latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Why You Probably Won't Inherit Anything!
  • dessalines dessalines 13 hours ago 100%

    Have you actually tried any of your own suggestions?

    "stop using credit cards and paying taxes" lol

  • memes Memes Beware of security risks!
  • dessalines dessalines 13 hours ago 100%

    We didnt let anyone use our bases for the war in Iraq.

    From the source above:

    There are also very obvious ways in which Ireland assists the U.S. empire, the foremost of these being the U.S. military’s use of Shannon Airport as a stopover sight. U.S. military planes have been using Shannon airport since the end of 2001, when the latest U.S. global ‘war on terror’ and the wars against Iraq and Afghanistan began. Much of what we know about the activities at Shannon has only come to light due to the dedicated work of the people at Shannonwatch who, as the name suggests, have attempted to expose the truth about U.S. activity in Shannon.(21) As such anyone looking for more detailed information should seek out their website. However, it is still necessary to highlight some of the key issues associated with the U.S. military and CIA’s use of Shannon airport here. Their work estimated that between 2002 and 2014 almost 2,500,000 U.S. troops had passed through the airport.(22) They have also estimated that roughly 20 known or suspected rendition planes have used the airport (a rendition flight is when the CIA kidnaps and tortures someone they suspect of being a terrorist, they are usually transported to Guantánamo Bay or other black sites).(23) This is all done despite Ireland following an official policy military neutrality. So, let us consider more closely what exactly this policy of ‘military neutrality’ means. Quite obviously, given the use of Shannon airport mentioned above, the phrase ‘military neutrality’ is totally vacuous. If the U.S. military is allowed to use Shannon airport to help perpetuate its global reign of terror then Ireland is not ‘militarily neutral’, it is actively supporting U.S. imperialism. There is no time here to detail the horrors the U.S. military has committed globally since they began using Shannon airport at the turn of the 21st Century. Needless to say, the death and destruction brought upon Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Yemen, to name just a few, is almost incalculable.

    We are not a dictatorship.

    As is standard for uneducated neoliberals, you're equating dictatorship with autocracy, and not with what group of people dictates how your country functions.

    and who's the one plugging their ears and ignoring the housing crisis and other systemic problems that comes when you let finance capital run the country?

  • memes Memes Beware of security risks!
  • dessalines dessalines 15 hours ago 100%

    Labor productivity is a neoliberal metric that uses GDP per capita, that in actuality measures value captured, not value added.. For example, the most "labor productive" countries in the world, are those tax havens in the caribbean. Considering the Irish economy's dominance by finance capital, that's completely unsurprising that it would rank so high:

    The reason that these large companies utilize child labour and forced labour and labour under such conditions is simple; profits. This is where Ireland comes into play, in its role helping these large multinational corporations maximize the profit they gain from exploiting such labour conditions. Of the five companies named in the lawsuit, Apple, Dell, Google and Microsoft all have their European headquarters in Ireland. So, one would logically ask why this might be. Perhaps it is our highly skilled and trained population? Or maybe our location on the very western edge of the continent makes it more convenient for big-wig employees to fly to and from Ireland? Or could it possibly be that these companies are attracted by the striking beauty of our cities, towns and wild landscapes? Or, may I suggest, is it our friendly, open, hospitable and charmingly roguish nature that means companies cannot help but to set up their regional headquarters here? Or could it be that Ireland is essentially a tax haven that allows them to maximize their profits?(14) Ah, yes, I think we’ve found the solution to that riddle then. The study, authored by Thomas Wright and Gabriel Zucman, reveals that U.S. multinationals book roughly 18% of their foreign profits in Ireland, more than anywhere else in the world.(15) Ireland’s laws also help U.S. corporations to achieve a pre-tax profits-to-wages ratio of 800%.(16) In the end this amounts to Apple owing the Irish government €13 billion in back taxes, and a legal dispute with the European Union. In 2016 the European Commission ruled that Ireland had given unfair tax advantages to Apple to the sum of €13 billion, a decision which the Irish government itself appealed. Eventually the decision was overturned by the European General Court in July this year (2020), although further legal challenges to that decision may be forthcoming.(17) It is also important to note that the figure of €13 billion is only for the case of Apple and does not include how much taxes other multinational companies may owe, so the actual figure is so high it does not bear thinking about.

    We also did not wholly adopt anything, we have a different type of government, we dont have a monarchy and our elections are not first past the post.

    Ireland is a bourgeois democracy / capitalist dictatorship just like GB, and it doesn't matter what form your elections take. The important point is that capital (specifically finance-capital) stands above your political system. Australia also doesn't use FPTP, yet its able to use that voting system to continue its colonization and theft of aboriginal land. These alternative voting systems have proven to be no obstacles in the slightest for capitalists.

    We absolutely did not allownfornour bases to be used by foreign military. We did however allow for refuelling by an ally. We also had caveats about what type of aircraft and cargo could land and refuel.

    The US racial state, which built its wealth on the graves of its indigenous inhabitants, and enslaved millions of captured Africans, is not a good military ally to have. If Ireland were actually anti-imperialist, there would not even be a debate on allowing the US military to use its bases, especially given the context of its wars on Iraq.

    Here's another good article on Ireland's role in imperialism and its internal crises.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What books do you consider must reads?
  • dessalines dessalines 15 hours ago 100%

    No probs! I'm obsessed with adventure stories, and you can't get much better than 1001 nights.

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Why You Probably Won't Inherit Anything!
  • dessalines dessalines 17 hours ago 100%

    How's that strategy been working out so far?

  • worldnews World News Turkey’s BRICS bid ahead of Russia summit plays both sides
  • dessalines dessalines 17 hours ago 100%

    Considering VOA is a US government agency, we should probably just not allow it.

  • memes Memes Beware of security risks!
  • dessalines dessalines 17 hours ago 33%

    Ireland has some good foreign policy positions due to being a victim of british colonialism for hundreds of years, and feeling affinity with other victims of settler-colonialism, but after the civil war, they fully adopted the model of governance of their oppressors.

    Ireland is now just like other western states, ruled by finance capital, and suffers all the same problems (a housing and rent crisis, production exported to low-wage countries, etc). A lot of US tech companies even use Ireland as an off-shore tax-haven.

    BAE and Boeing (who manufacture weaponry used against Arab countries and in Palestine) have plants in Ireland. They also let the US use their bases in its war on Iraq, and had active troops in the war to break up Yugoslavia, and also had troops to fight against Syria.

    Ireland is kind of a case-study in what not to do after an anti-colonialist revolution.

  • memes Memes Beware of security risks!
  • dessalines dessalines 21 hours ago 66%

    The reason latin america is excluded from the west is because 1) they don't exploit other countries via finance capital, and 2) most of them preserve both their indigenous cultures and populations, in a way that would be intolerable to US or Israeli settlers.

  • memes Memes Beware of security risks!
  • dessalines dessalines 21 hours ago 100%

    Israel, along with most western countries, have been bombing (or building bombs) the Middle east and North Africa for decades now.

  • memes Memes Beware of security risks!
  • dessalines dessalines 21 hours ago 100%

    Agree, especially considering how much the EU has screwed over Greece in recent years. Not really an exploiter of global south labor via finance capital, which the US, GB, France, Germany, and the Nordic countries, definitely are.

  • palestine Palestine Wikipedia defines Zionism as ‘colonialism,’ sparking outrage
  • dessalines dessalines 1 day ago 100%

    Some quotes from the founder af Zionism, Theodore Herzl:

    Supposing, for example, we were obliged to clear a country of wild beasts, we should not set about the task in the fashion of Europeans of the fifth century. We should not take spear and lance and go out singly in pursuit of bears; we would organize a large and active hunting party, drive the animals together, and throw a melinite bomb into their midst.

    If it is God’s will that we return to our historic fatherland, we should like to do so as representatives of Western civilization, and bring cleanliness, order, and the well-distilled customs of the Occident to this plague-ridden, blighted comer of the Orient.

    If whole branches of Jews must be destroyed, it is worth it, as long as a Jewish state in Palestine is created.

    We must expropriate gently the private property on the state assigned to us. We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it employment in our country. The property owners will come over to our side. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discretely and circumspectly. Let the owners of the immoveable property believe that they are cheating us, selling us things for more than they are worth. But we are not going to sell them anything back.

  • memes Memes Capitalism creates its own gravediggers
  • dessalines dessalines 1 day ago 72%

    Capitalism is less than 400 years old, and feudalism took probably triple that to fully die out. These are world-historic processes taking a long time, involving new energy sources, technological developments, and declining surpluses.

    Capitalism has had many crackups already, and is now in its late stage in most of the world. Even most of the populations of capitalist countries, when polled, are pessimistic about their future.

  • worldnews World News UN members back resolution directing Israel to leave occupied territories
  • dessalines dessalines 2 days ago 100%

    One nation, one vote seems like a good idea to me. The US would never allow it tho.

  • memes Memes Beware of security risks!
  • dessalines dessalines 2 days ago 89%

    It's less a geographical or hemispheric distinction, and more a political one.

    This page on imperial core is good.

  • infographics Vegan Infographics The One Way To Prevent Future Pandemics?
  • dessalines dessalines 3 days ago 100%

    This is a good one, thx.

  • worldnews World News China blames the US for failure on ceasefire as war on Gaza nears 1 year
  • dessalines dessalines 3 days ago 75%

    Maybe the US is lying to you about China in other areas too? Israel and the US (and Britain) have been killing Arabs for decades. Are they to be trusted when telling you their enemies are doing the same?

  • memes Memes War on homelessness
  • dessalines dessalines 4 days ago 80%

    DPRK I think.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • dessalines dessalines 4 days ago 100%

    That's been getting much worse in the US at least.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy If there was any object in your life that was cursed, what would it be?
  • dessalines dessalines 4 days ago 100%

    You did the right thing 👍

  • usa United States | News & Politics Jill Stein surges ahead of Kamala Harris among Muslim-American voters in key swing states
  • dessalines dessalines 4 days ago 91%

    Site tagline material.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are some terrible places to do road trips to?
  • dessalines dessalines 4 days ago 100%

    You can edit posts in lemmy.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are some terrible places to do road trips to?
  • dessalines dessalines 4 days ago 81%

    North Korea, you'd get blown up and killed


  • infographics Vegan Infographics World soybean usage: food, animal feed, or fuel?
  • dessalines dessalines 4 days ago 100%

    Not sure. My local supermarket doesn't have soybeans (edamame) tho, because they allocate it elsewhere.

  • infographics Vegan Infographics World soybean usage: food, animal feed, or fuel?
  • dessalines dessalines 4 days ago 100%

    The "tofu isn't masculine and is for the weak" thing is deeply funny, even aside from all the pro-masculine stuff in there. All my muscles are from tofu-gains, and there are vegan bodybuilders who bulked up on tofu.

  • infographics Vegan Infographics Daily Greenhouse Gas emissions of Diets
  • dessalines dessalines 4 days ago 100%

    For sure. There are a few exceptions, like brazil and mexico, but they also have huge amounts of previously unpopulated/depopulated land, with major underdevelopment from their colonial past.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Thank you for your service
  • dessalines dessalines 5 days ago 100%

    o7 oh captain my captain

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Thank you for your service
  • dessalines dessalines 5 days ago 100%

    Ursala Kutchinski, another badass soviet spy.

    There's a surprising banger of a youtube documentary about her helping run the red orchestra, and eventually stealing US atomic secrets.

  • archlinux Arch Linux Thoughts on my update script? Any suggestions for improvement?
  • dessalines dessalines 6 days ago 100%

    Love this. One of those extremely satisfying terminal commands to pointlessly run over and over, so much so that I added it to my crontab so I don't do that 😭

  • jerboa Jerboa I kinda really like the Jerboa UI changes
  • dessalines dessalines 6 days ago 100%

    Same, we could change it back to the same style.

  • memes Memes “Communism doesn’t work”
  • dessalines dessalines 6 days ago 100%

    Admins can see voting patterns.

  • videos videos Paul Cockshott - "Austerity doesn't work" - actual Marxist economist
  • dessalines dessalines 6 days ago 100%

    He said lesbians are the most revolutionary class in one video, but iirc he is a terf.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse On tankies and online discourse about them
  • dessalines dessalines 6 days ago 100%

    It always comes back to colonialism.

    There's the western supremacists who defend their colonialist project, and their enemy: the anti-colonial movement, who gets labelled as tankie, commies, barbarian hordes, undemocratic, or whatever else because they refuse to be ruled by the racist hegemon.

  • memes Memes The Cold War Illustrated
  • dessalines dessalines 6 days ago 100%

    The nazi's copying the US colonialist model, but in eastern europe:

  • privacy Privacy Proxying a single app through WireGuard while routing everything else through Mullvad VPN on Linux
  • dessalines dessalines 6 days ago 100%

    If this is for torrents, the binhex qbittorrent docker can do this for wireguard.

  • memes Memes “Communism doesn’t work”
  • dessalines dessalines 6 days ago 69%

    Downvote spam report: 1/4th of the downvotes on this one (so far) are from zero-content accounts.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • dessalines dessalines 7 days ago 72%

    Careful, you're going to get priviledge checked by the g*mer who thinks reading books and exercise is something only rich ppl have time to do.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • dessalines dessalines 7 days ago 69%

    None of those things needs a big time requirement. You could work out for 5 minute a day if you want, study for 5 minutes, and do something creative for 5 minutes.

    Most people don't prioritize vitally important things like self study.

  • opensource Open Source Photo Solution Suggestions Needed
  • dessalines dessalines 7 days ago 100%

    I've used photoprism for years now, and its solid. Pretty performant, and even has an unofficial android app.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • dessalines dessalines 7 days ago 96%
    • Continuing study after school. Whether its science, political theory, or anything, a lot of people stop reading or studying anything after college / school.
    • Doing something creative as an outlet (music, art, knitting, anything). A lot of people are just consumption machines nowadays, mostly consuming things other people have made, rather than creating something.
    • Physical exercise.
    • Having explicit long-term goals and working towards them.
  • rankmyfavs
    Rank My Favs dessalines 2 weeks ago 100%
    Rank-My-Favs 0.4.0 Release - Tier list building

    Thanks to []( for this one.

    Jerboa dessalines 2 weeks ago 100%
    Jerboa v0.0.74-alpha Release

    Many thanks to @mv-gh for these quick fixes.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    'No,' Kamala Harris Says to Withholding Arms From Israel | Common Dreams

    "I'm unequivocal and unwavering in my commitment to Israel's defense and its ability to defend itself, and that's not gonna change," said Harris, recounting the horrors of the Hamas-led October 7 attack. "Israel had a right, has a right to defend itself."

    Lemmy dessalines 1 month ago 94% is back up, apologies for the downtime.

    We're testing some beta's for the upcoming release, and it had some performance issues, so I had to downgrade and restore from a backup. We do this testing here so other instances don't have to, and so we can find any bugs before a release. Again, this is my bad, I apologize.

    World News dessalines 2 months ago 97%
    Photos from a Pro-Palestine Rally today in Yemen

    More photos here:

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    In a new campaign ad, Kamala Harris promises to increase the number of border patrol agents.


    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    US congress's history-book destined moment.
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Kamala Harris issues statement on the anti-genocide protesters in Washington DC. text: JULY 25, 2024 Statement by Vice President Kamala Harris Yesterday, at Union Station in Washington, D.C. we saw despicable acts by unpatriotic protestors and dangerous hate-fueled rhetoric. I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews. Pro-Hamas graffiti and rhetoric is abhorrent and we must not tolerate it in our nation. I condemn the burning of the American flag. That flag is a symbol of our highest ideals as a nation and represents the promise of America. It should never be desecrated in that way. I support the right to peacefully protest, but let’s be clear: Antisemitism, hate and violence of any kind have no place in our nation.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Protesters rally in Washington, DC before Netanyahu speech
    Open Source dessalines 2 months ago 96%
    Rank-My-Favs - An open-source Android app to help rank your favorite things.

    Do you keep lists of your favorite things, such as movies, books, recipes, or music albums? You might keep list(s) that looks like this: - Network (1976) - Lone Star (1996) - Devils (1971) - The Seventh Seal (1957) - ... _Many more films_ But how do you rank these? You might be tempted to order them by preference, but this could quickly get overwhelming for long lists. A much easier method is to use [pairwise comparisons](, which shows you single head-to-head pairs, and has you choose which one you like best. After doing a small number of these matchups, Rank-My-Favs can confidently create a ranked list for you. Under the hood, Rank-My-Favs uses the advanced [Glicko rating system](, to determine how many matches are necessary, and for ranking. ### Features - Import your existing lists quickly. - Uses the advanced [Glicko rating system]( ### Built With - [Android Jetpack Compose]( ## Installation / Releases - [Releases]( - [IzzyOnDroid]( - [F-Droid]( - [Google Play]( ## Support / Donate Rank-My-Favs will always remain free, open-source software. We've seen many open-source projects go unmaintained after a few years. **Recurring donations have proven to be the only way these projects can stay alive.** Your donations directly support full-time development, and help keep this maintained. If you find yourself using rank-my-favs every day, consider donating: - [Support me on Liberapay]( - [Support me Patreon]( ### Crypto - bitcoin: `1Hefs7miXS5ff5Ck5xvmjKjXf5242KzRtK` - ethereum: `0x400c96c96acbC6E7B3B43B1dc1BB446540a88A01` - monero: `41taVyY6e1xApqKyMVDRVxJ76sPkfZhALLTjRvVKpaAh2pBd4wv9RgYj1tSPrx8wc6iE1uWUfjtQdTmTy2FGMeChGVKPQuV` ## Social / Contact - []( - [Mastodon]( - [Matrix chat](

    AndroidApps dessalines 2 months ago 100%
    Rank-My-Favs - An open-source Android app to help rank your favorite things.

    Do you keep lists of your favorite things, such as movies, books, recipes, or music albums? You might keep list(s) that looks like this: - Network (1976) - Lone Star (1996) - Devils (1971) - The Seventh Seal (1957) - ... _Many more films_ But how do you rank these? You might be tempted to order them by preference, but this could quickly get overwhelming for long lists. A much easier method is to use [pairwise comparisons](, which shows you single head-to-head pairs, and has you choose which one you like best. After doing a small number of these matchups, Rank-My-Favs can confidently create a ranked list for you. Under the hood, Rank-My-Favs uses the advanced [Glicko rating system](, to determine how many matches are necessary, and for ranking. ### Features - Import your existing lists quickly. - Uses the advanced [Glicko rating system]( ### Built With - [Android Jetpack Compose]( ## Installation / Releases - [Releases]( - [IzzyOnDroid]( - [F-Droid]( - [Google Play]( ## Support / Donate Rank-My-Favs will always remain free, open-source software. We've seen many open-source projects go unmaintained after a few years. **Recurring donations have proven to be the only way these projects can stay alive.** Your donations directly support full-time development, and help keep this maintained. If you find yourself using rank-my-favs every day, consider donating: - [Support me on Liberapay]( - [Support me Patreon]( ### Crypto - bitcoin: `1Hefs7miXS5ff5Ck5xvmjKjXf5242KzRtK` - ethereum: `0x400c96c96acbC6E7B3B43B1dc1BB446540a88A01` - monero: `41taVyY6e1xApqKyMVDRVxJ76sPkfZhALLTjRvVKpaAh2pBd4wv9RgYj1tSPrx8wc6iE1uWUfjtQdTmTy2FGMeChGVKPQuV` ## Social / Contact - []( - [Mastodon]( - [Matrix chat](

    Android dessalines 2 months ago 54%
    Rank-My-Favs - An open-source Android app to help rank your favorite things.

    Do you keep lists of your favorite things, such as movies, books, recipes, or music albums? You might keep list(s) that looks like this: - Network (1976) - Lone Star (1996) - Devils (1971) - The Seventh Seal (1957) - ... _Many more films_ But how do you rank these? You might be tempted to order them by preference, but this could quickly get overwhelming for long lists. A much easier method is to use [pairwise comparisons](, which shows you single head-to-head pairs, and has you choose which one you like best. After doing a small number of these matchups, Rank-My-Favs can confidently create a ranked list for you. Under the hood, Rank-My-Favs uses the advanced [Glicko rating system](, to determine how many matches are necessary, and for ranking. ### Features - Import your existing lists quickly. - Uses the advanced [Glicko rating system]( ### Built With - [Android Jetpack Compose]( ## Installation / Releases - [Releases]( - [IzzyOnDroid]( - [F-Droid]( - [Google Play]( ## Support / Donate Rank-My-Favs will always remain free, open-source software. We've seen many open-source projects go unmaintained after a few years. **Recurring donations have proven to be the only way these projects can stay alive.** Your donations directly support full-time development, and help keep this maintained. If you find yourself using rank-my-favs every day, consider donating: - [Support me on Liberapay]( - [Support me Patreon]( ### Crypto - bitcoin: `1Hefs7miXS5ff5Ck5xvmjKjXf5242KzRtK` - ethereum: `0x400c96c96acbC6E7B3B43B1dc1BB446540a88A01` - monero: `41taVyY6e1xApqKyMVDRVxJ76sPkfZhALLTjRvVKpaAh2pBd4wv9RgYj1tSPrx8wc6iE1uWUfjtQdTmTy2FGMeChGVKPQuV` ## Social / Contact - []( - [Mastodon]( - [Matrix chat](

    Rank My Favs dessalines 2 months ago 75%
    Rank-My-Favs - An open-source Android app to help rank your favorite things.

    Do you keep lists of your favorite things, such as movies, books, recipes, or music albums? You might keep list(s) that looks like this: - Network (1976) - Lone Star (1996) - Devils (1971) - The Seventh Seal (1957) - ... _Many more films_ But how do you rank these? You might be tempted to order them by preference, but this could quickly get overwhelming for long lists. A much easier method is to use [pairwise comparisons](, which shows you single head-to-head pairs, and has you choose which one you like best. After doing a small number of these matchups, Rank-My-Favs can confidently create a ranked list for you. Under the hood, Rank-My-Favs uses the advanced [Glicko rating system](, to determine how many matches are necessary, and for ranking. ### Features - Import your existing lists quickly. - Uses the advanced [Glicko rating system]( ### Built With - [Android Jetpack Compose]( ## Installation / Releases - [Releases]( - [IzzyOnDroid]( - [F-Droid]( - [Google Play]( ## Support / Donate Rank-My-Favs will always remain free, open-source software. We've seen many open-source projects go unmaintained after a few years. **Recurring donations have proven to be the only way these projects can stay alive.** Your donations directly support full-time development, and help keep this maintained. If you find yourself using rank-my-favs every day, consider donating: - [Support me on Liberapay]( - [Support me Patreon]( ### Crypto - bitcoin: `1Hefs7miXS5ff5Ck5xvmjKjXf5242KzRtK` - ethereum: `0x400c96c96acbC6E7B3B43B1dc1BB446540a88A01` - monero: `41taVyY6e1xApqKyMVDRVxJ76sPkfZhALLTjRvVKpaAh2pBd4wv9RgYj1tSPrx8wc6iE1uWUfjtQdTmTy2FGMeChGVKPQuV` ## Social / Contact - []( - [Mastodon]( - [Matrix chat](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Kamala Harris confirms unwavering support to the state of Israel.

    Some more history on her support for Israel: - [Supports Israel’s right-wing government and cozies up to AIPAC]( - Co-sponsored resolution against Obama in [support of illegal settlements, does not support Palestinian rights]( - [Calls BDS “anti-semitic”]( - [Another Anti-Palestine rant at AIPAC](, [2](
