newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Inland Revenue giving thousands of taxpayers' details to social media platforms for ad campaigns | RNZ News
  • liv liv 1 week ago 100%

    I agree. It has also metasticised - facebook will still have a "shadow" profile on you based on what it can infer from the data it collects from others.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Four-lane Auckland-Whangārei highway could cost 10 percent of government infrastructure budget
  • liv liv 1 week ago 100%

    Wow. This is a return to Think Big of the 1970s in all its white elephant glory.

    I know Winston's bach is in Northland but it would be much cheaper to just pay for him to get helicopter rides.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how
  • liv liv 1 week ago 100%

    That's huge for them on the tax front!

    I really love how our IRD now gets bank data.

    I've found it impossible to even get my family off Whats App, let alone facebook. When I first opened my facebook account the only people I could add were my online American friends because no one here seemed to have heard of it. So I guess I was part of the problem. Am trying to spread awareness of the Fediverse so hopefully that will balance out my karma!

    I think you're right, so many of us do aspire to get away from social media surveillance and we will eventually have an ecosystem. Thank you for your part in it!😀

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Five things households should know about the first annual grocery report
  • liv liv 2 weeks ago 100%

    This might be a big city thing. In my town the cost of bulk rice for example is always cheaper at Pak n Save (which does 5kg bags) than in either Bin Inn or the Asian supermarkets. Same with meat versus butchers.

    Veg is hit and miss everywhere but green veges are sometimes cheapest at some of the Asian places, though to be fair it's not usually the same veges.

    When I lived in Aucks and Wellington we shopped more like you describe, but frustratingly it just doesn't work like that here. Might also be that I have way less money now and am always after the cheapest things.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how
  • liv liv 2 weeks ago 100%

    I agree, but I really hope some of us are at least in a position to sort it out. There's this concept Surveillance Capitalism that points out how corporations have become more powerful because of it and their interactions with governments.

    Even without that, in the US they have had legislative capture for decades (eg they are not allowed easy online taxes like we have because HR Block and TurboTax lobby against it) and NZ is beginning to show signs of it. Peter Thiel owns a surveillance company that develops war AI.

    That said historically there are always swings in favour of human rights every now and again so here's hoping we as a species see sense.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 26/8/2024
  • liv liv 2 weeks ago 100%

    I don't think they can kick you out straight away if you let it lapse into a periodic tenancy? Hopefully you can find somewhere else within the 2 months before rent can be increased under periodic.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 26/8/2024
  • liv liv 2 weeks ago 100%

    Youch! Hope it heals up nicely!

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Criminal proceeds recovery: Couple in legal battle with police to keep $232,000 found in roof space
  • liv liv 2 weeks ago 100%

    Maybe there was a lot more but they took it? It's a lot of money to us but if you had cartel connections I imagine it's the equivalent of change that got stuck in the couch.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how
  • liv liv 2 weeks ago 100%

    Meta has been heavily implicated in a couple of genocides - the A Death Sentence For My Father report gets its title from a heartbreaking example where this doctor who didn't even have a Facebook account was killed because of it.

    But that was passive i.e Meta deliberately ignoring reports and refusing to take genocidal content down. More recently Meta has more actively chosen to "take sides" re the widespread censorship of Palestinian human rights posts.

    I worry that this attitude combined with its surveillance powers is probably having a catastrophic effect. It would not surprise me at all to learn Meta is data sharing with war AI (which is already being alleged re Whatsapp).

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how
  • liv liv 4 weeks ago 100%

    What worries me most about non transparency of data is their politics and what is happening to people in conflict zones.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 12/8/2024
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    That's a good sign, fingers crossed! Hopefully it's just strep and the antibiotics are giving it a kicking.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    Yikes, that's creepy about facebook. I'm not on there much but I remember google once wanted to include something I'd booked in my google calendar (whatever the hell that is) so I never booked through that system again. I hate to think what fb is doing that I can't see, apparently it even has profiles on people who don't have accounts with it.

    I wish it were easier to avoid this stuff.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 12/8/2024
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    Glad you got some sleep! I'm not a doctor and obviously they know best. I was mostly thinking about how part of the way anti-inflammatory steroids work their magic is by dampening down the immune system.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 12/8/2024
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    Hopefully it's the least worst option!

    I know it's not really my place to say this but if it does turn out to be glandular fever/mono/Epstein Barr I'd suggest you get a second opinion on whether to use steroids during the acute phase of a viral infection (unless it's just a throat spray or inhaler or something like that).

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    Homeopapes are definitely a thing. News agreggators, RSS feeds and customizable news like Reuters, and things like pocket being able to send to ereaders.

    Alias phone is not some exciting tech unfortunately. I just have another phone that has a number and email account of its own that get used for signups. It's on casual prepay and is associated with its own human name and online accounts. It's kind of like I have an invisible flatmate who likes things like fuel cards and free streaming services.

    Hopefully we will soon have glasses you can buy that use AI to block out adds within our vision

    If we get that I want the They Live plugin!!

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 12/8/2024
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    I meant that more as a workaround!

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand 'Home loan relief coming' after cash rate cut
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    Ah yes the nonsensical myth that the number of lazy people (so insanely lazy that they prefer to live below minimum wage) magically grows and shrinks in tandem with the economy and changes to the elasticity of the labour market ...without being in any way related to it.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand 3yo, mum tasted meth 'lollies', spat them out due to 'sour' taste
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    So scary.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 12/8/2024
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    Oh no, easypeel are the best. Sudden childhood flashback to my mum having to demonstrate to me that actually no a sausage roll is not hard crusted dried meat all the way through, only the bits that stick out the ends. 🤦‍♂️

    Yep tangelo, still going crazy, so is the mandarin. I was going to cut some fruit for the birds and post a photo friday PSA about feeding windfalls to waxeyes and tui but got too caught up in mundane paperwork. Citrus is great though isn't it, comes along at the perfect time!

    When it ends will be the best time for pruning too, to repay the tree with a bit of tlc.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 12/8/2024
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    Hmm maybe you need a triple shot?

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    Pretty sure Philip K Dick predicted it in the 60s but I can't remember which book or story. I sometimes worry that we make things because he predicted them, but I do like the homeopapes.

    Yeah I'm in a similar boat, I don't watch broadcast tv or listen to the radio unless someone makes me, I have ad blockers and tracker blockers, my loyalty cards are all signed up to an alias and its alias phone.

    Now that we don't have a cat to spoil, I don't think I'm anyone's preferred target market though, except maybe some low level grifters!

    I guess in the absence of data it will default to what advertising always defaults to, i.e penis enlargement.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand 'Home loan relief coming' after cash rate cut
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    Yes, it coming sooner than expected was, as this article said, "WTH" and a sign of things to come not being all that great. Austerity is more or less proven to not work, it's frustrating to see it being wheeled out again especially in the form of public sector job losses.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    Google algorithms pounce on vulnerable people, billboards could do the same.

    Not looking forward to the dystopia where one minute I'm admiring a picturesque landscape in a New Caledonia holiday ad and the next minute it sees me and hastily changes to an ad for cheap chocolate from The Warehouse.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    Late to the party but thanks for posting this, really interesting article. I think we are likely to find ourselves in a situation where govt comes under intense pressure by corporate lobbying over this.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand 3yo, mum tasted meth 'lollies', spat them out due to 'sour' taste
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    It's so fortunate that they taste terrible.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand 'Home loan relief coming' after cash rate cut
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    I know this is really good for those of you with mortgages. Bad for savers, so swings and roundabouts. I had hoped the economy would sustain a higher OCR for longer.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 12/8/2024
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    Cute dog sitting was super tiring but I seem to have bounced back okay with no lasting effects so am feeling pretty good.

    Still citrus galore everywhere!

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 12/8/2024
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    Definitely 2 shots.

    In NZ everything is 2 shots unless it's short (a pet hate of mine, a caffe latte shouldn't essentially be a giant flat white wtf nz) but a long black is 2 shots for real.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 12/8/2024
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    Ugh that sounds gross, I hope it goes away soon!!

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand NZ Post truck catches fire, hundreds of parcels destroyed
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    It's the personal stuff I'd worry about.

    One of my friends once messaged me that he'd just written me a really long handwritten letter so long his hand hurt and it was in the post to me. I never got the letter and I never heard from him again, his profile went inactive, I haven't been able to track him down.

    I sometimes wonder what was in it and whether me not replying to it (since I couldn't) made us not be friends any more.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand NZ Post truck catches fire, hundreds of parcels destroyed
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%


  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 29/7/2024
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    I have a theory there's a recessive gene or two in there that can easily become expressed. So probably a quirk of inbreeding for that particular breed.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 29/7/2024
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    No I think it's only when it goes wrong. They are meant to look more like this.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 29/7/2024
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    You were browsing potential pets to get for your kids. Or maybe reading about Deadpool.

    Nope they're fairly obscure, it's just I've noticed over the years that any pup that wins Ugliest Dog is almost invariably some kind of Chinese Crested mix!

    Recent examples: Scooter and Mr Happy Face

    But I really should add a link to Sam from 2005.

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand The stunt marketing campaign for a new mental health charity, and how it went terribly wrong
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    I know what you mean, I'm like that with the irl chess club. I kind of want to join but I'm way too chicken.

    Tried backslash but it didn't work...

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 29/7/2024
  • liv liv 1 month ago 100%

    I had the feeling that link was going to be to some kind of a Chinese Crested cross but I hadn't seen that particular one!

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand The stunt marketing campaign for a new mental health charity, and how it went terribly wrong
  • liv liv 2 months ago 100%

    Back when we had a cat I used to play agario and then slitherio and I swear about 30% of my in game deaths were from the cat wanting attention! Would be way harder with kids!

    That's the other thing about chess being all ages tho, you can turn off the chat altogether on the big chess sites and they also have a button (automatic "good game" on, my favourite site has buttons for hi, good luck, good game, gtg and bye). Also no one talks at all in most of the 1 to 3 min speed chess.

    Sheesh I'm beginning to sound like some kind of shill for Big Chess.😄

    Edit; wait, how do I stop it autolinking?

  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 23/7/2024
  • liv liv 2 months ago 100%


  • newzealand Aotearoa / New Zealand Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 29/7/2024
  • liv liv 2 months ago 100%

    I didn't think of that! I know I should pay the dog tax but it's probably like uploading a photo of someone else's kid.

  • offtopic NZ Off topic World's loneliest tree species can't reproduce without a mate. So AI is looking for one hidden in the forests of South Africa.
  • liv liv 2 months ago 100%

    Ah that makes sense. Kind of like the old AI problem where it thought fish had fingers because most of the training material had people holding up the fish.

  • newzealand
    Aotearoa / New Zealand liv 3 months ago 100%
    Photo Friday!

    **Theme**: cooler than expected **Rules**: no NSFW and has to be a snap you took yourself. I think we should make themes optional so if you have a pic you want to post that doesn't fit, you still can, what does everyone else think?

    Aotearoa / New Zealand liv 3 months ago 86%
    Photo Friday!

    Hi everyone, can we do a Photo Friday? []( used to post them, but I haven't seen them for ages and []( said it'd be okay. **Theme:** **Something you like!** **Rules:** no NSFW and has to be a snap you took yourself.

    Aotearoa / New Zealand liv 3 months ago 100%
    4 plants in the New Zealand bush you can eat in a survival situation

    Stumbled on this and thought it was worth a share. I had no idea you can eat gorse!

    Aotearoa / New Zealand liv 5 months ago 100%
    Cool short video about unique Archey's Frog

    Was just talking about how cool New Zealand's rare frogs are and wanted to share. These frogs evolved to have no ears, so they also have no croaking noises (what's the point if the mates you are trying to attract are deaf) which is unique! NB: There probably is a bit of "political" content insofar as some of the people are talking about threats to the frog and opposing its habatat destruction but I think this still belongs in general?

    Biodiversity liv 6 months ago 100%
    NZGeo: Batfly

    These blind wingless flies are vegetarian and can only travel on a rare species of bat who prefers to walk.

    Aotearoa / New Zealand liv 6 months ago 100%
    New Zealand Geo: Batfly

    This is a really good read about one of my favourite weird animal facts!

    Aotearoa / New Zealand liv 7 months ago 100%
    Kahukura red admiral butterfly named NZ's Bug of the Year

    The kahukura red admiral butterfly has been named New Zealand's Bug of the Year today, after nearly 17,000 bug lovers voted for their favourite insect. Twenty bugs were vying to be New Zealand's favourite, with 11 of the 20 nominees listed as at-risk, endangered or declining. The competition - run by the Entomological Society of New Zealand - was created to give bugs the same kind publicity seen in the popular Bird of the Year race. The winning insects receive research funding and promotion about their conservation.

    Aotearoa / New Zealand liv 9 months ago 100%
    Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 31/12/2023

    Welcome to today’s daily kōrero! Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it! Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc. So, how’s it going?

    Aotearoa / New Zealand liv 10 months ago 100%
    Bird of the Century winner announced: Pūteketeke pandemonium prevails

    Pūteketeke won, no surprise there. I think what most of us were waiting for was the 2nd spot which goes to North Island Brown Kiwi. According to the article the second choice of the Pūteketeke crowd was the Rockhopper penguin, so I think that means it's a legit win for the kiwi?
