ReverseEagle [DEPRECATED] rmacd 4 years ago 100%
De-Googling FOSS: Fonts

Hello folks. Have submitted a couple of PRs on projects to remove Open Sans (hosted via Google Fonts) and replace with something local. Not a lot of luck yet though. Main issue: Google uses Google Fonts to track users. Solution #1? include the font locally ... Problem with this solution: Trying to include fonts in a project is a licensing issue: Open Sans is Apache 2.0 licensed; this precludes it being integrated with any GPL v2 projects. Solution #2? find a similar font ... Problem: I'm struggling to find a font that is "similar enough" to Open Sans to default to instead. Lots of projects use Open Sans - yes, it looks great - but really a lot of difficulty in incorporating this into projects (and stop using track-happy CDNs) right now, just because of licensing. Any suggestions, either in getting round licensing, or suggesting alternative fonts that project maintainers are likely to be happy to use instead?