linux Linux What can I do with my super old laptop?
  • data1701d data1701d 2 hours ago 100%

    In addition to the good suggestions for others in this thread (like setting it up as a portable gaming device or a server of sorts), it could also be set up as a low-distraction productivity machine. I don't know how well something like LibreOffice would run on it, but I imagine you could probably use a simpler word processor or even a plain text editor.

    Worst comes to worst, I wonder what hardware support for this thing is in something like ReactOS or FreeDOS.

  • risa
    Risa data1701d 7 hours ago 100%
    Bonzai Plant Headcanon

    Do any of you guys also headcanon that the bonzai plant that gets eaten in LD is the same one Boimler got from the replicator that one episode?

    risa Risa A Casual Mathematical Analysis of the Creepiness of Various Male Character on *Voyager*
  • data1701d data1701d 9 hours ago 100%

    True. Another time, perhaps.

  • risa Risa A Casual Mathematical Analysis of the Creepiness of Various Male Character on *Voyager*
  • data1701d data1701d 23 hours ago 100%

    Alright. Here's my Daystrom Institute post on it.

  • daystrominstitute
    Daystrom Institute data1701d 23 hours ago 96%
    The Psychological and Physical Impacts of Being a Former Borg Drone on Seven of Nine

    While responding to a comment in [a crappost]( I made on Risa, my mind developed a few thoughts on how Seven was impacted overall. First of all, here are the facts: - Seven was assimilated at 6 years old. - She was in a maturation chamber for 5 years (2350-2355). - She was in the collective until 2374, when she was 30. Now, my questions: - What is 7's biological age? In other words, how far does a Borg drone need to be matured to function in the collective? Equivalent of a 16? 20? 25? How much do Borg age while they are assimilated? - What are the psychological impacts on Seven's mind, and to what extent are they permanent? To what extent is she emotionally equivalent to a child? Having such a level of isolation from humans would obviously (and clearly did) have a major impact on Seven's mind. However, Seven improves a lot in some senses by Picard. Is it possible that Borg nanoprobes somehow maintain neuroplasticity in a way that allows Seven to be able to adapt in a way a human who have become a ferile child at 6 might not be able to?

    risa Risa A Casual Mathematical Analysis of the Creepiness of Various Male Character on *Voyager*
  • data1701d data1701d 23 hours ago 100%

    Basically. I have to say, he was mostly a good uncle figure for the rest of the series. If I went beyond a casual analysis and started giving each character a number every episode, I might find counterexamples.

  • risa Risa A Casual Mathematical Analysis of the Creepiness of Various Male Character on *Voyager*
  • data1701d data1701d 23 hours ago 100%

    Also, I don't count Resolutions as a spike since to me, that mostly felt natural, though it's been a hot minute since I last watched it.

  • risa Risa A Casual Mathematical Analysis of the Creepiness of Various Male Character on *Voyager*
  • data1701d data1701d 23 hours ago 100%

    The first Paris spike is Year of Hell, or that time he dated Kes... oh crap, I need to go fix Harry real quick for dating Tom's daughter.

    Anyhow, the second Paris spike is that time he got romantically involved with a starship.

    The Chakotay spike is mostly my bitterness about the pairing with Seven.

  • risa Risa A Casual Mathematical Analysis of the Creepiness of Various Male Character on *Voyager*
  • data1701d data1701d 23 hours ago 100%

    I in general just kind of found the entire Seven-Chakotay romance really weird.

    In my opinion, Seven wasn't necessarily emotionally mature enough for a romantic relationship. I don't mean to call Seven a child, but because she'd been part of the Borg since she was a kid, it meant Seven never learned some important social abilities. It's not necessarily my place to judge, but I feel like Seven was nudged towards romantic relationships at a point in her life when she wasn't necessarily ready.

    Of course, this is really complicated, bordering on a c/DaystromInstitute question. You know, rather than boring you with the details, I'll actually just go create that post real quick, assuming a suitable one doesn't exist.

    Also, I'm a just a bit bitter the whole Chakotay-Janeway thing never worked out. I get there was professionalism stuff, but dating your astrometrics officer is probably weirder. I usually don't particularly root for couples in shows, but there was legitimate chemistry between Janeway and Chakotay, especially in VOY:Resolutions.

  • risa Risa A Casual Mathematical Analysis of the Creepiness of Various Male Character on *Voyager*
  • data1701d data1701d 24 hours ago 100%

    Yeh, but I only bumped him to score 10/100, so I didn't consider it that huge a bump since it's biologically necessary.

  • risa
    Risa data1701d 1 day ago 98%
    A Casual Mathematical Analysis of the Creepiness of Various Male Character on *Voyager*

    I barely have time as it it. Please, don't make me do the writers, too! Also, if you actually look into the graph, note that data points have X axis error bars of +-1. For those who don't want to open Desmos: ![]( Edit: Added the Harry spike for that timeline where he had a kid with Tom's daughter, as well as a gap for Neelix and Tuvok during the whole Tuvix thing. Another Edit: Fixed the line connecting episodes 69 and 70 for Neelix.

    daystrominstitute Daystrom Institute Does/can the Doctor hold rank?
  • data1701d data1701d 1 day ago 100%

    Gargoyles (where Frakes and Sirtis are the main villains) even cracks a joke, "You and what Starfleet!"

    I heard Takei and Frakes were on Adventure Time. After a Google, in addition, it seems so was Sirtis, Burton, and a bunch of Lower Decks actors.

    Kate Mulgrew is great in Infinity Train.

    I think one of my favorites, though, is the completely unrelated freebee for your cellphone randomly dropped for Kevin by Takei at the end of an episode of Community.

  • daystrominstitute Daystrom Institute Does/can the Doctor hold rank?
  • data1701d data1701d 1 day ago 100%

    On one hand, (insert AGIMUS laughing noises).

    On the other hand, Harry already had a rank where the doctor didn't.

  • tmbl
    Thoughts on the (Petrojvic) Blasting Company

    Have any of you guys heard of the Blasting Company/Petrojvic Blasting Company before? I find them TMBG-like in the sense that they have often dark, bizarre lyrics and play with accordions and horns, albeit in more of a folk/swing revival-esque way. For those who haven't heard the band, a good song to demonstrate what I'm talking about is "Princess Andy".

    risa Risa A Common Genre of Trek Episode
  • data1701d data1701d 2 days ago 100%


    Though DS9 breaks the vegetarianism part... and the always right part.

  • daystrominstitute Daystrom Institute Does/can the Doctor hold rank?
  • data1701d data1701d 2 days ago 100%

    I've never watched Stargate, except for the first film and a few random SG-1 episodes. I knew Sirtis was in it at some point, but not Picardo.

  • startrek Star Trek Just realized these are the same.
  • data1701d data1701d 2 days ago 100%

    “You know, @hopesdead, has anyone told you you’re a real freakasaurus?”

    In all seriousness, I always love a Star Trek episode/film involving a crew’s misadventures in the past (except the whole ENT space Nazi thing, which I have neither watched nor particularly want to watch).

  • risa
    Risa data1701d 2 days ago 91%
    A Common Genre of Trek Episode

    Edit: If my tone wasn't conveyed (especially to those who haven't watched Prodigy), this is meant to be an affectionate meme towards all of Star Trek. Note that the language I use is meant to be a comedic summary. I vaguely define the "episode genre" as people banding together [to fight authoritarianism or a faulty idea like militarism or isolationism]. Examples of this sort of episode include: - TOS:Patterns of Force - TNG:The Chase - DS9:Paradise Lost - VOY:False Profits - SNW:Strange New Worlds

    Daystrom Institute data1701d 2 days ago 96%
    Does/can the Doctor hold rank?

    Because of his original purpose, it makes sense that the Doctor wouldn’t have held a Starfleet rank during Voyager. However, in Prodigy, he still doesn’t have pips. This leads to my questions: - Can a self-aware hologram hold rank or a non-com position in Starfleet? - If so, how would the Doctor attaib it? According to the STO wiki, he doesn’t wear them by choice but does have a rank. That might be a reasonable explanation; I can’t imagine Janeway not at least trying to field commission him.

    linux Linux New Linux Malware Campaign Exploits Oracle Weblogic to Mine Cryptocurrency
  • data1701d data1701d 4 days ago 100%

    Like, why the heck is Oracle still on this Earth? The only thing I can think of is MySQL, to which my response is, "Just use MariaDB."

  • linux Linux Chromium Adds Support For FreeDesktop Secret Service & Better Wayland Window Dragging
  • data1701d data1701d 5 days ago 100%

    To be fair to Phoronix, I hardly think they're the worst offender in Linux space; I find their Linux coverage to be the least terrible online. They cover new kernel and software developments pretty well.

    Other Linux-focused sites seem to mostly consist of clickbait "Ditch Windows 11 headlines", fleeting Linux apps, explaining something that there are already vast amounts of quality articles for, and/or thinly-veiled advertisements.

    That is not to say Phoronix is perfect; I don't necessarily enjoy having to run my ad blocker there. However, it's not like it's different on other sites. Comparatively, I find Phoronix to be a decent quality Linux outlet.

  • linux Linux Chromium Adds Support For FreeDesktop Secret Service & Better Wayland Window Dragging
  • data1701d data1701d 5 days ago 100%

    To be fair, it would be weird for Google NOT to support Linux, as I believe they use Debian Testing internally.

  • linux Linux Which distro?
  • data1701d data1701d 5 days ago 100%

    Personally, I find Debian pretty good these days. I used to default to Testing, but I've gravitated towards stable.

    Honestly, in the age of Flatpak and Steam, almost any distro works.

  • tmbl
    🎶 *Here comes birthday. Beware of the birthday.* 🎶

    *John Henry* has its 30th birthday tomorrow! What are your favorites off this album? Thoughts in general? Personally, I think it’s a crime Mrs. Train and Welcome to the Jungle were excluded from the final album. Still waiting for *Superfueld Freaksicle*. 😉 Also, the TMBG merch shop’s having a sale, including a free download of the mastered demos and 20% off anything with the code TMBGWORLD, if anyone’s interested.

    Risa data1701d 6 days ago 100%
    A Rehash of a Classic
    debian Debian operating system debian / Kde External monitor blanks to black randomly
  • data1701d data1701d 6 days ago 100%

    Try seeing if your monitor has any weird power settings. I’d imagine it’s not a monitor problem, based on it turning back on after mouse movement, but perhaps it improperly responds to some message sent over the cable.

    Speaking of that, what cable are you using? Is it HDMI or Displayport, and does the laptop have a full port or are you using a USB adapter?

  • linux Linux Solution to my Thinkpad E16 Wi-Fi Woes
  • data1701d data1701d 6 days ago 100%

    That first part sounds like software/firmware stuff like mine, but the second part almost sounds like an antenna design issue.

  • linux Linux GitHub - neeeeow/Bluecurve: Red Hat Bluecurve theme for GTK 3
  • data1701d data1701d 6 days ago 80%

    Used to use Red Hat. This theme is for people who have nostalgia for back when Red Hat wasn’t a puppet of the blue monster - not the one that likes cookies.

  • linux Linux Best Email Client
  • data1701d data1701d 6 days ago 100%

    Thunderbird’s not bad, but I usually use web stuff.

    I have an existing iCloud e-mail that I haven’t had the time to switch off of. I then use G-Mail for school stuff - since I’ve signed away my soul to Google anyway, might as well use what they have to offer.

    Maybe one day, I’ll start my own personal e-mail utopia, nut that day is not today.

  • data1701d data1701d 6 days ago 100%

    Based on his occupation, I'd say he lived like a worm - a bookworm, anyway.

  • linux Linux Goldilocks distro?
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    Maybe Fedora?

    Personally, though, I’m a Debian guy - Testing on my desktop and stable with Flatpaks and a few backports on my laptop.

  • linux Linux VirtualBox 7.1 Released with Qt 6 GUI, Wayland Support for Clipboard Sharing - 9to5Linux
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 66%

    Who would have thought? I’ve hardly touched Windows in over 2 years (mostly other people’s computers and the occasional app in my GPU-accelerated VM) so I haven’t kept up much.

  • risa Risa Odo is a barrel of laughs
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    "Blue barrels have no honor!"

  • linux Linux Solution to my Thinkpad E16 Wi-Fi Woes
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    According to the repair manual, my Wi-Fi card is actually replaceable, at least physically. I don’t know if Lenovo still does BIOS whitelists of cards like they used to (I think they did remove it a few years back.), but their OEM parts website has a diverse selection if this fix were ever to break.

    I’d say other than the bottom being a bother to remove (and the keyboard not being designed to be replaced, though after some research, it seems possible), this is a surprisingly repairable laptop for how recent it it. It has dual SSD bays and a DIMM slot.

  • linux Linux VirtualBox 7.1 Released with Qt 6 GUI, Wayland Support for Clipboard Sharing - 9to5Linux
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    I totally agree with you on the Linux side. However, I first got into Linux by using it in Virtualbox on Windows. In the Windows world, as far as I know, it’s the easiest-to-use free-as-in-beer^1^ hypervisor, so long as UEFI support has improved since I last used it.

    1: I say this because of the non-libre extension pack.

  • linux Linux Solution to my Thinkpad E16 Wi-Fi Woes
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    As I have learned the hard way, it truly is.

  • linux Linux Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    I agree with Mint. I think Ubuntu has kind of devolved though, and PopOS is the better way to go. Fedora's good too these days.

    My recommendation is to try out a few distros in VirtualBox before switching - this was my process, and it can be very gradual.

  • linux Linux Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    I don't use Mint, but I would guess that you could change your repos in /etc/apt/sources.list, run sudo apt update, and then sudo apt full-upgrade. Just make sure the full upgrade isn't doing really dumb stuff like deleting a bunch of programs.

    I could be completely wrong and this could be terrible advice, but this has become the wisdom for me when I use Debian Testing. Of course, I just did straight sudo apt update after Bookworm was released and the upgrade to Trixie went mostly fine. I have never upgraded between stable versions, so I may not be one to say.

  • linux
    Linux data1701d 1 week ago 100%
    Solution to my Thinkpad E16 Wi-Fi Woes

    Continued From: I managed to fix the one biggest gripe about my Thinkpad E16: the RTL8852BE Wi-Fi controller randomly dropping out. I actually found this a few days ago, but I had forgotten where I put the file I had edited. You put a file in modprobe.d called 70-rtw89.conf. Both ```/etc/modprobe.d/``` and ```/usr/lib/modprobe.d``` work - I used the latter, but for the sake of conventions, you should probably use the former. You then put in these options for the rtw89 module: ```options rtw89_pci disable_clkreq=y disable_aspm_l1=y disable_aspm_l1ss=y``` Now, my Thinkpad is a fully functional Linux laptop. I will be docking it to an 8 from my initial score of 8.5, but I'm back to liking it for now. If you apply the fix, be sure to update the firmware as well - some older distros have an old version that works but returns a lot of journalctl error on this card. Update: What do you know! The updated firmware-realtek just went into backports! Thanks,

    startrek Star Trek An Exclusive Look and Poster for Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 Debuts on Star Trek Day
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    As a younger fan, for the longest time, I avoided Lower Decks as I’m not usually into the adult animation comedy genre. I first watched it late last year and have rewatched the whole thing 3 or 4 times total since (though I often start around “Terminal Provocations” as I don’t enjoy earlier episodes as much.).

    Me and my siblings would often watch whatever Trek my mom was watching before eventually doing our own watch throughs.

  • startrek Star Trek An Exclusive Look and Poster for Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 Debuts on Star Trek Day
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    We can always hope Prodigy will pull off a season 3.

  • linux Linux What Linux distro surprised you the most?
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    I installed Pop in a VM (I use Debian usually) and was surprised how usable it was sans-graphical acceleration. Ubuntu is pretty much unusable these days in a VM - it can literally sometimes take 30 seconds for a button press to register where it works instantly in VM Pop or Fedora.

  • startrek Star Trek I just finish to see all TNG movies.
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    I found the crossover kind of neutral. I don't think it made the film much better or worse. I think a nice thing could have been some sort of Nimoy cameo at the end.

  • startrek Star Trek I just finish to see all TNG movies.
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    Well, under it, anyhow.

  • tmbl This Might Be Lemmy: They Might Be Giants (tmbg) Community Do you have any TMBG songs where you like another variant over the album version?
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    I've never listened to a live version of Istanbul, and I am now questioning my life choices.

    After hearing it some many times and it being the song most associate with the band, I'd always skipped over it. I always felt it just needed a smidge more compositional complexity, and the live versions deliver it.

  • tmbl This Might Be Lemmy: They Might Be Giants (tmbg) Community Do you have any TMBG songs where you like another variant over the album version?
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    Wow! It really is phenomenal. I really dig the blend of circus and military march!

  • startrek Star Trek A Gamble: What will be the plot of *Lower Decks*'s Finale?
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    USS TITAN - INT - DAY RIKER and TROI are walking out of the holodeck. The final screams of Bradward Boimler stop.

    RIKER (Chuckling) It's a shame that both Boimlers are dead now. I actually kind of liked those ensigns.

    TROI Did you not see that extra pip in that holorecording?

    Riker Ah, that's right. Proud of the guy... even though he's dead.

    Riker and Troi laugh as they walk off screen.

  • startrek Star Trek James Darren, Teen Idol Actor in ‘Gidget,’ Singer and Director, Dies at 88
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    On another random note, I just remembered that I put a Fontaine quote as my senior quote in my high school yearbook.

  • tmbl This Might Be Lemmy: They Might Be Giants (tmbg) Community Do you have any TMBG songs where you like another variant over the album version?
  • data1701d data1701d 1 week ago 100%

    I was talking about TMBG songs with multiple variants, but I'm intrigued. Do you have a link to this cover? I can't find a link online.

  • startrek
    Star Trek data1701d 1 week ago 93%
    A Gamble: What will be the plot of *Lower Decks*'s Finale?

    I know we've all been crying to ourselves in bed at night over the end of such a wonderful show - me included - so here's a fun little distraction for now. 1. What is your prediction for the plot of the series finale? 2. How much gold-pressed latinum do you bet on it? I bet 5 strips that it will be a parody/pastiche of the time shenanigans of TNG:"All Good Things" and VOY:"Endgame" where we get to see the futures of each character. Your turn. Betting closes once the first episodes of the season comes out (in other words, I think you have until 11:59 PM PST on October 23rd to bet, though I could be wrong). I will declare the winner of our imaginary latinum when I've watched the finale. P.S If it's not too much trouble, since there's still more than a month to season premiere, would you be able to pin this, [@ValueSubtracted]( It's totally fine if not, but would be convenient due to the long-term nature of this post.

    Do you have any TMBG songs where you like another variant over the album version?

    I have several songs where I think they could have done better on the album version. This includes a lot of Mink Car: - *Bangs* - *Snapping Turtles* had the more John-y lyrics in my opinion. - *Man, It's So Loud in Here* - The first demo just had more soul, in my opinion. I get they were going for Pet Shop Boys pastiche/parody, but I really liked the general 80s vibes of the original demo. - *My Man* - There's a demo that has some better compositional choices in my opinion. - *Another First Kiss* - I prefer the one from *Severe Tire Damage* by leaps and bounds. Another addition is I like the *Severe Tire Damage* version of *They Got Lost* more than the *Long Tall Weekend* version.

    Star Trek data1701d 2 weeks ago 100%
    In part because it reminds me of TOS:”The Cage”, I’m hooked on *The Prisoner*

    Yesterday, I began watching the 1960s British sci-fi series *The Prisoner* (first five episodes) and have been quite enjoying it. Much of my enjoyment has been from the fact that it kind of feels like “What if The Cage was a whole series?” In other words, like “The Cage”, it’s a prison environment in which a person can’t be certain of reality any more. It does diverge in all the torture on number 6, whereas the Talossian’s illusions are less flawed and sadistic a prison in some ways (you know, besides the purpose of breeding a bunch of human slaves). However, I feel like both “The Cage” and *The Prisoner* overall embody the same “everything might be fake” sense of reality. I almost feel like “The Prisoner” is somewhat a window into what *Star Trek* might have been if CBS hadn’t thought people would be too dumb to understand “The Cage”. Besides the similar vibes with “The Cage”, another thing winning me over is the surreal set design, which has already won a place in my heart. I just wish I could make a replica of one of the signs in the village and have it not be so obscure no one would ever recognize it. The main thing my 21st century brain finds fault with is the strong gender roles used in *The Prisoner* (there is always some woman that Number 2 sends to try and manipulate Number 6), although like TOS, I’ll give it a pass since it was in the same boat as most television at the time. However, I did like the twist in “Free for All” where Number 58 is revealed to be the real new Number 2.

    What is your favorite State song?

    I like both "Maine" and "Louisiana". "Maine" has John's classic unreliable, evil narrator, while "Louisiana" just feels like a fun take on a hostage situation. "The Songs of the 50 States" is also dear in my heart as it gets gradually crazier.

    Daystrom Institute data1701d 2 weeks ago 85%
    Gender and Sexual Orientation in FERENGI society

    Here’s a bigger bugbear (than the Vulcan question): how does it all work in Ferengi society? I’ll split order my post by my pre-Rom and post-Rom thoughts. Pre-Rom: - Gay (not Lesbian) Ferengi are probably a normal thing. - Based on DS9 “Profits and Lace” and Nilva’s reaction to the transitioned Quark, it might be possible that male to female transition, while considered very weird, would be considered fine if you make a sufficiently good female by Ferengi standards, if you know what I mean. - Conversely, female to male transition probably wouldn’t be accepted, based on the reaction to Pel, although Pel didn’t necessarily actually change her gender identity or get her lobes surgically enlarged. It may be possible that some trans Ferengi existed and simply hid that they weren’t cis, although it’d be more difficult considering the mobility limitations on females. There were probably surgeons on the planet who were like “If you’ve got the Latinum, I’ll totally do it.” - Overall, I think the sentiment would be, “If you’ve got the lobes and you’ve got the Latinum, I don’t care what you do.” - For instance, if a non-binary Ferengi made lots of profit, they might not be totally respected, but at least not bothered as much. Post-Rom: - Lesbian Ferengi are probably legal but still frowned upon. - Transitioning either way is probably easier, considering the shift in gender roles as seen by 2381 in Lower Decks. - Generally, with the Federation membership bid, probably a lot more open but still rife with social issues. Questions: - Do Ferengi experience dysphoria when their ears are the wrong size? (Very possibly yes, considering the dysphoria humans can experience from other secondary sex characteristics.)

    Song(s) that you like but can’t listen to often

    Do you have TMBG songs that you like but don’t necessarily want on your everything playlist? I’d say “Love is Eternity” off *Venue Songs* is one for me. I enjoy it but simultaneously find it a bit sappy. It also brings up difficult emotions since my grandmother died this May.

    Linux data1701d 2 weeks ago 95%
    An update on my Thinkpad E16

    Original Post: Update: Nope, I'm still having the problem. It seems to be an ACPI problem. I found a potential solution, which I will test soon. The issue seems to only occur when using the charger and Bricklink Studio. These seems to be a common issue on Lenovo. Another update: I fixed it, but I can't remember what I did. I'm having a great experience again. I'll see if I can find the fix for other owners of this laptop. Update: I remember what I did, and have detailed it and where I found the fix here: . You should probably update the firmware for the sake of a clean journalctl, though. After using this laptop a few weeks, I have one important note. I was having a problem for a while where, usually after waking from sleep, in some rooms my Wi-Fi card would disconnect and I'd have to reboot to get my network connection back. Based on journalctl, it seemed to be some sort of weird firmware error. I found the fix was to install updated firmware, specifically the version of firmware-realtek from testing, upon which the problem has stopped ocurring. As firmware packages tend to not have a lot of dependencies, I do want to see if I can get a bookwork-backports package uploaded so it's easier to install.

    Daystrom Institute data1701d 2 weeks ago 90%
    Gender and Orientation in Vulcan Society

    I've often pondered about how Vulcans view gender and sexuality. I think pre-Surak/logic, they may have demonstrated homophobia and transphobia, but modern Vulcan Society would probably be chill with it under the reasoning that discrimination would reduce a person's efficacy as a functional member of Vulcan Society. For instance, given a choice between allowing a person to contribute verses driving them to the brink of suicide, Vulcans would probably tend to lean towards the first option. There could very well still be stigma (Vulcans are far from a perfect society; some may have views that it is illogical to have a romantic relationship without a child), but it's dampened by the logic from the previous paragraph. There's also the Pon Farr to keep in mind. Not only would it be hard to fight a person in the Ponn Farr, but also you'd literally be killing them by trying to prevent expression of their orientation.

    Risa data1701d 3 weeks ago 98%
    I never realized that DeForest Kelley's final on-screen role was in this postmodern masterpiece!

    Star Trek data1701d 3 weeks ago 99%
    (Solved) A Minor Mystery: Can anyone identify where this image of DeForest Kelley pulling a rabbit out of a hat comes from?

    I recently came across this meme. After researching, the original meme appears to be in late 2020. That leaves me with one question: Where is this frame of DeForest Kelley from? Looking through both my memories and a double-check in MemoryAlpha, I'm certain it's not from TOS. Is there someone here more familiar with DeForest Kelley's filmography or, alternatively, someone who actually has the time to start looking through DeForest Kelley films?

    Songs that Deserved a Music Video

    Are there any songs that didn't get a music video that you guys think deserved one? Personally, I think of "We Want a Rock" from Flood, "Thunderbird" from The Spine, and "Brontosaurus" from BOOK.

    Thoughts on Cheekface

    Do any of you guys listen to the band Cheekface? I like them a decent amount (not as much as TMBG, though). I've always found lyrically, they have some of the same vibes as They Might Be Giants (if a bit more consistently dark), the vocals somewhat remind me of the Johns (in that it wouldn't necessarily have mainstream appeal, yet makes the song better), but the music itself is a bit different. (Funny enough, they did a cover of Ana Ng, though I'd say it is only okay.)

    Music data1701d 3 weeks ago 75%
    This Might Be Lemmy: A Brand New They Might Be Giants Fan Community for 2024

    cross-posted from: > [This Might Be Lemmy](/c/ is a community for fans of the alternative rock band They Might Be Giants to share opinions, show experiences, fan art, and whatever other John & John-related stuff they like. > > !

    Most oddly specific TMBG song you have seen a non-fan like

    I had a bizarre experience once where I was telling a friend I like the band, and of all the songs he could have known from the band, he only knew (and really liked) "Let's Get This Over With". I love that song, but I find it funny it's not one of their kids albums or Birdhouse in Your Soul. Have you guys had any similar tales?

    Music data1701d 3 weeks ago 89%
    This Might Be Lemmy: A Brand New They Might Be Giants Fan Community for 2024

    cross-posted from: > [This Might Be Lemmy](/c/ is a community for fans of the alternative rock band They Might Be Giants to share opinions, show experiences, fan art, and whatever other John & John-related stuff they like. > > !

    Star Trek data1701d 3 weeks ago 100%
    Thoughts on TAS Theme

    What are your guy's thoughts on the theme for [*Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973)*]( I feel like: 1. It almost sounds like the battle music for a Star Trek turn-based JRPG on the Nintendo DS. 2. I feel like PRO's theme gives very similar vibes to this one while having a distinct identity. 3. I almost feel like this theme is a weird in-between of the TOS theme and TNG-era theme (which makes perfect sense - I mean what else would be between the 60s and the 80s).

    No Enkidu Love in Mesopotemians

    cross-posted from ! Based on [The Mesopotemians by They Might Be Giants](

    HistoryMemes data1701d 3 weeks ago 96%
    No Enkidu Love in the They Might Be Giants song on the Mesopotamians

    cross-posted from ! Based on [The Mesopotemians by They Might Be Giants]( and the Epic of Gilgamesh.

    This Might Be Lemmy: A Brand New They Might Be Giants Fan Community for 2024

    cross-posted from: > [This Might Be Lemmy](/c/ is a community for fans of the alternative rock band They Might Be Giants to share opinions, show experiences, fan art, and whatever other John & John-related stuff they like. > > !

    New Communities data1701d 3 weeks ago 98%
    This Might Be Lemmy: A Brand New They Might Be Giants Fan Community for 2024

    [This Might Be Lemmy](/c/ is a community for fans of the alternative rock band They Might Be Giants to share opinions, show experiences, fan art, and whatever other John & John-related stuff they like. !

    Risa data1701d 3 weeks ago 100%
    This Realization Caused the TOS cast to climb the Black Mountain

    I saw the original (grayed out) part around Nicoles's death and couldn't take take it seriously. Therefore, here is my addition to make all of this more accurate.

    What are your favorite demos/bootlegs?

    Some of my favorites: - [Snapping Turtles (Bangs Demo)]( - I like the lyrics better than album. - [Man It's So Loud in Here (Demo 1)]( - I prefer this arrangement over album. - [Half a Boy]( - I'm a little mad this one was never on an album. It deserved a spot in *Misc T* or *Then* at least. - [We Just Go Nuts at Christmastime]( - Pleasantly depressing.

    Hot Take: Long Tall Weekend is an underrated album.

    I feel like it is often called one of the band's worst albums despite it having a lot of good songs: Certain People I Could Name, Reprehensible, and Counterfeit Faker.

    Daystrom Institute data1701d 4 weeks ago 100%
    What is the political status of Hysperia?

    As said in LD 2x07 *Where Pleasant Fountains Lie*, Billups is from Hysperia and there is still the technicality that can force him on the throne. This kind of condition makes me wonder what Hysperia's political status with the Federation is. What stops Billups from e.g claiming asylum with the Federation, especially considering the Hysperians are not a powerful force? I have three theories: - Hysperia is a Federation colony, so they are able to apply their throne law on Billups and Billups is unable to claim asylum with a political entity he was already born into. - Hysperia is not a Federation member, but has a scare resource (like dilithium) that makes Starfleet want to maintain good relations with Hysperia. - Alternatively, it could be some sort of weird prime directive thing.

    Risa data1701d 4 weeks ago 100%
    After Mr. Tysess's Sudden Reappearance in 2389, Q had him and some crewmates throw on this diddy.

    It is believed he entered an anomaly with a shuttle in mid-2385. Upon returning, he said, "I guess I basically missed the late 80's." Seriously, though, it surprises me how naturally Starfleet this guy sounds, especially after knowing him from another role. It just feels like he could be edited in to be some Ensign at Conn on a TNG-era bridge and no one would notice.

    Risa data1701d 4 weeks ago 93%
    A New Thing to Haunt Your Dreams

    A severe temporal anomaly during a transporter accident lead to this abomination, Kai Winkomaskix, child of Mogh. The transport officer on duty almost phasered them on site. During the manhunt, Gul Dukat got the closest he ever did to getting a statue on Bajor. Luckily, temporal investigations got everything sorted out. Kai Winkomaskix, child of Mogh was a spiritual successor to Needole.

    Risa data1701d 4 weeks ago 100%
    I *CAN* Live with It (You'll have to click image link, as it's an APNG)

    Edit: I added a GIF version as the thumbnail. Here's the apng version below. If it’s not moving, wait 30-ish seconds and see if it loads. ![](

    Daystrom Institute data1701d 1 month ago 92%
    Why do EPS Capacitors need to be rotated by hand?

    In LD 1x08 *Veritas*, Rutherford is rotating some "EPS Capacitors" (These seem to have little mention outside this episode) to prevent them from overheating. Before I ask my questions, I first want to establish what makes sense to me here. Although not previously mentioned, like electrical capacitors, EPS Capacitors probably help to "smooth out" plasma flow. As these are high-power systems, I am sure there is risk of overheating in these capacitors that is not as present in current electrical capacitors, which usually don't have a rotating mechanism. Now, for the questions: - Why do the capacitors rotate, and what does this do to prevent overheating? - Why do they have to do this in the 24th century in a post-scarcity society? For the first: My first theory is these are [variable capacitors]( Assuming the mechanics work similarly to electrical capacitors, Rutherford could be changing the capacitance of each capacitor to rotate the load. This doesn't feel completely right, though (for instance, how to keep the array within specification). A better theory is that although its function is analogous to an electrical capacitor, the physical mechanics used behind it are different, and somehow wear in the internal materials is uneven unless rotated, somewhat like tires. For the second: We practically mastered rotating crap with electricity in **THE 20TH CENTURY** and have only gotten better since. I don't understand why Starfleet couldn't just give each capacitor a servo motor running off an EPS tap that does the randomization automatically, or at the very least mount them all on a belt. Heck, if heat is the problem, why not a liquid cooling loop? The worst that can happen is an ensign has to go get a mop. It could be possible that maybe it was kept there as a task to bully ensigns/make officers feel useful, but I feel that kind of thinking wouldn't necessarily exist at the Cali class drawing board. It could be possible that somehow the magnets in the motor interfere with the EPS containment field, but I feel like that would mean a lot more crap would have to be banned on board if the EPS conduits were that vulnerable. Ultimately, I really can't make full sense of this second point, and would love insights on this and my first question.

    Linux data1701d 1 month ago 97%
    What is the largest file transfer you have ever done?

    I'm writing a program that wraps around dd to try and warn you if you are doing anything stupid. I have thus been giving the man page a good read. While doing this, I noticed that dd supported all the way up to Quettabytes, a unit orders of magnitude larger than all the data on the entire internet. This has caused me to wonder what the largest storage operation you guys have done. I've taken a couple images of hard drives that were a single terabyte large, but I was wondering if the sysadmins among you have had to do something with e.g a giant RAID 10 array.

    Star Trek data1701d 1 month ago 95%
    Janeway Variant Tier List

    Let me know if I missed any! Edit: Here’s the link: Edit: Updated Linux with Resistance, Year of Hell, and Borg Janeway Weird. It seems like the images failed to save. So here’s the who’s who. - Fear Slayer Hologram Janeway: From the end of VOY: The Thaw as a decoy Janeway to trick the digital embodiment of fear. - Hologram Janeway: The one from PRO. - Admiral “Time Travel Laws?” Janeway: The one from VOY: Endgame - Crazy Murder Vines Janeway; From PRO: Terror Firma - Subspace Divergence Janeway: The one that blows up her Voyager to save the other Voyager from that one organ-harvesting race in VOY: Deadlock. - Emo Hologram Janeway: The evil act Hologram Janeway puts on for the Diviner in PRO: A Moral Star - “But We Already Have a Janeway at Home!”: Dala, the scammer that pretends to be Janeway in VOY: Live Fast and Prosper. - Silver Blood Janeway: The duplicate Voyager from VOY: Course: Oblivion. - Mirror Janeway: From somewhere in PRO season 2, which I haven’t watched yet. - Warship Janeway: From VOY: Living Witness. - Borg Janeway: Undercover Borg Janeway in VOY: Unimatrix Zero - French Resistance Katrine: That one time the Hirogen made the whole crew think they were holodeck characters in the WW2 French Reistance. Janeway was a bartender. - Year of Hell Janeway: From the Year of Hell Timeline. Died almost immediately.
