gamedev Game Development *Permanently Deleted*
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Would I be able to join the IRC channel with Element/Riot? How would I do that?

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    General Programming Discussion jwinnie 4 years ago 100%
    Haskell a good choice for backend REST API with PostgreSQL database?

    I've been looking into Haskell and it seems really good. But does it have mature and productive frameworks that handle database access, HTTP, etc., or am I better off just going with Elixir/Phoenix?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    The Haskell Lemmy Forum jwinnie 4 years ago 100%
    Haskell a good choice for backend REST API with PostgreSQL database?

    I've been looking into Haskell and it seems really good. But does it have mature and productive frameworks that handle database access, HTTP, etc., or am I better off just going with Elixir/Phoenix?

    anarchism Anarchism The hacker ethic is related to the concept of freedom of information, as well as the political theories of liberalism, anarchism, and libertarianism.
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 33%

    Well, not all hackers are anarchists (in fact I don't think the majority of hackers are). So I didn't want to put it there.

    For example, ESR is a classical liberal, many of the hackers who post are Marxist-Leninists, and there are even some hackers who are conservative.

  • opensource Open Source Manjaro Pinephone
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Manjaro has done some shady things. I think Mobian is more promising.

  • anarchism
    Anarchism jwinnie 4 years ago 100%
    Earthlings United, a utopian community over the internet

    I'm trying to start this thing. Let me know what you think, and please join if you agree!

    anarchism Anarchism The hacker ethic is related to the concept of freedom of information, as well as the political theories of liberalism, anarchism, and libertarianism.
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Hahaha I'm the one who wrote that paragraph.

  • accelerationism
    Accelerationism jwinnie 4 years ago 85%
    Accelerationism is not a good political philosophy

    Making things worse in the short term in the hope of bringing about a utopian society in the long term through social tension and misery... that sounds like a pretty evil philosophy to me. Ordinary people (non-communists) don't care about some theoretical utopia, they want improvements to their quality of life now. Am I missing something?

    anarchism Anarchism *Permanently Deleted*
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    If anarchy means no laws or anything,

    Wait wait wait. Anarchy means lack of hierarchy, not lack of laws. Put very simply, anarchism is a philosophy that combines revolutionary socialism with egalitarian direct democracy and a libertarian commitment to individual freedom.

    what if people naturally form their own governments? Is that not allowed?

    The hope is that once people experience anarchy they won't want to go back. Forming your own government is allowed as long as you get the consent of the governed (which is not likely in a successful anarchist society because people would be perfectly happy not to be governed)

    won’t the people with the most physical power rule the world?

    No, the people with the most numbers rule the world. Because one man/woman with lots of physical power is no match for a mob. Dictators don't rise by strong-arming the populace, they rise by gaining the support of the populace.

  • programming General Programming Discussion Most loved programming languages
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Surprised that Scala and Haskell are so low on that list, given all the hype for functional programming. And Elixir/Erlang aren't even on the list

  • opensource Open Source Capitalist efficiency and tech
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Nobody was getting rich off the workers in USSR. There was no generational wealth, and top pay was capped at 8x lowest pay. Politicians and administrators also weren’t the highest paid professions in USSR. Labour was predominantly directed towards socially useful work and the benefit of the state.

    Do you have any unbiased, well-researched sources for this (not USSR propaganda)?

    I’m open to suggestion as to how a better system could be formed, but I have not seen any working alternatives so far. The reality is that the world is ruled by capitalist empires that will actively work to tear down any socialist nations as soon as they form. Any more liberal alternative to Marxism-Leninism has to be able to defend against that.

    The whole idea of "socialist nations" is very antiquated and impractical; instead of building "socialist nations" through violent revolution, we should aim for socialist spaces within the framework of a pluralistic society. If people can experience multiple systems of social organization for themselves, they will be able to decide for themselves which one is superior. For example, we should build free software (like Mastodon), we should build co-operatives and communes, we should establish info-shops and bookstores, etc. Eventually, when people realize that socialist societies can succeed at small scale, they will be more willing to support us, and our spaces will grow in power. Only at the point where the majority agrees with socialism can we begin talking about breaking away from the state, i.e. revolution.

  • opensource Open Source *Permanently Deleted*
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 87%

    Why do they write system monitors in Python? Do people realize that when I'm checking a system monitor that means my computer is running slowly, and I don't need a super heavy Python script to make it run even slower?

  • opensource Open Source Capitalist efficiency and tech
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    When people think of socialism they think of pictures of gray buildings and limited variety in clothes and consumer goods.

    Are you sure? Because I think of something like this:

    New Urbanism with public transportation

  • opensource Open Source Capitalist efficiency and tech
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 75%

    I’d argue that we have clear evidence that the communist model works quite well in the physical world. Consider what USSR managed to accomplish in an incredibly short period of time. Russia went from a backwards agrarian society under Tsarism, through the devastation of WW2, to being the first nation in space. USSR was a world leader in technology, and it was doing it on a far smaller budget than capitalist US.

    I would argue that the USSR was not truly communist or socialist since it also exploited workers - it was just the government exploiting workers, instead of private corporations. Russia's rapid industrialization was due to the fact that Stalin was literally willing to mass murder peasants who didn't give up all their grain to the government so the government could give it to factories and industrial projects - a policy that was incredibly brutal, but worked.

    A pattern I've noticed in history is that the speed of industrialization is dependent mostly on how much state power is aligned with the bourgeoisie (in "communist" countries they may not call themselves the bourgeoisie but they certainly act like it, pursuing "development" and "progress" over all else). In Britain, the enclosure movement used massive state power to force peasants to give their land to large landowners to be farmed more efficiently and forced peasants into the city to take up miserable factory jobs. In the Soviet Union, Stalin's forced collectivization and grain confiscation did the same. And today in China, the same is being done.

    In many ways Marx was very right. Nobody but the bourgeoisie (or a "communist" party that acts like the bourgeoisie) can successfully pursue industrialization, because a (democratic) socialist government would never have the brutality and coercion required to successfully force a drastic and unprecedented change of lifestyle for the majority of the population.

    While it’s true that mass scale exploitation under capitalism can increase the amount labour that’s generated, a lot of that labor ends up being applied towards things that have questionable value to society. As with your example of clothing production. Capitalist model creates a huge amount of waste because companies need to continue selling new clothing. A socialist model would simply produce less clothing that lasts longer, which is far more efficient.

    Touché. Agree on that one.

  • opensource
    Open Source jwinnie 4 years ago 100%
    Geoffrey Knauth elected Free Software Foundation president

    From the looks of it this man is not nearly as legendary as Stallman. This is very unfortunate indeed.

    opensource Open Source Two years later, the reasons for Microsoft's Github Acquisition still remain a mystery
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Guess it's time to whip out EMACS like a real hacker...

    Sadly I can't figure out how to configure any editor but VSCode to have decently ergonomic IDE like features, so it's VSCode for now :(

  • opensource Open Source Capitalist efficiency and tech
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%
    • Google with Chrome OS (Gentoo, Wayland, GNU/Linux and a ton of other open-source apps and libraries) and Android (Linux)
    • Most web servers run open source operating systems (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, GNU/Linux)
    • Widely used languages in proprietary software development: C/C++ (GNU Compiler Collection, clang/LLVM, GNU libc, Boost, and a ton of major math/graphics/etc libraries), Python (cpython, Django, numpy), Ruby (Rails), and PHP
    • WebKit (Safari) is a fork of KHTML, and Blink (Chromium) is a fork of WebKit, so both Chrome and Safari are based on KHTML, which was a (now discontinued) open-source browser engine developed by the KDE project
    • Darwin (foundation for macOS, iOS) is derived from BSD

    These are just a few examples off the top of my head. There are many more.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Debate Politics jwinnie 4 years ago 100%
    Capitalist efficiency and tech

    People say capitalism is efficient, yet Twitter has around 5,OOO employees while Mastodon was built pretty much single handedly by Eugene Rochko. Today, Mastodon provides a strictly superior user experience with only a handful of contributors. Majority of effort at Twitter is directed towards things like ads and tracking that are actively harmful from user perspective. Meanwhile, the core functionality of the platform that benefits the users can be implemented with a small fraction of the effort. Seems to me that capitalism is actually far more inefficient than open source development in practice.

    opensource Open Source Capitalist efficiency and tech
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Many people (e.g. Eric S Raymond) would argue that this type of efficiency gain from switching to a communist economic model is only experienced in the software industry. The reasoning behind that would be that software (and other digital contentworks) has special traits: it is cheap to produce and infinitely reproducible (the economics of free software are essentially post-scarcity economics).

    On the other hand, certain industries, like the mass production of clothing and mining for precious metals, would massively lose out as a result of a communist economic model because they can no longer extract maximum value from laborers by underpaying them and must provide quality working conditions, which would result in a decrease in productivity. Additionally, there would be an allocational problem: if a resource is scarce, where should it be sent, and for what purpose should it be used?

    It should be noted that I'm not intending to criticize socialism in any way - it's just that socialists should gain a better understanding of economics so that socialism can be presented as a highly sophisticated alternative economic system rather than some knee-jerk ramblings.

    EDIT: Crossposted your post to /c/debatepolitics in a shameless effort to promote my community :)

  • opensource Open Source Two years later, the reasons for Microsoft's Github Acquisition still remain a mystery
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    I use sublime

    uses proprietary software to avoid Microsoft

  • linux Linux Systemd-homed is intrusive, glitchy and problematic, it is also not ready yet
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    It's a replacement for UNIX users. Basically, instead of adding yourself to /etc/passwd, you create a file called /home/<username>.home. This file is an encrypted archive containing your home folder and a file called .identity that contains your group memberships and other user attributes.

    The idea is that you can pick up your "home file" and plop it on any system with systemd-homed and it should work without further intervention. It also makes it incredibly easy to encrypt your home directory.

  • opensource Open Source Two years later, the reasons for Microsoft's Github Acquisition still remain a mystery
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Oh goodness, I write TypeScript in VSCode, use Github at times, and package with NPM. Microsoft has got me!

  • opensource Open Source The falsehoods of anti-AGPL propaganda
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    I license all my open source server code with the AGPL, and all the better if Google can't steal my work :smiling face with sunglasses:

  • opensource Open Source *Permanently Deleted*
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Kate and KDevelop aren't half bad and they're pretty lightweight, although I personally use VSCode because of intellisense support for a variety of languages.

  • opensource Open Source What is your favorite open source software?
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    GNU, Linux, Python, KDE, Firefox

  • opensource Open Source What is your favorite open source software?
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%


    Aged like milk :)

  • linux Linux Jonathan (former treasurer) officially fired from Manjaro team
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    What is your interpretation of the situation?

  • opensource Open Source We're winning TOO MUCH on Peertube!
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 80%

    Check out his blog. He refers to people as "NPCs," opposes democracy, uses 4chan memes incessantly, called Alex Jones "based," and said multiple times that he's "red-pilled."

    If he's not a Nazi he really needs to make a video explaining why he uses Nazi terminology.

  • linux Linux Jonathan (former treasurer) officially fired from Manjaro team
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 90%

    Nothing? Do you consider misuse of OpenCollective funds and silencing and removing core project members for doing their jobs "nothing"?

  • linux Linux *Permanently Deleted*
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Can't you get portage if you enable dev mode on a ChromeOS machine?

  • opensource Open Source *Permanently Deleted*
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    It has literally nothing that Atom/VSCode don't have. Why did they even release this?

  • linux Linux *Permanently Deleted*
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Yes. It's based on Gentoo.

  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Calling people "vulgar revisionists" isn't going to foster constructive debate. If you want to debate social democracy vs. revolutionary Marxism I would encourage you to open a new thread about that.

  • linux
    Linux jwinnie 4 years ago 96%
    Manjaro erupts in controversy over alleged misuse of funds by project lead

    TL;DR jonathon (treasurer) was removed from the OpenCollective after they had a big argument with philm (project lead) over whether or not to authorize the purchase of a $2,000 laptop. After that jonathon posted his grievances on the Manjaro forum, to which philm responded by delisting the thread and removing jonathan as moderator of the forum.

    Linux jwinnie 4 years ago 100%
    digiKam 7.0.0 released

    Major features include facial recognition with machine learning and increased support for different image formats.

    opensource Open Source We're winning TOO MUCH on Peertube!
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 66%

    Luke Smith is a Nazi.

  • opensource Open Source Ireland donates the world’s most successful contact tracing app to the Linux Foundation
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Oh sorry, that's just the title of the original article.

  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Are the moderators of this community members of the official KDE team?

    There's only one moderator (/u/muesli) and he does contribute to KDE.

  • opensource Open Source *Permanently Deleted*
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    I've tried Starship and in my experience it's actually really slow and buggy compared to most regular shell/python prompts.

    Just because something is ~written in Rust~ doesn't mean it's good software.

  • opensource Open Source Slack-rival Element wins largest ever collaborative software deal | Sifted.
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    One very positive aspect of Electron is in helping finally make Linux desktop a first class citizen.

    I wonder why GTK+/Qt can't do the same. Both of them are very capable cross-platform frameworks that support several languages.

  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    You forgot Neoliberalism, its important cause its the main ideology of western capitalism.

    Neoliberalism is under "liberalism."

    Also not sure why you put Marxism in the center seemingly, when Social Democrats are for capitalism in practice.

    I didn't intend for there to be any particular order. But now that you've pointed it out, I'll fix the ordering.

    Also there is nothing wrong with discussing fascism, as long as its not promoted. You cant fight something if you dont understand it.

    Ah okay, thanks for the permission. I will research a bit and add a section in.

  • announcements Announcements Anxiety and Sleeping Well.
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    I don't think this belongs in /c/announcements.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why do people have children?
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    I would argue that it doesn't matter what's natural or not - killing is wrong, and unless you're vegan, having children is killing since the greater the human population the greater the number of animals that need to die to feed it.

  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Thank you for the thoughtful reply. I'm an anarchist personally so my ideas obviously differ quite a bit from yours. I hope we can still agree on some basic definitions though!

    Leftists don’t necessarily want a “theoretical utopia”. Some tendencies do, but so do some rightist tendencies.

    Which rightist tendencies want a theoretical utopia?

    The leftist tendency that I uphold — Marxism-Leninism — has been tried many times with considerable success, so not an utopia. You’re correct that we want to change the current system, but not towards a theoretical utopia, but towards a very real other system.

    Marxism-Leninism still wants a communist utopia as a long-term end-goal, right?

    Defining socialism as “economic system similar to capitalism but with public investments taking the place of private investments” is misleading at the very least, and doesn’t get the key features of socialism, such as a central planning (which removes many of the problems of capitalism). “In a socialist economic system, corporations are incentivized to improve society.” — No, corporations in the form that they are under capitalism will be abolished under socialism. The revenue that the corporations take for themselves under capitalism will be used for building infrastructure and public services — “improving society”, if you want to call it that.

    Not all socialisms are centrally planned; some socialisms follow decentralized planning and/or market economics (see Kevin Carson's Mutualism, Participatory Economics, and Richard Wolffe's market socialism).

    You bring up a good point though; I should expand on the definition of socialism to include several different socialist economic models.

    I don’t disagree with this definition of communism. But I want to point out that rather than realize such a system immediately, communists want to establish socialism first, as a kind of transition stage.

    Only Marxists want to do that. Anarcho-communists want to establish communism immediately.

    I wouldn’t call liberalism leftist. It’s rather centrist, or even rightist. You say that “Rightists want to keep the current system”. And the current system in, for instance, the EU and the USA (and also in many other states), is liberalism, somehow mixed with conservatism and social democracy.

    I tend to consider liberalism to be leftist because it's idealistic and shares core values with leftist tendencies (e.g. liberty, democracy, justice, equality/meritocracy). Plus, liberalism has been historically leftist and is still leftist in many countries (e.g. China, Turkey).

    How is social democracy derived from Marxism? Marx criticized socdems at various times. I’m not too sure about the theoretical roots (feel free to correct me if you can show a socdem theoretic actually basing their work to Marx’s theories), but the social democracy that is dominant in Europe is definitely nothing that Marx ever endorsed or based on his works anyhow.

    The "fathers" of Social Democracy (at least according to Jacobin Magazine) - Eduard Bernstein and Karl Kautsky - were both Marxists. But you're right to say that it's very different from Marxism today.

    What do you mean with “socialists don’t want to re-establish the Soviet Union”? I mean, material conditions are different for every country, and you can’t “re-establish the Soviet Union” in countries that never belonged to the Soviet Union. And of course we don’t want to copy everything from the USSR one-by-one. But we don’t consider the USSR a big failure either — it did have flaws, it did make mistakes that ultimately made it collapse, but still it was the first in the world country to build socialism, it could recover from a devastating civil war, defeat the German fascist invaders, and become a world superpower that could rival the USA. We want to take what was good and repeat it, while avoiding the mistakes that made it fall.

    That's fair. I put that in there because a lot of people (especially people in the U.S.) tend to equate leftism/socialism with Stalinism and Soviet apologia, which is definitely not true since many socialist tendencies exist, many of which have consistently opposed the Soviet Union.

  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%
  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why do people have children?
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 90%

    You're describing a philosophical position known as anti-natalism.

    Not only is life pure suffering, it also damages the environment - since humans are in competition with other species for survival, every human being that survives means another animal of another species that has to die. And it takes tremendous resources - think fossil fuels and minerals - to keep a human being reasonably happy and healthy, resources which are both non-renewable and cause damage to the environment when they are extracted and/or used.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Debate Politics jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Hello! There are a lot of misconceptions around what different political terms mean, so, in the interest of clear and cogent debate, I thought I'd make a post to clear them up. Please comment if you find any of the explanations insufficient or inaccurate. ## Economic Systems - **Capitalism** is an economic system where investors pool their resources to fund corporations, which generate profits to give back to the investors. In a capitalist economic system, corporations are incentivized to maximize profits. Capitalism is currently the hegemonic economic system in the world. - **Socialism** (also known as "economic democracy") is a proposed economic system similar to capitalism but with public investments taking the place of private investments. In a socialist economic system, corporations are incentivized to improve society. A variety of socialist economic models exist; some propose a market system with competing democratically-managed corporations, whereas others propose a command economy with central planning. Socialist and semi-socialist economic models have been attempted with various degrees of success throughout history. - **Communism** is a proposed economic system with all property held in common, following the principle "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Communism has been attempted with various degrees of success throughout history. Someone who wishes to implement a communist economic system is a **communist.** ## Political Philosophies - **Leftists** want to improve society to get closer to a theoretical utopia. - **Rightists** want to keep the current system and are skeptical of utopian thinking. - **Radicals** want to quickly and fundamentally change society, typically through revolutionary action. - **Moderates** want to change society gradually and incrementally and work for change within the existing system. - **Fascism** (radical rightist) is a political philosophy that holds that modern liberal individualism has undermined societal strength. Fascists wish to "revitalize" their country and return it to an idealized past by establishing a "totalitarian" one-party state, achieving autarky by nationalizing industry, and pursuing an imperialist foreign policy. **National Socialism** (also known as Nazism) is a variant of Fascism that holds that some races are superior to others and that inferior races must be eliminated through eugenics. - **Conservatism** (moderate rightist) is a political philosophy that holds that the current political and economic system cannot be significantly improved, and any attempts at change will inevitably lead back to the current system due to the inflexibility of human nature. **Classical conservatives** oppose democracy due to the belief that people are too stupid to make decisions for themselves, and oppose capitalism due to its excessive individualism and consumerism. Instead, classical conservatives support some form of monarchism, theocracy, and/or oligarchy. On the other hand, **neoconservatives** (also known as liberal conservatives) have a more open attitude towards liberal concepts like representative democracy and capitalism, considering them to be proven mechanisms to organize a stable society. Historically, most societies have been classically conservative, but neoconservatism has eclipsed classical conservatism's role in modern society and is now very popular in the United States and much of Europe. - **Liberalism** (historically moderate leftist; now considered centrist) is a political philosophy that holds that all humans have fundamental rights and governments only have legitimacy when they respect these rights. Liberalism is generally said to have three historical phases: classical liberalism, social liberalism, and neoliberalism. **Classical liberals** (also known as right-libertarians or libertarian capitalists) want an unregulated free-market economy with minimal government intervention. **Social liberals** want the government to intervene in the economy to promote social justice and reduce economic inequality. **Neoliberals** want the government to intervene in the economy to promote capitalism and economic development. - **Social democracy** (moderate leftist) is a political philosophy derived from Marxism. Rather than overthrow and eliminate the bourgeoisie, Social Democrats seek to improve the welfare of the working class in the short term by building a robust welfare state and regulating predatory businesses, and improve the bargaining power of the working class by strengthening trade unions. Social Democracy is the dominant political philosophy in many European and Latin American countries, and is gaining popularity in the United States. - **Marxism** (radical leftist) is a political philosophy based on the writings of Karl Marx. Marxists claim that liberal democracy is actually a "dictatorship of the bourgeoisie," in which the wealthy control the government and use it as a tool to oppress the poor. They believe that the working class (the "proletariat") needs to overthrow all governments and establish a global "dictatorship of the proletariat" instead, which will oversee the transition to a socialist economic system. **Orthodox Marxists** (also known as "council communists" or "democratic socialists") believe that the dictatorship of the proletariat is by nature democratic and should by governed by workers' councils with free elections, whereas **Marxist-Leninists** interpret the dictatorship of the proletariat as a highly organized literal dictatorship led by a Communist Party that suppresses dissent but allows internal debate. Most "communist" states of the 20th century were Marxist-Leninist. Democratic socialism has never been implemented in practice. - **Anarchism** (radical leftist) is a political philosophy that attempts to eliminate all hierarchy, domination, and inequality. To that end, anarchists are "anti-state and anti-capitalist," that is, anarchists want to find out ways to replace the government as well as hierarchical corporations with institutions that value every single person equally and don't allow anyone to have power over another. Anarchism has been attempted at various times at small scales but has never seen great success. ## Additional Notes - Libertarianism can mean both a more radical variant of classical liberalism or a more moderate variant of anarchism. As such, the term "libertarian" should be avoided when discussing politics with a diverse group of people. - Not all socialists/leftists are alike, and similarly not all capitalists/rightists are alike. So please don't say something like "socialists are really just ultra-authoritarian Soviet apologists" or "classical liberals are really just fascists"; that would make you not only wrong, but also fallacious since it's a strawman argument.

    linux Linux What is in your opinion the best package manager?
  • jwinnie jwinnie 4 years ago 100%

    Definitely xbps (Void's package manager).

    • Really fast, slightly faster than pacman.
    • You can quit in the middle of a package download and it will pick it right up when you run the command again.
    • It can show which packages you manually installed (xbps-query -l -m).
    • It can draw really sophisticated dependency graphs for packages.
    • It has a sophisticated and customizable hook system that can, for example, automatically update your EFI boot entries when you update the kernel.
    • It can automatically track dynamic library dependencies and supports partial upgrades.
  • announcements
    Announcements jwinnie 4 years ago 80%
    /c/debatepolitics, for friendly debates about political theory

    There are a lot of political debate subs on Reddit (r/debateanarchism, r/debatecommunism, r/CapitalismVSocialism, etc.) but none on Lemmy. So I made one!
