costco Costco How often are yall shopping at Costco?
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    We go maybe twice a month. We have to go down and cross the border into Oregon to do it, so we don't do it that often. They have a few things that we just won't do without. My husband loves the muffins, has one every morning for breakfast.

  • stlouisblues
    St. Louis Blues fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%
    Blues Hall of Fame Voting

    The St. Louis Blues honor their history and those that have made significant impacts on the team, on and off the ice, with the Blues Hall of Fame.

    St. Louis Blues fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%
    Quiet off-season

    Such a quiet off-season. So, what are the hopes and actual realistic goals we can aim for during this next season?

    liftoff Liftoff! I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I love this app.
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    Oh absolutely. I' rather time be taken to get things right tan to do a rush job. The important thing is, the needs have been acknowledged. That's a big first step. Lemmy is still new, no one is in a hurry. Thanks for all you do.

  • liftoff Liftoff! I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I love this app.
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    EEEEEEEEE!!!! Thank you so much! I really appreciate that you take the opportunity to get feedback and then actually listen to it.

  • fediverse Fediverse Pushing back against the wave of bot accounts on Lemmy
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    we're all still small fries, but that's ok because the fediverse is large. We're just small apartment buildings full of people in a larger city. We're not alone and size isn't as important as community and communication.

  • fediverse Fediverse Pushing back against the wave of bot accounts on Lemmy
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    We purged 32k unverified bot/spam accounts from our Lemmy instance this past week. We had email verification on but had missed adding CAPTCHA during initial setup. We're still fairly new. Had over 1500 accounts "apply" within a 2 minute span. My admin email was flooded. It was ridiculous.

    They're gone now, but we're staying vigilant.

  • coffee Coffee What Creamer do you prefer? Anyone sitting on a gem?
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    I used to use Silk soymilk creamers but they were out of stock one day and I need milk alternatives so I tried this out. I never went back. It's really good. A little goes a long way.

  • coffee Coffee What Creamer do you prefer? Anyone sitting on a gem?
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    Planet Oat French Vanilla oatmilk creamer. added in a small amount to my hazelnut coffee.

  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons [Announcement] Introducing Official /c/dnd Network Communities!
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    Ah yeah, that makes sense.

  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons [Announcement] Introducing Official /c/dnd Network Communities!
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, not sure I want ALL of them for subscriptions, I just wanted to see what else they had in case I did want to subscribe. I'm sure it will be back up eventually and I can go check.

  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons [Announcement] Introducing Official /c/dnd Network Communities!
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    I think it's ok to have themed instances. People are still free to create communities on other ones, even if they're similar topics. No one is saying ALL ttrpg has to be ONLY one roof. I help admin an instance that's devoted only to sci-fi and fantasy communities (any media) but only those themes. Some of the communities we have also exist elsewhere and that's the great thing about the fediverse.

  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons [Announcement] Introducing Official /c/dnd Network Communities!
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    that's what I ended up doing, searching via kbin magazine search. Weird. I'd like to see the entre instance in case there are other communities not shown here.

  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons [Announcement] Introducing Official /c/dnd Network Communities!
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    for some reason I can't get anything to come up when I click your pathfinder link. And typing the web address in gets me a 404 error.

  • canada Canada Self-checkout theft causing problems for retailers — and shoppers who despise receipt checks
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    We have reusable nylon bags and those are nice and sturdy. My local grocer... I line up my groceries on the belt in little piles and put one bag with each pile. I would think the point was obvious. They grab the bags and just throw whatever they want into each bag. raw meats mixed with boxed goods. heavy items on my eggs. I dislike going to my local grocer because there's no self-check option. I was a cashier for a while and got a lot of compliments and praise from my customers because I bagged smartly. It's not that hard to say "oh this is a freezer item, maybe I should put it with other freezer items".

  • canada Canada Self-checkout theft causing problems for retailers — and shoppers who despise receipt checks
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    I agree. Self-check should come with a discount of some kind. For a lot of people it will absolutely feel/be unpaid labor. For me it's a way to keep control over things and I am willing for that to be the case, but a lot of people are getting shoved into self-check due to lack of paid employees and cutbacks on cashier hours. It's ridiculous.

  • canada Canada Self-checkout theft causing problems for retailers — and shoppers who despise receipt checks
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    I prefer self-checkout because cashiers don't know shit about bagging groceries in a reasonable manner. I don't like dealing with people and I like my groceries bagged to my specifications. Self-checkout is a godsend.

    That said...

    I have made mistakes. I've accidently stolen from WalMart. I've been an employee of WalMart; I am not crying over this. WalMart is a shit employer and they have a ton of self-check so they can continue to refuse full time jobs to cashiers so they don't have to pay benefits. Fuck them.

  • reddit Reddit Reddit protest updates: news on the apps shutting down and Reddit’s fights with mods - The Verge
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 66%

    browsing in new I have seen a !houseplants but I'm not sure which instance it was on. It would be nice to see cozyplaces or something like it though.

  • liftoff Liftoff! I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I love this app.
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    This would be exactly how I listed priority of features as well.

  • liftoff Liftoff! I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I love this app.
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    How are you moderating communities with the app? I have zero moderation tools available when I am logged in and I am an admin on the instance.

    Also I have a second account on the same instance but when I log into that one all my upvotes and subscriptions are identical to my main account. I can't do anything separately.

    I love this app, the UI is nice to me and it's quick and easy to use. But I need mod tools and for accounts to actually be separate.

  • technology Technology Threads gained 10 million new users in seven hours
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 77%

    I wonder how many might be bot accounts?

  • android Android What's your email client of choice?
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    on desktop I use eM Client. On Android I was using just plain GMail but I saw people in this comment section using other stuff so I checked it out and swapped to FairEmail.

    edit: FairEmail is fantastic and I've upgraded to pro. Definitely recommend this one for mobile users with multiple email accounts.

    Used to use Thunderbird but I wanted something that just looked like it was from this century. I like how eM Client works and its features and it looks nice. I don't like that I am limited to 2 email accounts though. I'd love something like it that is FOSS and allows more email addresses.

  • gaming Gaming Super Mario Bros. Wonder looks pretty good ngl
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    I'm excited for it, cause 2D Mario is something I grew up with on the NES and SNES. I love the art style they went with or this one, it's so clean, but it looks like it will play like the older games that were 2D. I don't know if I will get it on release but it's definitely on my to be played list.

  • RedditMigration Reddit Migration Went and invited people on 2 subreddits to kbin/lemmy/beehaw.. I got flamed BIG time..
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    That's what I did with St Louis Blues. There was no community here to I started one, asked for help and already have a second mod. We try to post1 or 2 news stories a day to start. Convo will happen when off-season really kicks in and then we will have pre-season and by then Lemmy/Kbin should be established.

    As soon as I find someone with the passion for it I am transferring the community though, I have enough to mod lol

  • ukcasual UKCasual Any gamers on here? What are you playing?
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    Just started Cassette Beasts last night. It' super cute. It's a great change of pace from when I need a break from Diablo 4.

    edit: I just realized this mag was UKcasual and not Casual. I'm not in the UK at all, sorry :(

  • diablo Diablo D4: As a heads up, not all towns are created equal, and the return to town hotkey is probably wasting your time.
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    I wish we could choose which WP to bind our "TP Home" button to.

  • autism Autism I'm curious - Do you folks like weight on your body (people, animals, weighted blankets on top of you)
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    I can't sleep without my weighted blanket. Even in summer. We just compensate by having a large fan blowing directly onto the bed for me.

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta Spam and porn are flooding kbin already
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%


    THANK YOU so much! I'm very new to kbin so I had no idea that existed. Much appreciation!

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta Spam and porn are flooding kbin already
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    No worries, we all just want the same thing I guess. The ability to block a complete instance from our feed.

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta Spam and porn are flooding kbin already
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    There's this option for me in the main settings page on kbin.

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta Spam and porn are flooding kbin already
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    Is there a way to block an entire instance? Because in my settings I have "hide adult content" turned ON and yet I keep getting posts from lemmynsfw in my feed and my sidebar of random recent posts.

  • PCGaming PC Gaming Which is the first PC game that blew your mind?
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    really dating myself here, but I could not get enough of the OG Sims game. I used to play until I fell asleep at my keyboard. It felt so innovative at the time.

  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 100%

    I don't have a screen protector on my phone, and I wasn't going to get a case but had to because the camera on the back of it sticks out and my phone wouldn't lay flat and it just wanted to scratch the camera lens. The case makes it so my phone can lay flat, and I have better grip I guess. It's just a slim case, nothing bulky.

  • RedditMigration Reddit Migration Ripples Through Reddit as Advertisers Weather Moderators Strike
  • fax_of_the_shadow fax_of_the_shadow 1 year ago 0%

    I'm a mod of a group of related subreddits that are all part of the same fandom community. We've been polling our members each step of the way so we can represent their interests and not just shut down because the mods wanted to. Our subs voted to stay dark for a week, and on the 19th we will reopen, but Restricted, so we can poll again to see what our next steps, as a community, are. We won't just pull the plug on our communities without their consent, and while we're dark we're researching alternative platforms to rehome on if that's needed.
