meta Meta Getting only outdated posts on mobile
  • monerobull monerobull 7 days ago 100%

    Can't recreate on Jerboa, are you using Tor or a VPN on your phone?

  • monero
    Monero monerobull 1 week ago 100%
    The future of | Looking for Feedback

    Hello everyone, As many of you know, []( has been using the same design for quite some time now. While it's served us well, some community members have mentioned that the current look is starting to feel a bit dated & amateur. The Monero Website work group is looking for some more community feedback to be discussed at the [next meeting]( (feel free to join!). Would you prefer to keep the current design, or should we consider refreshing it? We’ve received two alternative concepts by community members Diego and hammermann (linked below) and would love to get your feedback. Please let us know your thoughts! What do you like about the current site? What would you change? If you prefer one of the new concepts, tell us why. Your input is invaluable as we move forward with making any potential changes. Looking forward to hearing from everyone! Links to the concepts: 1. [Redesign Concept - Diego]( 2. [Redesign Concept - hammermann ]( Thanks in advance! :)

    monero Monero Meetup in Offenbach, Germany on 10th October
  • monerobull monerobull 1 week ago 100%

    I hope that I can make it to this one, sad to hear that it will be the last one of this type. Guess I'll have to start a new one :D

  • monero Monero Mrs. Crypto Tips explains FCMP
  • monerobull monerobull 2 weeks ago 75%

    10 times more private, from 16 to 100.000.000


  • monero Monero Haveno Reto 1.0.10 is out!
  • monerobull monerobull 1 month ago 100%


    (Version number in title should be 1.0.10)

  • monero Monero Skepticism Sunday #1 -- Jul 21, 2024
  • monerobull monerobull 2 months ago 100%

    Thanks for making this thread. I don't have any real criticism, just hoping for FCMPs and Serai to work out smoothly. Both of them are absolutely vital for Moneros future.

  • monero Monero Wizardswap
  • monerobull monerobull 3 months ago 100%

    Recently, the option to trade and withdraw (!!!) Monero was suddenly gone for about a day without a word from them on what is going on. I would stay away.

  • monero Monero Haveno-Reto on Tails?
  • monerobull monerobull 4 months ago 100%
  • monero Monero A potential small-scale spam attack?
  • monerobull monerobull 4 months ago 100%

    Could be but I don't think so. We have seen increased transactions around summertime before, imo it's people buying stuff to use during summer vacation.

    There's also the fact that more and more xmr transactions move away from binance-like-CEX to instant swappers. Oh and of course, the binance delisting was officially concluded 2 days ago and it was the last chance for people to withdraw their coins.

  • monero Monero Is it just me or does every online Monero community feel like a ghost town recently?
  • monerobull monerobull 5 months ago 75%

    On matrix the meetings are held and people just generally hang out. There is still r/monero & r/monerosupport as well as but that one's a bit less accessible for people new to Monero.

  • monero Monero Is it just me or does every online Monero community feel like a ghost town recently?
  • monerobull monerobull 5 months ago 66%

    The serai coin is mainly used as stake and pair for liquidity pools, it's not supposed to be used for payments. Imo taint is less of an issue, you're only at risk when not using Monero and that's the case no matter if you got the coins from Serai or any other exchange.

  • monero Monero Paranoid about the Seraphis upgrade
  • monerobull monerobull 5 months ago 100%

    Yeah, just dming me on matrix would be enough :)

  • monero Monero Is it just me or does every online Monero community feel like a ghost town recently?
  • monerobull monerobull 5 months ago 88%

    Im quite happy with the pace is growing, especially since it was initially only set up as a fallback in case the subreddit gets banned.

    Serai requires it's own coin for the design to work, there is no real way around it.

  • monero Monero Is it just me or does every online Monero community feel like a ghost town recently?
  • monerobull monerobull 5 months ago 92%

    Most of the regulars are hanging out on matrix. There are actually a lot of exciting things in the pipeline: Monerokon, Haveno, Serai, FCMPs, etc.

    People have said the current bullrun in general is boring and the excitement is nothing compared to the last one. And Monero isn't even participating in the current bullrun :P

  • moneromining Monero Mining P2Pool is currently #3 Monero block producer! - Decentralization is GROWING!
  • monerobull monerobull 5 months ago 83%

    Supportxmr is growing uncomfortably large :/

  • monero Monero The case for dropping old blocks to keep Monero blockchain size under control and future proof
  • monerobull monerobull 6 months ago 100%

    So what? It takes 3 days to sync an ETH node, 10 days for a chia node. These aren't lightwallets, this is network infrastructure.

    Many nodes are actually ran on raspberry PIs.

    I very much doubt that considering how raspberries don't have physical AES and already took +3 weeks to sync before the transaction spike.

    We could easily exceed 2TB every 10years.

    I'd be perfectly fine with that. Right now you can get 2 TB SSDs for about 1 XMR. At the current rate (and it's been similar for decades) they will be worth less than 20$ in a couple of years. Monero turns 10 this April and we are currently at only ~200 GB. And we still have pruning!

    Storage isn't the limiting factor, it's bandwidth.

  • monero Monero Open Letter to DNM Operators: Please Grow Horizontally!
  • monerobull monerobull 6 months ago 100%

    Great post 🚀

    Really like the idea but see some problems with it.

    the demand for illegal narcotics from people smart enough to use Tor Browser is probably at the end of its elasticity

    While this is likely true, it doesn't get easier to use Tor depending on whether you want to buy a fake Gucci sweater or black tar heroin.

    I do believe Monero still has massive potential in swallowing up many P2P drug transactions should CBDCs be used to really clamp down on cash and when that happens, other sectors will be affected as well: "You're carbon credit allowance for this month has run out, no more meat for you."

  • monero Monero The case for dropping old blocks to keep Monero blockchain size under control and future proof
  • monerobull monerobull 6 months ago 100%

    I don't actually think 150GB per year is an issue. This still gives you +5 years on a 1TB SSD. That's half a decade of time, Monero is only 10 years old. Plenty of time for storage to advance.

  • monero Monero The case for dropping old blocks to keep Monero blockchain size under control and future proof
  • monerobull monerobull 7 months ago 100%

    Agreed. Currently we are at ~190 GB with ~8.5 GB growth over the last 3 months. This is just 34 GB per year and a 500 GB SSD would last another 7 years at the current growth-rate. You can already get 2 TB SSDs for less than 150€. Storage really isn't the issue, the biggest limitation is bandwidth.

  • monero Monero Monero Node in Space
  • monerobull monerobull 7 months ago 100%

    Space nodes are at best useful as a marketing stunt. It's really the worst place to put a computer. A node in a bunker is much safer and is actually maintainable after its initial deployment, if you need coverage anywhere on earth, Elon has already spent billions for you to utilize starlink :)

    I'd propose to instead do a fundraiser to buy our own version of the cyberbunker where we can set up a real beefy node, host events, set up a hacker space, etc ;)

  • monero Monero Monero GUI sign/verify feature
  • monerobull monerobull 7 months ago 100%

    As far as I understand it, you can use it to sign a message with your private key and someone else can verify it with your address and this prove you actually own that address. Can also be used for logins, I believe has that as an option.

  • monero Monero Hidden-volume
  • monerobull monerobull 7 months ago 100%

    Based on the current liquidity on samourai swaps and BasicSwapDex, I doubt there is THAT much volume going unnoticed but there is definitely some. I'm very interested in what SeraiDEX will reveal about Monero.

  • monero Monero 'There is an ongoing attack on XMR by Binance. Faking its price on purpose in an attempt to release CZ from the U.S. judicial custody.' —
  • monerobull monerobull 7 months ago 100%

    Very interesting statement 🤔

  • meta
    Meta monerobull 8 months ago 92%
    How happy are you with

    The instance is now over half a year old and so far we've experience decent growth and minimal downtime. I'm quite happy with it. Even though most content is still on r/Monero, we do get a handful of posts every week. Since this was primarily set up as a fallback for the subreddit without any spam/scam bots thanks to strict whitelisting I think the initial goal has been more than fulfilled :) What do you guys think?

    monero Monero 1000 USD bounty for Linux camera support offered in XMR
  • monerobull monerobull 8 months ago 85%

    I love seeing stuff like this :)

  • monero Monero Cake Wallet's 6th year Anniversary! - a note from me
  • monerobull monerobull 8 months ago 100%

    Congrats on 6 years! Cake is an awesome wallet 🎉

  • monero Monero You guys know Helium network ?
  • monerobull monerobull 9 months ago 100%

    Helium was very close to being a Ponzi scheme. LoRa has really low throughput, no way you'd be able to run something like Tor over it.

  • featherwallet Feather Wallet Feather Wallet 2.6.0 released: airgapped signing with animated QR codes
  • monerobull monerobull 9 months ago 100%

    This is massive, thanks for building this awesome wallet!

  • monero Monero Wallet installs increasing and more
  • monerobull monerobull 10 months ago 100%

    Great stats! is my go-to mobile wallet for everyday use :D

  • monero Monero fluffypony Riccardo Spagni - Proposal: Disband Core
  • monerobull monerobull 11 months ago 87%

    This is an interesting proposal. From what I have heard, core doesn't do all that much these days besides getting blamed when something goes wrong. Splitting up their responsibilities and decentralizing them sounds like a good option for Moneros future.

  • monero Monero What peer-config to help the network?
  • monerobull monerobull 11 months ago 100%

    I'm working on yet another directory site as well c:

  • monerobull monerobull 11 months ago 100%

    Well, it's a meme lol.

  • monero_memes
    Monero Memes monerobull 11 months ago 80%
    Darknet PSA

    Made this meme :D

    privacy privacy qBittorrent adds experimental I2P support
  • monerobull monerobull 11 months ago 100%

    Oh that's pretty cool!

  • monero Monero Apparently Coinsbee has temporarily disabled Monero
  • monerobull monerobull 11 months ago 100%

    Damn that sucks. They had gas station gift-cards and I always thought that I could buy one with XMR should I ever run out of gas and get stranded somewhere without any cash.

  • monero Monero Is a scam?
  • monerobull monerobull 11 months ago 100%

    It looks like they are a very new company and their affiliate FAQ reads quite unprofessionally. On top of that a 8% fee. I'd steer clear and use buy.cakepay.web instead but that doesn't mean these guys are scammers.

  • monero Monero Yesterday first time for more than 3 months more than 25,000 tx a day!
  • monerobull monerobull 12 months ago 100%

    It has been around for a decent amount of time and from what I could tell had a decent reputation. It might have even been per order escrow but the market can still steal the money in escrow.

    Something like the particl marketplace would be great for repeat small time buyers but for everyone else the collateral requirements are either too annoying for infrequent buys or too expensive for large deals.

    Can't do 2-2 without collateral since the buyer has no incentive to release funds once they received their merchandise and even non malicious buyers would often just forget about it.

  • monero Monero thinking about creating a new wallet at block 3 million
  • monerobull monerobull 12 months ago 100%

    Exactly, you then scan from 1 block before you received the coins back :)

  • monero Monero E-Mail Provider That Accepts Monero
  • monerobull monerobull 12 months ago 100%

    Not a e-mail provider but related: accepts Monero :)

  • monero Monero thinking about creating a new wallet at block 3 million
  • monerobull monerobull 12 months ago 100%

    No need for that. Sending your entire balance to your own wallet effectively resets the sync height. I did it for all my wallets after the last hardfork.

  • monero Monero this guy was given 8 years for a paperwork violation
  • monerobull monerobull 12 months ago 50%

    I'd much rather have Ross Ulbricht than this guy.

  • monero Monero Yesterday first time for more than 3 months more than 25,000 tx a day!
  • monerobull monerobull 12 months ago 100%

    Tor2door exit scammed recently and Monero has risen a bit in price, i'd say these two events are mainly responsible for the uptick. Still great to see so many transactions this deep into a bearmarket.

  • moneromining Monero Mining Is the new Raspberry Pi 5 good enough for Monero mining?
  • monerobull monerobull 12 months ago 100%

    I myself used a rock pi 4 for a while to run a node but have gone back to running it on a more powerful machine and in docker. Raspberries used to be cool but now there are way better alternives.

  • foss
    Looking for subscription-services dashboard

    I have a couple of servers, domains, etc. that I need to keep track of and would like to have them all displayed in a nice dashboard/overview since I don't really want to put them in my regular calendar. Any suggestions? Edit: Someone replied in a different community that they use [Subz]( and I'll give that a try :)

    de_EDV monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    Suche nach FOSS Abo-Tracking

    Hab ein paar Server, Domains, etc. und würde gerne schön übersichtlich sehen, wann was ausläuft. Im normalen Kalender brauche ich das aber jetzt nicht unbedingt. Hat hier jemand nen Vorschlag?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    privacy monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    File sharing site Anonfiles shuts down due to overwhelming abuse
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    cryptocurrency monerobull 1 year ago 81%
    Why Bitcoin Miners Will Never Make Money
    3DPrinting monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    Should I just wait another year or two?

    I've wanted to get into 3d printing for a while now and have been checking out the prusa mk4 and the bambu lab x1. The bambu looks amazing in all aspects besides repairability and offline printing, with the latter one looking like a real deal breaker. It seems like all the more advanced features need a connection to the cloud, which I really don't like. On the other hand we have the prusa which seems to be running really rushed software still missing a lot of features that the hardware should be able to support and the price looks like way worse value compared to the stuff you get with the bambu. At least it's repairable and no cloud bullshit. Should I just come back in a year and hope that the mk4 software has gotten better or the bambu doesn't require internet for all the cool stuff? Edit: Just woke up and I want to thank everyone in this thread for the quality replies! I'll look into 3d modeling first and if the prusa doesn't anymore have janky alpha input shaping 2-3 months from now I'll go with that, otherwise I'll have to look for alternatives. Since I'd be running prints throughout the day while I'm not at home, I'd want something more reliable than an ender 3. Edit 2: I just found out about the Bambu p1s, I might just get that one.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    privacy monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    Here’s a reminder to make your Venmo transactions private, courtesy of Clarence Thomas

    >I’m currently looking at my Venmo feed. In an ideal world, I would see only a log of private payments I’ve made and received. Instead, I see a list of my friends’ business: someone paid a friend for “drinkies,” another for “rich *removed* things.” This is so terrible, I don't even know what to say about this.

    Monero monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    New PyLoose Linux malware mines Monero directly from memory

    I'd like to thank the insecure cloud instances for helping secure the network 🤭 Also: >Wiz could not attribute the PyLoose attacks to any particular threat actor, as the attacker left no useful evidence behind.

    Meta monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    FediRedirect: Usefull Firefox extension

    #### Edit: Similar, [even better tool like this]( geteilt von: > FediRedirect is a browser extension that redirects you to your favorite instance. > > It currently supports: > - [Lemmy]( => [Lemmy]( > - [Mastodon]( => [Mastodon]( > - [Mastodon]( => [Lemmy]( > - [Lemmy]( => [Mastodon](

    Meta monerobull 1 year ago 100% and another instance have been compromised

    A bunch of instances got compromised earlier today. was not effected since this particular exploit requires a server to have custom emojis enabled. geteilt von: > cross-posted from: > > > FYI!!! In case you start getting re-directed to porn sites. > > > > Maybe the admin got hacked? > > > > --------- > > > > edit: **** has also been hacked. **** is also down, possibly intentionally by their admins until the issue is fixed. > > > > Post discussing the point of vulnerability:

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    privacy monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    Threads attracts 30M users in 24 hours despite design flaws, privacy concerns
    Monero monerobull 1 year ago 91%
    ASP of NAND Flash to Continue Falling 3~8% in 3Q23

    There are already 2TB SSDs available for less than 80€ and prices are expected to go even lower. I agree with Artic Mine and believe storage is not going to be a problem for Monero and that the only real bottleneck is upload speed. What do you think?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    cryptocurrency monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    The Digital Euro and the P Word

    >privacy is a convenient attack vector for critics of CBDCs. Watch out people, the CBDCs will be so heckin private that you will hear the same FUD about them as you hear about Monero!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    cryptocurrency monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    Encryption AI rug pulls for $2 million, developer allegedly blames gambling addiction
    Monerochan monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    [AI] Schoolgirl Monerochan - Imgur Album

    Example: ![00054-3847022288.png](

    Monerochan monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    Testing out new AI models :D


    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    privacy monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    Apple announces it will scan users' iCloud photos to catch child abusers

    Apple will activate the controversial image scanning feature by default & let third party apps use its scanning API. [German article](

    Monero Konferenco monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    I can bring things from to MoneroKon

    If you are at MoneroKon this week and want to buy a [Monerochan plushie]( or stickers, let me know! You'll save the shipping cost, and on top of that get a special 10% discount :)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Lemmy Support monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    How to configure Lemmy TOR hidden service?

    I'm using the nginx config from this template: How do I go about setting up a TOR hidden service? Many of my instances users would like to read the site that way. People have told me it's very simple but the lemmy config seems to be way more complicated than a regular web-page. For example, I am not sure what to put as root path or for the location in the nginx.conf Help would be greatly appreciated!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Monero monerobull 1 year ago 71%, the monero-focused lemmy instance

    Check out [!]( if you are looking for a more active Monero community on lemmy!

    Meta monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    Wipe your reddit history, shill (or lemmy, or whatever)

    If you’re considering leaving Reddit, consider also salting the earth on your way out! Check out PowerDeleteSuite, a plugin that can edit/delete posts in a user’s history. Just follow the install instructions on the page and let it rip. You can act on or exempt specific subs, act on age, exempt by status, etc. It will also export deleted and modified comments to a CSV for your own use. I nuked my accounts, editing most comments to “This comment has been removed in protest of the Reddit API changes of June 2023. Consider visiting for a privacy preserving alternative to Reddit.”

    Gaming monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    BattleBit Remastered - Official Release Date Announcement Trailer

    The time has finally come! Releasing June15th all around the Globe! Have any of you guys participated in the playtests? For a couple of weeks BattleBit was all I did on Saturdays, first time I'm actually excited for a new game in a long time!

    Monero monerobull 1 year ago 100%
    [Edit: FULLY FUNDED 🎉] Research to Defeat EAE Attack and Analyze Effectiveness of Churning Procedures

    The EAE attack is one of Monero's privacy weak points. Churning may be a solution.

    Awesome Torrent Database

    Just wanted to share this here as I really enjoy using it:
