• khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Ja, via Bridge. Ist allerdings nicht ganz trivial. Siehe z. B.: https://sven.tumelum.de/2021/10/05/bruecke-von-whatsapp-zu-matrix/

  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Handy muss dazu definitiv nicht online sein.

  • technology Technology Useful android apps you are using?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    jtx board - Journals, notes, tasks

    OpenTracks - Sports tracker

    Öffi - Public transport navigator

    ViMusic - Listen to music from YouTube

  • technology Technology OpenTracks is an open source sport tracking application for Android that completely respects your privacy: Almost a Strava alternative
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Open a feature request on github. You might get lucky.

  • microg microG Black screen when booting
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Flashing an image that doesn't pass signature verfication seems not like a good idea. Please verify your image before flashing it.

    Which instructions did you follow? The one from LineageOS has a section "Installing LineageOS from recovery". Please read the full instruction before doing anything. Have you followed the mentioned steps there already?

  • hessen
    Hessen khaosoi 1 year ago 100%
    Die Deutschland Tour geht dieses Jahr durch Kassel https://www.deutschland-tour.com/de/strecke

    cross-posted from: https://discuss.tchncs.de/post/868684 > Aktuell läuft ja die Tour de France, kein vergleich zur Deutschland Tour, aber: Diese startet in mit seiner 2. Etappe im August in Kassel und geht nach Winterberg. > > Laut GPX-Datei der Website startet man Friedrichsplatz und fährt dann über die Willie Allee am Schlosshotel vorbei über die Rasenallee richtung Dörnberg.

    microg microG Aurora Store on LineageOS for microG
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    4.2.5 is available for me on LOS20. Are you sure you refreshed your repos? Just pull down in fdroid app.

    Not a fix, but a workaround: use Fennec. Its Firefox with the telemetry parts removed.

  • microg microG Use a Python Script to Verify the Signature
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Great to hear.

    You can always address files via absolute or relative paths.


    cd /Users/rommmelll/Downloads/
    adb sideload lineageos-recovery.img

    or absolute:

    adb sideload /Users/rommmelll/Downloads/lineageos-recovery.img

    Maybe you want to learn a little more about paths to understand how to reference files.

    I suggest you read a little further on that topic and play around with the terminal. Find some tutorial videos if that works better for you.

  • hessen
    Hessen khaosoi 1 year ago 100%
    Communities hessicher Städte in der Sidebar

    Ich habe die Communites von hessischen Städten in der Sidebar eingetragen. Entnommen habe ich diese [hier](https://feddit.de/post/1261307). Falls noch welche fehlen, gerne hier kommentieren. Dann werden sie ergänzt.

    main Haupteingang *Permanently Deleted*
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 66%

    Ich hab natürlich auf den Footer auf feddit.de geguckt ;) Milan hat den Fix gestern schon ins Backend gemergt, scheinbar ohne ein Deployment eines Patches. Hab mich inhaltlich nicht mit dem Fix auseinandergesetzt.

    Es ist wohl mein Cache. Ctrl+Shift+R hat nicht geholfen, aber Private Tabs zeigen es korrekt an.

  • main Haupteingang *Permanently Deleted*
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Ich sehe die noch nicht wieder. Laut Footer ist das Backend auch noch auf 0.18.1

  • tchncs ..:: tchncs ::.. XSS vulnerability fixed on tchncs?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    I see. Thanks for the info.

  • tchncs ..:: tchncs ::.. XSS vulnerability fixed on tchncs?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%
  • tchncs ..:: tchncs ::.. XSS vulnerability fixed on tchncs?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you, Milan.

  • tchncs ..:: tchncs ::.. XSS vulnerability fixed on tchncs?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Was/is there some temporary de-federation with other instances because of this? I've commented on a feddit.de post like 9 hours ago, and its still not visible over there.

  • microg microG Use a Python Script to Verify the Signature
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    You're welcome. Hope you learned a little.

  • microg microG Use a Python Script to Verify the Signature
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Please read and understand those prompts. Python missing the module pyasn1 (python3-pyasn1). Its mentioned in the readme as a requirement.

    You can install it via pip3 also as described in the readme.

    If you don't have pip3 installed on your Mac, I think you can get it via brew. I don't have a Mac myself, so I'm not entirely sure.

  • microg microG Use a Python Script to Verify the Signature
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    cd means change directory. Its a CLI (Terminal) tool to - as the names suggests - change the directory you want to work in. It our case the folder with the unzipped files.

    Assuming your Mac username is "rommmelll" and that zip file is in your downloads folder, the path should be something like "/Users/rommmelll/Downloads/update_verifier-master". So the command cd /Users/rommmelll/Downloads/update_verifier-master should work.

    Hint: you can use the tab key to auto-complete here. Type cd /Users/r and press tab and it should fill in to cd /Users/rommmelll. Terminal app will try to autocomplete everything after the last /, in this case r. If there is more than one option with r it will list them and you can specify it more with rom and press tab again. See this video for example, for a few more details.

    Once you've cd'd into that folder you can continue with the python3 command from above.

    Note: If you don't specify a full path, something like /Users/rommmelll/some/file.zip, the Terminal app will always expect the files you're referencing in the current directory. So either use cd as mentions above, or use full qualified paths. Use pwd (print working directory) to find out which path you're currently in.

    Also have a look at some tutorials regarding the Mac Terminal.

  • newcommunities
    New Communities khaosoi 1 year ago 100%
    Community about Helicopters

    https://discuss.tchncs.de/c/helicopters [Universal Link](https://lemmy.world/c/helicopters@discuss.tchncs.de)

    Helicopters khaosoi 1 year ago 100%
    Welcome to Helicopters 🚁

    This community is about helicopters and related topics. Be nice to each other.

    microg microG Use a Python Script to Verify the Signature
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    As already mentioned in your former post, this is just to verify the integrity of the files. It's not a neccessary step, but could safe you from a bricked phone.

    I think I have downloaded and installed Python 3 correctly.

    To find out just open the App Terminal and type python3 and hit return. Your should see something like this

    Python 3.11.3 (main, Apr  5 2023, 15:52:25) [GCC 12.2.1 20230201] on linux
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

    Download the python script from the mentioned location: Green "<> Code" button > Download Zip. Unzip that stuff.

    Open the Terminal again and cd into that folder. Then type

    python3 update_verifier.py lineageos4microg_pubkey /path/on/your/machine/lineage-18.1-20230614-microG-jfltexx.zip

    and see

    verified successfully

  • android Android What are Android's Best Weather Apps?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%
  • microg microG Which of the 8 Files do I Need ?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Are you following these instructions?

    First of all, the 4 files ending with sha256sum are just checksum files to avoid corrupt downloads.

    Probably the two files the instructions mentions and you are looking for, are:

    • recovery image: lineage-18.1-20230613-microG-jfltexx-recovery.img
    • LineageOS with microG image: lineage-18.1-20230614-microG-jfltexx.zip

    I don't know jfltexx and have only skimmed the instructions. Please read them carefully and always double check.

  • openstreetmap OpenStreetMap community Missing kind of cycle barrier?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    I reckon single here means, the obstacle is a single line (seen from above). Compare to double and triple illustration where the obstacle is two or three "lines".

  • openstreetmap OpenStreetMap community Missing kind of cycle barrier?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    cycle_barrier=single seems the most suitable to me.


  • microg
    microG khaosoi 1 year ago 100%
    Welcome to microG on lemmy

    Let's create a lively community over here. Should we move / create a wiki, to prevent loss of information if something happens to the reddit wiki?

    fediverse Fediverse Wiki on fediverse?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    This looks promissing. I'll have a look. Thanks.

  • fediverse Fediverse Wiki on fediverse?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Yes, I'm thinking more of a place to collect technical documentation / tutorials. No body wants to create a place of "alternative facts" in the fediverse.

  • fediverse Fediverse Wiki on fediverse?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Since I had hoped for an existing solution, I did not think about any technical details.

  • fediverse Fediverse Wiki on fediverse?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Wikipedia is a great place for general knowledge and I don't wanna change that. What I'm looking for is a way to create wiki for a very specific topic, which could be attached to a lemmy community about that topic.

    For example having a lemmy community about a certain programming language with a wiki containing documentation about that programming language. This isn't something you'd put into Wikipedia.

  • fediverse
    Fediverse khaosoi 1 year ago 100%
    Wiki on fediverse?

    Is there some application like a wiki in the fediverse? A place to gather and edit information together about a specific topic.

    linux Linux I am thinking about switching from Windows to Debian 12 Bookworm
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 44%

    +1 for Manjaro

  • jerboa Jerboa When will new versions be pushed to the Play Store?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    You probably need to re-install it selecting the Izzy repo. The app in the offical repo is signed differently from the one on Izzys and the F-Droid app will stay on the repo your app is installed from.

    Izzy repo usually updates daily while official one is always a few days behind.

  • jerboa Jerboa Any chance of putting this on F-droid?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    If by "this" you mean the jerboa app, it is on F-Droid. Both in the official repo and on Izzy's.

  • tchncs
    ..:: tchncs ::.. khaosoi 1 year ago 100%
    Support tchncs if you can https://tchncs.de/donate

    Independent services like tchncs are valuable and need money to run stable, so we can enjoy them. Consider donating if you can.

    linux Linux cat vs sed vs awk
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    A caption above those commands would be nice.

  • jerboa Jerboa Jerboa commits are booming last couple of weeks
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Or use fdroid with izzy's repo. Link is in the github page as well.


  • unwetter
    Unwetter in Deutschland khaosoi 1 year ago 100%
    Open Meteo https://open-meteo.com/en/docs

    Kein Unwetterfoto, aber eine nette, kostenlose Website / API mit Daten von DWD und europäischen Pendants. Einfach einen Ort auswählen und ein bisschen mit den verfügbaren Parametern rumspielen.

    lemmylz Lehrerzimmer iPad für Schüler
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Doch, Lehrplan dürfte darauf abzielen. Sind s. g. iPad-Klassen. Zumindest hier.

  • lemmylz Lehrerzimmer iPad für Schüler
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Ich würde drauf achten, dass es mit dem neusten Pen kompatibel ist (Handschrift, Zeichnen) und eine Hülle mit Tastatur angeschlossen werden kann (Ergonomie beim Tippen). iPad 10 sieht nicht verkehrt aus, viellelcht nochmal mit dem iPad Air vergleichen.

    Habe allerdings auch keine großen Erfahrung mit den Dingern.

  • lemmylz Lehrerzimmer iPad für Schüler
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    Ja, ist es. Alternativ wird aber auch das Leihen eines Geräts über die Schulen angeboten. Mit entsprechenden Einschränkungen dann eben.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software Whats your must-have FOSS app?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    sadly OSM just doesn't have a usably complete business directory where I live

    Its up to you to change that to the better

  • foss Free and Open Source Software Whats your must-have FOSS app?
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    jtx board for tasks and notes

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars New accessoire for my city bike
  • khaosoi khaosoi 1 year ago 100%

    You can get it here.
