gaming Gaming Hasan Piker streaming NoPixel GTA V roleplay VOD
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    GTA V roleplay is something that I never thought could be interesting, but here we are and it is :D

    GTTC, my fellow role-play frog o7

  • transgender transgender MSPs approve Scotland's controversial hate crime law
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    There have been suggestions, for example, that the bill could lead to author JK Rowling facing a seven-year prison sentence for expressing her concerns about the impact of trans rights on women.

    Nice, defeating TERF-island one bill at a time 😎️

  • videos
    Videos nBee 4 years ago 100%
    David Cross: Why America Sucks at Everything

    More good news from the greatest nation on earth 🇱🇷️🦅️🇱🇷️

    latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism OECD countries all vote against an IP waiver allowing generic covid vaccines to be mass produced. Gotta protect pharma profits.
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    The linked article even talks about it only being a "temporary waiver" "until herd immunity is reached". This is literally putting profits before human lives, but god forbid a vaccination against a life-threatening infection gets into the hands of those poor people.

  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    Ah, sorry, didn't even think of that. Ye, that'd be a valid reason to shower a lot. But don't forget the body-lotion after showering :D

  • technology Technology Far-right supporters move to open source to evade censorship
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 91%

    In 2019, Smith said in a video he wanted to live in a “Unabomber cabin” to escape the surveillance and censorship which he believes is especially aimed at the far right. […]

    In various videos and podcasts, Smith rehearses other ideas associated with the far right. He advocates breaking the US up – potentially into racial enclaves “maybe [by] dividing by states, maybe [by] dividing by ethnic groups”. The fantasy of the US splintering along ethnic lines has long been entertained by white nationalists, who have taken to calling themselves the “Balk Right”.

    This is not the only place where Smith touches on ideas associated with white nationalism. In a 2018 podcast, he offers an account of human history that relies on arguments made in The 10,000 Year Explosion, described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a white nationalist book. Smith also directed readers to websites like radishmag, where readers are asked to “reconsider” slavery and lynching is painted in a positive light.

    Wow, what a "wholesome" dude🤗️

  • aww cute dogs, cats, and other animals He's very interested in my Thai food
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    awww😍️😍️😍️ I'm interested in how cute he is

  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    However, showering does not only wash the body. A shower that’s entirely focused on cleaning the body – a so-called Navy shower or Sea shower– takes very little time, energy and water. A Navy shower consists of a 30 seconds shower to get wet, soaping the body while the water is off, and is completed by another 30 second shower to rinse the soapy water.

    That's an interesting point. I noticed that I sometimes I just stand in the shower to think instead of cleaning myself.

    In earth sciences at school we did thankfully talk about the water footprint of our daily habits and products we consume, so I usually try to conserve water by turning the water off when soaping and shaving – although I'm not yet as quick as those Navy lads.

    Edit: I found some resources on what we discussed in class, if anyone's interested:

  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    Or even not taking a shower every day. Like that just dries out the skin unnecessarily D:

  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    Cannibalism :(

  • memes Memes I stole this from somewhere
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    It really is surprising how many times I get my own age wrong. I recently even had a dream where I did that 😰️

  • anarchism Anarchism *Permanently Deleted*
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    I actually had a similar idea a few days ago. I like, but would definitely appreciate an anarchist instance. So if you start one I'd join :)

  • psychology
    Psychology nBee 4 years ago 100%
    The medical test paradox: Can redesigning Bayes rule help? | 3Blue1Brown

    Another great video by 3Blue1Brown! I think the perspectives about the test paradox could probably be relevant to most fields that require statistical knowledge.

    Psychology nBee 4 years ago 100%
    Scientists Find Link Between Bipolar Disorder and Neuroinflammation

    > Scientists may be closer to understanding how the brain can function differently in people who have bipolar disorder. In a new study, researchers say they’ve found evidence that certain brain cells trigger inflammation more easily in those who have BPD, and that these wayward cells can be linked to decreased neural activity that could be harmful to our mental health. The findings, published on Thursday in Stem Cell Reports, could hint at a new way to treat bipolar disorder someday, though more research is still needed. > > Scientists have been studying the connection between inflammation and mental illness for some time, including bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder experience uncontrollable mood swings that can leave them severely depressed one moment and manic the next. People with bipolar disorder are known to be more likely to have other conditions associated with chronic inflammation, such as hypertension and diabetes. Some studies have also shown that bipolar disorder patients can have higher levels of proteins that goad the body into becoming inflamed, especially when they’re in the middle of a manic episode. These proteins include interleukin 6 (IL-6), which plays many roles in the body, such as guiding the body’s acute response to infection. > > In their new study, researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, the University of California, San Diego, and the Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris decided to look at a specific type of brain cell, the astrocyte. These are star-shaped cells in the brain that carry out a number of important functions that help support neurons. One of these functions include being part of the chain of command that triggers inflammation in the brain and surrounding nervous system, which is meant to help the brain respond to injury or infection. The researchers theorized that this generally useful process can go awry in people with bipolar disorder, and that astrocytes can have a part in this dysfunctional inflammation. > > “Due to a growing understanding of the role of neuroinflammation in psychiatric disorders, we asked whether altered inflammation-driven signaling in astrocytes was associated with bipolar disorder,” study author Fred Gage, president of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, said in an email. > > Gage and his team used stem cells derived from six people with bipolar disorder as well as four controls without bipolar disorder, then had them develop into astrocytes that were studied in the lab. (They had figured out how to create these cells from earlier research.) Compared to the control group, the astrocytes from patients with bipolar disorder were noticeably different. The cells had higher expression of their IL-6 gene and as a result, they secreted more IL-6 than the control astrocytes. When they exposed neurons to these astrocytes, the team saw decreased levels of neural activity, compared to the astrocytes from the controls. And when the researchers introduced an antibody that suppressed IL-6 into the mix, the neurons were less hampered by the astrocytes, further implicating IL-6. Lastly, the blood of bipolar disorder patients also contained more IL-6 than controls. > > G/O Media may get a commission > > “Our study suggests that normal function of astrocytes is affected in bipolar disorder patients’ brains, contributing to neuroinflammation,” co-author Renata Santos, a researcher at the Salk Institute as well as the Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris, said. > > The findings are certainly intriguing, but the researchers warn there’s still a long road to go before we can confirm a clear, causal link between impaired astrocytes, IL-6, and bipolar disorder, much less something that could lead to meaningful new treatments. Lab-grown astrocytes might be different from those found in our brain in important ways, for instance. (One difference is that these cells are less mature.) And since the brain is plenty complicated, there are likely other aspects of our biology, including in the brain, that could play an important role in causing bipolar disorder. > > “Our findings elucidate aspects of the understudied role of astrocytes in neuroinflammation in psychiatric disorders, with relevance for altered IL-6 and inflammatory signaling in bipolar disorder patient astrocytes,” lead author Krishna Vadodaria, a research associate at the Salk Institute, said. > > If the researchers are onto something here, it’s possible astrocytes could not only help provide further insight on bipolar disorder, but other mental illnesses linked to inflammation, such as schizophrenia, according to study author Carol Marchetto, now an anthropology researcher at UC San Diego. And they hope their work will help propel future research into astrocytes and inflammation—research that could lead to the development of treatments that might reverse the harmful bodily changes seen in those with bipolar disorder and similar conditions.

  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    doot doot. Thank you Mr. Skeltal

  • technology Technology *Permanently Deleted*
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    It’s not a perfect system. Radio France Internationale notes that manufacturers calculate their own scores (albeit based on strict guidelines), and they can gain easy points with simple measures like giving more information about software updates.

    While that is true, the scores here are a neat complement to the ones posted by iFixit alongside their teardowns. Hopefully the legislation can catch on in other countries as well.

  • anarchism Anarchism Am I allowed to criticize tankism within this forum?
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    The word originally referred to communists that supported the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in their suppression of "[…] the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and later the Prague Spring of 1968 […]"^[1]^ . As I do not really have much information about the former, I will focus on the latter instead:

    Alexander Dubček succeeded Antonín Novotný as the first secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in October 1967. His government had planned new political reforms, a so-called "Socialism with a human face": social/cultural/political democratization, decentralization and liberalization. After political negotiations did not resolve the disagreements other states of the Warsaw Pact had with these plans, the member states resorted to a military intervention: On 21. August 1968, soldiers from members of the Warshaw Pact invaded and occupied Czechoslovakia, without any prior request from the Czechoslovakian government (this is where the term stems from, as the Warsaw Pact rolled in with tanks). Dubček and other officials were arrested. Few days later, they signed the Moscow Protocol that repealed most of the enacted reforms.^[2]^

    The antisocialist elements in Czechoslovakia actually covered up the demand for so-called neutrality and Czechoslovakia's withdrawal from the socialist community with talking about the right of nations to self-determination.

    However, the implementation of such "self-determination," in other words, Czechoslovakia's detachment from the socialist community, would have come into conflict with its own vital interests and would have been detrimental to the other socialist states.

    Such "self-determination," as a result of which NATO troops would have been able to come up to the Soviet border, while the community of European socialist countries would have been split, in effect encroaches upon the vital interests of the peoples of these countries and conflicts, as the very root of it, with the right of these people to socialist self-determination.

    Discharging their internationalist duty toward the fraternal peoples of Czechoslovakia and defending their own socialist gains, the U.S.S.R. and the other socialist states had to act decisively and they did act against the antisocialist forces in Czechoslovakia.

    – Leonid Brezhnev, 1968^[3]^

    This justification for a military intervention in a 'brother-state', now also known as the Brezhnev Doctrine, was supported by some members of the Communist Party of Great Britain – which were then called 'Tankies'. That's the historical origin at least.

    Today, the word is mostly used as a negative descriptor for people who support, apologize or defend militaristic or authoritarian means of enforcing a communist or socialist system.


    [1] Wikipedia contributors (2021, February 23). Tankie. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

    [2] Karner, Stefan (2008). Der "Prager Frühling". Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, B 20. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn.

    [3] Brezhnev Doctrine (2019, July 22). In Wikisource.

  • announcements Announcements Statement on Politics of
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 89%

    Lemmy is run by a team of people with different ideologies, including anti-capitalist, communist, anarchist, and others.


  • pics Pics *Permanently Deleted*
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    A very serene atmosphere you captured there <3

  • technology Technology Twitter announces paid Super Follows to let you charge for tweets
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    No idea how they will moderate these posts, but I see it also cutting into OnlyFans' popularity if they allow NSFW stuff.

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Has Failed
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    Wow, that's so depressing to hear. Especially when you see all these conservative war hawks talk about reducing government deficits all the time. Hypocrites, every single one of 'em :(

  • firefox Firefox *Permanently Deleted*
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    You can't just expose my browsing habits like that :O

  • technology Technology Twitter announces paid Super Follows to let you charge for tweets
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    Strange. I saw someone talking about paid tweets today, but thought it was a joke. Who would want to pay for this?!

    Lately, Twitter seems to just copy of features from all kinds of other platforms and just mash them together D:

  • gaming Gaming The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Announced, Launches July 16 on Switch - Niche Gamer
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    $60 for a port of a game feels kinda stingy

  • memes Memes Today, in "aged like milk"
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    cancer got cancer and now small cancers are dancing on its grave: 🦀️🦀️🦀️🦀️🦀️🦀️

  • science Science 'New Car Smell' Is The Scent of Carcinogens, And Even Short Trips May Overexpose Us
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    yeah, that smell just brings back bad memories of dizziness D:

  • anime Anime *Permanently Deleted*
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    but anything with some mystery or cliffhangers… much better in binge or at least several shows in one sitting

    Man, I can't even do it any other way😅️ Every time I watch something that engrosses me too much, I watch it until like 2 AM and then I think "might as well finish it now…" – needless to say, my sleep schedule is fucked that day.

  • me_irl me_irl me🍌irl
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    Every fucking time. It's like they are speedrunning and always skip their yellow stage :(

  • anime Anime *Permanently Deleted*
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    I never really watch shows that are currently airing, so that problem doesn't arise. I am a serial binge-watcher 😎️

  • opensource Open Source *Permanently Deleted*
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    And the sessions are even end-to-end encrypted. Very nice!

  • catsareliquid Cats Are Liquid *Permanently Deleted*
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    When the recipe said 5 cups of cat, but you added 6 by accident.

  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    When I was like 14 I wanted to start developing some games: I had gameplay ideas and wanted to see if I could realize them (retrospectively way too much work for a beginner). In the end I did not complete any games, but instead I learned some basics in Python :D

  • lemmy Lemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    I'd love to see some more cat communities over here :D but I also miss /r/unresolvedmysteries

  • music Music Deltron 3030 - 3030
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    Man, I love this album. Good taste!

  • gaming Gaming PlayStation 5 Users Report Joystick Drift Issue with DualSense Controller - Niche Gamer
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    Ah yes, I was waiting for JoyCon 2: Electric Boogaloo

  • technology Technology The best web browser for iPhone — coxy
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    There's also a browser to connect to the Tor network: OnionBrowser, not officially by the Tor project (look at the caveats first!), but developed by one of the Tor-Browser contributors.

    Edit: oops, it's all the way at the bottom :P that's what I get for not reading everything

  • transgender transgender I Am A Transwoman. I Am In The Closet. I Am Not Coming Out.
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    Woah, what a text. As someone who has not come to terms with their body, much of it really resonates with me deeply (I cried like halfway through); and it is so neatly written too.

    Thank you for sharing :)

    Edit: grammar is hard

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism The Downside to Life in a Supertall Tower: Leaks, Creaks, Breaks
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 85%

    I read this a few days ago and got some nice Schadenfreude out of it. Billionaires overpaying for shitty apartments, and experiencing what 'normal' people have to endure all the time.

    She’s aware that the plight of billionaires won’t garner much sympathy, but says she is speaking out on principle.

    “Everything here was camouflage,” she said. “If I knew then what I know now, I would have never bought.”

    They could've settled with in some 'less expensive' building, but chose one that that wasn't even finished; great thinking. Yeah, no real sympathy there, unless they continue and rally for better tenants' rights for the rest of us.

  • todayilearned Today I learned TIL: Elephants have a religion of moon-worship.
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    Aw man, I'd love to see a video of that

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    neuroscience nBee 4 years ago 100%
    A Deep Dive Into the Brain, Hand-Drawn by the Father of Neuroscience

    [Archived Link]( When I first found Santiago Ramón y Cajal's drawings of neurons and cells I was fascinated just how aesthetically pleasing they looked. Totally different from many drawings in textbooks. The [Cajal Institute]( also has some more of his drawings.

    Tor - The Onion Router nBee 4 years ago 100%
    Deep Web Radio. [onion adress] http://76qugh5bey5gum7l.onion/

    Listen with Tor browser.

    communism Communism Wealth, shown to scale
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    True, it really was just a minor annoyance in comparison ;)

  • communism Communism what are some other leftist fourm's/websites
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    Blink twice if you're being held at gunpoint by the CIA ;)

  • communism Communism Wealth, shown to scale
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    Really neat visualization; although auto-scrolling and pausing through so much text is kinda tiring. The linked document on the "Paper Billionaire Argument" really drives it home: eat the rich🤑️

  • wallstreetbets wallstreetbets Should you take financial advice from Reddit?
  • nBee nBee 4 years ago 100%

    I think short selling should be illegal. It’s essentially making money off of other people’s misfortune

    Yeah, that shit is downright criminal (or 'capitalistic' if you will), especially if you consider that these big hedge-funds were purposefully trading their shorts to let the affected stocks look even worse. I would have loved to see these big players go bankrupt.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Open Science Feed nBee 4 years ago 100%
    Academic Research - Sci-Hub's Fight Against Private Ownership of Knowledge

    > The argument continues that journals that have real costs. My response is that prices currently charged for subscriptions are not used to cover costs but simply to make big profits. An example to illustrate this is that papers published in the 2010s and earlier are paywalled. Why? There is no reason – these papers have been published more than 10 years ago. Haven’t the costs of publishing them been covered already? **They could be free, but they are being kept closed access only to extract more profits.** As you might know, Sci-Hub's Twitter account got suspended a few weeks ago, so I thought these insights from the project's founder and maintainer herself, Alexandra Elbakyan, might be interesting (although the suspension itself is not mentioned here).

    Videos nBee 4 years ago 100%
    How Socialists Solved The Housing Crisis

    So, while the Gravel Institute's videos are kinda US-centric, I think that you could apply the issues here to the housing situation in many western countries. Although about 10% of NYC students being homeless shows that the US handles it much worse than many of their international counterparts.

    Psychology nBee 4 years ago 100%
    Under new management

    The current mod [@Eli]( hasn't been active since last July, so I have requested to be modded (thx [@dessalines]( Edit: I have added rules and a new community image. **If you find any news regarding psychology, its fields, or you want to ask/discuss something, please do so :D** And if you have any more ideas for this community, please share them here! Looking at [/r/psychology,]( it seems that restricting the content to only scientific news/papers might stop an inflood of low-quality submissions that are just unscientific at best; but many of the articles over there are often just the results of one/two studies taken at face value.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Community Requests. nBee 4 years ago 100%
    Requesting /c/psychology

    The current mod []( hasn't been active since last July.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Main nBee 4 years ago 100%
    Gedenken an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus

    Heute jährt hat sich zum 76. Mal die Befreiung des Konzentrations-/Vernichtungslagers Ausschwitz-Birkenau duch die Rote Armee. Die verschiedenen Gedenkstätten und Organisationen bieten auch virtuelle Angebote zum Gedenken während der Pandemie an: [ Artikel dazu]( --- Today marks the 76. anniversary of the liberation of the concentration and extermination camp Ausschwitz-Birkenau by the Red Army. The Memorials and organisations offer digital ways to commemorate during the pandemic: [article from]( (in German)

    Videos nBee 4 years ago 100%
    The Truth About the Electoral College (6:13)

    Seeing how the US presidential election is ~~just a few days away~~ happening right now the video here seems like a nice little overview over the issues with the American electoral college system currently in place.
