china China [Administrative] Community moderation
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    I've transferred the community to GrainEater and left the mod team, I will now apply for mod again.

    Here are some reasons why I want to be mod:

    • I'm Chinese, I was born in China, raised in Singapore, studied for a while in Canada, returned to China.
    • I like fact checking, but that doesn't mean I'm always right or the authoritative source on China.
    • I have some experience with being a moderator.

    Here are some reasons why I might not be suitable for mod:

    • I am not a neutral or impartial third party and will never be one, I side with China not just because of my nationality, but also because I believe China is truly developing Marxism or scientific socialism.
    • While I like fact checking, I didn't apply it rigorously to every post/comment in /c/China or on China-related posts/comments on Lemmygrad. There are times when I see questionable statements and let it slide because it's too troublesome to fact check it properly. Sometimes it's because the content is posted on websites not accessible in China and I don't use a VPN (unlike others), and alternative front-ends like Invidious (for YouTube) or those for X/Twitter or Reddit may not be working properly. (News sites are fine because of archive services.)
  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 22%

    I'd be glad to include caffeine in the list of substances too, this anti-promotion rule is not a ban on mentioning them. As many others have pointed out, certain substances have positive effects, in fact I'd say all of them have positive effects one way or another, whether medically or not. That's why I think having positive effects is not a reason to exclude a substance from the list.

  • china China [Administrative] Community moderation
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100% A community mod can't appoint an admin as community mod apparently, so I have to ask you to do so yourself.

  • china
    China qwename 2 months ago 100%
    [Administrative] Community moderation

    As mentioned in the post ( discussing a rule about anti-promotion of drugs and other substances: > If a lot of people oppose this rule, either by downvotes and/or number of comments, I will willingly step down as moderator of this community. I didn't see a large opposition to this rule which has now been deleted (see, but I will pass the moderator position back to the instance admins nevertheless, specifically to []( who gave me the position when I requested it [months ago]( This post can be used to select new moderators by leaving a comment if you're interested. I will also take part in applying to become a mod.

    China qwename 2 months ago 100%
    [Administrative] Summary of discussion about Rule 4 on anti-promotion of drugs and other substances

    I'm sure some have seen the [discussion]( around a new rule against the promotion of various substances in this community. This will be the summary based on data collected at this snapshot in time. Post score (upvotes/downvotes): 33/19 (Note that hexbear users cannot downvote) Number of users who left comments (including me): 21 Number of comments: 51 = 19 (left by me) + 32 (others) The following is a crude categorization of the 32 comments left by others, each category begins with the name and a 4-tuple of (number of unique users, number of comments, total comment upvotes, maximum upvotes obtained by a single comment). If the same user left multiple comments that are categorized the same, only the comment with the highest upvote will be counted when tallying upvotes, the rest are excluded. - Agree (2 users, 4 comments, 7 upvotes total, 4 upvotes max): Comments that agree without giving an explanation, 2 comments excluded from upvotes total. - Agree because history (2 users, 2 comments, 16 upvotes total, 11 upvotes max) : Comments that agree and mention China's history. - Agree because history but questionable (2 users, 2 comments, 20 upvotes total, 14 upvotes max) : Comments that agree because of China's history, but raised questions - Disagree (2 users, 2 comments, 16 upvotes total, 9 upvotes max) - Medical (4 users, 7 comments, 29 upvotes total, 8 upvotes max) : Comments that mention medical properties of certain substances, or their normal use in certain cultures. - Abstain (1 user, 1 comment, 7 upvotes total, 7 upvotes max) - Others: Discuss rule (4 users, 7 comments), Joke (5 users, 5 comments), Off-topic (1 user, 2 comments) The data show that most people agree to the rule partially due to China's history, but also question the necessity of having this rule and it's phrasing. Some people raised valid points about the medical properties of certain substances, and discussed changes to the rule to accommodate those points. Disagreements were seen mostly in downvotes or questions about the rule, only a few users left comments explicitly opposing the rule. Overall I would conclude that there isn't a strong consensus to keep this new rule, especially not in its original phrasing, and modifications to the rule have not been thoroughly discussed. There has also not been any evidence to an urgent need for the rule. Thus the rule will be deleted from the community rules in the spirit of democratic centralism.

    china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 14%

    Why did you bring up morphine, to prove that we should be able to discuss morphine or related substances outside the context of medical use or research?

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    Indeed, there should be a defined process for the introduction of new rules in a community, maybe in the form of suggestions, or when an incident requiring moderation occurred that wasn't covered by the rules. My next step might be making a post to receive suggestions for community rules, though /c/China isn't a particularly active community so there hasn't been many rule violations.

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 50%

    I'd like to add that such phrases should be backed up with sources and details, and not just as a matter-of-fact statement. Other factual statements like "X substance is legal in Y country" or "X substance is proven scientifically to have Y properties and Z effects" might not be fine depending on the context, like if the statements are used to justify promoting the substance in a person's comment/post.

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 25%

    See my latest improvement to the rule that attempts resolve this disparity between different cultures, which includes a modification of your last suggestion:

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 77%

    After input from various comrades, I've decided to improve the rule with some explanation, this is my latest suggestion:

    Rule 4: Do not promote drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants or any other substance that may be abused. We do not discuss the personal use of these substances out of consideration for comrades who might be affected by substance abuse or have bad experiences related to them. We understand that some substances may be used [medically|(for treatment)] in different cultures, but we think that this community is not the appropriate channel to receive medical advice.

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    I think you meant to write "to" instead of "in" in your last sentence "keep those topics in other forums", that's what confused me.

    Whatever the situation is regarding drug incarceration in America, it is not contradictory to my anti-promotion stance. My view is that anti-promotion should be encouraged to stop more people from becoming possible victims of substance abuse. As for people that are currently undergoing issues with substance abuse, they should at the minimum not be discriminated against, and if possible be helped into a better situation.

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 25%

    I was considering adding "(for non-medicinal purposes)" to the rule, but people who mention medical purposes have proved to me that this is unnecessary. I'm going to repeat this again, online spaces are not a good place to receive advice on medical prescription from others just because they use it in their culture or country.

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 11%

    Where in the post and my comments have I said to ban these substances? I find it frustrating that people come to me and mention so-and-so substance can have medicinal properties, because I understand this concept, but I'm assuming this type of medicine is prescribed by a certified doctor or therapist, and not by random people on the internet just because they use it in their culture or country.

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    One solution is for someone from hexbear to comment that they're against this new rule, and then people from hexbear can upvote that comment.

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 63%

    It's almost 24 hours since I posted this, and the overall feeling I get is that this rule is "ok" only because of China's history, and not because it makes sense.

    Let's imagine a scenario where the new rule only mentions "Do not promote or put alcohol in a positive light." What would be the reactions then? Keep in mind that in China, alcohol is legal for adults and can be advertised on national TV, but has the following restrictions: (from the 广告法 Advertising Law)

    第二十三条 酒类广告不得含有下列内容:





    (DeepL translate) Article 23 Liquor advertisements shall not contain the following:

    (1) Inducing or encouraging the consumption of alcohol or publicizing the uncontrolled consumption of alcohol;

    (2) Showing actions of drinking;

    (3) Exhibiting activities such as driving a car, boat, or airplane;

    (4) Explicitly or implicitly suggesting that drinking alcohol has the effect of eliminating tension and anxiety, increasing physical strength, and so forth.

    Is it unfair to lump all these substances together as though they have similar levels of influence on a person? Maybe it is, because why didn't I include games that are designed to be addicting, or mention porn, or other forms of escapism?

    Speaking of porn, why can there be a Lemmygrad instance-wide rule 4 of "No porn or sexually explicit content (even if marked NSFW)", but I have to be met with a possible majority resistance (hexbear users can't downvote this post due to how their instance works) for anti-promotion (not a ban on mentioning them) of the listed substances in this community?

    Anyway, this discussion post will be pinned for some time until enough consensus has been made on this new rule, and I will suspend the enforcement of this rule 4 in the meantime (not that there has been any violation yet).

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 66%

    I don't think anyone will do so, but they might instead talk about their experiences with such substances in a neutral or positive tone, they might describe the experience as "interesting" or "cool". While a person might not be intentionally promoting a substance when they talk about it in this way, what will people who are addicted to the substance think about such opinions? If there's no opposition raised, the substance might be viewed as any other normal item.

    This is not a rule to ostracize people who are addicted to various substances, it's to clearly signal that these substances are not cool, not interesting, not something to joke about, not something to try out.

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    This is the /c/China community on, not

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    Some of these substances might indeed have medicinal use, this does not contradict the idea of anti-promotion. The rule can thus be improved by making more clarifications with the input of other comments here, something like:

    Do not promote the use of drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants (for non-medicinal purposes).

    The phrase "for non-medicinal purposes" might be open for interpretation so I am against it, but it can be added if needed. I'd also like to add that online forums without verified experts are not the best places for medical advice. Any scientific discussion should be held elsewhere, or strictly limited to information from authoritative sources without subjective opinions of those involved.

    Note that there can be ads for alcohol in China but not for tobacco, and both substances are legal for adults. This community rule goes further than the current legal situation in China.

  • china
    China qwename 2 months ago 100%
    Online resources for theoretical works by Chinese Communists

    (Note that this post might be updated over time, do not cross-post it by copying the contents as it might become outdated) There are already well-known platforms like that have a comprehensive collection of the works of various Marxists, but they have yet to include prominent figures like Xi Jinping. As this is a community on China, this post will focus primarily on the works of Chinese Communists from official Chinese websites. The available Chinese resources are more comprehensive than English resources. ## English resources - Qiushi Journal ( - English Edition of 求是杂志, a CPC Central Committee Bimonthly. Please note that this website does not support HTTPS! - Includes all 4 volumes of *Xi Jinping: The governance of China*, but does not include footnotes. [Volume I](, [Volume II](, [Volume III](, [Volume IV]( - National People's Congress ( - English version of 中国人大网. Please note that this website does not support HTTPS! - Includes just the first 3 volumes of *[Xi Jinping: The governance of China](*, but includes footnotes. - Theory China ( - English version of 理论中国网, website by the History and Literature Research Institute of the CPC Central Committee (中共中央党史和文献研究院) - The section titled "[Leaders' Works](" includes: selected works of [Mao Zedong]( 毛泽东, [Zhou Enlai]( 周恩来, [Liu Shaoqi]( 刘少奇, [Zhu De]( 朱德, [Deng Xiaoping]( 邓小平, [Chen Yun]( 陈云, [Jiang Zemin]( 江泽民. Only includes a few of the works by [Hu Jintao]( 胡锦涛 and [Xi Jinping]( 习近平. - The books are read through a browser ebook reader interface. Text can be selected and copied by first clicking on the "T" icon at the bottom-right corner for "Select Text" (on mobile, you have to tap on the circle with three dots first), then selecting the passage desired and clicking on the "Copy" button that appears near the cursor. ## Chinese resources - 学习强国 ( - website by 中共中央宣传部 (Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee), in the section titled "[学习理论](": - [学习全书]( Includes the works of 马恩 (Marx and Engels), 列宁 Lenin, 毛泽东 Mao Zedong, 邓小平 Deng Xiaoping, 江泽民 Jiang Zemin, 胡锦涛 Hu Jintao, 习近平 Xi Jinping. - [新时代 新经典]( Comprehensive list of works by 习近平 Xi Jinping, including works published pre-2012 before he became 总书记 (General Secretary). - 理论中国网 ( - website by the History and Literature Research Institute of the CPC Central Committee (中共中央党史和文献研究院) - The section titled "[领导人著作](" includes: selected works of [毛泽东]( Mao Zedong, [周恩来]( Zhou Enlai, [刘少奇]( Liu Shaoqi, [朱德]( Zhu De, [邓小平]( Deng Xiaoping, [陈云]( Chen Yun, [江泽民]( Jiang Zemin, [胡锦涛]( Hu Jintao, [习近平]( Xi Jinping. - 中央党史和文献研究院网 ( - website of History and Literature Research Institute of the CPC Central Committee - The section titled "[成果总库](" includes the works of more Chinese Communists than those in 学习全书 above, but some books still require Adobe Flash Player to be viewed. - 宣讲家网 ( - website by 中共北京市委宣传部 (Publicity Department of CPC Beijing Municipal Committee). Please note that this website does not support HTTPS! - The section titled "[经典文献](" includes the works of 马恩 (Marx and Engels), 列宁 Lenin, 毛泽东 Mao Zedong, 周恩来 Zhou Enlai, 刘少奇 Liu Shaoqi, 朱德 Zhu De, 邓小平 Deng Xiaoping, 陈云 Chen Yun, 任弼时 Ren Bishi, 江泽民 Jiang Zemin ### Chinese audiobooks - 共产党员网 ( - website by 中央组织部 (Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee) - The sections titled "[思想理论](" and "[理论学习有声书](" contains audiobooks for the works of 毛泽东 Mao Zedong, 邓小平 Deng Xiaoping, 江泽民 Jiang Zemin, 胡锦涛 Hu Jintao, 习近平 Xi Jinping ## Other languages - Theory China (website by the History and Literature Research Institute of the CPC Central Committee, 中共中央党史和文献研究院) is available in these languages: [中文](, [English](, [Français](, [Pусский](, [Español](, [Deutsch](, [日本語](, [العربية]( They all have the corresponding section for "Leaders' Works", but there may be less translated works depending on the language.

    china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    People have different opinions on each of the listed substances, that's fine by me. This is an anti-promotion rule that will definitely limit the discussion that people can have about them, including but not limited to:

    • advocacy for these substances
    • comparing pros and cons, then concluding that they're a net good
    • saying that they have little or no side effects in small doses

    it really shouldn’t be controversial to be asked to keep those topics in other forums.

    I'm not sure what you mean by this last sentence, are there some words missing?

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 66%

    It has been brought to my attention in the same private channel that some comrades have mentioned them casually in other communities, and I'm not going to wait for it to happen here before making up this new rule. The last rule I came up with was Rule 0 in reaction to someone who thought Taiwan was a country and not part of the People's Republic of China.

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 85%

    Clarification: Comments or posts that violate rules in this community will either be deleted or be given a warning, the violating user would not be banned unless there's a need to. The 30-day ban mentioned in the post is for people who come into this post and argue for substance abuse, not for people who simply disagree with anti-promotion.

    Suggestions for improvements to this rule are welcome, here's one:

    Do not promote the use of drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants (for non-medicinal purposes).

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    I'd be warning them and then deleting their comments if necessary, not ban them, unless they double down. The ban is for people who come into this post and argue for substance abuse, I should probably make that clear.

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 76%

    Going to add that under inhalants, thanks.

  • china China Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    It's only a /c/China community rule, and only when I'm still mod.

  • china
    China qwename 2 months ago 60%
    Discussion of new Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light.

    Rule 4: Do not promote or put drugs/alcohol/tobacco/weed/psychedelics/inhalants in a positive light. Some comrades mentioned in private channels that weed is not addictive, I'm not going to argue on this point because this is a fundamental divide between China and some western countries. My view is that whether you're addicted to them or not, you shouldn't promote these substances or put them in a positive light. It's fine if you don't agree with me, but anyone who leaves a comment here arguing the opposite will be banned from the community (30 days for now). If a lot of people oppose this rule, either by downvotes and/or number of comments, I will willingly step down as moderator of this community.

    China qwename 2 months ago 100%
    Xi's special representative mourns passing of Nguyen Phu Trong in Vietnam

    Video: ![]( > Xi's special representative mourns passing of Nguyen Phu Trong in Vietnam > > > > HANOI, July 25 (Xinhua) -- As General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Xi Jinping's Special Representative, China's top political advisor Wang Huning led a CPC delegation to Hanoi to mourn the passing of Nguyen Phu Trong, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), on Thursday. > > Wang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, also met with Vietnamese President To Lam and Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. > > A respect-paying ceremony was held at the National Funeral Hall in Hanoi, where Trong's coffin was placed among flowers and draped in a large Vietnamese national flag in a somber atmosphere. > > On behalf of Xi and the CPC Central Committee, and in the name of Xi's special representative, Wang laid a wreath, paused to observe a moment of silence before bowing three times to Trong's coffin, conveyed sincere condolences from Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan to Trong's widow Ngo Thi Man, and left a message in the condolence book. > > While meeting with the Vietnamese leaders, Wang expressed deep grief over the passing of comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, saying that after learning the sad news, Xi went to the Embassy of Vietnam in China to pay tribute to the late leader, and the CPC Central Committee sent condolences to the CPV Central Committee. > > Appointing Wang as Xi's special representative to lead a CPC delegation here for the mourning shows once again the heartfelt grief and sincere condolences of Xi and the CPC Central Committee to the CPV Central Committee and Trong's family. At this special moment, the party and people of China stand firmly with the party and people of Vietnam, Wang said. > > Wang noted that Trong is a staunch Marxist, a great leader of the CPV and the Vietnamese people, and a great friend of the Chinese people. His death is a great loss to the cause of socialism in Vietnam and to the cause of peace and progress of mankind. > > The Chinese party and government will, as always, support the Vietnamese party in leading its people on a development path suited to their national conditions, and support Vietnam's reform, opening-up and socialist development, Wang said. > > It is believed that under the strong leadership of its central committee, the CPV will inherit and develop Trong's philosophy and principles on party and state governance, and unite and lead the Vietnamese people to successfully accomplish the goals and tasks set forth at the 13th National Congress of the CPV and welcome the successful convening of the 14th National Congress of the CPV, Wang added. > > Wang said that Xi and Trong have devoted to the development of relations between the two parties and the two countries. Under the strategic guidance of the two leaders, China-Vietnam relations have maintained steady and sound development and have been lifted to a new height of a community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, Wang noted. > > He said that China is ready to work with Vietnam to implement the important consensus reached between the two sides during Xi's visit to Vietnam last year, maintain high-level exchanges, deepen practical cooperation in key areas, consolidate the foundation of public support for China-Vietnam friendship, and strengthen multilateral coordination and cooperation, so as to promote the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future in a deep, solid, steady and long-term manner, he said. > > After the passing of Trong, the CPC Central Committee immediately sent condolences to the CPV Central Committee, the Vietnamese side noted, adding that Xi's visit to the Vietnamese Embassy in China to mourn and sending Wang as his special representative to Vietnam to pay condolences shows the special feelings of the CPC, Chinese government and people towards the CPV, Vietnamese government and people, which deeply moved the Vietnamese side. > > The Vietnamese side said that Vietnam is more determined to follow the national development path established by the older generation of leaders and Trong, stressing that China is the only country that has all the priority factors in Vietnam's foreign policy. > > Vietnam will keep in mind Trong's entrustment that "so profound is the friendship between Vietnam and China, because we are both comrades and brothers," always give top priority to the development of relations with China, and firmly promote the building of a Vietnam-China community with a shared future that carries strategic significance in accordance with the important consensus reached between Trong and Xi. > > The Vietnamese side congratulates the successful holding of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, saying that the plenary session put forward important measures for further deepening reform comprehensively, which will effectively promote China's high-quality development and modernization, and will also provide important reference and impetus for Vietnam to continue to promote the cause of Doi Moi (reform). > > During his stay in Hanoi, Wang also met with Esteban Lazo Hernandez, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and president of Cuba's National Assembly of People's Power, who attended the condolence activities. > 习近平总书记特别代表王沪宁赴越南吊唁阮富仲逝世 > > > >   新华社河内7月25日电(记者朱超 胡佳丽)7月25日,习近平总书记特别代表,中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席王沪宁率中共代表团在越南首都河内,吊唁越共中央总书记阮富仲逝世,并会见越南国家主席苏林以及越南总理范明政等越共中央领导人。 > >   吊唁仪式在越南国家殡仪馆举行。阮富仲的灵柩摆放在鲜花丛中,上面覆盖着巨幅越南国旗,现场气氛庄重肃穆。王沪宁代表习近平总书记和中共中央并以习近平总书记特别代表名义敬献花圈,在阮富仲灵柩前驻足默哀并三鞠躬,向阮富仲遗孀吴氏敏转达习近平总书记和夫人彭丽媛的诚挚慰问,并在吊唁簿上留言。 > >   会见苏林等越方领导人时,王沪宁表示,阮富仲同志不幸与世长辞,我们深感悲痛。阮富仲同志逝世后,习近平总书记亲赴越南驻华使馆吊唁,中共中央向越共中央致唁电。此次习近平总书记指派我作为他的特别代表,率中共代表团前来吊唁,再次表达习近平总书记和中共中央对阮富仲同志的沉痛哀悼,对越共中央和阮富仲同志家属的诚挚慰问。在这个特殊时刻,中国党和人民同越南党和人民坚定地站在一起。 > >   王沪宁表示,阮富仲同志是坚定的马克思主义者,是越南共产党和越南人民的伟大领导者,是中国人民的伟大朋友。他的逝世是越南社会主义事业乃至人类和平与进步事业的一大损失。中国党和政府将一如既往支持越南党带领越南人民走符合本国国情的发展道路,支持越南革新开放和社会主义事业发展。相信在越共中央坚强领导下,越南共产党一定会继承和发展阮富仲同志的治党治国思想理念,团结带领越南人民顺利完成越共十三大提出的各项目标任务,迎接越共十四大胜利召开。 > >   王沪宁表示,习近平总书记和阮富仲总书记为中越两党两国关系的发展倾注了大量心血。在习近平总书记和阮富仲总书记的战略引领下,中越关系不断稳定向好发展,提升到具有战略意义的命运共同体的新高度。中方愿同越方一道,落实好习近平总书记去年访越期间双方达成的重要共识,保持高层交往,深化重点领域务实合作,夯实中越友好民意基础,加强多边协调配合,推动中越命运共同体建设走深走实、行稳致远。 > >   越方表示,阮富仲同志逝世后,中共中央第一时间向越共中央发来唁电,习近平总书记亲赴越南驻华使馆吊唁,习近平总书记又派王沪宁同志作为特别代表专程来越吊唁,体现了中国党、政府和人民对越南党、政府和人民的特殊感情,越方深受感动,更坚定了走老一辈领导人和阮富仲同志确立的国家发展道路的决心。中国是越南对外政策中唯一具备所有优先因素的国家。越方将牢记阮富仲同志“越中情谊深、同志加兄弟”的嘱托,始终将发展对华关系作为头等优先,按照阮富仲同志同习近平总书记达成的重要共识,坚定推进构建具有战略意义的越中命运共同体。越方祝贺中共二十届三中全会成功举行,全会提出进一步全面深化改革的重要举措,将有力推动中国高质量发展和现代化建设,也将为越继续推进革新开放事业提供重要借鉴和动力。 > >   在河内期间,王沪宁还应约会见了参加吊唁活动的古巴共产党中央政治局委员、古巴全国人民政权代表大会主席拉索。 > >   王东峰等参加上述活动。

    lemmygrad_court People's Court [Suggestion] Add flag of Palestine as a banner to Lemmygrad's interface
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    Well I was thinking of a larger banner that is above or below the navigation bar that's at the top of the page, so that it is seen immediately.

  • lemmygrad_court
    People's Court qwename 2 months ago 100%
    [Suggestion] Add flag of Palestine as a banner to Lemmygrad's interface

    I chanced upon another piece of software that includes support for Ukraine on their homepage:, previously saw it on There are apparently lots of projects on GitHub that do this too: [StandWithUkraine]( The same cannot be said for Palestine. So people of Lemmygrad, should we include the flag of Palestine as a banner? Support could also shown in other forms, as long as it's immediately obvious that it's for Palestine.

    china China The rogue province of Taiwan was paying farmers to not grow rice because they need the water for AI chip manufacturing instead.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    As this is news from 2023, I suggest changing the post title from "is paying" to "was paying", or add a "(2023)" prefix.

    Similar news from 2021: Taiwan's Drought Pits Chip Makers Against Farmers | Archive:

  • comics Comics Hypocrisy.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    There's nothing wrong with being proud of a specific province/city/community, but any differences in human society can be used for reactionary division. Flags can be used for other purposes than as a symbol of national sovereignty, but a flag is also probably the most identifiable symbol of independence or separatist movements precisely because it can be seen as a symbol of national sovereignty. I think the political significance of flags outweigh any other aspects, if any.

    At the end of the day, there's nothing inherently wrong with having regional flags, but I oppose it.

  • comics Comics Hypocrisy.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    In China, only the Special Administrative Regions (SARs) of Hong Kong and Macau have regional flags. We're not like the US where each state has their own state flag, and I do not appreciate the idea of each province of China having its own provincial flag. If there could be provincial flags, there could be flags for every city/town/district/village, for every administrative region at each level, and if we want to be extreme, there could be flags for each family and for each individual.

    While I am using a slippery slope argument of extreme individualism to oppose provincial flags, you can probably understand why this "individuality" has to stop somewhere.

  • china China China Creates 200 'Monsters' that Transform 100,000 Acres of Desert into Oasis Each Year
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    This is a repost of, and I (fact check police) disapprove of videos from this channel. Previous comment in response to question from cross-post to other communities:

    I've seen someone share a video from this "Top Wonder" channel before, all videos and no text or sources, will not recommend to anyone.

    Chinese news article that includes pictures that are related to scenes in the video:, it's about various machinery used to combat desertification. The one you asked about is actually the "Jumang 301" (句芒301):

    Old 2021 article on "crosshatching with straw" or "checkerboard barrier"

    Chinese article on "checkerboard barrier": Video:

  • agitprop Agitprop Just a reminder that Kamala is garbage too
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 66%

    That's interesting to know, which is why I posted these links in the first place, because the poster looks sensationalist and I couldn't make a judgement on the accuracy of the claims, and I didn't want to waste too much time looking up whether liberals are worse than they seem.

    (My uninformed view is that this poster is making a bullshit claim)

  • agitprop Agitprop Just a reminder that Kamala is garbage too
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 87%

    That's not what I got from reading these articles, I posted them so someone else could check if the sensationalist propaganda poster makes sense.

    Now that you mentioned it, why do we on Lemmygrad need to be reminded that a specific liberal like Harris is garbage when all of them are? What kind of message is this kind of agitprop supposed to send, to vote for Trump/Republicans instead? Are we going to participate in electoralism in the US? Are we supposed to critically support the "lesser evil" like some US communist party claims?

  • agitprop Agitprop Just a reminder that Kamala is garbage too
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 96%
  • comics Comics Hypocrisy.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 92%

    Thanks for cross-posting this, so that I could point this out to the original author, which I left as a comment there:

    Is that the flag for the "East Turkestan independence movement" in the third panel? As a Chinese I'm asking you to not use the flag of a separatist movement as though it is legitimate, especially when you're comparing it to Israel and Palestine, where Israel is a genocidal settler state and Palestine is a sovereign state.

    Xinjiang (what the separatists claim to be "East Turkestan") is a part of China, the ETIM flag does not represent the people of Xinjiang and thus should not be used in this context.

  • china China Third plenum draws up sweeping reform blueprint to advance Chinese modernization
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    Your second link is to an old report in 2022, I have posted the link to the full text here:

  • china
    China qwename 2 months ago 100%
    Resolution of CPC Central Committee on further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization

    > BEIJING, July 21 (Xinhua) -- The Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization was made public on Sunday. > > The resolution was adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee on Thursday. > > Please see the attachment for the English translation of the full text of the resolution. > > [Full text: Resolution of CPC Central Committee on further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization]( Original Chinese text:

    genzedong GenZedong Why I Left The CPUSA - Comrade Birb
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 84%

    There seems to be debate around mutual aid and political power in the comments. Let us recall this famous quote from Mao Zedong: 枪杆子里面出政权 "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Other quotations that might be relevant can be found here:

    Mutual aid must be sustained with resources, but more importantly it must be protected by an armed force. Do not forget the lessons paid in blood by revolutionaries throughout history. The history books are not even needed, because genocidal Zionists and their imperialist accomplices are reminding us continuously that one does not have to be communist to be a target for eradication.

  • china
    China qwename 2 months ago 100%
    Xi mourns passing of Nguyen Phu Trong

    Video: ![]( > > > BEIJING, July 20 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese president, went to the Embassy of Vietnam in China on Saturday to mourn the passing of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong. > > Praising Trong as a staunch Marxist and a great leader of the CPV and the Vietnamese people, Xi said that Trong had devoted himself entirely to the CPV and the country, to the Vietnamese people and to the cause of socialism in Vietnam, and had been deeply respected and admired by the party, military and people of Vietnam. > > Xi recalled that over the past decade, he and Trong had maintained close contact and developed a deep camaraderie, and that last year they jointly announced the elevation of bilateral ties to a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, a milestone in bilateral ties. > > "The passing of Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong has deprived us of a promoter of China-Vietnam relations and a companion for the cause of socialism, and we are deeply saddened," said Xi. > > He said that Trong's outstanding contribution to the relations between the two parties and the two countries and to the cause of the global socialist movement will always be remembered. > > Xi stressed that the CPC and the Chinese government firmly support the CPV in uniting and leading the Vietnamese people to develop socialism that suits Vietnam's national conditions. > > It is believed that under the strong leadership of the CPV Central Committee, the Vietnamese people will surely be able to turn grief into strength and continue to make greater achievements in the cause of reform, opening up and socialist construction, Xi said. > > He said he firmly believes that China and Vietnam will continue to work together to make profound and solid progress in building the China-Vietnam community of a shared future. > > > 习近平吊唁越共中央总书记阮富仲逝世 > >   新华社北京7月20日电(记者杨依军)7月20日下午4时许,中共中央总书记、国家主席习近平来到越南驻华使馆,吊唁越共中央总书记阮富仲逝世。 > >   习近平来到越南驻华使馆吊唁大厅。大厅里,摆放着阮富仲的遗像。习近平、李强、赵乐际、王沪宁、蔡奇、丁薛祥、李希送的花圈,中共中央、全国人大、国务院、全国政协、中央军委以及中联部、外交部、国防部、北京市委和市政府、有关人民团体送的花圈摆放在遗像前。 > >   习近平走到阮富仲遗像前驻足默哀,向遗像三鞠躬,在吊唁簿上留言并签名。 > >   习近平指出,阮富仲同志是坚定的马克思主义者,是越南共产党和越南人民的伟大领导者,他把毕生精力献给了越南党和国家,献给了越南人民,献给了越南社会主义事业,深受越南全党全军全国人民拥护和爱戴。十多年来,我和阮富仲同志交往密切,结下了深厚的同志情。具有里程碑意义的是,去年我们一道宣布构建具有战略意义的中越命运共同体。阮富仲同志的逝世使我们失去了一位中越关系推动者和社会主义事业同行者,令我们非常悲痛。我们将永远铭记阮富仲同志为两党两国关系和世界社会主义运动事业作出的杰出贡献。 > >   习近平强调,中国党和政府坚定支持越南共产党团结带领越南人民走符合本国国情的社会主义康庄大道。我相信,在越共中央坚强领导下,越南人民一定能化悲痛为力量,在革新开放和社会主义建设事业中不断取得新的更大成就。我坚信,中越双方一定会继续一道努力,推动中越命运共同体建设走深走实。 > >   越南驻华大使范星梅表示,习近平总书记前来吊唁,中共中央第一时间向越共中央发出唁电,体现了中国党、政府对越中两党两国关系的高度重视,体现了习近平总书记对阮富仲同志的特殊感情,越方深受感动,深表感谢。阮富仲同志生前高度重视对华关系,为发展越中友谊付出巨大心血、作出巨大贡献。越方将继承阮富仲同志遗志,落实好越中两党两国最高领导人达成的重要共识,坚持将发展对华友好合作作为越南对外政策的战略选择和头等优先,推动具有战略意义的越中命运共同体建设继续向前发展。 > >   蔡奇、王毅等参加吊唁活动。

    China qwename 2 months ago 100%
    CPC Central Committee sends condolences over death of Vietnam's Nguyen Phu Trong

    > > > CPC Central Committee sends condolences over death of Vietnam's Nguyen Phu Trong > > BEIJING, July 19 (Xinhua) -- The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on Friday sent condolences to the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and deeply mourned the death of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. > > The following is the full text of the condolence message: > > General Secretary of the CPV Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong passed away. The CPC and the Chinese people lost a good comrade, a good brother and a good friend. With immense grief, we extend our deepest condolences and sincerest sympathies to the Central Committee of the CPV, the Vietnamese government and the Vietnamese people. > > Trong was a staunch Marxist and a great leader of the CPV and the Vietnamese people. He dedicated his entire life to the causes of his party and nation, making outstanding contributions to Vietnam's Doi Moi (reform), socialist construction, and the development of the world socialist movement. > > Trong was a close comrade and a sincere friend of the CPC and the Chinese people. He inherited and developed the traditional friendship of "comrades plus brothers" between the two parties and two countries, and forged a profound friendship with the CPC and Chinese leaders. > > Trong and General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping have jointly elevated China-Vietnam relations to a community with a shared future that carries strategic significance and vigorously promoted the continuous development of China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. The CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people will always miss Trong. > > We believe that the CPV and the Vietnamese people will turn grief into strength, carry on the legacy of Trong, unite and strive to make new and greater achievements in the cause of Doi Moi and socialist construction. > > China and Vietnam are socialist neighbors connected by mountains and rivers and a community with a shared future that carries strategic significance. China has always regarded Vietnam as a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy and stands ready to work with Vietnam to continuously consolidate political mutual trust, strengthen solidarity and cooperation, and push forward the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future to benefit the two peoples and contribute to regional and world peace and development. > > Eternal glory to Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong[!] > > > 中共中央就越共中央总书记阮富仲逝世向越共中央致唁电 > >   新华社北京7月19日电 中国共产党中央委员会7月19日向越南共产党中央委员会致唁电,沉痛悼念越共中央总书记阮富仲同志。唁电全文如下: > >   越共中央总书记阮富仲同志不幸与世长辞,中国共产党和中国人民失去了一位好同志、好兄弟、好朋友。我们谨以无比沉痛的心情向越共中央、越南政府和越南人民,致以最深切的哀悼和最诚挚的慰问。 > >   阮富仲同志是坚定的马克思主义者,是越南共产党和越南人民的伟大领导者,他把毕生精力献给越南党和国家各项事业,为越南革新开放和社会主义建设事业,为世界社会主义运动发展作出杰出贡献。 > >   阮富仲同志是中国共产党和中国人民的亲密同志和真诚朋友,他继承和发展了中越两党两国“同志加兄弟”的传统友谊,同中国共产党和中国领导人结下深厚友谊。阮富仲同志同习近平总书记一道将中越关系提升为具有战略意义的命运共同体,有力推动中越全面战略合作伙伴关系不断向前发展。中国党、政府和中国人民将永远怀念阮富仲同志。 > >   我们相信,越南党和越南人民将化悲痛为力量,继承阮富仲同志的遗志,团结奋斗,在革新开放事业和社会主义建设事业中取得新的更大成就。 > >   中越是山水相连的社会主义邻邦,是具有战略意义的命运共同体。中国始终把越南视为周边外交的优先方向,愿同越方一道,不断巩固政治互信,加强团结合作,推动中越命运共同体建设走深走实,造福两国人民,为地区和世界和平与发展作出贡献。 > >   阮富仲同志永垂不朽!

    worldnews World News Vietnamese Communist Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong passed away today.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    PSA: Comrade Nguyễn Phú Trọng's surname is Nguyễn, not "Trong", his first name is Phú Trọng, not Trong.

    NYT also made the same mistake, by referring to him as "Mr. Trong":

    This would be like referring to Mao Zedong as "Dong" or "Mr. Dong".

    I thought this was a mistake, but according to Vietnamese customs "Mr. Trong" or "Trong" is indeed a valid way to refer to Comrade Trong. This is a humiliating display in lack of investigation by myself.

    The point about Mr. Dong still stands for Chinese names.

  • worldnews World News General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Dies
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    Mr. Trong

    American "journalism" folks.

    I thought this was a mistake, but according to Vietnamese customs "Mr. Trong" or "Trong" is indeed a valid way to refer to Comrade Trong. This is a humiliating display in lack of investigation by myself.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat A helpful reminder about dialectics, transition, and economic modes of production.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    Here's another way to put it, a child might think parents are "communist" because they give food and shelter whenever needed, but how do the parents afford this food and shelter, by honest labour or by pillaging? You cannot single out a sector of the economy and label it something so antithetical to its relation within the overall economy.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat A helpful reminder about dialectics, transition, and economic modes of production.
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    So in the example of a "communist sector" such as healthcare in the UK, who produces the medicine and equipment, who funds the research and personnel, who builds the pharmacies and clinics/hospitals?

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Talked with a member of the or the Chinese Communist Youth Party
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    I think you might be referring to the Communist Youth League (CYL) of China.

  • china China History with Komi: Why did Beiyang China join WW1?
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    I've unhidden the post.

  • china China History with Komi: Why did Beiyang China join WW1?
  • qwename qwename 2 months ago 100%

    It's not required to provide sources, but I'm the Fact Checking police on Lemmygrad. I'm not well-read in history so I can't comment on the overall accuracy of this post, but I noticed an error like "entire province of Qingdao" (Qingdao is a city in Shandong province), and "二十一条" can be better translated into "21 Demands" rather than "21 lines". There are probably other things that can be improved but I'll leave that to you.

    Once you fix your post, add the book as a reference, and make it clear that this is your summary, I will unhide the post.

  • china
    China qwename 3 months ago 91%
    PSA: New Community Rule 0: Taiwan, Xizang (Tibet), Xinjiang, Hong Kong are all part of China.

    Rule 0: Taiwan, Xizang (Tibet), Xinjiang, Hong Kong are all part of China. Why single these four out? These are the main targets of local and foreign "independence" (read: separatist) activists ("台独", "藏独", "疆独", "港独"). If anyone comes in here and claims otherwise, they will have one chance to change their opinion before I ban them from the community. I haven't put Diaoyu Islands (Japan claims them to be the Senkaku Islands) or other territorial disputes yet. Feel free to leave suggestions for more rules in this community.

    China qwename 3 months ago 100%
    CPC expels two former Chinese defense ministers for serious violation of Party discipline and the law

    - (Xinhua) [CPC expels former Chinese defense minister Li Shangfu]( - (Xinhua) [CPC expels former Chinese defense minister Wei Fenghe]( - (AP News) [China expels 2 former defense ministers from its ruling Communist Party over graft allegations]( - (CNN) [China expels two former defense ministers from Communist Party as military purge deepens]( Wei Fenghe was defense minister from 2018 to 2023, Li Shangfu held the post from March 2023 to October 2023.

    GenZedong qwename 3 months ago 100%
    Address by Xi Jinping At the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

    ![]( Chinese version: Further read: [China to hold conference marking 70th anniversary of Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence]( (2019) [70 years of diplomacy: The Five Principles of Peaceful Co-Existence](

    GenZhou qwename 5 months ago 100%
    (Concise History of the CPC) #6 The Northern Expedition and the Worker and Peasant Movements

    (See first post for background: [#1 Cultural Revolution](, previous post: [#5 Rise of First KMT-CPC Cooperation and Climax of the Great Revolution]( *A Concise History of the Communist Party of China* (2021, ISBN 978-7-5117-3978-0), pg. 30-35 [《中国共产党简史》](, pg. 25-28 (Chapter 1) ### 5. The Northern Expedition and the Worker and Peasant Movements #### The Victorious March of the Northern Expedition In July 1926, the National Revolutionary Army launched the Northern Expedition. The direct targets of the expedition were the imperialist-backed Northern Warlords, mainly Wu Peifu, Sun Chuanfang, and Zhang Zuolin, who had 700,000 troops under their direct control. The National Revolutionary Army under the Nationalist Government totaled around 100,000 men. Vastly outnumbered, the NRA, under the guidance of Soviet advisors, opted for a strategy of concentrating its forces to eliminate enemy units one by one. With strong support from the locals along the way, the Northern Expeditionary Army won sweeping victories. In September, the army occupied Hanyang and Hankou. On October 10, it conquered Wuchang and wiped out the main force of Wu Peifu. The Army in Jiangxi eliminated the main force of Sun Chuanfang and occupied Jiujiang and Nanchang in early November. It seized Fuzhou in Fujian Province without a fight in December. The Army then made a plan to seize Zhejiang and Shanghai and gather its forces in Nanjing. In February 1927, it occupied Hangzhou and the whole province of Zhejiang. In March, it occupied Anqing and Nanjing and entered Shanghai. By this time, the Northern Expeditionary Army held all of the areas south of the Yangtze River. While the Northern Expeditionary Army was building a tremendous victory, the Feng Yuxiang-led National Army, with the help of the Soviet Union and the CPC, moved south in September 1926, after taking a mass pledge in Wuyuan County, Suiyuan. In November, they took control of Shaanxi and Gansu provinces and prepared to move eastward out of Tongguan in support of the Northern Expeditionary Army. The Northern Expedition was carried out under the anti-imperialist and anti-warlord slogans of the Communist Party. During the march of the Northern Expedition, members of the CPC and the Communist Youth League put their lives at risk and played a pioneering role, especially the independent regiment led by CPC member Ye Ting. The regiment, the first to enter Wuchang, matured into a heroic and battle-hardened unit of the Fourth Army, which was known as the “Iron Army.” The Communists made great contributions to the army’s political work and efforts to mobilize workers and peasants. Under the leadership of the Guangdong Regional Party Committee, the Guangzhou-Hong Kong Strike Committee of Guangdong organized 3,000 men into transport, propaganda, and medical teams to follow the troops north. The CPC Hunan Regional Committee mobilized workers and peasants to act as guides, deliver messages, transport equipment, and give medical aid. The committee also organized peasant self-defense corps to join in the fighting. Such enthusiasm was rarely seen in previous wars in China. The great success achieved by the Northern Expedition in a short period of time was attributable to the cooperation between the KMT and the CPC. #### The Upsurge of the Worker and Peasant Movements in Hunan, Hubei, and Jiangxi After the victorious march of the Northern Expedition, the worker and peasant movements expanded at an unprecedented scale. The most remarkable developments occurred in Hunan, Hubei, and Jiangxi provinces. It was in these provinces that the peasant movement first rose to prominence. In November 1926, Mao Zedong became the secretary of the Peasant Movement Committee of the CPC Central Committee. The peasant movements in Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, and Henan were the main focus of Mao’s work. From the summer of 1926 to January of the following year, the membership of peasant associations surged from 400,000 to 2 million in Hunan. Once the peasants were organized, they started to take action, launching an unprecedented rural revolution. As Mao Zedong pointed out at the time, “The national revolution requires a great change in the countryside. The Revolution of 1911 did not bring about this change, hence its failure. This change is now taking place, and it is an important factor for the completion of the revolution.” Landlords, gentry, and the KMT right-wing were horrified by the flourishing peasant movement. They attacked the movement, labeling it a “movement of riffraff” and “utterly appalling!” At the beginning of 1927, Mao Zedong conducted a 32-day investigation into the peasant movement in Hunan. In his subsequent “Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan,” he sharply refuted various fallacies inside and outside the CPC condemning the movement. He discussed the great significance of the rural revolution, and argued that all revolutionaries should stand in front of the peasants and lead them, not stand behind them and criticize them, much less stand opposite to them and oppose them. He emphasized that the Party should rely on the poor peasants, who were the “vanguard of the revolution” and unite with the middle peasants and other forces that could be won over. The Party should work to establish peasant associations and peasant armed forces so that the peasant associations could take over all the power in the countryside. Then they should reduce rents and interest and redistribute the land. In the cities, the worker movement was also on the rise. In September and October 1926, the Hunan and Hubei provincial federations of trade unions were established. By January 1927, there were 700,000 union members in the two provinces. The Jiangxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions was also formally established. These three provinces applied the experience of Guangzhou-Hong Kong Strike to organize armed workers’ pickets. In Changsha, Wuhan, Jiujiang, and other cities, workers held large-scale strikes, most of them successful. With the mass anti-imperialist struggle in full swing, the Nationalist Government was prompted to take back the British Concessions in Hankou and Jiujiang in February 1927. Encouraged by the victorious advance of the Northern Expedition and the upsurge of the worker and peasant movements, the CPC Central Committee and Shanghai Regional Committee began in October 1926 to organize armed uprisings involving Shanghai workers. The first two were defeated. Thereafter, the CPC Central Committee and Shanghai Regional Committee jointly established a supreme body to command the uprisings. Known as the Special Committee, its members were Chen Duxiu, Luo Yinong, Zhao Shiyan, Zhou Enlai, with Zhou also serving as chief commander. Under its direct leadership, the Shanghai workers successfully staged a third armed uprising on March 21, 1927. On the 22nd, the Provisional Municipal Government of Shanghai Special City was established. It was the first revolutionary regime to be established by the people in a major city under CPC leadership. The third armed uprising of the Shanghai workers was a major feat of the Chinese workers’ movement during the Great Revolution and the culmination of the movement’s development during the Northern Expedition.

    GenZhou qwename 5 months ago 100%
    (Concise History of the CPC) #5 Rise of First KMT-CPC Cooperation and Climax of the Great Revolution

    (See first post for background: [#1 Cultural Revolution](, previous post: [#4 Founding of CPC and Creation of Platform of Democratic Revolution]( *A Concise History of the Communist Party of China* (2021, ISBN 978-7-5117-3978-0), pg. 23-30 [《中国共产党简史》](, pg. 19-24 (Chapter 1) ### 4. The Rise of the First KMT-CPC Cooperation and the Climax of the Great Revolution #### The Third National Congress of the CPC and the Establishment of KMT-CPC Cooperation Chinese Communists saw from the failure of the Beijing-Hankou Railway strike that revolutionary forces in China were far less powerful than their imperialist and feudal counterparts. The CPC recognized the importance of forming the broadest possible united front. It thus decided to take positive steps to unite with the Kuomintang (KMT), which was led by Sun Yat-sen. At that time, Sun Yat-sen had become disheartened by a series of setbacks resulting from his policy of relying on warlords to fight warlords. Having witnessed the influence of the CPC-led workers’ movement, Sun saw that it was an emerging and vibrant revolutionary force that he must cooperate with. In January 1923, the Executive Committee of the Communist International issued the Resolution on the Relationship between the Communist Party of China and the Kuomingtang, which gave support for cooperation between the two parties. The Third National Congress of the CPC was held in Guangzhou in June 1923. The Congress was attended by more than 30 delegates, representing 420 CPC members. The Congress made an accurate assessment of Sun Yat-sen’s revolutionary position and the possibility of reorganizing the KMT, and decided that CPC members should join the KMT in an individual capacity in order to realize cooperation with it. It was clearly stipulated that while Party members were to join the Kuomintang as individuals, the Party itself should maintain its political, ideological, and organizational independence. At the Congress, the Party’s Constitution, adopted at the Second Congress, was revised for the first time to stipulate that those who wished to join the Party must complete a probationary period and that members may withdraw from the Party of their own free will. The Congress elected a Central Executive Committee and set up the Central Bureau, of which Chen Duxiu was chairman. After the Congress, KMT-CPC cooperation was accelerated. CPC organizations at all levels mobilized their members and young people to join the KMT and actively promoted the National Revolutionary Movement nationwide. In early October 1923, at the invitation of Sun Yat-sen, Soviet representative Mikhail Borodin arrived in Guangzhou. Sun Yat-sen appointed Borodin to the KMT’s organizational instructor post, and later the position of political advisor. The reorganization of the KMT soon entered the implementation phase. The First National Congress of the Chinese KMT was held in Guangzhou in January 1924. Among the 165 delegates at the opening ceremony, more than 20 were CPC members. Li Dazhao was appointed to the presidium of the Congress by Sun Yat-sen. The Congress adopted the Declaration of the First National Congress of the Chinese Kuomingtang. The document contained a new interpretation of the Three Principles of the People, which were rechristened the New Three Principles of the People. “Nationalism” now referred to anti-imperialism; “Democracy” stressed the democratic rights shared by all ordinary people; and “People’s Livelihood” incorporated the major principles of “equalizing land rights” and the “regulation of private capital.” Shortly after the Congress, Sun Yat-sen also put forward the slogan “Land to the tiller.” The political program of the Congress was consistent with certain basic principles of the CPC’s political program for democratic revolution, and as such, it became the political basis for the first instance of KMT-CPC cooperation. The Congress confirmed the principle that CPC members should join the KMT on an individual basis. The Congress elected the Central Executive Committee of the KMT. Ten Communists, including Li Dazhao, Tan Pingshan, and Mao Zedong, were elected as members or alternate members of the Central Executive Committee, accounting for about a quarter of the total. After the Congress, CPC members with important posts in KMT headquarters included: Tang Pingshan, director of the Department of Organization; Lin Boqu, director of the Department of Peasantry; and Mao Zedong, acting director of the Department of Publicity. The Congress also established the Three Great Policies—alliance with Russia, cooperation with the CPC, and assistance for peasants and workers, marking the start of the first instance of KMT-CPC cooperation. #### A New Revolutionary Landscape and the Fourth National Congress of the CPC Soon after KMT-CPC cooperation began, the revolutionary forces of the country, centered on Guangzhou, opened a new phase of revolution against imperialism and feudal warlords. KMT-CPC cooperation helped restore and develop the workers’ movement. In July 1924, in the Shamian Concessions in Guangzhou, several thousand workers staged a political strike to protest against a new police regulation, issued by the British and French authorities, denying Chinese citizens free access to the concessions. Chinese police also participated in the strike, which lasted for over a month and ended in victory. In May of the following year, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions was founded at the Second National Labor Congress in Guangzhou. The peasant movement was also developing steadily. Peasants in various counties of Guangdong launched peasant associations and organized self-defense armies to fight local tyrants, evil gentry, and corrupt officials. Beginning from July 1924, six sessions of the Peasant Movement Institute were held in Guangzhou, presided over by Communists Peng Pai and Mao Zedong. The institute helped train a number of leading activists for the peasants movement. In addition, the student movement and the women’s movement also grew. In order to foster a backbone force for armed revolution, the KMT decided at its First National Congress, at the suggestion of the Communists, to establish an army officer school—the Whampoa Military Academy. The CPC sent a large number of its members, members of the Socialist Youth League, and revolutionary youths from all over the country to study at the academy. There were 56 CPC and Socialist Youth League members among the academy’s first group of enrollees, representing one tenth of the total. Thanks to the joint efforts of the KMT and CPC, the ideas of the National Revolution spread across the country from south to north on an unprecedented scale. In October 1924, General Feng Yuxiang of the Zhili clique of the Northern Warlords staged a coup and overthrew the Beijing government, which was controlled by the warlords Cao Kun and Wu Peifu. After taking over Beijing and Tianjin and reorganizing his army into the National Army, Feng sent a telegram to Sun Yat-sen inviting him to come north to “discuss state affairs.” In November, Sun Yat-sen left Guangzhou to travel north. He promoted the idea of holding a national assembly and abolishing unequal treaties along the way. People’s organizations from all over the country sent him telegrams expressing their support for him. The trip grew into a broad-based publicity campaign. In order to strengthen the leadership of the growing revolutionary movement, the CPC held its Fourth National Congress in Shanghai in January 1925. The Congress was attended by 20 delegates, representing 994 CPC members in the country. The great historical achievement of the Fourth National Congress was that it discussed the leadership of the proletariat in the democratic revolution and called for an alliance of workers and peasants. It enriched the content of the democratic revolution, pointing out that while opposing international imperialism, it was necessary to also oppose feudal warlord politics and feudal economic relations. This showed that the CPC’s understanding of Chinese revolution had greatly improved, based on its review of the practical experience gained since its founding, particularly during the previous year of KMT-CPC cooperation. The Congress also decided to strength CPC organizations throughout the country, expanding its numbers and consolidating discipline. It specified branches as the basic organizations of the CPC. The Congress revised the section of the Party Constitution dealing with Party branches to stipulate that Party branches may be organized wherever there are three or more Party members. The Congress elected the Central Executive Committee, which in turn elected the Central Bureau with Chen Duxiu as the general secretary. On March 12, 1925, Sun Yat-sen passed away in Beijing. Following Sun’s death, the anti-communist right-wingers of the KMT sprang back into action, resulting in a deeper split between the left and right wings of the KMT. The united front based on KMT-CPC cooperation was now facing a much more complex situation. This proved to be a great trial for Chinese Communists. #### The May 30th Movement and the Unification of the Guangdong Revolutionary Bases The nationwide Great Revolution culminated in a workers’ strike against foreign capitalists in Shanghai in May 1925. On May 15, 1925, a Japanese capitalist at the Naigai No.7 Cotton Mill shot dead Gu Zhenghong, a worker and CPC member. On May 30, workers and students took to the streets in Shanghai under the leadership of the CPC. British constables in the Concession suddenly opened fire on Nanjing Road, killing 13 people, students and workers among them, and injuring countless others. This atrocity, which became known as the May 30th Massacre, shocked the entire country. Over the next few days, another series of incidents occurred in Shanghai and other places where British and Japanese soldiers and police fired on common people. The May 30th Massacre enraged people all over China. Fury over imperialism, which had for many years built among the Chinese people, suddenly erupted, sparking strikes by workers, students, and merchants. The CPC Central Executive Committee established the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions, and at the same time set up the Shanghai United Committee of Workers, Merchants, and Students to provide stronger leadership for the movement, which drew about 17 million people from all over the country. Roars of “Down with imperialism” and “Abolish unequal treaties” rang out all across the country, from bustling cities to remote towns. The massacre triggered a national wave against imperialism that surged across the nation with unstoppable momentum. This is remembered in history as the May 30th Movement. The Guangzhou-Hong Kong Strike, involving 250,000 people, was an important component of the May 30th Movement. Striking workers established the Guangzhou-Hong Kong Strike Committee, with CPC member Su Zhaozheng as chairman, and imposed a blockade on Hong Kong. The strike lasted for 16 months. The over 100,000 organized strikers who had gathered in Guangzhou became a strong pillar of the Guangzhou Revolutionary Government. The CPC grew considerably during its leadership of the May 30th Movement. It expanded from less than 1,000 members at the beginning of the year to 10,000 at the end. New CPC organizations were established in many places in the country. To adapt to the new situation arising from the climax of the Great Revolution, the CPC Central Executive Committee promptly put forward the idea of “transforming itself from a small organization to a centralized mass party” in a very short time. It also stressed the importance of education and training for CPC members and set up an advanced CPC school in Beijing to train cadres. Under the favorable conditions, the KMT and the CPC worked together to unify the revolutionary bases in Guangdong. In 1925, after two eastern expeditions and a southern expedition, the troops of the warlord Chen Jiongming and the troops of the warlord Deng Benyin were eliminated; a rebellion staged by the troops under the command of Yang Ximin and Liu Zhenhuan in Guangzhou was quelled. These actions unified the Guangdong revolutionary bases and created a far more reliable rear base from which to launch the Northern Expedition. In addition, the CPC also made an attempt to create armed forces directly. Sun Yat-sen gave his support to Zhou Enlai and the Guangdong Regional Committee of the CPC to reorganize the armored corps of the headquarters of the Army and Navy Grand Marshal’s Office into a revolutionary armed force under direct CPC leadership, with members of the CPC and Communist Youth League as its mainstay. In early 1926, an independent regiment was established within the Fourth Army of the National Red Army (NRA) under the command of CPC member Ye Ting. The revolutionary movement in the North prospered due to the hard work of Li Dazhao and other Communists. At the beginning of 1924, the northern workers’ movement gradually rose out of the despondency which ruled in the aftermath of the February 7th Massacre to recover and gain momentum. Workers held many strikes in Beijing, Qingdao, and Tangshan. In October 1925, at an enlarged meeting, the CPC Central Executive Committee stressed the importance of work in the North and decided to strengthen leadership over the revolution there. After the meeting, the CPC Northern Executive Committee was established with Li Dazhao as secretary. By July 1926, more than ten local committees and dozens of special and independent branches had been created in Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan, Taiyuan, and Northern Manchuria, with more than 2,000 CPC members. Li Dazhao and the Party organizations in the North also worked to win over Feng Yuxiang and his National Army, and launched a movement for tariff autonomy. These struggles demonstrated an awakening of the revolutionary consciousness of the people of the North and dealt a blow to the reactionary government of Duan Qirui who controlled Beijing.

    GenZhou qwename 5 months ago 100%
    (Concise History of the CPC) #4 Founding of CPC and Creation of Platform of Democratic Revolution

    (See first post for background: [#1 Cultural Revolution](, previous post: [#3 May 4th Movement and Spread of Marxism in China]( *A Concise History of the Communist Party of China* (2021, ISBN 978-7-5117-3978-0), pg. 13-22 [《中国共产党简史》](, pg. 11-19 (Chapter 1) ### 3. The Founding of the CPC and the Creation of the Platform of Democratic Revolution #### The Establishment of Early Communist Party Organizations and Their Activities With the dissemination of Marxism in China and the emergence of progressives who embraced its ideas, the conditions were ripe in terms of ideology and personnel for founding the Communist Party of China. The task of establishing a working-class political party was put on the agenda. The idea of establishing a communist party in China was first mooted by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao. They realized that to transform China using Marxism it would be necessary to establish a proletarian party to take charge of the revolution. To avoid persecution from the reactionary warlord government, Chen Duxiu moved secretly from Beijing to Shanghai in February 1920. He was escorted on his trip by Li Dazhao, during which the two discussed the establishment of communist party organizations in China. In March 1920, Li Dazhao established the Society for Marxist Studies at Peking University, which was not only the first group to study and research Marxism in China but also an important preparatory organization for the founding of the Communist Party of China. In April, the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) sent a plenipotentiary Grigory N. Voytinsky to China, along with others. The group met Li Dazhao in Beijing and Chen Duxiu in Shanghai to discuss the establishment of a communist party in China. These discussions materially contributed to the CPC’s creation. The first early communist party organization was established in Shanghai, a core city with the greatest concentration of workers in China. In May 1920, Chen Duxiu founded the Society for the Study of Marxism to discuss the doctrine of socialism and the transformation of Chinese society. That August, an early communist party organization was set up in the editorial office of New Youth in Shanghai, with Chen Duxiu as secretary. In November, the Communist Party organization drew up the “Manifesto of the Communist Party of China,” which stated that “the aim of the Communists is to create a society in accordance with the communist ideal.” This early organization proved to be an initiator of the CPC and served as a key liaison point for Chinese Communists in various places. In October 1920, another communist party organization was founded in Beijing by Li Dazhao and others, which was known as “Communist Party Group” at the time. At the end of the year, the decision was made to set up a Beijing branch of the communist party with Li Dazhao as secretary. The early organizations of the CPC in Shanghai and Beijing actively worked to lend impetus to the founding of CPC organizations in other parts of the country. From the autumn of 1920 to the spring of 1921, with the support of the first two organizations in Shanghai and Beijing, communist party organizations were formed in Wuhan by Dong Biwu, Chen Tanqiu, and Bao Huiseng, in Changsha by Mao Zedong and He Shuheng, in Jinan by Wang Jinmei and Deng Enming, and in Guangzhou by Tan Pingshan and Tan Zhitang. In Japan and France, communist party organizations composed of Chinese students and progressive overseas Chinese were also established. After their founding, these early communist party organizations primarily carried out the following activities: studied and promoted Marxism and examined China’s practical problems; denounced anti-Marxist ideas and enabled a host of progressives to turn to Marxism by helping them draw a clear line between socialism and capitalism and scientific socialism and other forms of socialism; carried out publicity and organizational work among workers, enabling them to receive Marxist education and raise their class consciousness; and established Socialist Youth League organizations which organized the study of Marxism for their members and arranged for them to take part in concrete struggles, thus cultivating reserve forces for a communist party. The Communist Manifesto played an important role in the theoretical preparations for the founding of the CPC. In February 1920, to translate The Communist Manifesto, Chen Wangdao secretly returned to his home in Yiwu County, Zhejiang Province. So devoted was he to his mission that he once dipped a sticky rice dumpling into his ink bowl instead of brown syrup. Oblivious to his mistake, Chen declared the snack to be “sweet enough.” The truth is indeed extremely sweet. This was a vivid example of the thirst among Chinese Communists for the truth of Marxism and their firm belief in the ideals of communism. The Chinese translation of The Communist Manifesto, which was published in August 1920, was a major event in the history of the dissemination of Marxism in China. #### The CPC’s First National Congress In July 1921, the First National Congress of the CPC opened at 106 Wangzhi Road (now 76 Xingye Road) in the French Concession of Shanghai.[1] The delegates in attendance at the meeting were Li Da and Li Hanjun from Shanghai, Zhang Guotao and Liu Renjing from Beijing, Mao Zedong and He Shuheng from Changsha, Dong Biwu and Chen Tanqiu from Wuhan, Wang Jinmei and Deng Enming from Jinan, Chen Gongbo from Guangzhou and Zhou Fohai from Japan; and Bao Huiseng (sent by Chen Duxiu).[2] They represented more than 50 CPC members across the country. Henk Sneevliet (alias Maring) and V. A. Nikolsky attended as representatives of the Communist International. Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao did not attend the Congress due to their busy schedules. To escape the attention of spies and the searches mounted by the French Concession police, the final session of the congress was held on a pleasure boat on South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. The First National Congress decided that the name of the new party would be “the Communist Party of China” and adopted its first program. The program consisted of the following points: The revolutionary army shall join hands with the proletariat in overthrowing the bourgeois regime; and the Party shall accept the dictatorship of the proletariat until the end of class struggle, abolish capitalist private ownership, and align itself with the Third International. The CPC made socialism and communism its goals and revolution the means for achieving them as soon as it was established. The First National Congress decided to set up the Central Bureau as a temporary leading body for the CPC’s central leadership. The Congress elected the Central Bureau with Chen Duxiu as its secretary. The First National Congress formally declared the founding of the CPC. The CPC’s founding was an inevitable product of the historical development of modern China, of the Chinese people’s tenacious struggle for survival, and of the journey toward the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. As the party of the most advanced class in China—the working class, the CPC represents not only the interests of the working class, but also those of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation as a whole. From the beginning, it followed Marxist theory as its guide for action, and it made it its mission to work for the happiness of the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The founding of the CPC was a groundbreaking event in the history of the Chinese nation, with tremendous, far-reaching significance. The most important reason for the repeated setbacks and failures of the Chinese people in their struggle against imperialism and feudalism in modern times was the absence of a strong and advanced political party to act as a leading core with the power to unify. The birth of the CPC fundamentally changed this situation. Both sites of the First National Congress, in Shanghai and on the Red Boat on Lake Nanhu in Jiaxing, are the birthplaces of the CPC, the places from where the Party’s dream set sail. The very act of founding the CPC was a demonstration of the Party’s pioneering spirit, indomitability, and devotion to the public good and the people’s interests. These qualities, which underpin the revolutionary spirit of China, are also important elements of the Party’s “Red Boat spirit.” It was by only adhering to this spirit and carrying it forward that the CPC could create miracle upon miracle, that it could build a new society, became the world’s largest political party, and bring profound change to China and have a profound impact on the world. #### The CPC’s Second National Congress and the Formulation of the Platform of the Democratic Revolution After the founding of the CPC, the Party’s most important task was to apply scientific theories to observe and analyze China’s actual conditions. At the time, the most prominent problem in China was the conflict between China’s warlords, which was growing in ferocity under the manipulation of the imperialists. The Party was deeply aware that given the volatile situation, it would have no chance of realizing its ideals if it could not overthrow the regimes of the warlords and imperialists. The Second National Congress of the CPC was held in Shanghai in July 1922. The Congress was attended by 12 delegates, representing 195 CPC members nationwide. Through an analysis of China’s economic and political situation, the Congress revealed the semi-colonial and semi-feudal nature of Chinese society and pointed out that the maximum program of the CPC was to realize socialism and communism, while the minimum program in the present stage was to defeat the warlords, overthrow the oppression of international imperialism, and unify China into a genuine democratic republic. The Congress pointed out that in order to achieve its anti-imperialist and anti-warlord revolutionary goal, a “democratic united front” must be formed with all revolutionary parties and bourgeois democrats in the country. Just a year after its founding, the CPC proposed an explicit anti-imperialist and anti-feudalist program of democratic revolution, the first of its kind in China. The Party ensured that this program was very quickly spread far and wide. As calls of “down with the imperialist powers; down with the warlords” became the common cry among the people, it became clear that only the CPC, armed with Marxism, could point the way forward for the Chinese revolution. The Second Congress adopted the CPC’s first Constitution, which contained specific provisions on the conditions for membership, the CPC’s organizations at all levels, and its discipline, all explicitly based on the principle of democratic centralism. This was of great importance for strengthening the Party. The Congress adopted a resolution confirming that the CPC was a branch of the Communist International. The Congress also adopted a resolution stating that the CPC was a party composed of the most revolutionary elements of the proletariat, and that it was “a party struggling for the proletarians.” It stressed that all of its campaigns must reach out to the people and must never alienate them. This resolution proved to be highly significant in initiating the worker and peasant movements in the early days of the CPC. The Second CPC National Congress elected the Central Executive Committee with Chen Duxiu selected as committee chairman. #### The First Upsurge of the Workers’ Movement and the Initial Development of the Peasant Movement After its founding, the CPC strove to organize and lead the workers’ movement, establishing the Secretariat of the Chinese Labor Organization in August 1921 as a headquarters for openly leading the movement. The Secretariat published the Labor Weekly, organized workers’ schools and industrial unions, and launched strikes. This increased the CPC’s influence among workers and across society generally. Under CPC’s leadership, the first upsurge of the Chinese workers’ movement began with the Hong Kong Seamen’s Strike in January 1922 and ended with the Beijing-Hankou Railway strike in February 1923. Over these 13 months, China was swept by more than 100 strikes, involving over 300,000 people. The railway workers and coal miners’ strike in Anyuan and coal miners’ strike in Kailuan were hallmarks of this upsurge, fully demonstrating the power of the working class when well-organized. There were more than 17,000 workers at the Anyuan mine and railway. During the autumn and winter of 1921, Mao Zedong, then the Party branch secretary of Hunan Province, visited Anyuan on a fact-finding mission. Li Lisan travelled to Anyuan after this to organize the workers there. On May 1, International Labor Day, 1922, a trade union, the Anyuan Mine and Railway Workers’ Club, was established. In early September, Mao Zedong returned to Anyuan to organize a strike. He was followed by Liu Shaoqi. The strike began on September 14, with workers demanding protection for their political rights, wage increases, and other conditions. Thanks to the valiant struggle of the workers and the sympathy and support they won from people of all walks of life, the mine and railway authorities were forced to meet most of their demands, bringing the Anyuan strike to a victorious conclusion. On February 4, 1923, workers of the Jinghan (Beijing-Hankou) Railway went on strike to fight for the establishment of the Jinghan Railway Trade Union. On February 7, backed by imperialist forces, the warlord Wu Peifu deployed soldiers and police officers to violently suppress the strike. Reactionaries tied Lin Xiangqian, president of the Jiang’an Branch of the Union in Hankou (a Communist Party member), to a pole and tried to force him to call the strikers back to work. Refusing to surrender, Lin died a hero’s death. Shi Yang, a union legal advisor (also a Communist Party member), was also killed. Having been struck by three bullets, he shouted “Long live the workers!” three times before he died. In the February 7th Massacre, 52 people lost their lives, more than 300 were injured, more than 40 were arrested and imprisoned, while more than 1,000 people were dismissed from their jobs and forced into exile. After the incident, the national workers’ movement fell to a nadir. While leading the revolutionary struggle, the CPC began, too, to strengthen itself. It started to establish primary-level organizations in industrial and mining enterprises. It also welcomed into its ranks a number of outstanding figures who had emerged as the workers’ struggle unfolded, including Su Zhaozheng, Shi Wenbin, Xiang Ying, Deng Pei, and Wang Hebo. In addition to focusing on the workers’ movement, the CPC also initiated peasant movements in the countryside. In September 1921, a peasants’ meeting was held in Yaqian Village, Xiaoshan County, Zhejiang Province, at which the first of a new kind of peasants’ organization was founded. In July 1922, Peng Pai established the first secret peasant association in his hometown of Haifeng County, Guangdong Province. By May 1923, peasant associations had been established in Haifeng, Lufeng, and Huiyang counties, and had a combined membership of more than 200,000. In September of the same year, inspired by the workers’ movement in Shuikoushan, peasants in Baiguo of Hengshan Couny, Hunan Province, established the Yuebei Peasants and Workers Association under CPC leadership. It launched a series of struggles and raised the first flag of the peasant movement in Hunan Province. In addition, the CPC also led the youth and women’s movements. Both the worker and peasant movements, which had been launched and organized under CPC leadership, but particularly the workers’ movement, demonstrated the firm revolutionary commitment and great fighting capacity of the Chinese working class. As a result, the CPC expanded its influence throughout the country, allowing for its cooperation with other revolutionary forces in launching a great nationwide revolution. [1] It was verified many years later that the exact date of the CPC’s First National Congress was July 23, 1921. In June 1941, the CPC Central Committee issued the Instruction of the Central Committee on the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC and the 4th Anniversary of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, officially recognizing July 1 as the founding date of the CPC. From then on, July 1 was fixed as the anniversary of the CPC’s founding. [2] Zhang Guotao surrendered to the Kuomingtang in 1938 and was expelled from the CPC. Chen Gongbo and Zhou Fohai seriously violated Party discipline and were expelled from the Party shortly after the First National Party Congress. They turned traitors during the War of Resistance against Japan.

    GenZhou qwename 5 months ago 100%
    (Concise History of the CPC) #3 May 4th Movement and Spread of Marxism in China

    (See first post for background: [#1 Cultural Revolution](, previous post: [#2 China before the CPC]( *A Concise History of the Communist Party of China* (2021, ISBN 978-7-5117-3978-0), pg. 5-13 [《中国共产党简史》](, pg. 4-11 (Chapter 1) ### 2. The May 4th Movement and the Spread of Marxism in China #### The New Culture Movement and the Influence of the Russian October Revolution on China The founding of the Republic of China did not bring the national independence, democracy, and social progress that people longed for. Hope was thus supplanted by profound despair. Since they found the old road impassable, people began to look for new ways out of their plight. Some progressive intellectuals began by reviewing the lessons of the Revolution of 1911. They determined to launch a new enlightenment movement, one that would eliminate obscurantism, awaken the nation, and free people’s minds from the shackles of feudalism. Known as the New Culture Movement, this campaign became a harbinger for great social change. The New Culture Movement was born in Shanghai in September 1915 with the launch of *Youth Magazine* (later renamed *New Youth*) by Chen Duxiu. In 1917, Chen became the Dean of Liberal Arts at Peking University, and the editorial office of *New Youth* was moved to Beijing. The New Culture Movement was thus based around Peking University and the New Youth publication. The movement made “Mr. Democracy” and “Mr. Science” its icons. Advocates used evolutionary theory and the emancipation of personality as their main weapons to violently attack Confucius and other “sages of the past.” They advocated a new morality and new literature and railed against those of the past. They promoted a vernacular writing style over the classical style. By criticizing Confucianism, they shook the dominance of feudal orthodoxy, opened the gates to new ideas, and generated a surge of ideological revolution in Chinese society. The New Culture Movement still took bourgeois democracy as the plan for saving the nation. However, the inherent problems of the capitalist system were already evident in Europe and America, the birthplace of those ideas. World War I had served to only magnify these insurmountable problems in a most extreme way. The repeated failures of Chinese attempts to learn from the West led Chinese progressives to question the feasibility of a bourgeois republic on Chinese soil. Yet again, Chinese progressives’ explorations of plans for saving the nation reached an important historical crossroads. It was at this point, in 1917, that the salvoes of the October Revolution brought to China the ideas of Marxism-Leninism. In the scientific truth of Marxism-Leninism, Chinese progressives saw a solution to China’s problems. The October Revolution was also a call to resist imperialism, a painful, solemn, and deeply meaningful cry in the ears of the Chinese people, who had for so long been tyrannized by imperialist powers. This prompted Chinese progressives to lean toward socialism and inspired them to gain a serious understanding of Marxism, the guide of the October Revolution. As a result, a group of intellectuals with incipient communist ideas emerged in China in support of the Russian October Revolution. Li Dazhao was the first in China to embrace the October Revolution and one of the first to disseminate Marxism in China. Beginning in July 1918, he published articles arguing that the October Revolution was the forerunner of a 20th century world revolution and a new dawn for all humankind. His articles included “A Comparison of the French and Russian Revolutions,” “The Victory of the Common People,” and “The Victory of Bolshevism,” which enthusiastically praised the victory of the October Revolution. Li predicted that an irresistible tide had been set in motion by the October Revolution and that the future would surely see “a world of red flags.” After the May 4th Movement, he worked even harder to promote Marxism, and published the article “My View on Marxism.” This piece provided a systematic introduction to Marxist theory and had widespread influence among intellectual circles. This was a sign of the systematic way in which Marxism was now being disseminated in China. Li Dazhao also wrote other articles, including “More on Problems and Doctrines,” in which he criticized anti-Marxist ideas and argued that Marxism was suited to China’s needs. Why did the October Revolution that erupted in Russia in 1917 call forth such response in China? In large part, it was down to the changes that were sweeping Chinese society. While radical changes were taking place in the thinking of Chinese intellectuals, profound shifts were also quietly occurring in China’s social structure. The country’s national capitalist economy had developed rapidly during World War I, as the Western imperialist countries, busy fighting at close quarters on the European battlefield, temporarily slackened their economic aggression against China. This saw the Chinese working class and national bourgeoisie grow in strength. On the eve of the May 4th Movement of 1919, industrial workers numbered about two million and were becoming an increasingly important force in society. China’s working class is a great revolutionary class born in modern China. In addition to its basic qualities—its association with the most advanced form of economy, its strong sense of organization and discipline and its lack of private means of production—the Chinese proletariat has many other outstanding qualities. For example, it was more resolute and thorough in revolutionary struggle. Under the historical conditions of China as a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, the Chinese proletariat was the fundamental driving force behind the Chinese revolution. Meanwhile, there was a rapid increase in the number of students enrolled in various new types of schools, and a great many teachers also emerged from such centers of learning, along with many journalists, thereby helping to create a larger contingent of intellectuals than there had been in the period of the Revolution of 1911. This cohort was also in possession of more advanced ideas. These factors made the rise of a great new people’s revolution inevitable. #### The May 4th Movement: The Dawn of the New-Democratic Revolution The immediate trigger for the May 4th Movement was China’s diplomatic failure at the Paris Peace Conference. In the first half of 1919, the victorious Allied Powers of World War I held a “peace conference” in Paris. At the conference, the Chinese delegation put forward seven proposals (including the abolishment of foreign spheres of influence in China and the withdrawal of foreign troops from the country) and called for the cancellation of the Twenty-One Demands[1] and the related notes exchanged between China and Japan. The Conference rejected China’s just requests and stipulated that Germany should transfer concessions in Shandong Province to Japan. The Northern Warlord government, capitulating under imperialist pressure, was prepared to sign such a peace treaty. When the news reached China, it sparked outrage among people from all walks of life. On May 4, more than 3,000 students in Beijing gathered in front of Tian’anmen Square to demonstrate. The protesters shouted slogans such as “Defend Chinese sovereignty against external aggressors and get rid of internal traitors,” “Annul the Twenty-One Demands,” “Return Qingdao to China,” and “Punish the traitors Cao Rulin, Zhang Zongxiang, and Lu Zongyu.”[2] Breaking through multiple barriers erected by reactionary military police, the crowd assembled in front of Tian’anmen Gate. The May 4th Movement, which stunned people in China and around the world, had erupted. During the movement, the Chinese working class also entered the political arena as an independent force. From June 5 onwards, workers in Shanghai went on strike in solidarity with students, and within a few days, the number of striking workers reached 60,000 to 70,000. Strikes followed in Beijing, Tangshan, Hankou, Nanjing, and Changsha, and merchants in many large and medium-sized cities also staged strikes. As strikes were ongoing in three different arenas—workplaces, schools, and markets, the May 4th Movement reached a climax. The struggle swept across the country, engulfing over 100 cities in more than 20 provinces. Although initiated by intelligentsia, the May 4th Movement evolved into a nationwide mass movement with the participation of the working class, petty bourgeoisie, and bourgeoisie. As a result of public pressure, the Northern Warlord government released the students it had taken into custody, and announced the dismissal of Cao Rulin, Zhang Zongxiang, and Lu Zongyu. On June 28, the Chinese delegates refused to sign the Paris Peace Treaty. The May 4th Movement was an epoch-making event in the history of modern Chinese revolution, in that it signaled the dawn of a new-democratic revolution. With a revolutionary nature in diametrical opposition to imperialism and feudalism, a progressivesness that sought the truth for saving the country and making it strong, and broad-based participation from people of all ethnic groups and walks of life, the May 4th Movement promoted progress in Chinese society, the extensive circulation of Marxist ideas around China, and the integration of Marxism with the Chinese workers’ movement. It helped develop the ideology and the cadres for the founding of the CPC. Out of the Movement grew the great May 4th spirit, which features patriotism, progress, democracy, and science as its main inspirations with patriotism at its core. This movement was a milestone in the history of the Chinese nation’s quest for independence, development, and progress in modern times. #### The Spread of Marxism in China In the period before and after the May 4th Movement, the practical lessons of the Paris Peace Conference made Chinese progressives see that the imperialist powers were working together to oppress the Chinese people. This contributed directly to the further spread of socialist ideas in China. In March and April 1920, *The East* and other periodicals published the first declaration of the Soviet Russian government to China, in which it announced that all privileges (enjoyed by czarist Russia in China) would be abolished, thus creating further impetus for the spread of socialist ideas in China. The study and promotion of socialism gradually became the norm among the progressive intelligentsia. Under these circumstances, many progressive intellectuals from different backgrounds came to Marxism by different routes, having carefully considered the alternatives. Li Dazhao played a major role in the early stage of the Marxist movement in China. He edited no.5, vol.VI of *New Youth*, a special issue devoted to Marxism in 1919. He also helped to start a new column, “the Study of Marx,” in the Beijing-based *Chen Pao*. Chen Duxiu, one of the intellectual leaders of the New Culture Movement, also turned to Marxism. He warned that China should not take the path followed by Europe, the United States, and Japan after the May 4th Movement. Chen declared it necessary to establish a state of the laboring classes by means of revolution. Mao Zedong enthusiastically praised the victory of the October Revolution in the *Xiangjiang Review*, of which he was the editor-in-chief, declaring that it would spread worldwide and that the Chinese should follow its example. After he came to Beijing for the second time, he eagerly sought out and studied communist works, helping establish his faith in Marxism. Many years later he called, “By the summer of 1920 I had become, in theory and to some extent in action, a Marxist.” Some veteran members of the Tong Meng Hui (Chinese Revolutionary League) also began to turn to proletarian socialism. Many years later, Dong Biwu recalled how he and others had joined Sun Yat-sen in the revolution. “The revolution forged ahead, but Sun Yat-sen failed to get hold of it and, as a result, it was snatched by others. We therefore began to study the Russian pattern.” Guided by Marxism, Chinese progressives devoted themselves to the practice of mass struggle. At the beginning of 1920, some revolutionary intellectuals in Beijing visited the residential areas of rickshaw workers to investigate their desperate living conditions. Deng Zhongxia and others went to Changxindian to tell workers about the revolution and establish contacts with them. In this way, the advanced intellectuals helped connect Marxism with the Chinese workers’ movement. [1] The Twenty-One Demands were set forth in 1915 by Japan whose purpose was to destroy China. Some of these unreasonable demands were designed to confirm Japan’s dominant position in Shandong, the southern part of the three provinces of the Northeast, and eastern Inner Mongolia. [2] The three pro-Japanese bureaucrats in the Northern Warlord government.

    GenZhou qwename 6 months ago 100%
    (Concise History of the CPC) #2 China before the CPC

    (See previous post for background: [#1 Cultural Revolution]( *A Concise History of the Communist Party of China* (2021, ISBN 978-7-5117-3978-0), pg. 1-5 [《中国共产党简史》](, pg. 1-4 # Chapter I ## The Founding of the Communist Party of China and Its Involvement in the Great Revolution One night in July of 1921, the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) opened in secret in a small two-story residence in Shanghai’s French Concession. This moment gave birth to a completely new party of the proletariat whose actions were to be guided by Marxism and Leninism. This was a truly groundbreaking event—a momentous occasion which, like a torch held aloft in the darkness, brought light and hope to the deeply distressed Chinese people. From that moment on, the Chinese people have had in the Party an anchor for their struggles to achieve national independence and liberation, to make their country prosperous and strong, and to realize happiness and contentment, and their mindset changed from passivity to taking the initiative. ### 1. Various Forces Explore Ways to Rejuvenate China in Modern Times Over the course of several millennia, the Chinese people created an enduring and splendid civilization, making a marvelous contribution to humankind and becoming one of the great peoples of the world. Following the advent of modern times, however, owing to the aggression of Western powers and the corruption of China’s feudal rulers, China was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. As the land of China was laid to waste and the people descended into misery, the Chinese nation experienced suffering of unprecedented proportions. From 1840 onwards, Western powers launched numerous wars of aggression against China (most famous are the Opium War of 1840–1842 involving Great Britain, the Second Opium War of 1856–1860 with Great Britain and France, the Sino-French War of 1884–1885, the Sino-Japanese War of 1894–1895, and the war of 1900 against the aggression of the Eight-Power Allied Forces). Through these wars and other methods, Western powers forced China to cede territory and pay out indemnities, and they greedily extracted privileges of all kinds from China. Britain carved away Hong Kong, Japan occupied Taiwan, and czarist Russia seized the northeastern and northwestern parts of the country. Over one billion taels of silver were extracted from China in war indemnities, even though the Qing government generated just over 80 million taels of annual revenue at the time. Through unequal treaties of increasingly harsher terms, Western powers obtained many important privileges in China, such as the right to set up ports and concessions, open mines and factories build railways, establish banks and businesses, build churches, station troops, demarcate spheres of influence, and enjoy consular jurisdiction and unilateral most-favored-nation treatment. Hundreds of unequal treaties and conventions, like an all-encompassing net, entrapped China politically, economically, militarily, and culturally. As a result, it was utterly helpless in the face of endless demands, and while it encountered reproach at every turn, Western powers had their way in the country on the strength of their treaties. They ran China’s trading ports, customs, foreign trade, and transport lines and dumped large quantities of their goods in China, treating it as a market for their products and a base for extracting raw materials. The old summer palace, Yuanmingyuan, was razed to the ground by British and French troops; the Beiyang Fleet was completely annihilated in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894–1895; and the forces of the eight imperialist powers—Britain, the United States, Germany, Japan, Russia, France, Italy and Austria burned, killed, raped and looted its way through Beijing in 1901. Such atrocities became indelibly etched in the memory of the Chinese nation. More and more, the Qing government, representing the interests of China’s landlord class and comprador bourgeoisie, became little more than a tool for foreign capitalist rule of China, a traitorous and corrupt regime strangling all vitality from the country. The conflicts between imperialism and the Chinese nation, and between feudalism and the people, thus became the principal conflicts of modern Chinese society. As the Chinese people were reduced to extreme misery, the prospect of imminent destruction loomed for the Chinese nation. It was at this point that national rejuvenation became the greatest dream of the Chinese people in modern times, and the quest to achieve national independence and liberation, to make the country prosperous and strong, and to realize happiness and contentment became the historic tasks of the Chinese people. The Chinese nation enjoys a glorious tradition of constant self-improvement, and it would never halt the struggle to defend its independence, dignity, and civilization. Many brave men and women stepped forward and devoted their lives to the cause of national progress prior to the founding of the Communist Party of China, working unceasingly to alter the destiny of their motherland. However, failure was the ultimate outcome of each of their struggles—of the wars of resistance against foreign aggression, the peasants’ revolution of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the mid-19th century, the Westernization Movement designed to adopt Western technology while maintaining Chinese systems, the Reform Movement of 1898 aimed at seeking prosperity, and the Yi He Tuan Movement at the turn of the century which developed into a general anti-imperialist patriotic movement, having begun at the lower strata of society. Lacking a scientific theory, a correct approach, and social forces upon which they could rely, many noble patriots were left to bitterly regret these repeated failures. Then the Revolution of 1911 erupted in October of that year, leading to the overthrow of the Qing government and the founding of the Republic of China. Monarchical dictatorship, which had ruled China for more than 2,000 years, was finally brought to an end. However, the Revolution of 1911 led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen did not change the semi-colonial and semi-feudal nature of Chinese society or the miserable fate of the people. It was unable to accomplish the historic task of realizing national independence and the people’s liberation. Yet it did pioneer a national democratic revolution in modern Chinese history in the truest sense of the term, opening the floodgates to progress and promoting the spread of democratic and republican ideas. A great wave of intellectual emancipation was sparked, and social change swept the country under the tremendous influence of the revolution, permanently undermining the stability of reactionary rule. Reality, however, can sometimes be incredibly cruel. The fruits of the 1911 Revolution were seized by the Northern Warlords led by Yuan Shikai, with imperialist support. In a matter of just months, the nascent bourgeois republic had perished. After the death of Yuan Shikai, the Northern Warlords split into the Zhili, Anhui, and Fengtian cliques. Under the manipulations of imperialists, the country was thrown into a state of internecine warfare between various warlord regimes. Under the autocratic rule of the feudal warlords, China was reduced to a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society. The immense efforts and innumerable sacrifices of the revolution yielded nothing more than a faux republic. After the Revolution of 1911, China tried various forms of government, including a return to monarchy, a parliamentary system, a multiparty system, and a presidential system. Various political forces and their representatives came to the fore, but none could pinpoint the right solution that would change the nature of old Chinese society and transform the fate of the Chinese people. As a result, China remained fractured, impoverished, and weak. Foreign powers were still running roughshod over the country and profiting at its expense, and the Chinese people continued to live in misery and humiliation. History had shown that without the guidance of advanced theories, and without the leadership of advanced political parties that were armed with these theories and were willing to follow the trend of history, shoulder its heavy responsibilities, and make great sacrifices, the Chinese people would not be able to defeat the various reactionary factions that oppressed them, and the Chinese nation would not be able to change its fate of oppression and subjugation. China needed a force to lead the mission of national rejuvenation. This assignment would fall on the shoulders of China’s working class, the representative of the advanced productive forces.

    GenZhou qwename 6 months ago 98%
    (Concise History of the CPC) #1 Cultural Revolution

    Saw this post ( about China's Cultural Revolution and remembered my project to transcribe my copy of "A Concise History of the Communist Party of China" (ISBN 978-7-5117-3978-0). The book is an English translation of the Chinese book 中国共产党简史, translated by the Institute of Party History and Literature of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and published by the Central Compilation & Translation Press. There is another English edition published by ACA Publishing Limited which I have not read, but I assume it's basically the same. The Chinese edition is available to read online at one of the CPC's online learning platform 学习强国: The book has 10 chapters and around 700 pages, each chapter has around 5 to 10 sections for a total of 70 sections. I'm thinking of posting one section at a time every 5 days so as to not overwhelm some readers, and to get the entire book posted over the span of a year. This can change accordingly as we progress. I am typing the contents out manually into LibreOffice Writer so that they can be exported as a pdf or epub document. This first post will be special and start from the part about the Cultural Revolution, this is not the entire section but a good enough excerpt to summarize the Cultural Revolution. The next post will start from Chapter I and continue in the order as written in the book. (On the issue of copyright, I am certainly violating some laws but...) # Chapter VI ## Explorations and Setbacks in Socialist Development ### 3. Socialist Development amid Twists and Turns #### The Occurrence of the Cultural Revolution and Difficulties in All Aspects of Work (pg. 264-267) The Cultural Revolution was set in motion in 1966, just as China was overcoming grave economic difficulties, completing a readjustment of its economy, and launching its Third Five-Year Plan for national economic development. The occurrence of the Cultural Revolution was due to complex social and historical reasons of both domestic and international nature. For a long time after the founding of the People’s Republic, China faced a severe external environment. The imperialists were hostile to China and imposed a blockade on it for a long period, having pinned their hopes for “peaceful revolution” on the PRC’s third and fourth generations. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union also put great pressure on China, following the deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations. Such an external environment had a great impact on the Party’s well-founded judgements regarding the domestic political situation and its determination of the central tasks and policies of the Party and the state. Having coming through a long and brutal war, the CPC transitioned immediately into the stage of socialism, without having first gained a proper understanding of how to carry out socialist development in a country that was economically and culturally underdeveloped, or having made adequate ideological preparations for such an undertaking. In the period of revolutionary war, the Party had accumulated a great deal of experience in class struggle, experience which people applied and copied all too easily when it came to judging and handling the new problems of socialist development. As a result, they saw problems that were unrelated to class struggle as being part of the class struggle. They viewed the class struggle as being dominant when it was in fact much more limited, and they continued to resort to large-scale political movements as the solution to this problem. In May 1966, the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee adopted the “May 16 Circular,” which pointed out that “the bourgeois representatives who have infiltrated the Party, the government, the army and various cultural circles are a group of counter-revolutionary revisionists who, once conditions are ripe, will seize power and change from the dictatorship of the proletariat to the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.” In August, the 11th Plenary Session of the Eight Party Central Committee adopted the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, proposing that “the focus of this campaign is to rectify those in power in the Party who have taken the capitalist road.” The convening of these two meetings signified that the Cultural Revolution had begun in earnest. Following this, the country was engulfed by the Red Guard movement. From January 1967 onward, the Cultural Revolution entered the stage of an all-out grab for power, and began to move very quickly toward a phase of “overthrowing all,” and even full-scale civil war. Around February, Tan Zhenlin, Chen Yi, Ye Jianying, Li Fuchun, Li Xiannian, Xu Xiangqian, Nie Rongzhen, and other revolutionaries of the older generation moved to sharply criticize the erroneous practices of the Cultural Revolution at different meetings. However, their actions, which were labeled the “February adverse current,” were suppressed and attacked. By September 1968, revolutionary committees had been established nationwide. To some extent, this helped stop the anarchism that was rampant in the early days of the decade-long Cultural Revolution. In October, under extremely abnormal circumstances within the Party, the enlarged 12th Plenary Session of the Eight CPC Central Committee announced the decision to “expel Liu Shaoqi from the Party forever and remove him from all posts he holds in and outside the Party.” The Ninth National Congress of the CPC, convened in April 1969, further systematized and legitimized the erroneous theory and practice of the Cultural Revolution. Between 1970 and 1971, a plot to seize supreme power was carried out by a counter-revolutionary group led by Lin Biao, which culminated in the staging of a counter-revolutionary armed coup. The incident signaled the failure of the Cultural Revolution in both theoretical and practical terms. In 1972, Zhou Enlai issued a repudiation of ultra-Left thinking, which led to significant improvements in all areas of work. The Tenth Party Congress held in August 1973 continued to affirm the political and organizational lines of the Ninth Congress. After the Tenth Congress, Jiang Qing, Wang Hongwen, Zhang Chunqiao, and Yao Wenyuan formed the Gang of Four that would attempt to seize supreme power of the Party and the state. In January 1975, the First Session of the Fourth NPC reaffirmed the goal of achieving the modernization of agriculture, industry, national defense, and science and technology in the 20th century and appointed Zhou Enlai as premier and Deng Xiaoping as first vice premier. This gave Chinese officials and people who had suffered during the repeated upheaval hope for the Party and the state. The main considerations in launching the Cultural Revolution were to prevent the restoration of capitalism and seek China’s own way of building socialism. As a leader of the ruling proletarian party, Mao Zedong constantly observed and thought about the real life problems of the emerging socialist society. He paid great attention to strengthening the Party and the people’s power, which had been developed with such difficulty, remained highly alert to the danger of capitalist restoration, and made continuous explorations and struggled tirelessly to eliminate corruption, privilege, and bureaucratism in the Party and the government. However, a weak understanding of the laws of socialist development and an accumulation of “Leftist” mistakes in theory and practice meant that many of the right socialist development ideas were never implemented, which eventually resulted in civil unrest. The Cultural Revolution lasted for ten years and caused the Party, the country, and the people to suffer the longest, most extensive, and most costly setback since the founding of the People’s Republic. The Party’s organization and state power were brutally persecuted, and democracy and the rule of law were trampled on, as the entire country sank into a grave political and social crisis. The Cultural Revolution was in no sense a revolution or a period of social progress. It was a period of civil strife that was erroneously initiated by the leadership and exploited by counter-revolutionary groups, with disastrous effects for the Party, the country, and the people. It left behind extremely painful lessons. During the Cultural Revolution, the Party and the people never stopped fighting against “Leftist” mistakes. It was the resistance of Party members, workers, peasants, PLA members, intellectuals, and cadres at all levels that limited the damage of the Cultural Revolution. Progress was still made in some important areas of socialist development, and the nature of the Party, the people’s political power, the people’s armed forces, and society as a whole remained unchanged.

    GenZedong qwename 6 months ago 98%
    Central Committee of Democratic Front for Reunification of Korea Formally Dissolved

    > Pyongyang, March 24 (KCNA) -- A meeting of the Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of Korea (DFRK) took place here on Saturday. > > Present there were presidium members of the Central Committee of the DFRK and representatives of political parties and social organizations. > > The meeting stressed that the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK government branded the ROK clans, who have proclaimed the DPRK the “principal enemy” and pursued the "collapse of regime" and "unification by absorption" only in collusion with outside forces for nearly 80 years, as the most hostile state, invariable principal enemy and complete foreign country, not the partner for reconciliation and reunification, and set up a new stand on the north-south relations and reunification policy. > > And it reached a consensus that there is no need for the Central Committee of the DFRK, a pan-national united front organization, to exist any longer in the situation where the north-south relations are completely fixed into the relations between two states hostile to each other and the relations between two belligerent states, not the consanguineous or homogeneous ones. > > The meeting decided to formally dissolve the Central Committee of the DFRK.

    GenZedong qwename 6 months ago 93%
    "Freedom of Speech" in the United States:Truth and Facts

    Latest piece by China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on US. Chinese version: Previous articles:

    China qwename 6 months ago 100%
    Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi answers questions about China’s foreign policy and external relations

    (Chinese version: A total of 22 questions were answered in the press conference on March 7, 2024. The full transcript is very long, but I think it's a good primer on China's foreign policy. Here are some excerpts (ordered by questions asked) that I think might be interesting, but if you can get through these I suggest you read the full transcript instead. On China's diplomacy in 2023: > The Central Asian region and the Indochina Peninsula all embraced the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, and new progress was made in the joint efforts by China and African, ASEAN, Arab, and Latin American and Caribbean countries to realize the same vision. The Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was a success, taking Belt and Road cooperation to a new stage of high-quality development. BRICS achieved a historic expansion, opening a new chapter of united strength for the Global South. We facilitated the historic reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and mediated a ceasefire agreement in northern Myanmar. We promoted political settlement of all hotspots and conflicts. We resolutely opposed all hegemonic and bullying acts, and effectively safeguarded China’s sovereignty, security and development interests as well as the common interests of developing countries. On China-Russia relations: > Maintaining and growing the China-Russia relationship is a strategic choice by the two sides based on the fundamental interests of the two peoples. It is also what we must do to keep pace with the trend of the world. As key major countries of the world and permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, China and Russia have forged a new paradigm of major-country relations that differs entirely from the obsolete Cold War approach. On the basis of non-alliance, non-confrontation and not targeting any third party, China and Russia strive for lasting good-neighborliness and friendship and seek to deepen their comprehensive strategic coordination. In today’s world, hegemonism finds no support, and division leads nowhere. Major countries should not seek confrontation, and the Cold War should not be allowed to come back. The China-Russia relationship moves ahead along the trend of the times toward multipolarity and greater democracy in international relations, and is thus very important for maintaining global strategic stability, enabling positive interactions among major countries, and promoting cooperation among emerging major countries. On China-U.S. relations: > There has been some improvement in China-U.S. relations since the summit in San Francisco. This meets the interests and wishes of people of both countries and the world. But it has to be pointed out that U.S. misperception toward China continues and U.S. promises are not truly fulfilled. The U.S. has been devising various tactics to suppress China and kept lengthening its unilateral sanctions list, reaching bewildering levels of unfathomable absurdity. If the U.S. says one thing and does another, where is its credibility as a major country? If it gets jittery whenever it hears the word “China,” where is its confidence as a major country? If it only wants itself to prosper but denies other countries’ legitimate development, where is international fairness? If it persistently monopolizes the high end of the value chain and keeps China at the low end, where is fairness in competition? The challenge for the U.S. comes from itself, not from China. If the U.S. is obsessed with suppressing China, it will eventually harm itself. We urge the U.S. to be clear-eyed about the trend of the times, view China’s development objectively and rationally, engage in exchanges with China proactively and pragmatically, and act to fulfill its commitments. We hope that it will work with China to bring the relationship back on the track of stable, sound and sustainable development. On multipolarity and economic globalization: > China believes in an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. > > An equal multipolar world means equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal rules for every nation. Certain or a few powers should not monopolize international affairs. Countries should not be categorized according to their strength. Those with the bigger fist should not have the final say. And it is definitely unacceptable that certain countries must be at the table while some others can only be on the menu. We must ensure that all countries, regardless of their size and strength, are able to take part in decision-making, enjoy their rights, and play their role as equals in the process toward a multipolar world. > > An orderly multipolar world means all should observe the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, and uphold the universally recognized basic norms governing international relations. Multipolarity doesn’t mean multiple blocs, or fragmentation, or disarray. All countries must act within the U.N.-centered international system, and pursue cooperation under global governance. > > Universally beneficial globalization means growing the economic pie and sharing it more fairly. All nations, all social groups, and all communities should be able to take part in economic and social development and share the benefits. Development imbalance, be it national or international, should be settled properly so as to realize common prosperity and development. > > Inclusive globalization means supporting countries in pursuing a development path suited to their own national conditions. No one should impose one single development model onto the whole world. Unilateralism and protectionism for selfish gains at the expense of others must be discarded to keep the global industrial and supply chains stable and unimpeded, and to sustain the robust and dynamic growth of the world economy. On Palestine: > The current Palestinian-Israeli conflict has caused 100,000 civilian casualties, and countless innocent people remain buried under the rubble. There is no distinction between noble and humble lives, and life should not be labeled by race or religion. The failure to end this humanitarian disaster today in the 21st century is a tragedy for humanity and a disgrace for civilization. Nothing justifies the protraction of the conflict, or the killing of the civilian population. The international community must act promptly to promote an immediate ceasefire as its overriding priority and ensure humanitarian assistance as its pressing moral obligation. People in Gaza have the right to life in this world, and women and children deserve the care from their families. All detainees should be released, and all actions that harm civilians should be stopped. > > The calamity in Gaza is another wake-up call for the world that the long occupation of the Palestinian territories is a fact that should not be ignored anymore, and that the long-cherished aspiration of the Palestinians for an independent state should not be evaded anymore. More importantly, the historical injustice to the Palestinians must not be allowed to continue uncorrected from generation to generation. Restoring justice to the Palestinian people and fully implementing the two-State solution is the only way to break the vicious cycle of Palestinian-Israeli conflicts, to eliminate the breeding ground of extremist ideologies, and to realize enduring peace in the Middle East. > > China firmly supports the Palestinian peoples’ just cause of regaining their legitimate national rights, and is always committed to a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question of Palestine at an early date. We support Palestine’s full membership in the U.N., and urge certain U.N. Security Council member not to lay obstacles to that end. We call for a more broad-based, more authoritative, and more effective international peace conference to work out a timetable and road map for the two-State solution. We believe that Palestine and Israel should resume peace talks as soon as possible to achieve the ultimate goal that they coexist in peace as two states and the Arab and Jewish peoples live in harmony as two ethnic groups. China will continue to work with the international community to restore peace, save lives, and uphold justice. On China's approach to international mediation: > Constructive engagement in settling international hotspot issues is a due responsibility for China as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council. We learn from international practices and draw wisdom from Chinese culture, and we have found the Chinese way to address hotspot issues. In my view, the following four commitments are vitally important. > > First, a commitment to non-interference in internal affairs. China always respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the countries concerned, and plays good offices in light of their needs and wishes and in line with the U.N. Charter. > > Second, a commitment to political settlement. In addressing disagreements and disputes, willful use of force should not be allowed, let alone relying obsessively on pressure and sanctions. What is needed is to advance dialogue and consultation with the utmost patience and find the biggest common ground that accommodates the needs of all sides. On all hotspot issues, China always promotes talks for peace. We never add fuel to the fire. > > Third, a commitment to objectivity and impartiality. China forms its stance based on the merits of each issue. We do not use double standards, or favor one side over the other, or seek selfish geopolitical interests. All peoples in the world have a sense of justice in their hearts. Credibility comes before influence. > > Fourth, a commitment to addressing both symptoms and root causes. It is important to deflate tensions as quickly as possible to prevent escalation or spillover, and at the same time, it is also crucial to look into the root causes in a systemic and dialectical way and take a holistic approach to resolving disputes. Band-aid solutions are not advisable, nor are short-sighted, utilitarian, or finger-pointing tactics. On China-EU relations: > A few years back, an EU policy paper labeled China as a partner, competitor and systemic rival at the same time. However, facts have shown that this characterization is neither consistent with reality nor viable. On the contrary, it only caused distractions and created obstacles for China-EU relations. It’s like driving to a crossing and finding the red, yellow and green lights all on at the same time. How can you drive on? > > In fact, China and Europe do not have clashing fundamental interests between them, or geopolitical and strategic conflicts. Their common interests far outweigh their differences. In the context of China-EU relations, the two sides should be characterized rightly as partners. Cooperation should be the defining feature of the relationship, autonomy its key value, and win-win its future. We hope that China-EU relations will move ahead smoothly with green lights at every crossing. On Taiwan: > The elections in Taiwan are just local elections in one part of China. The result does not change, even in the slightest terms, the basic fact that Taiwan is part of China. Nor does it change the historical trend of Taiwan’s return to the motherland. Since the elections ended, more than 180 countries and international organizations have reaffirmed their commitment to the one-China principle and their support for China in safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity. This sufficiently proves that the one-China principle is already a prevailing international consensus. Those who connive at and support “Taiwan independence” are just challenging China’s sovereignty. Certain countries that still insist on maintaining official relations with Taiwan are just interfering in China’s internal affairs. I believe that some day, there will be a family photo of the whole international community in which all members uphold the one-China principle. It is only a matter of time. > > The separatist activities for “Taiwan independence” are the most destructive elements to the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. To truly safeguard cross-Strait peace, we must unequivocally oppose “Taiwan independence.” The stronger the commitment to the one-China principle is, the greater the guarantee for the peace across the Strait will be. > > Our policy is quite clear—we will continue to strive for peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity. Our bottom line is also quite clear—we will never allow Taiwan to be separated from the motherland. Whoever engage in “Taiwan independence” on the island will be held accountable by history. Whoever in the world connive at and support “Taiwan independence” will get burned for playing with fire and taste the bitter fruit of their own doing. > > People on both sides of the Taiwan Strait share a close kinship, and our roots as one nation cannot be severed. All people of Chinese descent should uphold the overall interests of the Chinese nation, jointly oppose “Taiwan independence,” and support peaceful reunification. On Ukraine: > On the Ukraine issue, China has all along held an objective and impartial position and promoted peace talks. President Xi Jinping had in-depth exchanges with world leaders including those of Russia and Ukraine. China has also published its position paper, and its special representative has traveled intensively to mediate among different parties. All our efforts point to one goal, that is, to pave the way for ending the conflict and starting peace talks. > > One strong impression we got at the recent Munich Security Conference is that, as more and more people begin to worry about a possible lose-lose outcome, they are ready to create conditions to explore a reliable way out of this crisis. > > Past experience shows that a conflict, when prolonged, tends to deteriorate and escalate, even to the extent unthinkable for parties concerned. In the absence of peace talks, misperception and miscalculation will accumulate and may lead to an even bigger crisis. Lessons in this regard should not be forgotten. > > All conflicts have to end at the negotiating table. The earlier the talks start, the sooner peace will arrive. As long as all parties abide by the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, and their legitimate concerns are properly addressed, a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture can and will be established in Europe. > > President Xi Jinping has put forward four points about what must be done. They are China’s fundamental guide in seeking a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. China supports the holding in due course of an international peace conference that is recognized by both Russia and Ukraine and ensures the equal participation of all parties and fair discussions on all peace plans. China looks forward to the early restoration of peace and stability on the European continent and will continue to play a constructive role to this end. On South China Sea: > The Chinese people have lived by and worked in the South China Sea for generations. Since early days, the South China Sea Islands have been territories under the jurisdiction of the Chinese government in accordance with the law. Nowadays, the South China Sea is the busiest, safest and freest waterway in the world. For decades, fifty percent of the world’s merchant vessels have sailed through this waterway, accounting for one-third of maritime trade, and this has never been disrupted or hampered. Despite the turbulence in the world, peace and stability in the South China Sea have been maintained thanks to the collective efforts of China and ASEAN countries. This does not come by easily and should be dearly cherished. > > The most important experience we have drawn is that we must adhere to two principles. First, differences should be properly managed and resolved through dialogue, consultation, or negotiation between states directly involved. Second, peace at the sea should be upheld by China and ASEAN countries working together. These are also the core principles in the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) signed in 2002. > > On maritime disputes, China has been exercising a high degree of restraint. We maintain that parties should find solutions that are acceptable to each and all by working in the spirit of good-neighborliness and friendship, and on the basis of respecting historical and legal facts. But abusing such good faith should not be allowed. Distorting maritime laws cannot be accepted. In face of deliberate infringements, we will take justified actions to defend our rights in accordance with the law. In face of unwarranted provocation, we will respond with prompt and legitimate countermeasures. We also urge certain countries outside this region not to make provocations, pick sides, or stir up troubles and problems in the South China Sea. On AI: > Artificial intelligence is now at a crucial stage of explosive growth. We believe that there should be equal emphasis on development and security. New things and new opportunities should be embraced; and at the same time, brakes should be checked before setting off. Concerted efforts are needed to advance global governance on AI. The Global AI Governance Initiative put forward by President Xi Jinping last October has clearly laid out China’s position and proposals. > > Our main focus is to ensure three principles are met. First, ensure that AI is a force for good. Development of AI should be conducive to the welfare of all humanity, in line with ethics and norms, in conformity with the rules of international law, and in keeping with the trend of human civilization. Second, ensure safety. AI should always be placed under human control, with constantly improving interpretability and predictability. For that purpose, plans should be made to assess and control various kinds of risks. Third, ensure fairness. An international AI governance institution should be set up under the U.N. framework and all countries should be able to participate on equal terms in the process of AI development and share in its benefits fairly. > > I wish to stress that attempts to create “small yard, high fence” in AI development would result in mistakes with historic consequences. Such attempts cannot block other countries’ technological development. They would only fragment international industrial and supply chains and undercut humanity’s ability to tackle risks and challenges. > > China takes an active and open approach on AI cooperation with other countries and has established dialogue mechanisms with a number of countries. In the field of AI, cooperation between major countries is vital, so is capacity-building for developing countries. We will submit in due course to the U.N. General Assembly a draft resolution on enhancing international cooperation on capacity-building of artificial intelligence in order to encourage technology sharing among parties, bridge the AI divide, and leave no one behind. On China-Africa relations: > The tradition that Chinese foreign ministers start their overseas visits every year with a trip to Africa has continued for 34 years. This is unparalleled in the history of international exchanges. It is so because China and Africa are brothers treating each other with sincerity and sharing a common future. We have fought shoulder to shoulder against imperialism and colonialism. We have supported each other in pursuit of development. We have always stood for justice in a changing international landscape. > > The Global South, including China and Africa, is growing fast and profoundly shaping the course of world history. African countries are experiencing a new awakening. Models imposed from outside have brought Africa neither stability nor prosperity. African countries need to explore development paths suited to their national conditions and keep their future and destiny firmly in their own hands. > > In this new historical process, China will continue to stand firmly with our African brothers and supports an Africa that is truly independent in thinking and ideas. China will assist Africa in building capacity for self-driven development and support faster modernization in Africa. > > China always holds that Africa should not be marginalized. While China-Africa cooperation thrives, other major countries have again turned their eyes to Africa. China welcomes that. We hope that, like China, all sides will pay greater attention to Africa and increase input to support Africa’s development. China stands ready for more trilateral and multilateral cooperation on the basis of respecting the will of Africa. On Korea: > The Korean Peninsula issue has been lingering for years. It has a clear root cause. That is, Cold War vestiges persist, a peace mechanism remains absent, and the security issue is yet to be fundamentally resolved. It also has a ready script. This is what China envisages as the dual-track approach and the principle of phased and synchronized actions. > > Currently, tensions are rising on the Peninsula. This is not what China wants to see. The world is turbulent enough. Renewed conflict and turmoil should not happen on the Peninsula. Anyone trying to use the Korean Peninsula issue to revive the retrogressive Cold War confrontation will be held accountable by history; anyone undermining regional peace and stability will pay a heavy price. > > China maintains a consistent position on the issue. All our efforts come down to one thing—to champion peace, stability and lasting security on the Peninsula. The imperative now is to desist from acts of deterrence and applying pressure, and move out of the spiral of escalating confrontation. The fundamental solution lies in resuming dialogue and negotiation; addressing the legitimate security concerns of all parties, especially those of the DPRK; and advancing the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue. On U.N.: > China always believes that there is only one system in the world, i.e. the international system with the U.N. at its core; there is only one order, i.e. the international order underpinned by international law; and there is only one set of rules, i.e. the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter. No country should do whatever suits it or reinvent the wheel. The crises and challenges seen in recent years serve as repeated warnings that the role of the U.N. should be strengthened, not weakened, and the status of the U.N. must be upheld, not replaced. > > Over the last 70 years and more since its founding, the U.N. has weathered wind and rain and withstood the impact of power politics. It remains the most universal, representative and authoritative intergovernmental organization, the core mechanism for achieving world peace and development, and an important platform for the many small- and medium-sized countries to participate in international affairs as equals. > > At the same time, the U.N. also needs to reform and improve in keeping with the times, to adapt to the new realities of international political and economic development and to increase the representation and say of developing countries. Major countries in particular need to assume their responsibilities and help the U.N., including its Security Council, to better fulfill its mandate, build global consensus more effectively, mobilize global resources, and coordinate global actions. On BRI: > We will promote the upgrading of physical connectivity. We will continue to develop a multidimensional global infrastructure connectivity network that is high-quality, sustainable and resilient and covers sea, land and air. We will accelerate the development of a digital Silk Road, redouble efforts to build a green Silk Road, and work with BRI partners in addressing various new challenges.  > > The type of modernization China pursues is not one that benefits China alone. We hope that high-quality Belt and Road cooperation will serve as an engine of the common development of all countries and an accelerator for the modernization of the whole world. On Global South: > A stronger BRICS means growing force for peace and increasing international support for justice. It should not be seen as a challenge. In a broader sense, BRICS expansion reflects the collective rise of the Global South and a world evolving faster toward multipolarity. Consisting of emerging markets and developing countries, the Global South now takes up over 40 percent of the world economy, changing the global economic landscape in a profound way. Independence is its distinct quality and seeking strength through unity is its tradition. The Global South is no longer the “silent majority,” but a key force for reforming the international order and a source of hope as the world undergoes profound changes unseen in a century. > > China was, is and will be a steadfast member of the Global South. We go through thick and thin and head toward a shared future together with countries of the South, and we are always a crucial force for the development and prosperity of the Global South. On China's stories: > Q: Last year, China’s voice grew stronger in the world and more are hoping to learn about China’s stories. What in your eyes is most notable and significant about China’s stories in the new era? What can foreign journalists do in communicating China’s stories? > > This is a good question. Over the past few years, foreign journalists in China have covered many lively stories about China: from a string of Shenzhou space missions to the Fendouzhe submersible diving in the deepest oceanic trench, from reversing desertification to promoting low-carbon lifestyle, from the Asian Games in Hangzhou to the basketball games in rural Guizhou province called VBA. You have told the world inspiring stories of 1.4 billion people working as one for the Chinese Dream. You have shown the world a vibrant China in the new era. Let me take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for the good work of our friends from the media. > > China’s stories are fascinating. They are first and foremost stories of the CPC. For over a century, the CPC has rallied and led the Chinese people in a tireless endeavor, blazing the Chinese path to modernization and creating development miracles unseen in human history. This is the leading theme of the stories about China. China’s stories are essentially stories of the Chinese people. The people are the lead characters of China’s stories. Under the leadership of the CPC, the 1.4 billion-plus Chinese people have been working tenaciously and building happy lives with their own hard work. This is the most notable chapter in China’s stories. China’s stories are also stories of common progress of China and the rest of the world. China keeps its development closely linked with that of other countries. Taking determined steps to reform and open up, China has grown stronger and brought benefits to the world. This is the most far-reaching part of China’s stories. > > You ask why good storytelling about China is important. People need to realize that China’s stories do not exist in isolation. They are instead important chapters of the stories of humanity. They speak to a truth: when countries proceed from their own national conditions to explore modernization paths, they will together make up a new, colorful vista of world modernization. > > There are more foreign journalists telling China’s stories. One of them sees it as a lifelong mission because China is a place that makes the impossible possible. I can see more foreign influencers becoming popular with viewers from around the world for sharing their experiences in China. More foreign friends are welcome to join us in telling the stories of an energetic, bustling China and of China working hand in hand with other countries to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

    China qwename 8 months ago 96%
    Facts about the upcoming Chinese New Year (Year of the Loong) on February 10, 2024

    The first day of the traditional Chinese calendar (农历, nóng lì) is known as 春节 (chūn jié, Spring Festival) or Chinese New Year, this year it falls on February 10, 2024. The traditional Chinese calendar system uses 天干地支 (tiān gān dì zhī, abbreviated to 干支) to mark the years: - 10 天干 (tiān gān, Heavenly Stems), they can be used like an alphabet: - A 甲 (jiǎ) - B 乙 (yǐ) - C 丙 (bǐng) - D 丁 (dīng) - E 戊 (wù) - F 己 (jǐ) - G 庚 (gēng) - H 辛 (xīn) - I 壬 (rén) - J 癸 (guǐ) - 12 地支 (dì zhī, Earthly Branches), which corresponds to the 12 生肖 (shēng xiào, animals of the Chinese zodiac), and is also used in the traditional Chinese clock system, they can be used like a numbering system: - 1 子 (zǐ) / 鼠 (shǔ, rat) / 11 pm to 1 am - 2 丑 (chǒu) / 牛 (niú, ox) / 1 am to 3 am - 3 寅 (yín) / 虎 (hǔ, tiger) / 3 am to 5 am - 4 卯 (mǎo) / 兔 (tù, rabbit) / 5 am to 7 am) - 5 辰 (chén) / 龙 (lóng, loong or Chinese dragon) / 7 am to 9 am - 6 巳 (sì) / 蛇 (shé, snake) / 9 am to 11 am - 7 午 (wǔ) / 马 (mǎ, horse) / 11 am to 1 pm - 8 未 (wèi) / 羊 (yáng, sheep) / 1 pm to 3 pm - 9 申 (shēn) / 猴 (hóu, monkey) / 3 pm to 5 pm - 10 酉 (yǒu) / 鸡 (jī, rooster) / 5 pm to 7 pm - 11 戌 (xū) / 狗 (gǒu, dog) / 7 pm to 9 pm - 12 亥 (hài) / 猪 (zhū, pig) / 9 pm to 11 pm So in this system, the first year is 甲子 (A1), then 乙丑 (B2), 丙寅 (C3) and so on, rotating through the 10 天干 and 12 地支 until all permutations are reached. Thus there are 60 years (六十甲子) total in a cycle from 甲子 (A1) to 癸亥 (J12). This upcoming new year is the 甲辰 (jiǎ chén) year, the 41st year in the cycle. 辰 corresponds to 龙 making it the Year of the Loong. The Loong or Chinese dragon is different from the western concept of dragon, it is an auspicious symbol, a symbol of authority, strength, wisdom, luck, etc. Examples: ![]( (source: ![]( (source: Post image: ![]( 龙行龘龘 (lóng xíng dá dá, also the theme of CCTV's 2024 Spring Festival Gala), the phrase describes loongs soaring proudly and enthusiastically ![]( (source:

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    GenZedong qwename 8 months ago 100%
    UNSC Meeting Following Air Strikes in Yemen

    My summary of the statements from Russia/US/UK/China about the legality of US and UK's attacks on Yemeni territory Russia: > VASSILY A. NEBENZIA (Russian Federation) noted the massive strike on Yemeni territory on 11 January by “a so-called international coalition”, headed by the United States and United Kingdom and including Australia, Canada, Bahrain and the Netherlands ... > > ... The exercise of the right to self-defence does not apply to commercial shipping, he said, noting that freedom of navigation is governed by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which provides for negotiation and arbitration in the event of violations. > > ... the concept of piracy does not apply in this case and pointed out: “Even if we’re talking about pirates, the Convention gives you the right to seize a pirate vessel and prosecute the crew and not to bomb yet another country back to the Stone Age.” > > ... resolution 2722 (2024) does not authorize the arbitrary acts that the United States and its satellites are carrying out in Yemen. UK: > BARBARA WOODWARD (United Kingdom) recalled that on 9 January, the Houthis attacked naval vessels of her country and the United States. On 11 January, her country took limited, necessary and proportionate action in self-defence alongside the United States, with the non-operational support of the Netherlands, Canada, Bahrain and Australia. > > ... The United Kingdom published a summary of its legal position on its strikes against the Houthis and reported to the Council in writing in accordance with Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations. US: > LINDA THOMAS-GREENFIELD (United States) noted that in response to ongoing and escalating Houthi attacks in the Red Sea, the United States and United Kingdom, with support from four countries, conducted a number of joint strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen to disrupt and degrade their ability to continue those reckless attacks. The strikes were necessary and proportionate, consistent with international law and the United States’ inherent right to self-defence under Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations. ... > > She noted that on 18 December, the United States formed Operation Prosperity Guardian, a 22-country defensive coalition, citing ongoing Houthi attacks and her country’s military response, while pursuing a diplomatic response. She cited resolution 2722 (2024), which references the inherent right of Member States to defend their vessels. ... China: > ZHANG JUN (China) expressed grave concern over the launch of strikes against the Houthis by the United Kingdom and the United States. His country called repeatedly on the Houthis to immediately cease their attacks and harassments on commercial vessels and respect the navigation rights of the commercial vessels of all countries. ... > > ... Expressing regret over the latest military actions against Yemen, he observed that they destructed infrastructure and caused civilian casualties. They also heightened security risks in the Red Sea and risked undermining the ongoing political process. The Council has never authorized any State to use force. Their military actions are at odds with Council resolution 2722 (2024). No country shall misinterpret or abuse international law. ... Russia: > Mr. NEBENZIA (Russian Federation), taking the floor a second time, called the arguments put forward by the United States and the United Kingdom “very weak”. There is no legal basis on which to justify their attacks on sovereign Yemen, he underscored, questioning what right to self-defence can exist when London and Washington, D.C., are thousands of miles away from the Gulf of Aden. Disproportionately and illegally bombing another State is not the same as defending commercial shipping. “The Anglo-Saxon juror and their satellites”, he said, are once again flagrantly violating the Charter of the United Nations and other norms of international law, further destabilizing the situation in a Middle East already in flames. ... US: > Ms. THOMAS-GREENFIELD (United States) said that her delegation was clear in its statement — “despite the fact that my Russian colleague thinks it was weak”. The United States carried out action under Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations to ensure freedom of navigation and the free flow of commerce. ... UK: > Ms. WOODWARD (United Kingdom) said that her delegation has both “published a summary of our legal position on last night’s strikes” and reported to the Council in writing in accordance with Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations. What is this Article 51? > Article 51 > > Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.

    China qwename 8 months ago 96%
    Suggestions for new /c/China icon and banner

    The current banner is a photo of Chi Lin Nunnery ( in Hong Kong, which looks good, but I think it is not appropriate as a banner for China. The current icon is a photo of China's flag, but I think it could be better. Current banner: ![]( Current icon: ![]( Please leave your suggestions for a new community icon and banner, make sure to indicate where the image is from and what it is about.

    China qwename 8 months ago 100%
    Request to mod /c/China

    cross-posted from: > I just noticed that out of the 4 moderators of [!](, 3 have been inactive since 2020/2021 ([](, [](, [](, and along with the 4th mod ([](, all of them are the same moderators of [!]( > > I hereby make a request to become a moderator of [!](, and to remove all 4 current mods. > > My qualifications include: > - I am Chinese > - I like to fact check information > > I hope other comrades will also step forward to help moderate [!](

    People's Court qwename 8 months ago 96%
    Request to mod /c/China

    I just noticed that out of the 4 moderators of [!](, 3 have been inactive since 2020/2021 ([](, [](, [](, and along with the 4th mod ([](, all of them are the same moderators of [!]( I hereby make a request to become a moderator of [!](, and to remove all 4 current mods. My qualifications include: - I am Chinese - I like to fact check information I hope other comrades will also step forward to help moderate [!](

    GenZedong qwename 8 months ago 100%
    (ICJ) Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel)

    Link includes press releases, verbatim records, videos ( of this International Court of Justice (ICJ) case between South Africa and Israel.

    China qwename 9 months ago 96%
    CPC Central Committee holds symposium commemorating 130th anniversary of Mao's birth

    Chairman Mao Memorial Hall ![]( ![]( Revised books on Mao's articles and life chronicles published ![]( ![]( China issues commemorative stamps to mark Mao's 130th birth anniversary Stamps on China Post website ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](

    GenZedong qwename 9 months ago 96%
    "Jewish State" U.S. Is Chief Culprit of Genocide: KCNA Commentary

    Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- "As long as the United States exists, you will never be alone." This is what the U.S. frequently says to Israel. The "true meaning" of those words has been brought to light by the U.S. unethical act of actively supporting Israel's massacre of Palestinians. On December 8, the U.S. Department of State adopted a decision to immediately deliver about 14 000 tank shells to Israel, which is scaling up its barbarous military operations in Gaza Strip, without congressional review. Only the U.S. vetoed a proposed United Nations Security Council demand for an immediate ceasefire between the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Israel on the same day, thus again pouring cold water on the efforts of the international community to prevent bloodshed in the Middle East. Thus, the U.S. completely took off its veil of "mediator" for peace in the Middle East and betrayed before the world its "involvement" in the genocide of Palestinians. It is the fact well known to the world that the U.S. has actively supported, encouraged and shielded the ceaseless moves of the Zionists for territorial expansion, not content with establishing a Jewish "state" by dividing the Palestinian territory. The successive rulers of the U.S. have zealously supported the Zionists in a bid to continuously use them as a shock brigade for carrying out their strategy to split and dominate the countries in the Middle East. But the point is that the U.S. is itself a Jewish state. Now in the U.S. Jews and the pro-Israeli camp actually control almost all fabrics of society, including politics, economy and media, so its administration's invariable pro-Israeli policy has become an intrinsic demand of the U.S. This time the U.S. announced that it adopted the above-said decision "in the light of its national security interests." This clearly indicates that the Jewish state U.S. deems Israel's security its own stability and security. That's why the U.S. talked such rubbish that the ceasefire in the present situation only benefits Hamas, exercising veto at the UNSC meeting, and terms the just cause of Palestinians "terrorism" and Israel's massacre "exercise of the right to self-defense." The Zionists, buoyed up by the U.S. support, are getting more frantic in their bloody killings. Israeli troops, leaving Al-Shifa Hospital, the largest hospital in Gaza Strip, destroyed all medical equipment there, and reduced the last hospital in the northern part of Gaza to a "grave ward" through brutal bombardment. This is just a piece of evidence proving the terrible disaster caused by the U.S. patronage of Zionists' massacre. Such an evil empire impudently calls for "protecting civilians and decreasing civilian casualties," further angering the international community. Even some prejudiced international public opinions are now approaching the Middle East situation with a new vision and many countries of the world are becoming increasingly vocal in their criticism that the "Middle East strategy" pursued by the U.S. has brought nothing but a vicious cycle of bloody confrontation and war to the region. Anti-U.S. demonstrations and rallies take place every day not only in Arab countries but also in some "allies" of the U.S., demanding a halt to encouraging and shielding the bloodshed in the Middle East. The question is, until when will the U.S., being condemned and rejected worldwide and pushed to a pitfall, remain "faithful" to its "mission" as a "Jewish state"? Time will prove that the U.S. will face due punishment by the international community for shielding Israel being fattened by the "feast of blood."

    GenZedong qwename 9 months ago 100%
    Full text of Xi's speech at meeting with representatives of young Chinese, Vietnamese, people who have contributed to China-Vietnam friendship

    > jointly announced our decision to build a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that **carries strategic significance**, thus ushering in a new stage in the relations between our two parties and countries. This is a major strategic decision we have made to **revitalize world socialism** and ensure long-term stability and security of our two countries.

    China qwename 9 months ago 100%
    10th anniversary of national memorial day for Nanjing Massacre victims

    > December 13 marks the 10th national memorial day and the 86th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, which took place in 1937. During the six-week massacre, Japanese invaders brutally killed about 300,000 Chinese civilians and unarmed soldiers. > A memorial ceremony is underway at the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders to remember those killed by Japanese aggressors during World War II. In 2014, China's top legislature designated December 13 as the national memorial day to keep the darkest history firmly in mind and cherish the hard-won peace. Join CGTN's special coverage for more.

    GenZedong qwename 10 months ago 95%
    Some thoughts on China's position on Palestine and Kissinger

    The Japanese killed 35 million people in China in the 14 years from 1931 to 1945 (, but we established diplomatic ties with them in 1972 when Mao Zedong was still around. In the joint-statement of 1972 is this line: > (五)中华人民共和国政府宣布:为了中日两国人民的友好,放弃对日本国的战争赔偿要求。 Or in English from > 5. The Government of the People's Republic of China declares that in the interest of the friendship between the Chinese and the Japanese peoples, it renounces its demand for war reparation from Japan. How did you think Chinese people reacted when China renounced the demands for war reparations! On Lemmygrad I hesitate to comment on the two-state solution for Palestine, because the comments I get here from posting China’s position on it are very “left-leaning” (left-adventurism, not yet ultra-left). Yes I would prefer if Palestine could reclaim all its land “from the river to the sea”, I like the idea but I do not support it as a solution. Why do I support a two-state solution? My comments on it from this post ( > A one-state solution for Palestine will still result in conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, the current Israeli colonialism in Palestine will just turn into Israeli separatism from a single Palestinian state. > I think that as long as the American imperialists are still supporting Israel, they won’t “make peace” with Palestine. A two-state solution is a compromise in the event that the US stops giving support. > Korea is an existing example of a two-state solution waiting to be resolved by the north side, they also separated about the same time as Palestine. I suspect that after implementing a two-state solution, Palestine will get the same treatment as Korea or Cuba by the US with sanctions or embargoes. There’s also China’s friendliness towards Henry Kissinger as exemplified by the Chinese ambassador's attendance at his 100th birthday party, and by Kissinger's visit to China where Xi met with him and calls him an “old friend of Chinese people”, which I won't comment on. As humans we have our own thoughts and emotions about certain topics, but Marxists should not be content with idealist approaches to resolving problems.

    GenZedong qwename 10 months ago 97%
    Chinese FM says two-state solution only way to resolve Palestinian question

    Video available from the UN at: > The two-state solution is the only way to fundamentally resolve the Palestinian question, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Wednesday. > When meeting the press after presiding over a high-level meeting of the UN Security Council on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, stressed that the two-state solution is the only way out. > The settlement of the Palestinian question does not lack for grand plans or slogans, but the courage and actions to stand up for justice, Wang said. > "The two-state solution is the bottom line for international justice. There is no stepping back from that. Independent statehood is an inalienable national right of the Palestinian people, a right that cannot be traded away," he said. > "In the face of the historical injustice long suffered by the Palestinian people, no one has an excuse to procrastinate and there is no justification for inaction. When it comes to the issues bearing on the future of the Palestinian people, no country has a veto right," said Wang. > The Palestinian question is at the heart of the Middle East issue and must be prioritized, rather than marginalized, on the international agenda, he said, noting that only when the two-state solution is fully implemented can the Middle East enjoy genuine peace and Israel enjoy lasting security. > China calls for the convening of a more broadly-based, more authoritative, and more effective international peace conference to further build consensus on promoting peace and work out a concrete timetable and roadmap to push for a comprehensive, just, and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question, he said. Also not included in the news report is this following Q&A at the end of the press meeting: > Q: I was wondering why is it so hard in your opinion for the Security Council (as a permanent member) to condemn Hamas, and since you're here, we're very concerned about the pneumonia cases in China. Are you concerned about opening up the country to foreigners without visa regarding this? > A: Well it is first and foremost up to the people in Palestine to decide how to view Hamas. China always stand firmly against all forms of terrorism, in the meantime we emphasize that there should be no double standards when it comes to opposing terrorism, and such opposition of terrorism should not be targeted against any particular ethnic group or religion. > China has a fully-fledged medical system. Recently we have seen some clusters of flu cases among children in certain parts of China. In fact that is a very common phenomenon in many countries, and in China that has been put under effective control > China's interactions with the international community will not be affected by any factors, and we welcome more visits from friends from across the world, including you.

    GenZedong qwename 10 months ago 94%
    Position Paper of the People’s Republic of China on Resolving the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

    > The current Palestinian-Israeli conflict has caused heavy civilian casualties and a serious humanitarian disaster. It is a grave concern of the international community. President Xi Jinping stated China's principled position on the current Palestinian-Israeli situation on a number of occasions. He stressed the need for an immediate ceasefire and ending the fighting, ensuring that the humanitarian corridors are safe and unimpeded, and preventing the expansion of the conflict. He pointed out that the fundamental way out of this lies in the two-state solution, building international consensus for peace, and working toward a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question at an early date. > Pursuant to the Charter of the United Nations, the Security Council shoulders primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, and should thus play an active and constructive role on the question of Palestine. In this connection, China offers the following proposals: > 1. Implementing a comprehensive ceasefire and ending the fighting. Parties to the conflict should truly implement the relevant UNGA and UNSC resolutions and immediately realize a durable and sustained humanitarian truce. Building on UNSC Resolution 2712, the Security Council, in response to the calls of the international community, should explicitly demand a comprehensive ceasefire and end of the fighting, work for deescalation of the conflict, and cool down the situation as soon as possible. > 2. Protecting civilians effectively. The UNSC resolution demands in explicit terms that all parties comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law, notably with regard to the protection of civilians. It is imperative to stop any violent attacks against civilians and violations of international humanitarian law, and avoid attacks on civilian facilities. The Security Council should further send a clear message on opposing forced transfer of the Palestinian civilian population, preventing the displacement of Palestinian civilians, and calling for the release of all civilians and hostages held captive as soon as possible. > 3. Ensuring humanitarian assistance. All relevant parties must, as per requirements of the UNSC resolution, refrain from depriving the civilian population in Gaza of supplies and services indispensable to their survival, set up humanitarian corridors in Gaza to enable rapid, safe, unhindered and sustainable humanitarian access, and avoid a humanitarian disaster of even greater gravity. The Security Council should encourage the international community to ramp up humanitarian assistance, improve the humanitarian situation on the ground, and support the coordinating role of the United Nations as well as the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in humanitarian assistance, and prepare the international community for supporting post-conflict reconstruction in Gaza. > 4. Enhancing diplomatic mediation. The Security Council should leverage its role in facilitating peace as mandated in the UN Charter to demand that parties to the conflict exercise restraint to prevent the conflict from widening and uphold peace and stability in the Middle East. The Security Council should value the role of regional countries and organizations, support the good offices of the UN Secretary General and the Secretariat, and encourage countries with influence on parties to the conflict to uphold an objective and just position so as to jointly play a constructive role in deescalating the crisis. > 5. Seeking political settlement. According to relevant UNSC resolutions and international consensus, the fundamental settlement of the question of Palestine lies in the implementation of the two-state solution, restoration of the legitimate national rights of Palestine, and the establishment of an independent State of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 border and with east Jerusalem as its capital. The Security Council should help restore the two-state solution. A more broad-based, authoritative and effective international peace conference led and organized by the UN should be held as soon as possible to formulate a concrete timetable and roadmap for the implementation of the two-state solution and facilitate a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question of Palestine. **Any arrangement on the future of Gaza must respect the will and independent choice of the Palestinian people, and must not be imposed upon them.**

    Palestine qwename 10 months ago 100%
    Israel, Hamas agree on four-day ceasefire

    More info: Israel approves hostage release deal with Hamas

    GenZedong qwename 10 months ago 100%
    Extraordinary Joint Meeting of BRICS Leaders and Leaders of invited BRICS Members on the situation in the Middle East with particular reference to Gaza

    Speeches at the meeting by leaders from Brazil, Russia, China, South Africa, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and UAE. Will update this post for India, Argentina and Ethiopia as more information becomes available. Tap the word *spoiler* below each country to see the full text. **South Africa** (organizer): Opening remarks by President Cyril Ramaphosa to the Extraordinary Joint Meeting of BRICS Leaders and Leaders of invited BRICS members on the situation in the Middle East ::: spoiler spoiler Your Excellencies, Leaders of BRICS nations, Your Excellencies, Leaders of Invited BRICS Members, Ministers, Sherpas and Sous Sherpas Officials, Thank you for your attendance at this Extraordinary Joint Meeting to address a matter of grave global concern. Since the 7th of October, when more than 1,200 people were killed in an attack by Hamas on Israel, the world has born witness to the devastating killing of thousands of innocent civilians in Gaza, many of whom are women and children. Over 11,000 residents of Gaza have been killed. Many thousands more have been injured. Infrastructure, homes, hospitals and other public facilities have been destroyed. More than half of Gaza’s population has been displaced. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have been affected by this violence in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. The actions by Israel are in clear violation of international law, including the UN Charter and the Geneva Convention read together with its protocols. In its attacks on civilians and by taking hostages, Hamas has also violated international law and must be held accountable for these actions. The collective punishment of Palestinian civilians through the unlawful use of force by Israel is a war crime. The deliberate denial of medicine, fuel, food and water to the residents of Gaza is tantamount to genocide. The atrocities that we have witnessed are the latest chapter in a painful history of suffering, oppression, occupation and conflict going back more than 75 years. The root cause of this conflict is the illegal occupation of Palestinian territory by Israel as reflected in UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which states that “Israeli settlements constitutes a flagrant violation under international law.” We therefore urge the international community to agree on urgent and concrete actions to end the suffering in Gaza and establish a path towards a just and peaceful resolution of this conflict. As South Africa, we call for: First, an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire. Second, the opening of humanitarian corridors so that aid and other basic services reach all those in need. Third, all countries to exercise restraint and to desist from fueling this conflict, including by ceasing the supply of weapons to the parties. Fourth, the release of all civilian hostages. Fifth, the resumption of a comprehensive dialogue led and owned by Palestinians and Israelis themselves and facilitated by the United Nations. Sixth, the deployment of a UN Rapid Deployment Force in Palestine, with a mandate to monitor the cessation of hostilities and protect civilians. Lastly, the International Criminal Court to urgently initiate prosecutions against those responsible for the perpetration of war crimes. As South Africans, we appreciate the importance and value of international solidarity. As an important voice of the Global South representing a large part of humanity, we believe that BRICS has a vital role in a widespread international effort to achieve a just and lasting peace. As individual countries, we have demonstrated our grave concern at the death and destruction in Gaza. Let this meeting stand as a clarion call for us to combine our efforts and strengthen our actions to end this historical injustice. Let us work together to realise a just, peaceful and secure future for the people of both Palestine and Israel. I thank you. ::: **Brazil** (translated from Portuguese using DeepL): Speech by the President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, at the BRICS Extraordinary Virtual Summit ::: spoiler spoiler I thank President Ramaphosa for his initiative in calling this extraordinary meeting to deal with the emergency situation in Gaza. I would like to welcome the presence of the representatives of the countries invited to join the BRICS: Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates and Iran. Since the beginning of the current conflict between Israel and Palestine, I have had the opportunity to talk bilaterally with practically all the leaders gathered here. Brazil strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by Hamas on October 7 against the Israeli people. Three Brazilians were victims of these attacks. On several occasions, we have reiterated the call for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. However, such barbaric acts do not justify the use of indiscriminate and disproportionate force against civilians. We are facing a humanitarian catastrophe. Innocent people are paying the price for the insanity of war, especially women, children and the elderly. The high death toll - more than 12,000 people, including 5,000 children - causes us great consternation. There are also 29,000 wounded and 3,750 missing, many of whom are children. As the UN Secretary-General rightly said, Gaza is becoming a children's graveyard. In addition, at least 1.6 million people - around 70% of Gaza's population - have had to leave their homes, with no prospect of returning. We are also perplexed that more than a hundred UN officials have already lost their lives. When it chaired the United Nations Security Council in October, Brazil spared no effort in favor of dealing with the humanitarian emergency, containing the current escalation and resuming a lasting solution to the conflict. We proposed a resolution that was supported by the majority of members, but which was unfortunately vetoed by one of the permanent members. The Council's paralysis is yet another demonstration of the urgency of its reform. It was only on November 15, more than 40 days after the start of the conflicts, that the Security Council finally approved a Resolution that focuses on one of the most essential objectives of all humanitarian action: the protection of children. The challenge now is to ensure that the humanitarian truce established by the Resolution is implemented immediately. Once again, the credibility of the United Nations is at stake. Dear colleagues, Two other issues deserve our attention. The first is that we must act to prevent the war from spreading to neighboring countries. The contribution of BRICS, in its new configuration, together with all the actors in favor of self-restraint and de-escalation is valuable and essential. Brazil does not believe that peace can only be created by force of arms. We have a long national experience that reinforces our faith in peace created by fair diplomatic negotiation. Secondly, we must not forget that the current war also stems from decades of frustration and injustice, represented by the absence of a safe home for the Palestinian people. It is essential to keep a close eye on the situation in the West Bank, where illegal Israeli settlements continue to threaten the viability of a Palestinian state. The recognition of a viable Palestinian state, living side by side with Israel, with secure and mutually recognized borders, is the only possible solution. We need to resume the peace process between Israel and Palestine as soon as possible. The Arab Peace Initiative, presented by Saudi Arabia and adopted by the League of Arab States in 2002, seems to us to be an excellent starting point. I am convinced of the potential of this group to mobilize political and diplomatic forces in favour of the peaceful resolution of disputes. Brazil will continue to be ready to support all initiatives that lead to a political solution to this conflict. I would like to end my speech with a special thank you to President Al-Sisi and other leaders for their support for the repatriation of 32 Brazilians and family members of Brazilians who asked us to help them leave the Gaza Strip. Thank you very much. ::: **Russia** (translated from Russian using DeepL) Vladimir Putin took part in an extraordinary BRICS summit on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict via videoconference ::: spoiler spoiler Dear Mr. Ramaphosa! Dear colleagues, dear friends! We consider the initiative of the President of South Africa, as the current Chair of BRICS, to convene an extraordinary summit of our Association to discuss the acute situation in the Gaza Strip to be very timely. The deaths of thousands of people, the mass expulsion of civilians and the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded are of the utmost concern. Just now, a colleague spoke of the deaths of a large number of children. That is terrible, but when you watch children being operated on without anesthesia, it certainly evokes special feelings. All these events are, in fact, a direct consequence of the United States' desire to monopolize the mediation functions in the Palestinian-Israeli settlement and its blocking of the activities of the Middle East Quartet of international mediators. History has thus clearly demonstrated the unviable and counterproductive nature of single-handed attempts to cut the "Palestinian knot". Because of the sabotage of UN decisions, which clearly provide for the establishment and peaceful coexistence of two independent and sovereign states - Israel and Palestine - more than one generation of Palestinians has been brought up in an atmosphere of injustice shown to their people, and Israelis cannot fully guarantee the security of their state. Russia's position is consistent and non-conjectural. We call for a united effort by the international community to de-escalate the situation, bring about a ceasefire and find a political solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The BRICS countries and the countries of the region could play a key role in this work. That is why it is particularly significant that our colleagues from the Middle Eastern countries, which received invitations to become full BRICS members this year, are participating in our meeting today. I would like to take this opportunity to respectfully acknowledge their efforts to normalize the situation. In particular, I am referring to the holding of the "Peace Summit" in Egypt and the extraordinary Arab-Islamic summit in Saudi Arabia. It is indicative that all BRICS countries share similar positions on the need to collectively achieve a long-term and sustainable solution to the long-standing Palestinian-Israeli problem. This was evident in the UN General Assembly vote on the draft resolution in favor of a humanitarian truce, as well as in the discussion of the UN Security Council resolution on the Middle East settlement adopted for the first time in seven years. Although this resolution only calls for a humanitarian pause, and not a full-fledged ceasefire, the very fact that it was approved is considered a step in the right direction. I emphasize that such humanitarian pauses, and preferably, of course, a full-fledged ceasefire, are necessary to continue efforts to free hostages and evacuate civilians and foreign nationals from the Gaza Strip. I cannot but express once again my great gratitude to President [Egyptian President Abdelfattah] Sisi and all Egyptian colleagues for their help in resolving many difficult issues related to ensuring the reception and sending home of Russians who have escaped the conflict zone. And of course, by and large, the most urgent task is to achieve a truly long-term and sustainable ceasefire. It is important, I agree with my Brazilian colleague, to prevent other States from being drawn into the war in the Middle East and any expansion of the geography of the conflict, as well as to preserve the fragile inter-confessional peace. In this regard, we consider it extremely useful to continue discussing within the BRICS framework the further development of the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation. If there are no objections, distinguished colleagues, we will initiate possible contacts, including via video link, on this issue during the upcoming Russian Chairmanship of the BRICS next year. In general, the new format of emergency online meetings of leaders proposed by [South African] President Cyril Ramaphosa seems very promising. And this applies not only to the Middle East settlement, but also to other pressing issues on the global and regional agenda. Thank you for your attention. ::: **China**: Remarks by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the extraordinary joint meeting of BRICS leaders and leaders of invited BRICS members on the situation in the Middle East with particular reference to Gaza ::: spoiler spoiler Your Excellency President Cyril Ramaphosa, Colleagues, This is our first summit since the expansion of BRICS. Before I speak about the issue of our discussion, I wish to extend a warm welcome to leaders of new BRICS members and express my thanks to President Ramaphosa and the South African government for your efforts that have made our meeting possible. Given the current circumstances, it is very timely and very important that we meet and speak up for justice and for peace on the Palestinian-Israeli issue. The conflict in Gaza is raging on into its second month. China is gravely concerned that the conflict is causing enormous civilian casualties and a humanitarian disaster, and tends to expand and spill over. China believes that the following is urgent and imperative: First, the parties to the conflict must end hostilities and achieve a ceasefire immediately, stop all violence and attacks against civilians, release civilians held captive, and act to prevent loss of more lives and spare people from more miseries. Second, humanitarian corridors must be kept secure and unimpeded, and more humanitarian assistance should be provided to the population in Gaza. The collective punishment of people in Gaza in the form of forced transfer or water, electricity and fuel deprivation must stop. Third, the international community must act with practical measures to prevent the conflict from spilling over and endangering stability in the Middle East as a whole. China supports the resolution adopted at the emergency special session of the U.N. General Assembly on October 27. The U.N. Security Council under China's presidency has adopted Resolution 2712. All the parties must act to deliver on these resolutions through concrete measures on the ground. The root cause of the Palestinian-Israeli situation is the fact that the right of the Palestinian people to statehood, their right to existence, and their right of return have long been ignored. I have emphasized on many occasions that the only viable way to break the cycle of Palestinian-Israeli conflict lies in the two-state solution, in the restoration of the legitimate national rights of Palestine, and in the establishment of an independent State of Palestine. There can be no sustainable peace and security in the Middle East without a just solution to the question of Palestine. China calls for early convening of an international peace conference that is more authoritative to build international consensus for peace and work toward an early solution to the question of Palestine that is comprehensive, just and sustainable. Since the outbreak of the latest Palestinian-Israeli conflict, China has been working actively to promote peace talks and a ceasefire. China has provided humanitarian assistance to help ease the humanitarian plight in Gaza. This includes USD 2 million of emergency humanitarian assistance provided through the Palestinian National Authority and U.N. agencies, and emergency humanitarian supplies worth RMB 15 million, such as food and medicine, to the Gaza Strip with the help of Egypt. China will provide more supplies and assistance according to the needs of the people in Gaza. At the U.N. Security Council, China has acted in its capacity as president to facilitate the adoption of the resolution, which calls for extended humanitarian pauses and corridors, the protection of civilians, and the provision of humanitarian assistance. Colleagues, The BRICS cooperation mechanism is an important platform for emerging markets and developing countries to strengthen solidarity and cooperation and safeguard common interests. Our meeting today to coordinate positions and actions on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict marks a good start for greater BRICS cooperation following its enlargement. China commends South Africa for its significant contribution as BRICS chair to advancing BRICS development. As Russia will take over BRICS chairmanship next year, China stands ready to work with other members to jointly support Russia's work as the chair and usher in a new era for BRICS cooperation. Thank you. ::: **Egypt**: President El-Sisi’s Speech at the Extraordinary Virtual Meeting of BRICS Leadersقسم-الأخبار/أخبار-رئاسية/news21112023/ ::: spoiler spoiler “In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful” Your Excellency, President Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa Your Excellencies, Leaders of the BRICS countries Allow me at the outset to express appreciation for the invitation to this crucial meeting and extend sincere gratitude for the decision by the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg to invite Egypt to join the grouping; an invitation that was welcomed by my country. I am confident that it will empower us to foster closer cooperation and joint coordination based on the principles of solidarity, mutual respect and respect for international law. Our summit comes at a critical juncture, as the Palestinian people are witnessing a continuous escalation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank that has claimed the lives of thousands of civilians, two-thirds of them women and children. The entire sector endured indiscriminate retribution, siege and deprivation of sustenance as well as coerced displacement efforts. These appalling humanitarian scenes came to expose the inability of the international community and the inertia of human conscience. Your Excellencies, Egypt has welcomed international efforts aimed at achieving a ceasefire and protecting civilians in the Gaza Strip, primarily UN Security Council Resolution 2712, which calls for reaching an immediate ceasefire and the establishment of humanitarian corridors stretched across the sector. Egypt is calling on the international community, in this regard, to pressure Israel, as the occupying power, to comply with the implementation of this resolution. Egypt has opposed and condemned the killing of civilians from all sides, and at the same time it denounces, in the strongest terms, the targeting of civilians and civilian facilities, particularly hospitals. Egypt emphasizes that the international community bears humanitarian and political responsibility to save civilians in Gaza and to end these inhumane practices that render life and living in Gaza impossible, forcing people to abandon their homes and lands. Ladies and Gentlemen, Egypt is exerting tireless and unwavering efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza. It has opened the Rafah border crossing since the very first moment to allow humanitarian aid and relief to enter into the sector. It has designated Al Arish airport to receive aid from world countries. But the mechanisms placed by the Israeli authorities have obstructed the delivery of aid to its beneficiaries. Therefore, the aid entering Gaza is much less than the needs of its people. This requires the international community to ensure the delivery of aid in the adequate quantities for the sustainability of the people of Gaza. Egypt has been opposed to pressure exercised on the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and stands against attempts to force them to leave their land and homes, whether individually or collectively. Egypt also stands against any attempts to forcibly displace the Palestinians, inside or outside Gaza, especially that Palestinians leaving their land is a grave violation of international law and international humanitarian law. Also, the proposals of Israel reoccupying the Gaza Strip only make the situation worse and more complicated. The international community stands silent before the unjustified violence by settlers against the Palestinians in the West Bank and the daily military incursions by the Israeli army in the West Bank, which are all unacceptable policies that contribute to igniting the region and increasing areas of tension in it. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Egyptian priorities are currently to stop the bloodshed through an immediate ceasefire, deliver humanitarian aid safely and sustainably, and avoid targeting civilians and civilian facilities in the Gaza Strip. We stress the need to resolve the roots of the conflict and deal with the Palestinian issue from a comprehensive and integrated perspective that guarantees the rights of the Palestinians to establish their independent state, along the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Thank you ::: **Iran**: Dr Raisi at the online BRICS summit regarding Gaza crisis ::: spoiler spoiler In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful Mr President; Esteemed BRICS Members; At the outset, I would like to sincerely thank the honourable President of the Republic of South Africa who organised this online meeting and established communication between the countries. Today, we have gathered while the world is witnessing live the unprecedented violence and crime against the Palestinian nation in Gaza. What is happening in Gaza these days clearly shows the injustice of the Western international system. The issue of Gaza is the issue of humanity and justice. The Zionist regime and its supporters have not only violated humanity, ethics and rights, but they are also trying to deceive the public opinion of the world by suppressing valid information and spreading disinformation. Emphasising on October 7 as the beginning of the war is a distortion of the reality and narrative of the issue from the umpteenth step. Apart from the 75-year history of occupation and terror and aggression, there were also numerous conflicts in the West Bank in the last one year. In this one year, Palestinian resistance has given about 200 martyrs. Did anyone have a missile there? The goal of the regime was to clear the Bank and transfer its population to Jordan and Egypt and occupy it. In fact, Hamas operated in defence of the Noble Quds and the West Bank and the desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque and against the expansion of settlements and expansionism of the Zionists. Let's not forget that the root of war lies in the continuation of occupation. Contrary to Israel's propaganda distortion, legitimate defence is not their barbaric action, but legitimate defence according to international conventions of defence against occupation. As an occupying regime, the Zionist regime, with the green light and full support of America, has declared war against the people under occupation and has set a record in registering war crimes. The political and military leaders of this regime openly talk about the genocide of Palestinians. The President of the fake Israeli regime has announced that "there are no innocent civilians in Gaza"; The prime minister of the regime says "even children are legitimate military targets"; The spokesperson of the regime's army says "the goal of the attacks is maximum destruction, not precision in the attacks"; The Minister of Defence of the Regime calls people as "anthropomorphic animals"; And the minister of cultural heritage of that fake regime says "a nuclear attack on Gaza is the right option to destroy the people there". Such a regime, which is armed with all kinds of chemical weapons of mass destruction and atomic bombs, is definitely a threat to regional and international peace and security. Dear Heads of State Worst of all is the all-out support of America and the West for the genocide and infanticide of Palestinians, and so far more than 14,000 people of Gaza, including about 5,500 oppressed children, have been killed and 41,000 residential units have been destroyed. 60% of the area of the ​​Gaza Strip has been seriously damaged. How cruel is it that America, Britain, Germany and France, as Western powers, send all kinds of weapons and bombs to Israel on a daily basis and at the same time oppose the ceasefire. America, along with Israel, has closed all ways to help the people of Gaza and paralyzed the UN Security Council. Today, the West has been disgraced and the falsity of Western values ​​and slogans has been revealed. Gaza is a symbol of the moral decline of the West. At the same time, Gaza is a great test of the will of independent states to establish an international system based on humanity and justice. Today is the day for global powers to stand up for the values ​​that united us. Today is the day for BRICS to play a role. Dear Heads of State! Undoubtedly, the fuel of the war machine and the all-round support of this tyranny is provided by America. America has made all international organisations ineffective and identity-less. The Islamic Republic of Iran calls on all the members of BRICS and all the independent governments of the world to stand up to preserve humanity and establish justice and fight against racial discrimination in the world and use all their political and economic power to put pressure on the Zionist regime and its Western supporters. Honourable Heads of BRICS Member States America and the western countries that oppose the ceasefire in Gaza no longer have credibility with the people of the world. Today, the BRICS member states have a historical responsibility to prove that human values ​​cannot be sacrificed for political interests. Based on this, I would like to emphasise these suggestions to stop the crime and help the people of Gaza. 1- Considering the inability of the UN Security Council to implement its mission to establish peace and security; and obstructing the US to issue a binding resolution for a ceasefire; It is necessary for the BRICS member countries to adopt a binding resolution in the UN General Assembly against the Zionist regime in the framework of the "Union for Peace" mechanism, with the aim of stopping the crimes against the people of Gaza. 2- The continuous attacks of the Zionist regime on hospitals and medical centres, religious places, the killing of women and children, doctors, nurses and journalists in Gaza are all acts of terrorism. It is necessary to identify that fake regime as a terrorist regime and its army as a terrorist organisation. 3- The Islamic Republic of Iran supports the actions of some governments to bring the crimes committed by the usurping Israel in Gaza to the International Criminal Court and believes that, in addition to Israel, the United States should also be tried in international courts for crimes against humanity, genocide, and infanticide and punished quickly. 4- The need for collective action by BRICS members to break the blockade of Gaza and create a permanent and safe route for sending humanitarian aid to Gaza. In this regard, the permanent reopening of the Rafah crossing is seriously emphasised. 5- Due to the unprecedented crimes and bombings of several thousand tons of weapons, especially prohibited weapons such as white phosphorus in Gaza, it is necessary for BRICS members to establish a special international mission to immediately investigate this crime and publish its report in order to punish the perpetrators of this regime should be provided. 6- Considering the continuous crimes and the racist nature of the fake Israeli regime, the free nations expect all governments, especially the BRICS members, to put the complete severance of their political, economic and military relations with the Zionist regime on the agenda immediately. Continuing interactions with the fake Israeli regime, especially in the military and economic fields, means helping to continue the crimes and killing of women and children, which is condemned and blamed by all nations. 7- Recognising the right of the Palestinian people to defend themselves and their struggle to liberate the occupied areas is supported by all governments and free nations. BRICS' firm support for this right shows that we fulfilled our human and moral duty and the enemies of Palestine will be disgraced before human conscience and history. The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that the final solution that will lead to lasting peace and stability in West Asia and the world is the formation of a single Palestinian state after holding a referendum based on the democratic principle of "Every Palestinian, one vote". Being on the path of previous failed plans for peace will only result in the repetition of war and insecurity. America and the Zionist regime must also know that they cannot stand against the will of the nations and that occupation and genocide will have no place in the new international just order. At the end, I once again thank the honourable President of the Republic of South Africa for holding this meeting and I hope that this meeting will have a serious effect on the immediate cessation of attacks on the oppressed and powerful Gaza and the arrival of humanitarian aid and the complete lifting of the blockade and the fight against forced migration and the start of the reconstruction process in this be the region. Thank you very much Peace be upon you and may God have mercy on you ::: **Saudi Arabia**: HRH Crown Prince Heads Saudi Arabia's Delegation to Extraordinary Joint Meeting of BRICS Leaders and Leaders of Invited BRICS Members on Situation in the Middle East, with Particular Focus on Gaza ::: spoiler spoiler I convey to you the greetings of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and his wishes that this extraordinary summit, which is being held at a difficult time for Gaza Strip, be successful. We would like to thank the president of the Republic of South Africa for hosting the summit and for inviting the Kingdom to participate in it. The brutal crimes against innocent civilians and the destruction of infrastructure, including health facilities and places of worship, in Gaza require a collective effort to stop this humanitarian catastrophe, which continues to worsen by the day, and to come up with decisive solutions to it. We reiterate our categorical rejection of these operations that have claimed the lives of thousands of children, women and elderly. We demand an immediate stop of the military operations, and the provision of humanitarian corridors to enable international humanitarian organizations to perform their role and aid civilians. The Kingdom has exerted relentless efforts, since the beginning of the operations, to help and protect civilians in Gaza Strip, by providing humanitarian and relief aid by air and sea, and launching an urgent fundraising campaign that has collected, so far, over half a billion SAR. The Kingdom also held an extraordinary joint Arab and Islamic summit in Riyadh, on November 11, 2023, to discuss the Israeli aggression. The summit came up with several decisions. It denounced the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, and rejected any pretext justifying it, calling for an immediate delivery of humanitarian aid convoys of food, medicines and fuel into the besieged strip. It also rejected the forcible displacement of the Palestinian people and the Israeli destruction of hospitals in the strip, urging all countries to stop exporting weapons and ammunition to Israel, and embark on an effort, in the name of all members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Arab League, to reach an international stance regarding the aggression on Gaza, and make a pressure for the launch of a serious political process to realize a permanent, comprehensive peace, based on international legitimacy. The Kingdom's firm and unaltered stance has always been and remains that security and stability in Palestine can be achieved only through implementing international resolutions pertaining to the two-state solution, in order to enable the Palestinian people to obtain their legitimate right to establish an independent and sovereign Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. We also appreciate all efforts, which will be exerted, in particular by the permanent members of the UN Security Council, with the aim of achieving a just peace for all. We also commend the role and effort exerted by BRICS to assist the brotherly Palestinian people. We extend our thanks to His Excellency the president and the attending leaders. We hope that this summit will achieve the noble goals for which it was convened. Thank you. ::: **UAE** (can't find full text yet): UAE Pres. participates in virtual BRICS summit discussing Gaza ::: spoiler spoiler President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan has reiterated the UAE’s call for the protection of civilians in the Gaza Strip, unimpeded humanitarian access and an immediate ceasefire, and urged the international community to do all in its power to bring an end to the conflict and ease the suffering of those affected. His Highness’s comments came on the occasion of a virtual summit Tuesday of the five BRICS countries along with those nations recently invited to join, which include the UAE. The ‘BRICS Extraordinary Joint Meeting on the Middle East situation in Gaza’ was convened by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa in his capacity as current Chair of the BRICS partnership. In a statement issued at the summit, President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed highlighted the increasingly desperate humanitarian crisis facing the people of Gaza and stressed the need to ensure the safe, secure, prompt, and regular delivery of humanitarian aid to those in need. His Highness called for an urgent end to hostilities, warning that allowing the fighting to continue will result in further casualties and an increased risk of the conflict spilling over to threaten regional stability. His Highness noted that the only way to address the crisis is to revive the peace process and resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of the two-State solution and the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian State on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. The UAE President called on the BRICS members and other nations to seek to create an environment of enduring peace in the Middle East, and to pursue all efforts to ensure that dialogue and peaceful coexistence become a path to stability in the region. :::
