asklemmy Asklemmy Attitude to Religion and its believers.
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 3 months ago 50%

    Yepperoni, thanks for putting this so succinctly.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Attitude to Religion and its believers.
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 3 months ago 66%

    What would you say to a person who refuses to acknowledge or take into consideration the belief of a religious individual?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Attitude to Religion and its believers.
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 3 months ago 100%

    I don't hold belief against people so long as they act appropriately toward others.

    I have some positive and negative opinions toward particular religions based on their foundations and practices.

    I kinda long for a sense of spiritual community, but I can't make myself have faith in something I don't believe, no matter how nice it seems. So that kinda sucks

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Attitude to Religion and its believers.
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 3 months ago 100%

    preach (pun intended)

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation It's Friday - What are your plans for the week-end?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 3 months ago 100%

    how are you feeling?

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation Unnecessary Confession Time...
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 3 months ago 100%

    Tgat lol thing is pretty cute, I might steal it >:)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Simple question: Are you a nice person?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 3 months ago 100%

    I am very nice. I could probably be kinder, but I think if I was I'd be letting myself get walked on and stuff, so I don't think it's all that good to be too polite.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How does it feel being in a relationship?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 3 months ago 100%

    Being in a relationship gives me a sense confidence in myself.

    If you do not hear these people out, you are denying yourself the chance for a better life. By refusing to believe you are capable of what you want, you are making it impossible for you to achieve your goals. Because you won't try.

    Good luck ❤️

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the point of cruel and deadly border policies if employers could just be penalized for hiring unauthorized labor all along?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 4 months ago 100%

    That's a pretty good way of putting it

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation TGIF, What are your plans / How is your week-end going?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 4 months ago 100%

    Black beans are soooo good

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How might perspectives on race change in a hypothetical fully-egalitarian future?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 4 months ago 66%

    Did you intend this to be relevant?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think about this?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 4 months ago 100%

    Scientific evidence is through experiments using the scientific method, which tries to eliminate bias. The wikipedia article provides both adequate and inadequate experiments. You are biased and you're "testing" in uncontrolled environments. You could hardly call it evidence.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think about this?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 4 months ago 100%

    You are cherry picking and only acknowledging information that supports telepathy. You are ignoring the evidence against it, which takes majority. Why?

  • technology Technology First human brain implant malfunctioned, Neuralink says
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 4 months ago 100%

    Your criticisms are reasonable ones.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think about this?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 4 months ago 100%

    The scientific method aims to refine theories based on new and best available evidence. There isn't compelling scientific evidence supporting telepathy, but the fallibility of human vision is extensively documented. So how come you think it's 50/50?

  • technology Technology First human brain implant malfunctioned, Neuralink says
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 4 months ago 87%

    Do you think we'll get to that advanced level of use without experiments? And do you think that this is wrong despite consent to the procedure?

  • technology Technology First human brain implant malfunctioned, Neuralink says
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 4 months ago 87%

    Can you take a moment and imagine some possibilities of taking input directly from someone's mind and applying it without needing to use your body? I know moving a mouse doesn't seem impressive, but it demonstrates success at a technological concept that still seems impossible. I can't speak for the ethics because I don't know how voluntary the subjects are for the research, but this is very exciting for me, because it will inevitably become more sophisticated.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think about this?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 4 months ago 100%

    that's cute!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think about this?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 4 months ago 100%

    I have a question. Do you truly think it's more likely that something extraordinary is occurring, rather than concluding humans aren't built perfect? Or is it more exciting to believe that something cool and magical is happening, and you perhaps choose to pursue that possibility?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think about this?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 4 months ago 100%

    And I think it's a result of our evolutionary trait of being very sensitive to people looking at us. If we see someone out of the corner of our eye looking at us it alerts us. And if we truly can't see them, we can't tell at all, but checking to see if they're looking at you makes them feel stared at, so they'll look at you back. Is that confusing?

    Wikipedia sums it up well. In proper scientific tests, it's fruitless.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think about this?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 4 months ago 100%

    Combined with the human hyper sensitivity of being looked at, probably.

  • barefoot_shoes Barefoot Shoes Have you successfullyl 'converted' anyone into the Barefoot Shoe World?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 5 months ago 100%

    My parents have switched over to barefoot shoes, not exclusively per my suggestion but in conjunction with a friend of my mom's singing its praises.

  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 5 months ago 100%

    They're both toddlers, about a year apart. The littler one is still into the younger target audience content and she is very picky! Thank you for the suggestion <3

    The words we let her mispronounce because it's so cute is balloon (Babloon!) and Restaurant (Resternot!!)

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation Which internet video will always be hilarious no matter how old it gets?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 5 months ago 100%

    fuck ladder goat is so good

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How did you meet the love of your life?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 5 months ago 100%

    The outcome is yours to decide

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How did you meet the love of your life?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 5 months ago 100%

    That's a really amazing story

  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 5 months ago 100%

    LMAO It's better left alone but you can't help but need to make sure it's complete. I'm the same about my music, if anything is improperly tagged or named inconsistent I fix it- it's compulsory I swear.

  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 5 months ago 100%

    Does TheRarbg have the same aggregate of content that Rarbg did, or is it a migration sort of deal? Thank you for sharing.

  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 5 months ago 100%

    Love Bluey and especially Hilda! I'll check the other's out, thank you. Definitely ideal if I can wean them off of the more annoying kids shows.. The little man is into Spider-Man and Sonic right now, and the littler ma'am LOVES Frozen and Skye from Paw Patrol.

  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 5 months ago 100%

    Well the torrents are there, I just can't access them, gives me some weird screen. And if I manually convert the torrent to a download link through real debrid, it says it's not allowed to do that or something. But torrenting it myself works fine.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Did you choose for Linux for freedom or ...
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 5 months ago 100%

    I think I originally checked it out after watching an LTT video on a gaming distro, because i liked computers and I was pretty good at them. Not sure if I was the problem or the distro but it was pretty bad. Still fell in love.

    Now I appreciate the open source aspect, but I still like it because I can do more with it and learn in the process.

  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 5 months ago 100%

    OOOOO I don't know why I haven't tried this before! Guess I thought 1137 was an adequate search engine? This is seriously awesome, thanks for showing me.

  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 5 months ago 100%

    Oh nooooo!!!! I've definitely had that before.. Always regret it when I delete media files, I just save them all now and if I HAVE to save space I compress them.

  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 5 months ago 100%

    Hey hey, great suggestion. I do actually have stremio + torrentio + real debrid set up, works really well! Thing is, I've been getting some errors with Real Debrid on Paramount+ kids shows. Seems like they're cracking down on those torrents or something? Anyway those I've just been downloading manually instead, but it's made me want to download more stuff just in case the streaming setup becomes less consistent :p

  • piracy
    Downloading/torrenting kids cartoons

    Hey all. noob-ish pirate here. Skipping long winded post. I'm struggling to find sources to download/torrent kids cartoons. Some are easy, but I'm looking for paw patrol and it's scarce on 1337. The more modern stuff and the super popular stuff are a little easier though. Not really any information on the Wiki about this stuff. I see plenty of *streaming* resources. I guess if it comes down to it I can record it? I don't know the best way to do that, certainly doesn't seem ideal.. I'll update my post to reflect my levels of success :)

    asklemmy Asklemmy I'm having a tough time choosing my next android smartphone, any ideas?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 12 months ago 100%

    Whoops, I think they meant software support, like how long the phone is updated for. Hopefully this still helps.

  • technology Technology The Fairphone 5 is a little more repairable and much more modern
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 1 year ago 94%

    I never quite understood the headphone jack thing. It's a nifty thing to have but an adapter is a one time purchase. It seems like nowadays lack of headphone jack is just a minor inconvenience.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy I'm having a tough time choosing my next android smartphone, any ideas?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 1 year ago 100%

    Wow. Nokia is fulfilling prayers now apparently.

    In seriousness, this is a very promising device. I'll likely wait a bit after release before pulling the trigger on this phone, but honestly it's probably what I'm going to go with. As far as rooting goes, I suppose that's up to the XDA community to decide. The 2 year android updates is pretty short, I agree. But for the price, I think that it would be a good option regardless.

    Thanks for following up on this as well!

  • askandroid Ask Android I'm having a tough time choosing my next android smartphone, any ideas?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 1 year ago 100%

    The s23 looks appealing due to the integration of a pull tab for the battery as opposed to glue. I will look into this. Thank you.

  • technology Technology I'm having a tough time choosing my next android smartphone, any ideas?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 1 year ago 100%

    This is definitely an option. However the past few years have not been kind as far as repairability goes, and that would be a must for a used phone. Newer phones are starting to add options for self repair but the majority are overkill for me.

    Thank you for the suggestion!!

  • technology Technology I'm having a tough time choosing my next android smartphone, any ideas?
  • inconspicuouscolon inconspicuouscolon 1 year ago 0%

    Fortunately, I have scaled back my paranoia over the past few years. However I would like to check exactly how much data collection is going on and how much I can remove in the settings and how much I can remove from the baked in stuff.

    Thank you for the input!

  • aosp
    AOSP inconspicuouscolon 1 year ago 75%
    I'm having a tough time choosing my next android smartphone, any ideas?

    cross-posted from: > I am picky about the features I look for in a smartphone. Hopefully this post can be a good resource for myself and others who have similar preferences. For reference, I am using a Oneplus 7 Pro with a non-functional camera and flashlight. > > > # Very important features > ----------- > > ## Battery life > It should handle a day's worth of general usage before charging. Heat kills batteries, so decent heat dissipation is important too. > > ## Durability **or** repairability > I recently bought a Google Pixel 5a, a phone I greatly enjoyed before I dropped it 5 feet and the display decided its work was done. My top priority is to have a useable device for ~5 years before needing an upgrade. > > ## Storage > > I like storing my music collection (30 GB and growing) and expandable storage would save me from having to carry a DAP (mp3 player). Without expandable storage it should have 256 GB storage. > > ## Price > Electronics aren't meant to last a long time; I'd prefer devices costing ~300 USD, but I would gladly pay a little more for reliability. > > ## Microphone > Please let me be intelligible on phone calls. Please? Pretty please? > > ## Software updates **or** custom ROM support > OS updates for 3+ years or resources on [XDA]( for flashing a custom ROM. Ideally LineageOS. > > # Would be nice > ----- > > ## Root capability > It's a bit dated nowadays, but I really do appreciate having that extra bit of control. This also ties into custom ROM support. > > ## Fingerprint Sensor > I loved the dedicated fingerprint sensor on my Pixel 5a. Power button fingerprints are worse, but better than nothing. Typing in my passcode every time is a bit of a pain. > > ## Speakers > Preferably dual front facing stereo speakers. Having some decent output for videos when I don't have anything else with me would be nice. > > ## OLED/AMOLED display > Makes stuff WAY easier to see when the sun's all sunny. > > ## Processing power > I don't play phone games. I watch a lot of media and I message people. Must be capable of simultaneously running muliple apps and background services. > > ## IPA ratings > It'd be pretty sick if I could bring it with me in the shower without worrying about water damage. > > ## Fast charging > Won't always use it, but it'd be great to have. > > # Cutting corners > ---- > > ## Screen resolution > I don't need a 4K display. Hell, I don't need a *1080p* display. If it cuts costs, 720p is just fine so long as it looks okay. > > ## Size > It can be big or small, thick or thin. Not picky. > > ## Other features I don't need > Headphone jack, NFC, 5G, wireless charging > --- > > The phones I am looking at right now are as follows > - Sony Xperia 10 V - No custom ROM support, long term durability is unclear. > - Fairphone 4 - Slightly out of price range. > - Samsung Galaxy XCover6 Pro - Way out of price range. > I would appreciate any input or questions.

    Android inconspicuouscolon 1 year ago 66%
    I'm having a tough time choosing my next android smartphone, any ideas?

    cross-posted from: > EDITED: As I am not in a rush, I've decided that my budget is now $500. > I am picky about the features I look for in a smartphone. Hopefully this post can be a good resource for myself and others > who have similar preferences. For reference, I am using a Oneplus 7 Pro with a non-functional camera and flashlight. > > > # Very important features > ----------- > > ## Battery life > It should handle a day's worth of general usage before charging. Heat kills batteries, so decent heat dissipation is important too. > > ## Durability **or** repairability > I recently bought a Google Pixel 5a, a phone I greatly enjoyed before I dropped it 5 feet and the display decided its work was done. My top priority is to have a useable device for ~5 years before needing an upgrade. > > ## Storage > > I like storing my music collection (30 GB and growing) and expandable storage would save me from having to carry a DAP (mp3 player). Without expandable storage it should have 256 GB storage. > > ## Price > Electronics aren't meant to last a long time; I'd prefer devices costing ~300 USD, but I would gladly pay a little more for reliability. > > ## Microphone > Please let me be intelligible on phone calls. Please? Pretty please? > > ## Software updates **or** custom ROM support > OS updates for 3+ years or resources on [XDA]( for flashing a custom ROM. Ideally LineageOS. > > # Would be nice > ----- > > ## Root capability > It's a bit dated nowadays, but I really do appreciate having that extra bit of control. This also ties into custom ROM support. > > ## Fingerprint Sensor > I loved the dedicated fingerprint sensor on my Pixel 5a. Power button fingerprints are worse, but better than nothing. Typing in my passcode every time is a bit of a pain. > > ## Speakers > Preferably dual front facing stereo speakers. Having some decent output for videos when I don't have anything else with me would be nice. > > ## OLED/AMOLED display > Makes stuff WAY easier to see when the sun's all sunny. > > ## Processing power > I don't play phone games. I watch a lot of media and I message people. Must be capable of simultaneously running muliple apps and background services. > > ## IPA ratings > It'd be pretty sick if I could bring it with me in the shower without worrying about water damage. > > ## Fast charging > Won't always use it, but it'd be great to have. > > # Cutting corners > ---- > > ## Screen resolution > I don't need a 4K display. Hell, I don't need a *1080p* display. If it cuts costs, 720p is just fine so long as it looks okay. > > ## Size > It can be big or small, thick or thin. Not picky. > > ## Other features I don't need > Headphone jack, NFC, 5G, wireless charging > --- > > The phones I am looking at right now are as follows > - Sony Xperia 10 V - No custom ROM support, long term durability is unclear. > - Fairphone 4 - Slightly out of price range. > - Samsung Galaxy XCover6 Pro - Way out of price range. > I would appreciate any input or questions.

    Ask Android inconspicuouscolon 1 year ago 87%
    I'm having a tough time choosing my next android smartphone, any ideas?

    cross-posted from: > EDITED: As I am not in a rush, I've decided that my budget is now $500. > > I am picky about the features I look for in a smartphone. Hopefully this post can be a good resource for myself and others who have similar preferences. For reference, I am using a Oneplus 7 Pro with a non-functional camera and flashlight. > > > # Very important features > ----------- > > ## Battery life > It should handle a day's worth of general usage before charging. Heat kills batteries, so decent heat dissipation is important too. > > ## Durability **or** repairability > I recently bought a Google Pixel 5a, a phone I greatly enjoyed before I dropped it 5 feet and the display decided its work was done. My top priority is to have a useable device for ~5 years before needing an upgrade. > > ## Storage > > I like storing my music collection (30 GB and growing) and expandable storage would save me from having to carry a DAP (mp3 player). Without expandable storage it should have 256 GB storage. > > ## Price > Electronics aren't meant to last a long time; I'd prefer devices costing ~300 USD, but I would gladly pay a little more for reliability. > > ## Microphone > Please let me be intelligible on phone calls. Please? Pretty please? > > ## Software updates **or** custom ROM support > OS updates for 3+ years or resources on [XDA]( for flashing a custom ROM. Ideally LineageOS. > > # Would be nice > ----- > > ## Root capability > It's a bit dated nowadays, but I really do appreciate having that extra bit of control. This also ties into custom ROM support. > > ## Fingerprint Sensor > I loved the dedicated fingerprint sensor on my Pixel 5a. Power button fingerprints are worse, but better than nothing. Typing in my passcode every time is a bit of a pain. > > ## Speakers > Preferably dual front facing stereo speakers. Having some decent output for videos when I don't have anything else with me would be nice. > > ## OLED/AMOLED display > Makes stuff WAY easier to see when the sun's all sunny. > > ## Processing power > I don't play phone games. I watch a lot of media and I message people. Must be capable of simultaneously running muliple apps and background services. > > ## IPA ratings > It'd be pretty sick if I could bring it with me in the shower without worrying about water damage. > > ## Fast charging > Won't always use it, but it'd be great to have. > > # Cutting corners > ---- > > ## Screen resolution > I don't need a 4K display. Hell, I don't need a *1080p* display. If it cuts costs, 720p is just fine so long as it looks okay. > > ## Size > It can be big or small, thick or thin. Not picky. > > ## Other features I don't need > Headphone jack, NFC, 5G, wireless charging > --- > > The phones I am looking at right now are as follows > - Sony Xperia 10 V - No custom ROM support, long term durability is unclear. > - Fairphone 4 - Slightly out of price range. > - Samsung Galaxy XCover6 Pro - Way out of price range. > I would appreciate any input or questions.

    Asklemmy inconspicuouscolon 1 year ago 86%
    I'm having a tough time choosing my next android smartphone, any ideas?

    cross-posted from: > EDITED: As I am not in a rush, I've decided that my budget is now $500. > > I am picky about the features I look for in a smartphone. Hopefully this post can be a good resource for myself and others who have similar preferences. For reference, I am using a Oneplus 7 Pro with a non-functional camera and flashlight. > > > # Very important features > ----------- > > ## Battery life > It should handle a day's worth of general usage before charging. Heat kills batteries, so decent heat dissipation is important too. > > ## Durability **or** repairability > I recently bought a Google Pixel 5a, a phone I greatly enjoyed before I dropped it 5 feet and the display decided its work was done. My top priority is to have a useable device for ~5 years before needing an upgrade. > > ## Storage > > I like storing my music collection (30 GB and growing) and expandable storage would save me from having to carry a DAP (mp3 player). Without expandable storage it should have 256 GB storage. > > ## Price > Electronics aren't meant to last a long time; I'd prefer devices costing ~300 USD, but I would gladly pay a little more for reliability. > > ## Microphone > Please let me be intelligible on phone calls. Please? Pretty please? > > ## Software updates **or** custom ROM support > OS updates for 3+ years or resources on [XDA]( for flashing a custom ROM. Ideally LineageOS. > > # Would be nice > ----- > > ## Root capability > It's a bit dated nowadays, but I really do appreciate having that extra bit of control. This also ties into custom ROM support. > > ## Fingerprint Sensor > I loved the dedicated fingerprint sensor on my Pixel 5a. Power button fingerprints are worse, but better than nothing. Typing in my passcode every time is a bit of a pain. > > ## Speakers > Preferably dual front facing stereo speakers. Having some decent output for videos when I don't have anything else with me would be nice. > > ## OLED/AMOLED display > Makes stuff WAY easier to see when the sun's all sunny. > > ## Processing power > I don't play phone games. I watch a lot of media and I message people. Must be capable of simultaneously running muliple apps and background services. > > ## IPA ratings > It'd be pretty sick if I could bring it with me in the shower without worrying about water damage. > > ## Fast charging > Won't always use it, but it'd be great to have. > > # Cutting corners > ---- > > ## Screen resolution > I don't need a 4K display. Hell, I don't need a *1080p* display. If it cuts costs, 720p is just fine so long as it looks okay. > > ## Size > It can be big or small, thick or thin. Not picky. > > ## Other features I don't need > Headphone jack, NFC, 5G, wireless charging > --- > > The phones I am looking at right now are as follows > - Sony Xperia 10 V - No custom ROM support, long term durability is unclear. > - Fairphone 4 - Slightly out of price range. > - Samsung Galaxy XCover6 Pro - Way out of price range. > I would appreciate any input or questions.

    Technology inconspicuouscolon 1 year ago 78%
    I'm having a tough time choosing my next android smartphone, any ideas?

    cross-posted from: > EDITED: As I am not in a rush, I've decided that my budget is now $500. > > I am picky about the features I look for in a smartphone. Hopefully this post can be a good resource for myself and others who have similar preferences. For reference, I am using a Oneplus 7 Pro with a non-functional camera and flashlight. > > > # Very important features > ----------- > > ## Battery life > It should handle a day's worth of general usage before charging. Heat kills batteries, so decent heat dissipation is important too. > > ## Durability **or** repairability > I recently bought a Google Pixel 5a, a phone I greatly enjoyed before I dropped it 5 feet and the display decided its work was done. My top priority is to have a useable device for ~5 years before needing an upgrade. > > ## Storage > > I like storing my music collection (30 GB and growing) and expandable storage would save me from having to carry a DAP (mp3 player). Without expandable storage it should have 256 GB storage. > > ## Price > Electronics aren't meant to last a long time; I'd prefer devices costing ~300 USD, but I would gladly pay a little more for reliability. > > ## Microphone > Please let me be intelligible on phone calls. Please? Pretty please? > > ## Software updates **or** custom ROM support > OS updates for 3+ years or resources on [XDA]( for flashing a custom ROM. Ideally LineageOS. > > # Would be nice > ----- > > ## Root capability > It's a bit dated nowadays, but I really do appreciate having that extra bit of control. This also ties into custom ROM support. > > ## Fingerprint Sensor > I loved the dedicated fingerprint sensor on my Pixel 5a. Power button fingerprints are worse, but better than nothing. Typing in my passcode every time is a bit of a pain. > > ## Speakers > Preferably dual front facing stereo speakers. Having some decent output for videos when I don't have anything else with me would be nice. > > ## OLED/AMOLED display > Makes stuff WAY easier to see when the sun's all sunny. > > ## Processing power > I don't play phone games. I watch a lot of media and I message people. Must be capable of simultaneously running muliple apps and background services. > > ## IPA ratings > It'd be pretty sick if I could bring it with me in the shower without worrying about water damage. > > ## Fast charging > Won't always use it, but it'd be great to have. > > # Cutting corners > ---- > > ## Screen resolution > I don't need a 4K display. Hell, I don't need a *1080p* display. If it cuts costs, 720p is just fine so long as it looks okay. > > ## Size > It can be big or small, thick or thin. Not picky. > > ## Other features I don't need > Headphone jack, NFC, 5G, wireless charging > --- > > The phones I am looking at right now are as follows > - Sony Xperia 10 V - No custom ROM support, long term durability is unclear. > - Fairphone 4 - Slightly out of price range. > - Samsung Galaxy XCover6 Pro - Way out of price range. > I would appreciate any input or questions.

    Technology inconspicuouscolon 1 year ago 100%
    I'm having a tough time choosing my next android smartphone, any ideas?

    I am picky about the features I look for in a smartphone. Hopefully this post can be a good resource for myself and others who have similar preferences. For reference, I am using a Oneplus 7 Pro with a non-functional camera and flashlight. # Very important features ----------- ## Battery life It should handle a day's worth of general usage before charging. Heat kills batteries, so decent heat dissipation is important too. ## Durability **or** repairability I recently bought a Google Pixel 5a, a phone I greatly enjoyed before I dropped it 5 feet and the display decided its work was done. My top priority is to have a useable device for ~5 years before needing an upgrade. ## Storage I like storing my music collection (30 GB and growing) and expandable storage would save me from having to carry a DAP (mp3 player). Without expandable storage it should have 256 GB storage. ## Price Electronics aren't meant to last a long time; I'd prefer devices costing ~300 USD, but I would gladly pay a little more for reliability. ## Microphone Please let me be intelligible on phone calls. Please? Pretty please? ## Software updates **or** custom ROM support OS updates for 3+ years or resources on [XDA]( for flashing a custom ROM. Ideally LineageOS. # Would be nice ----- ## Root capability It's a bit dated nowadays, but I really do appreciate having that extra bit of control. This also ties into custom ROM support. ## Fingerprint Sensor I loved the dedicated fingerprint sensor on my Pixel 5a. Power button fingerprints are worse, but better than nothing. Typing in my passcode every time is a bit of a pain. ## Speakers Preferably dual front facing stereo speakers. Having some decent output for videos when I don't have anything else with me would be nice. ## OLED/AMOLED display Makes stuff WAY easier to see when the sun's all sunny. ## Processing power I don't play phone games. I watch a lot of media and I message people. Must be capable of simultaneously running muliple apps and background services. ## IPA ratings It'd be pretty sick if I could bring it with me in the shower without worrying about water damage. ## Fast charging Won't always use it, but it'd be great to have. # Cutting corners ---- ## Screen resolution I don't need a 4K display. Hell, I don't need a *1080p* display. If it cuts costs, 720p is just fine so long as it looks okay. ## Size It can be big or small, thick or thin. Not picky. ## Other features I don't need Headphone jack, NFC, 5G, wireless charging --- The phones I am looking at right now are as follows - Sony Xperia 10 V - No custom ROM support, long term durability is unclear. - Fairphone 4 - Slightly out of price range. - Samsung Galaxy XCover6 Pro - Way out of price range. I would appreciate any input or questions. EDIT: As of 4/13/24, I decided to pick up a Samsung S20 FE. It's been treating me well, and for the low low price of $280 NEW, I'm very pleased with what I got. My complaint is that the vibrate is seriously weak. Use it on sound mode if you don't want to constantly miss notifications.
