided that the tunnel will be constructed between Gohpur on the north bank and Numaligarh in the south bank. It will be a road cum rail tunnel. Assam CM said that the first tenders for Detailed Project Report (DPR) will be opened on 4th July. ‘If everything goes as planned, we may be able to start the construction during the current tenure of my govt,’ he said. Sarma further said that PM Narendra Modi has already signed a file to connect the north and south banks of Brahmaputra through a tunnel. The tunnel will connect NH 15 on the north with NH 715 on the south. The centre has entrusted NHIDCL (National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd.) with the project. The NHIDCL has floated tenders to prepare DPR and will start pre-construction activities for the construction of the tunnel soon. 4-lane approach roads on both ends of the tunnel are part of the project. Tunnel Boring Machine will be deployed for the main tunnel under the river, while the open cut and cover method will be used for the sections of the tunnels on both ends. The length of the main tunnel will be 11.4 km, with a total length of around 15 km. Artificial islands are also proposed on the northern and southern sides of the river Brahmaputra, and the construction zone will be created within the islands to facilitate the construction of the tunnel and also during the operational phase. The islands will act as bunds to prevent flood water from entering the tunnels. NHIDCL has already prepared a Pre-Feasibility Report for the tunnel project. However, the report is only for a two-lane road tunnel and does not mention a rail tunnel. Therefore, significant changes in the DPR is expected from this report. ![]( At present, there are six bridges over the Brahmaputra, which include twin bridges at Guwahati and Tezpur. Three more bridges at Dhubri, Guwahati and Majuli are under construction. Construction of two more bridges in Guwahati, on its eastern and western ends, will start soon, and Railway will build two bridges at Guwahati and Tezpur. Several other bridges are under the pipeline connecting the north and south banks of the Brahmaputra river across the state. However, the bridges are seen as vulnerable in case of a war or major terrorist activities in the region, and the security establishment was considering a tunnel as an alternate route. Connectivity across the Brahmaputra is vital for the defence of the frontline on the border with China, and a tunnel is considered much more secure compared to a bridge over the river. According to previous reports, there will be three separate tunnels, one for road, the second one for rail, and the third one for emergency use including military transport. The tunnels, including the 11.4 km long main tunnels, will be around 15 km long and will be around 32 meters below the riverbed. The proposal for a tunnel was originally floated by the Border Roads Organization (BRO), considering its strategic importance. BRO started surveys for the project in 2014 and selected two sites, Tezpur-Nagaon and Gohpur-Numaligarh. In 2020, the centre gave in-principle approval for the project, after which detailed studies were conducted, including an airborne electromagnetic survey. Initially, the Tezpur site was favoured, as the river is narrower there, and Tezpur is home to the headquarters of the GOC 4 Corps of the Indian Army. However, later the Gohpur-Numaligarh location was selected. There are already two road bridges over the Brahmaputra at Tezpur, and a Railway bridge has been planned. That could be the reason for not selecting the site as both banks of the river are already well connected there. With the tunnel coming, the plan for a bridge between Gohpur and Numaligarh will be scrapped. In fact, the project was delayed because the centre was deliberating between the tunnel and the bridge, which would have been a cheaper option. The tunnel was approved after several cabinet ministers supported the plan, considering its strategic importance. The project will be undertaken under the Special Accelerated Road Development Programme (SARDP-NE) of the Union Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.

    indianews India News How Congress seems to have allied with Islamists and rabid Leftists to sabotage State Visit by an Indian Prime Minister to a friendly nation
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    Both letters were publicised by the Congress party in India.

    OpIndia did a report where we analysed 16 organisations and 24 lawmakers who undersigned the two letters and the findings were shocking (though not surprising) – the organisations and lawmakers have links with Islamic terror organisations, Khalistanis, anti-India and anti-Hindu elements.

    What was far more interesting, is the threads of connect between Congress and the anti-Hindu, anti-India elements which aimed to sabotage the State Visit.

    Rahul Gandhi is on a 10-day USA tour, where he spoke at the National Press Club, Stanford University and also, to ‘think tanks’, allegedly discussing relations between India and USA. The Hudson Institute tweeted images of Rahul Gandhi in deep conversation with these “think tanks”. Sunita Vishwanath was seated alongside Rahul Gandhi at this event at Hudson Institute. Sunita Vishwanath is the co-founder of HrHR, which has also signed this letter against Narendra Modi alongside IAMC.

    Investigating Info-warfare and Psy-war OSINT Disinfo Lab had conducted an investigation revealing that the ‘Hindus for Human Rights (HfHR)’ had been promoting the misleading narrative of ‘Hindu Vs Hindutva’. The same organisation was also seen endorsing the ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’ event.

    As per Disinfo Lab, HfHR was formed in the year 2019 by two Islamist advocacy groups named Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) and the Organization for Minorities of India (OFMI). Interestingly, the three organisations had formed another outfit called the Alliance for Justice and Accountability (AJA).

    As per an article in The Hindu, the Alliance for Justice and Accountability had been at the forefront of leading demonstrations against the visit of PM Modi to Houston on September 22, 2019. According to Disinfo Lab, the co-founder of Hindus for Human Rights, Sunita Vishwanath, also runs an organisation named ‘Women for Afghan Women’, which is funded by the Soros Open Society Foundation. Earlier, OpIndia reported in detail how George Soros had been fuelling a dangerous anti-India narrative through media and ‘civil society.’

    HfHR’s founding member Raju also heads EKTA. It is an associate organization of IAMC. The sole purpose was to have Hindus on the panel to project that the Hindus, in general, were against Hindutva. Interestingly, HfHR ran Facebook ads to promote previous USCIRF reports.

    Interestingly, Sunita Vishwanath, the co-founder of HfHR, is also closely connected to George Soros and Islamist-linked IAMC. The in-depth analysis of the web can be read here.

    Recently, HfHR released a toolkit against PM Modi’s US visit. OpIndia’s detailed report on it can be seen here.

    Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), a radical Islamist group that has alleged links with banned terror organisations such as the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and has a long history of lobbying against India.

    The IAMC is a Jamat-e-Islami-backed lobbyist organisation claiming to be a rights advocacy group. In the past, it had reportedly collaborated with and even paid money to various groups in the USA to get India blacklisted by the USCIRF (United States Commission on International Religious Freedom). A detailed report by Disinfo Lab has exposed its links with the terror outfit Jamat-e-Islami.

    IAMC founder Shaik Ubaid and member Abdul Malik Mujahid have headed the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the US front for Jamaat-e-Islami, Pakistan. According to DisInfo Lab, ICNA has established links with Pakistan-based terror groups like the Lashkar-e-Taiba. Rasheed Ahmed, who heads the IAMC currently, was the former executive director of the Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA). IMANA’s Director of Operations is Zahid Mahmood, an ex-Pak Navy official.

    Similar reports covered by OpIndia on HfHR and Hamas-linked Islamist group CAIR can be read here and here.

    IAMC has, in fact, come out in support of Rahul Gandhi several times and George Soros, with links to HfHR and by extension, IAMC, had not only dedicated money to combat nationalists including PM Modi but waded into the Adani fiasco, supporting Rahul Gandhi’s premise that Modi will have to be held accountable for a mythical ‘scam’.

    The sinister agenda to sabotage the State Visit of an Indian Prime minister became even more apparent when Rahul Gandhi planned his visit right before that of PM Modi. During his visit, along with his alliance with HfHR and IAMC, he maligned India while hailing anti-Hindu and Islamist organisations like the Muslim League, calling them secular. Rahul Gandhi in the US had several speaking engagements where he certainly stirred the pot, probably to the detriment of his own party and political career. His speech revolved around the usual themes – Hindus bad, Muslims god, Congress peaceful, ‘Hindu BJP’ communal, Muslim League secular, Rahul Gandhi victim, Modi bad.

    Interestingly, in an article in the Economic Times written by one Seema Sirohi, it was claimed that Rahul Gandhi during his visit made a trip to the White House, which both parties involved – the Biden administration and Rahul Gandhi (Congress) chose to keep under the wraps.

    For an opposition leader to visit the White House in ‘secret’, without disclosing it to the government of India and the MEA, is a serious breach of protocol and could potentially undermine India’s interests.

    Speculations were rife that Rahul Gandhi, in alliance with the Left and Islamists in the West, was attempting a regime change operation because democratically, Congress had been wiped out at the national level with no sign of revival.

    With the deep connections to rabid communists, Islamists and secret visits that have not been disclosed yet, it becomes evident that Congress seemed to have worked in tandem with anti-India and anti-Hindu elements to sabotage a State Visit by the Indian Prime Minister to a friendly nation. Who that Prime Minister is immaterial. In a country that values democracy above all else, ideally, the alliances being formed by Congress should be considered treacherous. Demanding foreign interference, as Rahul Gandhi has several times, along with allying with anti-India elements to undermine democracy in the nation, regardless of which party is in power, is an act of internal aggression against the State that must be considered seriously and deliberated upon by a nation that stands at the cusp of civilisational revival.


  • indianews India News How Congress seems to have allied with Islamists and rabid Leftists to sabotage State Visit by an Indian Prime Minister to a friendly nation
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    With the deep connections to rabid communists, Islamists and secret visits that have not been disclosed yet, it becomes evident that Congress seemed to have worked in tandem with anti-India and anti-Hindu elements to sabotage a State Visit by the Indian Prime Minister to a friendly nation. Who that Prime Minister is immaterial. In a country that values democracy above all else, ideally, the alliances being formed by Congress should be considered treacherous.

    On Thursday (June 22), Narendra Modi became the only Indian Prime Minister to address the joint session of the USA Congress twice. He received 15 standing ovations and 79 applauses during his hour-long speech.

    The Indian Prime Minister was also greeted with chants of ‘Modi Modi’, ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ and ‘Vande Mataram.’ Following his speech, US lawmakers were seen lining up to interact with Narendra Modi.

    During this time, he signed autographs and clicked selfies with members of the US Congress. PM Modi also autographed the joint session address booklet, presented to him by US House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy.

    The State Visit by the Prime Minister of India has been hugely successful. With the condemnation of Pakistan’s cross-border terrorism by Joe Biden and PM Modi in their joint statement, to an over $3 billion investment and historic, unprecedented deepening of ties by the foray of meetings between PM Modi and thought leaders in the West, India has walked away with massive gains. Of course, the USA is a transactional state and can never be a dependable ally, a fact of which the power corridors are deeply aware, but the diplomatic realm is certainly not made up of absolute and in the grey-coloured world of diplomacy, India walked away with net positive results.

    Even before the State Visit took off, however, American liberals and Islamists, along with the open and blatant support by the Indian political class led by Rahul Gandhi, launched a campaign to discredit PM Modi and by extension, India, united by their hunger for power, hate for Hindus and disdain for India.

    17 organisations and 75 Senators and Members of Congress wrote 2 letters to President Biden asking him either not to host the State Dinner or to raise some specific issues.

    On June 7 (local time), Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), which has links to Islamic terrorist organisations, announced to have written a letter to the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, to rescind the invitation of State Dinner extended to Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi. Seventeen organisations, including IAMC, signed the letter.

    The organisations claimed that India is facing sharp democratic backsliding. The claim was based on April 20, 2023, Financial Times report titled ‘India’s Democratic Backsliding’. In the report, FT claimed the democratic values of India were on backtrack because a Gujarat court denied disqualified Congress MP Rahul Gandhi‘s plea against a 2-year sentence in a defamation case. FT called it bad news not only for India but for the whole world. In the letter, they cited four reports linked to CAA and NRC. They included a fact sheet by United States Commission on International Religious Freedom from February 2020. However, the report clearly mentioned that CAA was only meant for minorities in neighbouring Islamic countries. The report does point out Assam NRC controversies, but assuming NRC, whenever it comes, will have the same regulations and guidelines is far-fetched. OpIndia did a detailed analysis of the baseless claims made by IAMC and other organisations in the letter sent to President Biden that can be checked here.

    On June 20, 75 US Senators and Members of Congress wrote a letter to President Biden to take up issues including “shrinking of political space, the rise of religious intolerance, and more.

    In the letter, the lawmakers asked Biden to raise “areas of concern” directly with PM Modi in addition to the many areas of shared interests between India and the US. They reminded President Biden of his statement where he said that America Must lead not merely by the example of our power but by the power of our example.”

    Apart from a State Department report, they cited unnamed reports claiming to be “independent, credible reports” that reflect “troubling signs in India toward the shrinking of political space, the rise of religious intolerance, the targeting of civil society organizations and journalists, and growing restrictions on press freedoms and internet access.”

    They claimed that religious freedom in India is showing worrisome signs as there has been an “increase of religious intolerance toward minorities and religiously motived violence by both private and state actors.” They also cited the dubious Reporters Without Borders ranking on Press Freedom that OpIndia has categorically debunked.


  • indiaspeaks
    IndiaSpeaks Community root 1 year ago 66%
    Barack Obama, who should be declared a war criminal, pontificates to India about human rights: Here is his track record

    cross-posted from: > *Despite his active war-mongering and mass killing of civilians in the name of drone attacks against terror groups, Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009.* > > ![]( > > On Thursday (June 22), former US President Barack Obama courted controversy by virtue-signalling India about its ‘human rights’ record. > > Obama, who has a notorious record as a potential war criminal, suggested that the Indian Prime Minister must be told by the Biden administration about protecting the ‘Muslim minority in a majority Hindu India.’ He also hinted at another ‘partition’ if India, under the Modi government, did not mend its ways. > > The former US President made the contentious remarks during an interview with CNN news host Christiane Amanpour, just hours before PM Modi made his historic address at the joint session of the US Congress. > > He said, “If President (Joe Biden) meets with Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi, the protection of Muslim minority in a majority Hindu India is something worth mentioning.” > > Barack Obama also claimed, “If I had a conversation with Prime Minister Modi, then, part of the conversation would be that if you do not protect the rights of minorities, then there is a strong possibility that India at some point starts pulling apart…That would be contrary to the interests of India” > > The former US President, who is now mouthing platitudes about protecting the interests of Muslims in India, has been single-handedly responsible for the death of 100s of innocent people in Muslim-majority countries. > > ### Human rights record of ‘war monger’ Barack Obama > > Barack Obama scripted history in 2008 by being the first African-American man to become the President of the United States. In 2016, he also created another record of being the only President to take the country to war during the entirety of his 8-year term. > > As per a report by the ‘Bureau of Investigative Journalism’, Obama oversaw more drone strikes (54) in his first year than George W Bush did in his entire term. Prior to his Presidency, he would talk about ending ‘dumb wars’ but did the opposite when he came to power. > > Barack Obama, who holds the distinction of being a Nobel Peace Prize Winner, reportedly launched airstrikes in at least seven Muslim-majority countries of Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Pakistan. > > He sanctioned the use of a whopping 563 drone strikes and killed 3797 people in this process. In one instance, a CIA drone strike targeted a funeral in Pakistan, which led to the death of 41 civilians in Pakistan. > > ![]( > > More than 89 civilians in the same country were killed by the Obama administration over the course of 128 targeted drone strikes. The US President was aware that the drone strikes were far from accurate and were increasingly leading to the death of civilians. > > But this did not stop him from continuing with such attacks in Somalia (2010) and Yemen (2011). Reportedly, 21 children and 12 women (five of them being pregnant)were killed by the Obama administration’s first strike in Yemen, with the aim of targeting Al-Qaeda. > > It also came to light that in 2016 alone, the US government under Obama carried out at least 26,171 bombings, which translates to 72 bombings every day on civilians in other countries. > > Mass civilian casualties were also reported in Afghanistan. An average of 582 people were killed annually in Afghanistan by the US, its allies and the Afghan government in Kabul between 2007 to 2016. > > The Obama administration has also been accused of conducting ‘double-tap drone strikes’, which means that the site of a drone strike is attacked again. This is despite knowing the fact that such follow-up strikes lead to the death of first responders, which is against the guidelines laid down by the 1948 Geneva Conventions. > > ### Obama administration warmed up to Muslim brotherhood, oversaw the rise of ISIS > > During the tenure of Barack Obama, the US government warmed up to the radical Islamist outfit ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ in Egypt during the Arab Spring. It was a complete departure from the approach undertaken by previous US administrations. > > According to author Hany Ghoraba, Barack Obama believed that he could separate the terror outfit ‘Al-Qaeda’ and Muslim Brotherhood. “Empowering the Muslim Brotherhood would, according to Obama, weaken Al-Qaeda in a decision that can be considered as one of the severest cases of political naiveté in modern times,” he noted. > > “The core fault of the Obama administration was its adoption of a false rhetoric, presented for years by Islamist activists and later liberal Western politicians and pundits, that there is a distinction between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda,” Ghoraba pointed out. > > The Arab Spring led to significant political changes in several countries, including the ousting of long-standing autocratic leaders. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood’s political arm, namely, the Freedom and Justice Party, emerged as a major political force. > > In 2011, the Obama administration thought it was a great idea to engage with the Muslim brotherhood-led- government, mistaking it to be a ‘new democratic force’ and looking past its radical Islamism, dangerous ideology and its mistreatment of religious minorities. > > Later when protests erupted against the government in Eqypt, the Obama administration quickly took a U-turn and called for the removal of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed-Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. Documents now reveal that the US government funded anti-Morsi activities. > > The Presidential tenure of Barack Obama was also marked by the rise of the dreaded terrorist organisation, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria aka ISIS. > > One of the major contributing factors was the withdrawal of the US troops, failed negotiations with the Iraqi government and lack of residual US military presence in the country. The security vacuum left in Iraq gave opportunities for radical Islamist groups to expand. > > ### Conclusion > > Barack Obama has been at the helm of building secret drone bases in the Middle East and Africa and increasing the deployment of warships and troops in the Western Pacific and Eastern Europe. > > He has been accused by his first three Defense Secretaries at the Pentagon of micro-manging the military from the White House. Through the killing of dictator Muammar Gaddafi, Barack Obama ensured that Libya plunged into complete chaos. > > Later, the oil-rich nation became a magnet for terrorist groups. Despite his active war-mongering and mass killing of civilians in the name of drone attacks against terror groups, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. With the left media acting as his PR agent, Obama has been able to keep up with the false image of being a ‘great ex-President.’ > > At the time of PM Modi’s visit to the US on the invite of the incumbent President Joe Biden, Barack Obama is pontificating the Modi administration about human rights and peddling the distorted narrative of ‘Muslims being in danger in India.’

    Geopolitics root 1 year ago 50%
    Barack Obama, who should be declared a war criminal, pontificates to India about human rights: Here is his track record

    cross-posted from: > *Despite his active war-mongering and mass killing of civilians in the name of drone attacks against terror groups, Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009.* > > ![]( > > On Thursday (June 22), former US President Barack Obama courted controversy by virtue-signalling India about its ‘human rights’ record. > > Obama, who has a notorious record as a potential war criminal, suggested that the Indian Prime Minister must be told by the Biden administration about protecting the ‘Muslim minority in a majority Hindu India.’ He also hinted at another ‘partition’ if India, under the Modi government, did not mend its ways. > > The former US President made the contentious remarks during an interview with CNN news host Christiane Amanpour, just hours before PM Modi made his historic address at the joint session of the US Congress. > > He said, “If President (Joe Biden) meets with Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi, the protection of Muslim minority in a majority Hindu India is something worth mentioning.” > > Barack Obama also claimed, “If I had a conversation with Prime Minister Modi, then, part of the conversation would be that if you do not protect the rights of minorities, then there is a strong possibility that India at some point starts pulling apart…That would be contrary to the interests of India” > > The former US President, who is now mouthing platitudes about protecting the interests of Muslims in India, has been single-handedly responsible for the death of 100s of innocent people in Muslim-majority countries. > > ### Human rights record of ‘war monger’ Barack Obama > > Barack Obama scripted history in 2008 by being the first African-American man to become the President of the United States. In 2016, he also created another record of being the only President to take the country to war during the entirety of his 8-year term. > > As per a report by the ‘Bureau of Investigative Journalism’, Obama oversaw more drone strikes (54) in his first year than George W Bush did in his entire term. Prior to his Presidency, he would talk about ending ‘dumb wars’ but did the opposite when he came to power. > > Barack Obama, who holds the distinction of being a Nobel Peace Prize Winner, reportedly launched airstrikes in at least seven Muslim-majority countries of Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Pakistan. > > He sanctioned the use of a whopping 563 drone strikes and killed 3797 people in this process. In one instance, a CIA drone strike targeted a funeral in Pakistan, which led to the death of 41 civilians in Pakistan. > > ![]( > > More than 89 civilians in the same country were killed by the Obama administration over the course of 128 targeted drone strikes. The US President was aware that the drone strikes were far from accurate and were increasingly leading to the death of civilians. > > But this did not stop him from continuing with such attacks in Somalia (2010) and Yemen (2011). Reportedly, 21 children and 12 women (five of them being pregnant)were killed by the Obama administration’s first strike in Yemen, with the aim of targeting Al-Qaeda. > > It also came to light that in 2016 alone, the US government under Obama carried out at least 26,171 bombings, which translates to 72 bombings every day on civilians in other countries. > > Mass civilian casualties were also reported in Afghanistan. An average of 582 people were killed annually in Afghanistan by the US, its allies and the Afghan government in Kabul between 2007 to 2016. > > The Obama administration has also been accused of conducting ‘double-tap drone strikes’, which means that the site of a drone strike is attacked again. This is despite knowing the fact that such follow-up strikes lead to the death of first responders, which is against the guidelines laid down by the 1948 Geneva Conventions. > > ### Obama administration warmed up to Muslim brotherhood, oversaw the rise of ISIS > > During the tenure of Barack Obama, the US government warmed up to the radical Islamist outfit ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ in Egypt during the Arab Spring. It was a complete departure from the approach undertaken by previous US administrations. > > According to author Hany Ghoraba, Barack Obama believed that he could separate the terror outfit ‘Al-Qaeda’ and Muslim Brotherhood. “Empowering the Muslim Brotherhood would, according to Obama, weaken Al-Qaeda in a decision that can be considered as one of the severest cases of political naiveté in modern times,” he noted. > > “The core fault of the Obama administration was its adoption of a false rhetoric, presented for years by Islamist activists and later liberal Western politicians and pundits, that there is a distinction between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda,” Ghoraba pointed out. > > The Arab Spring led to significant political changes in several countries, including the ousting of long-standing autocratic leaders. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood’s political arm, namely, the Freedom and Justice Party, emerged as a major political force. > > In 2011, the Obama administration thought it was a great idea to engage with the Muslim brotherhood-led- government, mistaking it to be a ‘new democratic force’ and looking past its radical Islamism, dangerous ideology and its mistreatment of religious minorities. > > Later when protests erupted against the government in Eqypt, the Obama administration quickly took a U-turn and called for the removal of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed-Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. Documents now reveal that the US government funded anti-Morsi activities. > > The Presidential tenure of Barack Obama was also marked by the rise of the dreaded terrorist organisation, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria aka ISIS. > > One of the major contributing factors was the withdrawal of the US troops, failed negotiations with the Iraqi government and lack of residual US military presence in the country. The security vacuum left in Iraq gave opportunities for radical Islamist groups to expand. > > ### Conclusion > > Barack Obama has been at the helm of building secret drone bases in the Middle East and Africa and increasing the deployment of warships and troops in the Western Pacific and Eastern Europe. > > He has been accused by his first three Defense Secretaries at the Pentagon of micro-manging the military from the White House. Through the killing of dictator Muammar Gaddafi, Barack Obama ensured that Libya plunged into complete chaos. > > Later, the oil-rich nation became a magnet for terrorist groups. Despite his active war-mongering and mass killing of civilians in the name of drone attacks against terror groups, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. With the left media acting as his PR agent, Obama has been able to keep up with the false image of being a ‘great ex-President.’ > > At the time of PM Modi’s visit to the US on the invite of the incumbent President Joe Biden, Barack Obama is pontificating the Modi administration about human rights and peddling the distorted narrative of ‘Muslims being in danger in India.’

    India News root 1 year ago 66%
    Barack Obama, who should be declared a war criminal, pontificates to India about human rights: Here is his track record

    *Despite his active war-mongering and mass killing of civilians in the name of drone attacks against terror groups, Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009.* ![]( On Thursday (June 22), former US President Barack Obama courted controversy by virtue-signalling India about its ‘human rights’ record. Obama, who has a notorious record as a potential war criminal, suggested that the Indian Prime Minister must be told by the Biden administration about protecting the ‘Muslim minority in a majority Hindu India.’ He also hinted at another ‘partition’ if India, under the Modi government, did not mend its ways. The former US President made the contentious remarks during an interview with CNN news host Christiane Amanpour, just hours before PM Modi made his historic address at the joint session of the US Congress. He said, “If President (Joe Biden) meets with Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi, the protection of Muslim minority in a majority Hindu India is something worth mentioning.” Barack Obama also claimed, “If I had a conversation with Prime Minister Modi, then, part of the conversation would be that if you do not protect the rights of minorities, then there is a strong possibility that India at some point starts pulling apart…That would be contrary to the interests of India” The former US President, who is now mouthing platitudes about protecting the interests of Muslims in India, has been single-handedly responsible for the death of 100s of innocent people in Muslim-majority countries. ### Human rights record of ‘war monger’ Barack Obama Barack Obama scripted history in 2008 by being the first African-American man to become the President of the United States. In 2016, he also created another record of being the only President to take the country to war during the entirety of his 8-year term. As per a report by the ‘Bureau of Investigative Journalism’, Obama oversaw more drone strikes (54) in his first year than George W Bush did in his entire term. Prior to his Presidency, he would talk about ending ‘dumb wars’ but did the opposite when he came to power. Barack Obama, who holds the distinction of being a Nobel Peace Prize Winner, reportedly launched airstrikes in at least seven Muslim-majority countries of Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Pakistan. He sanctioned the use of a whopping 563 drone strikes and killed 3797 people in this process. In one instance, a CIA drone strike targeted a funeral in Pakistan, which led to the death of 41 civilians in Pakistan. ![]( More than 89 civilians in the same country were killed by the Obama administration over the course of 128 targeted drone strikes. The US President was aware that the drone strikes were far from accurate and were increasingly leading to the death of civilians. But this did not stop him from continuing with such attacks in Somalia (2010) and Yemen (2011). Reportedly, 21 children and 12 women (five of them being pregnant)were killed by the Obama administration’s first strike in Yemen, with the aim of targeting Al-Qaeda. It also came to light that in 2016 alone, the US government under Obama carried out at least 26,171 bombings, which translates to 72 bombings every day on civilians in other countries. Mass civilian casualties were also reported in Afghanistan. An average of 582 people were killed annually in Afghanistan by the US, its allies and the Afghan government in Kabul between 2007 to 2016. The Obama administration has also been accused of conducting ‘double-tap drone strikes’, which means that the site of a drone strike is attacked again. This is despite knowing the fact that such follow-up strikes lead to the death of first responders, which is against the guidelines laid down by the 1948 Geneva Conventions. ### Obama administration warmed up to Muslim brotherhood, oversaw the rise of ISIS During the tenure of Barack Obama, the US government warmed up to the radical Islamist outfit ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ in Egypt during the Arab Spring. It was a complete departure from the approach undertaken by previous US administrations. According to author Hany Ghoraba, Barack Obama believed that he could separate the terror outfit ‘Al-Qaeda’ and Muslim Brotherhood. “Empowering the Muslim Brotherhood would, according to Obama, weaken Al-Qaeda in a decision that can be considered as one of the severest cases of political naiveté in modern times,” he noted. “The core fault of the Obama administration was its adoption of a false rhetoric, presented for years by Islamist activists and later liberal Western politicians and pundits, that there is a distinction between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda,” Ghoraba pointed out. The Arab Spring led to significant political changes in several countries, including the ousting of long-standing autocratic leaders. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood’s political arm, namely, the Freedom and Justice Party, emerged as a major political force. In 2011, the Obama administration thought it was a great idea to engage with the Muslim brotherhood-led- government, mistaking it to be a ‘new democratic force’ and looking past its radical Islamism, dangerous ideology and its mistreatment of religious minorities. Later when protests erupted against the government in Eqypt, the Obama administration quickly took a U-turn and called for the removal of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed-Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. Documents now reveal that the US government funded anti-Morsi activities. The Presidential tenure of Barack Obama was also marked by the rise of the dreaded terrorist organisation, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria aka ISIS. One of the major contributing factors was the withdrawal of the US troops, failed negotiations with the Iraqi government and lack of residual US military presence in the country. The security vacuum left in Iraq gave opportunities for radical Islamist groups to expand. ### Conclusion Barack Obama has been at the helm of building secret drone bases in the Middle East and Africa and increasing the deployment of warships and troops in the Western Pacific and Eastern Europe. He has been accused by his first three Defense Secretaries at the Pentagon of micro-manging the military from the White House. Through the killing of dictator Muammar Gaddafi, Barack Obama ensured that Libya plunged into complete chaos. Later, the oil-rich nation became a magnet for terrorist groups. Despite his active war-mongering and mass killing of civilians in the name of drone attacks against terror groups, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. With the left media acting as his PR agent, Obama has been able to keep up with the false image of being a ‘great ex-President.’ At the time of PM Modi’s visit to the US on the invite of the incumbent President Joe Biden, Barack Obama is pontificating the Modi administration about human rights and peddling the distorted narrative of ‘Muslims being in danger in India.’

    linux Linux Running Commands in Parallel in Linux
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    Hmm I didn't know about ParaFly, so something I learned today as well 😀 .

  • linux
    Linux root 1 year ago 100%
    Running Commands in Parallel in Linux

    cross-posted from: > # Running Commands in Parallel in Linux > > In Linux, you can execute multiple commands simultaneously by running them in parallel. This can help improve the overall execution time and efficiency of your tasks. In this tutorial, we will explore different methods to run commands in parallel in a Linux environment. > > ## Method 1: Using `&` (ampersand) symbol > > The simplest way to run commands in parallel is by appending the `&` symbol at the end of each command. Here's how you can do it: > > ```bash > command_1 & command_2 & command_3 & > ``` > > This syntax allows each command to run in the background, enabling parallel execution. The shell will immediately return the command prompt, and the commands will execute concurrently. > > For example, to compress three different files in parallel using the `gzip` command: > > ```bash > gzip file1.txt & gzip file2.txt & gzip file3.txt & > ``` > > ## Method 2: Using `xargs` with `-P` option > > The `xargs` command is useful for building and executing commands from standard input. By utilizing its `-P` option, you can specify the maximum number of commands to run in parallel. Here's an example: > > ```bash > echo -e "command_1\ncommand_2\ncommand_3" | xargs -P 3 -I {} sh -c "{}" & > ``` > > In this example, we use the `echo` command to generate a list of commands separated by newline characters. This list is then piped (`|`) to `xargs`, which executes each command in parallel. The `-P 3` option indicates that a maximum of three commands should run concurrently. Adjust the number according to your requirements. > > For instance, to run three different `wget` commands in parallel to download files: > > ```bash > echo -e "wget\nwget\nwget" | xargs -P 3 -I {} sh -c "{}" & > ``` > > ## Method 3: Using GNU Parallel > > GNU Parallel is a powerful tool specifically designed to run jobs in parallel. It provides extensive features and flexibility. To use GNU Parallel, follow these steps: > > 1. Install GNU Parallel if it's not already installed. You can typically find it in your Linux distribution's package manager. > 2. Create a file (e.g., `commands.txt`) and add one command per line: > > ```plaintext > command_1 > command_2 > command_3 > ``` > > 3. Run the following command to execute the commands in parallel: > > ```bash > parallel -j 3 < commands.txt > ``` > > The `-j 3` option specifies the maximum number of parallel jobs to run. Adjust it according to your needs. > > For example, if you have a file called `urls.txt` containing URLs and you want to download them in parallel using `wget`: > > ```bash > parallel -j 3 wget {} < urls.txt > ``` > > GNU Parallel also offers numerous advanced options for complex parallel job management. Refer to its documentation for further information. > > ## Conclusion > > Running commands in parallel can significantly speed up your tasks by utilizing the available resources efficiently. In this tutorial, you've learned three methods for running commands in parallel in Linux: > > 1. Using the `&` symbol to run commands in the background. > 2. Utilizing `xargs` with the `-P` option to define the maximum parallelism. > 3. Using GNU Parallel for advanced parallel job management. > > Choose the method that best suits your requirements and optimize your workflow by executing commands concurrently.

    Linux root 1 year ago 98%
    Running Commands in Parallel in Linux

    cross-posted from: > # Running Commands in Parallel in Linux > > In Linux, you can execute multiple commands simultaneously by running them in parallel. This can help improve the overall execution time and efficiency of your tasks. In this tutorial, we will explore different methods to run commands in parallel in a Linux environment. > > ## Method 1: Using `&` (ampersand) symbol > > The simplest way to run commands in parallel is by appending the `&` symbol at the end of each command. Here's how you can do it: > > ```bash > command_1 & command_2 & command_3 & > ``` > > This syntax allows each command to run in the background, enabling parallel execution. The shell will immediately return the command prompt, and the commands will execute concurrently. > > For example, to compress three different files in parallel using the `gzip` command: > > ```bash > gzip file1.txt & gzip file2.txt & gzip file3.txt & > ``` > > ## Method 2: Using `xargs` with `-P` option > > The `xargs` command is useful for building and executing commands from standard input. By utilizing its `-P` option, you can specify the maximum number of commands to run in parallel. Here's an example: > > ```bash > echo -e "command_1\ncommand_2\ncommand_3" | xargs -P 3 -I {} sh -c "{}" & > ``` > > In this example, we use the `echo` command to generate a list of commands separated by newline characters. This list is then piped (`|`) to `xargs`, which executes each command in parallel. The `-P 3` option indicates that a maximum of three commands should run concurrently. Adjust the number according to your requirements. > > For instance, to run three different `wget` commands in parallel to download files: > > ```bash > echo -e "wget\nwget\nwget" | xargs -P 3 -I {} sh -c "{}" & > ``` > > ## Method 3: Using GNU Parallel > > GNU Parallel is a powerful tool specifically designed to run jobs in parallel. It provides extensive features and flexibility. To use GNU Parallel, follow these steps: > > 1. Install GNU Parallel if it's not already installed. You can typically find it in your Linux distribution's package manager. > 2. Create a file (e.g., `commands.txt`) and add one command per line: > > ```plaintext > command_1 > command_2 > command_3 > ``` > > 3. Run the following command to execute the commands in parallel: > > ```bash > parallel -j 3 < commands.txt > ``` > > The `-j 3` option specifies the maximum number of parallel jobs to run. Adjust it according to your needs. > > For example, if you have a file called `urls.txt` containing URLs and you want to download them in parallel using `wget`: > > ```bash > parallel -j 3 wget {} < urls.txt > ``` > > GNU Parallel also offers numerous advanced options for complex parallel job management. Refer to its documentation for further information. > > ## Conclusion > > Running commands in parallel can significantly speed up your tasks by utilizing the available resources efficiently. In this tutorial, you've learned three methods for running commands in parallel in Linux: > > 1. Using the `&` symbol to run commands in the background. > 2. Utilizing `xargs` with the `-P` option to define the maximum parallelism. > 3. Using GNU Parallel for advanced parallel job management. > > Choose the method that best suits your requirements and optimize your workflow by executing commands concurrently.

    Running Commands in Parallel in Linux

    # Running Commands in Parallel in Linux In Linux, you can execute multiple commands simultaneously by running them in parallel. This can help improve the overall execution time and efficiency of your tasks. In this tutorial, we will explore different methods to run commands in parallel in a Linux environment. ## Method 1: Using `&` (ampersand) symbol The simplest way to run commands in parallel is by appending the `&` symbol at the end of each command. Here's how you can do it: ```bash command_1 & command_2 & command_3 & ``` This syntax allows each command to run in the background, enabling parallel execution. The shell will immediately return the command prompt, and the commands will execute concurrently. For example, to compress three different files in parallel using the `gzip` command: ```bash gzip file1.txt & gzip file2.txt & gzip file3.txt & ``` ## Method 2: Using `xargs` with `-P` option The `xargs` command is useful for building and executing commands from standard input. By utilizing its `-P` option, you can specify the maximum number of commands to run in parallel. Here's an example: ```bash echo -e "command_1\ncommand_2\ncommand_3" | xargs -P 3 -I {} sh -c "{}" & ``` In this example, we use the `echo` command to generate a list of commands separated by newline characters. This list is then piped (`|`) to `xargs`, which executes each command in parallel. The `-P 3` option indicates that a maximum of three commands should run concurrently. Adjust the number according to your requirements. For instance, to run three different `wget` commands in parallel to download files: ```bash echo -e "wget\nwget\nwget" | xargs -P 3 -I {} sh -c "{}" & ``` ## Method 3: Using GNU Parallel GNU Parallel is a powerful tool specifically designed to run jobs in parallel. It provides extensive features and flexibility. To use GNU Parallel, follow these steps: 1. Install GNU Parallel if it's not already installed. You can typically find it in your Linux distribution's package manager. 2. Create a file (e.g., `commands.txt`) and add one command per line: ```plaintext command_1 command_2 command_3 ``` 3. Run the following command to execute the commands in parallel: ```bash parallel -j 3 < commands.txt ``` The `-j 3` option specifies the maximum number of parallel jobs to run. Adjust it according to your needs. For example, if you have a file called `urls.txt` containing URLs and you want to download them in parallel using `wget`: ```bash parallel -j 3 wget {} < urls.txt ``` GNU Parallel also offers numerous advanced options for complex parallel job management. Refer to its documentation for further information. ## Conclusion Running commands in parallel can significantly speed up your tasks by utilizing the available resources efficiently. In this tutorial, you've learned three methods for running commands in parallel in Linux: 1. Using the `&` symbol to run commands in the background. 2. Utilizing `xargs` with the `-P` option to define the maximum parallelism. 3. Using GNU Parallel for advanced parallel job management. Choose the method that best suits your requirements and optimize your workflow by executing commands concurrently.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    PM Modi and Pres Joe Biden slam Pakistan for cross-border terrorism, use of terror proxies, call for action against JeM, Hizb-ul-Mujahideen: What was said

    *Speaking during a joint press conference with US President Joe Biden, PM Modi said, "India and America are walking shoulder to shoulder in the fight against terrorism and extremism. We agree that concerted action is necessary to end cross-border terrorism."* ![]( US and India on Thursday strongly condemned cross-border terrorism, and the use of terrorist proxies and called on Pakistan to take immediate action to ensure that no territory under its control is used for launching terrorist attacks, according to US-India joint statement. US President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Modi reiterated the call for concerted action against all UN-listed terrorist groups including Al-Qaida, ISIS/Daesh, Lashkar e-Tayyiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), and Hizb-ul-Mujhahideen. Both countries stood together to counter global terrorism and unequivocally condemn terrorism and violent extremism in all its forms and manifestations. They called for the perpetrators of the 26/11 Mumbai and Pathankot attacks to be brought to justice, read the statement. Earlier, PM Modi had highlighted the need to fight terrorism and extremism that constitutes a real threat to democracy, the rule of law and the enjoyment of human rights. Speaking during a joint press conference with US President Joe Biden, PM Modi said, “India and America are walking shoulder to shoulder in the fight against terrorism and extremism. We agree that concerted action is necessary to end cross-border terrorism.” Notably, his comments come days after China blocked proposals at the United Nations to designate Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Tayyiba’s Sajid Mir as a “global terrorist.” Even 15 years after the Mumbai terrorist attacks, its masterminds have not yet been brought to justice. Both leaders also raised concern over the increasing global use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), drones and information and communication technologies for terrorist purposes and reaffirmed the importance of working together to combat such misuse, added the joint statement. They welcomed the cooperation between the two governments on counterterrorism designations and homeland security cooperation, including intelligence sharing and law enforcement cooperation. Both leaders called upon the Financial Action Task Force to undertake further work identifying how to improve global implementation of its standards to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism, added the statement. President Biden and PM Modi reiterated their strong support for a peaceful, secure, and stable Afghanistan. They discussed the current humanitarian situation and concurred on the need to continue to provide immediate humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan. The leaders urged the Taliban to abide by UNSC Resolution 2593 which demands that Afghan territory should never be used to threaten or attack any country, shelter or train terrorists, or plan or finance terrorist attacks, added the statement. Committing to continue close consultations on the situation in Afghanistan, the leaders emphasized the importance of the formation of an inclusive political structure and called on the Taliban to respect the human rights of all Afghans, including women and girls, and to respect freedom of movement.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    ‘Modi Modi slogans, autographs, selfies, 15 standing ovations and 79 applauses: What happened after PM Modi’s historic address to Joint US Congress

    *PM Modi autographed the joint session address booklet, presented to him by US House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy.* ![]( On Thursday (June 22), Narendra Modi became the only Indian Prime Minister to address the joint session of the US Congress twice. He received 15 standing ovations and 79 applauses during his hour-long speech. The Indian Prime Minister was also greeted with chants of ‘Modi Modi’, ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ and ‘Vande Mataram.’ Following his speech, US lawmakers were seen lining up to interact with Narendra Modi. During this time, he signed autographs and clicked selfies with members of the US Congress. PM Modi also autographed the joint session address booklet, presented to him by US House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy. During his historic address, Narendra Modi highlighted India’s success story on the economic front. “When I first visited the US as a PM, India was the 10th largest economy in the world. Today, India is the 5th largest economy. India will be the 3rd largest economy soon,” he had said. The Indian Prime Minister also pointed out how a tribal woman from Odisha went on to become the President of the country. He remarked, “India’s vision is not just of development that benefits women. It is of women-led development where women lead the journey of progress. A woman has risen from a humble tribal background to be our Head of State.” PM Modi also reiterated his commitment towards climate goals. “We became the only G20 country to meet its Paris commitment…Our mission is pro-planet progress, pro-planet prosperity, pro-planet people,” he pointed out. Narendra Modi also emphasised India’s unity in diversity. He said, “India is the home to all faiths in the world and we celebrate all of them. In India, diversity is a natural way of life, today the world wants to know more and more about India.” “We have over 2,500 political parties. About 20 different parties govern various states of India. We have 22 official languages and thousands of dialects, yet we speak in one voice,” he further added. PM Modi also underline India’s commitment to global cooperation and peace. He stated, “We live by the motto of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’-the world is one family. Our engagement with the world is for everyone’s benefit.” “The same spirit is also seen in the theme when we chair the G20 Summit, One Earth, One Family, One Future. Last week, all nations joined our proposal at the UN, to build a memorial wall to honour the peacekeepers,” he concluded.

    World News root 1 year ago 92%
    111 years after sinking, Titanic claims 5 more lives: OceanGate’s tourist sub ‘Titan’ implodes, debris found near the wreck of old ship

    *As per reports, OceanGate's carbon fiber hull was unsuited for dives into such depths. In a video now going viral, CEO Stockton Rush is seen admitting that he knows there are issues, but he is taking the risk anyway.* ![]( *OceanGate's sub Titan, (L), wreck of the Titanic on the seafloor (R)* The HMS Titanic had sunk on April 15, 1912, taking more than 1500 people with it. 111 years later, 4 high-profile passengers and the CEO of the OceanGate company, who was the pilot of the tourist submersible ‘Titan’, died after their sub imploded due to extreme pressure deep in the North Atlantic Ocean. The US Coast Guard has confirmed that one of their ROVs from the vessel Horizon Arctic located the debris of a tail comb from the OceanGate sub-Titan approximately 1600 feet from the bow wreckage of the Titanic on the seafloor. Other debris was also found scattered in the general area. The debris was confirmed to be from Titan, the lost tourist sub from OceanGate. Speaking to the media, OceanGate’s co-founder Guillermo Stohnlein said that in the case of any failure, the implosion would have been instantaneous. It is notable here that the Titanic wreckage sits at a depth of around 3800 meters. As per reports, the implosion at a depth like that causes immediate crushing of the vessel and everything inside it. The pilot and the passengers would have died within a few milliseconds. CEO of OceanGate was the pilot, the 4 passengers included the billionaire explorer Hamish Harding, a British-Pakistani father-son duo named Shahzada Dawood and Suleiman Dawood, and the popular ‘Mr Titanic’ Paul-Henry Nargeolet. Nargeolet, a French Navy veteran, was part of the first expedition to visit the wreck in 1987, just two years after it was found. He has earned the moniker ‘Mr. Titanic’ as he has reportedly spent more time at the wreck than any other explorer. ### The deceased CEO’s wife is a descendant of an old couple who died in the Titanic disaster in 1912 Wendy Rush, the wife of OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, is the great-great-grandaughter of Isidor and Ida Straus, an old couple who had perished in the Titanic disaster in 1912. The old couple was depicted in James Cameron’s Oscar-winning movie too. Isidor and Ida Straus were first-class passengers who had refused to board a lifeboat and had gone down with the ship on that fateful night in 1912. ### Titanic tours Tourists spend thousands of dollars to be taken to the wreckage of the liner, 12,500ft underwater. It is claimed that OceanGate Expeditions charges $250,000 (£195,270) for a place on its eight-day expedition. It is important to note that submersibles are different from submarines. A submersible needs a mother ship that can launch it and recover it. Contrary to it, a submarine has enough power to leave port and come back to port on its own. 37 years ago, the wreckage of the Titanic was discovered in the Atlantic, around 400 nautical miles from Newfoundland, Canada. A team led by legendary explorer Robert Ballard had found the vessel. ### OceanGate sub had ‘quality’ issues As per reports, OceanGate’s carbon fiber hull was unsuited for dives into such depths. In a video now going viral, CEO Stockton Rush is seen admitting that he knows there are issues, but he is taking the risk anyway. On Sunday morning, the surface crew of the accompanying tug boat had lost contact with the submersible one hour and 45 minutes after it went down the sea. OceanGate staff had confirmed that in addition to a very limited oxygen supply, those onboard will also be experiencing frigid temperatures. As per reports, David Lochridge, former director of marine operations associated with OceanGate, had refused to greenlight the sub, citing that the viewport is only certified to withstand pressure up to the depth of 1300 meters. The wreckage of the Titanic sits at a depth of 3800 meters on the ocean floor. Lochridge was fired by OceanGate later. Months later, over 3 dozen people from the industry, including deep sea explorers and oceanographers included, had voiced concerns and warned the company of potential ‘catastrophic problems’ with their tours using that sub. Lochridge had also stated that OceanGate was unwilling to have the sub inspected and certified by established agencies.

    Geopolitics root 1 year ago 50%
    Maldives General seeks India's help in training, equipping its defence forces

    Author: [Swapnanil Chatterjee]( "Being a small nation like Maldives, I sincerely value the support of the Indian NCC," said Brigadier General Wais Waheed, Commandant of Maldives Marine Corps. ![]( *Brigadier General Wais Waheed, Commandant of Maldives the Marine Corps, seeks Indian help to enchance Maldives defence capabilities (Image:PIB, MNDF)* Maldives has sought India’s help in training its cadets and for acquiring equipment for its forces. Maldives Marine Corps Commandant Brigadier General Wais Waheed on Thursday (June 22, 2023) requested assistance for the same from India’s Director General of the NCC, Lieutenant General Gurbirpal Singh. "As a small country like the Maldives, I would greatly appreciate any assistance that the Indian NCC can provide us in terms of training, resources, and structural reforms," stated Brigadier General Waheed. ### India to enhance Maldives defence and disaster response capabilities - Maldives will send a proposal to India, requesting assistance in training and acquiring equipment. If India deems it acceptable, then it will sanction the necessary aid for Maldives. - The Commandant of the Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) spoke about the potential for future collaboration between the two countries. - Given that the Maldives is prone to natural disasters, Brig Gen Waheed expressed his desire to jointly train Maldivian cadets with India's support, particularly for natural disaster response and relief efforts, considering it as a force multiplier. ### Military Cooperation between Maldives and India According to the Maldivian Commandant, the training module implemented by the Indian Army is also employed by the defence forces of Maldives. The ongoing 12th edition of their annual joint exercise, Ekuverin, between the Indian Army and the Maldives National Defense Force is taking place at Chaubatia, Uttarakhand. This exercise focuses on counter-insurgency/terrorism operations, as well as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations conducted under the UN mandate, spanning from June 11 to 24. ![]( *Personnel of the Maldives National Defence Force, along with the Indian Army, holding the DRDO Corner Shot Weapon System.(Credit: Press Information Bureau)* Another ongoing exercise is Operation Ekatha, an annual bilateral exercise between the navies of both countries. The sixth edition of this exercise is being held in the Maldives from June 4 to July 3. The naval exercise will see the participation of Maldivian Coast Guard and Indian divers from the Navy and Marine Commandos (MARCOS). The training regimen includes underwater demolition, close-quarter battle, diving operations, and VBSS (visit, board, search, and seizure) operations. ![]( *Indian Navy personnel, along with the MNDF Coast Guard, are participating in Operation Ekatha (Credit:ANI)* ### How do India and Maldives benefit Both exercises aim to enhance interoperability between the armed forces of both countries, focusing on sharing best practices, improving coordination, and fostering cooperation at the tactical level. A Ministry of Defence statement emphasised, "The defence cooperation between the two countries extends beyond joint exercises to assisting Maldives with defence training and equipment requirements." The statement from MoD implies that the interaction between the armed forces of both nations will not only strengthen friendly relations but also deepen economic, cultural, and military cooperation.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    GE Aerospace signs MoU with HAL to produce fighter jet engines for Indian Air Force

    cross-posted from: > Author: [Swapnanil Chatterjee]( > > The agreement involves the potential joint production of GE Aerospace's F414 engines in India, supporting the IAF's LCA Tejas MK2. > > ![]( > > General Electric (GE) Aerospace has signed a memorrandum of Understanding (MOU) with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to produce fighter jet engines for the Indian Air Force (IAF). The agreement involves potential joint production of GE Aerospace's F414 engines in India, supporting the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas Mk2 program. > > This partnership strengthens defence collaboration between the US and India, aligning with President Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of closer coordination. This is a major milestone amid PM Modi's historic trip to the US. GE Aerospace has a long-standing presence in India and aims to create a family of products, including the F404 engine, and collaborate on the development of the AMCA program and other future programs. Over 1,600 F414 engines have been delivered globally.

    Geopolitics root 1 year ago 50%
    GE Aerospace signs MoU with HAL to produce fighter jet engines for Indian Air Force

    Author: [Swapnanil Chatterjee]( The agreement involves the potential joint production of GE Aerospace's F414 engines in India, supporting the IAF's LCA Tejas MK2. ![]( General Electric (GE) Aerospace has signed a memorrandum of Understanding (MOU) with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to produce fighter jet engines for the Indian Air Force (IAF). The agreement involves potential joint production of GE Aerospace's F414 engines in India, supporting the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas Mk2 program. This partnership strengthens defence collaboration between the US and India, aligning with President Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of closer coordination. This is a major milestone amid PM Modi's historic trip to the US. GE Aerospace has a long-standing presence in India and aims to create a family of products, including the F404 engine, and collaborate on the development of the AMCA program and other future programs. Over 1,600 F414 engines have been delivered globally.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    Big crackdown on terror as J&K police attaches house of LeT terrorist aide in Anantnag

    Author: [Zeenat Zeeshan Fazil]( In 2022, the Jammu & Kashmir Police had warned that properties of those who provide shelter to terrorists or terror associates would be attached. ![]( The Special Investigation Unit (SIU) of Jammu and Kashmir police’s CID wing on June 22 attached the house of a person accused for his involvement in terror activities in south Kashmir’s Anantnag district. “SIU Shopian attached the residential house of a terrorist associate in Subhanpora Bijbhera area of Anantnag district of south Kashmir, after obtaining necessary sanctions from competent authority,” officer investigating the case said. A residential house of Abdul Rehman Ganai (father of terrorist associate Zubair Ahmad Ganai) has been found used by terrorists of proscribed terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). The process for attachment of property was initiated by SIU Shopian under Section 25 of Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). The officer informed that the course of investigation was registered with Police Station Zainpora in Shopian district under FIR No. 22/2022. ### Stern warning to terrorists & their supporters In 2022, the Jammu & Kashmir Police had warned that properties of those who provide shelter to terrorists or terror associates would be attached. The attachment of the property serves as a strong message to terrorists and their supporters that their actions will not go unnoticed or unpunished. “It underscores the unwavering commitment of the J&K Police to combating terrorism at its roots and dismantling its infrastructure,” said the SIU officer who wished not to be named for obvious reasons. On June 15, the State Investigation Unit (SIU) of Jammu and Kashmir Police attached property of land measuring 26 kanals and 4 marlas located at three different locations within the district at Diver Lolab in Kupwara district of North Kashmir. These properties belong to the Pakistan-based terrorist, Almas Rizwan Khan, originally a resident of Diver Lolab, who has been a persistent threat to peace and security of Jammu and Kashmir since the time he exfiltrated to Pakistan in early 1990s.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    Punjab Police foils cross-border weapon smuggling bid through India-Pakistan border

    Author: [Amandeep Dixit]( Punjab Police recovered four .30 bore pistols after it busted a cross-border weapons smuggling bid in Amritsar on Thursday, June 22. ![]( Punjab Police foiled a major cross-border weapons smuggling bid after recovering four .30 bore pistols from an area in Kakkar village in Amritsar's Lopoke on Thursday, June 22. The consignment of the weapon is suspected to be dropped by drones from across the border. AIG Counter Intelligence Amritsar, Sukhminder Singh Mann said, "Based on secret information regarding cross-border smuggling of arms and ammunition, a team of Counter-Intelligence Amritsar carried out a search operation in the area of village Kakkar and successfully recovered four pistols along with magazines from a field." The police official added, "The consignment seems to be delivered via drone but could not be retrieved due to heightened activities of BSF and State Police. The police teams are conducting investigations to identify the sender and retriever of the consignment." ### Third weapon-smuggling module busted in less than a week Pertinently, this is the third such cross-border weapon smuggling module busted by the Amritsar Counter Intelligence team in less than a week, taking the total recovery of weapons to 11 pistols along with ammunition. Earlier on June 16, CI Amritsar had arrested Rajinder Kumar alias Ghudi, Jagjit Singh, Inderjit Singh alias Malhi, and Jashandeep Singh alias Boora, all residents of Amritsar after recovering four pistols from their possession. Similarly, on June 19, another person identified as Rajan Singh of Patti, Tarn Taran was arrested with three .32-bore Pistols along with ammunition.

    India News root 1 year ago 100%
    Surat adds its glitter to lab-grown diamond gifted by PM Modi to US First Lady

    Lab-grown diamonds (LGDs) are much in demand now and the Indian government has decided to promote them in a big way to boost the diamond industry, which has its headquarters in Surat in Gujarat. ![]( The 7.5 carat eco-friendly lab-grown diamond, which Prime Minister Narendra Modi gifted to the US First Lady Jill Biden in Washington during his ongoing state visit, has been manufactured in a Surat factory in Gujarat by recreating the same process that takes place beneath the earth in formation of natural diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds (LGDs) are much in demand now and the Indian government has decided to promote them in a big way to boost the diamond industry, which has its headquarters in Surat in Gujarat. “Diamonds are formed naturally deep underneath the earth surface, when carbon deposits are subjected to high temperature and pressure. It can take millions of years to form the crystal. Diamonds come to the earth's surface through volcanic eruptions," Chairman of Surat-based Indian Diamond Institute Dinesh Navadiya told PTI. The process involved in the formation of natural, earth-mined precious stones is adopted in a facility for lab-grown diamonds, he said. “We procure diamond seed (chips of other diamonds), and then it is subjected to intense heat and pressure along with high carbon-containing gases. Layers of carbon start depositing on seeds and after a month-long process turn out to be a lab-grown diamond,” Navadiya explained. "Natural diamonds take millions of years to form, while LGDs are manufactured in a matter of a few weeks. There is no difference between the two as the process is the same,” he maintained. Two technological methods are adopted to produce LGDs -- chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) using a chemical composition. Talking to PTI in Surat, Asmit Patel, convenor of the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), said the diamond gifted by Modi to the US First Lady was grown in India using VCD technology that creates the purest form of diamonds. "The Kohinoor was a type Two A pure diamond. This diamond (gifted by PM) is 7.5 carat, which represents the 75 years of Independence. This diamond was also created using green energy. So that is also a step towards showing that India is moving towards green and renewable energy -- a goal espoused by PM Modi himself," said Patel. On an average a diamond like this size would take around two months to grow, cut and polish, he said. "Everyone in the diamond industry is so proud and emotional because this is such a big promotion for everyone in this industry," said Patel. “We are happy to note that Prime Minister Narendra Modiji gifted 7.5 carat 'green' lab-grown diamond (LGD) to US First Lady Dr Jill Biden during a private dinner at the White House in Washington. This remarkable gesture highlights the exemplary advancements made by India in the lab-grown diamond sector,” said Vipul Shah, chairman, GJEPC, India's apex body supported by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. He said India has seen a robust rise in export of LGDs. “Today, India is the largest player in growing of Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) lab-grown diamonds. Presenting a 7.5 carat lab-grown diamond in the 75th year of Independence highlights India's leadership in the LGD sunrise sector. It is also a great example of the Make in India story after attaining undisputed global leadership in natural diamonds. India's exports of LGD has grown exponentially and crossed USD 1.67 billion mark in 2022- 2023," Shah said. GJEPC lab-grown diamond convenor Smit Patel said India has mastery over the CVD technology and most of the LGDs produced in India are produced using this technique. “This is like an IVF (in vitro fertilization) baby. After the IVF baby is born, looking at the baby nobody can say the difference. In the same way, diamonds produced using the CVD technology have the same quality, hardness as natural diamond,” Smit Patel said. He said the 7.5 carat diamond gifted by Modi was manufactured in a Surat-based lab. Carat is the unit of measurement for the physical weight of diamonds. One carat equals 0.200 grams or 1/5 gram and is subdivided into 100 points. Lab-made diamonds are developed from a carbon seed placed in a microwave chamber and superheated into a glowing plasma ball. The process creates particles that crystallize into diamonds in weeks, said a report by Prabhudas Lilladher, a research-driven financial services firm. “Since the 1950s, scientists have been trying to recreate that process above ground - resulting in two techniques. The High Pressure, High Temperature (HPHT) system is where a diamond seed is surrounded by pure graphite (a type of carbon) and exposed to temperatures of about 1,500C and pressurised to approximately 1.5 million pounds per square inch in a chamber," said the report. The Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) process involves putting the seed in a sealed chamber filled with carbon-rich gas and heating to around 800C. The gas sticks to the seed, building up a diamond atom by atom, it explained. "These days, a one carat diamond - a popular size and common in engagement rings - made in a lab would be around 20 per cent cheaper than its naturally-formed equivalent,” the report said. India already produces around three million (30 lakh) lab-grown diamonds a year, accounting for 15 per cent of global production, according to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. China is the other big producer, with a similar market share, industry experts said. India witnessed a sharp rise in LGD exports worth USD 443 million which rose 102 per cent year-on-year. The Prabhudas Lilladher report said even at the start of 2020, lab-grown diamond exports in India were up 60 per cent Y-o-Y, while natural diamond exports were down by 41 per cent Y-o-Y.

    reddit Reddit Reddit Goes Nuclear, Removes Moderators of Subreddits That Continue to Protest
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    Haha, that is why I am glad I replaced all my contents with garbage before removing and waited for couple of days before removing them.

  • linux Linux [YouTube] Redhat goes CLOSED SOURCE? | Chris Titus Tech
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    Seems like another good company is being sacrificed to corporate greed.

  • reddit Reddit Reddit Goes Nuclear, Removes Moderators of Subreddits That Continue to Protest
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    I nuked all my posts and comments.

    Glad that I left the place, it can burn and go to hell for all I care.

    On the other hand there’s enough constructive engagement happening here to fulfil my needs.

  • linux Linux Beginner's Guide to `grep`
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    I did not.

    Thank you for sharing it. Something you learn everyday, eh 😀.

  • linux Linux Beginner's Guide to `grep`
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    Sure, will try to include output in future. Appreciate the feedback.

  • linux Linux Beginner's Guide to `grep`
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you

  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you

  • linux Linux Beginner's Guide to `grep`
  • root root 1 year ago 83%

    Thank you.

  • linux Linux Beginner's Guide to `grep`
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    Yeap, but most of the time you end up trying to figure out issue on remote system, where you don't have ripgrep always installed, but if you have that available on the system you are working on. ripgrep is always a better alternative.

  • linux Linux Beginner's Guide to `nc` (Netcat)
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    Hmm, OpenBSD commands sometime have different behavior than Linux.

    I know as I had run into issues with rsync earlier where some options I used on Linux didn't work as same on FreeBSD/OpenBSD.

  • linux Linux Beginner's Guide to `nc` (Netcat)
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you.

  • lemmy_support Lemmy Support *Permanently Deleted*
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    Seems like you are trying to build the docker image locally for your service. And you missed the dockerfile which contains all the information about building the container.

  • technology Technology Are there any sites or communities tracking all Fediverse mobile apps released or in development?
  • root root 1 year ago 50%

    AFAIK, there is no centralize community for that.

  • lemmy_support Lemmy Support Notification bell stuck at 1
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    This seems like a bug.

    Also it could be that is overloaded and is stuck at processing to clear this.

    Keep it documented and submit a bug report so that devs can look at it when they can.

  • lemmy_support Lemmy Support Notification bell stuck at 1
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    Yeap, this is definitely weird.

    How about you try to login in private/incognito?

    Do you still see it?

    If it is, I would advise you to submit a bug report to lemmy devs here.

  • lemmy_support Lemmy Support Notification bell stuck at 1
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    Hmm, in that case, try to clean your browser cache.

  • lemmy_support Lemmy Support Notification bell stuck at 1
  • root root 1 year ago 100%

    You can go to the notifications and mark it as read by clicking the checkmark. It should disappear after that.
