shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say “The BRICS Are a Joke”
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    I couldn't take it with all of the millennial reference music.

  • worldnews World News The US has been the biggest source of cyberattacks and biggest threat to the security of global cyberspace over recent history, Chinese Ministry of State Security revealed.
  • relay relay 6 months ago 90%

    I thought that the libs kept on saying it was the Russians, not the Chinese.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say So that's where they get their strategies from💀
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%


    our new western forces should now be useful to you now

  • memes Memes We also just hate eachother
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    exactly. Trees don't make it impossible, just make it a pain in the ass to get you compared to sleeping on the ground. You aren't moving when you sleep, so intimidation and weapons aren't an option. If there is easier food for these predators, then they'll go for that. If you seem like too much of a pain in the ass compared to what they know are easier options then you are safe from being targeted.

  • palestine Palestine Is Israel a rogue state or a pariah state? And why?
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Rogue because they do extra d6 damage every two levels when they backstab people or flank them.

  • palestine Palestine Letter from Einstein where he labels zionist as "terrorist organizations" and "misled and criminal people"
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    So is he one of those cranks that doesn't believe in "jewish physics" of relativity or quantum physics. Does he also cling onto the idea of luminous ether and odyllic force? Its fun for writing fantasy fiction but actually believing its true is another matter.

  • palestine Palestine Letter from Einstein where he labels zionist as "terrorist organizations" and "misled and criminal people"
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    If Judeo-bulshevik science is wrong, stop using satellites proven by a jewish bolshevik

  • palestine Palestine Letter from Einstein where he labels zionist as "terrorist organizations" and "misled and criminal people"
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    The English language is awful at essentially a person to be wrong rather than misunderstand a certain fact. Furthermore the concept of the word wrong has two meanings. One is immorality in general and the other is falsehood in particular. Whenever someone says to someone else "you are wrong", it oversimplifies a conversation in the most anti-intellectual framework possible.

  • memes Memes Based Ivan Sidorenko and Zhang Taofang
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    You have stated unsubstantiated claims in favor of the white army.

    When it comes to suffrage the socialists wanted all women to vote whereas the nationalists wanted only the "sophisticated" women to vote. link

    What of value have you said here or elaborate on the knowlege base for us all? For the good of all of humanity it is good to create common understandings to reduce senseless violence.

    I would suggest you to look into dialectical materialism. If you think that we communists don't understand that actions have consequences, please do some research. Someone with the most basic understanding of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis understands that synthesis is the result of a thesis and antithesis interaction. This book is a textbook for a Marxist-Lenninist country you can read

  • memes Memes Based Ivan Sidorenko and Zhang Taofang
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    When the CIA provided (and continues to provide) weapons to insurgent groups all over the world, they go to fascists (Ukraine, Argentina), religious theocrats (Mujahadeen), or thugs( MS-13)

    I think the more relevant question is if one nation influences another nation's people, does it improve the lives of the influenced nation or deteriorate it?

    I understand leaders can make mistakes, but why do you take issue with funding the Finnish Socialist Workers' Republic in particular?

  • memes Memes We also just hate eachother
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    It depends where you go. There are mountain lions in some parts as well. Coyotes and wolves are carnivores as well. Carnivores generally don't go for dangerous prey unless there is nothing else to eat. Just get yourself high enough in the trees where the bears and coyotes can't reach you when you are sleeping. If you are with a group of people closeby, they have enough sense to know that messing with one of you is a death sentence.

  • memes Memes Based Ivan Sidorenko and Zhang Taofang
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Elaborate on what you mean by "fueling a civil war".

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Tips on 'hiding your power level'?
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Fascists don't want whats best for everyone. That is why they need to hide their power level.

    If you explain what you mean they'll be like "oh no this person wants society to meet the needs of people instead of the greed of the rich people that are clearly awful for our society." At worst they'll see you as power hungry. Let people see who you are as a decent compassionate individual that is also a communist. People will see that representation and look more into communism.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say China is genociding trans people right now!!1! (from Mastodon)
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Why do people make this about a country as an entire block? There are trans people and trans allies in all countries. All countries have transphobes in them as well. We can discuss particular policies and say we are in solidarity with the local allies in those countries. However the way this is depicted is some sort of weird orientalist kenard to bash "orientals" for their backwardness rather than stand and help people in the more transphobic regions.

    I'd like to know how we can create better environments for sexual and trans minorities without state department manipulations.

  • genzedong GenZedong Critical support to the Japanese Communist Party
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    "About Brandon Lyttle

    A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time."

    I never understood being proud of this kind of thing.

  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    I suspect it could be a combination of entitlement to women's bodies, the objectification of women in general. Alot of patriarchal cultures indicate that you aren't truly a man until you have sex with a woman. This can lead to some people to take terrible methods like rohypnol. Other people might just have spite towards women in general and take it out on them violently. In wars, the demonization of those being occupied gives credence to the acceptability of raping civilian populations.

    If it was more commonplace to have less violence and better mental health, maybe that would reduce how common it is among men. Encouraging communication between equals might also prevent accidental rapes by misunderstandings. I don't know to what extent making people miserable is dopamine producing is entirely environmental, but people with those kind of chemical pathways can go down that path just because it hurts people.

  • technology Technology Chinese researchers engineer implantable oxygen-run battery
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Bionic electicity powered by oxygen? sounds like a facinating new path towards bionic organs.

  • china China Avg. company-wide compensation at Huawei was ~$122k last year. If we adjust for cost of living in Shenzhen to Palo Alto, this is equivalent to making $372k/yr.
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Real stats nerds care about medians not averages.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Hero complex vs. legitimate collectivist mindset?
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    I just wanted to share this cartoon about adventurism. This hero is the embodiment of collective rage.

  • memes Memes Challenged
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Russia: Challenger accepted!

  • privacy Privacy ACTUALLY! Android is more private than the iPhone! (Disclaimer: The YouTuber is anti-China, but his analysis on Apple is very good)
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    nextcloud if you have the technical knowhow and really need it on the cloud.

  • genzedong GenZedong How "Cultural Marxism" became the Far-Right's Scapegoat
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    You are citing Breitbart which he himself effectively cited Hitler, but you don't care.

    Trans people have always been a thing. There have been multiple non bianary genders in various other cultures before western colonization. Europeans were not aware of this because they were too concerned. Even if you think all of this is made up, look up the persecution of trans people in Nazi germany. Trans people are not just a recent phenomena.

    The only thing that they want is to be treated with decency and respect, which is clear that you have no intention to do so. Why at all do you deserve respect in return, I have no idea. Go take a walk.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Rationalwiki suspiciously has little information on the Yellow Peril
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    This linked article was interesting. Its more factual and less racist than other libertarians.

    They should have an article on Orientalism in general. Some libertarians I have met seem to think that China is advancing "real capitalism" outside of its domestic sphere.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat American Conservatives be calling California communist…
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    I'm trying to imagine how fabulous the uniforms would be.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Why haven't we seen concessions from capitalists due to China's success?
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Striking and unionizing is more powerful.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say As if anyone would take them seriously
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    There is no freedom without responsibility. There is a reason for the phrase in many languages of doing onto others as one would want done to themselves. If you give out hate, you'll receive hate. Give respect and you shall receive respect. One can give too much of themselves of course, and that is why one should build relationships of reciprocity. Reactionaries have the ideology of a child that never learned the value of compassion.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Thoughts on North Sentinel Island?
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Just give them nukes, the rest is a joke.

  • china China China issues guidelines to phase out use of Intel and AMD chips, Windows operating systems and foreign centralized database systems in government computers.
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Will this be year of the linux desktop?

  • memes Memes Authoritarian
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Enjoy your auto-fellatio in a solipsistic cocoon. Once you consume the seed of the self, you can contort your head up your anus to smell the wonderful odors of you recycling your own contents and never letting anything in.

  • memes Memes Authoritarian
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    That's wierd. Someone once told me that bing is not a very good search engine unless you are looking up very specific porn.

  • memes Memes "Everyone can be redeemed! ...R-right?"
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Vaggie will help him not live in hell anymore with her angelic spear. Solve his living in hell problem real quick.

  • worldnews World News Shooting and blast reported at concert hall near Moscow
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    For America, there will be horrors. So many bastards died to keep black people in chains. Those bastards decendants will fight to the death for white supremacy upheld even if it is against their own self interest. Most likely through random acts of terrorism. However this plays out, even if the United States falls peacefully out of existence, the homegrown terrorists will fight for their right to abuse people differently than them. A cultural revolution against white supremecy is in order to stop the spread of fascism to the next generation.

  • worldnews World News Shooting and blast reported at concert hall near Moscow
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Any rash actions by Palestinians is understandable. They are people without power acting out of desperation to have some sense of agency in their lives. Killing people that kill your family indiscriminately for entertainment is perfectly reasonable. I suspect the most effective means to destroy the Imperial core is to utilize its internal contradictions to undermine its stability and build institutions that serve the people better than the garbage current institutions. They have prepared for war, but the treats to the imperial core people proletarians are stopping. They need to feed the imperial core Bourgeoisie. That is where I think the Leftists must focus their attention in the imperial core. China is making deals and cutting off the imperialist superprofits. While the imperial core armies are very expensive they are overpriced for what they are paid for. They can't win the wars to enforce the superprofits. As long as China can keep their Bourgeoisie in check, the collective of humanity has the opportunity to build communism.

  • worldnews World News Shooting and blast reported at concert hall near Moscow
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Maybe for Gaza, but most other places are doing alot better than Gaza. The biosphere of this planet is quite delicate and a nuclear war might destroy all parts of the biosphere that support human life. A worse outcome than a genocide of one people.

  • menslib Men's Liberation: Resisting Patriarchy But what abt male rape/victims?
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Rape is bad. Respect and bodily autonomy are important values towards how we treat people.

  • genzedong GenZedong TIME magazine says "Capitalism Can't Solve Climate Change"
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    some people like to spam on another level in this comment section.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Will we achieve global socialism before climate change kills us all?
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Climate change is a changing process. China and Africa can do alot to build forests for carbon capture and maybe create a timber industry that can be carbon negative. Hopefully we can do something like that in South America. A lithium economy is emerging and maybe just the ecological contraints will just make capitalism stop making sense. Capitalists will make decisions based on faulty assumptions. Being delusional is not a good way to keep power for long. The contradictions between assumptions and reality lead to bad decisions.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say “The smear campaign to villainize Zionism is meant to eventually justify mass slaughter of Jews” r/Jewish
  • relay relay 6 months ago 91%

    "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Jewish children." "Anti zionist is code-word for anti Jew"

    How far off are these people from neonazis?

  • memes Memes We want a dictatorship, but not in the sense that libs mean. We want a dictatorship of the proletariat!
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    Shooting a tank's guns are revisionist. Refueling your tank is revisionist.

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Internet Is Unusable Without Ad Block
  • relay relay 6 months ago 100%

    w3m is a gift.

  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat relay 11 months ago 94%
    How do you guys deal with impotent rage?

    My question is related to this video. I'm a first worlder living in the imperial core. I've developed some internal theory to do some praxis for the movement, but I find it so hard to move forward due to intrusive thoughts on how complacent my useless coworkers are. They are the productive part of the company and joke about unionizing because they are noticing their increased exploitation, but they won't do it. They also make fun of trans people and blame racial minorities for their criminalization in the "personal responsibility" kind of manner. Any means of trying to reason with them goes in one ear and out the other. I loathe being around them, but I have difficulty getting around thought spirals and ruminations around them. I've given up hope of doing anything meaningful with these losers than help each other collect a paycheck. I have no means of getting them fired, don't want to give out too much info. I stick around because I can collect a paycheck with minimal oversight. I'm disturbed by so many people's use of the phrase "it is what it is" around the rot of the social services of this country that is clearly going against their own interest. It seems nonsensical to me that so many people laugh and are complacent in the destruction around them because they are temporarily isolated from it. I want to do some praxis but I'm just too enraged and depressed being surrounded by these people that love their bigotry but would hate to do anything to liberate themselves. How would you suggest containing my rage filled ruminations appropriately so that I can perform my praxis?

    Ask Lemmy relay 12 months ago 57%
    This is a video about people fake news on social media

    I do admit that I think how social media works is to presume anything you hear on facebook or shitter as false unless proven otherwise. Does anyone here think they have a good heuristic to determine if anything on a social media website is true? Can we progress dialectically towards the truth with social media or does the system motivate liars to double down on falsehoods? If it were possible for us to own social media can social media be made to encourage truth telling and punish liars?

    Has anyone else seen this goofy anime and thought about how the 3 factions resemble fascism liberalism and communism?

    Planet With is only 12 episodes long, reminds me of Gurren Lagaan, but has 3 factions with 3 philosophies instead of 2. Unlike many other anime nowadays it is wrapped up at the end pretty well.

    Let us all Serve the Soviet Yunyun!


    Found this folk band. I think you'd appreciate this.

    World News relay 1 year ago 100%
    Positive Leftist News May Day 2023

    Nobody else posted this so I decided to post this here.

    Comradeship // Freechat relay 1 year ago 100%
    Questions about standard Opsec in the USA

    I was considering joining an org, I won't say who, but they invited me to a protest without organizational safety briefing and protocols of safety when doing a protest. Maybe I need to touch grass and more opsec paranoid than most. I asked to join the org then had a video meeting, then was swiftly invited to protest a place not real with a strong possibility of being observed by people from that non existent place. I'm not sure if it was timing or sloppyness. I'm not close to the org so I don't know how much they have my back if I'd personally experience a dialectial relationship with the entity in question. They also communicated over clear text. Is this a sign of incompetence by the organizers or a honeypot? We were not plotting anything illegal, I just don't want things tied to my identity following me around more than they need to. Do even Marxist orgs handle security so flippantly ? Am I worrying too much?

    Any comments of the Shadows House?

    I think that it is somewhat close to a class conscious anime about intersecting contradictions. of the magical fairies and the dolls, and the shadow fairy children and their adults. Also there are veiled dolls that seem to be zombies drained of personality entirely. It demonstrates an inter-sectional conflict between people with different categories in society, but it does not stray away from the contradiction between masters and slaves as the main contradiction and even if the fairy children naturally have to be parasitic on their dolls, the protagonists Kate and Emiliko push towards a path where the shadows and dolls can coexist without slavery. I'm kind of surprised it got greenlit. Is japan getting more progressive internally recently?
