privacy Privacy Young and depressed? Try Woebot! The rise of mental health chatbots in the US
  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 100%

    Reminds me of ELIZA

  • sachsen Sachsen Dieser Herr hat ab sofort die leitende Verantwortung für die Kommunikation der Polizei #Sachsen.
  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 100%

    Unsere Polizei muss mehr dürfen als Kriminelle können.

    Er sieht die Polizei also als eine Art super-kriminelle Vereinigung?!

  • science Science A Shocking 99% of Us Are Now Breathing Unhealthy Air, WHO Warns
  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 100%

    You used some shallow rhetoric so I participated in shitposting. You stated the obvious to which I responded with humor because I was unsure if you are joking or just stupid. By that I owned myself apparently.

  • science Science A Shocking 99% of Us Are Now Breathing Unhealthy Air, WHO Warns
  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 50%

    How so?

  • science Science A Shocking 99% of Us Are Now Breathing Unhealthy Air, WHO Warns
  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 25%

    No shit sherlock

  • science Science A Shocking 99% of Us Are Now Breathing Unhealthy Air, WHO Warns
  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 50%

    tbh where I live the air steadily got better since the revolution against our "communist" authoritarian government. (only english article I could find, idk that company but the data seems correct) For a brief moment in the early 90s we even met our climate goals, just by abolishing socialism :D

  • antiwork Antiwork Leaked: New Amazon Worker Chat App Would Ban Words including “Union,” “Restrooms,” “Pay Raise,” “Plantation,” “Grievance,” “slave labor,” “This is dumb,” “living wage,” “diversity,” and “vaccine”
  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 66%

    Why should there be no freedom of speech "under" communism?

  • green Green - An environmentalist community German retailer Lidl switches battery electric logistics fleet to green hydrogen fuel cell
  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 100%

    Li-Ion batteries do charge quickly and have high capacities.

    I'm not sure they would survive nearly as long as lead-acid, but I'm sure that they would be way less complicated and dangerous than hydrogen.

  • green Green - An environmentalist community German retailer Lidl switches battery electric logistics fleet to green hydrogen fuel cell
  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 100%

    I've been at multiple businesses that still used electric forklifts from what I'm pretty sure must be the late 80s. I was told that the newer ones they had were pretty similiar models and they all used lead-acid. I guess it's just more reliable and repairable because of simplicity. Also I'm 100% sure that there are no trucks that run on lead-acid batteries, maybe as a hybrid.

  • programming General Programming Discussion I just remembered the existence of cargo cult programming.
  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 100%

    Just don't do stuff you don't understand just because someone has told you to or because you observed someone do it who you think knows better.

    Always take advice and especially rules with a grain of salt. You shouldn't blindly follow them but try to understand why they work because then you also know when they might not.

  • technology Technology *Permanently Deleted*
  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 100%

    At least it's wireless

  • privatsphaereimnetz Privatsphäre im Netz *Permanently Deleted*
  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 100%

    Ich glaub es ist für Personen die keinen Plan von Software haben und maximal ihr sowieso-walled-garden Handy benutzen nicht wirklich nachzuvollziehen wie unfassbar dämlich das ist.

  • memes Memes j.k. rowling's worst fear comes true
  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 100%

    Is wizard a gender?

  • selfhosted Run It Yourself Running Nextcloud on a Raspberry Pi without internet
  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 100%

    Would self-hosting a Nextcloud instance locally without an internet connection be viable?

    Yes, that should be no problem. Some nextcloud plugins might require a domain name and/or a https connection. If you can't use your own DNS server you can change the clients hosts-file. Iirc docker and snap versions of nextcloud will auto-generate self signed ssl certificates and you can use a reverse-proxy if they don't. (e.g. use caddy, it will automatically generate certificates) You won't be able to update regularly, so you should only let trusted users into your network.

    Idk about gitlab, but I'm sure you can run gitea offline, if you don't need any of the fancy gitlab features. (It's faster too+ you can set up gitea to login with the nextcloud account.)

  • pinknoise pinknoise 2 years ago 100%

    which cat #?

  • politics Politics Elizabeth Warren’s anti-crypto crusade splits the left
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    There’s more to crypto than ransomware

    Yeah: gambling, drugs, weapons, money laundering and regular ransoms lol

  • genzedong GenZedong Very interesting insignia used by CIA troops. What could it mean?
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    That they have small dicks and need to compensate with shiny badges?

  • security Security *Permanently Deleted*
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    LTS releases (should) get all bugfixes. If you read about some hype vulnerability in the news you can be pretty sure that it is or at least will be fixed.

  • polls Polls Which is the least used key on your keyboard?
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    Actually it's a tie with F9, but caps lock is more useless

  • polls Polls Which is the least used key on your keyboard?
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    caps lock

  • lemmy_admin Lemmy Administration Protect Lemmy against DDOS
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    Websites usually use transport encryption but the password itself isn't encrypted. There are authentication schemes that won't send plaintext passwords (by involving some kind of challenge) but they won't work without javascript (except http digest access authentication but thats no good) and you shouldn't ask web-developers to implement them since they will find a way to fuck it up.

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Amazon selling neo-nazi merchandise.
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 75%

    surveillance capitalism bad

  • memes Memes Some of the sanctions may accelerate the perfection of Russian society /s
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    You asked where he got that from, I just wanted to help.

  • memes Memes Some of the sanctions may accelerate the perfection of Russian society /s
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    where the hell did you get "degeneracy" from this?

    "Putin saves good christians from degeneracy" is a pretty common right-wing meme.

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Amazon selling neo-nazi merchandise.
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 37%

    tldr: Buying plastic crap from private company that forces cuts out of peoples sales by making independent shops invisible is cool, but only if they are from "communist" country.

  • technology Technology Lasers could cut lifespan of nuclear waste from "a million years to 30 minutes"
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    Germany closed down all their nuclear plants

    That's wrong: 3 plants are still running (probably) until the end of this year.

    the end result was that they just started using more fossil fuels.

    This is true, but the reason isn't the lack of alternatives but incompetent and corrupt state and federal government. They sabotaged the domestic solar sector, they made running private (roof-) solar plants unnecessarily complicated, they made building new (on-shore) wind parks basically impossible and they blocked the extension of the electrical grid. (And thats just the stuff I remember from the top of my head)

  • rust Rust Programming How to retrieve value of EnumItemStruct property?
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    You need to figure out the variant before you can access any fields.

    let x = match p1 {
      Coordinates::Point1 { x, .. } => x, // .. means "I don't care about the other fields"
      Coordinates::Point2 { x, .. } => x,

    or if you only need to do stuff on one type of point

    if let Coordinates::Point1 { x, _y } = p1 {
      // Do stuff with x or y here
      // _y (prefixed / replaced with _) means "I won't use that variable"

    However it looks like what you want is a struct that contains an enum and the coordinates.

    enum CoordinateKind {
    struct Point {
      kind: CoordinateKind,
      x: i32,
      y: i32,
    fn main() {
      let p = Point {
        kind: CoordinateKind::Point1,
        x: 0,
        y: 45,
      let x = p.x;
  • opensource Open Source Introducing Native Matrix VoIP with Element Call!
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    End up?

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars How can I financially support the creation of more public transit in the US?
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    Proper public transport infrastructure needs huge up-front investment and planning efforts, so it's nothing you can easily crowd-source or even just do if you had the resources (except maybe for bus lines). If you have time on your hands, you could start lobbying or try to find a ngo that does.

  • antiwork Antiwork Real rich coming from Kim Kardashian
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 91%

    Do you know how much work it is to get her ass up?

  • polls Polls Favorite FOSS android app?
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%


  • memes Memes Who will get the job?
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    From my experience: the one who wants the least money.

  • memes Memes How many of you have hamsters?
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    No hamster for me, building the faraday cage required to operate that securely is just not worth it.

  • censorship_reddit Censorship on Reddit "Reddit blocked ALL domains under Russian ccTLD (.ru), any submission including a link to .ru websites will be removed by Reddit automatically and mods cannot manually approve it."
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 66%

    It's absolutely better, after all you can just not use reddit. What are chinese people supposed to do?

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Ukraine is in a state of war, and the official government twitter is doing ads for coke and pepsi.
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    urban camouflage

  • linux Linux Admin *Permanently Deleted*
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    If you want to do it on your home pc you should absolutely go with a vm. Breaking out of a VM is quite a bit harder than breaking out of a docker container, especially if it's a "headless" VM. Using containers inside of the VM is probably not the worst idea still.

  • rust Rust Programming *Permanently Deleted*
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%


    • imo they all suck, gtk-rs sucks the least but it still sucks. I've never seen a general purpose GUI toolkit that doesn't suck so I guess at least it's not rusts fault.


    • Rocket is a very convenient everything-included webserver
    • Yew looks like a cool idea for frontend¹ but is not really production-ready

    ¹ please don't use javascript or wasm for that unless you absolutely need to

  • linux Linux Admin *Permanently Deleted*
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    I think they want to run this on their home computer where I would definitely recommend using a vm. Using (some kind of) containers in the VM is probably not a bad idea though.

  • opensource Open Source *Permanently Deleted*
  • pinknoise pinknoise 3 years ago 100%

    tmsu might also be interesting to you

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Self Driving Vehicles pinknoise 3 years ago 100%
    Paper: Breaking Rainbow Takes a Weekend on a Laptop

    **Abstract:** "This work introduces new key recovery attacks against the Rainbow signature scheme, which is one of the three finalist signature schemes still in the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography standardization project. [...]"

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Apple pinknoise 3 years ago 100%
    Apple suppliers struggling to keep production on track amid power outages

    > The Chinese government is responding to dramatically increasing costs for coal and natural gas, both of which are used extensively in the country for electricity generation. Beijing is also reportedly unhappy about the failure of regional governments to hit targets for reducing emissions. Additionally, it’s not uncommon for China to order local shutdowns when air pollution levels increase, especially during events that attract foreign visitors. > City and regional governments have said that domestic energy usage is being prioritized over industrial use.

    Security pinknoise 3 years ago 100%
    US terror watchlist leaked

    > The list was left accessible on an Elasticsearch cluster that had no password on it. X leaked because of misconfigured elasticsearch is pretty much a meme at this point...

    Privacy pinknoise 3 years ago 100%
    noyb aims to end "cookie banner terror"

    Thats cool and all, but could be even better if they asked about their Matomo.

    Security pinknoise 3 years ago 100%
    USBGuard: Black- or Whitelist USB Devices

    Protect your Linux machine from being plug-and-pwned by malicious USB devices. They have a command line program which allows you to easily write your own scripts for showing notifications, controlling what devices are allowed etc.
