bookrecs Book Recommendations Books you think everyone should read at least once?
  • robertoqs robertoqs 8 months ago 100%
  • meta meta Exploding-heads appear to be back again with an allowlist instance, preemptively defederated.
  • robertoqs robertoqs 8 months ago 100%

    Thank you for your essential work on maintaining's hygiene.

  • shortstories Short Stories The Library of Babel [Borges]
  • robertoqs robertoqs 8 months ago 100%


  • chat chat What are you reading/listening to this week? (January 12th, 2023)
  • robertoqs robertoqs 8 months ago 100%

    This week I started reading Ursula K. Le Guin's Rocannon's World (1966). I had previously read The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas (1973), and the The Dispossessed (1974) is in progress.

  • meta meta robertoqs 8 months ago 83%
    Example Title from Lemmy

    Now I'm crossposting from Lemmy to Mastodon, by tagging myself, Lemmy's “Title” field produces, conversely, an initial separated line in the resulting toot. Edit: But only a link to Lemmy is displayed in said toot, and not the post's “Body” field.

    chat chat “The Metaphor”: a prose poem by Douglas Blazek (1999)
  • robertoqs robertoqs 1 year ago 100%

    I love that poem, too. I think there is more of the author's work in the referred journal.

  • chat chat robertoqs 1 year ago 100%
    “Transegmentals”: a prose poem by Zed Ander (1999)

    She didn't look forward to going out to meet her friend for lunch. It was two degrees, and wasn't the fire inviting? She went, though, out of a sense of social duty, out of the knowledge that she should have friends of her own, out of the memory of a day last winter, when she had canceled the lunch, because of the cold, because of the fire. Her friend had not been amused, nor had the friend's co-worker been amused; abused, perhaps, they had felt abused in the lawyer's office, where there was no fire, and no lover reading it. Over lunch they talked about her friend's project, a one-woman play using only selections of Emily Dickinson's letters. The question of a title came up: Emily Unplugged; A Taste of Emily (they laughed for the connotations of it). Papers. Emily's Papers. The friend said, “Vellum”, and she said, “That's it!” The friend said, “What?” “Vellum, Emily, that's it, Velemily, something. It's the word, it's the right word, better than Emily Verso and Recto — Vellum.” The table erupted into textures. The napkins, suddenly, were thick and writable. It was a question of the bite of the paper; how lovely it seemed that paper should have teeth, that Vellum may have the strongest teeth to go with the sword of a pen. It was better than tongues of fire. — From *The Prose Poem: An International Journal*, vol. 8.

    chat chat robertoqs 1 year ago 100%
    “The Metaphor”: a prose poem by Douglas Blazek (1999)

    One word is busy constructing the others. It is a carpenter creating props for a play. It takes a rock and makes it a hat. Thus there is now a rock-hat. This stuff becomes real. All that is real becomes props while all that's not becomes the play. And somewhere in the performance the words start whispering back to us a permutation we hadn't planned. Strangely, as we, the actors, speak our parts, we grow another body. It is suggested our other body is living under the stage, reciting words of another play which we are simultaneously enacting. And we can feel the floor of the stage about to collapse. — Douglas Blazek, “The Metaphor”, *The Prose Poem: An International Journal*, vol. 8 (1999).

    Philosophical Poetry robertoqs 1 year ago 100%

    This is a recent poem, which is related to philosophical haiku II. ###### By playing we then develop, ###### develop to then apprehend, ###### apprehend what had been beyond, ###### soon, pragmatic means to an end. *** ###### End, truly, in understanding, ###### understanding what's essential, ###### essential as prerequisite, ###### as condition to make knowledge. *** ###### Knowledge to untake for granted, ###### granted, we were accustomed so, ###### so let's undeem formulations ###### as always following clear thoughts. *** ###### Thoughts, ideas we have of things, ###### things we have the need to create, ###### create and fully comprehend? ###### Very often in the same path. *** ###### Path-making by means of walking, ###### walking performed like a “passion”, ###### passion felt like a kind of urge. ###### The behaviour emerges thence.

    Speculative Poetry robertoqs 1 year ago 100%
    Neuronet (1)

    I wrote a poem entitled *Neuronet*. It is divided in four cantos: - *Technoprologue* - *Nanopolis: Canto I* - *Nanopolis: Canto II* - *The Synax Guards* I want to share the first one with you. # Technoprologue ###### Let's link musing thus: a neuroscience juncture ###### in symbiosis with nanotechnology. ###### Let's think saying thus: cognitive neuroscience ###### starts intersecting with atomic precision. *** ###### Let's visualize and, too, view: neural overlap. ###### The mentation of and the perception itself. ###### Subtle drawings by electromyographists ###### write about mirrors echoing the different lines. *** ###### Let's remember now, computed revolution: ###### infoprocessing, data manipulation. ###### Said later proceeds in ultramicrodetail. ###### Materials handling, psychic phenomena shine. *** ###### Let's doubt, friend Drexler, you who epistemize thus. ###### Because it strikes us: who will use, who will abuse? ###### Alas, we forecast it's more a question of when ###### than if... perhaps... we enable a prognosis.

    chat chat Local communities are coming to lemmy presumably very soon. I will be making a local only chat community when it does, let me take an opportunity to explain what that means exactly.
  • robertoqs robertoqs 1 year ago 100%

    I think it makes perfect sense. Federation is great, certainly, but at the same time it's desirable to keep certain communities local, as otherwise they might not be able to focus on what they're meant to be about.

    While the fluidity of interconnection is one of the principal aspects of the fediverse, if no particular group were able to specialize, then having different instances, or even using different applications, could become pointless.

  • speculative_poetry
    Speculative Poetry robertoqs 1 year ago 100%
    Science Fiction Haiku II

    # IIa ###### Stellar radiance ###### we sense it from our capsules ###### focus the mirrors. *** # IIb ###### Archaeology ###### interprets the ancient gate ###### as a future door. *** # IIc ###### Beautiful cluster ###### but with blood-tinged nebulae ###### the free roamers fly. *** # IId ###### A simulacrum ###### anarcho-capitalist? ###### Infomorphs question. *** — Roberto Q. S. (2023).

    Philosophical Poetry robertoqs 1 year ago 100%

    ###### Pulsations of spontaneous semiotic assertions ###### are galvanized by intuitive qualia translations. ###### Organic convexities kiss data input elongations, ###### as the many correlates that hide betwixt travelled corrugations ###### are loved by the firstborn of the leptons. *** ###### Rigorous seekings for lexical alchemy ###### are concurrent with flowing creative leniency. ###### Euclidean channels dance with boson progeny, ###### as the virtual quill that chisels the crystalline stele ###### is guided by voyages of an extensive property. *** — Roberto Q. S. (2021).

    chat chat What are you reading/listening to this week? (August 23rd, 2023)
  • robertoqs robertoqs 1 year ago 100%

    I'm an avid reader of L. E. Modesitt Jr's oeuvre. I'm usually on at least one of his novels in parallel with whatever else I'm reading at that moment. For a few years now, I've been immersed in his “Saga of Recluce” series, an informal name given by the readers, if I remember correctly. I'm currently at the fifth novel, in publication order, which is also the last one in the internal chronological order. After that, I'll continue with the sixth published novel, one of the oldest stories in the internal chronology, and one that narrates essential events. Following that one, I plan on interrupting the publication order to then read another few novels that I'm more interested in, due to the fundamental importance of those stories in the global arc, and therefore in the worldbuilding. Some of them narrate the oldest events in that world, thus far.

    To anyone who may be interested in the series, my recommendation is to not search for worldbuilding and plot details online. I think it's best to get into it without knowing, or knowing as little as possible. Concomitantly, I agree with the author on his recommendation to read everything in publication order.

    More recently, I started one of his science fiction novels, which is what has most of my attention at the moment, in fiction reading. It's Gravity Dreams (1999).

  • speculative_poetry
    Speculative Poetry robertoqs 1 year ago 100%
    Science Fiction Haiku

    # Ia ###### Speculative land ###### cognizing with estrangement ###### I study the stars. *** # Ib ###### In synthetic tales ###### I analyse Suvinly ###### more exploration. *** # Ic ###### *Verfremdungseffekt* ###### re-approach reality ###### by means of fiction.

    Philosophical Poetry robertoqs 1 year ago 100%

    # I ###### Observing a flame ###### the universal process ###### eternal motion. *** # II ###### Humans making things ###### also understanding them ###### indivisible. *** # III ###### The non-Berkeleyan Mach ###### sits at a coffee table ###### in Lenin's studio.

    fiction Fiction Books What's a book you read in school that you actually enjoyed quite a lot?
  • robertoqs robertoqs 1 year ago 100%

    The Odyssey.
