opensource Open Source Project for people leaving Google Maps.
  • dRLY dRLY 4 hours ago 100%

    Just installed and signed into my OSM account! Been meaning to update more of my area.

    I am looking to try moving away from Waze too. Are there any good open projects that have support for reporting cops and the other stuff like Waze? When I was looking last year, I came across Navmii since it does have some level of reporting stuff. However the app itself is very glitchy and I don't think it is really actively being worked on. Or is popular enough to even know if literally anyone around me is reporting things. When I have tried to report a cop being parked waiting for speeders, it doesn't show anything even on my map.

    They use OSM data which I think is also not being actively scraped, as I personally added my entire street's addresses and doesn't show on Navmii (but does show up on the main OSM site and on Organic Maps).

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • dRLY dRLY 6 days ago 100%

    I work on peoples' PCs at work (regular people and not business IT), and one thing that I do for every PC I work on is add uBlock Origin Lite to Chrome and uBlock Origin on other browsers no matter what. As 8 or 9 times out of 10 the shit that caused someone to bring in their PC for cleaning are actually full-screen scam messages and scummy ads on sites or from emails. The only times I ever randomly get someone that is upset about the blockers being installed are from either the pickup person not showing them how to use them. Or I get a random person that actually uses those "news" start pages like MSN, Yahoo, AOL, etc. not understanding that the blank slides in the main slideshow are not actual articles and are ads.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • dRLY dRLY 6 days ago 100%

    "Everyone lies" - House, MD

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • dRLY dRLY 6 days ago 100%

    I too feel like there is like one or more reasons some people say to not use them (I haven't used one myself). Though I think that one thing is that if you don't clean the pot very thoroughly, it might cause some bad infections. But that would be true of anything like that since bacteria can thrive on warm moist devices that come into contact with our bodies (and from the buildup that you would be trying to clear).

  • memes Memes adblock on mobile is 95% the only reason I use firefox
  • dRLY dRLY 2 weeks ago 100%

    I also went completely to FF on my phone the moment it had uBlock Origin and some other extensions. Now that I learned how to force other ones, it has been game over for other browsers aside from just seeing how they are every now and then (I work with general public and need to be aware of how they work). The only thing I would really really advise in addition to FF on a non-rooted device is setting the Mullvad ad-blocking/tracking blocking DNS for the device.

    It helps even if I need to use a different browser (not as good as also having uBO), and has really good chances of blocking ads in many apps. For example, I kind of treat the Microsoft Solitaire app since it keeps games and stats from my PC. However they have lots of video ads that play after a couple of games. With the DNS it just kind of glitches when an ad should run and just goes on to the next round instead. The only odd thing I see with other apps is that it can cause my bank app to take a little longer to load when signing in (I am guessing due to tracking it is trying to do). But after like ten seconds it goes through like normal.

    This is the DNS address to add if you want:

    And here is the main site for all their options and tester to make sure whichever one you pick is working:

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ ‘Right to Repair for Your Body’: The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine
  • dRLY dRLY 2 weeks ago 100%

    For sure. It might be that my city has a regional hospital in addition to being pretty close to a much larger city with multiple hospitals. Also likely helps that the larger city nearby has an airport which UPS and Fedex (might also have others) hubs in it. Along with those shipping companies having big ground sorting/shipping facilities in the same city.

    I can currently roll with the prices as long as I can still get my meds. Just hoping that the generic versions are able to catch up next year.

  • photography Photography Weary lioness eyes tourists with quiet intensity
  • dRLY dRLY 2 weeks ago 100%

    She is thinking to herself: "sigh I could catch all of you so fast."

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ ‘Right to Repair for Your Body’: The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine
  • dRLY dRLY 2 weeks ago 100%

    That would be great. My insurance was already not covering Vyvanse super well, but I at least had the extra coupon thing from Vyvanse that was getting it under $80 per month. But the start of this year Vyvanse stopped the coupon since there was a generic and my insurance was also pushing that. Which I didn't realize was a thing until I was about a week and a half past my refill and just kept getting auto calls from Walgreens that it was delayed.

    Found out it was because the generic was on back order and they literally didn't know when they (or any location in my county or the next one over) would even get it. So I had to demand that they just fill the name brand since I can't function at work. The pharmacist was like "It will be over $200, are you sure you don't want to wait?". And all I could say was "Not like I really have a choice atm if I want to have my meds." Which while the price was (and still is) fucked. I am glad I didn't just keep waiting. I just said to put it on my file that I request the name brand if the generic isn't available.

    It does seem that the insurance has also seen this happening to a fuck ton of people as they are back to at least covering what they were before. Which is still costing me around $125 or so a month since Vyvanse didn't re-instate their coupon. I had thought about going back to Adderall, but it doesn't last as long and I have heard there have been shortages for both name brand and generic before Vyvanse and its generic.

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ ‘Right to Repair for Your Body’: The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine
  • dRLY dRLY 2 weeks ago 100%

    Or keep the guillotine.

  • antiwork Antiwork ‘Who dreams this crap up?’: Kevin O'Leary slams new rule that allows employees to ignore their bosses after hours
  • dRLY dRLY 2 weeks ago 100%

    Sounds like he should get domed along with everyone like him (and everyone that supports/bootlicks him).

  • linux Linux GIMP 3.0 Enters String Freeze, Inching Closer To Release
  • dRLY dRLY 4 weeks ago 100%

    Since it is FOSS, couldn't they just take the source code and just re-compile it with different naming? Like how Debian did with Iceweasel naming and branding, though I know in their case it wasn't due to not liking the Firefox name/branding.

  • technology Technology Why This New CD Could Change Storage
  • dRLY dRLY 1 month ago 100%

    And I was over here thinking the 100GB Blu-ray M disc that came with my BDXL drive was some wild shit. It has been wild seeing how big some PC cases are these days, but don't even have 5.24 bays. Would be dope to have some discs like these to use as cold storage for my Plex server/complete uncompressed rips of literally all of my DVDs/BDs. Sad that these things would be kept at some wildly high prices since they would be overkill for normal media releases. And since many of the companies are starting to scale back on said releases in favor of revokable digital copies and subscriptions.

    I will always have a soft spot for spinning discs and other weird storage.

  • usa United States | News & Politics 'Gas-station heroin' kratom, targeted in crackdowns by states and cities
  • dRLY dRLY 1 month ago 100%

    I like how they mention that there aren't any dosage advice on most of the products and "not our problem if you die" portrayal. But the whole reason most products like Kratom don't give usage advise is because doing so tends to then come with regulations that tend to be bad-faith. Yet the largely more damaging products that are openly sold in "supplement" stores are able to grift all day. Stuff like Kratom actually does shit and therefore gets sniped by pharma and other deep pockets.

    They went nuts over how many people tried or actively used shit like K2/Spice. But the only reason basically everyone used it was all down to weed being illegal. If weed were legal, then there wouldn't have been a massive demand for K2 or any of the variants. At least with shit like Kratom, the chances of bad shit happening are super fucking low compared to the shit that pharma somehow convinced the gov and regulators wasn't addictive.

  • science Science Significant Link Found Between Heme Iron, Found in Red Meat and Other Animal Products, and Type 2 Diabetes Risk
  • dRLY dRLY 1 month ago 100%

    Would imagine that their main goal is to make it easier for the average current meat eater consumer to actually try non-meat options. And is their version of heme the same level of problem as actual meat based heme?

  • android Android End of an era: Nova Launcher's parent company lays off practically everyone
  • dRLY dRLY 1 month ago 100%

    I never had a WP, but I do have a few Zunes. The Live Tile main screen for WP is a bit too busy for me, but I would love to have the slightly cut-off styles in settings and menus that it and the Zune models had. Just really vibed with the look for some reason.

  • android Android End of an era: Nova Launcher's parent company lays off practically everyone
  • dRLY dRLY 1 month ago 100%

    OneUI is much much better than Touchwiz was. It has been nice to see Samsung actually putting effort into their main launcher and having the options to add things (and that they can augment stuff while using other launchers). I was using Nova on both my phone and my old Tab S2, but found OneUI to "feel" more correct on my Tab S8+ than Nova. Though Nova has seemed better for my phones over the years.

  • linux Linux Debating upgrading from RTX 2080 > RX 7900 GRE to please my driver making overlords, thoughts?
  • dRLY dRLY 2 months ago 100%

    Ah, good to know. Though wouldn't it still at least make it easier for people to install overall? The last time I messed with Nvidia on Linux gave me issues even with using a named supported distro on their site. Would error out about "missing headers" or something like that. Given this was many years ago and before distros would offer an Nvidia specific iso. Mostly just curious in the event that I needed to help someone that is all-in on having one of their cards.

  • linux Linux Debating upgrading from RTX 2080 > RX 7900 GRE to please my driver making overlords, thoughts?
  • dRLY dRLY 2 months ago 100%

    I am all AMD both PC (currently Windows but have used Linux on systems with AMD and Nvidia over the years) and Steam Deck (of course). AMD is overall easier. That being said, Nvidia is supposedly in process of making opensource drivers. I believe they are going to be focusing on their newer cards. So it might be worth researching into any recent news on their progress. Always good to have options if you get a better deal on one vs another.

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming Microsoft looking to restrict kernel level access after CrowdStrike incident might help us with our current Anti-Cheat dilemma
  • dRLY dRLY 2 months ago 100%

    Probably a good move for them to make tbh. I like how CrowdStrike's name already sounds like it should be the name of a big malware/virus/zeroday. So we should have seen it coming.

  • privacy Privacy Adversarial images on clothing to combat AI facial recognition without covering the face
  • dRLY dRLY 2 months ago 66%

    A friend of mine's dad worked in some capacity of pigs. Which lead to my friend finding out that some people had either by really random luck in attempting something like the comic or also finding out from interacting with pigs. That in the city I lived in, there is like a "panic" signal that auto calls for lots of help that involved hitting a specific letter or number multiple times. For some reason I want to say it was maybe either zero or O, but I don't remember off hand.

    So when they would be quickly inputting a plate with enough taps and not thinking, shit would cause resources to be pulled and wasted. Not great for attracting attention to the driver since it is basically pulling aggro. But could be great for moving attention from somewhere else.

  • privacy Privacy Adversarial images on clothing to combat AI facial recognition without covering the face
  • dRLY dRLY 2 months ago 100%

    Glitch art clothing would be dope even if it didn't help with AI fuzzing.

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ How often do you consume the stuff you pirate? How do you avoid "hoarding"?
  • dRLY dRLY 2 months ago 100%

    Like others here, I tend to only download when I find (or remember) something I like. Most of the stuff I have was either downloaded to watch or listen to right away. Others are things I watched at some point, or that I just finished and really liked. Especially anything exclusive from the current services since they don't bother to release physical copies (or even legal digital purchases for that matter). When they do release a disc they fuck up getting any money from me by virtue of a HD/4k being only released on DVD.

    After seeing the more and more open statements and updated TOS's about losing things if they just decide to ditch an outlet. I finally got around to getting a BDXL drive for my PC and flashed the unlock firmware. So I plan to rip my discs to have all the access I can give myself. Sadly I really really need to commit to getting some actual capacity drives, and move my server to a dedicated PC and not just keep running off my daily PC (though it can handle double duty pretty easy after a couple of years of big upgrades).

    Weirdly enough my legal digital libraries tend to have more of an issue with "hoarding" if there are like "Steam sales" on whatever service. Also tend to get things that are part of Movies Anywhere since it is basically the closest thing to having a bit of protection of not losing stuff if any one service closes. Helpful for my current lacking of proper drive space. And I plan to rip those streams once the other PC gets built (or until I build a new main PC and setup the current as dedicated).

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How does OLED burn-in truly happen and why doesn't my phone show any signs of it?
  • dRLY dRLY 2 months ago 100%

    How long have you had your phone? I have seen it begin to happen around the three year mark on my Galaxy S8+ and my S20+. Slight ghosting of parts of the Wayz UI. My S23 Ultra hasn't yet, but still have a while on it.

  • privacy Privacy FUTO Keyboard - Offline, privacy respecting, and speech to text
  • dRLY dRLY 2 months ago 100%


  • privacy Privacy FUTO Keyboard - Offline, privacy respecting, and speech to text
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    Where do you get the blob?

  • privacy Privacy Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    Maybe Cryptpad would be a good option if you need spreadsheets more than documents.

  • adhd ADHD memes I am hungry, but I can't eat.
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    I hate when I have to punch out for lunch (even if I am not eating) for more or less similar reasons. I try to bring a book to read literally any amount as I really need to read the books I have (getting to feel like my Steam library). But I find myself too engaged in my "fix things" (I work on peoples' PCs) headspace/momentum. So I end up still just answering questions my co-workers that are customer facing are trying to deal with.

    This is not something I expect from them or anyone under 96% of situations and try to not bother them when they are on lunch/break or on a day off. I even make sure that they know I give consent to hit me up and have even been able to help give the correct fix while drunk on vacation lol. I don't think bad of them if they don't do the same and even tell them to not be like me in that regard as I am just what I am. Only exception is if managers or higher try to bother me without some really really serious reasons (though they also tend to tell me to manually adjust my punches). I only donate my time/mind to people that are in the shit with me.

    But I just feel more tense while on lunch and hate losing momentum or feeling "heavy" after eating. When I do eat it tends to be in small chunks over the course of the second half of my shift. So just spread out my paid 15min breaks. Just enough time to eat, but not enough time to lose whatever focus I have.

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    It really depends on the media and my level of interest in it. I was only bothering to try and get 1080p copies of stuff I liked due to only having a 1080p TV for so long. But I did make efforts to get 1080 where possible (and based on my drives at the time) even before I had a HD TV and the only thing I had to actually watch that resolution on was my laptop. And that was because I wanted to make sure I had (at the time) the best copies of torrented encodes of stuff I really loved and would want to look good later. But I got a 4K HDR TV a few months ago as my 13yo 1080p TV started just giving black screens on all inputs. And while a lot of things are fine, the limitations of the encodes are showing much more.

    If I am just checking out something that I have heard about or was told to check out by a friend. I might just grab a 1080 or even 720 copy since they are often the top seeded results. Then go back and find 4k copies if I really get into it. Though my main issue today is similar to back when I was using my laptop. Storage space. I started ripping my Blu-rays and I am the worst about dealing with compression stuff. So I really really need to get on making that media server I have been "meaning to build" for years. Get some 18TB or 20TB drives and RAID the shit out of them for redundancy. lol.

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    I tend to notice the drop in quality in more slow scenes since there is more time to notice it. Though very action heavy scenes do suffer if the encode is bad. It would be really nice if we did see more shit in 60fps though. I understand what lots of "but 24fps is more 'cinematic'" mean for some kinds of shots/movies. But after being so adjusted to 60fps and higher (even if shit is interpolated due to having had a "120Hrz" TV since like 09), shit is much much cleaner. The "soap opera effect" is a real thing, but it kind of just stops being an issue after you get used to it and see the benefits of clarity and smoothness. And it is much more like how seeing shit in real life.

    I have been having a real hard time going back to watch movies and especially animated media. Like a panning shot in an anime just looks so damn jittery. It completely takes me out of the thing I am watching as it can make me feel a weird kind of nauseous. Lots of regular movies and shows also do this. Some of it might be due to some stuff that was shot in early digital making it worse. But it does happen with stuff shot on film too.

    Just really sucks that the industries seem to go out of their way to make it hard for studios/film makers to try weird shit now that we have it. Like I would love to have the 44fps version of The Hobbit since I missed being able to see it in theatres. But the home releases are all set to traditional speeds. It isn't a limitation of the Blu-rays themselves from what I understand. But the players tend to only allow 24/30fps for playback. Though I would love to be wrong about that. But still just artificial shit stopping potential advancements (or at least fun efforts to try shit). Those Spiderverse movies being done in layers of different fps rates is an example of trying some weird shit that was dope.

  • worldnews World News ‘The time is right’ for US to catch up on high-speed rail, says British Amtrak exec
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    You aren't wrong, I mean just looking at how it is making just getting a home while those homes are treated like Wall Street stocks. But the longer that the shit gets pushed out, the more it will cost anyway. Especially as private corps are literally buying up everything. So the corps should be just forced out without pay period. And the only people that should get paid anything are actual people and not the fake persons that we allow corps to be legally seen as. Only other exception would be if land is native land, and plans for shit should be forced to not go through it.

    Are the ideas above legal? Hell no, but fucking corps aren't people and they already get their money from fucking over people and from getting all the tax cuts and exemptions for everything anyway. We have already been letting corps own the current rail lines and is a shining example as to why they should be purged for the benefit of the people.

  • adhd ADHD memes I am hungry, but I can't eat.
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    Unfortunately that kind of forgetting tends to be forgetting if I took my meds before work. Since I fall pray to always being late, and coffee in addition to the "fuck fuck fuck not again!!" rushing around makes it hard to know if my meds are kicking in or if the former making me feel awake.

  • adhd ADHD memes I am hungry, but I can't eat.
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    Well it is good to have little reminders lik..... wait a sec there

  • adhd ADHD memes I am hungry, but I can't eat.
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    Same! That was like the first "WTF?" thoughts I had (while also lulz-ing). Had to share somewhere that would know the feeling. I have large doses of Impostor Syndrome in basically all parts of my day to day life. But one of the weirder ones is that I might not be actually ADHD and the meds that have been a game changer will be taken away (especially as the pushes to make getting them harder arise). But then I read/watch stuff about ADHD that are waaaaaay to deep a cut into my life to have that "oh shit, well I most certainly have ADHD for real then." lol. Just so so many parts of my personality and youth just make sense.

  • adhd ADHD memes I am hungry, but I can't eat.
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    Being 100% honest with you. I basically do that. Just enough to take the edge off. Sometimes just need to have something super basic and bland as hell.

  • linux Linux Linux distro for an ancient Pentium PC
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    doing the evanescence routine on older hardware

    That was one of the best deep-cut comments I have read in a while! The helpful advise to OP was also nice. lol

  • adhd
    ADHD memes dRLY 3 months ago 97%
    I am hungry, but I can't eat.

    Saw this on an ADHD Memes account on X. Shit happens more than I would like to admit. lol

    firefox Firefox How can I quickly "unclog" firefox when it runs out of memory (with 1000/2000 tabs)
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    I was going to also say that OP might be wanting something like Recall (which might be one of the few instances where it constantly saving shit would be perfect). But they would need like the most extreme version that isn't just saving searchable screenshots.

    I also think that one major issue for OP is more about how the actual sites are coded these days. As even if a single tab is being used, the shit can just decide to force it to update the contents at any time (like how just having Gmail open you will see new messages just show up even without refreshing your browser).

    It seems like the perfect situation for OP would be if the web still worked like it did pre-web 2.0, but with using the current version of FF. Outside of that, it really seems like they need to just start having sites be auto-completely downloaded for full offline use.

    I am still shocked that the main issues being had seems to be that it taking 10s of mins to allow FF to process that much stuff is the frustration. Which does seem to mean FF is holding up pretty well given the situation. Their complaint about tab isolation being too much overhead seems odd though. As it would seem that going back to not having that would mean a much higher chance of just everything just being yeet-ed out of nowhere.

    I am not sure how their headspace of using virtual machines approach would be much better as shit would still have the issues of sites still self-updating and loading up in the first place. Though given they seem to have dramatically more coding experience, I am much more ignorant of this shit.

  • privacy Privacy Sonos updates its privacy policy and seemingly hints they'll begin selling user data
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    If she cares about aesthetics but is fine with the current functions. Maybe there is a way to do some kind of low level mod of the outside that wouldn't mess with the actual sound? I am not a case modder on really any level. But with all the folks that love making stuff "theirs," I would bet there are guides about changing the look of basic speakers. Or even audio shops that do custom builds that could allow for her to get the aesthetics (and even mean more) while keeping the functions that you want to keep. Though I also imagine that it would cost more up-front, but I think that we are going to see stuff that isn't "smart" or requiring accounts tied to apps that will eventually stop working artificially be the most expensive options.

    But those "dumb" devices will last many years longer. Just really hate how these current "premium" brands make shit that is both less well made AND constantly sell off our data. Also bullshit that the concept of repairing stuff is being made basically pointless as they make sure it costs around the same or more than buying the new one.

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ SponsorBlock (and DeArrow): "YouTube is currently experimenting with server-si…" - Fosstodon
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 95%

    At least it should still work with the hard coded sponsor spots that are actually part of the videos (like the "brought to you by Manscaped" or whatever).

  • linux Linux TUXEDO on ARM is coming - TUXEDO Computers
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    When I got my first Raspberry Pi (4B), I was kind of shocked at how hot even my passive Argon case would get. Though I am guessing a more powerful and efficient ARM or RISC-V CPU would not spike to 100% so fast. But when I got my Pi 5 I made sure to get the official case that came with a fan while I waited for the more powerful active cooling fan to release. So much better at running stuff like YouTube or other media without hitting thermal issues (got the active cooling Argon One for my 4B with similar results too).

    Having more powerful ARM/RISC-V CPUs that can actually handle stuff I expect a full on laptop or especially a desktop will be awesome. But while we are in the "still not as good" period of these CPUs both matching x86_64 and programs for them being full versions. The inefficiencies of either needing emulation or just very un-optimized code as devs are getting the hang of ARM/RISC-V coming from x86 mean those temps are easy to hit.

  • privacy Privacy United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens
  • dRLY dRLY 3 months ago 100%

    ability to reach engaged customers

    Not sure that being stuck to a spot in a tube you can't just escape (and easily live) from is the same as "engaged".

  • pcbuilding
    Custom PC Building dRLY 9 months ago 100%
    Looking for helpful part charts to pin-up for simple/quick reference

    I fix consumer (OEM/SI and custom builds) PCs and am training some co-workers that are currently less experienced in building. The big thing I would like to have around for everyone's benefit is simple charts for things like screws/mounts. With the sizes/dimensions/names, especially the specific technical names. That would make it easy to buy extras instead of just typing "standoffs" and getting all the sizes presented that aren't correct. Nothing is more frustrating than having all the parts, but not screws/standoffs/mounts/etc if there is an issue (sucks if a motherboard has an NVMe slot but the standoff and screw wasn't provided or lost). That all being said, I would love to get whatever other folks have around for part charts. It is always nice to be able to show various examples of different parts that can help show differences if a physical item isn't around to demo. An easy example is showing how the different DDR generations have the notch in different places. Or Ethernet cable wire layout for re-heading a cable.
