retrocomputing retrocomputing Cybercirujas - Computer Trashers in Argentina
  • peron peron 2 months ago 100%

    The argentine super-classic: Super Menem! On the Amber CRT monitor.

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing BASIC for the Masses
  • peron peron 3 months ago 100%

    Your loop is under control!

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Trying to get DOS 6.22 on an SD Card, to then run via an ISA IDE to SD Adapter on my Commodore PC-10 III, but It doesn't wanna boot. What am I doing wrong?
  • peron peron 5 months ago 100%

    DOS disk interface is quite mundante. It was dependant on BIOS recognition, and its not compatible with 32 GB disk at all. An 120MB or 250MB HDD was the usual MS-DOS disk sold during the 6.22 era. The firsts GB disk ware common by 1996. By the way, 2GB is the max recognizable partition size. Use fdisk to create a Master Boot Record, and a 2GB partition, and try it. I tried it with ease with old 1 GB and 512MB Compact Flash cards, but I must say CF has almost direct compatibility with IDE. SD cards require an adapter controller (you seems to have one of those, tho).

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing BASIC for the Masses
  • peron peron 5 months ago 100%

    Star Wars March for the Atari!

    1 GRAPHICS 2+16
    2 ? #6;"STAR WARS THEME"
    3 ? #6;"BY JOHN WILLIAMS"
    8 FOR W=1 TO 500:NEXT W
    9 GRAPHICS 0
    10 READ S,N0,N1,N2,N3
    20 IF N0=-1 THEN END 
    25 ? S;"|";N0;"|";N1;"|";N2;"|";N3
    30 SOUND 0,N0,10,4:SOUND 1,N1,10,4
    35 SOUND 2,N2,10,4:SOUND 3,N3,10,4
    40 FOR X=1 TO S*150:NEXT X:GOTO 10
    100 DATA .3,108,0,0,0
    101 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    102 DATA .3,108,0,0,0
    104 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    105 DATA .2,108,0,0,0
    110 DATA 1,81,108,128,162
    111 DATA 1,81,108,128,173
    114 DATA 1,53,64,81,193
    116 DATA 1,53,64,81,217
    120 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    122 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    124 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    125 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    128 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    129 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    140 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    141 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    144 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    145 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    148 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    149 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    160 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    161 DATA .3,64,72,91,182
    164 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    165 DATA 2,72,85,108,217
    168 DATA .6,108,0,0,0
    169 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    172 DATA .3,108,0,0,0
    173 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    180 DATA 1,81,103,128,162
    181 DATA 1,81,108,128,173
    184 DATA 1,53,64,81,193
    185 DATA 1,53,64,81,217
    190 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    191 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    194 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    196 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    198 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    199 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    210 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    211 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    214 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    215 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    218 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    219 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    230 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    231 DATA .3,64,72,91,182
    234 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    235 DATA 1,72,85,108,217
    236 DATA .6,108,0,0,0
    237 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    238 DATA .3,108,0,0,0
    250 DATA 1.5,96,121,162,0
    251 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    252 DATA .5,96,0,0,217
    254 DATA .5,60,81,96,217
    255 DATA .5,64,81,96,217
    256 DATA .5,72,81,96,217
    258 DATA .5,81,81,96,217
    270 DATA .3,81,96,0,217
    271 DATA .3,72,96,0,217
    274 DATA .3,64,96,0,217
    275 DATA 1,72,0,0,217
    278 DATA .25,96,0,0,217
    279 DATA 1,85,108,144,217
    282 DATA .6,108,0,0,0
    283 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    284 DATA .3,108,0,0,0
    290 DATA 1.5,96,121,162,217
    291 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    292 DATA .5,96,121,162,217
    294 DATA .5,60,81,121,217
    295 DATA .5,64,81,121,217
    298 DATA .5,72,81,121,217
    299 DATA .5,0,81,121,217
    310 DATA .75,53,68,91,136
    311 DATA .25,72,0,0,0
    314 DATA 2,72,85,108,217
    315 DATA .6,108,0,0,0
    318 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    319 DATA .3,108,0,0,0
    320 DATA 1.5,96,121,162,0
    321 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    322 DATA .5,96,0,0,217
    324 DATA .5,60,81,96,0
    325 DATA .5,64,81,96,0
    328 DATA .5,72,81,96,217
    329 DATA .5,0,81,96,0
    340 DATA .3,81,96,121,217
    341 DATA .3,72,96,121,0
    344 DATA .3,64,96,121,0
    345 DATA .6,72,96,121,217
    348 DATA .3,0,96,0,0
    349 DATA 1,85,0,0,0
    352 DATA .6,53,0,0,217
    353 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    354 DATA .3,53,0,0,0
    360 DATA .6,40,50,60,81
    361 DATA .3,45,60,81,128
    364 DATA .6,50,60,81,243
    365 DATA .3,53,0,81,217
    368 DATA .6,60,0,81,204
    369 DATA .3,68,0,0,182
    372 DATA .6,72,0,0,162
    373 DATA .3,81,0,0,144
    380 DATA 1,53,0,0,0
    381 DATA .1,72,85,121,217
    384 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    385 DATA .1,72,85,121,217
    386 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    387 DATA .1,72,85,121,217
    388 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    389 DATA .5,72,85,121,217
    390 DATA .3,0,0,108,0
    391 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    392 DATA .3,0,0,108,0
    393 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    394 DATA .3,0,0,108,0
    395 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    400 DATA 1,81,108,128,162
    401 DATA 1,81,108,128,173
    404 DATA 1,53,64,81,193
    405 DATA 1,53,64,81,217
    410 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    411 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    414 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    415 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    418 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    419 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    430 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    431 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    434 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    435 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    438 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    439 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    450 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    451 DATA .3,64,72,91,182
    454 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    455 DATA 2,72,85,108,217
    456 DATA .6,108,0,0,0
    457 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    458 DATA .3,108,0,0,0
    462 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    470 DATA 1,81,108,128,162
    471 DATA 1,81,108,128,173
    474 DATA 1,53,64,81,193
    475 DATA 1,53,64,81,217
    480 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    481 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    484 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    485 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    488 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    489 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    500 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    501 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    504 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    505 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    508 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    509 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    520 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    521 DATA .3,64,72,91,182
    524 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    525 DATA 2,72,85,108,217
    528 DATA 1,53,108,217,0
    530 DATA .5,0,0,0,217
    540 DATA 1,40,53,64,162
    542 DATA 1,40,53,64,173
    544 DATA 1,40,53,64,193
    546 DATA 1,40,53,64,217
    550 DATA 1,40,53,64,243
    552 DATA 1,40,53,64,217
    554 DATA 1,40,53,64,193
    556 DATA 1,40,53,64,173
    558 DATA 2,40,53,64,162
    559 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    560 DATA .1,40,53,64,162
    561 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    562 DATA .1,40,53,64,162
    563 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    564 DATA .1,40,53,64,162
    565 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    566 DATA 1.7,40,53,64,162
    600 DATA 0,-1,0,0,0
  • retrotechnology Retro Technology My #fax died and I miss it!
  • peron peron 8 months ago 100%

    That used to be true in my country too. For some bureaucratic issues, fax was legal-binding. For example, for public health/social pharmaceutical deliveries, it acted as a valid receipt, it was "official". I noted fax used to improve delivery times, reducing errors.

    Also there was that psychological effect of paper.

    On the Health&Edu sector, most of the secretaries were young girls and they loved to be written something after the official receipt was delivered (the first page in the call). I would write them something as a personal sidenote, and they will do the office work like a charm. Low-rank bureaucrats love to be addressed. These "Social skills" were not used on the official first page of course, but it worked! It saved me lots of headache and phone-drama.

  • retrotechnology Retro Technology My #fax died and I miss it!
  • peron peron 8 months ago 100%

    Fax is vintage tech since at least a decade, but it was useful.

    My first contact with them was not on a fax machine, but using a Sportster Winmodem/fax. Faxing was possible using a Windows 3.1 computer, using QuickLink II software.

    Later on, I got this "marvelous" Panasonic KX-FT38 fax machine, with its markings in Spanish of course. A noble 300dpi device, with 20min digital recorder for voice and data (delayed thermal printing was possible). Also has an automatic cutting blade. 14.4 kilobauds of pure faxing power!

    It was so nice I even didn't care to remove its tacky stickers.

    I used it daily. Somewhat people REPLIED to fax transmissions, as it served to speed response time on bureaucratic nonsense. Secretaries did their thing when they got a fax with their names handwritten on them. IDKW but it worked.

  • retrotechnology
    Retro Technology peron 8 months ago 69%
    My #fax died and I miss it!

    Yeah, my fax has broken. I'm broken.

    plan9 Plan9 uriel was right
  • peron peron 9 months ago 100%

    I loved the Plan9 bootcamp. Every time I learn a bit more about the shared system. Although drawterm is quite slow, its small footprint brings joy. It has graphical capabilities too.

  • unixporn
    unixporn peron 12 months ago 100%
    UNIX Deskshots!

    Post your UNIX Deskshots here!

    unixporn peron 12 months ago 100%
    Emulators and emu-likes!

    Emulating is like selling an old mule to your CPU!

  • peron peron 12 months ago 100%

    There is this funny cop show, "You're under arrest". (Taiho Shichauzo) It got into animation media on the mid 90s, but its based on a 80s manga.

    Two female cops and many funny characters, and great vehicle chases.

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing BASIC for the Masses
  • peron peron 12 months ago 100%
    10 : CLEAR : PAUSE “Mini Moon Age Calculator “
    20 : W=694098 : X=29.53 : Z=365.25 : JN=2460202.6 : REM Julian date for last moon on 25/9/2023 at 2:39am
    30 : INPUT “DAY:” ; D , “MONTH:” ; M , “YEAR:” ; Y
    40 : IF M<=2 LET Y=Y-1 : M=M+12
    50 : A=INT(Y/100) : B=INT(A/4) : C=2-A+B : E=INT(Z * (Y+4716))
    60 : F=INT(30.6001 * (M+1)) : JD=C+D+E+F-1524.5 : DS=JD-JN
    70 : S=(DS/X-INT(DS/X)) * X : S=INT(S+.5)
    80 : PRINT “Age of Moon “ ; USING “###.# “ ; S ; “_days” : END

    Stay SHARP!

  • antiquememesroadshow Antique Memes Roadshow cowsay -- Linux command line meme generator circa 2001
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    I made some .cow files anyone may like.


    $the_cow = <<"EOC";
        $thoughts    _________
             |        |                   ________
         ____|________|____       ~      |        \\
            //// _____)              ~   ||        \\_____
            _|   (o)(o)           ~    ~ ||              \\
           (o        \\|              ~   ||               \\
             |     (..)           ~    ~ ||                \\
             |    /||||\\             ~   ||                 |
             | \\     \\\\           ~    ~ |                  |
            /|  -----_\\\\__           ~   |___________----|--+
           /  \\__/_ )    ( ______ ~____      ======      wwwww8 
          / +___   (/|    )______||_--\\\\--+  -                8
         /      +--- +- \\/        /________|wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww8


    $the_cow = <<"EOC";
             $thoughts  ,_____._____
         ,_.    /-_---------_\\
        /  |   ||           ||        /\\
       /  <    \\|.__.   .__.|/       | l
      |    /    |E==<   E==<|      n J |
      |  /     G|    | |    |D     \\   |
      | |      \\|  , q_p ,  |J     _|__/_
     ====       | /._____.\\ |      |\\__/|
     |   |      (   \\___J   )      |    |
     |   |      (  =.___- = )     /    /
     |   |       (.__-___,)      /    /
      \\   |____----+   |________/    /
       \\        \\   \\/   _/        /
        \\_____   \\  /   /   ______/


    $the_cow = <<"EOC";
      $thoughts           _______
      \\o/        \\ peron \\     ---------
    ------+       \\-------    | C  G  T |
  • retrocomputing retrocomputing BASIC for the Masses
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    Darthmouth GRAFIX.BAS!

    100 DEF FNF(X)=SIN(X)
    105 DEF FNG(X)=LOG(X)/LOG(10)
    110 DEF FNR(X)=INT(X+.5)
    120 DEF FNX(X)=INT(100*X+.5)/100
    130 READ A,B,S
    140 READ C,D,N
    150 IF N<=50 THEN 180
    170 STOP
    175 :
    180 H=(D-C)/N
    190 PRINT ""Y-AXIS FROM ";C;" TO ";D;
    200 PRINT
    210 PRINT TAB(8);"'";
    220 FOR I=1 TO N-1
    230    PRINT "-";
    240 NEXT I
    250 PRINT "'"
    255 :
    260 FOR X=A TO B STEP S
    270    Y=FNF(X)
    272    Y1=8+FNR((Y-C)/H)
    274    Y=FNG(X)
    276    Y2=8+FNR((Y-C)/H)
    278    PRINT FNX(X);
    280    IF Y2
  • retrocomputing retrocomputing BASIC for the Masses
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    This a Sharp BASIC suffler for the 40 spanish card deck, for truco and other games.

    20:WAIT 0: CLS : CLEAR
    30:DIM A$(41)*20,S$(0)*32,P$(0)*65
    40:C=0:S$(0)="Basto   Espada  Oro     Copas"
    50:P$(0)="As   Dos  Tres CuatroCincoSeis SieteSota CaballoRey"
    60:FOR S=1 TO 4
    70:FOR N=1 TO 10
    90:A$(C)= MID$ (P$(0),(N*5)-4,5)+" de "+ MID$ (S$(0),(S*8)-5,0)
    100:NEXT N: NEXT S
    110:FOR C=41 TO 2 STEP - 1:A= RND (40)+1:A$(C)=A$(A):A$(A)=A$(C-1): NEXT C: BEEP 1: WAIT
    120:FOR C=1 TO 40: PRINT SRT$ (C);":";A$(C): NEXT C
  • retrocomputing retrocomputing BASIC for the Masses
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    Today Euclid would be programming in BASIC.

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing BASIC for the Masses
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    My BMI has been nicely calculated in your BASIC dialect!

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing BASIC for the Masses
  • peron peron 1 year ago 66%
    20 INPUT X
    50 END
  • retrocomputing
    retrocomputing peron 1 year ago 96%
    BASIC for the Masses

    You are a BASIC *removed*, so type-in and *share* your BASIC listings here. Any and all BASIC dialects are welcome.

    unixporn peron 1 year ago 100%
    GNOME2 is back

    ![]( ![](

    unixporn peron 1 year ago 100%
    Huayra GNU/Linux

    Huayra GNU Linux is a Debian based distro, with MATE desktop. ![](

  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    Loved this series back in the late 80s!

    In a dystopic and cyberepunkish Tokyo, IA robots are getting rogue. Perhaps that pesky technological GENOM corporation has something to do with the issue.

    Bubblegum Crysis (1987) Dir. Katsuhito Akiyama

    Awesome aesthetics and mechanical design:

    Great chases and music:

    Charismatic characters.

    In my country several pirated episodes were distributed with adhoc subtitles and spanish dubbling. Sadly the original series was never finished, but it inspired a complete anime series under the same premise.

  • oldtaku
    Vintage fans of Anime peron 1 year ago 93%
    80s Animes
    retrocomputing retrocomputing PDP-10s that still exist on the INTERNET
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    KL Toad-2

    Lovely boards carry 36 bits!

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Cybercirujas - Computer Trashers in Argentina
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%
  • tobacco Pipes and Cigars and Tobacco Saturday up in smoke with a Habana Montecristo #2
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    I really enjoyed Cuba, its a lovely country if you know what to expect. Tourism has grown there.

    When I went there several years ago, a three months before Castro passing,

    At the time cubans were using a bimonetary system, exerting differential prices for foreigners purchasing on the islands. So I had to changed Euros for their ECU currency on an official cuban rate (something like 1.2ECU per Euro, I don't recall exactly but was something like that).

    I bought the cigars on the legal circuit, so I spent something about 20-25 converted € for each individual Behike Cohiba cigar. I negotiated a price tag for the Cohiba wooden box with 24 habanos, something like 270€. That came as a surprise, as they usually overprice in 320€ their official cigar tags and are able to negotiate/bargain on ECUs. I bargain a little, perhaps 5-10% and they didn't have an issue with that. Some latin american countries works on price bargain, others don't, so I didn't want to push it.

    I'm not like a cigar Che, but perhaps was nice business, as there was a 120€ regular box there, with 20 julietas. There were also long a short versions of the cigars, I prefer short burns because the others scared me a little! Not for a starter I would say!

    The first time I tried it seemed great for the first two centimeters and a half, and then the taste exploded, those are not consistent cigars I you know what I mean. They have a great part in the middle and you must smoke them for several good minutes to get to the astounding part. I was learning! With the Julieta that was not so sharp changes in the power of the cigar, it was more even. It was a mild experience compared to the Behike. I was told that even I didn't choose the most powerful Cohibas, as there are stronger ones. I didn't want that, since I'm not a smoker.

    By the way, those are like 50€ each in some countries in Europe, IDK if you can purchase directly from Cuba in the United States, but you can get them "as a gift" from third parties.

    The US Dollar was illegal there, it was prohibited and supposedly has zero purchasing power. Most cubans didn't want to have nothing to do with the american currency. At the time I was told to not try to convert it to Euro in Cuba, but encouraged to do it in any other third country. Supposedly if you present US dollars voluntarily at the Cuban exchange windows, they have to grab the bills "and proceded as required by the national bank of cuba", as informed by a large sign. But they don't "rob" the bills from you, you have to voluntarily pass them thru the window, and supposedly they say thanks to you! (I didn't wanted to try that of course, but I doubt the would destroy the bills!)

    I negotiated with some locals and they bought regular local products and services at their rate (food and some services like internet connection). That was not exactly "legal" but they appreciate the difference, and the law enforcement didn't give too much thought about that at the time.

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Cybercirujas - Computer Trashers in Argentina
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    Indeed. Today a new event is held in one of the main venues in Buenos Aires, the CCK:

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Cybercirujas - Computer Trashers in Argentina
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    ~crazyjane colgó otro del nuevo realizado en el CCK

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Cybercirujas - Computer Trashers in Argentina
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    You may follow the live twich

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Cybercirujas - Computer Trashers in Argentina
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    Today is the new event, at one of the main cultural venues of Argentina, the Néstor Kirchner Cultural Center at Buenos Aires.

  • tobacco Pipes and Cigars and Tobacco Saturday up in smoke with a Habana Montecristo #2
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    I had several Montecristos in La Habana, Cuba. By the way I don't smoke, it was my first trip to smokeland. I didn't became an addict, so I kept Habanos as my only experience. I bought a box as a gift. I also tasted another brand known as Romeo y Julieta.

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Cybercirujas - Computer Trashers in Argentina
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    New encounter!

    Tecnology +Art + Games

    Cybercirujas invites you to experiment and play with retrocomputers and consoles. Videogames of all the areas, argentine arcades, alternative control games. Live chiptune music. Text-art. An oportunity to thing about recycling computers and technology.

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing What was the first modem you ever had? How fast was it?
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    My first own modem was a US Robotics Sportster Winmodem 28.8Kbps. It did have fax capabilities. But the first modem I used I think it was a Accura modem.

  • retronet retroNET - Vintage Culture/Websites/Software cool-retro-term: terminal emulator which mimics the look and feel of the old cathode tube screens
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    It is possible to display ANSI art.

  • retronet retroNET - Vintage Culture/Websites/Software cool-retro-term: terminal emulator which mimics the look and feel of the old cathode tube screens
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    You can load your monospaced fonts on Cool-Retro-Term. Naked UNIX!

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Commodore show this weekend in Seattle (June 24th and 25th)
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    Such pretty machines! The C64 was my first computer. I still remember it fondly.

    I got mine 2nd hand with its manuals and several BASIC books in spanish. A diskette drive called 1741 was presented to me for free. At first it got no software or knowledge at all, so I got playing writing "x" on the TV and erasing those. The "x" were soldiers. ASCII games could be fun, they require very few memory, but lots of human imagination...

    Then I would program BASIC games (a dice game from a large C64 book). After that a very long sound-making program called DEMOSON. It required saving it in the diskette, it took so long to write and correct errores.

    Once I learned about its routines, I used those to write my first own game: it was a Russian Roulette simulator! It included a gunshot sound from DEMOSON, some randomized routines for the revolver chamber, and even red flashing screen and a loud scream for effect. Not bad!

    It was better than play russian roulette with a real gun for sure.

    Then I got COMMANDO, a C64 run and gun game, with great music. With SPACEBAR you throw hand grenades. It's the first diskette game I can remember. But it was so much better than my BASIC game. :D

  • sdfpubnix sdfpubnix Hello world! - Please introduce yourself here
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    Hi @SDF, I'm peron, a SDF user from #Argentina.

    I'm an individual interested in historical operating systems, synthesizers, anonymity-respecting communities and cooperative electronic communication environments.

    I certainly enjoy login into public machines, and meeting new friendly people. SDF provides a nice suite of free-access federated services, including its Mastodon instances, PixelFed and now Lemmy. Greetings to all my friends and kind people on the Telematic Fortress.

    If anyone is interested in knowing a bit more about me, you can check this pseudoanonymous bio webpage.

            :::::::::  :::::::::: :::::::::   ::::::::  ::::    ::: 
            :+:    :+: :+:        :+:    :+: :+:    :+: :+:+:   :+: 
            +:+    +:+ +:+        +:+    +:+ +:+    +:+ :+:+:+  +:+ 
            +#++:++#+  +#++:++#   +#++:++#:  +#+    +:+ +#+ +:+ +#+ 
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            #+#        #+#        #+#    #+# #+#    #+# #+#   #+#+# 
            ###        ########## ###    ###  ########  ###    #### 
         ConducTor / IndoctrinaTor / Ubuntu Peronista EdiTor / Hacker
  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Fujitsu FM Towns is amazing
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    I loved Nadia, the Secret of Blue Water, but it's almost unknown here. There was a game based on the universe, a FM Towns marvel.

    It is a 1992 japanese adventure game. Includes full talkie digitized audio, and synthesized music. It was sold on 2 CD-ROM XA discs.

    ::: spoiler spoiler You control the young french inventor Jean and his friend, pretty adventurer Nadia, while fight the NeoAtlantean crews in the Nautilus submarine. Fun!


  • sdfpubnix sdfpubnix Happy 36th Birthday SDF!
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%
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       \__\    /  /         I wish u all
      | |___| /  /      A Happy Birthday
      -----  /  /            Viva Perón!
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  • retrocomputing retrocomputing PiDP-8/i TSS/8 computing experience
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    Although the BASIC-8 is a limited dialect, I can speak it, even after all these years. No doubt the Processor can interpret it!

    The work of David Ahl is good enough to support the PDP-8 with a small cheery BASIC dialect who could work on the 4KWord of the PDP-8. Love for the awesome PiDP-8!

    Next time I would try his port of HAMURABI if I can source it. Its the BASIC version of the FOCAL game playing as a Sumerian king.

  • retrocomputing retrocomputing Cybercirujas - Computer Trashers in Argentina
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    ##The Cyber Surgeons Club in Argentina

    On May 20, we were at El club del Cybercirujeo (spanish for "Cyber.-trashing Club"), a meeting/performance/showup at the Techeles Cultural Center, Alsina 1748, City of Buenos Aires, #Argentina.

    Taking advantage of the participation of ~crazyjane and ~deadguy in the organization and ~arnica who was also present, we enjoyed the arrival of ~ffuentes from Chile to Argentina. The event found us ~peron, ~jota and ~thaiel in forms that can be described as pseudophysical.

    For me it's a great pleasure to meet them all in person, which adds to the gathering of previous days! Althought we met in the data networks for a couple of years now (including on the SDF), this encounter makes me very happy, of course.

    The event is carried out for the benefit of the cyber-trasher masses. These involves a network of organized communities framed in the recycling and development of computer equipment. They restore computers to their original design specifications, but also apply updates and modifications to give them new practicality.

    The union of the power of knowledge and the mind while focused on a great task allows them to modernize the bowels of the hardware.

    How the hackers do it

    New and more powerful memory chips beef up machines that previously could only be described as zombies. Through the implantation of seasoned electronic brains extracted from mechanical corpses, and perhaps using hearts whose format is a new solid state drive, our delusional cyber-surgeons can breathe new life into them.

    Undoubtly this needs a new soul, and not just any: the Cyber-surgeons install strongly ideologized operating systems under the banner of Free Software. These multipurpose programs are generally derivatives of the GNU Project added to Linux-type kernels: they can thus be copied, manipulated and extended freely without any imposition thanks to the licenses that specifically allow and guarantee it. So it becomes possible to revive the unearthed machines as if they were a tamed Frankenstein capable of serving the People.

    The hardware could be considered important, but we must give it the dimension that it really has: that of being a malleable tool for joint work aimed at the Liberation of men, which must be superior.

    The hacker show

    Thus we find a lightning setup that revolves around several booths of Arduino devices to draw, mixing modern hardware with handmade controllers. Those are hacks involving levers and buttons from old unserviceable arcade machines. Some devices mutate to generate sound or interact with cell phone cameras or cathode ray tube television sets, as the screens illuminate with games. An almost fossilized Commodore 64s is revived thanks to its electronic DNA. Originally it was assembled in the 80s by the suburban Drean washing machine factory.

    Some videos:

    Another video:

    In the #retrocomputing PC equipment area, several DOS games were made available to the public. Several old gaming PC were used, including a remarkable PC AT clones with a 12-inch amber monochrome monitor - a present from the Argentine computer past.

    In addition to being able to enjoy the classics Arkanoid, BlockOut or Prince of Persia, we tagged it by leaving a message from the hackers of (our public UNIX community in Spanish) among the source code in the AUTOEXEC.BAT.

    As often happens, the true social network is friendship, and the Club is engendered by its mutants, who appear in dozens of colors, of all ages and genders.

    Children shall have the Right and Duty to have fun in a healthy way, without privative licenses of any kind clouding their existence. That is why at their side there was what was boldly described as "the end of the world's largest cybercafe with recycled Linux". Some twelve notebooks with Huayra GNU/Linux ran an Unreal-derived FPS to make such a boast. There were frenzied laser and rocket firefights, arbitrated by a router recovered from a trash bin and improved with OpenWRT, producing a wired local area network without any appreciable delay. Not bad for these little machines. None of the tech-savvy thinks those suffer from lack of power.

    Where there is a need, there is a right.

    At the end we met a lot of people from the data network scene, and then the interactive music show are launched. Live and loud chiptune music by a lineup of maestros of the genre like Mambo Rivas, Cinematronic, Coke n Aspirin and some another in charge of speakers and video walls.

    I left listening to the most wonderful music, which for me is synthesized with Free Software.


  • retrocomputing
    retrocomputing peron 1 year ago 100%
    Cybercirujas - Computer Trashers in Argentina

    A organized community of computer hackers in the DEEP DEEP South América.

    retrocomputing retrocomputing PiDP-8/i TSS/8 computing experience
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    Enjoy the awesome challenges!

  • sdfpubnix sdfpubnix Hello world! - Please introduce yourself here
  • peron peron 1 year ago 100%

    Hello SDF Lemmy! This is peron!

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       \__\    /  /         I wish u all
      | |___| /  /      Happy Hacking
      -----  /  /            @SDF!      
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