asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most fascinating structure or object you've been inside of?
  • deergon deergon 1 month ago 100%

    Sagrada Família is up there - at least for artificial structures. Amazing architecture.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What would you like to see more of on Lemmy and/or the wider Fediverse?
  • deergon deergon 2 months ago 85%

    Agreed. It's sad that so much of modern media is wired for negative engagement, and it's probably hard to avoid "the anger" spreading to the nice corners of the internet as well.

    However it sounds like you're doing your part to bring positivity and rational discussion to Lemmy, so thank you for that :)

  • movies movies [Bi-monthly thread] What have you been watching? 19 June 2024
  • deergon deergon 3 months ago 100%

    Arrival (rewatch)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why Assassin's Creed has lost its identity?
  • deergon deergon 3 months ago 66%

    Totally agree!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why Assassin's Creed has lost its identity?
  • deergon deergon 3 months ago 100%

    Oh man, I get it, but I loved Unity for the co-op features! Trying to sneak around an apartment with your friend only to get discovered, sudden panic and hauling ass out of a window, was hilarious. I really missed that in the other AC games.

  • retrocomputers Retro Computers At IT School with Apple Lisa
  • deergon deergon 4 months ago 100%

    Great blog post!

  • sourdough Sourdough baking First sourdough bread
  • deergon deergon 4 months ago 100%

    It's just a little trivet made out of wood. I just grabbed the closest thing I had, to out it on while it cooled off :)

  • sourdough Sourdough baking First sourdough bread
  • deergon deergon 4 months ago 100%

    You're right, rookie mistake!

  • sourdough
    Sourdough baking deergon 4 months ago 98%
    First sourdough bread

    I attended a sourdough baking course yesterday, and this is the result - hot out of the cast iron pot. I'm usually on the consuming side of things, so it was nice to get a chance to learn the process and make it along a proper baker (although kneading by hand was a tough workout!). I'll let it cool off a bit, and then get a slice with some cold salty butter :)

    selfhosted Selfhosted Seeking assistance setting up traefik with wireguard server
  • deergon deergon 5 months ago 100%

    Have you tried accessing your service url from inside the Traefik container? Eg. wget Also you seem to be accessing the service url with https, which usually requires insecureSkipVerify=true. Otherwise you might get http-500 error downstream.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Seeking assistance setting up traefik with wireguard server
  • deergon deergon 5 months ago 100%

    How about the Traefik access logs (separate from the main log), do they reveal anything?

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Seeking assistance setting up traefik with wireguard server
  • deergon deergon 5 months ago 100%

    Just a few thoughts:

    • Did you enable access logs in Traefik as well as setting global log level to debug? This usually gives a lot more info about whats going on
    • Are the containers using the same docker network or host network, so they can reach each other?
  • games Games Baldur’s Gate 3's Patch 7 Will Add New Endings
  • deergon deergon 5 months ago 100%


  • fosai Free Open-Source Artificial Intelligence Meta's Llama 3 will force OpenAI and other AI giants to up their game
  • deergon deergon 5 months ago 100%

    I like how the license explicitly says the you can't use it if your product/service has more than 700 million monthly active users in the preceding calendar month. I wonder if even OpenAI has that many active users, can't have right?

  • technology Technology Examples of artists using OpenAI's Sora (generative video) to make short content
  • deergon deergon 6 months ago 100%

    Speculating here, but I think it may be difficult to use Sora to generate "persistent" characters across scenes and thereby telling an actual story.

  • programming Programming Apple Wants To Kill PWAs
  • deergon deergon 7 months ago 100%

    Except stuff like push notifications, that requires the pwa to be added to home screen.

  • technology Technology Apple Vision Pro tipped for late Jan/early Feb release
  • deergon deergon 9 months ago 100%

    Same people and companies that buy high-end headsets such as Varjo XR-4.

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective"
  • deergon deergon 10 months ago 95%

    This. My friend had a triple stroke shortly after having neck manipulation done by a standin for his usual chiropractor. Luckily he survived, but it has very much opened my eyes to how dangerous it can be.

  • privacy Privacy How to check who's lurking on your WiFi?
  • deergon deergon 12 months ago 86%

    Also note that mac addresses can change automatically on iOS, because of the Private Wifi Address feature

  • virtualreality Virtual Reality Pico 5 to come in three models...
  • deergon deergon 12 months ago 100%

    It would be very cool having 4K pr. eye for work/virtual displays, however I think I read that the micro-OLED displays alone cost 2 x 350 USD in the Apple Vision Pro, so it comes with a heavy price tag. Maybe Pico found a cheaper alternative for the 5 Max.

  • technology Technology group claims hack on ‘all of Sony systems’
  • deergon deergon 12 months ago 100%

    Seems a little off that a hack of "all of Sonys systems" only yielded approx 6000 files, or am I missing something? :)

  • retrocomputers Retro Computers The Commodore is Keeping Up with Linux, as a Clever RISC-V Hack Brings Support to the Commodore 64
  • deergon deergon 1 year ago 100%

    Amazing, what a feat! I love that you still need to type LOAD "SEMU",8,1 and RUN to load the program, brings back lots of great memories :)

  • firefox Firefox Advanced JS bookmarklets with params using Firefox' keywords
  • deergon deergon 1 year ago 100%

    I tried the python code out and it actually does work for me, ie. I'm able to update an existing bookmark.

    # hashing code from link inserted here
    def update_place(id, new_url):
        new_url_hash = url_hash(new_url)
        conn = sqlite3.connect('places.sqlite')
        cur = conn.cursor()
        cur.execute('UPDATE moz_places SET url = ?, url_hash = ? WHERE id = ?', (new_url, new_url_hash, id))
    update_place(16299, "javascript:alert('Testing bookmarklet update ...');alert('Great success!');")

    Only annoying thing is that Firefox needs to be closed while updating. Anyway, I haven't tried with bigger scripts though, so there might be some gotchas there.

    Agreed, keywords are really nice for keyboard navigation!

  • firefox Firefox Advanced JS bookmarklets with params using Firefox' keywords
  • deergon deergon 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks a million, great info once again! I didn't realize that the %s was simply replaced (because that seems a little dirty), but it makes sense in the bookmark context.

    Yeah, the development flow is a little tricky :) Ideally it would be nice to re-apply/import them automatically without user interaction and/or run automated testing. I fiddled a little with the command-line (for testing), ie. firefox -url "javascript:...", but it doesn't seem to work. Accessing the places database directly would be great of course. I've been thinking about using the enterprise policies, but haven't gotten around to testing it.

  • firefox Firefox Advanced JS bookmarklets with params using Firefox' keywords
  • deergon deergon 1 year ago 100%

    Great post! Do you know if there's any official documentation on the bookmarklets? I've been trying to Google it without much luck.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Most important thing you've learned in the past 5 years
  • deergon deergon 1 year ago 100%

    Act on your thoughts and ideas. Especially small stuff like being creative (for fun) or writing a friend, you haven't had contact with in a while - little effort, but feels nice and motivates you to do more.

  • fediverse Fediverse [Discussion] I don't think this format makes a lot of sense for the fediverse
  • deergon deergon 1 year ago 0%

    Interesting idea for sure! Without any thought to the details or technical side of things, how do you figure the community moderators would be appointed (if the communities are created automatically)?
