main Main Community Why can't I subscribe to any of the communities on the instance I linked with my account? Any idea?
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    From your home instance, go to search and enter the community like this:


  • agora The Agora *Permanently Deleted*
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 75%

    Staying in federation with an instance that actively embraces bad actors increases the visibility of users here to those bad actors, and gives them access to our community. Defederating such an instance is a basic best practice in the Fediverse.

    More importantly for those who wring their hands about not limiting the whole community -- failure to defederate from bad actor instances will be factored in when good productive instances with content folks here want to see decide whether to defederate us. (Remember that this place is already defederated by one prominent instance, which is a material detriment to users here.)

    It is reasonable and normal to disagree about where the line is drawn in terms of what instances deserve defederation. It's often ambiguous what's a normal instance with sloppy moderation and a few bad apples[^1] versus what's a place that is run by and for bad actors.

    There's a wide range of standards that can be applied. It seems like the general vibe can be broken down into three groups:

    • Only defederate spammers and child porn
    • Only defederate spammers child porn and tankies
    • Defederate spammers child porn, tankies, and rampantly fascist troll farms

    I don't think anyone has really advocated for anything aggressive than that on here (could be wrong)

    [^1]: Although also important to remember that the point of the bad apples thing is that they spoil the whole batch if you don't take them out.

  • agora The Agora [Discussion]: Community standards for defederation
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    Defederation is a normal part of life in the fediverse, and this instance already defederates from the start. Healthy fediverse instances have clear standards for what instances they do and don't federate with.

    Normally those are defined by admin; in this case admin has now stated a desire for the community to make rules decisions. So, reasonable and normal to discuss. And reasonable and normal for folks to have disagreements about.

    This instance is already paying the price for lax moderation in having been defederated by beehaw, which regardless of how much you or I personally care about the content on beehaw does notably impact the user experience for many folks. And the more this site "stops worrying about nazis" the more that will happen. (And the more users will get fed fed up and migrate to instances with clearer moderation practices.)

    Not referring to you or anyone in particular, but it feels like a lot of the folks in this conversation had never heard of defederation before a couple weeks ago and are acting like it and the fediverse generally are a brand new idea. Defederation for Lemmy in many ways has higher stakes than it does for Mastodon due to being structured around communities and not just individual user -- but that's all the more reason to have clear standards for it.

  • coffee Coffee are there any physically small, yet high quality, electric grinders?
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    For the more compact electric units, you see relatively high reports of mechanical failure in the motor or gearbox. Tons of that with the VS3 and there have been a fair number with the lagom mini as well, although the lagom mini has been revised and I think the current iteration is supposed to be better? (Also, obviously you can only infer so much from reported failures online, as the folks whose grinders don't break are less likely to announce it.)

    The new grinder from the ridiculously named MHW-3Bomber which looks a bit like a beefed up VS3 seems interesting, but no way to know about longevity. Turn SK40/SD4 is pretty small, folks don't generally love it compared to higher end grinders but I don't think there's a lot of reports of breakdowns.

    Lots of folks apparently use drills with hand grinders as an alternative solution.

    Re: the mechanical issues these may be more of a concern if you grind lighter roasts

  • main Main Community Hey could we defederate with
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    Because rather than make a decision one way or the other, the instance admin announced an undefined consensus-based decision making process, as a result of which we now have both this thread and this one

  • main Main Community happy to say I just got banned from the donald community
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 94%

    The call is coming from inside the house on this one

  • main Main Community Announcement: Embracing a New Chapter: Towards a Community-Guided Direction and Accepting Donations
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    It’s up to you to come together, discuss, and reach a consensus. If you wish to add, remove, or modify a rule, make a post, garner support from other members, and I’ll implement the change. This invitation extends beyond our immediate community - I welcome input from everyone across the fediverse. Again to be clear, I gave an example of modifying rules but this applies to anything that I have the ability to do on this instance. what constitutes "consensus"? A majority, a supermajority? 100% buy-in on most important topics is simply not on the table, and setting a bar too high for action is tantamount to predetermining that action will not be taken.

    (I have no problem with the tyranny of the admin, either, as long as it's clear what direction the site is headed in so I know whether to stick around or not.)

  • agora The Agora [Discussion]: Community standards for defederation
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    De-federation should not be used as a political tool to divide social media along partisan lines.

    I certainly agree with the statement, but bigotry isn't a partisan issue. I don't think anybody here is calling for defederation over estate taxes or redistricting or infrastructure bills. We're talking about people's right to exist and hate campaigns that are the equivalent of someone posting on behalf of ISIS, to put it charitably. Apologists for people engaged in ideologically motivated violence, literally out there killing people.

  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama stux (admin of defederates from for speaking out against Meta
    agora The Agora [Vote] guess I gotta make a post for this over here. Do we defederate with
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    Created a separate [Discussion] post for general defederation standards.

    It will be important to articulate what standards are intended to be applied to instances generally; it's not just about the particularly awful vibes of this particular one. There will be dozens or hundreds more like it, not to mention the spammers and whatnot.

  • agora
    The Agora kukkurovaca 1 year ago 80%
    [Discussion]: Community standards for defederation

    Didn't want to further derail the exploding heads vote thread, so: What are the criteria that should be applied when determining whether to defederate from an instance? And should there be a specific process to be followed, and what level of communication if any with the instance admins? For context it may be useful to look at the history of the Fediblock tag in Mastodon, to see what sorts of stuff folks are dealing with historically in terms of both obvious and unremarkable bad actors (e.g., spam) and conflict over acceptability of types of speech and moderation standards. (Not saying that folks need to embrace similar standards or practices, but it's useful to know what's been going on all this time, especially for folks who are new to the fediverse.) For example: - Presence of posts that violate this instance's "no bigotry" rule (Does it matter how prolific this type of content is on the target instance?) - Instance rules that conflict with this instance's rules directly - if this instance blocks hate speech and the other instance explicitly allows it, for example. - Admin non-response or unsatisfactory response to reported posts which violate community rules - Not sure if there's a way in lemmy to track incoming/outgoing reports, but it would be useful for the community to have some idea here. NOT saying to expose the content of all reports, just an idea of volume. - High volume of bad faith reports from the target instance on users here (e.g., if someone talks about racism here and a hostile instance reports it for "white genocide" or some other bs). This may seem obscure, but it's a real issue on Mastodon. - _Edited to add: Hosting communities whose stated purpose is to share content bigoted content_ - _Coordinating trolling, harassment, etc._ For reference, local rules: > Be respectful. Everyone should feel welcome here. > > No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia. > > No Ads / Spamming. > > No pornography.

    agora The Agora [Vote] guess I gotta make a post for this over here. Do we defederate with
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%


    Going forward, will be necessary to articulate standards and processes for defederation, to avoid having to relitigate the concepts of free speech, hate speech, etc. every time.

  • agora The Agora [VOTE] Only donors should be allowed to vote.
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%


    Also wtf

    The best way to ensure that democracy doesn’t spiral into Haiti

  • manybaggers
    Many Baggers kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%
    1733 Cordura Konbu bags going up Friday

    These look lovely but the description makes it sound like felted cordura, which I find really funny some reason. > We made up some of our favorite bag styles in an exciting new fabric. Cordura Konbu is a special variant of 500D nylon that is **heat treated to create a dense, stiff material with a unqiue texture and hand**. We even got to specify our own custom color, this rich Botanic Green, with the mill in Japan. > Bags are available to view now and inventory will be updated to IN STOCK this Friday, 6/23 at 11am Chicago Time.

    Bay Area kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%
    Visited Mother Tongue in Oakland

    cross-posted from: > One of my fav local roasters. They were hosting a pop-up by Tacos Sincero serving "Cumin Fermented Plum Congee, sous vide egg, pickled tindora, carrot, cherry chili jam, scallion, sesame, lemongrass chili salsa" (which was delicious) > > Coffee-wise had a pourover of a [natural Kenyan]( coffee which was interesting, as Mother Tongue mostly does washed coffees. And a very good iced latte. > > - [Mother Tongue]( > - [Tacos Sincero's]( >

    Coffee kukkurovaca 1 year ago 90%
    Visited Mother Tongue in Oakland

    One of my fav local roasters. They were hosting a pop-up by Tacos Sincero serving "Cumin Fermented Plum Congee, sous vide egg, pickled tindora, carrot, cherry chili jam, scallion, sesame, lemongrass chili salsa" (which was delicious) Coffee-wise had a pourover of a [natural Kenyan]( coffee which was interesting, as Mother Tongue mostly does washed coffees. And a very good iced latte. - [Mother Tongue]( - [Tacos Sincero's](

    main Main Community Hey could we defederate with
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 85%

    You have no right to tell me what I can see and respond to anymore than I have a right to tell you who you can and cannot block.

    That's also not what defederating is. Nobody's speech or ability to see speech is being restricted, since we are all free to set up accounts on other instances. Users are making a reasonable request to the instance owner for a normal moderation action that is in line with stated community standards and past defederation decisions (i.e., lemmygrad); the instance owner is free to honor it or not.

    The basic question, which every fediverse instance has been having to deal with since inception, is how to draw the line on communities that willingly include bad actors. It has to be drawn somewhere, and where you draw it says a lot.

  • main Main Community Hey could we defederate with
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 84%

    lol, defederating is not anything like jail

    • Federating is like sitting at a big table with a bunch of people in a restaurant.
    • Blocking is moving a couple seats down from someone who's being an asshole so you can't hear them anymore (but meanwhile they're still harassing your friends, you're just ignoring it)
    • Defederating is separating the group so that you're no longer at the table with the asshole and their asshole friends

    Now, in a tolerant society, we should be tolerant of people who are merely annoying. But not people who are normalizing violence and hate. There are people you fundamentally should not sit at a table with.

    It's important to understand the difference between a good faith disagreement and bad faith propaganda and harassment campaigns, which is what the right wing troll farms deal in.

  • main Main Community Hey could we defederate with
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 87%

    Nazi instances will proliferate and it benefits nobody else to stay in federation with them. It makes the whole fediverse less usable and more dangerous. And whether you like it or not it sends a message to people who are targeted by them that they are not truly welcome here, regardless of whatever moderation rules are espoused.

    And in North America, as in many places, these people are acting as a propaganda arm for a literal violent terror movement. Sometimes under a fig leaf of ”irony” but it makes no material difference whether they’re chuckling when they spew shit to me

  • buytiforlife BuyTiForLife Good suggestions for a manual coffee grinder?
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    I mean, "budget" is always relative. Kingrinder has cheaper models, but OP mentioned $100 as a target.

    Good hand grinders range in price up to around $500 (or more if you get into territory like the Helor 106 or the Lyn or Weber HG1s), with the big names clustering mainly in the $200-300 area.

    Below a certain price point, grind consistency may drop noticeably, and the build quality may be less robust and parts may be less available to repair and keep the grinder in service. (Relevant since this is being asked on /BuyItForLIfe)

  • coffee
    Coffee kukkurovaca 1 year ago 50%
    Lance Hedrick video on the upcoming Nextlevel Pulsar / steep and release brewers generally

    Also touches on a bunch of other stuff like why to grind coarser and the mechanics of percolation vs. immersion.

    buytiforlife BuyTiForLife Good suggestions for a manual coffee grinder?
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    Budget grinder enthusiast go-to recently seems to be Kingrinder, which has had a lot of coupons recently on Amazon. I think you can get the K6 for $100 with coupon for example. Not sure about parts availability for long term repairability.

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards What do you use the rotary encoders for?
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%


  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards i really like purple
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%


  • espresso Espresso Blue Bottle Bright
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    Can always pull longer to reduce acidity. But think it makes sense to focus on more independent roasters anyway

  • bayarea Bay Area Poison hemlock is growing across the Bay Area
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    ah yes, the socratic method

  • manybaggers
    Many Baggers kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%
    Randi Jo Portage Pack

    First!, I guess. Just got this bag that I ordered a few weeks ago from a favorite small mfgr. Randi Jo mainly makes cycling caps -- the absolute best cycling caps, IMO, but also some small bike bags, and now a [waistpack/sling]( Construction on this is excellent, very beefy and also classy, with some neat design elements like the center gusset on the front pocket to give it some expandability. It has some padding in the bottom to give it structure and to make it camera-friendly. There are no dividers, though. Default fit is for skinny folks (as is true of so many bike brands), but you can request a different size.

    Bay Area kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%
    Coffee Nerds Touch Grass: Coffee & Water Lab (VLOG)

    San Jose is a bit out of my way, but it's cool to hear about local nerdy coffee stuff

    mechanicalkeyboards Mechanical Keyboards Recommended sites to buy keycaps? (shipping to USA)
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    For in-stock keycaps that aren't too expensive, try Cannonkeys, or Novelkeys when they have a sale. You can also check thocstock. Drop is also an option, although nobody likes Drop.

    The coolest keycaps are generally sold as group buys run by dozens of different vendors around the globe. You can check mechgroupbuys or keycaplendar for info on those. (Or browse geekhack)

  • coffee Coffee What is your pourover ratio?
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    Mugen: 1:18 usually, V60: 1:16ish. (Light and medium roasts)

    Ratio will depend on preference, equipment, and what coffee you're brewing, as well as the recipe. In my case I use a bit longer ratio on the Mugen compared to the V60 because it has less bypass (less water gets around the coffee by going through the filter too soon). Generally speaking folks use shorter ratios for darker roasts and longer ratios for lighter roasts.

    It gets a little more complicated with iced coffee, because what you're doing with iced coffee is actually brewing a very short ratio and then diluting it, which gives you a concentration that is similar to what you would normally get, but with lower extraction. (Not necessarily a bad thing!)

  • coffee Coffee Thoughts on the (unreleased) Pulsar brewer?
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    I want one for tea brewing more than coffee, because I like the idea of experimenting with percolation methods but most tea equipment doesn't allow that and most coffee equipment wouldn't work on tea unless you ground the tea.

  • coffee
    Coffee kukkurovaca 1 year ago 92%
    Good suggestions for a manual coffee grinder?

    cross-posted from: > Does anyone have a good suggestion for a manual coffee grinder? I have heard folks discuss the Peugeot grinders, but I want to see about alternatives.

    buytiforlife BuyTiForLife Good suggestions for a manual coffee grinder?
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    Most manual coffee grinders should have quite long lifespans in home use. You have to grind a lot of coffee (or, I guess, one rock) to wear out burrs.

    1zpresso currently has probably the best rep at the moment among enthusiasts, but Kinu, Comandante are also well-regarded. All of those brands have some ability to get parts replacements if needed down the line, but which specific parts are available may vary.

    A major differentiating factor is whether you need to be able to grind for espresso. Some grinders are optimized for espresso, some for pourover, and some are intended to both. Espresso requires more minute adjustments and the ability to grind finer. Traditional espresso benefits from a higher proportion of fines, contributing to the body of the shot, while pourover, especially more modern/third wave style, may benefit from less fines and higher clarity.

    Some popular grinders:

    • All purpose: 1zpresso K series, Comandante (may need "red clix" upgrade for dialing in espresso)
    • Filter only, high clarity: 1zpresso ZP6 (currently back in stock at Rogue Wave in Canada, not sure for how long)
    • Espresso: 1zpresso J-Max, Kinu

    The Orphan Espresso Lido OG also seems like a good choice for a BIFL all-rounder do to its robust build, BUT it seems like there's an issue with some of the parts in their adjustment mechanism on the current iteration that they're working on addressing.

    A couple of comprehensive roundup videos:

    Note: this is just me synthesizing reviews basically, I'm not a grinder expert. (But I have a ZP6 and a J-Max and could answer questions about those.)

  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    If you're mainly using the board in one place, a battery switch isn't ultra critical, although it is a very good to have. If you plan to take the board anywhere, it's more of a must-have, because there's no way to put it to sleep such that carrying it in your bag won't wake it back up

  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    Oh that's super neat

  • coffee
    Coffee kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%
    Aramse review of Orea V3

    Curious as I've yet to pick up a flat bottom brewer. The Orea seems nice and it's good to support smaller makers, but the filter negotiation process seems a little over the top.

    main Main Community ( ANNOUNCEMENT: defederating effective immediately from and
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 83%

    They can do this from any instance with open registrations. Instances with closed or moderated registrations are a different story. So, could just as easily say, why doesn't restrict new user creation, which is a common practice on smaller fediverse instances including beehaw.

    (Answer: then you can't onboard new users in a mass migration. But that's what creates the tension.)

  • main Main Community ( ANNOUNCEMENT: defederating effective immediately from and
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 90%

    If all the new trolls are coming from two instances, and defederating those two instances will keep the load manageable for them, why wouldn't they?

    This kind of decision is a big problem for scaling up Lemmy as a reddit replacement and welcoming huge volumes of new users, but I don't think that's Beehaw's goal and certainly not their responsibility.

    The tricky bit is figuring out how to set up fediverse-wide communities in places that most (non-troll) users won't be cut off from them.

  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    Hillsides are great

  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 94%

    This is surfacing a fundamental division between mindsets in federation: the people who say don't worry about which instance you're on are bought into the promise that federation can "just work" like email. But the reality is that if you care about moderation at all (like, even to the extent of being for or against having any of it) then sooner or later you're going to have to make harder decisions about instances.

    It's pretty normal for long-term fediverse users to change instances several times over the course of however long this stuff has been around. It's unclear to me whether any existing Lemmy instances would be a good fit for me in the long term TBH and I would expect that to be true for some time, as so many instances are still figuring things out internally.

    Defederation decisions like beehaw made are extremely normal and rational. With their level of moderation staffing and for their user base, they determined it was unsustainable to remain federated with instances that were generating more moderation workload. If it wasn't them today it would be another instance tomorrow; this will keep happening.

    Also, I see a lot of folks saying this is lazy for beehaw, but it's important to understand that from their perspective, this problem wouldn't arise if moderators here were keeping a cleaner house and preventing bad actors from using the platform. (Not saying either take is entirely correct.)

    In a sense, moderation best practices on the fediverse are inimically hostile to scaling the fediverse up to new users. (And if you ask folks with smaller but prosperous instances that have healthy internal vibes, they'll probably tell you this is good.)

    This is much more fraught on Lemmy than it is on Mastodon, because you're building communities hosted on a particular instance and there's not currently a way to move the community. So, if I were to start a community here and then finally decide a year from now that this place is too big a defederation target to stay on, what do I do?

    Similarly, to avoid endless duplication of communities, folks have been encouraged to participate with existing communities instead of starting a new one on their own instance everytime. But anyone here who has gotten involved with communities on Beehaw will now no longer be able to do so unless they move to a different instance. (Which may be hard, as open instances that are easy to join are the ones that are harder for small instances to handle, which is what caused this in the first place.)

    Some of those folks are going to create their own alternative communities on their servers, which to any third-party servers not in the loop on the defederation drama will be potentially confusing. This has the potential to create a cultural tend toward polarization of community norms between everything goes and what we see on Mastodon as content warning policing, but of which are, to me, undesirable.

    The best case scenario is that the majority of large communities end up being hosted on instances that have sufficiently rigorous moderation standards and sufficiently robust moderation staff to not impose an unsustainable workload on smaller instances. Then as long as everyone who's not a nazi federates with those instances, things should go smoothly...ish. But that's hard both because "sufficiently rigorous" is different for everyone and because moderation labor doesn't grow on trees.

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards Experience with batteries on split keyboard
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    If you build using nice!nano controllers, you can get batteries that fit neatly under the (socketed) controller, you can just tuck it in there loose or tape it in place. If you use those batteries, which are very small, it's best to build the board without any power-drawing features, such as LED illumination or OLED display. Most PCBs that are designed for batteries will put contacts in that vicinity, or you can wire the batteries directly the nice!nanos.

    If you build this way, there's no impact on the external size or portability. If you want to use larger batteries, you will need to make room in the case for them, if you're using a case. [I have some chunky batteries taped to the bottom of my caseless Kyria, which is obviously not doing anything good for portable use or aesthetics, but it does work.)

    If you haven't used ZMK before, that will be a bit of a transition. ZMK is great, and in some ways it's a much more elegant solution than QMK, but it can be a little tricky to get used to at first and if anything goes wrong, troubleshooting is usually more annoying.

    For portable use, a PCB that supports a power switch to disconnect the battery from the controller is kind of essential IMO, since without a hardware switch, there's no way to turn the board off or put it to sleep. So if it's in your bag, it'll constantly be waking up and connecting to your phone if paired.

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards Aurora Corne low profile split keyboard wireless
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 75%

    Case (I have not bought any, I’ve just made a wooden panel, cutting it ad hoc), but I may buy one in the future or 3D print one, let me know what you think about it.

    This looks great. You can also use adhesive-backed foam for a really low profile (while not scratching up your desk)

    When I keep them pressed they are not recognized and I have to repress them. I don’t think it is a firmware issue, because I have tried different configurations in ZMK and now all of them fail with the same keys, independently of whatever character I map on those keys. I am thinking that it maybe due to some diode that may be missoldered or some pin in the controller, because the first days it worked fine.

    Could be some cold joints, it's not unusual for them to work fine at first and then start to fail later on. Check the soldering on the affected keys and diodes and reflow anything that looks supect. You can also ask in the SplitKB discord to find out which controller pins should be checked based on the keys where you're seeing issues.

  • espresso Espresso What beans are you using?
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    Lately I've been really enjoying Black and White's Elkin Guzman Strawberry Catiope and Hydrangea's El Paraiso decaf (which is incredibly good if you like fruit-forward coffee and are looking for decaf).

    I also have some less funky coffees on hand from Flower Child, but I haven't been doing those as espresso lately

  • coffee Coffee Does glass shape and material really affect coffee taste?
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    The one from the ceramic cup felt more bodied, while the one from the wine glass felt lighter and more acidic.

    Yeah, I think that temperature is very likely to play a role specifically in this aspect mentioned by OP. The glass would have dumped heat much faster, and perceived acidity normally increases as the coffee cools.

  • coffee
    Coffee kukkurovaca 1 year ago 91%
    Rogue Wave restocked the ZP6

    In case anyone has been looking for a high-clarity hand grinder for pourover, especially folks in Canada and the US. Additional datum: a fair number of people who bought grinders in the second run reported that the grinders are very slow, which was not the case with the first run, and doesn't seem to be true of all the new ones either. However, folks mostly still seem to like the grind quality. It's unclear to me what could change the speed of the grinder only, other than possibly machining oils inside the grinder or mechanical changes to the burr assembly or other internals, which nobody has reported.

    main Main Community Why was lemmygrad blocked?
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 90%

    Defederation is an inevitable fact of life for a federated ecosystem and it won't always be for things where everyone agrees (just look at the fediblock tag on mastodon). The important thing is that instance owners have clear criteria for how they defederate from other instances and transparency about their reasons for having done so, so that their users and other instances have the correct expectations for their future behavior.

    It's early days for a lot of instances and probably many of us will end up migrating to other instances as it becomes clear which ones make decisions that suit our values.

    What I do worry about is the fact that folks are setting up communities wherever they first land and Lemmy doesn't yet have tools for migrating a community between instances (correct me if I'm wrong about that). That seems like a ticking time bomb in some ways.

  • main Main Community does allow criticism of CCP?
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 81%

    The US also runs concentration campus, has slave labor, forced sterilization, torture, genocide, violently repressive police, persecution of religious minorities, etc. etc. etc. Hence why it's a red flag (no pun intended) when people in the west have A Lot To Say about China and just China.

    ::slaps top of any country:: you can fit so many human rights violations in this bad boy

    (I have a lot more complaints about the US than China, but that's because I live in the US, not because I think other imperial powers are exempt from criticism.)

  • mechanicalkeyboards Mechanical Keyboards Can the nice!nano (or a different controller) be connected to PC1 via USB for charging and PC2 to bluetooth?
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    See keycodes here for toggling between bluetooth output and usb output:

  • fountainpens Fountain Pens Disappointed in my first flex nib.
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    Personally I really like the Himalaya for the most part, except for the converter. (Which is why my recommendation is for the Jaipur)

    In terms of guzzling ink, this is both normal and necessary for a flex nib, at least up to a point. Without sufficient ink flow, the pen will railroad, which is the most common failure mode for flex/semiflex pens.

    In terms of "softness", is the issue with the tactile feel, or that it flexes too easily (which most flex users would consider a feature, usually), or that it lacks sufficient springback to get hairlines? I don't find the FPR's ultraflex nibs to be extremely soft relative to other flex nibs, but there is also sample variation to consider.

    If you write with a very heavy hand, this could be part of the problem, in which case there might just be a period of adjustment to using a lower amount of force.

    One thing you might try is adjusting the nib and feed, for example, you might try setting it up so that the nib sits a bit further back in the section. This will reduce the amount of flex you can get, but might improve consistency. Heat setting the feed also often helps performance, but if you arlready have more than adequate flow, this might be unnecessary.

    Re: ink, good performance in a flex pen will vary from ink to ink, and basically the trick is to find a fast-flowing and viscous ink that is not prone to excessive feathering. Personally, my favorite ink for flex writing is J. Herbin Lie de The.

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards Wanting to move from conventional to ergo mech. Am overwhelmed. Send help.
  • kukkurovaca kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%

    When searching for DIY Keywell models, use "dactyl" in your search terms for most results. Most DIY Dactyl builds are handwired, although there are some models that make use of flexible PCBs such as the ones from BastardKB. (My keywell board is a TBK Mini from them.)

    Re: the number of keys, this is pretty personal. Most ergo mech users are using something in the ballpark of a 60%, 40%, or 35%ish layout. (My objection to the Glove80 is that it has way, way too many keys for me)

    Most ergo users have numpad on a layer. (Here's how I have my layouts)

  • coffee
    Coffee kukkurovaca 1 year ago 96%
    James Hoffmann on Aeropress Clear

    Now I think the world needs James Hoffmann announcer voice packs for fighting games

    Mechanical Keyboards kukkurovaca 1 year ago 100%
    My current main: Kyria, wireless, with choc thumb cluster

    *(Image description: A split keyboard with weird keycaps. Also pictured: big ploopy trackball, pocket knife, he/they and no terfs buttons, crab deskmat) * Caseless and plateless Kyria with nice!nanos, SA8010 keycaps, and a choc thumb cluster inspired by the Pinky3/Pinky4, tented with splitkb pucks and manfrotto mini tripods. I find that with the choc thumb cluster, this setup is ergonomically very close to my similar layout keywell board. (TBK Mini)
